Friday 13" #1 PHOTO FINISH 1/2

By Stroker Al

Published on Apr 2, 1995





To the reader:

This is the first in a series of stories dealing mainly with male to male sexuality, though the series will contain some male/female sex and the thoughts, fantasies and activities of bisexual characters as well.

This installment, "Photo Finish" (#1) is like a pilot episode which sets up the context for the remainder of the series. Observant readers will notice that although the story is set in a summer camp, no character identified in the story as being under the age of eighteen. This is for my "convenience," not for realism. Readers are encouraged to suspend disbelief in order to enjoy the story. Subsequent installments will deal mainly with camp counselors whose ages will rarely be specified, but like most real life camp counselors, can be assumed to be in their twenties.

Friday 13" Introduction: "Photo Finish"

Scene: Camp Christopher, a summer camp for boys on Lake Christopher in Northern Minnesota. It is an old camp converted from a former World War II Army training camp in the north woods. It is in a beautiful. secluded location, and has served as an untroubled place for parents to send kids for a week throughout four decades of summers. However, in the early 80's incidents involving the sexual behaviors of one boy camper resulted in the end of the camps' coed status. At the time of our story, the present day, girls who might otherwise attend Camp Christopher go instead to camp Radclyffe, 50 miles away. Though the change has not rid the camp of sexual mischief, it has changed the nature of the activity, as we shall see.

As our story opens, it is night time, early in the week in the middle of the Summer.

Jim Strait was awakened in the darkness of Bright Angel cabin at Camp Christopher by a series of sounds he couldn't identify. As he squinted and listened more carefully, he could distinguish the soft, muffled giggling of one or two of the five boys in his cabin group, but not the wet, rhythmic smacking sound that seemed to come from several directions at once. Gradually it dawned on him that every one of the boys he was counseling that week was producing the sound from their bunks. Once he realized what they were doing he sat up in bed and shouted out into the room.

"All right you little perverts, quit -- doing that in the cabin! " he barked in a voice hoarse with sleepiness. "You're free to play with yourselves all you want back home, but that stuff is absolutely against the rules here, so knock it off!"

The boys were initially startled at the sound of his voice, but now they were groaning and laughing.

"You're makin' that up," he heard a voice say from the upper bunk to his right, which he recognized as belonging to Mickey, who at "18" was the mouthiest of the bunch. "I wanna see in the rule book where it says that we can't beat off in our own bunks."

"It's not spelled out like that," Jim grumbled.

"Yeah, dummy!" cried blonde bespectacled Tom from the bunk below Mickey. "They'd never say 'beat off' in the camp rules. It probably says 'no masturbating'!"

Laughs of derision rang through the cabin from the other 3 boys in their bunks, who were all age "18", like Tom, but with senses of humor that were even less subtle. Mickey just grunted disdainfully.

"No, no, it says we can't spank our bones! " laughed Eddy, the red-haired crewcut sports freak, making little slapping sound effects in the darkness with the palm of his hand against what was surely a flopping adolescent dick.

"Or turn Japanese!" piped in Chad, the giggler among them.

"Hey Jim, does it say we can stroke our meat? Choke our chicken?" deadpanned Mark, the most physically and emotionally mature of the boys, though nearly the youngest. Jim was disappointed to hear his ordinarily reasonable voice chime in with the others.

"It doesn't say any of those things, guys," Jim sighed. "It says I'm your counselor this week and that I have the authority to enforce respectful and decent behavior from all of you while you're under my supervision."

"Hey, I respect every dude's right to jerk off whenever he feels like it, " sneered Mickey. "And if you don't think tossin' off a load feels decent then you've obviously never done it before!'"

"I'm not talking about how it feels, Mick, " Jim snapped back. "I'm talking about being respectful to others."

"What's indecent about masturbation, Jim?" asked Mark.

As Jim hesitated to come up with an answer, Mickey butted in. "Nothing, man. They're our dicks and we can do whatever we want with them. Besides the fuckin' lights are off, man, so what is the problem?"

Jim leapt out of bed and tugged the string overhead in the center of the cabin, which illuminated the room with a single incandescent bulb. There were rustling noises of sleeping bags and blankets as the boys hurriedly covered themselves, except for Mark who casually tucked his penis back into the fly of his comfortably loose blue silk boxer shorts, crossed his arms over his athletic chest and continued to lay on his bed with one knee drawn up.

The boys all looked at Jim as he stood in the center of the room in the blue T-shirt and black nylon running shorts that he always slept in "Well the lights are on now, and I'll tell you what the problem is. "The problem is that as long as you're bothering even one person in here by doing it -- especially if it that person is me -- then it's disrespectful and I won't allow it." He looked around at them all, but only Mark would meet his gaze directly.

"And Mark, I'm not saying that masturbation in itself is necessarily indecent. But it's a juvenile sexual substitute that real men have no need for. The sooner you stop playing with yourselves and get into adult relationships with women, the better. But in any case, masturbation should be a private, personal thing, not a public activity, and definitely not done at this camp."

"Why not?" asked Mark, with the defiance of someone who had obviously debated the issue at least once before. . "We all do it. Why should it bother any of us if they guy in the next bed is jerking off too? And what's so sacred about this camp that we should torture ourselves by not tossing our loads for a whole week?"

Jim laughed to himself when confronted with these pains of teenage horniness. At age 21, with a steady girlfriend whose college town was only two hours away from his own, he couldn't even remember the last time he had had to resort to masturbation to take care of his sexual needs. Even before becoming involved with his high school sweetheart, Beth, however, he had almost never masturbated, because it made him feel lonely and perverted. The accepting, unstigmatized attitudes of these boys about masturbation surprised him, because despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, as a teenager he had never been convinced that most other boys--quite normal ones--actually did that to themselves on a regular basis. And once he and Beth had fallen into a regular pattern of sleeping together during their college visits every other week, he had completely abandoned the practice as unnecessary. Sex for him became Beth, and the denial of his impulses throughout the remainder of each two weeks was rewarded by the intensity of his sexual release in their coupling. It didn't seem to occur to him that his control and consistency might be as unusual among men his age as his abstinence from masturbation had been during his teen years.

And tonight, tired and cranky but aware that he was treading on shaky ground, Jim skirted a direct answer to Mark's question by resorting to a cautionary tale from the many legends of camp Christopher. As full of veiled threats and warnings as any ghost story, Jim hoped it might make masturbation less desirable to them -- at least until the week was over and they were off his hands.

"This camp isn't sacred, Mark, " he began. "In fact it has quite a sordid history. Perhaps some of you have heard about Friday 13" ?

"You mean Jason, the goon in the slasher movies?" cried Chad. "Of course! Who hasn't?"

"No, not him. I'm talking about a real boy who came to this camp for a week one summer just like you guys, only about ten years ago. His name wasn't really Friday but the other kids nick-named him that because of the character in those movies --which he loved, by the way. He had seen them all and had even brought a hockey mask with him to camp."

"Where does the "13" come in?" interrupted Tom. "Was that his age of something?"

Jim frowned and hesitated. "No, actually he was "18", like you guys. The thirteen just meant ... uh, that he was bad luck for everybody else."

Mickey sniffed. "Huh. I though you were gonna say he had a 13" dick."

The others burst out laughing and missed the startled look on Jim's face. "Don't be ridiculous. Now listen. At that time girls came to this camp also, and this Friday was constantly bothering them. At first he'd just try to scare them with his mask at their cabin window or something, but soon he was caught spying on them while they were dressing, and when the girls and their counselor rushed outside to send him away, They found him outside masturbating and he wouldn't even stop until his counselor was called out to come get him. His punishment was having to stay inside the cabin alone for a whole day. And when his counselor and cabin mates returned that evening, they found him masturbating again, and soon discovered that he'd already ejaculated several times all over their beds and clothes and things."

