Friends I Guess

By Ryan White

Published on Nov 14, 2020


HOLA PEEPS!! Hope you enjoy this one. It's gonna be a romantic lol. If you wanna have a chat, feel free! I'm always here xx

Stay safe everyone. Ryan


Ahhh, Margate.

One of the most beautiful places to vacation at in sunny South Africa. Situated in the heart of glorious Durban, this was a vast tourist attraction for virtually every overseas incomer who was actively Iooking for the ultimate African experience.

White sandy beaches, water as clear as day, you could actually see small schools of fish swimming leisurely inside. Accommodation wasn't a problem at all with trendy hotels, followed by idyllic beach houses and motels and even several bed and breakfasts at your pick of choice.

Everything and more you could want.

Except of course, when you're actually working at one of said guesthouses I had spoken about.

Sixteen year old Ryan Adams gazed across the magnificent ocean view, just a couple of blocks away from the guesthouse which his parents owned. It was nearly Christmas time yet again and like every other year, the influx of tourists was expected to be out in full blast, with said guesthouse, promptly called "Excellent" as always fully booked for the festive season.

Ryan took a small rock that was lying besides his feet, as he sat on the soft sand and tossed it into the ebbing ocean, which was slowly threatening to spill over to where he was sitting. Knowing he had to get up and go home soon to help his mother prepare dinner for their guests, he sighed.

Covid 19 had severely been having it's toll on the economy, and their magnificent guesthouse was no exception... and whilst they had put every single rule and order in place to that guests were free to come and enjoy what Excellent had to offer, their finances had been tight. Ryan was now being home-schooled by his father, as they simply had no other option, unfortunately as a family they were still recovering from being closed for six months due to the South African lockdown.

As such, teenager Ryan was being asked to help out as much as he could, as they had to retrench several of their workers, and these were people who had been working at Excellent since before Ryan was born. Ryan closed his eyes and a part of him wanted to believe that this year had just been a terrible dream, just one great big fucking nightmare. He told himself that if he closed his eyes and opened them REAL fast, all this would vanish and he would "wake up" from it all. It would be New Years Eve again, and there would be no sign of Covid 19.

Alas, as he opened his eyes, the ocean view was still there, and so was this horrible virus.

As he turned around to walk the short way back home, his eyes fell on a teenage couple that was bust chasing each other around on the beach. The boy looked nearly his own age, but the girl was older, that Ryan could clearly see. The boy dunked himself underneath the rolling waves of the water, whilst the girl was laughing her ass off, as if the boy had somehow completed a minor miracle.

Not wanting to be seen, Ryan hid behind one of the several trees, a way off from where the couple was. He couldn't take his eyes off them. The boy picked the girl up and threw her into the water, and a while after the girl hugged him towards her, all whilst smiling and looking very much in love. Ryan's heart ached. It always did, when he saw people his own age having a good time.

With all the work having to have been done, there wasn't exactly time for Ryan to have a relationship. His dad in particular drove his ass really hard in trying to salvage what was left of the school year, and as such, he only had his phone, Google, and a few WhatsApp contacts he often spoke to.

Ryan didn't know what was wrong with him, because where other kids would go out, have fun, get drunk beyond belief, have sex several times a week...he just didn't have any interest. He was perfectly happy watching sports or even reality shows on TV or on his phone.

But sometimes, like now, it was like a little sport behind his navel was pulling at him, reminding him just what he was missing. The boy as well as the girl looked like they were having the time of their lives. They looked so fucking happy, so, so in love.

Ryan's eyes burned as he willed away the sudden emotion he felt. He had waited his whole life to where he would eventually find girls attractive. He even had sex with two of them, at a party earlier in the year before Covid had struck, one of the few times he wanted to prove to himself, that he was normal. The sex left much to be desired, he tried and failed miserably to stay hard, to give the girls the pleasure they had craved and deserved. Neither girl contacted him ever again.

Ryan's eyes glanced over the boy's torso as he angrily wiped more tears away. He knew exactly why he couldn't get it up. Oh boy, did he know.

