Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 17, 2007


As the weeks of that summer rolled past, Brett steadily gained in both greater enthusiasm, and expertise, in his new found role as eager cocksucker for his best friend Jordan. Jordan himself seemed more comfortable with the arrangement as well, as he had gradually relaxed, and settled into eagerly accepting Brett's ardent attentions, all but surrendering any pretense of not thoroughly enjoying the highly intense orgasms that his buddy so deftly provided him.

Though somewhat evolved, the relationship continued to be sexually one-sided to a degree, with Jordan only occasionally reciprocating Brett's efforts with an enthusiastic enough hand-job to provide Brett with voluminous eruptions of his pent up loads, an event which always impressed Jordan when it was occurring, even though his interest seemed to rapidly wane in the immediate afterglow. None of this was lost on Brett, but, he was actually fine with it just as it was, having come to terms with the reality that while he was definitely gay, Jordan was pretty much as equally definitely straight, albeit constantly horny, and therefore open to their trysts, given his continued frustrations with his ongoing attempts at bedding any of his stable of nubile young maidens.

It was, in fact, precisely because of his having become comfortable with the current plateau of their sexual relationship that Brett was completely surprised by the unexpected boldness shown by Jordan that evening as they lounged on the sofa in Brett's family room, a mediocre movie playing in the dvd player. Brett's parents had gone out of town for an overnight visit with his Grandmother, leaving the two boys the run of the house, and they had quickly taken full advantage of the opportunity by bribing one of the local derelicts from the city park with the price of a bottle of his favorite cheap wine in exchange for his securing a twelve pack of beer for them to imbibe while enjoying their rare total lack of adult supervision.

They were half-way through the twelve pack, having downed three beers each, while half way watching the movie, and half way being distracted by playing with each others cocks as they huddled naked on the huge curved sofa that formed a kind of semi-circle in front of the big-screen television set. Brett had leaned over into Jordan's lap, and gently nursed at his erection for several minutes, when the awkwardness of his position got the best of his lower back, causing him to surrender the object of his oral affections, as he sat up, and settled against the sofa back, then stretched his legs out onto the coffee table that fronted the sofa. He reached to the side table to retrieve his partially full beer bottle, and he gasped out loud in reaction to Jordan suddenly grasping his erection in his fist, as he began stroking its length. Again settling back into the cushion, Brett looked down into his lap, and smiled broadly, loving, as always, the all too infrequent sight of his best buds fist working his rigid erection.

"Damn, Dude, that is SO sweet feeling...I'm even liking how it looks, too!" Brett uttered, a sharp shudder passing over him as Jordan slid the ball of his thumb over his silky cock head several times.

Jordan watched his own hand pumping Brett's hardon a moment, then, nodded, as he replied,

"Oh sure, a regular Mr. Humble you are Lamo, sitting there admiring the looks of your dick...but, I sorta have to agree, I actually do have kind of a pretty dick, now that I think about it."

Brett giggled, the alcohol content of his blood stream sufficient to make him slightly giddy, then said,

"That is SO not what I meant, Dufus...I was talking about liking to see you playing with it that way!"

Jordan snorted, realizing his gaff, then giggled also, Brett's silliness launching his own, as he too realized that he was kind of buzzed from the unfamiliar alcohol flowing in his system. He rubbed Brett's stiff cock a few more strokes, then stopped, and held it at its base, lifting it away from his body, as he looked closely at it, deciding that, indeed, it was a fine example of pulsing boyhood. The sudden silence that had fallen over the room was broken then, as a slightly embarrassed Brett realized that Jordan was giving his cock serious scrutiny, and he giggled again at the realization, and muttered loudly,

"What, it broke, or something...?...what...?"

Jordan chuckled, shaking his head side to side, as he resumed stoking the granite hard shaft, and replied,

" not freeking broke, Dumbo...I was actually thinking...ah, never mind... prolly just the beer..."

"Huh...?... just the beer...?... what, is just the beer... are you wacked, or something...?... and, don't be all telling me that never mind shit, either... what were you thinking?"

Jordan stopped the movement of his hand then, once more simply holding Brett's throbbing rod at its base, while he glanced over at Brett, a strange expression on his face, and Brett once again asked,

"Jeez, Dude...what the fuck, over...?"

Jordan shifted his gaze once again to Brett's cock, as his tongue slid out, and passed across his lips, then shot Brett one more quick glance, his eyes narrowing, as he said, scarcely believing his own words, even as he spoke them,

Dude...if you EVER tell anybody about this, your young ass is SO mine!"

Brett blinked, confusion filling his thoughts as he attempted to process the implication of Jordan's threatening tone, then gasped loudly, as he watched Jordan suddenly lower his head to his lap, and take his pulsing erection into his warm, wet mouth.

"Holy shit!" barked Brett, his entire nervous system suddenly on full alert, and focused on the incredible sensations emanating from his groin, as Jordan slurped noisily over his cock, struggling some with his unfamiliarity of the task, before finding a kind of rhythm with it.