"Gross! What a moron!" laughed Eddy. "Didn't he have any Kleenex or something?" "His parents were called that night to come get him, but for some reason no one was able to come until the weekend, so Friday had to be watched all day at the nurse's cabin and had to sleep there at night in a locked room. He was allowed to attend a few camp activities when he promised not to act up, but was quickly removed from sight when he exposed himself again in the dining hall.

Later in the week he showed up at a nighttime campfire masturbating again. He had drugged the nurse and escaped. The final two nights he was guarded by one of the larger counselors but had somehow outwitted him and escaped to the final campfire, where he emerged from the woods masturbating and, in front of the whole camp, ejaculated into the campfire. But some say he must have gotten too close and scorched himself because he suddenly ran off screaming into the woods clutching his penis with both hands. Others, like me, believe that his mind just snapped after all that public self-degrading behavior. Half a camp full of pretty girls, any of whom he might have been able to start a romance with, and instead he alienates them all with his obscene self indulgence. It was a shame, and not just for him, but because he ruined it for everybody by triggering the decision by the administrators to place boys and girls at different camp sites 50 miles apart from then on.

Mark, Mickey and Eddy were rolling their eyes and sniffing incredulously at the entire tale, but Chad and Tom were wide eyed and captivated. "What happened to him?" Chad asked.

" He was never seen again, and his parents never showed up the next day, so people figured they must have arrived that night and somehow found him and taken him away. But others say they just abandoned him out of shame and that he's still out there in the woods, completely insane from his constant masturbating."

The bigger boys burst out laughing. "Yeah, and he's blind too, and has hair all over his palms," sneered Mark.

Jim ignored the comment. "But in the years since, there have been sightings of Friday 13. Every time he appears its been when some kid has been jacking off..."

"Oh come on! What a bullshit story!" cried Mickey.

"And the moral is make sure you don't burn your weenie over the campfire!" laughed Eddy.

"The moral is that we can't afford to let behavior like that disrupt the running of this camp. Now I'm telling you no more "jerking off" or whatever the hell else you want to call it, 'cause If I catch any of you doing it again I'll put you on K.P. for the rest of the week. Now go to sleep, or we'll get up too late and have to cancel photo developing tomorrow!"

Jim was irritable with the boys all next morning, and although none of them connected his temper with the events of the night before, all of the boys noticed it and grumbled to each other about it. During the boys hour of free time after lunch, while Jim was in the counselor's lounge having a cigarette with Greg and some of the others, the boys returned to the cabin in defiance of their usual habit of going down to the beach or sneaking to Wally's tap to buy their own cigarettes.

They were looking forward to the afternoon's photo development lesson, and started examining Jim's camera, which they easily found where he had hidden it from them earlier. Soon they had started shooting pictures of each other making grotesque faces, flipping the bird and other obscene gestures. In one shot, Eddy turned around and mooned the camera, provoking howls of laughter from the others.

"Hey, let's get his tripod out and get a group shot of us mooning him!" cried Mickey.

Both Mark and Tom at first refused to join in, criticizing the prank as infantile. But they stayed and watched as the other three set the camera up and positioned themselves bare-assed and bent over in front of it. The site of his often combative and obnoxious cabin mates being so silly together made Tom feel suddenly good but a little left out. "Move over, I wanna be in it too."

Mark chuckled as Tom added his skinny ass to the row of naked butts in the picture range. "Wait a second, I don't think you're all gonna fit into the frame, " he said, peering through the viewfinder. "The two shorter guys need to get up on chairs or something. Here, lets move the whole thing closer to his bed over there and Tom and Chad can stand on it behind Mick and Eddy."

The others followed his directions good naturedly, one of them slapping or pinching one another's ass occasionally in the process.

"A pyramidal composition would be even better, though," said Mark, mimicking the tone of Jim's photography instructions on previous days. Looking through the lens again. "Eddy, you and Mick are too close together, move apart some. More. Yeah, that's it "

He hesitated with his finger on the shutter button, and then grinned to himself.

"What the Hell!" Mark muttered, and flipped the ten second timer switch. Then he strode over to the group arranged on and in front of the bed and elbowed his way between Mick and Eddy. Then he unzipped his own jeans, whipped them down with his shorts and stuck his own bare ass out at the camera.

"All right Mark, you big shy stud!" laughed Eddy. The others cheered.

"Now everyone 'wink' at the camera," said Mark, as the flash lit up the room and the mechanical whine of the automatic shutter and advance was heard.

They all laughed as they broke formation and looked at each other's faces, which were uniformly red from a combination of blood rush from bending over and mild embarrassment and the easily triggered sexual excitement of boys their age. They were trying NOT to stare at each other's crotches in their varying states of exposure, so they could conceal their curiosity about each other's sexual development. But the obvious fact was that all five of them had gotten at least partial hard-ons during the mooning.

Somehow it felt entirely different to be standing there like that together in the daylight than it had jerking off under their own covers in the dark, but only the nervous Chad was unable to bear the realization in silence. Instead he tried to call attention away from his own arousal.

"Jeez, Mickey you're throwing a rod." he blurted out. The others instinctively turned and stared at the tented front of Mickey's white jockey briefs, which by contrast were still rolled down in behind underneath. "At least I have a dick, you little pussy wipe." Mickey shot back. "What's that little lump ya got in your underpants, a clit?"

"Fuck you," replied Chad, as the others turned now to stare at his crotch. "Look, my dick's almost as big as yours and I'm only "18"." He pulled down his red briefs to show the others his now nearly erect cock, which indeed was not much smaller than Mickey's but practically absent of pubic hair.

"Yeah, Mick, lay off of him, " said Eddy, who like the remaining two had his boxer shorts pulled down around his thighs and now sported a pink, compact, but unconcealable erection. Eddy defended Chad mostly because of the immaturity of his own boner and the spareness of his whispy red pubes. "Besides, Mark's hose is way bigger than yours and he's a year younger than you!"

Finally they all had an excuse to stare at Mark's erection, which at about 9" dwarfed each of their own Mark's face turned a deeper shade of red, but his voice remained even. "The size of your dick doesn't mean anything," he said. "All that matters is that it works."

As sincere as he was trying to be, Mark couldn't help but flaunt his endowment by giving his long, fat pole a slow stroke immediately following his words.

"Yeah, well does everybody here's dick work okay?" asked Mick. "Cause if they do, I got an idea for a surprise for old Jimbo."

The others just looked at him and waited as they absently played with their erections to maintain them.

"Let's make it look like ol' Friday 13 was here!"

When Jim returned to the cabin for 2 p.m. regrouping, the boys were lounging about outside in front as usual.

"Okay, guys are you all ready to learn photo developing ?"

The other boys all looked to Mark, who spoke first.

"Yeah Jim, we're ready. But we saw something strange when we got back here to the cabin a little while ago."

"Oh? Such as?"

"Some guy was coming out the door right when we got to the clearing. He had some kind of mask on, and he ran into the woods as soon as he saw us."

"Oh come on Mark, do you expect me to believe that? Even I didn't expect you guys to take that stupid story seriously. I just need you guys to stop..."

"It's true! We all saw him!" said Eddy.

"How convenient that this guy matching the description of Friday 13" shows up the next day after I tell you about him," Jim huffed.

"Maybe he overheard you talking about him," Chad said.

Jim's laugh sounded odd. "Sure, now stop pulling my leg and let's get going."

"We're not saying it's this Friday guy, but we really did see someone run from the cabin into the woods wearing a mask, " Mickey said.

"Well maybe we'll get another look at him on the way to the darkroom," Jim said as he walked up the steps into the cabin. The boys didn't follow him, which made him wary. He looked around the room but couldn't see anything unusual. As he began to gather his camera and other equipment, he noticed a sweet, thick smell that grew stronger as he approached his bed. In a flash, the smell took him back to a memory of some teenaged night spent in his locked bedroom hunched under a bedspread tent with his fist around his warm, slender erection. It was the aroma of teenboy jizm.

