Friendly Skies

By David Young

Published on Jun 30, 2022


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the a5789uthor and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you with some sort of sexual contact in every posting, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love, or just need to relieve themselves.

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Chapter 1

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome on board flight 227. This is Captain Jason Sanders speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be approximately three hours and forty-five minutes and our estimated time of arrival is 3:55 pm local time. The weather on our route is good and there should be little to no turbulence. The temperature at our destination is now 37 degrees Fahrenheit, with a bit overcast but according to local weather, it is not expected to rain or snow this evening. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all our crew, thank you for choosing Dominant Airways as your airline today.

Same ole spiel, another damn day. I just muted my mic to the passengers before coordinating with Air Traffic Control to get approval to taxi out and jump into the sky.

It is the last flight of the day before I took the evening off in Denver, Colorado. Today I started in Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta, GA, and then to Dallas-Fortworth, and now Denver International.

By the time I land this overgrown tour bus, I will have been on duty for the past twelve hours. I am so ready for a break.

Spring Hill Suites by Marriott is the hotel of choice by the Airline. Somehow I managed to not have another flight for the next twenty-four hours. I am ready to enjoy some R&R and maybe a quick hook-up to take the edge off.

I know, I know you think that as the pilot of a Boeing 747 with a manifest of 300 passengers and crew that I should be flying the plane. Well don't get too carried away, we are cruising at 37000 feet on autopilot. My job at this point consists of making sure no alarm bells go off and the plane doesn't decide to go nose down.

Currently, my mind is buzzing around thinking about what I will do to pass the time I have off in Denver. There is always the possibility of picking up some hottie off of GRINDR or SCRUFF, but sometimes the challenge of hitting up a club and facing the challenge of determining who is gay and who is not.

If my assumptions are wrong then I could waste a whole night and still not get laid. Or the possibility of guessing wrong and then getting to perform the illustrious fellatio on some poor unsuspecting straight boy who had plans to be balls deep in some pussy.

I ask Sean my co-pilot to watch over the plane while I hit the lavatory for a much-needed piss break. I exited the cockpit and immediately bumped into Amber.

Amber has been working for Dominant for the past eight years and is an amazing flight attendant. Neither of us fell or was even shaken by the incident. Working on a flight crew one becomes used to working in tight quarters.

As my eyes moved to look at Amber, my eyes inadvertently locked onto one of the passengers. The man was sitting three rows back and had an entire row to himself. I caught myself staring a little too long and was able to nudge myself back to the task at hand. Which was wrapping my hand around my dick to relieve my bladder of the urine that had been trapped there while getting the plane to cruising altitude.

This passenger had the most amazing-looking eyes I had ever seen. They were a hazel color that set perfectly on his round face. I felt like his eyes were sucking the life out of me when I was staring into them.

The man had blonde hair that was cut to the skin on the sides and he allowed it to grow just a little on the top for grooming purposes. He had the front spiked up and held into place by some sort of gel I presume.

The passenger must be traveling for his job since he wore a white button-up shirt and a grey sports coat. He was very casual in his appearance because he was not wearing a tye and the top button was not buttoned.

His lower half was concealed by the two rows of seats in front of him but I guessed he was wearing blue jeans or some sort of casual slacks.

Amber was right on time as she spoke and stated "hello, Captian." She knows I prefer her to call me Jason, but she refuses and continued to keep everything professional. Thankfully hearing Amber's voice drew my eyes to her instead of the passenger.

I entered the lavatory and lowered my zipper and a steady stream of urine began flowing from the tip of my penis into the metal contraption below me.

Even flying for the past five years pissing on a plane still seems strange to me. As far as number two, I hold it. There is no flight long enough to convince me to shit into a metal tube and then rinse it off with water as I flush. Because even after 30 years of being alive poo still grosses me out.

I made my way back to the cockpit without incident, meaning I did not nearly run over any flight attendants, nor did I get lost in a trance while staring at a perfect stranger.

