Friends Forever

By Mack Thomas

Published on Dec 6, 2015



Slowly making his way towards the beeping oven to pull out his lasagna, Tyler thanked the heavens as his stomach started to rumble again. Today had been a long day, and not liking to get fast food Tyler trudged himself home and got to cooking.

He was happy to be home, he was even more happy that today was Friday. Don't get him wrong he loved being an elementary school teacher and working with deaf students was great, but helping out with the after school program the last three weeks was the problem.

It's not like he had anything better to do anyways. Most of the people his age were still into the club scene, but he just wanted to relax and find a good horror movie. Pulling the lasagna out of the oven he quickly placed it on the stove, and pulled his pre prepared shrimp Caesar salad out of the refrigerator.

The smell of garlic reminds him that he almost left the garlic bread in the oven, and he quickly pulls it out and places it on the stove near the lasagna. As he's reaching into the cabinet to grab a plate he hears the doorbell ring.

"Who would be at my house this late?" He asks out loud as he smacks his hands together to get the crumbs off of his hands. As he exits the kitchen he grabs a small kitchen knife. It was a bit extreme but hey, better safe than sorry.

Due to how well they paid teachers who worked with blind and deaf students he was able to afford a house in a good area in Atlanta. Slowly opening the door his jaw almost hits the floor as he stares up at a face that he hadn't seen in six years.

"So are you going to let me in, or am I going to stand here and freeze my ass off." The deep voice growls. He sounded aggressive, but Tyler knew that it was just his voice. Slowly stepping aside He watches as the hulking man ducks to a little to walk through the doorway.

"Damn! you've done good for yourself." Kyle whistles and Tyler gulps at his imposing friend. "Uh, yeah I saved a lot in college." He says meekly and Kyle turns around to give him an inquisitive look. "What's with the scared tone of voice? Is this how you greet me after six years in prison?" He asks and opens his hands for a hug.

Slowly, but surely Tyler makes his way over and hugs his long time friend. His discomfort grows as he feels the almost painfully hard abs and pecs against his face. Tyler wasn't used to being so dwarfed by someone, at 6 foot 4 not too many people tended to be taller than him.

When he left Kyle was no more than two inches taller than him, but now this man had to be well over 7 foot. He was a beast, and besides his steel grey eyes he looked completely opposite. Before he was well built, clean shaven, with a head full of long brown hair.

Now, he was all man with a 5 O'Clock shadow cascading across his chiseled jaw. His facial structure looked sharper, and his body was... unbelievable. Tyler had never seen a build like his ever, and honestly it intimidated him.

Tyler was no athlete he was just long and lean, and that was the way that he'd always been. And now at the age of 24 both men greatly contrasted one another. They both had height, but that was about it. Kyle was adopted so he did not know his ethnic roots, but if Tyler had to choose he'd say greek with his sun kissed skin, and prominent facial features.

Tyler was african american, around the color of chocolate milk and he was healthy, but in no way muscular. Kyle's once long brown hair was now cut short in a spiked fade, almost like an individualized army cut. Tyler kept his hair cut completely off.

Trying to pull away Tyler is surprised when Kyle doesn't let him go. "God you smell good." He said and Tyler shifted awkwardly until Kyle finally lets him go. "Man something smells good!" Kyle said and Tyler directed him towards the kitchen.

"Oh, I made lasagna. You're welcome to have as much as you want." He says and Kyle smiles as he takes a seat at the table while Kyle fixes the food. "You've always been good to me." Kyle says and Tyler nods thoughtfully.

In his six years in prison Tyler was the only one who ever visited and he sent $100 every month. Kyle didn't know just how good a friend he had until he hit rock bottom. Tyler was such a good friend. "So..." Tyler starts awkwardly trying to get some information.

"I got out this morning. I had saved up some of the money that you sent me and bought a ticket from pensacola to Atlanta after I found you on the internet. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I came to the one person who's always been there." He says and Tyler nods. They both know that Tyler would let him stay forever if he asked.

Tyler was always submissive when it came to Kyle and they both knew it. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need to. There's three rooms that you can pick from. Mine is the master bedroom upstairs. There's one other bedroom with a bathroom upstairs, but the other two don't." He said.

"I'll take the other one downstairs." Kyle said before he started digging into the lasagna.

Kyle finishes his sit ups and grins feeling accomplished. 250 push ups, 300 squats, and 250 sit ups was more than enough to burn off his first decent meal in more than half of a decade. Sweating quite a bit Kyle makes his way into the kitchen and grabs an 8 pack of beer.

He cracks open the first one and guzzles it down before he even closed the door. Closing the door he walks back into the living room while turning hitting the Netflix button, not knowing what it meant. He looked surprised when a long list of movies popped up.