Then he noticed the glistening splotches of thick, creamy semen all over the outside of his sleeping bag. He opened his mouth to shout but stopped himself.

There was more come on the bag then he had ever seen at one time before. Obviously all five horny young teenage brats had shot their sticky wads of dick cream all over his bed to show him what they thought of his scare tactics. But had they taken turns? Had they done it all together with their dicks poised over the sleeping bag? Had they jacked one another's dicks to speed up the process? Imagining the possible scenarios of this spunky violation of his property made blood course through all of his veins and throb in his temples. Half of it was from rage and revulsion, but the other half -- the half that stopped him from yelling at the boys right then -- was from the strongest and quickest sexual arousal he had felt in several years.

He knew he'd have to wait at least until the whopping erection poking down the leg of his Khaki shorts subsided before he could confront the boys. For now, he would pretend not to have noticed the fruits of their labor. His dick remained stubbornly stiff for quite a while, so he had to stall by packing up the gear very slowly. He tried to keep his mind off of the jizz and the boys, but couldn't block out a sense of envy and isolation from such a camaraderie that allowed five such different boys to freely jack off in each other's presence --and in broad daylight-- a camaraderie unlike any that he had ever experienced in his life. As he joined the boys outside a fleeting impression of himself as an extreme opposite of Friday flashed through his brain. Was he actually isolated from other males in his refusal to give himself sexual pleasure?

Nevertheless he got mild satisfaction out of the boys dawning disappointment in his failing to discover -- or acknowledge the discovery of -- their little revenge upon his bed. Friday's "calling card" had gotten no response.

After a few minutes of walking ,the men of Bright Angel cabin arrived at the arts and crafts building which was a former boathouse that extended from the lake shore out onto the water, supported on wooden pylons among the reeds and lily pads. Half of the building had been sectioned off that summer exclusively for the instruction of photographic development and printing, after Jim and two other counseling staff had offered teach these skills to interested campers. The boys of Bright Angel had been placed with Jim, in fact, because they all had expressed a special interest in photography.

On this third day of instruction, Jim was going to demonstrate both black and white film developing and the basics of processing prints. Because none of the boys claimed to have yet finished a taking a single roll of photographs with their own cameras he had no choice but to finish off a roll of his own. After taking two quick group shots of his uncannily innocent looking bunch huddled in the doorway of the building, he was surprised to discover that he'd completed a roll of 36 exposures. He'd only loaded it the other day, and didn't recall taking that many shots in the intervening time. Still, he didn't really become suspicious that anything fishy was going on until, while hanging up the strip of film in the makeshift drying cabinet, he noticed the conspicuous silence of the ordinarily raucous boys around him. He looked at them questioningly, but could determine nothing from their decidedly poker faces, so he proceeded with a rehash of his lecture about how it was better for beginners to take lots of pictures and just be selective about which ones to print, rather than trying to be too selective while composing in the camera.

Finally, after a quick demonstration of matte board cutting and dry photo mounting using an ordinary household iron, he retrieved the dried strip of film from the cabinet and hung it up in the center of the room. As he began to explain the proper way to cut the negatives into strips, he noticed that the silence had fallen over the boys again. This time it was obvious that it had something to do with the film.

"All right guys. Have you been screwing around with my camera again?" he grimaced. The boys smirked, but didn't answer.

"Well lets see what brilliant works of art we'll be stuck working with the rest of the afternoon," he sighed, cutting the negatives into smaller strips of six exposures and laying them out on the miniature light table on the work counter.

When the negatives were all laid out and the illumination from below switched on, he examined them one by one. In between a dozen nature shots from their last hike and the group shots he'd just taken, Jim snorted in disapproval at the progression of blurred boys faces and obscene gestures, but fell silent when he reached the crystal clear steady shots of his five boys' bare asses mooning the camera individually and collectively. Then came the photos of them masturbating, including solo close ups of the bigger boys and several group shots, culminating in an astounding circle jerk over his bunk and an incredibly messy mid-air cum shot of Mark.

"Well boys you've finally outdone yourselves, " he said finally, trying to control his agitation. "This is the most degrading, decadent display of immaturity I've ever seen in my life. Obviously nothing I've said has had any influence on your willingness to control your libidos, so I'm not going to waste any more time on it. We'll see how cute your little jackoff party shots look when they're blown up to an eight by ten format."

The boys laughed.

"Maybe your parents would enjoy a copy of each, do you think?" he snarled, angered at their total lack of remorse. "Okay boys, if this is the way you want it, lets get to work. Mark, you'll work on exposure 28, Mickey on 26." He handed the boys the strip that contained the solo shots of them masturbating. "Here, you boys don't seem to mind sharing things so you can take turns." Then Jim proceeded to assign the other four most explicit shots to the other boys and handed the negatives to them.

With deep sarcasm that eventually mellowed to grumbling, Jim took the boys through the various steps of using photo enlarges , making test strips of prints and cropping images, all using only the negatives he had assigned. By the end of the afternoon the photo dryer was full of grainy black and white images of the boys exposing their dicks and asses.

The boys had maintained good humor up until the end of the session, when the fate of the photographs and negatives remained at question. Once satisfied that he made them at least momentarily uncomfortable about their prank, Jim collected the negative strips and threw them into the waste pail in the corner. Following them were all of the prints and test strips, after which Jim tied up the garbage liner and removed it, assuring the boys that their parents would never know about any of this if they behaved for the rest of the week and produced presentable portfolios, that he would discretely bury the bag containing the images at the bottom of the camp trash hopper.

That evening, still steamed and nervous about the events of the day, Jim took off the hour of the campfire to be alone back at the cabin. He was just going to rest, but mulling over what the boys had done, found himself sitting up in bed. Spread out in front of him were six photo prints that he had rescued from the bag before disposing of it, without knowing exactly why. There was the group shot of the boys mooning, the solo shots of Mark and Mickey, two of the circle jerking and one of the final group cum shot.

At first he had thought in terms of needing evidence to document what they'd done in case something went wrong later on and he was blamed. But now as the heat of his arousal began to burn in his groin and temples, he realized that he needed them to release the amazing, unthinkable sexual tension that the incidents had triggered in him. Jim had built up a burning load in his nuts as potent as any in his life, and there was no Beth around to take care of it for him.

Jim was afraid that somehow his unspeakable desire to share in his boys' degradation of themselves that morning would somehow slip out inappropriately if he didn't first actively express it alone in some harmless way. The least harmless way he could think of was to fantasize with the aid of the photographs that he had actually been there and participated with them at the time. He had studied positive imaging in Psychology classes and knew the power of this kind of concentrated effort. He removed the mirror from the wall, placed it on his pillow, leaning against the headboard, and then knelt on the bed looking down at the pictures. The curtains were drawn, and everyone else was at the campfire, so he began the exorcism of his boy lust believing he was alone.

Twenty minutes later he lay there in the dark spread eagled on his bed, spent and gasping from the most powerful orgasm he could remember having. The intensity confused and disturbed him as he lay there with his still spasming, semen-sloshed dick encircled in one fist. Every second breath that heaved in his belly brought another glob of creamy white after-shoot to the tip of his counselor prick, pushing the previous serving of Jimmycome down the pecker trail that flowed across his thumb and wrist.

Dutifully, in his post orgasmic guilt, he tried to picture Beth as she would look lying naked in his bed, but the dancing images that had burnt through his head for the last half hour encroached again and he lost the image of his girlfriend behind a screen of frenzied appendages on the bodies of his five cabin boys who had surrounded the bed and begun to ejaculate all over her.

