Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 17, 2007


Somehow, following the night of the Sadie Hawkins dance, things were different, in a good way, between Jordan and Brett. While Brett couldn't exactly put his finger on anything in particular, he just sensed a difference in Jordan, and he liked it a lot. Jordan's whole demeanor had greatly improved, and he seemed so much more relaxed where their relationship was concerned, as if he had finally let himself accept that their being together as they were was right, and good, and even his new attitude toward their already incredible sex made that somehow better, as well.

For Jordan's part, he was fully aware of having reached the acceptance that Brett suspected, and more than simple acceptance, he had actually come to embrace his relationship with Brett, and certainly the amazing sex that came with it. He had given the whole thing a lot of thought, and, even when he had struggled at times with how very different his life was turning out to be, when bashed against the expectations he had long held for himself, he was good with it, and had stopped trying to convince himself that what he really wanted was a "normal" heterosexual lifestyle, replete with the requisite wife, and someday, kids.

For all of his long standing quest to get himself laid with some willing female, and the numerous efforts he had invested in that, only to repeatedly come up empty, he now felt more relieved, than deprived. It had taken a good amount of soul searching for him to finally understand that all of that had really been far more about how he had perceived that he was "supposed" to feel, and act, then it had ever been about the real "him," and, once he had ceased trying to sell himself on the idea that he was straight, he had readily accepted that he was in fact gay, and better still, that he was very much in love with Brett. No matter that they were both males, Jordan came to realize, the only down side to that being the inability to procreate. What was of far greater import, as Jordan saw it, was that Brett was what he was, and, it was all of those small facets that made up the whole Brett that he had come to love, and very much need in his life to feel complete, no matter the sameness of their gender. And in any event, the sex with Brett was incredible, even more so now that he had given himself over to it, without some small part of him holding back, and he now simply scoffed at the idea that it was "different," or somehow "wrong."

As a result, their relationship had opened greatly, even to the point that some of their closest friends, the inner circle, were mostly aware of them as "couple," though it was never spoken in so many words. But to be around them was to easily sense the closeness, and the tenderness that surrounded them, and just to observe them as they interacted, with the obvious depth of affection that each exhibited toward the other, was impossible to miss. They had developed that easiness about them, each fully comfortable with the other, and they had that air between them is so often present in deep relationships of all types, that innate ability to communicate volumes with a single look passing between them, neither of them needing to speak a single word. To their closest of friends, it was as if it were possible to read the boys thoughts as one reads cartoon balloon conversations, the cartoon balloons above Jordan's, and Brett's heads would be saying, "we are in there!"

Their evolution had not, however, been without its dark moments, as is unfortunately all too common an experience when one chooses a road that differs from the norm. There had been, of course, some elements in their sphere that simply could not accept the relationship for what it was, and the anticipated withdrawal of certain "friends" had occurred, and not all of that, sadly, had been pretty. The ugliness was, of course, painful, at least briefly, but the boys steadfastly chose to let those moments be what they needed to be, then moved on. Among the worst of the dark moments had reared it's ugly head when, as the school year wound down, and graduation loomed on the near horizon, the boys had begun researching potential college choices where they could pursue their individual career choices, and still be together, ideally ultimately living together while working on their degrees. The rub had surfaced when Jordan's Dad had begun insisting that Jordan attend his own alma mater, a college that did not offer the course work of Brett's choice, and if that development was allowed to take root, it would spell the end to their hope of living together for a very long four years.

They had discussed it endlessly, weighing the degree of Jordan's father's insistence, against the degree of disappointment he would suffer if Jordan refused to capitulate to his wishes. While Jordan had been somewhat successful in earning some minor support from small scholarship awards, it was clear that he would require some financial assistance from his family to complete his degree, and that weighed heavily on the final decision as to where he would be attending. While that financial support had not as yet been openly threatened, Jordan's Dad was stubborn, and seemed to have his heart set on the son following the father tradition that he held dear, and it was indeed a serious problem that needed resolution, and soon. After much deliberation, and no small degree of misgivings, followed by outright doubt, the boys reached the conclusion that this was probably going to be as good a time as any for them to bite the bullet, and come out to both sets of parents. Why not, they had rationalized, leaving home for college, and coming of age in the legal sense seemed a logical time to both surrender the subterfuge of their secret relationship while at the same time freeing them to once again be on honest footing with both families.