"Oh, did you pick a movie?" Tyler asked as he walked out of his room fresh from a shower. "What the fuck is this?" He asks as he cracks open another beer. "Netflix? Oh it's a site where you pay like $7 a month to get all of these free movies and television shows."

Tyler could see the confusion on his friends face and he started to feel bad. Life had changed so much in six years, and he was going to have a hard time adjusting to it. When he left everyone still used flip phones that had horrible internet on them.

As Tyler started to help his buddy out they decided on having a scream marathon. By the time that they reached their third movie Kyle had downed six beers, and because he hadn't had alcohol in so long his body was not handling it well and he started to become hostile.

The more he yelled the more intimidated Tyler became. Kyle had always been extremely aggressive, and no one was able to stop him when he got going. That's actually why he went to jail for attempted murder. Two kids had pissed him off and he hit one of them so hard that it caused brain damage.

"Don't run in the house you stupid bitch! Pick up a knife and fight back you dumb cunt!" He yelled and Tyler decided to call it a night out of fear. "I'm really tired so I'll see you tomorrow." Tyler said with a fake yawn as he walked past the coffee table and passed Kyle who grasped his wrist.

"You can go to sleep alright. Right after I finish." He said as he stands up and tightens his grip on Tyler's wrist. "K...Kyle what are you doing?" Tyler asks and Kyle gives out a sinister grin. "No offense dude, but I haven't fucked in a while and you're lookin real good." Kyle said.

"K...Kyle." Tyler said and before he can continue Kyle gripped his jaw firmly and when his mouth opens in shock Tyler was in for the shock of his life. His long time best friend puckered up and spit directly into his mouth.

"Oh God Kyle! W...Why would you do that?!" He asks gagging and Kyle just laughs. "Honestly bro, I didn't plan on it when I came here but like I said I'm horny and you're looking mighty fine right now." Tyler's brown eyes widen in fear when he realizes where this is heading.

In one swift movement Tyler's boxers and shorts are pulled completely off and landed on the floor. Tyler tried in vain but he was not able to pull away from his massive friend. Kyle was so strong in fact that he was able to completely strip himself naked while never losing his grip on Tyler.

Wrapping his arms around Tyler's waist holding the shivering man tight in his arms. On the outside the hold looked almost affectionate, so amy even say loving. But as Kyle sat down on the floor and placed Tyler in his lap Tyler started begging as though his life depended on it.

`Kyle please, I'm your best friend. Please...Please don't rape me man. I thought we were friends.' Tyler pleaded still tasting the beer coated saliva in his mouth. The taste wasn't nearly as bad as the humiliation that he felt of having another man spitting and claiming his mouth.

`We are friends, and that's why I'm going easy on you babe. Anyone else on the planet would've been so fucked by now.' He said laughing as he pulled Tyler's face close to his face as the first tear fell from Tyler's eye.

He groaned in distaste as his former friend continued to spit in his mouth. `I'll tell you what, I'll give you an out. You say that you're not gay right? Then let's have a cock fight. You win, and i'll forget this ever happened.'

Kyle watched amused. His 12 inch cock easily towered over his friend's 7 incher. `Oh come on, look at you! That's crap! You'll crush me, come on man let's just stop this. Please!" Kyle smirked as his young ebony skin friend pleaded for mercy. He could feel the younger, smaller guy quivering in his arms.

With a deep satisfaction he keeps his extremely muscled left arm wrapped around his best friend's waist, and uses his right to firmly grip his jaw. He watches with excitement as tears started to fall from Tyler's eyes as they both knew what was coming next. Kyle puckered his lips and shot another glob of spit into his weaker friends mouth.

`Go ahead and swallow it babe, you'll get used to it. Back in prison it was my signature, my claim on my property. But you don't have to worry that's only for you now that I'm out. I'm going to get you hooked on it and then I'll make you suck me off and that's just the beginning."

Although Kyle was in the best condition of his life, drinking so many beers coupled with how hard he had worked took quite a lot out of his body. Tyler felt the heat coming from his muscular friend's body and the musky odor filled his nose. Kyle lined up their cocks in his strong, calloused hands. Holding both of their shafts tightly, he gave them a good squeeze and started to pump them rhythmically.

Kyle felt his semi-hard dick already twitching in his own hand, he'd lied earlier, he'd been dreaming about getting out and dominating his friend for the last four years, but he could not allow that his penis to cum so easy. "Oh yeah, you like that babe?" Kyle asked as he pulled Tyler even closer to his ripped abs and continued to use one big hand to control the two hardening shafts.