Jim gasped suddenly when he felt a large wad of hot semen splash across his belly just below his navel. Strange how this dick of his was behaving under these unusual circumstances. The flow of his cum had gotten so slow just before this apparent surge that if he hadn't been absolutely sure he was alone, he could have sworn that someone else had just jizzed on him.

But he was becoming someone else in a way, wasn't he? He dipped a finger into the warm splatter that had soaked the tuft of brown hair that marked the beginning of the bush trail from his navel to his dick--the soft hair that marked the lowest point on Jim's body that Beth had ever kissed.

He laughed to himself as he stuck the spermy finger into his mouth, knowing that Beth would never have kissed his treasure trail in its present hosed-down condition. But here was her loyal, good boyfriend unfaithfully licking up the spunky dessert from his first session of sex without her since they'd met. And he was loving it --the taste, the smell the feel of liberation that resided in a fingerful of bittersweet semen that had spurted from the dick of that new man.


"Okay, boys, it's portfolio time," Jim announced the next afternoon, coming into the work area where the boys were doing last minute dry mounting of photographs on matte board. He had allowed all the extra time that was allotted to them and still they were barely finishing. Why was this group so slow? Had all that jacking off made their brains slow?

"Who's going to offer their work up for the first critique?" asked Jim.

All five boys raised their hands, looked at each other and then began to bicker in conspiratorial whispers.

"We don't have all afternoon, so If you boys can't decide, I'll pick one of you," Jim threatened.

"Tom! Tom will go first!" cried Mark, waving aside the others with silencing gestures. Tom smirked and carried his stack of four matted compositions to the designated "front" of their cabin critique hall, where he displayed them in a series along the table against the wall.

"Okay," began Jim after only a cursory glance at the rather static, centrally composed quartet of rear views of some ridiculously coy male figure looking over his shoulder towards the camera, which gave him a curious sensation of deja vu. "Does anyone have any immediate reactions they'd like to share?"

"Well," deadpanned Mark, "I think Tom has let the camera and the model do all his work for him. He hasn't even begun to manipulate the images.

"Yeah, it looks like the model has more interesting things on his mind than Tom," said Eddy.

"I Agree. By the way, who is he Tom?" said Mickey. "He looks familiar except for the big white ass. I'm sure I've never seen it before."

"Holy fucking.....Shit!" cried Jim when he finally recognized at the same moment that the bulbous pale shapes that increased in prominence with each frame were the gradually exposed cheeks of a man's butt, and that the man they belonged to, grinning stupidly over his shoulder, was himself.

In remarkably grainy black and white, obviously printed from low light film, 1200 at least, Jim saw himself in the moment between unbucking his belt and unzipping his fly, just as he had watched himself do in that mirror while kneeling on his bed.

In the next photo he had slid the seat of his Khaki's down past the twin mounds of his white-cotton clad butt cheeks. He was turning coyly to check the view over his shoulder, and appeared satisfied.

"I like the nice range of blacks and whites here," said Mark pointing at this second image. And the crisp detail in spite of the graininess -- just look how you can see the weave of your Jockeys, Jim."

Jim scratched his head and blinked, still speechless. How? Why? He was thinking to himself.

The third shot had been taken just after Jim had hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs and peeled them slowly down so he could watch the crack of his own ass appear in the mirror. Ironically it had been the first time in his life he had ever attempted to get a clear view of his own asshole, and now he was in a room full of boys looking at his entire bare ass immortalized on an 8 by 10 photo emulsion.

"Fascinating forms, here, Tom," sniggered Eddy

Perversely, it struck him as an appealing image. The butt that he had always indifferently buried in baggy nylon running shorts or sweat pants turned out to have a pretty good shape, which came across even better in this photograph than it had in the mirror.

True, it was pale, but he had noticed the white butts of other guys transformed by a week or two in the sun wearing a pair of Speedos. The resulting tan lines would set off its milky whiteness to a better advantage. And though the hairiness of his ass crack seemed accented on film, he mused that there were ways to take care of that too if he chose.

"This is my favorite," said Mickey, indicating the last print. " How did you ever get the model to behave so enthusiastically?"

The photo showed Jim on his hands and knees, thrusting his naked ass up and outward to the left of the camera. His balls hung there as clearly visible as the furry ass pucker above them. Tom had fortunately selected a shot with his face turned back over his shoulder to observe his self-mooning in the mirror, instead of gazing at the photos of the boys spread out in front of him. That one had been taken just after he'd knelt upward again and shoved his pants and briefs down sharply to snap his erection free from them. He'd handled his hard schlong curiously, he remembered, as if he'd never touched it before. Having never measured it, he had guessed it to be about 8 inches, and judging from the photograph of a shyly proud Mark shooting flying white jizz out of a huge erection that he gripped with both hands, that the boy was at least an inch better endowed than himself. Jim was strangely relieved that whatever else the camera had exposed about his hidden desires, it hadn't revealed his embarrassment about being out-dicked by a(n) "18"-year old.

The critique progressed on to the work of the other four boys. It became clear from the camera's static point of view that only one person had taken all of the photographs, and that the boys had merely shared the images to print and present to him, to teach the teacher a lesson he'd never forget. He burned with anger and curiosity to know which of them had violated his privacy, but he was not in a position to demand anything from them. He waited as silently as he could until they were through with their fun.

Eddy's prints showed Jim stripping the rest of the way and starting to play with his dick. Jim was reminded of how in his excitement he had gotten off the bed with his pants around his ankles, deshirted and started jacking off madly over his sleeping bag, alternating between looking at the mirror and at the photographs of his boys, whom he'd pretended were jacking off along with him right then.

In Mark's prints Jim was back kneeling on the bed staring at the clearly identifiable photos of the boys and jacking off his hard on. As he'd pumped away at his dick, and the hot lava that stirred in his nuts had begun to threaten eruption, he had laughed to himself about what a fucking hypocrite he had been. He was beating his damned meat! And loving it! He wasn't making love to his girlfriend in the missionary position, but recklessly wasting his manseed on himself for his own pleasure! He was whacking off, yeah, spankin' the bone. And damn, he was lovin' it, lovin' jerkin' on his fuck pole and looking at other guys doing it.

The boys made facetious criticisms of the photo compositions and made sarcastic quotations from Jim's self-righteous lecture to them about masturbation and compared his sexual enthusiasm to that of Friday in the story he had told them.

In one sublime shot Jim was pumping spurts of semen out of his own dick with one hand and holding up in the other the photo of Mark pumping his jizz over Jim's sleeping bag. Jim remembered the precise moment.

Yeah, he'd thought to himself, now he was coming. Oh man, and wow, big ropes of fucking Jimmy jizz had come spurting out of his pisshole on the end of his swollen hooded red mushroom shaped dickhead and splashed all over his bed and even onto the photos! Big cloudy white drops splattered the pink little butt of Eddy, while a wet spermy string had connected Mark's firmly parted thighs. Jim was glad that Mark's print didn't show this. But what Jim never found out was that all the boys had seen the negatives from the dozens of shots that had been taken of the gaping, spasming counselor licking his own spermy cum off of the photographs and sleeping bag.

"Hey, I think this model's queer," cried Mickey. "Where the hell did you find him, in some orphanage for perverted boys? He looks pretty hot for you, at least, huh, Mark?"

Mark laughed, and Jim blushed almost to the point of tears "Define queer, Mick. Does it include guys who jack off together on their counselor's sleeping bag?"

"Hey, everybody jacks off, but at least we never lied about it. And at least we did it together in real life, not with some fuckin' pictures like a porno pervert," snapped Mickey.

"Now don't be too hard on Jimbo, here. He was just doing his job. If he'd have jacked off with us he could have been fired for being a lousy role model, right Jim?"

Jim just hung his head silently.

"And he never meant for us to know about his jacking off, any more than we meant to invade his privacy. " continued Mark. "None of us really cares what he does on his own time, do we?"

