Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 7, 2007


Brett clamped his eyes tightly shut, his trembling body singing with sensation as Jordan continued to steadily pump his erection from outside his straining shorts. He could scarcely believe that it was actually happening, and he was terrified of making any kind of comment, or move, for fear of breaking whatever spell Jordan had slipped under, causing him to touch him this way. Unable to contain it, he let loose a low groan, as Jordan brought his other hand into play, using it to push Brett's tee shirt up until it gathered under his chin, and he let loose another groan, when Jordan laid his hand on his bare chest, and lightly fingered his small nipples, all the while continuing to steadily pump his raging erection.

Brett was barely breathing, his nervous system on full overload from the myriad of incredible feelings that coursed through him, and, he snapped his eyes open wide, another low groan leaking from between his tightly clenched teeth, when Jordan suddenly removed his hand form his pulsing cock. He lifted his head from the pillow, and gazed down over his heaving torso, and groaned yet again, when he realized that Jordan had stopped stroking him in order to fumble with the button, and zipper, of his shorts. Showing a surprising deftness, Jordan quickly freed the fly of the shorts, and slid down the zip, then, hooked his fingers into the elastic of Brett's briefs, and tugged, as he muttered,

"Lift up, me out here...!"

Brett's heart hammered wildly inside his chest, and the thumping translated as a loud thudding sound inside his head, as he quickly jerked his butt up off the bed, allowing Jordan to slide the shorts, and briefs, down his legs in one clean motion. Brett frantically wiggled his ankles, causing the discarded clothing to fall to the floor, leaving him all but naked, save for the tee shirt that was rolled up under his chin. His rock hard erection lay thickly against his groin, throbbing with anticipation, and he dropped his head back on the pillow, rolling it side to side in utter disbelief of what was happening. He flinched strongly, letting go another groan, as Jordan once more gripped his erection, this time skin-to-skin, and he pumped it slowly, mumbling unintelligible comments under his breath. Brett was positive that his penis was going to burst into flame at any second, so hot, and tingly, was it feeling as Jordan slowly worked it, his smooth palm gliding evenly over the rigid shaft again, and again, as he continued mumbling to himself, almost as if Brett were not even in the room. After another minute of two of the steady up and down, Jordan stopped stroking him, and held his hand still, as he squeezed gently on Brett's shaft, and muttered,

"Damn, Dude...this feels amazing...way different, and cool...jeez, I can actually feel it throbbing...and man, it's, like, all hard as hell, but sort of soft, too...damn...!"

While he was mumbling, he leaned closer to Brett's center, and Brett tensed completely, his body going fully rigid, as he sensed Jordan's warm breath passing over the searing head, and shaft, of his turgid cock, and he groaned loudly, as his hips reflexively humped upward into Jordan's grip. Jordan held the steely tube of flesh in his fist, and watched intently, as a tiny pearl of clear fluid oozed from the small slit in Brett's cock, and he instinctively moved his fist, milking Brett's oozing penis, and he let out a small groan of his own, as he watched a second tear drop of precum emerge from Brett's slit. Tentatively, he extended his thumb, and swiped at the shiny fluid, spreading it wetly across the silky smooth knob of Brett's cock, and Brett jumped, a low growling sound coming from deep in his chest, and Jordan glanced up at him, smiling, as he saw the tight grimacing expression on his friends face, and he realized that he was fighting the same urge to explode that he himself had grappled with when the situation had been reversed, when Brett was driving him to the very brink of cumming ,as he stroked him, or sucked him. A sudden feeling of being in control came over him, and he turned his attention back to milking Brett's rigid cock, then spreading the resultant fluids across the bulbous head, over and over, as poor Brett squirmed, and groaned under his escalating ministrations.

The plump, and gently bouncing pouch of Brett's scrotum caught Jordan's attention then, and he quickly slid his free hand between Brett's thighs, and gently cupped the ample sac in his palm, as he hefted its weight, then, lightly fingered the balls themselves, a move which elicited several new groans from Brett, who now balled his hands into tight fists which he hammered repeatedly at the mattress as Jordan settled into a rhythm, steadily stroking his drooling penis with one hand, as he matched the rhythm with his other hand fondling his plump balls. The only sounds were their combined labored breathing, and Brett's near cadence of soft grunts, and moans, and a low volume creaking noise that emanated from a tired spring on Brett's bed which chirped in sync with the now constant flexing of his hips. As yet another drizzle of Brett's flowing honey emerged through the tiny slit, Jordan again leaned in close, curious, and Brett bucked upward, as the warm breath once again played across his wet and shiny knob. As Jordan thumbed the slick fluid across the head of his cock, Brett felt his balls draw tightly, and his whole body trembled strongly, as he suddenly felt his shaft thicken, and flex strongly, and he drove his hips off the mattress, released a guttural growling sound, and erupted.

"Holy shit!" chirped a stunned Jordan, his eyes going wide, as he pumped Brett's exploding cock faster, his gaze locked onto the amazing sight of his friend's thick cream ejecting in long, thick streamers that arched into the air, then succumbed to gravity, as one after the other they pummeled downward, and landed in long lines across Brett's heaving torso. Transfixed, Jordan continued pumping Brett, as the rapidly jetting ribbons of his ejaculate slowed, and finally dwindled into weaker dribbles that just oozed from the slit as the orgasm waned, and an exhausted Brett sagged weakly back onto the mattress, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Jordan let his gaze drift over Brett's torso, as he checked out the streaks, and pools of the creamy white essence, and he couldn't stifle a small giggle of glee, as he realized that he had been the driving force behind the voluminous eruption, and, without being fully conscious of doing it, he moved his hand onto Brett's smooth, flat tummy, and trailed his fingers through the still warm, and slippery goo, as he registered that it felt exactly like his own did. Recalling the lingering flavor of his own discharge as Brett had kissed him after sucking him off, he moved his well slimed fingers to his mouth, and inserted them, and sucked them clean, his taste buds erupting as they registered the now familiar taste, not at all unlike his own. Fingers still imbedded in his mouth, he rolled his eyes upward, and caught Brett's completely incredulous facial expression, and he felt himself blush, and he pulled the now clean fingers from his mouth, shooting Brett a sheepish little grin, as he said,

"Damn dude, that was pretty fucking hot, you ask me...and, Jesus, you blew like a freeking ton, too...fuck yea, man...that was totally hot!"

Brett laughed out loud, still somewhat amazed that Jordan had actually jerked him off, AND, actually tasted his load, to boot, and he was loving it that Jordan, like himself, was apparently a whole lot into what he had just done, and at the same time, somewhat embarrassed by it. He extended his arms up to Jordan, and grinned widely, as he nodded, and replied,

"No doubt, Dude...fucking hot, for come here you big stud, and give us a hug, okay?'

Jordan flushed a shade deeper, but grinned, as he scooted up higher on the bed, and folded himself into Brett's outstretched arms. Brett pulled him in close, an wrapped his arms around him, holding his naked body against his own, and they lay quietly that way for several minutes, letting their pulses, and breathing return to normal. Finally, Jordan lifted his head off Brett's chest, and looked into his eyes, as he slowly shook his head, and muttered,

"Damn...I can't even believe all the time I have wasted trying to get some lame chick to give it up, when the whole damn time there was...this...right in front of my nose...Christ, what a moron I am!"

Brett giggled, nodding his head in agreement, as he replied,

"Uh huh...well, better late than never, I guess, right...?"

Jordan scoffed at that, grinning and nodding, as he answered,

"Exactly right, old buddy, and you were dead-on before, too, when you said that thing about practice, practice, practice...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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