To their great surprise, the comeuppance with Brett's parents had gone amazingly well, with none of the grievous emotional drama that the boy's had anticipated. Brett's Mom, it seemed, had long suspected just such a relationship between them, in that strange and insightful way that Mom's tend to posses, and had communicated her intuition to Brett's Dad some months back. While not a joyful event, the discussion had played out more as one of calm acceptance, and had even ended with the well wishes of Brett's parents for a pleasant continuation of their love for one another, even though the relationship clearly was not the outcome of raising him that they would have chosen, given the opportunity to choose.

Their experience with Jordan's parents had not gone nearly so smoothly, his father first staring at them in stony silence, a look very much filled with disgust fixed upon his face, while his mother attempted to portray an indifference she was clearly not actually feeling, given her pinched facial expression, and a relentless wringing of her hands. But in time, over the next several days, actually, they had managed to at least come to grips with the presented facts, and, to whatever degree possible, imply a reluctant acceptance, giving Jordan that old, and time honored lament about the importance of remaining "family," no matter what.

Those most difficult hurdles having been finally crossed, the boys were in full celebration mode, the feelings of intense relief making them both slightly giddy, and they decided that they deserved a night out. They had earlier gone to their favorite hangout, and gorged on thick burgers, and greasy fries, then picked out a movie, which they happily watched while holding hands, oblivious to the subtle glances they got from nearby seat mates. If their relationship had evolved before, following Jordan's self-transformation, it was now at an even more liberated level than that, as the remaining days of high school waned down to only a few, and their minds filled with excited anticipation of the coming college years, and their continuing evolution to who-knew-what. They were each filled with a great sense of freedom, watered down only slightly with the very natural uncertainty that comes with one leaving the only nest he has ever really known for the very first time. They were laughing, joking about the recent movie that actually turned out to be a serious chick-flick, and not even close to the billing that had first attracted them to it, and their giddy mood was enhanced by the knowledge of their current destination, the lake outside of town where the whole damned thing had begun, back in a time that now somehow seemed so far away.

Very much feeling his silly mood, coupled with his growing horniness as they drew nearer the lake turnoff, Brett slid across the seat to snuggle in tightly to Jordan, and boldly dropped his hand high on his thigh. He squeezed the firm flesh a bit, and then drew his hand into Jordan's lap, where he searched out his rigid cock, and gripped it over his shorts. Jordan laughed happily, struggling now to concentrate on the road, as Brett manipulated his now very hard erection.

"Damn have a great thick, and always so hard for me...I love it, dude...just like I love you!"

Pleased at the compliment, Jordan flexed his erection in Brett's grip, and replied,

"Is that so...?...well, you know, I'm kinda partial that cock of yours, too...definitely...that, and that pretty little ass of yours!"

Brett giggled, as he attempted, and then succeeded in worming his hand inside the waist of Jordan's shorts, and then under his briefs, and he shuddered strongly as his exploring hand contacted the warm, stiff flesh of Jordan's cock. He gripped it, and began to steadily rub it up and down, as he nuzzled his face into Jordan's neck, and asked sweetly,

"Do you really think that my ass is pretty, Jordan...?...or do you just tell that to all the gay boys, in the hope they will go all girly, and let you fuck them?"

Jordan laughed again, savoring the sensation of Brett's skilled hand working his erection, and he answered,

"First, I most definitely do think your little ass is pretty...even beautiful...and second, as you well know, I do not show one ounce of interest in any gay boy other than you...and...that pretty little ass of which we speak is the only pretty little ass that I have interest in fucking...and, I might add, the level of said interest is increasing by the second...!"

Brett chuckled, feeling that special warmth wash over him that always presented whenever he thought of Jordan fucking him, and he wished that they were already at the lake, and naked, and that Jordan had this incredible cock buried fully inside of him. By way of reply, Brett licked the soft skin of Jordan's neck, and then kissed him there, as he continued to stroke his thick cock.

