Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jun 26, 2007


Brett suddenly felt a need to be alone with his thoughts for a while, so he mumbled something about having another shower, and headed off to his bathroom, leaving a still somewhat stunned Jordan to complete the kitchen cleanup. Jordan went about the task in a kind of remote control way, his body going through the physical motions required, while his mind was totally occupied with thoughts of Brett, and himself, their relationship, and what it had just become.

While on a purely physical level he had totally enjoyed fucking Brett, indeed, he definitely wanted to again, he worried that Brett might have regrets regarding giving himself in that extreme way, or worse, have suffered some kind of physical, or even emotional damage. Sure, he thought to himself, he had been into it for sure, even actually asking for it, but still, it was a big step, and he couldn't stop himself from being concerned for his friend's well being on all levels. Damn, he told himself, I actually said that I loved him, how freeking cornball is that. Well, damn it, I do love him, big time, so what's the big deal about actually saying it. Jesus, he thought, like forever I have been obsessed with sticking my dick in somebody, and I finally fucking did it, I just never thought about it being Brett is all....well, that's not entirely true, actually I have thought about fucking Brett a few times...shit...this is complex...maybe he will want to talk about it when he gets back...shit...what am I supposed to say to my best bud in the world, after I just fucked him, I wonder...jeez!

Brett stood a long time under the warm shower, nearly oblivious to the spray of water, as he ran the mornings events through his mind, again and again. He had reached the conclusion that he was actually happy that Jordan had fucked him, and that while it had been initially somewhat uncomfortable, his body had quickly adapted to the strange sense of fullness, and the early discomfort had quickly enough transitioned into pleasure, a lot of it actually, leading to that mind-numbing orgasm. The thought of Jordan fucking him had been at the forefront of his mind since the fingering incident, an event that confirmed his suspicion that he would enjoy being penetrated there, but he had been reluctant to introduce the suggestion with Jordan for fear of having him think of him as weird, or worse. The way this went down, he thought, was perfect, given that it had just kind of happened without any kind of talk about it, or any kind of elaborate planning for it. Still, he worried about Jordan, and his feelings in the aftermath of the event. He was certain now of his own gayness, but he also was painfully aware that Jordan kind of rode the fence on the issue, never really labeling himself in any way. He imagined Jordan emotionally justifying his sex play with him as normal boys being boys kind of stuff, just two good buddy's feeling their horns, and helping each other out with a hand job, or even sucking each other off. But now, he had actually fucked him, which to Brett's way of thinking took things to a whole other level, and he worried that the idea might ultimately go down badly with Jordan. At the very least he worried what Jordan would think of him allowing him that kind of intimacy, and that he might consider him now as a full fledged faggot, and despise him for it. Oh God, he thought, please not that...I can handle almost anything else...but please, not that. To have Jordan feel that way about me is just too painful to even contemplate.

Jordan found himself actually pacing in the living room, as he anxiously awaited Brett's return, and he had suddenly become very aware of his nakedness, and was suddenly uncomfortable with it. He moved down the hallway to Brett's room, and retrieved his briefs, and had just stepped into them, when Brett walked into the room, wrapped in a towel, fresh from his marathon shower. The two boys stopped, and just looked at each other for a long moment, then, Brett smiled sheepishly, as his eyes quickly darted over Jordan's briefs clad body, and he felt a definite stirring deep in his balls. Jordan felt it too, as Brett's eyes settled momentarily on his bulging crotch, and he let out a silly sounding giggle of nervousness. Their eyes met again, and Brett kind of shrugged, then both of them began speaking at once, Brett mumbling something about Jordan looking hot, while Jordan blurted an inquiry as to Brett's well being. Their stepped upon lines caused them both to breakup laughing in a silly manner, and Jordan felt immediate relief at seeing his friend laughing, and he quickly stepped over to Brett, and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close as he held him.

"I don't think I heard that Dude...what did you say...?" asked Jordan, his mouth against Brett's still damp hair that smelled sweetly of shampoo.

"Um...well actually...I said that you look really those bulging little skivvies..." answered Brett truthfully.

"Yea...? `ya think...?...well, cool smell delicious too...!" replied Jordan, meaning it.

"Delicious...?!" giggled Brett, slightly embarrassed that his cock had gone erect, and was now poking at Jordan's mid section beneath the towel.

It was quiet for a moment, the boys just savoring their physical closeness, and the gentle intimacy of the moment. Finally, Jordan pulled his head back slightly, and hooked his fingers under Brett's chin, lifting his head, so that he looked into his eyes, and said,

"Just one question, Dude...and I want a straight answer, okay?"