I did glance in his direction to ensure he was as hot as I had perceived him a few minutes ago.

The answer was a clear yes, he is pretty damn hot, but thankfully I was able to draw myself away this time.

As I entered the cockpit Sean and I engaged in some small talk, but nothing of any merit.

In what seemed like only a matter of minutes it was time to begin prepping the plane for landing.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking. I would like to ask that you bring your seats to the upright position, close the trays in front of you, stow all of your belongings, and ensure your seat belts are fastened. In the next few minutes, we will begin our Descent into Denver International Air Port. Local time is 3:53 pm and 37 degrees Fahrenheit.

Flight attendants, please start your preparations for landing at this time.

Landing the 747 is not much different from taking off. You push a button here and then push a button here. Make sure this gauge reads this, and so on and so forth. The process has become second nature at this point.

Our landing went without a hitch and after slowing the plane to a mere few miles per hour. I grabbed my mic again and made the last announcement for the flight.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking. I would like to welcome you to Denver, Colorado, and thank you for flying with Dominant Airlines. Please be careful when exiting the plane and ensure that you grab all of your belongings.

Awesome another incident-free flight down in the books. Now for a few free hours before I grab some rest to come back on duty.

Once myself and the rest of the crew were all off of the plane and had taken care of any last-minute checks or chores we all headed towards the doors of the airport to grab a taxi over to our hotel.

As I raced towards a taxi another man beat me to it and opened the door before looking back to notice I was in uniform.

I had just made eye contact with the very passenger I had seen earlier on the plane. The man stepped back and motioned for me to take this one and he stated he would catch another.

I stated, "oh no, by all means I am in no hurry" even though I really kind of was. I asked if he would be opposed to sharing the cab and he quickly stated no and we both hopped in. At the same time, both of us shouted "Spring Hill Suites by Marriott" and then we both laughed.

He looked at me and introduced himself as Toby and then proudly said "that makes things easy."

As Toby shook my hand I noted he did not have a wedding ring on so that was a plus. At least I know I won't be a home wrecker when I work my way into those blue jeans.

Yes, I was correct his lower half was covered in a pair of blue jeans. That is about as casual as one can get.

The ride from the airport was not bad at all despite it being a prime time for traffic in the Denver area.

Toby and I only got about twenty minutes of conversation in before arriving at Spring Hill Suites and gathering our things from the trunk of the cab.

On the drive, Toby told me he was a security consultant and his job was to inspect large businesses for physical and technical soft spots that would invite any unwanted intrusion.

Of course, my dirty mind was wandering if the intrusion of my penis into his mouth would be construed as wanted or unwanted.

Toby also confirmed he was not married and also stated he was not in a serious relationship of any sort. He told me that people frowned on relationships of his style in his line of work.

Now, what does that mean? It could mean he was gay, but it could also mean he is into small children or animals. I wanted to dig further but that was when the cab pulled into our hotel.

As I meandered through the lobby and grabbed my key front desk I found myself fixating on what he could possibly be saying.

Check-in for airline personnel is much faster than for the general public because the airline keeps a couple of rooms on retainer. I quickly got my room key and then headed for the elevator. Room 304, that is my room for the foreseeable future.

I entered the room and quickly got undressed and hopped in the shower. I was working quickly in hopes of getting a good meal before it got too late. I had future plans on a few drinks and I sure didn't want to drink on an empty stomach.

While in the shower my mind kept drifting to Toby and his amazingly attractive eyes, and of course, I kept wondering about his comment about his line of work and people not liking his relationship preferences.

I came to the conclusion he must be gay and not one of the other crazy scenarios that kept creeping up. While thinking of Toby my cock became painfully hard. Maybe the hardest it has ever been. So freaking hard the head turned purple and I swore it began to pulse with the need for attention.

Okay maybe I am exaggerating a little, but rubbing one out before leaving this room was definitely going to happen.

