Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 11, 2007


Another work of fiction depicting sexual activities between teenaged males. Any similarity to living persons is pure coincidence. All usual disclaimers apply. Comments are always welcome at the email below.


Finally managing to push my way through the throng of gyrating bodies that packed the overcrowded living room, I entered the equally overcrowded kitchen, and snatched up an unoccupied bar stool at the center island, then pushed it into a corner, and sat down. As I watched the mob of high school partiers get crazier by the minute, laughing, grab-assing, and downing far too much beer, I sighed, and, for maybe the fourth time in the past hour, asked myself why I was still here, as much as I disliked packed crowds, and raucous music, assuming the currently blaring track of hip-hop could be classified as music.

I looked at my watch again, releasing another sigh, as I noted that only a mere fifteen minutes had passed since I had last consulted it. In answer to my own question, I silently cursed my still missing friend Jordan, who had, well over an hour ago, disappeared somewhere with what he hoped would, finally, be his first actual conquest in his ongoing effort to get laid. As sixteen year old high school juniors, both Jordan and I were plagued with erupting hormones, and the case of terminal horniness that resulted from that over abundance of sexual energy. The difference was that while Jordan was determined to, if not flat out obsessed with, dipping his wick into some willing young female who was similarly hormonally afflicted, I was far less adamant on the subject of the fair sex. I had, thus far, managed to prevent any actual horns from sprouting out of my skull through frequent, nearly constant, masturbation, often enhanced by some pretty amazing fantasies involving myself, and select individuals of my class, albeit all of them of the same sex as myself, and, quite often, these little masturbatory peccadilloes featured none other than Jordan himself.

Doubtless, it would have horrified him to know that his best friend since the fifth grade secretly lusted after his stellar young body, and was totally smitten by his Hollywood good looks, not to mention said best friends dark desire to explore each centimeter of that delicious body with fingers, lips, and tongue. That knowledge, I was certain, would have dealt a death knell to our friendship, and, rather than risk loosing that, I had resigned myself to my solitary flights of fantasy regarding Jordan, difficult as that was at times. Difficult in the sense that we were nearly inseparable, maybe even closer than brothers, and as a result of that closeness, there had been countless sleepovers, even the sharing of my double bed on numerous occasions, not to mention all of the hot summer days of skinny-dipping at the old pond in the wood that we had frequently played in back in our middle school years, and the seemingly endless rounds of wrestling, rolling around on grass, or floor, our scantily clad bodies tightly bound together, and all of the key parts making bountiful contact. To be sure, maintaining an aura of just boys, being boys, was not the easiest thing I had ever done, and, as the hormone onslaught descended, the task grew in difficulty, given the very frequent erections that resulted from any close-in contact with Jordan.

While there were other friends, and acquaintances, that could also hold some degree of my interest, none bore a close second in my lust for Jordan, and that lust was only further enhanced by the frequent opportunities I was afforded to view his nearly naked, and at times, fully naked, body, and to sleep with him, and see him shower, etc. I sighed again, once more swallowing the reality that while I secretly pined for him, the likelihood of my ever having him was somewhere between very slim, and none at all. Unsure whether I was inflicting self-imposed pain, or placating myself with the dream, I closed my eyes, and conjured up a vivid image of the object of my desire, struggling to omit the visual of the nubile young thing that he was, undoubtedly, trying his level best to screw at this very moment.

Jordan had been truly blessed at the ceremony wherein the genes were distributed, and the result of that gene pooling had been a success of epic proportion. He stood right at six feet, a slender, though solid frame, devoid, I was certain, of an ounce of body fat, his musculature defined, though not actually chiseled to that of a body builder. His weight had recently stabilized at around one-sixty-five, and it molded perfectly to his frame, and presented as well defined pectorals, firm abs, and strong, solid legs. To say he was good looking is to say a top of the line Mercedes is a pretty nice car, with his lite-coffee colored hair, worn slightly long, and layered, and his absolutely stunning blue eyes, much like the delicate tone of a clear blue sky on a perfect summer day. His smile was dazzling, displaying perfect rows of snowy white teeth, and the tiniest of dimples dotting his smooth cheeks, and to hear him laugh could go a long way toward obtaining world peace. It very nearly wasn't even fair to have one individual possess so much near-perfection, but his amazing popularity belied any grievance, or jealousy, among his peers He was, after all, simply Jordan, and everyone just accepted him for the star that he was, and were happy to be counted among his friends, or casual contacts.