Kyle leaned forward as their shafts continued to make contact. Grinding his large penis into Tyler's, he started to rock back and forth sliding his sweaty thighs onto Tyler's once dry one's. With the six beers and repressed desires for Tyler kicking in, Kyle released the entwined dicks and grabbed instinctively his best friend's waist with both hands. "Yeah!" Kyle whispered hotly in Tyler's ear. "You like that, don't you? I am riding you big and raw, you should be lucky to have a big horny stallion holding you. Letting you ride your baby cock on a real man's penis"

"Screw you! I don't like it, i'm not gay!" Tyler snapped angrily, and for the first time Kyle sort of believed him. Out of the two Kyle was rock hard, but Tyler wasn't even half mass yet. "Oh well, he's still my property." Kyle's drunken mind thought. He'd waited too long to have him to just let him go now. Tyler was going to be his and his only, forever.

Tyler, becoming exhausted, rested his head on Kyle's sweaty right shoulder moaning a little. Kyle felt Taylor's breath on his neck. His friend's nose was now nuzzling softly into his neck. Soft gasps ignited little sparks around his throat and under his chin. They were sending him sensations all throughout his body. The damned boy was making him hot without even doing anything.

"Fucking stop it!" Kyle was starting to squirm while Tyler's head leaned further down and his breath started to cascade over his hard nipples. "Ahh ...," a satisfied moan escaped from Kyle's lips, while his friends breath unintentionally teased his nipples.

Tyler, starting to actually be aroused, tried to think of a way to get out of this. There was no way that he could possibly be able to escape from his friends embrace. Trying to figure out what happened to Kyle for him to come on to him like this, Tyler was lost.

"He wasn't like this before he left, what happened? He can't really can he?" Tyler thought to himself as he squirmed in Kyle's massive arms. Tyler had no problem with homosexuals at all, but he would've never pegged his friend for one. Well, whatever he was Tyler knew that he would have to fight back.

Tyler pressed his entire body tight against his Kyle's returning his hot embrace. Kyle could feel his nipples through his T-Shirt. He gathered a little hope that he could get to his friend horny as well, but realized that he had made a mistake by taking his clothes off while not forcing Tyler to take off his shirt.

He was completely naked making his entire, massively sculpted body open game. And that was exactly his downfall. Tyler already knew that Kyle must be attracted to him, and he knew all too well at this point how turned on this man could get.

He used his long fingers to travel up and down Kyle's shoulder blades. When Kyle leaned back enjoying the feel of his soft hands Tyler started kneading his shoulders getting the larger man to relax, to give in to his loving touch.

After a moment of hesitation Tyler started to fight back by driving his smaller cock on Kyle's bigger meaty tower of a penis. The huge ivory cock was made to drill any hole that it was presented. He easily could fill cunts and assholes and drive everyone in its path to euphoria.

But now this smaller penis was not only fighting back, but also winning. Kyle never even gave thought that his mighty penis could lose, let alone be subdued that quickly. The semi hard penis was moving up and down the 12 inch penis, and now Kyle was the one who was unable to escape. Like a battering ram the smaller penis hit the sensitive areas near the head of the penis.

With each hit Kyle's mind became more and more fuzzy. Tyler's weight was light, but enough to press his and Kyle's penis against Kyle's stomach. Now his thick penis was caught between Tyler's smaller one, and the slick surface of his own rock hard six-pack.

Pushing, Tyler could tell that his friend's penis swollen to max capacity. Desperately trying to change the game back into his favor Kyle slid his hands underneath Tyler's T-Shirt, which had become damp from Kyle's sweat and pre cum, and began to pull a Tyler's nipples.

Unfortunately for him Tyler's nipples were not sensitive, but he began to moan anyway right into the crevice between Kyle's neck and shoulder. "Oh, man. That feels so good." Tyler moaned again. " Don't, stop man. Come on, please suck!" He says sounding desperate as he lifts his T-Shirt up and lifts it over Kyle's head.

The convict's surprised by this turn of events and sort of stares there for a moment with his mouth open Tyler's nipple was pushed between his lips. "Oh man." Tyler says as he actually starts to get into it, and pulls his shirt over his head.

Kyle groans softly as he hears Tyler's soft moans sucking on his left nipple, not noticing that Tyler's hand isn't holding his head there any longer. Smiling, Tyler notices this while he discards his shirt, and continues to grind his smaller yet dominant cock against Kyle's.

Tyler is brought back to reality as the taste of Kyle's saliva coated beer hits his tongue. "Hey Kyle, please look at me." He says and a very meek looking Kyle points is steely grey eyes up at the sexy man on his lap, but doesn't stop sucking on his nipple.