Since I had the room to myself I strolled out of the bathroom completely naked and lay down on the bed. I wasted absolutely no time in grabbing my cock and ferociously stroking it.

Due to the my heightened sense of horniness, if that is even a word, I shot my load in a matter of minutes. The joys of being young and in shape are being able to last as long as you want, or in this case, as quickly as you want.

After taking a few minutes to clean up the mess I had made I pulled out my computer and checked Facebook and then answered a few emails before getting dressed.

I put on some blue jeans and a nice warm sweater, as it turns out it gets cold in Denver this time of year.

I was soon in the lobby and working on getting a taxi to run me out to get some food. I ended up at Chili's and had some nacho's, a steak with mashed potatoes topped off with several margaritas.

I soon found myself at a local club called Jr's, yea I know real original huh. Oh well, the place was packed and I was sure I could round up some unsuspecting local to curb my sexual appetite.

I spoke to a guy named Thomas who just so happened to be waiting for his wife to meet him for drinks. The conversation was nice but obviously not going anywhere, since my ultimate plan was a hook-up.

Soon after that, I talked with the bartender whose name was Robert. It turns out Robert is gay and somewhat hot, but working until 2:00 am. I can't be out that long because I had to be rested and sober for 12 hours before my next flight.

As with many nights before I returned back to my hotel a lonely broken man. I had been defeated for the night.

As I exited the elevator on the 3rd floor I saw Toby standing outside his room and with just a towel wrapped around him. I asked him if he was okay and he looked at me and sighed and said "I have locked my fucking room key and my phone is inside."

I stifled a giggle and invited him down to my room to call the front desk and have someone come and let him into his room. It was hard in my slightly intoxicated state to not look at this groin area a few times and wonder what he was packing.

I like to think I have a unique ability to guess a man's cock size based on a variety of attributes to the rest of his body.

Let's see Toby has a nice set of abs and therefore probably has a slender cock. He is not tall but not short probably about average height, around 5 foot 8 inches. So he probably had a cock of average length, around 6 inches or so.

Well remember I am a little tipsy at this time, so I looked at him and said "6 inch slender and straight, huh."

At first, Toby didn't really catch what I was guessing but then he caught on and let out a giggle. He said, "I have met you all of two times, and the thing you want most to know if my cock size."

Toby smiled and adjusted himself and said "what if I told you, you got two out of three."

I told him I would have to see it for verification purposes. At this point, it was clear to see that Toby was enjoying our little game of cat and mouse.

It was time for Toby to head over to meet the maintenance guy to get into his room. He turned to leave and let the towel drop briefly so that I caught a nice glimpse of his ass.

Toby obviously does not tan naked because he has the whitest ass I think I have ever seen. He also had these dimples on each ass check that instantly caused me to become erect. He fixed his towel and left my room.

Left in my room alone again with a raging boner I took the liberty to get naked and lay on my bed and started stroking my cock to the thought of Toby's white-dimpled ass as I watched him walk towards the door of my room and then he was gone.

Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning with cum all over my stomach, cock, and right hand. I guess I must have had a nice orgasm last night and drifted off to a night of deep sleep.

Surprisingly I was not hungover when I woke up. I quickly showered and washed my face and headed down to the lobby for breakfast.

As soon as I exited the elevator Toby was getting himself some breakfast. The visual of his naked white ass and those delicious-looking dimples quickly overtook my mind. Toby turned around and I felt my face get really warm and I am sure it turned beet red.

Toby smiled and motioned for me to join him at this table. I figured what the hell so I grabbed some eggs and a biscuit with gravy and took a seat.

After exchanging pleasantries Toby immediately apologized citing "I find it hard to resist teasing a horny drunk guy every chance I get." I smiled and said

"Oh is that what that was, I thought it was an invitation of some sort."

It was clear to see the playful banter had picked up right where we left off last night.