The more personal and, I assumed, lesser known qualities that made up the hunk known as Jordan were equally as near-perfect as the rest of him. While it had been some time, regrettably, since I had seen him fully erect, I had, on several occasions, managed to carefully observe him flaccid, as well as tumescent, and his equipment was, in a phrase, to-die-for. In repose, his sculpted penis easily went four inches in length, and, I estimated, a wide two plus inches in circumference. He was perfectly circumcised, leaving a wide, smooth helmet shaped head at the end of his penis, and his sandy-colored pubes were light, and silky, and fairly sparse, which only added to the overall attractiveness of his delicious looking boy parts, at least in my mind. When soft, his penis hung at rest on a plump and lightly wrinkled scrotum, which sported only a faint dusting of small hairs, and it actually appeared hairless, as it curved away from his penis to roll back between his thighs. His balls were large, and appeared to dangle heavily within the pouch, and I had frequently imagined their weight in my palm, or my mouth, and, I was certain, having actually witnessed the event a few times, though sadly not recently, that they were capable of producing a copious discharge of their creamy batter upon properly administered stimulation. Now, there was a theory that I was all too eager to validate.

My reverie was rudely shattered with a firm push to my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to see a somewhat agitated looking Jordan shaking me to alertness, as he all but growled at me,

"Brett...come on, dude...fuck this...we are SO out of here!"

I blinked several times, and got up, as Jordan practically blew out the back door of the house, shouldering several party-goers in the process. I quickly followed, wondering what had the normally mellow Jordan as obviously pissed as he was. I moved onto the patio just in time to see him lift a six pack of beer from a cooler, and stuff it under his arm, as he marched directly to the rear gate, almost openly daring anyone to interfere with his progress, and I hurried along after him, amazed at his very unusual demeanor. As I exited the gate I saw him purposefully striding toward his car, and I hurried to catch up, not really sure, given his dark mood, that he wouldn't just drive off without me if I lagged behind. He got in, and slammed the door, and, just as I swung open the passenger door, he got the engine going, and I nearly had to dive into the car, as he roared away, the tires screeching painfully under the sudden demand for power.

He maneuvered the first couple of blocks as if he were practicing for a Nascar event, and I kept silent, fearful of saying anything to add to his ire, even though I wanted to tell him to slow it down before he got busted with the six pack, or killed us both, depending on which inevitability occurred first. As typifies Jordan's charmed life, neither event actually occurred, thankfully, and after several more break-neck blocks, he headed up the entrance ramp to the freeway, where his speed demonstration would be less dangerous. Once he had melded into the light traffic of this late hour, he settled some, easing back on the speed, and he let out an angry sounding "DAMN IT" as he dragged his free hand through his thick locks. Chancing a sideways look at him, I asked quietly,

"So dude...I take it the grope session with what's-her-name went well?"

Glaring back at me, he grunted another profanity, then, shifted his gaze back to the road, as he all but shouted,

"Fuck all these girls...prick teasing, ball busting bitches, all of them...fuck man, this just sucks...I am, like, never going to get laid...jacked off...sucked off...nothing...not fucking ever!" he snarled, pounding the steering wheel with his fist.

The level of anger, frustration, probably both, that he was demonstrating actually surprised me some. I knew that Jordan was practically obsessed with losing his virginity, or at least having some sort of non-solo sexual experience, but, as much as he railed on about it, I had never seen him quite this adamant bout it. Turning somewhat sideways in my seat, I asked him,

"Jesus dude...chill a little before you bust a vein, or what happened back there to light your after-burner this much, anyway?"

He didn't answer right away, as he sucked in this huge breath, then, blew it out, as he applied brake, and slewed the car to the right, entering a narrow roadway, that when I looked, I recognized as the access road to the lake parking lot, which at this hour would be closed, and locked. I glanced back at Jordan, and asked,

"Where are we going, dude...this gate is gonna be locked by now...?"

By way of an answer, he reached down and pulled pen the cars ashtray, and dug inside with a finger, finally coming away with a brass, round-headed key which he held up for my inspection, saying,

"This will unlock it, Brett," he told me, "and after I go through the gate, then lock it up again, ok?"

I took the key from his fingers, my heart skipping a small beat at the contact between us, and said,

"Pretty did you manage to score this?"