Brett groaned repeatedly, never having actually experienced before the amazing feeling of having his cock sucked, and he suddenly understood fully Jordan was unable to resist his own offered blow jobs. As the initial shock of the sudden act passed, he settled back, and gave himself over to the most intense experience of his young life, and just went with the feelings, as he stared at Jordan's head bobbing over his lap steadily. Dropping his head back onto the sofa, he shuddered strongly, his body singing with sensations he had only dreamed of, and he unconsciously began a gentle thrusting of his hips, as Jordan labored over his throbbing cock, sucking it noisily, the sounds seeming overtly loud in the room, and only adding to the intense pleasure he was feeling.

Jordan, for his part, was beginning to reach a new understanding as to why Brett always seemed to enjoy sucking him, as the glass-smooth shaft filled his mouth with its pulsing warmth. Brett's repeated groans of pleasure encouraged him, as he moved his head up and down, keeping his mouth firmly clamped over Brett's hardness, applying a steady suction, and ignoring the dull ache that had developed along his jaw bone. He sensed that Brett's hips were steadily pumping the cock into his mouth, and he adjusted his rhythm to match, as he moved his hand in between Brett's splayed legs, and gently cupped his full balls, tugging slightly on the scrotum, as he continued his oral assault, amazed at the copious flow of saliva that seemed to flood his mouth constantly.

Brett tensed tightly, his entire body wound like an eight day clock, and he was vaguely aware of his toes curling, and his balled fists thudding at the sofa under him as the minutes passed. He groaned loudly, his eyes tightly clamped shut, and his sense of hearing fully focused on the wet, slurping noises that Jordan was making as he sucked him, and suddenly, it was all simply too much, his system going into sensory overload. He felt a sharp jolt deep inside his balls, as Jordan continued to manipulate them, and he was aware that the pace of his uncontrolled hip thrusts had increased of it's own volition, and he groaned loudly again, as he felt his cock spasm, and his balls rolled upward in their pouch, and he knew he was going to cum any second. He thrust his hands forward, his fingers tangling into Jordan's soft hair, as he opened his mouth, trying to force himself to speak, to warn Jordan that he was going to shoot, but finding that he was utterly incapable of forming a single word, much less any kind of phrase, and, with another strong shudder of his entire body, he erupted, his hands now tightly gripping the sides of Jordan's bouncing head, desperate to hold that warm, wet, and sucking mouth right where it was, as his aching balls jetted forth their creamy contents.

Jordan felt the simultaneous thrust of Brett's hips, and the spasms that seemed to cause the cock in his mouth to swell, and jerk, at the same moment that he processed the feel of Brett griping his head, and then, the first forceful and thick burst of semen flooded his already cramped mouth. Startled, he reflexively gulped the rich fluid, swallowing it down just ahead of the presentation of the next powerful ejaculation, and then the next, and the next, and he gulped rapidly, sensing the warmth, and the viscous texture, of the slippery fluid as it slid down his throat. Brett's voluminous ejaculation slowed some then, reducing to weaker, and smaller bursts of the tart tasting cream, followed by still weaker little dribbles that washed over his tongue, as he felt Brett's body shudder under him, and his hands release their tight grip on his head, as he continued to gently suckle the wilting penis.

The only sounds in the room was their combined labored breathing, and the nearly muted voices coming from the television, as the boys struggled to regain normalcy. Brett splayed himself limply over the sofa, feeling as weak as at any time in his life that he could remember, while at the same time feeling totally relaxed, and amazingly satisfied. Jordan finally realized that there was nothing left to be milked from Brett's now wilted penis, and he let it slip from his mouth, somewhat amazed at its current appearance, quite small, and totally soft, as compared to when he had begun. He watched, as a final tiny pearl of semen oozed from the small slit, and without conscious thought, he leaned down, and lapped it away, as Brett shivered at the touch on his very sensitive cock head. Jordan sat up then, leaning back into the sofa next to Brett, and turned his head to look at him, a sheepish little grin painting across his face. Brett met his gaze, and smiled broadly, as he noticed the remnants of his copious ejaculate that trailed from the corner of Jordan's mouth, and he slid his arm along the back of the sofa, behind Jordan, then, gripped his friend my the shoulder, and pulled him closer, as he pressed his mouth against Jordan's ear, and quietly said,

"Freeking amazing, Dude...seriously...thanks, okay?"

Jordan felt his face grow warm, and knew he was blushing like some school girl, but he nodded his head, as he inhaled deeply, and replied, his voice very soft, and nearly breathless,

"Uh huh... pretty much amazing, for sure....and,'s cool...uh... kinda... really cool, actually!"

Jordan turned his head then, and shyly met Brett's warm gaze, and their eyes held for most of a full minute, then, Brett slowly eased closer to Jordan, and they met halfway in a soft, and tender kiss. Breaking it off, Jordan once more settled back into the sofa, as he winked at Brett, and said,

"I think it's your turn to go get us a cold one, dude."

Brett grinned, nodding, as he replied,

"You got it, Buckwheat... one cold one, coming up...and yea, your is, turn...!"

With that, Brett stood, and turned toward the kitchen, moving naked across the room, as Jordan smiled, studying for the first time the delicious shape of Brett's cute little ass. He felt a decided stirring at his groin as he smiled, and decided that Brett's tight little butt was every bit as interesting as any girls that he had ever checked out, and he idly wondered why it was that he had never seemed to notice that fact before.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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