Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 27, 2007


The boys finished the substantial breakfast, and Jordan picked the check up off the table, and moved toward the register to pay, as he had promised. Brett dug into his pocket, and came up with the tip, which he laid on the table, then moved toward the door. He was struggling to keep his tumescent cock under some measure of control, as he had been ever since Jordan had thrown him that line about showing him his newly painted bedroom, which in reality had not been painted in a year, or more. His heart raced in his chest, and that roaring noise was back inside his head again, as he pondered the reality of what Jordan had actually intended by the remark, that he wanted to be alone with Brett and, apparently, that he was down with some measure of a repeat of the previous nights experience out at the lake.

Brett reached the door to the café, and opened it, tossing a nervous glance back at Jordan where he waited for the cashier to total up the bill, then, he stepped outside, and walked to Jordan's car. He leaned his backside against the fender, and waited, his brain rapidly processing one thought after another, as his excitement grew, and he hoped that he was interpreting Jordan's thinly veiled signals correctly. The comment about going to his empty house to check out the new paint job in his bedroom was totally bogus, he was positive, given that not only had his room not been painted, but he had never so much as even hinted to Jordan that it was even a possibility. No, it had to be Jordan's subtle way of letting him know that he was willing, possibly even wanted, to be somewhere alone, and private with him, and more importantly, that he was interested in another assignation, another round of Brett sucking him off.

Brett's heart skipped a beat at the thought, and his balls gave off a decided zinging sensation, as he closed his eyes, and conjured up the image, and the sensation, he had experienced for the first time the previous evening, as he had first marveled at the feel of Jordan's rigid penis in his hand, and then trumped even that incredible sensation with the unbelievable sensation of taking it into his mouth. He had thought about it a million times, possibly more, but, the imagined sensations paled totally in comparison to the actual acts, and, as his cock stiffened inside his shorts, he was aware that his mouth was positively drooling saliva, as he vicariously relived last evenings events, and longed desperately to repeat them, knowing that his awareness this time would be heightened, sharper, and more in focus than the previous somewhat hurried event. He shuddered, his eyes coming open, and he felt another sharp zing deep in his balls, as Jordan approached, and laid a hand on his shoulder, as he looked at him, and said,

"So listen, Dude...I, um, didn't mean to be...pushy about...well, you know...I just...well, it's like I can't of my head, you know...?...but hey, it's all good...why don't we just maybe drive uptown...see what's happening...whatever...I know you didn't paint your room, Dude...and it was sorta lame me saying was just me being stupid, right...?...just forget I said it, ok?"

Brett felt his hopes sinking as Jordan spoke, although his sense of exalted desire never wavered, as he looked deep into Jordan's eyes. He could feel the heat searing his cheeks and he knew he was blushing furiously, as he put on a sheepish expression, and struggled to hold Jordan's steady gaze, and he muttered,

" is SO not lame...or stupid...or any of that...and, I can't either...get it out of my head, I mean...and...well, shit...I don't want to drive around town, either, ok...?...what I want...what I really for us to go to my house...ok...?...can we do that, please...?"

Jordan just stared at Brett for a long moment, his emotions a mixture of confusion, and strong desire, and a sense of wonder at what his friend was obviously saying without actually saying it, and he felt his cock thicken in his shorts, as he watched an embarrassed Brett drop his gaze to the sidewalk as the pinkish glow in his cheeks, deepened. He reached out his hand, and tucked his fingers under Brett's downward tilted chin, lifting it, so that Brett's eyes moved to meet his own, as he nodded his head, and replied,

"Ok Brett...absolutely...we can do that...hop in."

With that, Jordan turned away, and circled the car, before sliding into the driver's seat, as Brett released the deep breath he had been holding, and eased in along side him. Jordan started the car, and slid into the flow of traffic, making turns toward Brett's house, neither of them speaking, as an invisible, and inaudible, air filled the car's interior, very nearly palatable in it's highly charged atmosphere. In a matter of a few minutes, Jordan guided the car into Brett's driveway, and shut it off, as he turned to look at Brett, who flashed him a small, and nervous smile, then said, with a soft chuckle,

"So Dude...wanna come in, and maybe check out my new...etchings, or something?"

Jordan chuckled, nodding, as he wiggled his thick eyebrows in as sinister a manner as he could muster, his cock once again hardening in his shorts, as he answered,

"I've seen all your...etchings, Dude...but I am totally down with the "or something" part...totally!"