He gave me a knowing look, wiggling his heavy eyebrows at me, as he replied,

"Another one of those uptight cunts that won't lie down for me brought me out here one night to, I guess, just give me aching nuts, and I didn't give the key back...her old man works for parks and beaches, or whatever, so she bagged it from's actually pretty sweet, cause at night like this, nobody else can get in, so we, like, own the lake for a while."

By this time, we had rolled to a stop at the closed gate, so I hopped out, and worked the key in the lock, freeing it, then, swung open the pipe bar gate, while Jordan moved the car forward. I closed the gate again, and locked it, then got back into the car, as he moved forward, and we entered the parking lot for the beach area. Jordan crossed the lot, then followed a narrow dirt road down a gentle hill, until the front wheels were nearly on the sand of the beach, where he stopped, and killed the lights, and the engine. I looked around, seeing the moonlit lake directly in front of us, and a number of tall bushes on both sides of us, effectively sealing the car from visibility to any cars that might happen by on the main road which was some half mile away to our left. It was silent, and dark, save for the shimmering moonlight trail in the water, and I settled back against the seat, turning my head to look at Jordan, and said,

"This really is pretty sweet, dude...hard to believe that a hot stud like you couldn't score in a place like this."

He snorted, and popped open one of the beers he had snagged at the party, and tilted it up, nearly draining the can in one go. He paused to let out a fairly gnarly belch, then, hoisted the can again, and drained it, then tossed it over the seat into the back, as he pulled another can free from the plastic carrier, and popped it open. I silently watched as he repeated his earlier routine, quickly downing the beer, and going for another. I reached across, and tugged the keys from the ignition, and lifted up to shove them into the pocket of my shorts. Jordan glared at me, and asked,

"What...?...what's up with that...?"

I smiled sweetly at him, and answered,

"Pretty simple actually,'re gonna drink, then I'm gonna drive us home."

He guffawed, and shrugged, then, tipped back the beer, and guzzled it. Finished, he again tossed the can into the back, and I made a mental note to get rid of them before we hit the road again, as Jordan dug out yet another beer, and opened it. This time he sat back, and exhaled deeply, apparently satisfied to just drink this one at a more normal pace, and looked over at me, and flashed his mega-watt smile, sending a small jolt of electrical force through my balls just from its magnitude.

His hand snaked out, and kind of patted my forearm, as he softened some, and told me,

"You really are the best, Brett...seriously...I get, like, all fucking crazy over this pussy thing, and a freeking rock, or something...just let me spew, and rant, like an asshole, while Mr. Calm and Cool remains above it all...I really don't fucking get how you can do it, dude."

I smiled back at him, lifting my hand up, and making a simulated jack off motion, then shrugged, as I said,

"Think of it as a calming self-indulgence, Bud, way better than an ice cold shower, and just as effective."

He chuckled, shaking his head, as he replied,

"That is exactly how I think of it dude...only...what I need is somebody else's hand, or whatever, to do the calming!"

Oh God, I was, like, this close to responding by offering my hand, or whatever, as his calming influence, but I managed to bite my tongue, literally, and just laughed instead, as I said,

"Oh come on Jordan...don't give me that shit...I know better...shit, you jerk off just as much as me, or anybody else, and you know it!"

He took a hit off the beer, then belched again, as he replied,

"True enough kemo-Sabe...and, certainly you would know that, having seen me do it enough times...but dude, I gotta tell you, that sucks in comparison to someone doing it to you, believe me!"

I snorted this time, shaking my head, as I asked him,

"And how would you, oh super-cocksman, know about that...?...correct me if I am wrong here, but aren't you the one who is always...just was, in fact, groaning about how you are probably never going to have sex with anyone?"

He sucked down the last of the beer, and went for another, then answered me, saying,

"Yup, that would be me,, way back in eighth grade, right...?...that high school chick...uh...Shannon...yea...Shannon big sisters good bud, right...?...well ready...?...she jerked me off one time...really...and was so freeking...intense...fuck me...and I just can't forget how fucking good it was...and I just gotta somehow...somebody...dude...I really, really, need to go there again!"

Biting my tongue again, I managed to avoid volunteering, as I replied, aghast at his sordid disclosure, and also just a bit skeptical about its veracity. I looked at him, and said,

"No fucking way...Shannon...a high school babe...jerking off her friends little bro...?, I am sooo sure, dude...really!"