"You always have the right answer, you know that Jordan...always know just what to say to make me go to afterburner wanting wonder I love you." Brett cooed.

Jordan sniggered a little, as he replied,

"Those so-called right answers are nothing but the truth, buddy-o...when I tell you that for me it is you, and only you...well, maybe you and that beautiful ass...that is exactly what I mean."

Brett was suddenly overcome with the strong desire to suck Jordan's thick cock, to feel it fill his hungry mouth, and swell his cheeks with its thickness, and he swallowed, his mouth suddenly nearly drooling, as he said,

"Dude...can you, like, step on it a little...this petty little ass is really wanting some...attention!"

Jordan took one hand off the wheel, and reached around to grip one firm mound of Brett's ass, and knead it, as he answered,

"Lucky you....and lucky your ass's the gate road now..."

Jordan swung the car off onto the narrow road, then coasted to a stop at the locked gate, then produced his stolen key, and put it in Brett's hand, telling him to go open up, then relock the gate after he drove past it. Brett slid out of the car, and fussed with the gate a minute, then, swung it wide, as Jordan eased the car through. Brett re-secured the gate and lock, then hopped back into the car, as Jordan drove to the end of the road, and parked. They sat there a minute, taking in the stunning vista of the bright moon reflecting off the dark lake waters, and the beauty of the whole scene, and the total silence of the night. Jordan eased his arm across the seat back, and reached for Brett's shoulder, pulling him close, as their eyes met, and held each others gaze. Unable to resist, Jordan leaned in, and gently pressed his mouth to Brett's, and they kissed deeply, their tongues dueling against each others. Breaking off the kiss, Jordan again looked deeply into Brett's eyes, and said, nearly in a whisper,

"Wow...nice...SO much better than that first night out here...we were so nervous...all awkward...wanting, and so, that seems like another lifetime now..."

Brett snuggled in closer, and kissed Jordan again, more gently this time, and so tenderly, as he pulled back, and nodded his head, saying,

"Oh man, yea...and how right on what you just said is...the nervous part...and the wanting to, but scared to try...Jordan...dude...I gotta tell you...I had been wanting that with you a long time...more than I even knew...and finally...well, it happened, and I was so happy that you let me...wasn't one bit sure about that...but you did let me....and wow...well, now...and us...what we have...are...this was where it all really started...right here...!"

Jordan ran his fingers through Brett's silky soft hair, and nodded, his own mind flashing over the stunning events of that past night, as he added,

"Well, almost here....actually over there a ways...and on the blanket, outside...not in the car, as I remember it....and dude, trust me...I remember it...ALL of it...!"

Brett smiled, nodding, as he sat straighter on the car seat, and reached over into the back. He pulled his arm back, and held up the folded blanket he had retrieved, as he winked at a smiling Jordan, and said,

"Shall we...?"

Not bothering to reply verbally, Jordan twisted, and pushed open the car door, then eased out, before turning back to extend his arm to Brett, who took his hand, and pulled himself out of the car. Jordan moved in front of the now standing Brett, and folded his arms around the slim boy, pulling him against his thicker body, holding him tightly, as he buried his face into Brett's sweet smelling hair, and he answered,


Hand in hand they walked the few feet to pretty much the exact site of their original tryst, that evening at the beginning of summer, when Jordan had once again frustrated himself over a failed sexual conquest of his latest aim, and the evening had ended with Brett happily providing him oral relief, and in doing so, had launched the very special relationship that thrived between them today. They spread the blanket, and stood looking into each others eyes for a long moment, then, Brett smiled, and shyly said,

Okay now dude...I don't want you to freak on me, or anything, okay...?...but...I am going to suck that big cock of yours...right here, and right now...!"

