
By Alan McGregor

Published on Aug 4, 2009


This story is fiction. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. If you are not allowed by law to view this material, please do not do so. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now. This is a love story between two barely under the age of 18 year old boys in high school. If that offends you, I apologize and ask that you not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Friday started as just another day for Ryne. He woke up, showered, and got ready to go to school. While standing in front of the mirror he inspected almost every inch of himself. His short brown hair was gelled and combed just as he liked it. What little bit of acne he had was starting to clear from is clean shaved face, and he had just put his contacts in his dark brown eyes. His naturally straight teeth were brushed and white as could be. Ryne was 5?11? and about 180 pounds, while he was not the best looking or in the best shape of the other guys in his class, he was happy and comfortable with his appearance. After what has become his morning routine, Ryne went down to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal before school. As he was pouring his Captain Crunch from the box, he quickly glanced over at the calendar on the wall. The box of cereal fell from his hand to the floor, spilling its contents everywhere.

?How the hell could I have forgotten what today was?? Ryne asked himself.

When he had looked at the calendar, he realized that it was the last day of his senior year of High School. He had completely lost his appetite. Hurriedly, he cleaned up what cereal his dog had not been able to eat and dashed out the door. This was the last day of his high school career and he was not going to miss a moment of it. He had been waiting for this day for the last nine months. He ran to his truck and sped out of the driveway to school.

After he arrived and parked in his usual spot, Ryne proceeded to his locker for the very last time. Since today was the last day of school, the seniors had a half-day and no classes. Instead of classes, they were allowed to clean out their lockers and then had two hours of graduation practice. After he rid his locker from what little trash had accumulated over the past nine months and was once again pristine he used the time before graduation practice to go and make plans with friends for tonight.

Walking down to Tony?s locker, Ryne realized that he was the first one to finish cleaning. This really didn?t surprise him; his friends had always given him crap about how clean he kept everything. Everything was always in its place, and there was a place for everything. He always kept his truck immaculate and his room was even cleaner. He couldn?t stand disorder.

When he arrived at Tony?s locker, he noticed the trashcan next to his friend was overflowing with what used to be the contents of his locker.

?Finished already?? Tony asked, stunned. He hadn?t looked up to see who was standing next to him.

?Yup, how?s your bottomless pit coming?? Ryne asked with a hint of sarcasm.

?It?s coming I guess.? Tony replied looking up at Ryne, ? I guess I should have looked before I asked if you were finished, the only thing you had to do was wipe off the dust the janitor kicked up while he swept last night.?

? Haha, you think you?re real funny don?t you asshole?? Ryne shot back, ?You got any plans for tonight??

?Unfortunately my parents had a bunch of my family come in this afternoon and I get to go entertain all of my cousins? fun, fun,? Tony said with a fake smile, ?Sorry dude.?

?Not a big deal, I?ll probably just wash and wax my truck then.?

?No you won?t! Then you won?t have anything to do tomorrow morning.?

?Yeah, you?re right. I could probably change my oil, and I think I can feel a vibration in the front, I?ll probably see what that?s all about.?

?You know, just because your dad has a repair shop, doesn?t mean you have to constantly work on your truck, you?re not going to school to be a mechanic? you?re going to be a mechanical engineer. Big difference!?

?Shut up! You just wish you had the skills to work on your own vehicle.?

?Whatever you say man! You could just take a night and relax for once, but I know you would never take that opportunity.?

?You do know me better than anyone else. I guess I?ll see you later, you?ve still got a long ways to go on the locker, later?

After exchanging goodbyes with his best friend, Ryne began to head back to his locker to wait until the seniors were called for practice. He didn?t make it far before Cody Joel stopped him, the Captain of the football team and the most popular guy in their class.

?Hey Ryne, you got a sec?? Cody asked.

What could Ryne say, he never really had a problem with Cody? he never had a problem with anyone. ?Sure, what?s up?? Ryne replied.

?I couldn?t help but overhear your conversation with Tony and it sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of cars? you think you might be able to help me out? I?m having some issues that are beyond what I can even think about doing.?

?Sure, I?ve got to change my oil tonight, but I might be able to work you in. Can you meet me at my dads shop around seven, I should be done by then.? Ryne said acting like he was clearing his schedule for him.

?That would be awesome, I am really going to owe you if you can figure this out. Thanks!? Cody said with a smile.

It was at this moment that Ryne realized how enticing Cody?s smile actually was. It actually made you smile when he smiled. After you noticed his smile, you couldn?t help but follow his perfectly shaped nose and cheekbones all the way up to his emerald green eyes. Ryne caught himself before Cody realized that he was being studied. ?No Problem man, anytime.? Ryne forced out. He wasn?t sure why, but something about Cody made Ryne speechless.

As soon as Ryne turned away and started walking back to his locker, the principal, Mr. Osburn, called all of the seniors to the main gymnasium for graduation practice.

Authors Note: Thanks for taking the time to read this. This is my first attempt at writing fiction so I am open to any constructive criticism. Please send any comments to

Next: Chapter 2

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