He giggled a silly sound, the brews obviously hitting his system now, and nodded his head rapidly, telling me,

" shit...she freeking did...I swear...she was sleeping over, and, like really late at night, I woke up with her, like, sitting on the edge of my bed...just sort of looking at me, you know...?...weird...and then she, like, leaned over really close to me, and, like, whispered to me that she wanted to see my shit, dude...just like fucking that, she did...honest...!"

I chuckled, trying to picture the scene he was laying on me, the bug-eyed little twelve, maybe barely thirteen year old kid being asked to show his dick to this smoking hot sixteen year old girl. Not bloody likely, I thought.

"Fuck you asshole..!" he barked, "I can tell you don't believe me, and so just fuck happened...she asked me to let her see it...and eventually I did...and, asshole...she fucking played with it....even made me fuck you!"

His intensity was actually beginning to make me wonder if maybe, just maybe, he was telling the truth, and I was incredulous at the possibility, as I watched Jordan toss off the beer, then, grab the last one, and pop it open. Not wanting him to get pissy all over again, I smiled at him, and held out my open palm toward him, and said,

"Well then, STUD, all right...nicely done, dude...jerked off by an older woman...very cool, indeed...that must have felt pretty amazing I bet."

He slapped at my palm, his head pumping up and down, as a sort of sloppy grin crossed his face, and he told me,

"Fuck yea it felt amazing...shit yea...intense, like I said...totally fucking intense, dude...I just wish to hell I could feel it again...damn, I wish!"

He finished that statement along with draining the beer, and he rolled clumsily on the seat, and made a sort of hook shot of the can into the back seat. The move turned his lower body toward me, and the bright moonlight shinning off the lake flashed across the crotch of his Khaki slacks, and I was staring right at the obvious erection outlined by the soft slacks material. I gulped, my own cock stiffening inside my shorts, as, on pure impulse, I reached forward with a shaking hand, and brushed my fingers over that rigid cock, as I muttered,

"Maybe you can..."

Jordan sort of froze, his arm still extended toward the back seat, and his hips twisted on his seat, as he dropped his head, and looked at my hand lightly brushing across his erection. His eyes shifted to meet mine, and our gaze held for a beat, and I felt my heart hammering in my chest, my off-the-chart blood pressure making my cock throb painfully. Finally he blinked a couple of times, then, turned, and dropped back onto the seat, as he giggled that silly giggle, and told me,

"Fuck, dude...that is so you know what I thought you just said..?...fuck...!"

Still shaking top to bottom, I shook my head, and said,


He giggled again, his soft, thick hair fluttering on his head as he shook it, and answered,

"Dude...I thought you just, like, well shit...dude...did you actually to...jack me off?"

I just knew my heart was going to explode, or that Jordan was going to kill me, so, figuring that I was pretty much dead either way, I looked at his goofy expression, and answered, quietly,

"Sort of.... yea, I guess I did."

Utter, and stunned silence fell over the car, the only sound being the wild hammering of my heart that transferred as a loud roaring in my ears, as Jordan just sat there looking at me with that goofy expression on his handsome face. Finally he let out a long breath, as if he had been holding it a while, and spoke, barely above a whisper, saying,

"Brett...fuck, Brett...what's up with that, dude...what a freeking bud you are, man...the fucking best, no many buds in the whole freeking world would be like that for a friend...none, I tell you...not fucking one...but you...MY best bud care that would actually help me out that way...yea, I fucking believe that you would...fuck man...I really love you, you know that...?...fucking love you, shit...but you better watch it dude...hell, I might just take you up on that offer...!"

That may have been the precise moment when I decided that beer was, after all, a beautiful thing! He had heard my offer, in spite of my meek delivery of it, but, the alcohol swimming around in his brain had somehow given him to understand that I was just offering a benevolent granting of his feverish wish to receive some kind of sexual stimulation at the hand of another, a friend-helping-friend act, and to not see it for the brash expression of my own burning desire to touch him, and see him, and taste him. When I am older, and can afford to do it, I will definitely become a serious share holder in Anhauser-Bush stock!

Shifting my demeanor now to one of a sort of "aw, shucks" kind of act, I smiled at him, and tried for a coy expression of a what-are-friends-for, and told him,

"I know, Jordan...and dude, I love you too...better than a bro...and yea, man...definitely I that for you...I mean, you really are pretty hurting over it, so yea...I will for sure, if you want me to..."