To his horror he watches as Tyler puckers his lips letting a long line of saliva fall onto his left nipple still securely sucked into Kyle's mouth. Mortified at the taste of another man's saliva in his mouth he finally releases the nipple and tries to move away gagging a little.

"Stop! Fuck that! I'm not doing that bullshit," Kyle started to unwrap his arms away and wiggle away, but this proves to be a mistake when Tyler pushes and unprepared Kyle onto his back. Kyle tried to get up, but between the whole weight of his Tyler's body rocking on his penis, plus the buzz of the alcohol it's to no avail.

Now, because his shaft was so long he not only had Tyler's cock on it, but the man's abs and thighs were sliding up and down his penis all the while on the other side his own abs were clenching and squeezing even his cock and balls. It felt as if four different men were forcing the cum from his swollen nuts.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" a deep moan left his mouth. Barely able to stop the imminent climax he collapsed both of his hands, laying his body spread eagle on the. Tyler, in all of his new found dominance, recognized the helpless look in his friend's beautiful grey eyes.

"What just happened?" Kyle thought to himself as he lay there completely helpless. His mouth lay open as his friend lined up their faces by holding Kyle's short brown hair in a tight grip. Once their lips were aligned he brought out his tongue once more and slowly saliva drooled from his tongue and slowly made it way down to a meek looking Kyle's face as they both knew that he was helpless to stop it.

Feeling empowered watching the man who was once the most dominant man that he'd ever met lie there and take a smaller and weaker man claim him with more than a mouthful of saliva. "Lift your tongue up" Tyler says all the while leaning closer and closer to Kyle's face as the larger man began to become teary eyed.

Never once stopping saliva Tyler watched as Kyle followed his order as his saliva coated all over the inside the squirming jock's mouth. Simultaneously his fingers were playfully running the sweaty brown hair and a smile tugged on Tyler's face as the saliva continued to pour.

Kyle knew that he was done. He had been too close to the cumming for so long and now, as much as he hated to admit it, swallowing loads and loads of Tyler's spit all the while being conquered by a smaller dick sent him so far over the edge that he couldn't return.

The kid was all over him grinding, spitting, squeezing, and tucking. His body wanted relief so bad and he was unable to put up any sort of resistance. "Ugh ..." he moaned in resignation still filling the drool falling into his mouth.

"Wrap your arms around me, and sit back up. Then I'll allow you to cum while feeding you your new favorite drink." Tyler says and Kyle obediently follows his orders wrapping his arms are the lanky but lithe waist all the while still feeding him saliva. To Kyle's utter disgust he'd been fed so much spit so soon that the taste had actually become familiar, dare he say...good.

Still feeding him Tyler begins to speak. "I want you to remember this moment for the rest of your life. I want you to think about everyone that you've done wrong, everyone that you've hurt. Now I want you to look at me with those big beautiful eyes. I want you to remember the man that did this to you, because from this moment until the day that we die, you now belong to the man who finally beat you." Tyler says all the while still feeding him long strings of saliva which veered slightly off of course while talking causing a long line to slide from the side of Kyle's mouth and down his cheek.

Finally it was all too much for him to handle. Kyle felt his dick was so hard, that it was going numb. An wave of pleasure erupted from unreal size balls. Lust ran through his entire body. The sexual drive was almost too much to handle as he ran through his convulsing body. Goosebumps were dominated his skin and all of his muscles started to twitch and spasm.

He heard Tyler's voice chuckling while stopping the droll to full on spit in the helpless man's mouth for emphasis and laughs when the big man moans in response. " It's okay to shoot your load baby, you have my permission daddy." Kyle's tight muscular ass was now involuntarily grinding up and down when the drool started once more.

Kyle's eyes opened wide. "Oooooh noooooo...." he groaned in desperation. His head lolled back a little, but not wanting to stop Tyler's gift and gasped for air. This moment he surrendered all control of his hunky body to his smaller, weaker, more dominant friend.

Tyler stopped his saliva for a minute and grabbed his helpless friend's head and forced the big man to look down right at his penis as the volcano erupted. Taylor ground his throbbing dick harder into Kyle's aiming them straight up at Kyle's face.

Grunting Kyle shot his first huge load right in his own face, his own white sperm covered his lips and eyes and dripped from his chin. The second shot hit his chiseled jaw while the third splashed over his rock-hard abs. " Good boy." Tyler smirked while he pumped his own jizz onto Kyle's hard body. "... uhhhhhhh," Tyler moans while squeezing his sensitive dick still driving it into his convict friends nuts.

As he finished Kyle went back down, with Tyler still in his arms, the two slowly but surely drifting off to sleep in one another's arms.

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