Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 2, 2007


By summers end the boys had settled into a comfortable definition of their relationship, with Brett happily filling the role as bottom for Jordan, a role that he was convinced he had been born to, while Jordan had actually become surprisingly settled in his own role as the top. Not withstanding his original reluctance to engage in an active part of their sexual exploration, Jordan was now not squeamish in the least regarding playing with Brett's equipment, or with sucking him, and he had readily dismissed any misgivings that he may have felt about fucking him, as well. The only remaining difference in their points of view on the matter was that while Brett had fully accepted his gayness, Jordan, deep down, still considered himself to be straight, obviously mixed in with some degree of bisexual. The one facet of the relationship that had evolved to go without saying was their sincere love for each other, which even Jordan didn't hesitate to express, justifying the emotion in his own mind by acknowledging that even had the whole sex thing not evolved, he would always, had always, loved Brett, pretty much from the very beginning, way back when. What had begun as a brotherly love kind of feeling had simply escalated, he told himself, and it was real, which had absolutely nothing to do with gayness.

They had talked about it, as the beginning of the new, and final, year of their high school term drew near, and had decided that there was just too much lack of understanding, and acceptance, among their peers to be open about their new relationship, once back in school. They had agreed that the very real possibility of being socially outcast existed in spite of both their immense popularity, and had further decided that neither one needed, or wanted, the likely associated grief to spoil their final year of high school. To that end they had agreed to carry on as they always had, as fast friends of longstanding, nearly inseparable, a manner of behavior which all their friends and classmates were entirely familiar with, and to reserve their passion for one another for their private times.

Brett secretly harbored one small misgiving regarding this arrangement, and while he had not voiced the concern to Jordan, he quietly worried about Jordan's long standing popularity with the girls, and his previous obsession with bedding some of them. He worried that given the proper opportunity, Jordan might well succumb to the feminine charms of some ardent little hottie, and that the experience might well rock their own relationship. While he didn't obsess on the thought, it definitely lingered at the fringes of his mind, and each time it surfaced, he pushed it away, telling himself that even if such an event transpired, and even though it would be painful for him accept, he was keenly aware of Jordan still kind of straddling the fence on his actual sexuality, and at some point he needed to sort that out for himself. There had been many deeply emotional discussions between them addressing the mutual understanding that even if, one day, for whatever reasons, the sexual side of their friendship terminated, the deep bond that had always connected them would never, ever, change. While it was true that every part of Brett's being wanted to continue forever their relationship on both levels, he consoled himself with the secure knowledge that Jordan would forever be his best friend in the world.

And so the final year of their basic education had begun, and both boys quickly reestablished their leadership positions among the student body, with Brett naturally aspiring to the more academic, and political offerings of the curriculum, reengaging his usual roles in student council, and the year book staff, while Jordan naturally gravitated toward the jock stuff, going out for both football, and baseball, and even basketball, and, of course, excelling in each, and emerging with the expected gaggle of admirers that seemed always gathered around him like some rock star. While all of this normal activity went on for the purview of the schools general populace, the boys continued to actively pursue things of a much more carnal nature when alone behind closed doors, or in any other private place of opportunity as the year moved along. It had all gone so perfectly, both their mixed school interests, and the stunning moments of privacy, that Brett had all but forgotten about his nagging worries about Jordan's possibly giving in to some temptation to wander from the fold with some nubile lass. As it turns out, his relaxing his concerns on that issue were slightly premature.

November approached, and with it the annual Sadie Hawkins school dance, an event wherein tradition requires that the girls invite the boys to the event, as well as doing the driving, and the paying of all expenses, etc. It was this seemingly benign annual school social outing that more than gently rocked Brett's world, when Jordan was invited to be a girls date for the affair. And not just any girl, of course, but one of off-the-chart beauty, and breath taking curves, and just-right bulges, and, if that weren't sufficient, she was also the proud holder of a widely and well known reputation for being deeply interested in gaining a high level of expertise in the anatomy of young, and virile males. Brett struggled to accept the premise that it was, after all, only a school dance, with possibly a meal beforehand, and, that while Jordan had little opportunity to decline the invitation without arousing a lot of suspicion, he denied any interest in being amorously interested the little sex-pot. Brett desperately wanted to believe that, and kept telling himself that he did believe it, as he sat on the edge of Jordan's bed, watching him, as he was starting to get ready for the dance.

With a towel wrapped around his slim waist, Jordan stepped inside his walk-in closet, then, emerged, his denim overalls, and a plaid western shirt dangling from his fingers on hangers. He walked to the bed, and deposited the clothes there, then sat down beside the stoic looking Brett, and wrapped am arm around his shoulders. He gave him a squeeze, and said,

"Come on, dude...I told you a hundred times's a freeking school dance...that's it...nothing more!"

Brett sniffed a little, nodding his head, as he tried to force his mood to brighten, and his mouth to form a smile, and he failed badly on both counts. Turning his head to look at Jordan, he sighed loudly, and shook his head again, as he muttered,

"Bullshit...this little hottie wants to jump your shit, dude...hell, it's, like, written all over her...I saw her practically drooling all over you at school...several times, in fact!"

Jordan pulled Brett closer, and turned to kiss his soft hair, as he let his hand drop to Brett's bare thigh, and lightly rub it, as he tried once more, saying,

"Brett...damn my lips...I don't care it that's what she wants, ok...?...I just don' ain't gonna freeking stop stewing over nothing, okay...please!"

Brett sighed loudly, and again attempted to force a smile, and a lighter mood, this time succeeding to a slightly better degree. He sucked in a deep breath, and nodded his head, as he replied,

"I'm sorry Jordan, I really am...I don't want to come off like some nagging wife, or anything, but damn it dude, I really hate this whole freeking idea...and this lame Sadie Hawkins thing!"