When Trump lost the election in the last few weeks, he had to listen to his father go ON and ON about how Joe Biden and all who voted for him was the anti Christ, just a bunch of faggots and trannies who now ruled the world. How woman shouldn't have voting rights. When they were watching 911: Lone Ranger, his father actually stood up and SPAT at the TV and switched it off immediately, when Carlos and TK had kissed in that infamous gay sex scene. He went on for about another hour about how he was going to cancel our satellite dish if these are the types of programs that we had to watch.

So all in all, Ryan knew that he couldn't come out. At least not whilst his dad was alive. It would be chaos. To say the least. With a last lingering look at how in love the boy was, the girl having placed her arks around his beck before leaning in for a deep kiss in the middle of the ocean...he wiped the last of his tears and forced himself to get it the fuck together.

He had to help his mom with dinner.


The guesthouse was packed, well, as much as Covid regulations allowed it be. Each table in the dining room was socially distant and the two waiters as well as Ryan who was serving dinner, was wearing masks and face shields, and were sanitizing their hands regularly, in full view of the patrons so they would be more reassured.

Ryan did his best to smile and be professional in front of the visitors, and smiled sadly and blushed several times some of the older guests asked why he wasn't out on the town or enjoying his youth at sixteen, and instead doing tables...what was he supposed to say?

Dinner was swiftly over and only two tables stayed behind to enjoy a last coffee or some Amarula when the telephone rang. Ryan raced to answer hut his mom, Kimberley, was already there.

"Cancelled? But why?"

Ryan rolled his eyes. Yet another of THOSE phone calls...god. What else was new? Made the fucking booking but the moment that the Covid numbers began to climb, people get scared and they cancel their planned trip. Paid in full and everything, and expecting a full refund. Ryan saw his mother try her best to stay calm, when he knew all she wanted to do was scream at the unfairness that this devastating disease have brought.

When she ended the call, she sunk to her knees, fortunately knowing the patrons couldn't see her. Ryan knelt beside his mother and gave her a tight hug.

"Don't you worry, Mom. Everything will work out. You'll see," he whispered, before he saw his Mom smile bravely and wipe away her tears, much like Ryan himself did on the beach earlier.

"Ahhh well, I didn't wanna accept the young people's booking who called this afternoon, but know I guess I have no choice. It's either that, or no guests here next weekend."

"What's wrong with them?" Ryan laughed as he helped his mother up.

"Good Lord, they are all teenagers! They couldn't have a matric farewell due to the virus and now they've decided they wanna come here all the way from Cape Town. No parents, no chaperones. And guess what...the boy who made the call actually told me he has money to pay for the entire weekend. The rich and poor, my boy! We live very different lives. Damn, Ryan, I really didn't want a bunch of snotty nosed kids here, all alone but now...I'll phone them tomorrow morning. Can't say no to money. Not now."


Before Ryan fell asleep, he chatted with some of his friends from his old school. Who's been dating who, who broke up with who, what was the latest online trends, when will covid finally be over, and all that jazz. As usual, he checked if any of them had recently posted something new on Instagram, and his eyes widened as he saw that his former bestie Jill, had a new boyfriend.

Gosh...look at that body...the strong upper chest, the muscular biceps that the boy possessed. His hair flipped just the right way to make him look super ass sexy, and he clearly knew it.

Ryan tossed his phone next to his pillow and switched off his bed light.

Why...what did I do wrong...he thought, with more tears streaming down his face. Why couldn't I have someone special in my life as well? To make everything worse, I just HAD to turn out gay didn't I?

He longed to have a boy, any boy, he didn't even care if the bloke was fat or had thousands of zits...he yearned, ached and longed for a boy to hold him in his arms as Jill's boyfriend was holding her in that picture.

With a raw groan from inside his throat Ryan turned around and pulled the covers over him. His dad will literally kill him before he would ever allow his son to date a guy. Any guy. He was so god damn lonely, he couldn't stomach it anymore.

To make matters even worse, with no other bookings, it looked like a bunch of seventeen and eighteen year olds would be here all weekend. Break the place down, more like.

Who knows what the weekend would bring?


Here comes trouble...

Ryan laughed nervously as the raunchy teenagers descended on the Excellent Guesthouse early on the Friday afternoon.

