Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 24, 2007


I woke late the following morning, and rolled onto my back, fluffing the pillows behind my head. I stared up at the ceiling, my mind recalling the incredible events of the previous evening, and I shook my head, barely allowing myself to believe that it had actually happened. Jesus, I thought, now what? Was Jordan ever going to speak to me again, or had I really blown it, both literally, and figuratively, with him? I closed my eyes, and a vision of his incredible cock floated there, so very hard that it actually seemed to throb before my eyes, and I squeezed my lids tighter still, trying, and failing, to black out the vision of me taking the whole of it into my mouth, and sucking it, as I had done last night. It wasn't the fact that I had done it that bothered me; in fact, my dick hardened at the thought, it was more what doing it was likely to mean to our relationship as a whole. Jordan, while he had certainly seemed enthusiastic enough last night, had never once exhibited even the slightest interest in anything remotely gay, and I worried that my bold action would, in the cold, and beer-free light of morning, disgust him, and therefore spell doom to the friendship that I had long held near and dear.

I inhaled deeply; filling my lungs to the maximum, then released it in one long sigh, as I slid my hand into my crotch, and gripped my throbbing erection. I stroked it slowly, again closing my eyes, and letting the mental replay of my sucking him off play across the backs of my eyelids, and I shuddered, vividly recalling the sensation of his hot, hard cock filling my mouth as I had moved my head over it, sucking and drooling, while his soft, low groans rang at my ears. Damn, I thought, the act had been all that I had dreamed it to be, and more, and my fisting pace increased as I remembered the slightly tart taste of his leaking fluids coating my tongue as his excitement grew. Passing my thumb across the smooth head of my aching cock, I felt the wetness there from my own oozing secretions, and I used the slickness to spread over the sensitive tissue of my cock head, causing a low moan of my own to fill the room.

My hips bucked gently against the bed, thrusting my erection into my pumping fist, and I could feel the familiar tingling deep in my bouncing balls, as my orgasm rapidly approached. I moved my tongue across the roof of my mouth, and imagined the glassy smooth skin of Jordan's cock there as it had been last night, and I groaned again, as the crystal clear memory of how his shaft had seemed to swell, and harden even more, just before he had let go with an amazing eruption of his thick, creamy batter into my sucking mouth. The memory of the sudden explosion in my mouth was so very clear that it almost seemed I could still sense the warmth of it, and the surprising creamy texture of it, as well as the near tastelessness of the discharge, really nothing more than a light saltiness, with maybe a very faint flavor of bleach mixed in. The shear volume had startled me as well, I remembered, seemingly endless, as jet after jet of the stuff continued to eject into my mouth, even as I gulped it down, and savored the wanton thrusting of his bucking hips, as he drove himself into me, his hands firmly gripping the sides of my head. The video playing behind my eyes was so real, and intense, that I felt my balls lurch, and my own shaft buck in my fist, as my orgasm hit like a freight train, my hips driving upward off the bed, as my balls unloaded, and long, thick streaks of my semen jetted across my heaving chest, and torso. Spent, I sagged back into the bed, gasping and shaking, as I ran my fingers through the slippery, thick goo on my skin, and sighed heavily, as the passion drained from me. I opened my eyes, only to have my thoughts immediately return to worrying about Jordan, and his new-day reaction to his cock sucker best friend. I sighed again, then, rolled out of bed, and headed to the bathroom for a shower, thinking that I might just as well get moving, and face whatever the music was going to be, sooner rather than later.

At very nearly the same moment, Jordan managed to pry open his eyes, as well, and take a cautious peek at the bright sunlight that flooded through the gaps in his bedroom drapery. He rolled over, and stretched, aware of a dull throbbing in his skull, as the memory flooded his brain of the six pack he had stupidly imbibed the previous evening at the lake with Brett. He eased his head back onto the pillow, and gingerly adjusted his body on the mattress, moving slowly, and assessing the extent of the hangover. Settling back, he decided that things didn't seem nearly as bad as he probably deserved, and he accepted the slight headache as his due for his stupid behavior. Fucking girls, he told himself, what a dumb-ass reason to get all pissed, and punish your self in the process by trying to drink away the frustration...dumb, just plain dumb.

He lay there, allowing his nerves, and muscles, to gradually awake, and he rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, as his hand automatically slid into his crotch to close around his half-hard penis, and squeeze it. He blinked several times, the events of the previous evening suddenly crystallizing in his memory, as he said, barely above a whisper,

"Brett...holy shit...Brett...and the lake...and...oh man...!"

Closing his eyes again, Jordan rolled his thoughts back to the previous evening, all the way back to when he had been passionately grinding his throbbing erection against the hot girl he had hit on at the party. She had actually fueled his hope of finally getting laid when she offered no resistance to his suggestion that they slip away and find some privacy, and had, in face, added still more fuel to his hope when she had willingly joined him on the bed in the vacant room they had found. As their heated kissing and groping had escalated, he had managed to roll her onto her back, as he lay atop her, grinding into her still clothed crotch with his aching erection, letting her feel its steely hardness, as his confidence grew that this one, finally, was going to let him fuck her.

