Friendly Skies

By David Young

Published on Jul 26, 2022


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the

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without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you with some sort of sexual contact in every posting, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love, or just need to relieve themselves.

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Chapter 5 Jason Wow, that was some phone call. I mean I like this guy and am extremely attracted to him, but the mileage between us is a deal-breaker for me. With some airlines a pilot can live anywhere they want for the most part, but with Dominant they require you to live near your primary airport, so I have to live in Atlanta.

As far as Toby, he is the CEO of his family's company in Dallas so he can't really uproot his life either. So beyond sex and friendship, I see nothing more with him.

I feel that Toby has more of a fear of being outed than he has an issue with commitment issues. Oh well, crisis averted I guess.

Monday and Tuesday were a blur while dealing with all of dads stuff with Terry and David. Wednesday I made an excuse to not have to come around so I would be rested for my shift starting on Thursday.

Thursday at 5:30 am I found myself once again taking an UBER to the airport. There is really no point in leaving my truck at the airport since I will be out for the next four days. I have a full schedule this week, no long overlays in Denver this time around.

This morning I am flying from Atlanta to New York, then a few hours of flight checks and inspections with maintenance then I am off to Los Angelos. At LAX there would be more flight checks and inspections before heading back to Atlanta for twelve hours down. My downtime this week will all consist of sleep because my schedule was twelve hours on and twelve hours off this whole week.

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome on board flight 413. This is Captain Jason Sanders speaking and I have some information about our flight. Our flight time today will be approximately two hours and twenty-five minutes and our estimated time of arrival is 8:50 am local time. The winds are high today, so we expect some areas to be a bit bumpy but not concerning. The temperature at our destination is now 42 degrees Fahrenheit, with a bit overcast but according to local weather, it is not expected to rain or snow this evening. We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you again soon. On behalf of all our crew, thank you for choosing Dominant Airways as your airline today. Flight attendants, please prepare for take-off.

Do you ever get tired of hearing the same thing over and over? Yea me too, only I am the one doing the talking. I love to fly but sometimes all the red tape gets in the way of enjoying it as much as I should.

I remember two very special things about going through the process of becoming a pilot. One is the fact that there is no script to announce before taking off and landing.

The second thing is named Joe. Joe was the FAA examiner that was evaluating my commercial checkride. As unethical as it may be we hooked up the evening after the ride.

If it's any constellation he failed me the first time I took the test and it was me that initiated the hookup.

Later that evening I saw Joeon SCRUFF and decided to hit him up. Joe seemed fairly surprised I was gay. After we spent some time chatting I invited him over to my apartment.

Joe came over and rocked my twenty-three-year-old world. Joe was only the second man to ever fuck me and I remember his cock had this funky curve that caused his dick to pound on my young prostate like a jackhammer.

As crazy as it sounds Joe made me cum twice, that was the first and last time I have ever had two orgasms in one sexual encounter.

The flight from Atlanta to New York was fairly uneventful. A couple of times the passengers were a little worried by excessive turbulence while in the air, but nothing major.

The next leg of my shift is Los Angelos, Ca, The city of Angels due to its Spanish nickname. I have always enjoyed myself in LA, not that I will be having fun on this trip. I am down for twelve hours and then back to work for another twelve.

Because of the ongoing pilot shortage due to the slowdowns caused by COVID, most of my weeks have been like this for the past year and a half. They have been running us ragged. Apparently, there is something in the works to allow them to hire more pilots.

The flight to Los Angelos was fairly uneventful. The worst thing about LA is if you come in around rush hour the traffic is a nightmare.

We landed in LA a little after 4:00 pm, yes right in the middle of rush hour. Why do they call it rush hour? In most cities, I have been in it's more like rush two or three hours.

Oh well, it took nearly an hour of an uber ride to go the four miles to the hotel. Once in my room, it was not time before I was showered and lying in my bed in just my underwear.

I love the underwear with the pouch in the front. It is so nice when working long hours to have the boys kept a little bit away from the body. I am currently rocking a pair that I bought off the internet. They have Sasquatch dribbling a Red, White, and Blue ball all while wearing matching arms and headbands.

I was struggling with whether I wanted to jack off or not. I am so freaking tired, but at the same time, I rarely miss an opportunity to jerk off when I have a hotel room to myself. Yes, sometimes the airline doubles us up to save a few bucks.