With that proclamation, and the memory of it first happening filling his mind, Brett dropped to his knees on the blanket, and fumbled open Jordan's shorts, then, drew them down his legs, along with his briefs. Much as the first time, Jordan's thick cock sprang free, and stood proudly pulsing against his abdomen, as Brett gazed hungrily at it, and he felt his pulse quicken as always, as he sensed the power the impressive instrument seemed to hold over him. Reaching out, he closed his fingers around the stalk, and held it, as he leaned forward, and extended his tongue. He lapped at the thick base, slowly running his licking tongue up the underside of it, savoring the silky skin, and then licked over the bulbous head, before trailing his tongue down the opposite side of the shaft. At the bottom, Brett washed his tongue over Jordan's plump scrotum, licking it, and poking the tip at the heavy nuggets it contained, then, opening wide, he captured first one, and then the other ball inside his mouth, sucking each in turn, before moving back to again lick his way to the wide head of Jordan's cock, which he slid inside his mouth.

Jordan groaned, his knees going suddenly weak, as he watched Brett lick his rigid cock up and down, then suckle his balls, and now, he watched in awe, as Brett slowly engulfed the entire length of his cock into his amazing mouth, until he had it all. He braced himself, his body awash in pleasure, as Brett worked his magic mouth over his throbbing erection, and finally he could stand no more, and he dropped down to the blanket, and began tugging at Brett's clothing, as Brett stretched out, and continued to stroke, and suck his cock. Finally, both boys were totally naked, and grappling on the blanket, kissing, and fondling each others lust filled bodies, eventually finding their way into a sixty-nine, each boy eagerly consuming the drooling cock of the other, their hands busy exploring balls, and firm asses.

For a long while their mingled low groans, and the wet slurping noises of their mutual passion filled the still night air, as they kissed, and caressed, and fondled each other to a fever pitch, and somehow in the midst of all that, Brett managed to retrieve some lube from his discarded shorts, and he rolled onto his back, and pushed the bottle into Jordan's hand. Their eyes held for a moment, each reading the same message there and Jordan moved in between Brett's splayed legs, as he thumbed off the bottle cap. He eyed Brett's throbbing erection where it lay against his groin, then gasped loudly, as Brett lifted his legs, and bent his knees back, openly offering his core to his lover. He fixed his hungry gaze on Brett's wrinkled little pucker, and he felt a shiver crawl down his spine, and, actually surprising himself as much as he did Brett, he literally dove in face first, his tongue extending reflexively, as he swiped the flat of it over Brett's pink little opening, and then, again, and yet again, suddenly loving the idea that he was licking him in his most intimate place, in a way marking him as his own. Brett gasped loudly, stunned, by both the act that Jordan was perpetuating on him, and by the unbelievable feelings that it generated within him.

Warming quickly to this new experience, Jordan delved into licking Brett with unbridled fervor, expertly exploring the tiny ridges of firm muscle that ringed the tiny opening, and then adding pressure, forcing his rolled tongue to actually penetrate, and push inside a little, as his mind reeled with the wonder of what he was doing, and the query as to why on earth he had never thought to do it before. He savored with amazement the strength of Brett's muscles ability to tighten around his probing tongue, very nearly seeming to draw it deeper into him, as he lapped hungrily at the fresh tasting orifice, then withdrew, and stabbed at the tight ring once more with his furled tongue, as Brett moaned loudly, his balled fists hammering at the blanket. Moving slightly higher, Jordan tongue washed Brett's tight pouch, then opened his mouth, and captured the plump sac inside, as he gently sucked Brett's balls, then released them, and moved higher still, grasping Brett's rigid cock in his fingers to lift it, before steering it into his salivating mouth.

As he sucked Brett, Jordan one-handed the lube bottle, and up ended it, spilling a generous portion of the slippery gel over his hand, and fingers, before easing his slicked digit to Brett's saliva wet pucker, where he gently, but steadily speared through the pliant tightness, as Brett groaned long, and low. Jordan eased the finger fully inside, then began fingering him, seeking the hard lump of his prostate, as he continued to steadily move his drooling mouth up and down Brett's pulsing cock, and as he settled into a steady rhythm of sucking, and fingering, he began to taste Brett's free flowing precum coat his tongue. He increased his pace, and suction, and made steady stabs at the hard little inner nut, and in a matter of minutes, Brett was lost, his breath nothing more than labored gasps, and his chest rising and falling rapidly as Jordan's combined stimuli drove his body to the brink. With one final growling sound, Brett's hips bucked sharply, driving his rampant cock deep into Jordan's throat, as the rigid shaft swelled harder still, and bucked, as his balls boiled over, and sent a virtual gusher of creamy nectar flooding into Jordan's mouth, volley after forceful volley.

