Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jun 5, 2007


Jordan had finally located an empty parking stall on the top floor of the high rise parking garage at the airport, and he was now hurrying his way toward the arrival gate that the lobby monitor had indicated would be the one that Brett's landing plane would be using. The delay in finding a parking spot had him cutting it close, and he wanted to be there when Brett deplaned, so he was all but running along the long concourse, and he watched through the large windows as the huge jet aircraft taxied to the waiting jetway. Slightly breathless, he skidded to a stop at the gates waiting area, and positioned himself against a large pillar, as he strived to regulate his breathing, just as the jetway door swung open, and passengers began to disembark the plane.

Brett had been away for ten days now, a pretty much mandatory visit to his Grandparents that was expected each summer, and Jordan had missed his buddy more than he had expected to. He had fully expected to miss his everyday company during the absence, and he indeed had, but, what he hadn't really expected, or even actually considered was how much he had missed their new-found intimacy, specifically Brett's amazing blow jobs.

The forced absence had provided Jordan the opportunity to become aware of how fond he had actually grown of his sex play with Brett, and, the degree to which he had, surprised him. At first it had just been a kind of a lark, one buddy helping out another in resolving a terminal case of horniness, an act that been gratefully accepted, if somewhat awkward, and even somewhat embarrassing at the time. But then, with repeated and escalating experiences, it had morphed into something quite more serious than a mere boyish lark. Brett, having accepted the reality for what it was had clearly avowed himself as gay, and, in so declaring the fact to Jordan, had made it abundantly clear that he was happy to provide his best friend a ready sexual outlet most anytime. Further, he had been very clear that Jordan was under no pressure for reciprocation, accepting the apparent fact of Jordan's being sexually straight, even in light of the occasional events wherein Jordan had, in fact, reciprocated to one degree, or other.

What had surprised Jordan the most during this ten day hiatus from Brett was the amount of time he had spent reflecting on those limited occasions where he had happily reciprocated, stroking Brett to orgasm, and even sucking him off a few times. Not only was he surprised by how often he had thought of those times, but he had been even more surprised when he had admitted to himself that he genuinely enjoyed doing it, and the resultant pleasure his actions afforded his friend. He had not, of course, given up even slightly on his long held pursuit of getting into the panties of some sweet young thing of the female gender, but, in all honesty, he had to admit that getting it on with Brett held a certain attraction for him, especially when it turned out a mutual effort, and, if he was being totally honest with himself, he had to also admit to ever increasing thoughts about what it might be like to actually fuck Brett, as well. As that thought wandered across his mind, he spotted the widely grinning Brett emerge through the doorway, and he involuntarily shivered at the sight of the cute boy, as he felt his penis stir.

Jordan pushed away from the pillar, and moved toward the advancing Brett, smiling broadly as they drew together, and without a single thought of appearances, he grabbed Brett in a bear hug, lifting him off the floor, as he spun around, and said,

"Hey's really good to see you...I freeking well missed you, I think!"

Brett chuckled, surprised, but delighted at Jordan's enthusiastic greeting, and he relished the solidness of his strong arms grasping him, as he replied,

"You think...?...well shit...I damn well know I missed you!"

Jordan settled Brett to the floor then, releasing his bear hug, but continuing to grip his hand, as he let his eyes travel over his friend head to toe, then linger briefly on his crotch, before again meeting his eyes as he winked, and said,

"Ok, ok, so I know I missed you that better?"

Brett blushed softly, his smooth cheeks flashing slightly rose colored, as he nodded, and answered,

"Yea, that is better, actually...a lot better!"

The two stood there another moment or two, just looking at each other as if not quite sure that the other was real, and actually standing right there, and the spell was finally broken, when Jordan blinked several times, and sheepishly let go of Brett's hand that he realized he was still holding. He met Brett's smiling gaze, and said,

"So Dude, do we need to go to baggage, or...?"

Brett vaguely nodded his head, a lust filled expression still plastered onto his boyish face, as he replied,

"Uh huh, we do...but, we can hurry, if you catch my drift."

Jordan chuckled, again feeling a stirring deep in his balls, as he nodded again, and turned toward the walkway, as he responded,

"Oh I catch it Dude, trust me...actually, I have been in the same place for like ten days now, if you catch my drift...!"

Brett giggled, the blush on his cheeks deepening some, as he moved off beside Jordan, and muttered,

"Oh, cool...!"