Brett nodded, his heart beginning to race, as his hard penis pulsed strongly, and he replied,

"I will always be honest with you Jordan... have always ask."

Staring into Brett's amazing eyes, and thinking just how very good looking he really was, Jordan asked,

"Are you alright...?...not...hurt, or anything, I mean...and I mean that both physically, and inside your head...?"

Brett held Jordan's gaze with his own steady one, as he answered simply,

"Yes Jordo...I'm totally fine, in both places, as long as you don't think the worst about me because of it."

Jordan was slightly taken aback by the response, having worried himself sick that Brett would be the one thinking the worst about him. He blinked several times as he absorbed the somewhat surprising answer, then, a wide smile painted over his face, as he replied,

"Me think the worst about you...Dude, you have GOT to be fucking kidding me...I figured that you would probably freeking hate me for doing that to you!"

Brett smiled back at his beaming friend, and on impulse, he reached down, and tugged off the towel he wore, letting it drop to the floor, as his pulsing erection poked against Jordan's flat, smooth tummy. Chuckling softly he said,

"Does this look like I hate you, lamo...?...actually, and don't let it go all to your head, ok...?...I totally loved what you did to me, okay?"

Aghast, Jordan looked down at Brett's bobbing erection, and the plump balls that swayed gently below it, and he laughed nervously, as he replied,

"Um, actually, that looks really good....really, really good...and wow...oh man, mean that maybe we that again sometime?"

Brett giggled, also feeling nervous, as he nodded his head, and managed to croak his response, saying,

"Yea, that's what it means does right now hit got anymore ammo for that gun you got tucked up in those sexy undies...?"

Jordan needed no further discussion, the feeling of complete relief washing over him that none of his self-torment had been necessary after all, and that his best bud, his love, was, indeed, not only fine with what had happened, but he wanted to do it again, and jeez, right fucking now...oh boy! He reached down, and grasped the rigid stalk of Brett's penis, and stroked it, as he turned slightly, and, using Brett's penis as a leash of sorts, led him to his bed. He backed the giggling boy up to the bed, and placed his palm on his chest, then, nudged him back until the backs of his knees hit the mattress, and he folded over backward onto the bed. Jordan looked down at Brett, his eyes hungrily surveying every inch of his nakedness, as he hurriedly skinned out of the tiny briefs. Naked, his thick cock bounced in front of him as he moved to the bed, and settled down beside Brett, reaching for him, and taking him in his arms. He lowered his head, and placed his open mouth over Brett's, saying, just before filling his mouth with his tongue,

"Right now hits me just perfect, Dude...and yea, don't you worry Babe...I got all kinds of ammo for this gun...all that you want, and more!"

The boys rolled on the bed, locked in their feverish embrace, their mouths locked, as their tongues dueled, soft moans of pleasure filling the room, as their hands and lips explored each other with a new level of passion, and lust. At one point they were inverted to each other, lost in an amazing sixty-nine, each boy hungrily devouring the throbbing erection of the other with their hot, wet mouths, while their fingers explored the bulging scrotums filled with heavy balls. While he greedily slurped over Brett's pulsing cock, Jordan managed to maneuver his arm between Brett's thighs, and invade his narrow cleft with his fingers, and when he located his prize, he eased a finger inside the incredible tightness, and sought the mysterious little hard place that seemed to put Brett into orbit. He felt it then, and pushed his finger against it repeatedly, as Brett uttered a cadence of low groaning noises, his inner muscles working their magic on Jordan's finger. Releasing Brett's drooling cock from his mouth, he concentrated on his finger movements, gauging carefully each reaction that he was getting from a nearly out of control Brett, who hungrily sucked at his own aching cock. Centering his fingertip on the small lump, he added slow, and steady pressure against it, as Brett gasped loudly, releasing his cock from his mouth, then, gasped again, as Jordan repeated the movement several more times, finally causing Brett to shudder near orgasm, as he feverishly implored Jordan,

"AGGgggg, Jesus....good, good, good....oh, ok...right now....I need you to fuck me, man...gotta fuck me now...!"

Jordan groaned at hearing the plea, his excitement barely containable, as he quickly eased his finger from Brett's clinging chute, and rolled him onto his back. Scooting on his knees, Jordan spread Brett's legs wide, and moved between them, his arms reaching to slip under Brett's thighs, as he lifted his legs, and Brett bent his knees, drawing them back toward his chest. Brett's eyes locked onto Jordan's flushed, and very tense face, as he stared hungrily at the now exposed opening of Brett's very core. Muttering something completely incomprehensible, Jordan reached down, and grasped the shaft of his rock hard cock with his hand, and inched forward, pushing it down, and centering the bulbous knob with Brett's tiny, pink pucker. Brett wrapped his own arms around his thighs, and pulled backward, the effect being to even further open himself to Jordan, and he watched his intense expression carefully, as he croaked,

"Fuck me now, Jordon....oh!"