Jim looked up, his eyes wide. "You never meant... you don't care what I what the fuck is THIS all about?" he stammered angrily.

"Mick, show him your stuff," Mark said.

Mickey put his photos on the table and the others stood back. Jim looked uncomprehendingly at four flash photographs of a man wearing a hockey mask outside the back wall of the cabin. The background details of each photo were identical, which made it clear that they'd been taken on a tripod, probably automatically with a foot pedal cable release.

"That's not me," muttered Jim. "Who the hell is that?"

"Figure it out, counselor," replied Mark.

In the first shot the man was bent over towards the cabin wall with his face pressed against a hand held camera. His plaid flannel shirt was open and he was groping the front of his own jeans with his free hand. The camera was obviously placed against a knothole in the cabin wall, and Jim realized quickly that he was looking at the person who had taken the photographs while he was jacking off inside.

From his build the man looked older than Jim, possibly late twenties or early thirties, but with the mask on it was hard to tell. But why would an older man play a prank like this and pretend to be Friday? It didn't make sense.

The next shot made his jaw drop to the floor. The man had turned to the tripod camera and unzipped his fly and was exposing his erect dick. It was huge! It had to be at least a foot long, and there was some kind of mark or tattoo on the head that he couldn't quite make out.!

Suddenly he remembered that he had seen it years ago at a nighttime campfire at this very camp, when he was a camper himself . When he saw the sex-crazed boy that people had eventually dubbed Friday 13" pumping his then younger but just as huge dick until spurts of cum shot into the fire and sizzled and crackled. And then in a few seconds he had run off screaming and holding his dick, and little Jim had decided that he would never touch his own pee pee again, no matter how good it felt.

"It's him! It's the real Friday!" Jim cried, pointing at the photo

The third shot had Friday turned back to the knot hole without the camera and jacking off furiously. The profile of his lance-like prick was almost comical.

The final shot showed Friday with his hips thrust against the cabin wall and his chest arched back and his legs planted firmly apart. The root of his dick was just visible, but the rest of his huge cock had disappeared into the knothole. His tenseness was obviously caused by the throes of ejaculation.

"My God! He shot off inside the cabin!" cried Jim impulsively. "That was HIS cum on my -- that I --OH FUCK!"

"Where did his cum go? What happened?" cried Eddy.

"Nowhere. Nothing," Jim lied, shuddering at the realization that the sticky and warm nectar of his sexual liberation, which he had licked off of his finger that night had been distilled not from his own dick, but the oversized, sharp-shooting schlong of a psychopath. He'd unwittingly tasted Friday's dick cream and he'd enjoyed it!

"But where did you get this film?" he asked finally.

"It was Wednesday night when we were coming back here from the campfire, " Mark explained. "He stepped out onto the path from out of the dark and about scared us half to death. I'm sure we would have all run away if he hadn't spoken to us first."

"What did he say?" asked Jim.

Mark tried not to smirk. "He said, 'If you want to see a real man jacking off, develop these,' and he handed us two rolls of film.

"As he turned to disappear back into the woods, we just stood there wondering how he'd found out about you telling us that crap about real men not beating off. And then he said one other thing."

"And what was that?" Jim asked nervously.

"He told us to invite you to host our next jack off party and ask you to give a demonstration of your technique."

"That's outrageous! It's out of the question!" Jim seethed, clenching his fists.

"Now that's not very nice of you to get us all worked up with these sexy poses and then chicken out! " teased Mickey.

"You know, Jimbo," Mark grinned, "this Friday guy warned us you might be a little shy at first, but suggested we offer to destroy the negatives afterwards to make you feel a little more at ease."

"That's blackmail! Why are you letting him manipulate us like this and turn us into a bunch of degenerates!" Jim practically whimpered in frustration.

"I wouldn't call it blackmail, buddy," Said Mickey. "Just a little shift in power. And what's this bullshit about him making us degenerates? Us guys were jacking off long before we ever heard of him. And you -- well, is it his fault that boys turn you on?"

Jim closed his eyes and trembled. Then he started to laugh, slowly and deeply as if at some private, semi-bitter joke.

"You're right, guys. You're absolutely right." he said at last. obviously relieved of some burden. "I've been a phony about this whole thing, and I deserve what I'm getting. You've got me by the balls -- literally-- and I'm not going to put up a fight. After all, now that I've beaten off once, it would only have been a matter of time before I did it again. So I might as well have some company next time."

"All right Jimbo, stud!" cried Eddy, giving him a thumbs up sign.

"Everybody does it, dude, let's party!" Smiled Mickey, slapping Jim on the back.

"But NOBODY must EVER find out about this, guys or I could get into some pretty deep trouble," Jim cautioned

"Relax, Jimbo, you'll be safe with us. " said Mark, winking at him.

Jim sighed, thrust his hands in his front pockets of his khaki shorts and tried to hide a grin that seemed to throb through his whole body. He figured the boys were almost certainly bluffing about the negatives. None of them, not even Mickey, would have been crazy enough to create a public stir over this. But he no longer cared, because he no longer had anything to hide from them, and now he had something to anticipate.

"So, listen up guys" he announced, reverting back at last to his familiar in charge tone. "We meet back here tonight after the campfire, and everybody bring a towel and your favorite lube with you."

"Gotcha, Counselor," said Mark.

An unspoken understanding between Jim and the boys was what made that night go so pleasurably for them all. Somehow they had all figured out that as long as they behaved as if none of Jim's authority had been compromised they would enjoy Jim's full attention and enthusiastic cooperation.

Without argument, the boys followed Jim's instructions to secure the cabin door, cover all the windows, and push two single bunks together in the center of the cabin floor. For his part, Jim used his authority strictly for facilitating the group's pleasure and never for sabotaging it. Curiously, his habitual modesty and self control somehow added to the erotic anticipation of the night, while also putting everyone more at ease.

"Okay, now let's all strip down to our underwear and sit in a circle on the beds," Jim directed, managing to pull off his own sweatshirt and shorts before the nervously grinning boys had even begun. But after a minute or two, all 6 males had sat down on the beds with crossed-legs and joined the circle.

"Well we want to make this last, boys so let's keep our dicks behind cloth as long as it's comfortable," he began. "Now does anyone have a hard on yet? "

"Yeah, I always do," said Eddy, rubbing the tent in his boxers.

"Well Eddy, why don't you help the rest of us catch up to you by telling us how you like to jack off?" Jim suggested.

"Well, I like to go to public restrooms, you know, like at school or at gas stations, and read the graffiti on the walls. If there's good stuff on the walls I'll just read it and jack off into the stool, or if there's nothing that turns me on I'll write something dirty or draw a picture, and that gets me pretty hot usually, so then I'll jack off. "

As Jim and the boys listened they rubbed their crotches.

"Some times if there's interesting things with phone numbers I'll write them down and call them late at night after my parents go to sleep. Usually they're made up numbers or practical jokes or something, but depending on how they react it sometimes gets me real hot, specially if its some girl who acts mad but doesn't hang up. Once a girl said I could come over and fuck her, but then she wouldn't say where she lived."

"Yeah, right Eddy," smirked Mickey, who was languidly running two fingers up and down the bulge of his own erection was now standing straight up and poking its tip out of the waistband of his white jockeys. "Most those numbers are guys, aren't they?"

"Yeah, some of them. I've had a couple of real queers on the line who begged me to let them suck my dick, but I just strung them along and then hung up on them."

"Did you jack off afterwards?" asked Chad, who had his whole hand stuffed down the inside the crotch of his red briefs to grope his own dick.

Eddy reddened slightly and looked down as he rearranged the gaping fly of his dayglo green boxers so that his hard on wasn't poking out. "Yeah, I did. The idea of getting my dick sucked makes me really hot, though of course I'd rather let a girl do me instead of a guy," he said.