Brett felt the heat on his cheeks again, and felt the sudden lung in his balls, as he pushed open his door, and slid out of the car. He waited for Jordan to round the car, then, boldly reached to take his hand in his own, as he moved toward the front door, Jordan giving his hand a tight squeeze as he walked with him. Brett's heart was pounding in his chest as they moved across the foyer, and climbed the stair leading to his bedroom, and his rampant excitement completely overshadowed the nagging feeling of apprehension that lurked at the back of his mind, as he led Jordan inside is bedroom, and closed the door. He turned the lock closed, even though the house was utterly empty, then, turned back to face Brett, who had moved to stand along side Brett's double bed, where he gazed nervously at his best friend.

Brett inhaled a deep breath of courage, his hungry gaze traveling over Jordan from head to foot, as he registered just how good looking, and stunningly sexy the boy looked standing there that way. He shook his head slowly, still finding the whole situation difficult to believe, then, moved over the small space that separated them until he stood toe to toe with his best friend in the world. Their eyes met, and locked, each of them taking short, rapid breaths, then; Brett placed his palm flat against Jordan's chest, and pushed firmly. Jordan staggered back enough that the backs of his knees collided with the bed, and he tumbled backward onto the mattress, his legs splaying widely in the process, and his loose fitting shorts gathering under him, so that his pulsing erection was plainly evident at his crotch. Brett stood over him, his eyes instantly dropping to the ample protrusion in his friends lap, feeling the lust wash over his slightly trembling body. He tentatively extended a trembling hand, and let his fingers trace the outline of Jordan's very erect cock over the silky material of his shorts, and Jordan let his head flop backward, as he let out a low groan, and flexed his hips upward, pressing his erection into Brett's hand. Brett exhaled deeply, releasing his earlier deep breath, and closed his fingers firmly over Jordan's cock, squeezing it, and marveling at it's hardness, and thickness, in his hand. Jordan lifted his head from the bed, and peered wide-eyed down across his torso, his eyes locking on Brett's hand where it stroked him. He released another groan, the amazing sensations flooding through him becoming even more intense with the added visual of Brett's hand on his cock.

Brett continued to stroke Jordan, his hand moving steadily up and down the pulsing shaft, and he tossed a quick glance up at Jordan's slightly astonished face, then, his burning desire engulfing all rational thought, he dropped quickly to his knees on the carpet, and moved his fingers to the snap, and zip, of Jordan's shorts. He worked them open, his breath catching in his throat, as Jordan lifted his hips in an effort to aid his mission, and Brett quickly seized the advantage, as he yanked the shorts, and underwear down Jordan's legs, and off his feet, letting the garments drop to the carpet. He sat back on his haunches then, his wide eyes locked on Jordan's now naked cock, and the heavy pouch below, and he heard himself utter an animal-like noise. He was acutely aware of Jordan watching his every gesture, and somehow that knowledge only added to the burning lust, and excitement that filled him, as he slowly trailed the fingertips of both hands upward along Jordan's inner thighs. Jordan released a hiss of air, and Brett watched his firm abdominals clench, the ridges of muscle tightening with tension, as his fingers moved higher, just lightly stroking the well toned thighs, until he grazed over the plump scrotum that dangled between them. He teased at the crinkled sac, trailing his fingers along the several tight creases of tender skin, and finally cupped one hand around it completely, hefting its ample weight, and gently jostling the large nuggets within, as Jordan groaned again, and dropped his head back onto the bed.

Brett leaned in closer, inhaling deeply, as the heady scents of his friend washed over him, and he closed his free hand around the rigid stalk of pulsing tissue, his other hand still manipulating Jordan's balls. He pumped the steely hard stalk, and rubbed the flat of his thumb across the spongy head several times, and smiled, as he sensed the presence of wetness, as Jordan's glands began to secrete his juices. He continued to taunt Jordan this way another several minutes, relishing the growing flow of his slippery precum, and the deepening groans of pleasure that steadily emanated from a very aroused Jordan. Then, unable to resist another minute, Brett leaned closer still, and extended his tongue, then, began lapping at Jordan's inner thigh, licking steadily toward his target, until he was lapping wetly at Jordan's plump pouch, moving his tongue against each firm nugget in turn, moving them within the silky sac, before gently capturing each orb in turn inside his mouth, and sucking it, all the while his hand continuing a steady stroking of the throbbing shaft. After a small struggle with logistics, Brett managed to capture Jordan's entire scrotum, and both balls, into his mouth at once, and, he sucked them, moving his head slightly backward to tug downward on the plump pouch, causing Jordan to groan loudly, and raise his head to once more look down over his torso in astonishment. Brett tugged slightly harder on Jordan's ball sac, and lifted his eyes to meet Jordan's stunned expression, and he winked slyly at him, as Jordan groaned again, and dropped his head back onto the bed.