Jordan groaned again, his body one huge nerve ending, alive with such a sensation overload that he was literally shaking, as he flexed his hips, and pressed the drooling head of his aching cock into Brett's pliant oval. He felt his cock spasm with the contact of the satin smooth tissue, and he sucked in a deep breath, and pushed again, more firmly this time, and he groaned again, when he felt the knob of his cock pop past the tight ring of muscle, and slip inside Brett's unbelievably smooth, and warm tunnel. The tight ring instantly clamped firmly around his shaft, squeezing down on it, as he took another breath, and savored the other-worldly sensation of slowly sinking his cock inside his friend, inch by agonizing inch, until he had it all, and his dark pubic bush surrounded Brett's ball sac.

Jordan closed his eyes, concentrating fully on the tight, sucking grip of Brett's tightness, and he heard Brett expel a lung full of air, then groan, as he adjusted to the thick shaft that filled his guts. He relaxed slightly then, and slowly, very slowly, began to withdraw, each little movement sending a multitude of sensations coursing through him, and when he had only the knobby head remaining, he paused, and looked down at Brett. Brett met his gaze, his face tight with tension, as he nodded his head on the pillow, and Jordan leaned down, and kissed his lush mouth briefly, then, straightened, and once more eased the full length of his pulsing cock into him. Brett pumped his hips, meeting Jordan's now steady thrusts, and he closed his eyes, savoring the tantalizing sensation that jolted through him each time Jordan's cock moved across that sweet spot in his ass. Reaching down between his high and splayed legs, Brett grasped his throbbing cock, and stroked it frantically, as he concentrated on the ever changing expressions that crossed Jordan's face, and he was amazed the range of emotion that he saw there as the expressions changed much like a turning kaleidoscope. He saw tension, and a look of pure serenity, bare teeth grimaces, as well furrowed brow concentration, as Jordan pumped steadily in and out of his clinging sheath, and, as his own inevitable climax grew ever closer, Brett closed his eyes again, and surrendered his mind, and feelings totally to the multiple waves of incredible pleasure that washed over him, his fist still steadily coaxing yet another orgasm from his balls.

Their co-mingled groans, and small grunts filled the room, and inter-mingle with the sounds of their sweating flesh slapping together, and suddenly Brett reached the summit, and tumbled off, his back arching sharply as his drove his filled ass up off the mattress, meeting Jordan's now piston-like thrusts, as his cock surged, and spewed forth yet another stunning offering of his warm, creamy semen, the thick white fluid jetting from his cock in heavy streamers that roped across his heaving abdomen in rapid volleys. Seeing Brett's cock erupt proved the final straw for Jordan's attempts to delay his own orgasm, and, with one final thrust that drove his steely hard weapon deeply inside Brett, he too erupted, his cock spasming repeatedly as it infused Brett's silky rectum with another barrage of his thick cream.

Finally drained, and mostly exhausted, Jordan let his outstretched arms collapse, as his trembling body surged forward, and mostly pinned the trembling Brett under his weight, as he stretched out fully on top of him. Brett relaxed his very tired legs, letting them drop, and cross over Jordan's back, as he wrapped his arms around his upper body, holding him, as they struggled to recover their breathing, their pounding hearts thumping wildly in their joined chests. Jordan finally came to his senses enough to realize that he pretty much had Brett pinned under him, and he placed his palms flat on the bed, and pushed himself up, then rolled to his side, his wilted cock slipping from Brett's battered sheath with a soft popping noise. Propping his head on his hand, Jordan looked into Brett's eyes, and smiled broadly, as he gave a wink, and said,

"Damn, Dude...just way it can get better than fucking wonder I love're totally amazing!"

Brett felt his face grow warm with his blush of pleasure, and he grinned widely at Jordan, as he reached down to fondle his now limp penis, and he replied,

"Dunno, Jordo...I'm kinda thinking its this baby, and what it seems to do to me....but your is amazing...totally....and ya know...I really love you, too...and want you...right here like this...all the time!"

Jordan made no reply, but simply stared deeply into Brett's soft, doe-like eyes, and nodded his head in agreement, knowing somehow for the first time that, indeed, this was something very, very special, and that he, too, wanted it...needed it, and Brett... all of the time.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 13

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