He flashed me that sloppy little grin, as he ruffled my hair with his fingers, and shook his head slowly, as he cupped my chin in his palm, and looked into my eyes, his own eyes slightly glazed, probably a mixture of the beer, and the excitement of just maybe finally realizing his dream, albeit in a slightly different manner than he had been envisioning it.

"What a fucking bud...amazing...ok Brett-boy...ok, cool...gotta piss right back..." he stammered, then, shoved open the door, and crawled out.

I sat there in the dark car, shaking a little, as my heart continued to pound furiously, and my dick throbbed in my shorts, as I contemplated what, it seemed, was about to happen, and the possible fallout of it later. Fuck, I wanted this, probably as bad as he wanted it, only for different reasons, but at the same time it troubled me, worried me, about the cold and sober light of tomorrow, and our friendship. My reverie was suddenly disrupted, as I heard a thudding noise at the side of the car, and Jordan's growling string of curses, as he collided with the car as he made his way back. Pushing open my door, I slid out, and jogged around the car, and walked up to him where he was leaning awkwardly against it, a goofy grin plastered onto his face. I slid my arm around his shoulders, and asked,

" ok...?"

He lifted his chin off his chest, and turned to look at me, his eyes struggling to focus, as he slid both his arm over my shoulders, and grinned widely at me, and said, his beer-laden breath flooding over my face,

"Yup, yup...its all good, buddy-boy...fricking car door just moved, or something...dunno...whatever...but hey, dude...check it out......I, um......I freein' left it out for you dude.......yea...check it out...!"

It took me a second, then, it hit me what he was talking about, and I quickly looked down between us, my breath gagging in my throat, as I focused on his apparently erect cock sticking out of his gaping fly. Before I could muster myself enough to say anything, Jordan giggled some more, apparently thinking, in his wacked out condition, that leaving his hard cock sticking out was some kind of genius idea, and more, that it was plainly funny as hell. For my part I didn't see one funny thing about it, and I continued to stare, patently unable to take my eyes off the heavy stalk that protruded a fair distance from his opened fly, the smooth, rounded head of it gleaming invitingly in the bright moonlight.

"Jordan...oh God, Jordan...are you sure this is cool, dude...?....I mean...shit...!" I stammered, still gawking at his erection, and I realized that I was actually drooling, as my mouth hung wide open.

He giggled again, his head bobbing up and down, as he dropped one arm off my shoulder, and reached for my hand, gripping it, and pulling it toward his bobbing erection. The glassy smooth helmet brushed the back of my hand, and I started, gasping loudly, as the contact seemed to sear my skin, and Jordan giggled again, as he pulled my hand to his erection, and told me,

"Come on dude...go for it...said you would jerk fuck it...lets get it done...!"

I had it now, oh God, I had it in my hand, my fingers sliding over the shaft, then, closing around it, as I gasped again, savoring the feel of it, steely hard, and yet silky soft, all at one time, and God, the heat that emanated from it warmed my skin, and I could actually feel it pulsing with his heartbeat...this, I thought, is fucking amazing, even more that I had expected, and in that instant I knew, beyond a doubt, that I wanted more...knew that I wanted it all, whatever that might be! Jordan had started another of his silly giggles at the moment I had gripped his cock, and now he stifled it suddenly, almost a choking sound, as he short stopped the giggle, and sharply sucked in his breath, and mumbled,

"Ahgg, Brett....fuuuuk dude...jeez, that's so...fuuucking nice...!"

I could feel my hand trembling as I slowly moved it up and down that hot, hard shaft, sensing the movement of the silky skin over the rigid tissue beneath it, and my knees were suddenly so weak that I actually leaned on him to keep from sagging to the ground. He shifted slightly, sensing my weight on him, and he pushed himself straighter against the car, and told me, his words still slurred, and his beer breath washing over my face,

"Oh man...fuck yea...blanket, dude...back of the car...blanket..."

I heard him, and instantly caught the drift, but in order to go to the back of the car I would need to relinquish his cock, and I really didn't want that to happen. As I stood there pondering that dilemma, still stroking him, he heaved himself against me, nearly knocking me down, as he muttered again about the blanket, and began working at getting his pants off. Oh shit, I thought, better and better, so I quickly moved to the car, and found the blanket he was talking about. I moved back to Jordan, who was now leaned against the car again, his pants and undies puddled at his feet, and his thick cock jutted straight out from his groin. I groaned at the sight of it, and stepped in front of him, once more wrapping my hand around that rigid stalk, and pumping it with one hand, as I tried to spread the blanket with the other. Jordan groaned, his hips bucking back and forth, as he pumped at my gripping hand, then, spotting the blanket that I had managed to half-assed spread out, he dropped down on it, nearly stumbling from the clothing tangling his feet. He kicked his feet, trying to disentangle himself, and I quickly went to my knees, and tugged the pants off him. He grinned at me, the same silly smile, and reached for the hem of his shirt, and peeled it over his head, leaving him gloriously naked, as he settled onto his back, still grinning at me, as he muttered between peals of giggling,

"There you go Brett-boy...fuck yea...go for it, Dude...all fucking yours Buddy...!"

