Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 31, 2007


Reentering the living room, Brett handed Jordan a fresh beer, icy cold from the refrigerator, then, settled onto the sofa beside him. He took a swallow from his own brew, then set if down on the table along side the sofa, and watched, as Jordan upended his beer, and all but drained it in one go. Brett chuckled softly, and nudged Jordan gently, as he teased,

"Wow Dude, pretty thirsty are we...?...must have been something you ate, maybe?"

Jordan shot him a glaring look, then softened, and smiled sheepishly, as he rolled his eyes, and replied,

" doubt...stuff is pretty salty, it turns out, and, it kind of hangs with you too, you know?"

Brett chuckled, nodding, as he inched closer to Jordan, and slid his hand into his lap, and closed his fist around Jordan's tumescent cock, and pumped it, as he said,

"Uh huh, it does do that, as I remember...course I could be wrong since it's been a while...maybe I should do another taste test, just to be absolutely certain, you think?"

Jordan settled back into the cushions, and splayed his legs, looking down into his lap and watching Brett stroke his now rigid penis, and he glanced over at Brett, and answered,

"Might be the thing to do, in the interest of getting it right, I mean..."

Brett chuckled again, and quickly scooted forward, dropping off the sofa to the floor, then maneuvered in between Jordan's spread legs. He again gripped the pulsing erection, circling his thumb, and finger at its base, as he leaned forward, and slid his tongue across the satin smooth knob several times, before taking it deeply into his mouth, and sucking it. Jordan groaned, dropping his head back to the cushions, as he savored the intense sensation of Brett's warm, wet mouth engulfing his erection. He exhaled, giving himself over to the feelings, and the sounds of Brett slobbering over his throbbing boner, and he felt Brett's fingers trailing lightly along his inner thigh. He gasped loudly, as Brett captured his scrotum in his hand, and tugged it, creating an intensely pleasant sensation, a mixture of pleasure, and mild pain, which only heightened the already amazing feelings of Brett's skillful mouth on him.

Brett was in his element now, his head bobbing steadily over his friends impressive cock, and he threw himself totally into the task at hand, as his tongue registered every nuance, and bulging vein of Jordan's cock, while his hand continued to manipulate the sensitive balls tenderly. Somehow, the recollection of how incredible it had felt having Jordan recently suck him intensified the sucking experience for Brett, and he eagerly applied the techniques that he had found most pleasurable while on the receiving end. All of the tongue action he was administering, along with varying the speed, and intensity of the suction he applied seemed to register favorably with Jordan, who was emitting a steady cadence of low groans, and mewing sounds, as his hips thrust back and forth, matching Brett's rhythm, as he pumped his aching cock into Brett's saliva filled mouth, his mind completely convinced that this simply had to be the best feeling in the entire world.

Jordan groaned loudly, and looked down, as he felt Brett pull off his throbbing cock, and he groaned again, as he watched Brett dip lower, and drag his tongue across his scrotum, before opening his mouth to carefully capture one of his plump balls inside, and suck it firmly, while his hand gripped, and pumped his drooling cock. Brett released the ball from his mouth, then, deftly captured it's mate, again sucking it firmly, once more sending that mixture of pain, and pleasure, coursing through Jordan's shuddering body. Brett alternated between the firm orbs several times, then, pulled back slightly, and trailed his tongue upward along the underside of Jordan's shaft until he reached the glistening head, then, captured the knob in his mouth, and sucked it briefly, before slowly taking the entire length into his mouth. Jordan gasped, seeing his entire cock disappear into Brett's amazing mouth, and he felt the head of it bump the soft tissue of Brett's throat, and he dropped his head back to the cushion, groaning in pleasure.

Brett changed tactics then, drawing his mouth back to the head of Jordan's pulsing erection, as he firmly gripped the shaft between thumb, and finger, stroking up and down at the very base of the thick stalk, as he moved his mouth over it with swift and steady speed, over, and over. Jordan was huffing loudly, his breathing ragged, and shallow, and he felt his balls draw up tight to his body, his cock spasming wildly. He instinctively reached out, and gripped Brett's bobbing head, guiding it up and down the length of his cock, as he groaned loudly again, and erupted. Brett felt the strong spasm of Jordan's cock as it bucked in his mouth, then, immediately jettisoned strong, and rapid volleys of warm, thick semen across his tongue, flooding him, and he swallowed repeatedly, straining to handle the volume, and pace, of Jordan's seemingly endless ejaculation. With a final shudder of his entire body, Jordan went slack, his trembling body sagging into the cushions of the sofa, and Brett released his now spent and wilting penis from his battered lips, as he looked up at the panting Jordan, and grinned. Jordan met his friends gaze, and smiled weakly, as he focused on an errant drizzle of his creamy discharge that trailed from the corner of Brett's mouth. He leaned forward slightly, and swiped at it with his finger, then, touched the finger to Brett's lips, saying,

"You missed a little, Dude...!"

Brett giggled, and quickly opened his mouth to capture Jordan's slimy finger, and suck it hungrily, as he wiggled his eyebrows in a sinister way, causing Jordan to crack up laughing. He spit out the now clean finger, then, smacked his lips loudly, as he said,

"Always good to the last drop...and you know...your right; it IS sort of salty, at that!"

Jordan laughed again, shaking his head at his friend's antics, and replied,

"Yup, yup, I a kinda good way, though...but, it's best that you did that...taste test...just to be sure, right?"