Jordan continued to hold Brett, unsure of what else he might say to lessen the anxiety his friend was obviously feeling. He sighed himself, then, turned slightly to face Brett, and look into those soft, dark eyes deeply. Brett held the gaze, and Jordan tried again, saying sincerely,

"Tell you what, Brett...this thing has really bummed you out, and I hate that, so, how about I just go ahead and call up Shelby, and what...maybe tell her I got like the flu, or something, and can't make it."

Brett's heart leapt at the suggestion briefly, his initial reaction one of relief that the idea would work, and get Jordan off the hook for escorting Ms. Hotpants to the dance, and whatever other steamy little interludes she might have in mind. His second thought, however, him being him, was of how really unfair it would be to ask Jordan to lie like that, and also how unfair it would be to leave Shelby dateless, mere hours before the dance. In her own way, she was a kind of pal, an accepted member of their group, and if truth be known, under different circumstances, Brett actually liked her quite a lot. He gave Jordan his first genuine smile since this discussion had begun, and shook his head, as he said,

"Dude, that is really sweet, and from my selfish point of view, a smokin' hot idea, but, first off I am SO not going to turn you into a liar, and second, it would really suck to leave Shelby in a lurch like, nope, no sudden flu, or any of that stuff...your committed, and your going, and, I'm going to stop acting like I'm nine, and shut up about it...well, on one condition, I am anyway."

Jordan just sat there a minute, looking at Brett, as he felt his heart swell with pride at what an amazing person Brett was, so giving, and always so sensitive to the feelings of others. No wonder I love this dude, he thought to himself...and then he asked about the "condition," and happily acquiesced in less than a heartbeat, as he heard Brett answer his inquiry, saying,

"Relax,'s not anything your going to actually hate...the deal is, you loose that silly looking towel you have on, lie back, and let me make sure that you don't leave here feeling horny."

As he stated the condition, Brett had wormed his hand up Jordan's thigh, going under the towel wrapped at his waist, and closed his fist around Jordan's rapidly inflating penis, and stroked it, and now, a broadly smiling Jordan quickly tugged the towel free, and dropped it to the floor, as he scooted backward onto the bed, and stretched out. He folded a pillow under his head, and looked down over his bare torso at Brett's hand slowly fisting his rigid erection, and he shuddered slightly as the warmth, and feeling, washed over him. He smiled at Brett, and winked, as he told him,

"That's a condition I think I can live with sexy...yup, definitely, I can live with that, anytime!"

Brett stared hungrily at Jordan's thick penis, the wide head already shading toward purple, as the pressure began to build, and he quickly bent over the pulsing organ, and slid it inside his mouth, as his fingers slid to the base, and stroked the silky skin in sync with his now eagerly sucking mouth. Jordan looked down over his clenched abs, and shuddered once more, then, closed his eyes, and gave himself over to the incredible sensation of Brett's truly amazing mouth. Brett too closed his eyes, savoring once more the feeling of Jordan's thick cock gliding in and out of his mouth, and he slid his free hand between Jordan's smooth thighs, and gently fondled the plump balls he found there, coaxing the churning offering from them, as he moved his head steadily up and down Jordan's rigid stalk.

Jordan's soft moans of pleasure mixed with Brett's slurping noises, and both boy's surrendered completely to the intensity of the moment, and of the giving, and the receiving of the more-than-usual blow job, with the unspoken understanding that it sealed their relationship, stoically holding off any and all threats that might attempt intrusion on the specialty of that relationship. Doubtless, it was because of the extra special significance of this particular sex act that it turned out far more intense that usual, and far shorter in duration, as in what seemed like mere minutes, Brett was happily aware of the near river of Jordan's precum that flowed steadily into his sucking mouth, and aware of the increasing movement of Jordan's hips, as he thrust in and out of Brett's drooling mouth. From the corner of his eyes, Brett saw Jordan's hands ball into fists, then hammer at the mattress, as he began a breathless cadence of quick grunts, and moans, finally arching his back sharply off the bed, and driving his swelling penis into Brett's hungry mouth, and erupting, his warm, thick, cream quickly flooding Brett's mouth in rapid, and repeated bursts.

Brett continued to suck Jordan, his fingers sensing each forceful offering as it jettisoned his balls, and burst through the length of his spasming cock, to eject strongly over his tongue, and pool quickly in his mouth, where he held it, savoring the rich texture, and flavor of it. Finally, Jordan was drained, and he sagged weakly into the bed, as Brett continued to gently suckle his now wilting boyhood, finally letting it slip from his lips, as he looked up, and met Jordan's eyes, and he swallowed, relishing the creamy essence sliding down his throat. He sat up then, his pink tongue darting over his lips in search of errant strands of the creamy elixir, as he smiled widely at Jordan, who grinned right back, and winked. Brett reached out to gingerly milk Jordan's now deflated penis, as he again smiled at him, and said,

"Nice dude...damn nice...and, just as soon as you get back, you better be ready for a dig?"

Jordan chuckled, nodding, as he replied,

"Message understood, Commander...and aye, aye will be carried out...just make sure that YOU are as ready as I'm gonna be, okay?"

Brett giggled, and gave Jordan's dick another squeeze, as he nodded, and replied,

"Count on it, dude...especially count on it when Ms. hot-to-trot goes for that cock...just remember Bud....this baby is MINE...all of it!"

Jordan nodded, and reached out his arms, as Brett folded against him, and kissed his lush mouth, as Jordan mumbled around the kiss,

It's SO not a problem Dude...I wouldn't risk losing you...not ever...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 14

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