The boys waited at the luggage carousal for Brett's bag to surface from the underground complex of the airport, and chatted about Brett's trip, and his Grandparents, and caught up on the highlights of each others absence. When the bag emerged, Brett retrieved it, and they walked off toward the parking garage elevator. Once inside, and finding themselves alone, Brett dropped his bag to the floor, and boldly reached out to grasp Jordan's crotch, and gave his tumescent penis a firm squeeze, chuckling softly at Jordan's gasping reaction. He stroked the rapidly swelling tube several times, then, released it, and stepped away a little, as the elevator ground to a stop, and the door slid open. A middle aged couple boarded, smiling pleasantly at the boys, and Jordan let out a small, quiet moan, as he turned toward the wall, desperate to hide the erection that poked obviously at the front of his shorts. Apparently not noticing, the couple turned to face the now closed door, as Jordan made faces at the grinning Brett behind their backs.

Reaching the top level of the garage, the elevator slid once more to a smooth stop, and the door glided open. The couple stepped out, followed by Brett and Jordan, then moved off to the left, as the boys went right, and headed off toward Jordan's car in the dimly lit distance. A moment later they heard the slamming of car doors, and the startup of an engine, then, the high pitched squeals of tires on ultra-smooth concrete, as their elevator mates made their twisting descent of the multiple floors of the garage. Reaching Jordan's car, he took out his keys, and opened the trunk, and Brett tossed his bag inside, as Jordan closed it again, before thumbing the keyless entry device, which caused the door locks to pop audibly. Each of them moved to their respective door, and slid into the car, pulling the door closed behind them, causing a reverberated thud to echo around the cavernous garage space. Settled in, Jordan looked over at Brett, and smiled wickedly, as he asked,

"Now then....where were we...?"

Brett giggled, and inched across the small space between them, and slid his hand quickly into Jordan's lap, once more grasping his still mostly hard cock, and squeezing it, as he replied,

"Right about here, I, buddy-boy, are definitely...happy to see me, I think!"

Jordan groaned softly, his cock instantly reaching full erection at the scintillating touch of Brett's hand, and he settled back against the seat, his legs instinctively splaying widely.

"Oh man, am I ever Dude...believe it...I been thinking about this shit ever since you left...!"

Brett moved his hand back and forth, deftly working the length of Jordan's rigid erection, as he leaned in to stab his tongue into Jordan's ear, and nibble at the petite lobe there, as Jordan groaned again, and flexed his thick cock in Brett's grip. Brett shifted slightly, and ran his free hand up under Jordan's tee shirt, his fingers making Jordan's skin tingle, as he found the small nipples, and fingered them to stiffness, his hand never wavering in stroking his throbbing cock. Awkwardly forcing the shirt up upward, Brett managed to bunch the material under Jordan's chin, as he bent down, and lapped at Jordan's nipples with his wet tongue, before capturing each nub in turn in his lips, as he sucked strongly. Jordan groaned again, and shuddered, as he managed to say,

"Jesus Brett...holy shit...what the fuck, dude...?"

Brett backed away slightly, his fingers now tugging at the waist band of Jordan's shorts, as he locked his hungry eyes with Jordan's slightly astonished ones, and said throatily,

"Dude, I SO wanna suck you off...right fucking here, and right fucking up a little bit, okay?"

Jordan groaned again, his eyes darting quickly around outside the car, as he lifted his butt off the seat, suddenly as eager as Brett for the pent up release. Brett quickly yanked the shorts down, catching Jordan's briefs along with them, and his thick erection sprang free, slapping strongly up against his abdomen, as Brett eyed it hungrily. He reached out, and grasped the thick stalk at its base, and slid lower, going to the floor of the car on his knees. He stroked the heavy stalk several times, then, sank his head into Jordan's lap, and ran his tongue up the underside of it, then, licked the head repeatedly. Jordan tossed his head back against the seat rest, and groaned, his hips thrusting upward in an effort to drive his aching cock into Brett's mouth. Brett renewed his grip, circling finger and thumb at the very root of Jordan's cock, then lifted it away from his abdomen, as he opened his mouth, and slid the entire length of the thick tool inside.

AHhhhh, Jesus!" growled Jordan, gritting his teeth at the incredible sensation of Brett's warm, wet mouth gliding over his erection.

"Um hum..." mumbled Brett, the thick penis filling his mouth as his own cock inflated to a throbbing erection.

Moving his head, Brett worked the pulsing instrument with his mouth, his tongue stabbing at the sensitive places around the knob-like head, and Jordan began emitting a steady stream of low groaning noises. Brett pulled back slightly, letting the thick rod escape his mouth, then licked all over the shiny head several times, before once more taking it fully inside his drooling mouth. Up and down he went, the lusty slurping sounds filling the car along with Jordan's continued moaning, and he ran his hand along the inside of Jordan's firm thigh until he found, and captured, the plump pouch of his scrotum. Steadily sucking the now oozing cock, he tugged on the twin orbs of Jordan's balls, and Jordan began a steady thrusting of his hips, matching Brett's incredible rhythm.