Jordan gulped like a drowning man, stunned at the incredible force, and volume, of Brett's unending torrents of warm, thick fluids as they ejected over his tongue, and slid down his throat as fast as he could swallow them, until finally his cock gave one final, and weaker offering, then, began to soften, and wilt. Jordan released Brett's spent cock then, and swiped his tongue through his mouth, savoring the tart after taste, and searching the corners of his mouth for last vestiges of the tasty cream. He sat back on his haunches then, and looked at the very flushed Brett, who smiled weakly, and muttered,

"Oh god, Jordan...holy shit...babe...fuck me, ok...right now...hurry...I need you inside me!"

Not faltering for second, Jordan quickly lathered his aching erection with the slippery gel, then, moved on his knees in between Brett's splayed, and raised legs, centering the oozing head of his cock at Brett's sweet little entrance. Without hesitating, he flexed his hips, and pushed, driving his rigid cock deep inside Brett's clinging tunnel in one steady push.

"OH GOD YEA.....OHhhhh FUCK YEA....!" Bellowed Brett, his ankles wrapping tightly behind Jordan's neck, as he thrust back at Jordon's plunge with his hot little ass, his strong muscles flexing to clamp down on Jordan's thrusting cock, as he drove in and out of Brett, over, and over.

Jordan lost all touch with reality then, his entire being focused completely on the searing vise that surrounded his aching cock, as he plunged into Brett like a man possessed, fucking him as if for the last time ever. Brett was equally lost to it, his body singing with multiple sensations, each one better than the last, as he rolled his hips, and bucked to meet Jordan's deep plunges, and he felt as if his guts might simply explode, so full, and so possessed did he feel. Incredibly, he felt his balls begin to tighten once more, and draw upward, and he could scarcely believe it was happening, when his cock suddenly jerked, and spewed another heavy offering of his creamy semen over his heaving stomach, and chest, in spite of his so recently unloading what seemed a record ejaculation. Jordan watched Brett spray another load over his torso, a sense of pride filling him to be able to trigger a multiple orgasm in Brett, and that, coupled with the fuck of a lifetime that he was having, carried him to the edge as well. He felt his cock spasm deep inside Brett's hot sheath, and then again, as his own balls erupted, and sent forth his pent up load, which erupted into Brett's silky tightness so forcefully that Jordan wondered if his balls themselves hadn't ejected into Brett's hot little ass.

Exhausted, and gasping for breath, Jordan collapsed forward, dropping on top of the equally panting Brett, and gathering hi in his arms, holding him, and planting breathless kisses on his face, as they both struggled for air. Finally, their breathing settled, and Jordan realized that he was all but crushing Brett, so he rolled to the side, and onto his back. He gazed with wonder at the million or three stars that winked in the dark sky above them, and he turned to Brett then, and softly kissed him, as he said,

"Amazing...truly...just better, and better...and you know what...?...see all those stars up there, dude...?...well, I love you about ten times whatever that number might be...!"

Brett sighed contentedly, and smiled back at his lover, and friend, and simply nodded his head, and replied,

"Me too, you...!"

And so it was that the big day at last arrived, and with somewhat muted goodbyes from their assembled parents, the boys packed up the newer car that Brett's folks had given his as a graduation present, and headed off into the proverbial sunset to begin their college adventure. As the car slipped past the city limit sign, the smiling boys executed a high-five, and from that moment on, they only looked forward down the highway, filled with anticipation of countless future events, and secure in the knowledge that each had the others back, no matter what.

The End

Author note: Many thanks for the amazing number of great comments I have received from a surprising number of readers as this particular story evolved. I greatly appreciate each and every one, and thank you all for taking the time to send them along. A writer can never be sure of reader interest, like, or dislike, of a piece without comments, both good and bad, and at least speaking for myself, those comments bare great influence on my continuing a story, or seeking an ending for it, as well as influencing my future projects, in terms of presenting subject matter of interest, in a way that maintains that interest. So, once again, many thanks to you all, and it warms me to know this story was apparently widely enjoyed! Rob

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