"Anybody here ever had their dick sucked?" Jim asked.

Mark and Mickey both said they had. Both had been blown at least once by a girlfriend, but Mark stunned the others by admitting without shame that he and a buddy had sucked each other off once. "And if you think I'm a faggot, you're wrong. We were really horny and drunk and just playing around one night at his house, and we just ended up doing it and never made a big deal about it later. I like getting sucked, but sucking was kind of boring. He seemed to like doing me more than I liked doing him, but as far as I know, he's not gay either. He fucks girls all the time. "

"Yeah, well I wouldn't suck no guy off or even let one suck my dick," said Mickey. "That just turns me off totally."

No one said anything, but continued to listen, each one somehow stimulating their own apparent erections .

"It's funny, though, talking about jerking off," Mickey continued. "Cause one of the biggest loads I ever blew out of my nuts happened while I was at this party and I accidentally walked in on this friend of mine who was fucking a chick in one of the upstairs bedrooms of the house we were in. They had no idea I was there, so I stood there and watched and got so hot that I started jacking off right there, until I was ready to shoot, and I ran off to a bathroom and came in the sink."

"Why did that turn you on so much, Mick?" Jim asked earnestly. The story seemed to have attracted his interest more than anything else that had been said so far.

"I don't know. The girl wasn't that hot really, and he was practically covering her up. And I definitely was not hot for Benny, I can tell you that, who besides being a guy has a fat pimply ass. But there was something about just watching them doing it, thinking about them gettin' their rocks off on each other, and especially thinking about how he was really nailing her and that he'd be pumping her cunt full of jiz soon right in front of me. I just really liked watching that."

Chad and Tommy talked each talked about locking themselves in the bathroom or bedroom with dirty pictures from magazines and jacking off in the tub and toilet and cleaning up with toilet paper or Kleenex.

"How about you, Jimbo?" asked Mark after a brief silence. Mark had his bulging prick stuck down the left leg of his army green boxers and was squeezing it in the middle with his fist. "Why don't you tell us now what you really think about jacking off?"

"Well." Jim began, slowly, uncertainly. "I don't know. I guess you guys have had better experiences with it than I have. It never made me feel all that great before. Nothing like Beth at all."

Sitting there without his clothes, soft spoken, awkward and shy, Jim seemed barely distinguishable from the younger boys around him. If not for the five o'clock shadow on his chin and jaws, the broadness of his chest and the hair on his arms and legs, an outsider might never have been able to identify him as the counselor.

"You looked like you were having plenty of fun in those pictures," Eddy said.

"Yes, that's true. I really let loose that night for some reason."

"It was the pictures we took, wasn't it?" Mark asked.

"Well, yes," he admitted. "But not completely. It was also just knowing that you guys all seemed to think nothing of it all jacking off together like that. It reminded me of something. I felt....kind of left out."

"What did it remind you of?" asked Tom.

"It's going to sound stupid," Jim said. "It was this thing in a National Lampoon magazine I saw when I was a kid that I'll never forget. It was supposed to be the cover of Boy's Life magazine, only it showed a circle of boyscouts ("18" !) around a camp fire looking like they were all having a really good time. Only when you looked closer you could see that each one of them was reaching over to the guy next to him between his legs. And even though the figures were positioned just so that you couldn't see anything, it was obvious that they were jacking each other off simultaneously in a circle. I remember seeing that and wishing I could have had an experience like that, but I never did. I was always alone and it felt lousy and bad. Until last night."

"A circle jerk! So you like that, huh?" smiled Mickey.

"Well, one way to find out, huh Jimbo?" said Mark as he drew himself a little closer to Jim's right knee and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "What do ya say we all whip our dicks out and pump off a round? "

"Right now? So soon?" Jim said, looking hesitant.

"Hell, Jim, I don't know about you, but I can come three or four times a night if I have to. We don't have to stop after one orgasm."

"Well, okay. I'd like that," Jim confessed. "Everyone ready?"

No one objected. Mark, Mickey and Chad all stripped off their boxers and briefs completely. Jim left his briefs on but just pulled the waist band so that it ran down under his balls and lifted them up. Tom followed his example, while Eddy just let his dick and balls come out of the fly of his boxers.

Then the group spread out towels and uncapped their selected tubes and bottles of lubricant. Jim nipped a brewing dispute in the bud over who was going to be sitting next to whom, by positioning the three lesser-developed boys between the bigger two and himself.

In a minute or two, all was ready, and they all turned to Jim to settle how they would proceed. " Okay, why don't we start by having everybody jerk off the dick of the guy on your left. as soon as someone gets tired, we can switch directions "

"What happens when someone cums?" Chad asked.

"Then his jizz flies up in your face, dumbshit," said Mickey, whose dick Chad' was about to begin working on

"No, I mean what do the other guys do -- stop, or keep going?"

"How about if the first guy that cums sits out and has to make up a Friday story for us to listen to while we continue circle jerking," Mark suggested.

"But what if somebody else cums during the story?" asked Chad.

"Then they'll be next up for a story. Hopefully we'll all cum at some point during the stories, because these Friday stories should be good and raunchy and dirty like camp legends are supposed to be--not lame like Jimbo's was," replied Mark. "Sorry man, no offense."

"Well, the truth can be lame sometimes. Although I admit I sort of sanitized parts of the story. I'll see if I can come up with something a little racier. " said Jim. "Are we ready? Gentlemen, start those engines."

Jim began stroking the erect dick of Eddy, who began stroking Mark who began stroking Tom, who began stroking Mickey, who began stroking Chad who began stroking Jim. They were circle jerking at last.

Jim couldn't believe he was doing this--jacking off one "18" year old and being jacked off by another. But there was no turning back. And it sure felt good, even without the boyscout suits and a campfire. He intermittently opened and closed his eyes, but soon noticed that the boys seemed almost exclusively to be watching him every time he looked up. Clearly they were in awe of him, if for no other reason than his age. They seemed to be anticipating his initiating orgasm as much as he was. Looking for the climax of the ritual that would blur the distinction between boys and men and unify them all in hot, male pleasure.

Mark whispered something to Chad, and a minute later Chad announced that he was tired, so they all switched directions.

Once Eddy began pumping on Jim's dick it became clear to the counselor that he was indeed being set up the victim of a sexual conspiracy. For while Eddy proceeded to give Jim's rod a workout with his incredibly supple and powerful baseball pitcher's wrist, the others were actually slowing down on each other almost to the level of performing an obligatory exercise. Meanwhile their eyes were intently upon Jim and his swollen grown man's dick, which Eddy was wringing the hell out of with powerful up and down squeezing strokes. They were waiting for the big man's hose to blow.

"How's that feel, Jim?" asked Eddy.

"MMMmmm. Nice." he murmured. "That's quite a grip you've got Eddy."

"Ah, you like that, huh? We knew you would. You get off on a tough boy jacking your boss man dick, don't you? Almost as much as you like pumping on teenboy cocks, right Jimbo? Jim-bone? Jim-boner? Yeah, you love beatin' meat with the boys."

Jim gasped with pleasure from the sensation of his manhood being worked over by Eddy's relentless fist. "Oh yeah, I love it, Eddy. Twist on my fuckin' dick like that, buddy boy. Yeah, harder. Yeah. Oh, man, yeah like that. Jack me hard like that. Ohh."

Jim's head was tilting back farther and farther as he spoke, and his breathing became louder and quicker. The boys were jerking each other's dicks at a faster pace now, but they continued to watch his progress and were aware that Jim was going to shoot his wad soon.

"Go get it," he heard Mark whisper to Tom. He looked up to see Mark taking over the jerking of Mickey's dick as Tom went over to his bunk to rifle through his duffel bag.

"Ummm. Now what's he doing?" Jim asked in a throaty voice.