After a bit of back and forth, Toby finally got around to asking about my plans for the day. I told him that I had to be back at work at 5:00 pm so I had to be good today so I was mentally and physically ready to fly.

Toby stated he was going to do some shopping and then mostly hang around the motel today because his business meeting was not until the next day.

We chatted a bit more and Toby invited me to come to do some shopping with him.

We went to the Mall and Toby purchased a pair of expensive sunglasses. They were some brand I had never even heard of. Afterward, we had lunch at some swanky Italian place and then headed back to the motel.

Back at the Motel, I asked Toby if he would like to come to my room for a bit. He agreed and smiled and stated, "just let me slip by my room and change into my towel." We both laughed a minute before I smiled and told him I had plenty of towels he could borrow.

Back in my room, we talked about our families and where we lived, and more about our jobs.

As it turns out Toby's family is from what would be referred to as old money, meaning for the most part that they had always been wealthy. That is much different from the lower-middle-class upbringing I had, where both parents worked outside of the home and the kids took care of themselves from time to time.

I actually enjoyed hearing Toby talk about his family. They all seemed so close and like they actually had things in common. The only thing I have in common with my two brothers is our parents.

After we were in my room and talked for an hour or so I finally got up the nerve to ask Toby if he was gay. Toby took a few minutes to respond and stated "yes, I am interested in men, no I will never come out to my family, so I guess the answer is complicated."

I laughed and said, "I could never deny being gay, not since the time my mother caught me looking at gay porn at the age of eleven."

The look on Toby's face told me he felt that was too young to be watching porn, but once again with no parents around, we just did what we did most of the time.

After talking about our families and our briefly touching on our sexual preferences Toby told asked if I thought he was cute.

I wanted to tell him I would need to get another look at his ass to be able to determine that, but I didn't feel he was looking for more banter, but rather an actual answer.

I slowly placed my hand on his thigh and looked into his eyes and said yes. Our faces seemed to be slowly inching towards each other until the moment our lips touched and we began kissing each other.

At first, it was gentle but shortly into it the need became apparent as we both got more aggressive with our tongues. God his mouth felt amazing and his breath tasted of the spearmint toothpaste he had brushed with after eating earlier.

I slowly moved my hand up his thigh and then pushed him back on the bed. With Toby now lying on his back I slowly unbuttoned and then unzipped his jeans and somehow never managed to pull my eyes away from his eyes.

I slid my hand down into his pants and into his underwear and I could feel his growing hardness. The area inside of his undies was quickly running out of room with his hard cock, full balls, and now my hands.

I now knew I was definitely off on his length, his cock had to beat at least nine inches long and God I think I was wrong on the thickness of his man tube as well.

Damn this boy had to be as thick as a beer can.

I fought my urge to pull his cock out of the confines of his clothing so I could get a good look and continued moving up to his mouth where I could kiss him some more.

Toby tasted absolutely delicious and at one point I thought I could never get enough of his kiss. I was still massaging his cock and he was moaning into my mouth as we continued to kiss.

Toby pulled away for a moment and stated "lets get out of these clothes so we can be more comfortable."

Damn this boy is reading my mind. I quickly stood and undressed with lightning speed and was soon standing in front of him naked.

Toby giggled and I noted I might be a bit overzealous.

Toby had only managed to rid himself of his shirt and shoes. I moved in close to him and helped him lower his pants to the floor. I took a minute to take stock of his beautiful boy standing there with his red and blue striped briefs and his blue and white striped matching dress socks. Fuck he was so hot. I placed my hands on his hips and moved my mouth down the front of his briefs and began to take a deep breath. I was able to take in the essence of Toby. His briefs smelled faintly of piss but mostly of the zest body wash he used to shower this morning. The smells mixing in his nether regions were so enticing I couldn't wait to pull his briefs down and take every inch of his dick in my mouth.

With my hands still on his hips, I began to pull Toby's briefs down slowly. After I had them down a few inches his rigid boner popped out and slapped me in the face.