I decided to put caution to the wind and I ripped off my boxers and was now laying on the bed completely naked. In no time flat, I was fucking my hand with all I had and I lay my head back as my eyes began to roll to the back of their sockets, I heard a click and the slide of the lock to my room. There was no holding back at this point cum was shooting from my cock. One shot hit my cheek and the other three ropes of cum struck my chest and stomach. This is the point where it would be nice for the front desk person to let you know another pilot may or may not be coming in later. Yea it was not even an hour later at this point.

As mortified as I was with cum running down my chest and a speck of jizz on my right cheek I was frozen and unable to move.

The other guy giggled a little and then stated "I thought I had this room by myself as well." I had never seen him before, he was absolutely gorgeous but clearly straight. You know how some guys you go, yup your gay, others you go yeah your still on the fence, but then there are some guys you just look at and know they are straight. This was him.

He had blonde hair that was cropped neatly, almost like a lawyer. He had a face that looked like it had been chiseled from a precious stone by a master craftsman. There were absolutely no flaws to be seen. He filled out his pilot uniform very nicely with his slim but muscular body.

How does this guy work out this much as a pilot?

At this point, I realized I was still laying on my bed with cum all over my body. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I instantly started the shower and then looked at myself in the mirror. My face was beet red and I don't know how I will exit this room and go back out to face this guy.

I took what must have been the longest shower in the history of mankind. I think I actually soaped up and rinsed four times before deciding I could not stay in there all night.

As I was drying off I heard a knock on the door. Then the other guy said, "really dude, it's okay, we all do it."n Of course my thought was yes, but we all don't get caught with cum on our faces by complete strangers.

Soon thereafter I came out of the bathroom and put on some underwear and gym shorts that I carry for the instance when I am sharing my room. I apologized to the other dude at which time he stuck out his hand to shake and pulled it back quickly and laughed.

He introduced himself as Tyler Carter and I said: "seriously I washed it dude." We both laughed and shook hands briefly.

After our introduction, Tyler went in and took a shower, and got cleaned up. As it turns out neither of us will be in the room long. We were both only down for 12 hours to rest and then off to it again.

I woke up around midnight to start prepping for my day since I had to be at the airport by 3:00 am to get everything ready for my next shift. When I woke up I looked over and the bed next to me was empty.

I had no clue where Tyler had run off to and really didn't care much. I don't dislike the guy but as I said earlier I don't really know him either.

After starting the coffee pot in the room I started going through the motions of getting my uniform ready for work. Only a minute or so after I started working on my clothing the door opened and it was Tyler.

As it turned out Tyler was at the gym working out. I guess now I know where he finds the time to work out. He just does not sleep much I guess.

We exchanged a few pleasantries and decided to share and Uber back to the airport because we both needed to be there around 3:00 am.

At about 1:30 with both of us dressed and ready for work we headed downstairs to the pilot's lounge. The hotel works with several islands and since pilots come and go all the time they have an area on the ground floor where a continental breakfast is always prepared for us to grab and go.

Tyler and I had plenty of time so we made ourselves a few waffles and drank a bit of coffee while just getting to know each other.

Tyler is based out of Boston, Ma. He told me he does not fly to LA that often but with the pilot shortage he has found himself doing a lot of first.

Tyler is thirty-three and married to his high school sweetheart Shannon. Together they have two children both boys. Tyler and Shannon have been married for the past twelve years and they dated for six years before that. Their children are ten and eight. Tyler showed me a picture of the boys and yes, he would never be able to deny them.

They were like a family straight off of a magazine cover. Everyone was blonde and height and weight proportionate. All four of them looked to have the perfect faces and the perfect hair. Flawless I guess you could say.

It's funny how people look flawless from the outside looking in. Tyler didn't mention anything about rifts, but why would he, we just met.

I guess the truth of the matter is not that everyone else and their families look perfect from the outside in. It probably has more to do with how ones view of themselves.

I know I have a lack of self-worth sometimes. Even though I come from a family that is okay with me being gay, mostly anyhow. I can't help but be hard on myself. I sometimes ask myself, would I be a good dad? I mean I have crappy parenting in my genes. My dad was great, but my mother was virtually worthless.

With my lack of a stable relationship and having a busy job I guess I will never know what type of parent I will be. I could be like my father and be understanding and loving, as well as hardworking and dedicated. I could also be like my mother who ran from every challenging situation she ever encountered.

