Friendly Friday Suck Buddies

By Glenn Freemen

Published on Mar 18, 2010


Friendly Friday Suck Original story by Freemen

This is a story about oral sex between two good buddies from work who take their friendship to a new level.

Mike started off as a great workmate, but soon, we were to become really close buddies.

We both worked for a large government agency in different departments, but because of specific skill requirements, were transferred into a project office for a two year term along with two other women. As it turned out, he and I had to do most of our work together as we balanced each other's expertise in the development project, and the women were more technically based.

Mike and I didn't hit it off right away. While I'm more of an extravert, he is a very private person, and stuck to specific work related conversations. Even when the team went out for drinks on Fridays, he always went home without a word. That's how we started anyway.

He was a good looking man, 37 years old, obviously fit, buzzed brown hair, and noticeably hairy arms and around six feet tall. He always wore jeans of some sort, and perfectly pressed shirts. He was married to a nurse, and no kids. I was 42, recently divorced, married young, blonde, about 5'10", and average shape.

After about six weeks of working together, I finally convinced him to come out for a Friday drink. Although he didn't stay long, I found he had a very dry sense of humour and he cracked me up a few times, more out of surprise than as a result of his humour. As the project moved along, we found ourselves having to visit other agencies, and private businesses off site, which allowed us time in the car together, or lunching together, and our conversations started becoming quietly intimate, sharing lots of information about our personal lives including sex, always just matter of fact stuff. He didn't lead in or warm up to any particular sensitive topic, he just came right out and either asked questions, or spilled out his thoughts on any topic. He told me he had a very happy and traditional marriage. His sex life was fine, except that his wife just didn't like to perform oral sex. He told me about the women he'd been with prior to his wife, and that he and his best friend had fooled around a little just to try it out. I shared my stories too, and told him I'd been with a couple of guys before I got married, and was now was a confirmed bi-guy.

He responded as if I just told him I liked my coffee black. "Oh", was all he said, and then we continued talking about something else.

As the months went on, we became close, and he ended up telling me -- though it seemed very difficult for him, that he had never had a friend like me where he could share anything. I think I'd say I finally know what a best friend is, something I hadn't had for many years. A month later, at Christmas he bought me a really expensive bottle of wine which we shared over a nice steak lunch. As we were standing in the parking lot shaking hands while wishing each other a Marry Christmas, completely out of character, he gave me a really quick hug and whispered "Merry Christmas, I love you man". He turned quickly and walked away and I didn't have time to say anything. But, over the Christmas season, we were emailing back and forth, and somehow managed to express the importance of our friendship with each other.

In January, things were about to change. Mike and his brothers and few other guys got together once a month to play hockey, but one of their regulars had gone on vacation. Mike asked if I could help them out. I was a fair player, but he was a total sports dude, and knew it, but, I agreed to be the body they needed. After the game when everyone was changing out of their gear, bad jokes and insults flying around, Mike and I were suddenly standing in front of each other naked. For probably only a few seconds, (which seemed like minutes), we gave each other a complete once over ending up looking at each other as if this was one part of us we didn't know; both of us with big smiles on our faces. He had one of those penises that hung nicely, looked a little plumped up, but realized it's just the way he was soft; nice ball sack, and a tuft of pubes. We smiled and walked with everyone else into the showers and continued with our evening.

The next day, when we sat down for coffee, Mike said in his simple and no-nonsense way, "So, I saw you were circumcised too". We then spent the next 20 minutes talking about cut vs. uncut; natural vs. shaved; trimming and other body hair. I have to admit, I had a boner, and walking back to our offices, he noticed the hard extension in my khaki pants joking about getting rid of it before our presentation. He actually pushed me in the washroom telling me to "get in their and take care of it".

The next Monday he came in really pissy; a bad Monday morning grump. He didn't want to talk to anyone including me, until the next day he asked if we could go out for lunch together. Then he explained that he and his wife had a big fight over the weekend -- about sex. She really liked him doing oral on her, but she never wanted to reciprocate. I guess it had been like that for a long time, but this time it was a, "I'll do you if you'll do me" ultimatum, and in the end, nobody ended up doing anything. It was lights out. I guess she never wanted to do it, and he had hoped that after they'd been married for awhile, she'd be get used to it, but every time he's tries to get her to suck it, or if he tries to rest it in her mouth, it never works out. So, he proceeded with his blowjob lament.

I listened, and I've got to say, the whole time he was talking, I was thinking, "You know, I've got a mouth right here that would be happy to get you off every once in awhile". But stupidly, I didn't say anything. He said they still fucked, so he shouldn't complain too much, but, just really missed a good mouth. Now you have to remember that Mike was a pretty serious guy. No dramatics; just a straight shooter, so if there was an issue to talk about, he'd put it on the table, discuss it, and leave it. Which is why his next question to me, totally surprised me.