Brett released the soaked sac then, and closed his thumb, and finger at the very base of Jordan's rigid cock, lifting it up, and away from his groin. He shifted his head very close to the oozing staff, and watched the tiny slit in the shiny head disgorge another tear drop of clear fluid, then, blew his warm breath across the super-sensitive helmet, as Jordan groaned deeply yet again, and flexed his hips in an attempt to establish the contact he so longed for. Brett slid his tongue out, and stretched it toward the wet head of Jordan's cock, then blew across it again, before licking it like an ice cream cone. Back and forth, in varied rhythm, Brett licked at the head of Jordan's drooling cock, his tongue swiping at the steady flow of emissions, and savoring the slightly nutty flavor of it, as Jordan bucked under his ministrations, his balled up fists thumping at the bed. He dropped slightly lower then, flicking his tongue along the thick shaft of Jordan's cock, working it tip to base, only to retrace his wet trail back to the purple toned head, which he captured between his soft lips, and sucked firmly. Jordan shuddered strongly, his head once more coming off the bed to peer down at the stunning sight of his cock head firmly ensconced in his best friends lush lips, and he groaned again, before dropping his spinning head back to the mattress.

Brett knew that Jordan was rapidly reaching his boiling point now, the flow of his juices now constant, and heavy, and the rock hard shaft spasming in his grip, and his own hunger for the explosive result of his effort that he knew to be inevitable grew in direct proportion, as he eagerly moved his head downward, fully engulfing his friends rampant penis to its hilt, as his fingers tugged and jostled the heavy balls. Settling into a rhythm then, Brett steadily moved his sucking mouth up and down Jordan's cock, leaving the entire organ soaked with his copious saliva, and shining in the light of the room. Jordan's hips bucked steadily, his rhythm matching that of Brett's incredible mouth movements, and he felt the fire deep inside his balls, as he began emitting a steady cadence of deep grunting sounds, each animal-like noise escaping between his tightly clenched teeth. The loud, and nearly obscene slurping sounds of Brett's drooling mouth gliding over Jordan's puling erection filled the room, and mingled with Jordan's grunts, and nearly gasping breathing, as another minute, or two passed, then, Jordan's body tightened rigidly, his legs arching outward, as his slim hips drove sharply upward off the bed, and his booming voice filled the room, as he shouted,


Brett tightened his grip in Jordan's bouncing balls, and added more pressure to his sucking, his circled digits pumping rapidly at the silky skin of Jordan's spasming cock, and he eagerly anticipated the explosion he knew was emanate, and in mere seconds his anticipation was dully rewarded, as Jordan's cock seemed to swell even more in his mouth, then jerk strongly, and erupt forcefully. The first jet of semen spewed strongly forth, the full blast of it hammering into the back of Brett's throat, and he quickly gulped it down, then, eased back slightly, flattening his tongue, as Jordan presented another forceful blast of the warm acrid cream across his tongue, followed immediately by another, and then another, and yet another. Brett accepted each copious eruption, holding the creamy essence in his mouth, savoring its richness, and warmth, as Jordan's eruptions dwindled, finally spewing forth diminishing little dribbles of his nectar, until totally spent, and the intense orgasm waned. Brett eased the wilting penis from his very tired mouth then, and swallowed, sensing a sudden chill traveling over his spine, as he relished the tart aftertaste in his mouth, and the silky sensation of the thick cream sliding down his throat. He stared hungrily at the softening cock for another minute, then, impulsively planted a soft little kiss on the sculpted helmet before letting it drop back onto Jordan's groin, as he sat back on his haunches, and looked up. Jordan lifted his head weakly, and gazed down at Brett, his head shaking slowly in astonishment, as a broad smile crossed his handsome face, and he said, his breathing still coming in a series of small gasps,

"Damn, Dude...Jesus, that was totally fricking amazing...!!"

Brett grinned sheepishly, feeling the heat of the flush that he knew glowed upon his sweating face, and nodded his head, as he replied, simply,


(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 5

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