Sitting there on my knees, I stared at him, carefully taking in every inch of his naked body. I had seen most of it before, several times in fact, but never in this circumstance, with him hard as a post, and so fully primed. My eyes dropped to his balls, so heavy, and full, the impressive pouch dangling between his muscular thighs, and I gulped, my mouth suddenly flooding with saliva as I looked at him. I scooted in between his splayed legs, and again grasped his throbbing erection in my hand, pumping it, as my other hand moved to his scrotum, and cupped it gingerly. Hefting the weight of his balls in my palm, I jiggled the sac gently, and let my fingers explore his tender nuggets, rolling them within the pouch, and Jordan dropped his head back, and groaned a deep sound, low in his throat.

Several minutes passed in what seemed like seconds, as I worked his thick shaft in my fist, and passed my thumb over the flared head of his cock, all the while working his balls in my other hand as Jordan kept up a cadence of moans. I made another pass over his glassy smooth cock head, and felt the wetness of his flowing precum, and I used it like a lube, smearing the slick fluid over the silky skin, and he groaned even louder, driving his hips back and forth. I leaned in closer, the dizzying scent of his excitement washing over me, and I stared unblinking at that rigid, and leaking cock, my unleashed hunger boiling inside me, and, in that instant I knew, was positive, that I wanted to suck him, and, that I was actually going to do it, torpedo's be damned!

Never relinquishing my grip on his cock, I spread myself flat between his legs, and tugged on his cock, bringing it down toward me, then, scooted closer, and extended my tongue. I worked his shaft, and watched a pearl of precum ooze from the tiny slit, then, leaned in, and lapped at it, licking the spongy head of his cock in the process. My taste buds exploded, the tart flavor of his discharge registering in my mind, as I licked all over the head of his cock, while Jordan yanked his head up, and peered down over his torso at me. Our eyes locked briefly, and I saw him form his mouth into an oval of surprise, as I opened wide, still staring up at him, and slowly slid his thick cock into my mouth. He stared down at me for a minute, then, let his head drop back to the blanket, as a deep kind of growling sound rolled out of him, and he said, incredulity filling his voice,

"Holy shit, Brett...fuuuuuck, that is SO amazing, dude...fucking amazing!"

He had it right, I thought, definitely. Amazing might actually not be a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling as I worked my mouth and tongue on his rock hard cock, the sensation of its incredible stiffness, and, at the same time the silky softness of it was nearly overwhelming, and I savored every second of it. My saliva was flowing like a river, and the more it slicked up his cock, the easier it slid in and out of my mouth, and I soon found a rhythm, my mouth gliding over the surface of his shaft, while my tongue danced along the ridges of his swollen veins, and flicked at the wide head. It just felt so utterly right to be sucking him this way, and I stopped worrying about tomorrow's reactions, or any other possible consequence of my bold action, knowing now that this was what had lurked just below the surface of my consciousness for a very long time.

Up and down I went, my nearly obscene slurping noises filling the air around us, and I instinctively slid my hand along his firm inner thigh until my fingers encountered his plump pouch, and I gently gripped it, tugging it lightly, as my fingers probed at his balls. I sensed his hips moving, bucking back and forth as he matched my sucking rhythm, and from the corner of my eye I could see his balled fist hammering the blanket as he struggled to maintain his control. His cock flexed in my mouth, a strong spasm, and I worried that he was losing it, very nearly cumming, so I quickly backed off, letting his pulsing meat slip from my mouth, as I lowered my head, and licked at his scrotum, hoping to make this last as long as possible. The tender skin of his sac seemed thin, and fragile, compared to the rigidity of his steely hard cock, and I licked it all over, delighting in the feel of my tongue moving his balls within the sac, as Jordan continued to spew groans, and moans of pleasure above me.