On the way back from lunch, sitting in his car, there was silence for awhile, but we had just been eating lunch and talking about sucking cock. So it was very present on both of our minds when he asked me, "So um, just how bi are you"?

I knew what he meant immediately, we turned heads looking at each other -- he had a huge grin on his face and we both burst into laughter. "Yeah, you just prop yourself up on that desk when you get back there, and I'll do you at 3 on Fridays. Is that good"?

We laughed again, and then there was an awkward pause, and more silence after he said, "I think I'm serious. I mean, I've got a nice cock, I'm clean, we're good friends and Sheila (his wife) works the 12 hour shift starting at 7 every second week. So 3:00 at my desk isn't good, but 8:00 on my couch is great"!

I looked at him in disbelief, `cause he never talked about this at all before. "Can you pull this car over for a minute, we need to have talk" I asked.

"Nope" he said, "ask me what you want. I'm okay".

"Okay", I said pensively. "So, I already told you I'm a bi guy. Most of my experience was pre-marriage, and most of that was jerking off and sucking. I'm mostly into sucking that is good.....for you and for me. But umm,'ve totally taken me off guard here, and I was speechless, partly because my mind was filled of images of me sucking off Mike. I was actually really excited.

"Listen", he interrupted. "I love my wife, but she doesn't like to suck my cock. If my best friend enjoys sucking my cock, then maybe we can all be happy and you and I can just be a little closer than most good buddies, and I know we can just keep this between you and me." There was silence again. I was smiling. He looked at me in my semi-stupor look and smacked me on the arm. "What are you thinking about"?

"Like I'm in a bit of a dream" I laughed. "Just talking about this has made me really horny and I'm hard as a rock".

"Me too. My boxers are wet with precum just thinking about it. Hey, you want a teaser taste for Friday"? With that he reached into his pants, scooped up whatever precum was on his dick, and then brought two of his slimy coated fingers to my mouth. Here you go buddy; your appetizer.

I opened my mouth, and he quickly stuck in his good sized manly fingers and rubbed his precum on my tongue, and while he quickly removed them, I kept sucking on them until they were out. This all happened in seconds you know, as we were driving with cars on either side of us. Man, it was hot hot hot.

"Okay", I said. "Friday at 8 it is".

The rest of the week at work was very strange. We were working closely together, continually aware that we'd be having sex on Friday night, but we didn't even mention it. Even when we left the office on Friday we both yelled to each other, "Have a good weekend!" just so others could hear us.

Surprisingly, I wasn't in a panic, or excited or scared; I felt like I was going to spend the evening with a really close friend....but I was at his door promptly at 8:00PM. He was in sweat pants, bare feet and a soccer jersey, while I was in jeans and a t-shirt. I came in, he showed me around the house; we had some polite chat, grabbed a couple of beers, and went towards the couch. He stopped, set his beer down, and dropped his sweats. "Bill, lets not play any games with this okay? I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this. My cock is yours tonight, buddy. Suck it, play with it, jerk it....but mostly suck it. (laughing) Hockey is on, so let's sit down and watch the game, and you can go for it whenever you're ready. Sound good"?

"Sounds good" I said. He started to ease himself onto the couch, but stopped him before he sat down. Let me just take a closer look at what's on the menu tonight". He giggled a bit, took a sip of his beer and lifted up his jersey. He did have a really beautiful low hanging penis. I leaned in, rested my forehead on his hard abs, took in a deep breath, taking in the incredible scent from his pubes and then, just stared down at his cock. "Wow. This will be a good night."

We both plunked ourselves down on the couch, but I chose to keep my clothes on, sitting close to Mike who was of course, naked from the waste down. He turned up the TV volume a little and we settled into our respective places. We looked at each other; he opened his hands looking down at his cock as if to say it's yours when you want it. I reached over, messed around with it for a few seconds, as though I was scratching a dog behind the ears. Then I reached up, stretched, slid over a bit, and hunkered down over his crotch.

"Okay buddy, here we go", and in a second, his penis was in my mouth. He spread his legs wider and slouched down a little bit, and I knew, I was in for a hot relaxing evening. His cock was soft, which was perfect, allowing me to take a little time to sniff around, lick his lightly hairy balls, around his low hanging sack, then back to his cock. I started a nice slow suck from base to tip, flicking my tongue a little on his piss slit. I worked it slow and easy, until it reach its full length, and only then did I look up at Mike.

He was in ecstasy. I got off the couch, and went down to my knees on the floor in front of him. He watched me move and said in a warm soft voice, "This is so nice Bill. Man..."