Yea, right, Jordan thought as he let his mind slide back to real-time, as he idly stroked his current erection, feeling the same anger, and frustration, that he had experienced last evening well up inside him, as he clearly recalled the tone of the girls pleading voice asking him to stop, that she hadn't intended for things to go so far. Fine fucking time to decide that, Jordan told himself, with me as hard as a fucking railroad tie, and my balls all in an uproar, boiling, and totally ready to unload. He sighed loudly, picturing himself, and feeling the growing anger, as he had rolled away from her, and got up, then, stormed madly from the room. He remembered snapping at Brett that they were leaving, immediately, then, the garnering of the six pack as he passed through the back yard, Brett in slightly bewildered tow.

A few blank spots followed, and then his memory conjured up he, and Brett at the lake, and the beers, and, oh shit, the nearly whispered suggestion Brett had made about helping him out with his blue balls! His mind raced forward then, fast forward, the ensuing events forming quickly, and clearly, in his mind, and ending with the stunning mental image of Brett eagerly stroking, and then, Jesus, sucking his rigid cock until his aching nuts had, indeed, exploded, and delivered a torrid of his pent up cum directly into his best friends mouth! Along with that vivid recollection came the equally vivid memory of how incredible it had felt, the details of the encounter quickly clicking into place in his mind, as he clearly imagined the stunning sensation of Brett's hand touching his erection for the first time, rubbing it, tentatively at first, then, more boldly, as a million new sensations had washed over him. And then, Christ, then Brett, cool as a fricking cucumber, had simply sank down, and slid his throbbing cock into his mouth, sucking him as if it was the most natural thing in the fricking world! The memory of the amazing sensations that act had offered flashed into his mind, and he actually shuddered, his senses again reeling with the magnitude of pleasure that his friend had delivered with that warm, wet, mouth gliding over his rigid cock, rapidly triggering what was clearly the most intense orgasm of his young life.

And then Jordan forced his mind past the intensity of the pleasure he had experienced, and his thoughts turned to his friend, and how he must be feeling right now, in the aftermath, and the clear dawning of a new day. Oh Brett, he thought, dude, you must be thinking some seriously awful shit about yourself right now, and me, as well, and probably even about us still being friends! And man, that is just so wrong, Bud, totally wrong, the whole fricking thing was about ME, not you, and how you were such a standup dude to help me out that way...shit...I need to talk to him, Jordan thought, and soon, too, damn soon! With that train of thought slacking away the erection he had been stroking, her tossed back the sheet, and got up, quickly moving to the bathroom to shower.

Brett returned to his room, and dressed in shorts, and tee shirt, then, went down to the kitchen in search of something to eat, his mind still occupied with his inevitable next meeting with Jordan, if in fact he ever spoke to him again. As he rummaged around the cupboards, he was interrupted by the ringing telephone, and, as he moved to answer it, he saw the caller ID displaying Jordan's number, and his breath caught in his throat. With a slightly trembling hand, he picked up the telephone, and spoke with a cracking voice, trepidation flooding over his body, as he said,

"Hey Jordan...hi..."

He heard Jordan expel a breath, as if he may have been holding it, then, reply,

"What's up out of bed yet, or did I wreck your slumber...?"

Brett exhaled, relieved at the mostly normal tone of Jordan's voice, and answered,

"No, I'm up...showered and dressed...just foraging for calories, and actually, not doing so well at it..."

Jordan chuckled softly, then said,

"Really...well then, how about you just give it up, and I'll pick you up, then buy you breakfast...sound good?"

Another surge of relief swept over Brett, and he found himself smiling for the first time since he had awoke, as he said,

"That sounds excellent, actually...are we talking soon, cause I'm hungry, big time!"

"Ten minutes, and I am there...soon enough?" Jordan responded.

"That will work, yup...I'll be out front, okay?"

"Perfect..." came Jordan's reply, and then the line went dead, as he apparently hung up.

Brett chuckled, feeling much better than he had prior to the phone call, and he hung up the phone, then moved to the fridge, where he took a long pull off the orange juice carton that he found there, before locking up the house, and heading out front to meet Jordan.

As promised, Jordan's car came rumbling down the street at nearly the same moment that Brett had reached the curb, and when he rolled to a stop, Brett swung open the door, and slid into the passenger seat. Jordan smiled at him, then, checked for traffic, and pulled away from the curb. Once moving, he half turned toward Brett, and smiled again, as he said,

"How about the Country Inn...some killer omelets have been known to be created there...?"