"Oh man...shit, Brett...Jesus that's good...I'm gonna cum Dude....OHhhh, damn..!" hissed Jordan, his hips driving forward, and his cock jerking in Brett's mouth.

Brett increased his sucking as he felt Jordan's cock thicken in his mouth, and he gently squeezed the plump sac in his hand, as Jordan let out a long, low groan, and his cock erupted. Brett gulped rapidly, the warm, thick fluid ejecting into his mouth several times, and he savored the slight nutty flavor of it, continuing to suck the now wilting stalk, as Jordan thrust his hips, draining his backed-up load completely into Brett's amazing mouth. Finally spent, Jordan sagged into the car seat, panting like a sprint runner, as Brett withdrew, letting his penis slip from his mouth. He held it in his fingers, his tongue lapping at the last dribbles of Jordan's creamy discharge, then finally released the now soft tube of flesh, as he looked up at Jordan's flushed face, and smiled. Jordan met his gaze, his head lolling against the head rest, as he grinned broadly, and said,

"Damn Dude...holy shit...welcome home!"

Brett laughed, moving up to sit beside Jordan, as he swiped across his mouth with the back of his hand. Jordan reached into his lap, and gripped the rigid erection that he found there, and stroked it, as Brett sighed deeply, and spread his legs. Jordan looked into his eyes, then grinned, as he worked the fly of Brett's pants, deftly freeing his best friend's rock hard cock. It jutted straight out from his groin, and pulsed strongly as Jordan wrapped his fist around its girth, and began a steady pumping up and down. Brett moaned softly, and closed his eyes, letting himself go with the feeling of Jordan stroking his cock. He could already feel his balls stirring, his nerve centers all firing in reaction to the long awaited touch of his friend, and he knew it wasn't going to last, that incredible sensation of Jordan's touch having been too ling denied. Jordan sensed the rapidly approaching orgasm, and, reacting to a sudden compulsion, he quickly leaned over Brett's lap, and engulfed the rigid penis in his mouth, sucking as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do.

"OH MY GOD...!" groaned Brett, the unexpected intensity all but pushing him over the edge.

Jordan sucked noisily on the spasming shaft, swiping his tongue across the smooth knob on each up stroke of his drooling mouth, and Brett groaned again, his fingers threading into Jordan's hair, as his hips bucked, and his cock exploded. The shaft seemed to swell even thicker inside Jordan's mouth, and a split second later the thick, tart cream flooded him, as he reflexively gulped, swallowing each offering of the viscous fluid as quickly as it presented until Brett was drained completely, and pushed at his head, indicating the hyper-sensitivity that quickly followed the massive eruption. Jordan pulled away then, letting the still oozing penis slip from his lips, as he sat up, and looked sheepishly at Brett, and said, breathlessly,

"Jesus Dude...that was quick...and powerful...been saving that a while, have we...?"

Brett felt himself blush, the warmth flooding into his face, as he giggled, and nodded his head, replying,

"Uh, actually....yea... like three days now....and besides, I really wasn't know?"

Now it Jordan's turn to blush a bit, as he considered the act he had just so enthusiastically performed on his friend, and he too giggled nervously, as he rolled his eyes, and muttered,

" might just get into expecting...that...a little more often....I been doing a lot of thinking while you were gone...and....well, might just be a little different know?"

Brett impulsively leaned close, and nuzzled Jordan's neck, then licked him there, as he said, very softly,

", that would rock, big's not anything I want you thinking that you have to do, you know..."

Jordan chuckled, and reached down to give Brett's wilted cock a gentle squeeze, as he answered,

"Yea, I know all that...and....well, fuck it, I just wanted to, okay?"

Brett let that sink in a moment, then, reached into Jordan's lap for a quick feel of his own, as he said with a nervous giggle,

"Oh definitely, it's a whole bunch okay...a whole freeking bunch...totally okay with me!"

It fell silent in the dimness of the car then, as the boys sat without further comment, each gently toying with the spent penis of the other, and finally Jordan sat up straight, and gently moved Brett's hand away from his lap, as he said,

"Definitely to be continued, but...well, we have prolly pushed our luck to the limit for an airport parking garage, you know what I mean?"

Brett too sat up, and got his cock tucked back inside his pants, and did up the fly, as he winked at Jordan, and replied,

"For sure...both the pushing our luck part... and the "continued" part!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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