Brett laughed with Jordan, and nodded in agreement, then, scrambled up, and sat back down on the sofa, before retrieving his remaining beer, and taking a long drink, as he savored the satisfaction of the evenings developments. As the hour grew late, and the last of the unfamiliar beer was consumed, the boys gave up totally on their half-hearted attempts at watching the mediocre movie. Brett clicked the remote, killing the television, then, the two padded naked to the bedroom, and crawled into bed. After some mild groping, fatigue, and the after-effects of the beer, made sleep seem like the best option, so they separated to their respective sides of the bed, and let the drowsiness take them.

Brett was awake early, and he slipped out of the bed quietly, letting Jordan sleep on, as he moved to the bathroom. After completing his morning routine, and showering, he moved stealthily back into the bedroom and got into a fresh pair of boxers. Moving into the kitchen, he got some coffee going, and before long, he heard the shower running, and knew that Jordan was up then, too. He sat at the breakfast bar, savoring the freshly brewed coffee, and reflected on the stunning events of the previous evening. He slowly shook his head side to side, still scarcely believing that Jordan had actually sucked his cock, and taken his copious load to boot, and, as he recalled it, he felt his cock thicken in his boxers until it reached full erection, and poked obscenely at the snug boxers he wore. At the same moment, Jordan entered the kitchen, his wet hair trailing over his forehead, and his muscular body glowing a faint pink from the hot shower. He wore a towel wrapped at his middle, and Brett let his gaze linger over the smooth chest, and well defined pectorals. His eyes dropped lower, and savored the flatness of Jordan's abdomen, then, the faint little trail of soft hair that flowed from beneath his navel, and disappeared under the towel. Letting his gaze follow that happy trail, he settled his eyes on the prominent bulge of Jordan's cock, where it poked at the towel he wore, and he unconsciously licked his lips, keeping his eyes locked on the gently moving lump. Jordan watched him, his own eyes dropping to the obvious erection that poked severely at Brett's boxers, and he smiled, as he moved to stand in front of the seated Brett.

"Hey B..." he said, "looks like somebody is happy to see me this morning..."

Brett felt his face flush warm, as he grinned, small butterfly's filling his tummy to realize that Jordan was checking out his hard on, and he nodded his head, as he extended his hand, and gripped Jordan's thick cock under the towel, as he replied,

"Look who's talking, Dude...seems like Mr. Happy here is pretty much rising to the occasion too..."

Jordan chuckled, then, sucked in a deep breath, as Brett stripped away the towel, and let it fall to the floor, Jordan's thick cock all but stabbing Brett in the eye. Brett sat rock still for a moment, his hungry gaze savoring the pulsing erection, and gently dangling ball sac before him, and he felt his mouth flood with saliva, as he grasped the thick stalk in his hand, and leaned forward. Extending his tongue, he lapped at the bulbous knob, licking all around it, then, stabbing at the tiny slit at its center, as Jordan shivered from the contact, and groaned softly. Brett used his free hand to fish his own burgeoning erection through the fly of his boxers, and wrapped his hand around its girth, stroking it, as he continued licking Jordan's erection, before taking its full length into his drooling mouth.

Jordan shivered, his body suddenly coursing with sensation as his friend began expertly sucking him, and he resisted a powerful urge to reach out and grasp Brett's head, and drill his throbbing cock into his throat. He thrust his slender hips gently, matching Brett's rhythm, and looked down, groaning again, at the heady sight of Brett's head bobbing over his dick, and at seeing Brett fisting his own rigid cock.

"Fuck Brett....that is SO awesome...and hot, jerking like that...Jesus...!" hissed Jordan, shivering again, as Brett slid along the length of his erection, until he held just the knob between his lips, as he sucked at it strongly.

"Umm humm...!" mumbled Brett, never missing a beat in his somewhat frantic sucking of his friend's tasty meat.

Jordan focused on Brett's hand steadily pumping his own cock, and rocked up onto his toes, as Brett once again took him deep, then, looked up at him, very nearly sending Jordan over the edge, as he gazed down, incredulous at the incredible vision of his cock completely immersed in Brett's sucking mouth while he looked up at him.

"Oh Jesus...Jesus...that is so fucking hot...gonna make me blow, man...ah, shit...!" growled Jordan, his balls pulling up tight, as his cock throbbed strongly.

"Umm humm...!" Brett managed again, picking up his pace in sucking Jordan, as well as in fisting his own drooling erection.

Another minute, maybe two, passed as the tableau continued, the slurping noises, and the combined moans of the overheated boys seeming loud in the room, and Jordan totally lost control as Brett's rigid cock suddenly erupted, his thick ropes of creamy sperm jetting forth to land in streaks across the kitchen floor, several errant pellets splattering Jordan's thighs. He watched each eruption, fascinated, and felt his own balls boil over, sending his own thick ejaculate spurting into Brett's mouth in rapid jets, as a strong shudder washed over his trembling body. Brett swallowed quickly, struggling some to keep up with the amazing force of Jordan's climax, the thick cock jumping in his mouth, as he flooded him with the viscous fluid, over and over. Finally, Jordan stopped ejaculating, and Brett let the wilting penis slip from his mouth, as he sagged back against the low stool he sat on, sucking wind, as he washed his tongue through his mouth, relishing the nutty after taste of Jordan's cum. He looked up his very flushed friend, and grinned sheepishly, as he muttered,

"Wow...that was fucking...intense...!"

Jordan chuckled, nodding in complete agreement, as he gingerly extended his foot, and scooted the discarded bath towel over the puddles of Brett's cum, then used his foot to move it back and forth, swiping away the creamy mess, as he grinned back at Brett, and replied,

"No shit, way can I even tell you how totally hot that was, are the best, B-man...really...the honest-to-God fucking best!"

Brett smiled coyly, feeling the warmth of a blush in his cheeks, as he gave an "awe, shucks" sort of expression, and giggled sweetly, as he said,

"Naw...I'm just inspired, is all...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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