
By Alan McGregor

Published on Aug 9, 2009


This story is fiction. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. If you are not allowed by law to view this material, please do not do so. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now. This is a love story between two young men who just graduated high school. If that offends you, I apologize and ask that you not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Chapter 3

The next morning, Ryne awoke being the only one in his room. After a quick trip to the bathroom to relieve himself, he wandered downstairs. When he got to the landing there was absolutely no sign of Cody. Thinking that was kind of weird, Ryne made his way to the fridge and got a glass of orange juice. When he turned from the fridge, Ryne notice a note left on the center island of the kitchen that he knew wasn't there the night before. Upon further inspection, the note was from Cody.


Sorry I had to leave so early this morning, I had a Dr. appointment and totally forgot about it. I had a great time last night. I think it would be awesome if we could do it again. Call me anytime you want to hang out. My cell # is 765-555-2345.


"Well, I guess I didn't cause what happened last night." Ryne reassured himself.

After finishing his OJ and putting the dirty glass in the dishwasher, Ryne headed upstairs to shower. After showering, he pulled a black polo, white undershirt and khaki cargo shorts out of his dresser. After topping it all off with a pair of white Nike Shox, he went to the bathroom to style his hair.

Ryne then went and put away all of the DVDs that he and Cody had watched he night before. It wasn't long before his phone was vibrating alerting him to a text. It was Tony.

"Dude, my family is driving me insane. I need your help. Get your ass over here!"

Ryne had to chuckle and replied back, "haha, no way am I getting involved in that. Sorry dude."

About two minutes later Tony replied, "You're an ass!"

Ryne didn't bother to reply, he knew that Tony was just giving him shit.

Ryne then started cleaning the house. It wasn't long before the house went from clean to pristine. Ryne then decided that he should throw in a load of his laundry. After that he went into the garage to start cleaning his truck. He started with a thorough vacuuming and dusting the interior. After spraying Febreeze on the seats and carpet, he got the hose out and proceeded to wash it in the driveway. After an extremely thorough washing and drying, it was time to wax. Ryne was extremely meticulous about how he wanted his truck to look and it took about five hours for him to complete the entire job.

By the time he had finished and gone back inside he was extremely sweaty and reeked of body odor. He decided to take a shower then find something to eat. After showering and getting dressed, nothing to elaborate just a pair of khaki shorts and one of his Fire Department T-shirts. For dinner Ryne decided that he would have the frozen pizza he was going to cook last night. By the time he had finished eating it was past seven. Ryne decided to sit in the living room and watch TV. The only thing he found remotely interesting was a Dane Cook special on Comedy Central. Saturday night TV always sucked.

Just as the show ended, Ryne heard the familiar tones of his fire department pager going off. Ryne had joined the department as soon as he turned 18 and has loved every second of it. Being in a small town, the fire department was all volunteer, meaning that all of the members responded to the need of others on there own time without pay. Ryne felt that it was a good way to give back to the community that has given so much to him.

There apparently was a single vehicle accident out in the country and the driver was trapped in the vehicle, but it was unknown if they we injured.

After grabbing a pair of shoes and is keys, Ryne ran out to his truck and sped to the firehouse. When he arrived, he was the first one there. This wasn't unusual; he lived only three blocks away. By the time he had his bunker gear and helmet on, the other firefighters and EMT's were starting to arrive. Within two minutes, Ryne was on his way to the accident scene.

As soon as they had arrived, Ryne felt something strange about this call. Something he had never experienced before, but he ignored it, he had a job to do. He jumped out of the truck looked over at the scene; an SUV sitting on its top, the driver had apparently lost control and rolled it. He didn't have time to study it, but something seemed familiar about the SUV.

Ryne was told by his chief to go over to the vehicle and check on the occupant, see if the door would open and report back. With that, Ryne ran over to the vehicle knelt down and peered into the broken driver's side window. To his horror, a bruised and bloody Cody stared back at him.

"Cody, are you alright? Can you hear me?" Ryne screamed.

"I can hear you, but I don't think I'm doing so good. It really hurts!" Cody moaned from inside the car.

"You're gonna be fine buddy, we're gonna get you out of here." Ryne replied with a tear falling from his cheek. He couldn't stand seeing one of his friends in a state like this. Ryne collected himself almost immediately. He ran back to his chief and reported what he knew.

The other firemen on the crew were already on their way to cut Cody out of the car as he finished talking. Knowing what needed to be done next, Ryne grabbed a blanket from the rig and ran over to the car. Just as he had been trained, he crawled through the broken rear window and up to where Cody was trapped.

"Cody, I need you to stay perfectly still while we get you outta here, alright?" Ryne said calmly. He then reached across Cody and held the blanket up so that none of the debris from cutting would him.

Ryne noticed Cody struggling to get out, "Cody stay still, let us do the work. We will get you out of here. You're gonna be ok." Ryne reassured him.

At that moment, Ryne smelled the familiar scent of gasoline. He turned around to witness fuel pouring into the vehicle. "Hey chief," Ryne yelled, "We've got a lot of fuel coming into the vehicle!" "Ok Ryne, I need you to get out of there then. I don't need you getting hurt." the chief ordered.

There was no way in hell that he was leaving Cody, not now.

"Chief, I'll come out when we get this kid outta here, I'm not moving until then." Ryne barked back, he knew he was going to get an ass chewing for this one, but he didn't care.

He looked over at Cody who was going in and out of consciousness.

"Chief, he's losing consciousness, we need to get him out of here and quick!" Ryne yelled as strongly as he could.

Ryne then turned all of his attention to trying to keep Cody alert. "Cody, stay with me buddy! Stay with me." Ryne said.

"Cody, can you tell me your address? Where were you going when you had the accident?" Ryne was doing all he could to keep Cody awake, but it didn't seem to be working.

Before he could get any more words out of his mouth, the door came off the vehicle and the dash was pushed away from Cody's legs. Ryne cut his seatbelt and slowly lowered him to the ground. Cody was then loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the hospital.

After the scene was cleaned up the firefighters made their way back to the station.

Next: Chapter 4

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