I was immediately splashed with a few drops of precum that had been gathering at the head of his cock. One small dot landed on the tip of my nose and the other on my right cheek. I wasted no time and didn't even allow him to sit before I took the head of his rigid pole in my mouth. Toby tasted as good as he smelled, not soapy but salty and tangy with a hint of sweetness from the precum still collected on the tip. As I took Toby into my mouth inch by inch he moaned and placed his right hand on the back of my head and started to guide me down on his cock.

Wow, his cock was every bit of nine inches long, and damn it was thick now that I could feast my eyes on it and wrap my lips around it.

I slowly guided Toby back to the edge of the bed and pushed him back to sit on the edge of the bed as I remained on my knees and worked hard to worship every inch of his cock. I was not able to take all nine inches without effort. I had to work to relax the muscles in the back of my throat to accommodate his length.

Toby continued to moan and guide my face up and down on this dick for the next few minutes before he pulled me up and we changed places.

Now I sat on the bed as Toby slowly lathered up the tip of my cock with his saliva before he made a swift dive and took my entire length into his mouth. I am a good 7.5 inches so this could not have been an easy feat, but he made it look like child's play.

Toby took his time sucking my cock and he appeared to be enjoying every minute of it. I pulled him up for another kiss and then motioned for us to get in position to service each other at the same time.

God, it had only been a matter of minutes but I missed the scent and the taste of his cock.

We sucked each other with reckless abandon for the next twenty minutes before Toby announced he was going to cum. I am not sure how he felt about it, but I wanted to swallow every ounce of his cum. A few seconds later the first blast of cum hit the back of my throat. Toby's cum tasted sweet like he eats lots of fruit. Most guys' cum tastes bitter with a slight hint of sweetness, but his was like drinking sweet tea. Toby pumped four delicious ropes of his nectar into my mouth and as I tried to swallow it all a small amount squeezed out of the corner of my mouth.

Like a moth drawn to a flame before he even had the chance to recover from his orgasm he took my cock back into his mouth and began sucking me so hard and fast, that I knew I would only last a short period. After three minutes I lost it and came into his mouth. I shot several ropes deep into his mouth and Toby was a true sport and swallowed all of it.

Toby and I lay there naked for the next ten minutes basking in the afterglow of our orgasms. Before long we both moved our heads to the pillows and lay there petting and talking for the next thirty minutes or more.

I looked into his eyes and told him I was sad this had to end soon and told him if I didn't have to work I would lay here with him for weeks.

Toby smiled and said, "surely we would get tired of each other after a few days."

The time was nearing 2:30 pm and I needed to get back to the airport and get ready for my next work day. Today I would be flying from Denver to Dallas, TX, and then back to my home in Atlanta, GA where I would take my next break before getting back to the grind.

As it turns out Toby lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and he would be heading back in a few days. I told him I fly through there often and we should keep up. We exchanged numbers and dressed mostly in silence.

I felt kind of dirty because I didn't want this to be just a hookup, but I got the sense that it was. Toby left and headed back to his room and I gathered my things and took a taxi back to the airport.

A few hours later the plane was boarded and I was taxing down the runway.

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome on board flight 318. This is Captain Jason Sanders speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be approximately three hours and forty minutes and our estimated time of arrival is 9:55 pm local time. The weather on our route is good and there should be little to no turbulence. The temperature at our destination is now 55 degrees Fahrenheit, with clear visibility and not a cloud in sight according to local weather, it is not expected to rain this evening. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all our crew, thank you for choosing Dominant Airways as your airline today.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories. From this point on my goal is to upload a new chapter once a week. If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is up, email me. I will put you on my mailing list.

I have created a Facebook group and will be working to grow it over the next few months. The Facebook group is or you can search for Nifty Writers Guild. I am also working on a podcast where I will be reviewing stories from other nifty writers. If you would like me to read your story and promote it on my podcast please email me.

Next: Chapter 2

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