At about 2:15 am Tyler and I got into a shared Uber and headed toward the airport.

Thankfully he never brought up the incident where he caught me with my pants down. Well and cum on my face, and my stomach. Wow, that was really fucked up. Of course, that got me hoping I would never cross paths with him again, even if he is a nice guy.

As with many jobs that work with long rotating shifts one never knows who they are going to get as a co-pilot. I really like Sean the last one I had. He is really cool and while not gay he shares many interests that I do. Like our love of not complaining.

This morning I found myself with the one co-pilot working for Dominant Airways that I do not like. Max Patterson is a douche if I ever saw one. Last time Max and I flew together I got written up because he kept a full report of everything I did that he did not like.

This turd turned me in for leaving the cockpit without clarifying where I was going. I had actually gone to take a shit, so maybe this time I will bring back a sample and toss it into this lap.

So anyway I know after this shift I will at least find myself explaining my actions for something he does not like.

When we both got to the plane we were cordial and nodded to each other before going to work with our preflight checks.

After I had finished up my checks I received a text.

Toby: Hows it going?

Me: Good and you?

Toby: Really good, Hey are you going to be coming thru Dallas soon, I would like to see you?

I quickly looked over my next week of shifts and found that I was going to be finishing up a shift at DFW on Saturday.

Me: Yea I am actually going to be hanging out there for a 12 hour break Saturday. From my current schedule it looks like I will be landing around 9:00 pm and then I will be leaving around 11:00 am the next morning.

Toby: Awesome keep me posted and I will have a car pick you up, instead of taking an Uber.

Me: Okay, will do, Later

Toby: Later stud.

Damnit I hope Max didnt see me texting, he would surely turn me in. Even though there is nothing to be done.

The passengers began to load the plan. One by one myself and the head flight attendant welcomed the passengers onboard.

Once the door was closed I gave my spiel, blah, blah, blah and more blah blah blah. Its really not that bad, but it gets old.

Next ofcourse the flight attendant comes on and starts speaking to the passengers.

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures. There are eight emergency exits on this aircraft. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to you. Note that the nearest exit may be behind you. Count the number of rows to this exit. Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss, stay calm and listen for instructions from the cabin crew. Oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose, like this. Pull the strap to tighten it. If you are traveling with children, make sure that your own mask is on first before helping your children. In the unlikely event of an emergency landing and evacuation, leave your carry-on items behind. Life rafts are located below your seats and emergency lighting will lead you to your closest exit and slide. We ask that you make sure that all carry-on luggage is stowed away safely during the flight. While we wait for take off, please take a moment to review the safety data card in the seat pocket in front of you.

As the flight attendants continued to go how to fasten seat belts and all of that I finished up clearing us for talk off with the Tower at LAX.

LAX is a very busy airport and I have actually waited up to thirty minutes to taxi over and wait my turn in line.

Today was not bad at all, we were third in line and waited about six minutes before we were hitting the throttle and a few short seconds later we were airborne.

The most exciting part of flying for me is still the take off. In no time at all you get to hit over 100 mph and never break the law doing it.

I also really enjoy how important my job is. With out pilots this country would come to a streaking halt. People have become so accustome to flying around the globe and being able to get anywhere in the world in less than 24 hours. If that were to stop it would go back to taking months to go visit Europe while you travled across the Atlantic in your boat.

Our first leg of this shift will be flying from LAX and heading North to San Francisco International. There we would be on the ground just long enough to fuel up and load the plane with a new group of passengers.

The flight took an hour and a half and then everything else was completed in about thirty minutes and we were off again. The next leg we were flying to MSP or Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.

From Minnealpolis to Boston and then to Atlanta where I would get to sleep in my own bed for the night before starting my shift on Saturday that would take me to Dallas for a break where I could see Toby again.

Its actually kind of funny when people find out your a pilot they say "I bet youve been everywhere." What they dont realize is pilots are the most traveled people alive who have never seen shit. Half the time we dont leave the airport and the rest of the time we are only down for to sleep and then off we go.

***************** Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories. From this point on my goal is to upload a new chapter once a week. If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is up, email me. I will put you on my mailing list.

I have created a Facebook group and will be working to grow it over the next few months. The Facebook group is or you can search for Nifty Writers Guild. I am also working on a podcast where I will be reviewing stories from other nifty writers. If you would like me to read your story and promote it on my podcast please email me.

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