Brett smiled back, the butterfly's still fluttering around in his stomach, and nodded in agreement, as he settled back in the seat, and let his gaze glide over Jordan's movie-star face, before letting his eyes drop, and settle briefly on Jordan's nicely bulging crotch, and his smooth, firm thighs, bare below the hem of the shorts he was wearing. Brett tore his gaze away, the butterfly's churning even more, and he gulped, as he realized that his mouth was suddenly filled with saliva, and that there was a decided tingling sensation somewhere deep in his balls, as he had checked out Jordan. Jesus, he chided himself, get a fricking grip, was a one-time event, asshole, and SO not likely to ever happen again, much as you might like it to, so chill, and move on!

As Brett mentally chastised himself for his feelings, and desires, Jordan wheeled the car into the parking lot of the café, and parked, as he again flashed Brett his killer smile, and even a small wink to go with it, before pushing open the door, and getting out. Brett shuddered, forcing his attention to the present, and quickly exited the car as well, following Jordan inside, and to a window table. A waitress approached with menu's and water, then left to fill the boys orders for drinks, and Brett sole a quick glance at Jordan, who had settled back against the seat back, as he perused the sparse, late-morning group of diners. Well, thought Brett, he looks normal, and he is not acting like he thinks that I am some moron, or anything, and he definitely isn't acting pissed at me either. I wonder if he even remembers what happened...?...well shit, course he does, because by the time it was...over...he had pretty well sobered up, and, eve more so after I drove to my house. He has to remember, I mean, how could anybody not remember their best ever friend sucking his cock, and, swallowing his cum, right...?...Brett thought to himself. His reverie was suddenly broken, as Jordan leaned forward in his seat, and raised a hand above the table, waving it back and forth in front of Brett's face, as he said, grinning,

" to Brett...what, dude...?, like, spaced on me there.."

Brett blinked several times, briefly confused, then, felt his cheeks grow hot as he blushed, and grinned sheepishly, mumbling some lame excuse for this mental lapse.

Jordan held his Hollywood smile in place, then winked slyly, as he said,

"Not a problem Dude...I pretty much been thinking the same thing since I woke up."

Brett's heart thumped in his chest, and echoed as a loud roaring inside his head, as he realized exactly what Jordan was eluding to, and he felt the flush in his cheeks deepen, as he looked away, rolling his eyes, as he muttered,


Jordan chuckled, and dropped his hand to the table, where it covered Brett's hand for just a moment, as he again offered the sly little wink, and replied,

"Uh huh, really...and actually Dude, it's a really good kind of thought, I think, so why don't we just not stress on it, and order some food, ok, because now I am really hungry too."

Before Brett could muster a reply, the waitress returned, and they placed their order, as she refilled their water glasses before departing for the kitchen. Brett willed his racing pulse to calm, as he managed to look squarely into Jordan's smiling eyes, and asked, meekly,

"Really...?, that it is a good thought, I mean?"

Jordan smiled, nodding his head, as he formed a sage expression on his face, and replied,

"Yea, really I fact, the more I think of it, the more I think that it's a really good thought, okay...?, just's all good here."

Brett felt a wave of pure euphoria sweep through his body, and again felt the zinging feeling deep in his balls, as he dared to allow himself to speculate that Jordan was actually telling him, stealth of not, that he was indeed aware of what had taken place at the lake, and, more importantly, that he was okay with it. All of that surprising information had the immediate effect of lifting the cloak of concern from Brett, while at the same time subtly feeding his barely hidden desire to repeat every step of it, this time in a much more relaxed, and thought out way. Suddenly, his appetite greatly improved, and he eagerly attacked the massive omelet as soon as it was place before him, as did an equally ravenous Jordan. As Brett finally paused his eating for a small break, he felt Jordan's gaze on his face, and he looked up, meeting the cunning expression that Jordan was fixing him with, and he asked,


Jordan gave it a heartbeat or two, then, he wiggled his tick eyebrows suggestively, and asked,

"So Dude...what's going on at your house today...all family weekend bonding and shit, like mine?"

Brett shook his head negatively, the tiny hairs at the back of his neck suddenly feeling electrified, as he sensed a double edge to Jordan's inquiry. He held Jordan's steady gaze another beat, then replied,

"Nope...actually, everybody took off to visit with my Uncle, and Aunt, out of town...why...?"

Jordan let the dazzling smile crawl over his face, as he again wiggled his eyebrows, and replied,

" just thought maybe...well, you might want to show me your room...the new paint, and all, you know...."

Brett furrowed his brow, confused, as he started to answer, saying,

"Huh...?...I didn't paint my...." and then he got it suddenly, his tummy again filling with butterfly's, as he stopped himself, blushed brightly, and finished, saying, "Uh, sure...definitely...I'm thinking that you will like it, too."

Jordan grinned even wider, and nodded, as he resumed with his omelet, and said,

"I'm sure, Dude...can't wait!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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