"Brett...aww God, dude...yea...lick my balls...fuck yea...ohhh!" he sang, his breathing labored and shallow.

Opening my mouth a bit more, I used my tongue tip to corral one firm nugget, then, captured it into my mouth. I flipped my tongue at it several times, then, sucked it gently, as my fingers closed around his throbbing shaft, and pumped it slowly. Moving slightly, I captured the other ball in my mouth, and repeated my earlier actions, then, forced my mouth open as wide as possible, and managed to get them both inside together, as I applied some gentle suction. That might have been a bit of a stretch for him, as his ample sized nuggets kind of crunched together in the confines of my packed mouth, and he slapped his hand firmly at my head, mumbling,

"Shit...easy dude...hurts....ahggg...!"

I let his balls go then, and ran my tongue along the underside of his rigid shaft, making my way from bottom to top, then, swabbed it across the wide head several times, the sounds of his soft mews of pleasure like music to my ears. I gripped the very base of the shaft between finger and thumb, and pulled his cock toward me, and slightly downward, away from his groin, then opened my mouth, and sucked the entire length inside, gagging briefly, as the wide head of it bumped the back of my throat, making me back off just a little. Saliva drooled from the corners of my stretched mouth, and I watched it drizzle over Jordan's full ball sac, adding still more wetness to the taut skin, already well soaked from my sucking, and licking it. His hip continued to buck as he matched my rhythm perfectly, and I felt his shaft swell thicker still, as his groaning intensified in speed, and volume and I knew he was close to flooding my hungry mouth. Suddenly, that was exactly what I wanted him to do, to hit his peak, and beyond, so that I could experience the very moment that this whole exercise had been about right from the beginning. I increased my sucking pace, and power, using my finger-thumb grip to pump the silky skin at the base of his cock, matching that movement to my mouth gliding up and down, and in a very short time, Jordan was beyond all control.

Both his fists now hammered at the blanket, and his hips thrust strongly forward, driving that pulsing cock deep into my mouth, as it spasmed strongly, and erupted, as a long, low growl escaped from deep inside his heaving chest. His warm semen jetted into my mouth, rapid spurts of the thick fluid flooding over my tongue, and almost instantly consuming what little open space that remained around his thick cock, and as he continued to spew forth his essence, I gulped, swallowing the viscous cream in a valiant effort to match his forceful, and amazingly voluminous discharges.

My first conscious thought was one of surprise at the amount of the stuff that I was suddenly dealing with, followed quickly by the keen sense of how warm the heavy fluid was, and finally the taste of it, the not unpleasant, nearly nutty flavor that coated my tongue, and throat, as his cannon-like blasts finally subsided, and his softening cock slowed, now only seeming to emit gentle dribbles of his rich honey onto my tongue. I sucked at it gently, as if milking the last of his offering with my lips, and tongue, then, pulled back, letting the wilted organ slip from my battered lips. I sat back on my haunches then, running my tongue through my creamy mouth, as my taste buds savored his slightly acrid taste. I swiped my tongue over my slightly swollen lips, capturing an errant streamer of his cum that had drooled from the corner of my mouth, and snaked it into my mouth, as I looked at Jordan, seeing his stunned, and flushed, expression as he stared up at me, almost as if in disbelief of what had just been done to him. Our eyes met, and held, then, a slow smile crossed his cute face, as he slowly rolled his head side to side, and said, his voice subdued, and soft,

"My God, Brett...Jesus...I dunno where the hell you got that, dude...but...if the urge EVER strikes you again...well...I'M your guy, okay..?...THAT, was...well...simply fucking...amazing!"

I felt myself blushing furiously then, which, all things considered, seemed completely silly...I mean, hell, I had just finished sucking his cock, and his balls, and happily gulping down his unbelievable load, and decide to blush...?...go figure that one! I didn't have a clue as to what to say, as the intensity, and passion, of the moment ebbed from me, and sober reality slipped into its place, so I just sat there looking at him, my gaze flitting from his eyes to his now soft, and very cute looking cock where it rested along his thigh. I looked into his eyes once more, and gave a small, sheepish shrug of my shoulders, and told him, simply,

"Uh, yea...okay, um...I...uh...well, I'm actually pretty sure there will be...another time, I,!"

He laughed then, causing me to let go of the tension of the awkward moment so that I burst out laughing too, when he sat up, and said,

"Hey didn't drink all of those beers, I hope...?"

(To be Continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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