His arms were crossed behind his head, and I have to admit, he was a sexy looking guy. "You taste really good" I said. "Everything okay"?

He looked down at me and his eyes were actually a little teary. "Bill, I have missed this so much. You're doing great...I mean really great".

I moved in between his legs, holding onto and stroking his strong hairy thighs, letting my nose brush lightly back and forth across his balls, then licked my way up to the top of his cock. I opened my mouth and brought my lips close to the base as I just couldn't make it all the way down. That's when he started slowly thrusting into my mouth, but then he started getting faster and faster and within a couple of minutes, he started to gasp... "Bill, sorry, sorry, oh man...I have to cum". I knew all along I wanted to swallow his load, but of course he didn't. "Do you want it in or out" he managed to squeeze out too late, as he started to shoot on my tongue....with this really loud moan and an "ahhhhhh"...that was like a sound from dark ages. He held onto my head and kept his penis deep in my mouth. Man, that velvety cock and all that cum tasted so good, and the sex smell coming from his crotch and pubes were a little more pungent now. Round #1 was over.

I kept him in my mouth, slowly massaging his softening cock with my lips and my tongue; the whole time looking up at him. His head was resting on the back of the couch, looking at the ceiling, obviously in heaven. After a couple of minutes, he looked down at me, with the biggest smile. He removed his penis from my mouth, and started gently rubbing it on my lips, my cheeks, my eyes and back in my mouth. Finally he spoke. "That is what I've been missing all these years. You were great and um...sorry it didn't last longer but it just felt so good. You okay? Cum taste okay?"

"Mike", I said, "Your whole crotch is like a feast for me, and your cum was great. This is only round one for tonight, isn't it"?

"Are you kidding? Man you can suck me all night long...well, at least for a few hours!"

I kissed his cock, and got back up on the couch beside him. We sat quietly watching the hockey game, and drinking our beer, very content. "Mike", I said, "This was a really good idea; sports, beer, cock, cum, friendship and total satisfaction".

Mike reached over, rustled my hair, and brought me back down to his crotch. "Meet your second best friend" he laughed. I wrapped my hand around his cock and shook it like I was shaking someone's hand, giving it some kind of friendly greeting and laughed as I got up. As I was standing up, he was standing up to go use the can to clean out his tube steak, and I joined him. We stood there at the toilet, my dick out of my pants, his just hanging there, and our arms warmly resting on each other's shoulders.

We strutted back towards the couch when he stood in front of me with this wonderful warm smile on his face. "It's really good and nice of you to be doing this for me." I raised my glass and toasted him and his cock! "So, when you're ready for round two, just let me know". He started to turn away, but I grabbed his ass cheeks, dropped to my knees and brought him to my mouth.

He just moved a little bit, back and forth, brushing his penis across my face, but got hard pretty fast. He grabbed the back of my head pushing his erect cock hard against my face and held it there. He stepped back, then back towards me as I opened my mouth and let him in. This time, it was nice and slow -- deep thrusts which were getting me really turned on. I took him out of my mouth, stood up and dropped my pants. I was hard too and dripping precum like crazy.

He pushed me on the couch, and kind of choreographed a position for us so we would both be pleased. Mike sat down, with one leg propped up; I lay across his belly and put his beautiful hard cock in my mouth, while he reached around and jerked my cock. And away we went for the next hour. I savoured every inch of his fat cock; and he gave me a nice slow handjob. We were both happy, watching the game and enjoying each other's bodies. It was so nice.

He was moaning and laughing as I licked, sucked, tickled, and tongued him. He was in ecstasy and I've got to say, so was I. Every once in awhile he would start fucking my face, to give me a break, and it was great. When he did that, I slipped my finger in his hole for a bit and finger fucked him while he fucked my face. He was so totally into getting sucked, and I was totally into having him in my mouth.

And then, it was time for load #2. I started jerking him hot and hard while keeping his knob in my mouth. In 30 seconds he blasted, this time with a few grunts and groans, but a quieter sigh of relief. I kept my lips tight around his dick while he spurted away, and he kept jerking me hard when I shot all over my shirt. Fuck it was great. His cock twitched a little in my mouth, but all I cared about was having that thing in my mouth.

Mike had no rush to move on, or get his pants on, nor did I. This time, we just lay there when it was over, and closed our eyes. I kept his penis in my mouth, while he rested his arm on my shoulder. Now the room really smelled like semen -- a great manly scent. We just sat like that for a long time.

Within an hour, we knew our friendship was sealed, and only then did we start getting our pants s back on. I now knew that if I needed a cock to suck....he'd be there for me, and if he wanted a blowjob, I was his guy. We agreed that every other Friday when his wife was working, we'd get together. That was only the beginning of stage two of our friendship.


Next: Chapter 2

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