"Nothing, college man. Nothing you have to worry your pussy lickin' clit suckin' head about," whispered Mickey with a sinister grin.

Jim snorted and closed his eyes again. "I've never eaten anyone's clitoris or pussy. Beth doesn't go for that."

"Did you ever ask her?" said Mark.

Jim didn't respond

"What does she like, Jimbo?" asked Mark in an intense, hypnotic whisper. "Tell us what you do when you fuck her."

"Naw, you don't want to hear that, it's boring. You guys have more fun. We're ALL having more fun right now. She won't let me do anything but lay on top of her and screw her, " Jim moaned, trembling from the pressure building up in his balls.

"What have you tried to do? Did she stop you?" asked Mark

"Well, she didn't have to. I can just tell she wouldn't want to do those things."

"What things, Jimbo? Tell us what things you want to do with your squeeze." hissed Mickey.

"No. I'm embarrassed. I can't tell you guys," Jim whimpered, still tossing his head from pleasure.

"Tell her, then, Jim." Mark said, handing Eddy the cellular phone that Tom had retrieved from the duffel bag. "Dial it Eddy. I'll take over here."

Jim looked up to see Mark crouch in front of him and seize his erection with a baby-oil slicked hand. "No Mark, I'm not going to speak to her now. This is the wrong time." he tried to stare Mark down, but couldn't meet the intensity of his eyes, and instead found himself looking at the boy's big fat cock. As if on cue, Chad lifted Jim's hand from his own erection and placed it around Mark's. The counselor felt the firm pole of muscle remain rigid as his fingers kneaded Mark's flexible dick skin. Despite his agitation over what the boys wanted him to do, he couldn't help but marvel over his first feel of an erect dick that was bigger than his own. "What's her number Jimbo? " demanded Eddy.

"You can't have it. Forget it." he replied, smiling and giving Mark's cock an oily squeeze.

"We can have anything we want, Jim, and so can you," Mark countered. "He's got it on speed dial, I saw him use it." he said to Eddy. "Try them all till we get her."

Jim's smile slipped and he closed his eyes, as Mark triumphantly commenced pumping his counselor's dick. Beth's number turned out to be, as they suspected, the very first speed dial button. They had almost gone to the next button because it rang so many times, but finally she had answered.

"Hello?" came a female voice, a little out of breath as if she'd run across the house to answer it. Eddy held the phone to Jim's ear and mouth.

"Hi, babe it's me."

"Jim! Sweetheart! How did you know how much I was thinking about you and wishing you were here? O baby I miss you so much. "

"Not as much as I miss you, babe. It hurts, it literally hurts." he said, as Mark squeezed his throbbing balls with his other hand.

"Oh I hurt too, Jim. I feel so empty without you around. I'm just lying here on the bed remembering all the times you've laid here with me and filled me up with your love."

Mark and Jim felt each other's dicks surge with excitement. The other boys could hear Beth almost as clearly, and became equally aroused.

"Oh, baby so do I! Making love with you has been all I could think about for days now. Tonight I couldn't stand it any longer and I was so close to -- taking care of myself, that I had to call you. I know we agreed to talk only once a week this summer 'cause of the money, but baby I just had to.'

"Oh Jimmy, don't torture yourself waiting for the next time you'll see me! That's weeks away. Why don't you... take care of yourself and call me back."

"No baby, I want to hear your voice. I can do that later."

"Well are you alone now? are you in bed?"

"Yeah, babe, I'm alone. My kids are um--on an overnight with a couple of the other counselors. I'm just lying here in bed too. " The boys exchanged excited evil looks.

"Oh my poor baby." she cooed, and was silent for a moment. "Well....would you enjoy yourself more If I - if I kept speaking to you while you went ahead and ... you know, as if I were there with you?"

The boys all nodded vigorously.

"Beth Honey. Oh my baby, would you please? I won't offend you?" Jim whispered huskily.

"Offend me? Jimmy, nothing you could do would offend me, you're the sweetest lover." Beth said. "Now what is it that my sweet lover's been thinking about me that he's afraid will offend me?"

"Nothing babe. I just want to make love to you," said Jim. slowly rocking his hips along with Mark's strokes on his prick.

"I know Jimmy. But I want to hear you describe exactly how you'd like to make love to me - what special things you'd like to try. Or that you'd like me to try."

"What do you mean, baby? I want to fill you up with my love, like you said." Jim murmured.

"There are lots of ways you could do that, Jimmy. Use your imagination. We can do anything we want tonight. Tell me how you'd like to fill me up."

"Oh baby, in every way. In every way."

"Well, pretend I'm there in the room with you," she said. "What am I doing? What am I wearing?"

Jim hesitated, breathing very hard.

"You're lying here - naked - on your back on my bed with your arms out to receive me." Jim said. Mark gave him a frown and shook his head, pulling hard on Jim's dick. "No wait. Y-you're kneeling in the middle of the b-bed, looking over your shoulder at me," he stammered. The boys became gleeful again.

"Kneeling on the bed, yes," said Beth softly. Jim listened in disbelief as he heard rustling of sheets over the phone. His baby was going to go through the motions with him. They were going to have phone sex!

"You're looking at me standing there next to the bed, and you're caressing your sweet bare breasts. You have white lace panties on and you're bending forward slightly to show me the beautiful curves of your behind." The boys were all jerkin off again, using both hands now. It was still a circle, but now Jim's dick and balls were sort of a hub, as all 5 of the boys were fondling them Jim was now holding the phone but still jerking on Mark's dick.

"Ah," she said. "I'm showing you my rear end. My ass. Do you like my ass, Jim?"

He gulped. Was this his Beth he was talking to? "Of course, honey, you know I do. "

"Well, you've never told me before," she laughed gently.

".Your a-ass is magnificent, like the cleft of a juicy peach ."

"Jim you're so sweet. Tell me what I'm doing now."

"Uh, well, you're taking your panties down. Slowly. Watching me over your shoulder and leaning forward so that your breasts hang down as you peel the lace down past your tender.... ass cheeks and down around your knees."

"Yes darling I'm doing it, I'm slowly pulling them down, revealing my soft, pink naked butt to you as you stand there, your penis getting hard and stiff in anticipation."

Jim gasped as the dick in question was completely covered by a pile of adolescent male fists, like it was a baseball bat being used to choose team members. "Oh Beth, you're incredible. I want you so badly! "

"What exactly do you want, Jimmy? What do you want to do with me next? Why don't you take your clothes off and get into to the bed and show me what you want to do?"

'Yes, baby. I'm naked now. I'm on the bed now right behind you. I have my hands on your shoulders. I've never been so hard in my life. Like a baseball bat."

"Oh, you're always hard, Jim. And so big !" she whispered. " I can feel the your erection standing up and pressing against me from behind. You're cupping my breasts in your big, warm hands, kissing the nape of my neck, pressing your broad chest against my back. What are you going to do next, Jim?"

Jim was all but hyperventilating now. "I want to enter you, baby from behind. I want to part your thighs with my hot erection and push it forward into your vagina."

"Yes, my lover, I want you to do it too," she panted "Please. Now. part my nether lips with your love muscle. Fill me up."

"Nether what?" cried Chad impulsively before several hands were clamped over his mouth.

"My pussy, Jimmy. Slide your baseball bat penis into my pussy."

"Oh Beth, yes baby'" he cried, now on his knees thrusting his hips madly forward and knocking his burning balls against the tunnel of clenched teenboy fists around his cock.

For the next five minutes Jim and Beth described to one another the sensations they were imagining, and it became clear to Jim from Beth's voice and breathing that she was apparently masturbating along with him. For some reason Jim found it even more astounding than the fact of her suggesting phone sex in the first place. She really did miss him!

Finally, as Jim rocked and moaned in the throes of passion, repeating over and over again that he was 'giving it to her', and obviously approaching the brink of orgasm, Beth shrieked:

"Give it all to me lover, all 13 inches!"

"Oh, yes.... yes. 13 inches! " he cried, confused but too excited to stop the momentum as he furiously fucked the boys' fists with upward thrusts of his supine hips. "13 inches....I'm slamming... into your....pussy ... yes. Oh I'm coming I'm filling you up oh, yes oh baby ohhhhhhhh!!!"

A cannon of hot sticky semen hosed out of Jim's raw, red dick in great flying ropes that splattered his chest. Jim fell back on the bed, gasping in exhaustion. The phone fell out of his hand and onto a bunched up mound of his sleeping bag, which disconnected the call. The boys pushed into a closer circle around him, still pumping their dicks.

"We're gonna hose down your bed like before, counselor, only this time with you on it," Mark grinned, rubbing a handful of the cum from Jim's heaving pecs onto his own dick. The other boys were rubbing the counselor's cum into his hot, sweaty skin and feeling it up as they continued to pump their own dicks closer to orgasm.

"Where's the phone? Where's Beth?" Jim gasped.

"You hung up Jimbo. Call her back later, you're busy now."

"Why did she say '13 inches?' Why did she say that?" he murmured.

"Wishful thinking, I guess, huh, Jimbo?" smirked Mickey.

A minute later the boys were all grunting and jerking as their hot spunk went looping through the air and splashing all over Jim's churning thighs, stomach, chest. Soon his face, too was dripping with sweet smelling teen boy jism. Oh baby, he sighed. His dick had become instantly hard again.

"I understand, sweetheart" Beth said to the now silent phone in front of her on the bed. "I understand."

She felt indeed that she'd come to understand, suddenly, in a very short time, Jim's sexual needs as different from her own, but not anything that he needed to feel ashamed about. Knowing what she did now about the intensity of his sexual drive, It seemed miraculous to her that he'd shown even half the self control that he had throughout their courtship. She was certain that he'd been dating no other women and thus no other sexual outlet but her. And now, after a separation of two torturous months, she was actually relieved to have helped bring her sainted boyfriend crashing down to the level of ordinary human experience through a harmless bout of phone sex. As disappointed as she'd felt when the line was disconnected, she reasoned that it must have either happened in his ardor or embarrassment. But no matter, because either explanation endeared him to her all the more.

What she was having trouble understanding, were her own surprising, previously unimagined needs, and how Jim could have ever figured them out the way he had! As she continued to lean forward on her bed and stare at the hung-up princess phone she marveled at what a revelation it was to feel, really feel an enormous erection driving in and out of her vagina from behind. While Jim was still on the phone, she'd had no trouble imagining and acting as though he was there doing it to her exactly as he'd described, for she wanted so badly to provide for him his deliverance from the pain of abstinence. But now, with Jim taken care of, she was surprised to find that she wanted to continue, and possibly go even further to receive her own pleasure. She'd had only one orgasm while on the phone with Jim, after all, and though that (or none at all) had always been enough before, she found herself wondering about what other levels of pleasure might be so close within close reach that it would be a shame to stop exploring now. And of course there were the needs of Jim's friend to consider.

"Shall I stop?" he whispered, kissing her neck.

"No, Fry. let's continue." she replied softly.

He laughed. "Forget Fry, darling. I'm Jimmy tonight."

"No, no. You're Fry. My Jimmy's 500 miles away in Minnesota. He just hung up on me in the throes of orgasm. He's finished. And I can feel that you're not," she said tightening her vaginal muscles around his still hard dick.

"Sweetheart, it's me!" he murmured, encircling her with his arms and pressing against her harder. "Who else would bring you your favorite flowers? And order you your favorite wine at your favorite restaurant?"

"A very good friend of Jimmy's who's gone to a lot of trouble and expense doing him a favor ," she replied. "By doing me a few favors. Now did Jimmy pay for your gas and everything to drive all this way? 'Cause if he didn't --."

"Of course I paid for everything, baby, 'cause I'm your man, Jimmy!" he insisted playfully, resuming his fondling of her breasts and kissing her shoulders.

"Believe me, Fry, " she said, "My Jimmy doesn't have a 13" erection, nor does he have that particular piece of information tattooed on the head of his penis, like you do."

"Oh yeah? Well why did you beg Jim to give you all 13 inches of it then?"

She hesitated. "I said that? Yes, I did, didn't I. Oh boy. I blew it. You don't suppose that's why he hung up? Does he know about your penis, or not? "

"Well, sweetheart, just from my using the shower room at camp Christopher pretty much insures that everyone knows about my endowment. You know how people spread information like that."

"Well, I don't, really , so I'll have to take your word for it. but what I'm wondering is if he knows and if he picked you to send to me for that reason. And if he did, if that means that he intended for us to sleep together."

He stopped for a moment, silent, deciding whether or not to step out of character and answer her directly.

"Oh I don't mean consciously, Fry. He's so innocent he'd never admit it even to himself. I mean subconsciously in the same way that I unintentionally let him know that his surrogate seduction of me was being consummated beautifully as we spoke.

"No, you're not Jimmy, Fry. But I'll bet you had a pretty good idea when he got you to agree to visit me that you'd get me into bed. Well, I only realized I wanted to sleep with you right at the moment you were saying goodnight to me at the door. But I'm still not sure how far I would have gone if Jim hadn't called. It might have just been a few kisses over drinks in the living room.

"But he did call, and I'd almost forgotten about you being out there after I switched the call in here. But of course then I caught you eavesdropping and masturbating outside the bedroom door, you naughty boy. You should have seen your face when you saw me pull the door open, still on the phone and wearing just my panties, the way Jim wanted. And at that moment I knew what else Jim wanted -- the same thing I wanted and that you, with your monstrosity of an erection, wanted. So I beckoned for you to come in and join us..."

They laughed and he thrust firmly into her, causing her let out a short high pitched yelp. "He must have known, deep down, don't you think? Why else would he have chosen to fantasize taking me from behind? Because he knew you'd be his stand in, with the erection he'd always dreamed of having, which I would only be able to accommodate from behind."

"Smart guy, Jim." he said.

"I thought you were Jim?" she teased.

"Oh, that's right, I am," he laughed.

"Prove it to me, Jimmy" she hissed, grinding her ass back against his stomach. Make me come again like you did before."

Jim knew, of course. What other explanation could there be, she thought to herself as Friday commenced fucking her, ramming his huge cock in and out of her burning cunt. But had Jim really anticipated the astounding hunger of her pussy in his absence? Had he realized that this friend Friday, as he fucked her doggy-style with his foot-long plus dick, might be spoiling her for him forever? Yes spoiled, spoiled rotten forever, she thought as she rocked in orgasm. Finally she felt Friday's explosion of semen inside her, sloshing out of her pussy with each climactic thrust. Oh she was so grateful to Jim. What a pity he'd never taste the pleasure that a man's penis provides!

Jim licked off the teenboy semen that had flowed down his face to his lips as the boys ritualistically painted their cock juice all over his hot skin with the heads of their dicks. Then they kissed and licked at him, their hot, wet young tongues probing everywhere on his body. Still not satisfied, their hands tugged at his jockeys from all directions and ripped them to shreds, leaving Jim buck bare-assed naked at last and totally at the mercy of his boys. For a tender moment his mouth was plugged by a heavy warm tongue, which he could tell from the scratchy beginning of his beard, belonged to Mark.

The boy removed his tongue finally and spoke. "I believe you owe us a story, Jimbo. You came first."

Jim nodded, but was far too exhausted to bother making up a story. He simply decided to relate one of those that he'd heard from other counselors that supposedly had occurred at the camp in recent years. As he began to tell the incredible story, it suddenly occurred to him that for the first time since he had heard it, he actually believed that it might have happened. The events of the past three days had convinced him that anything was possible where Friday 13 was concerned.......


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