He couldn't stop smiling because it was exactly how he had thought it would turn out. Bunch of spoilt brats who got loads of pocket money from their millionaire mommies and daddies and now they wanna show it off. Typical. But still, he was just a tad excited about having people close to his own age stay here for a change.

There were one or two very, very handsome boys getting out of the two expensive sports cars, three in total. The girls all screamed in excitement as they saw the guesthouse and of course the beach down the road. The boys all got their wallets out...of course, they invited the girls and they'd have to foot the bill. Classic.

Part of Ryan wanted to join in so bad.

If these boys were really in their denial year of school, they definitely didn't look it. Way younger, than eighteen in fact. Once the girls calmed down Ryan lost sight of the teens as they must have made their way to the front desk where his dad was. A grim feeling flushed over him. They weren't here to socialise with you, dude...they were here to have a good time, swim on the beach and to probably fuck their girlfriend's brains out all weekend. You were their slave, basically. They'd wanna have dinner soon, and you'd have to serve them.


"Damn...COMING DAD!" Ryan shouted back as he jogged the passage down to where his dad was calling from. When Albert Adams had that tone of voice, you dropped everything you were doing and obeyed. Both Ryan and his mom knew that all too well by now.

"Ah Ryan, help me and Claud by taking these...charming guests' luggage to their rooms and make sure to open the bar after you're done, okay?" Albert said and Ryan nearly smirked...when his dad used the word "charming" it's usually when he strongly disapproved of things...loud teenagers on over the weekend wasn't exactly Albert's idea of fun, but hey...they needed the money.

"He's cuter than you!" Ryan heard one of the girls say, which lead to a snickering between the group, and he didn't dare look up.

"Yeah, if you're into twinks..." came the answer from the unknown girl's boyfriend which lead to even more laughs and smirking sounds.

Breathe Ryan...he thought and picked up them fucking suitcases. This is what always happens, he never fucking fits in anywhere! He didn't expect to exactly make friends with these idiots but was those comments really necessary?

He and their porter Claud finished their job and Ryan left it up to Claud to ask if our service had been satisfactory. One of the boys reached into his black Gucci wallet (what else?) and he pulled out a fifty.

"Split it between you, okay?" he said, before patting Claud on his shoulder.

Ryan signalled to Claud that they get the bell outta there and open the bar because these tyrants would wanna have some beers any damn second now.

"Why don't you say anything?" Claud whispered as soon as we were downstairs.

"What do you want me to say? I'm weird, aren't I? I have literally no close friends and I work for my parents, when I should be out screwing girls and loving life. It doesn't always work out that way. Help me, and let's get those beers ready and I'll make cocktails if the girls want them," Ryan replied with his eyes darkened.

So he was a twink in their eyes? Whatever. Just do your job and stay out of their way.

72 hours.

What's the worse than could happen?



Ryan nearly dropped his Nintendo Switch when his father told them the news. God knows, the afternoon had been pure hell!

They had found fault with literally everything he and Claud tried to do for them. The beer wasn't cold enough, the girls hated the ambiance, they were so damn loud, two of the boys fought over some dumb reason right there in the bar, and Albert had to separate them.

When they had finally returned from their three hours at the beach and the nearby mall, they trampled the entire front porch and the corridors with sand. And guess who had to clean it up...they were paying guests. They needed the money, desperately. Ryan had no choice. His mother had to make dinner and Albert...well, he had a soccer game on. Yeah...

"You two heard me. Seems like all there parents had clubbed together and paid ahead. The money's already on our account. Kimberley, Ryan, we need this. We can't say no. Simple as that."

Ryan sighed.


Just fucking great.


Two days had passed since the rowdy teenagers had arrived at the Excellent Guesthouse and Ryan was at his wit's end.

Currently he was busy with the FOURTH batch of washing of theirs which had to be done. They literally go through clothes like Ryan went through underwear! God! And the smells...don't even. The cum stains...the smears...

When that was done, he finally saw that they were gone. Every single one of them. The two sports cars in which they had arrived was still here...maybe they went out to the mall again? He saw his swimming trunks laying very invitingly on his bed and smiled to himself...better go now whilst they weren't here.

For the next hour Ryan forgot all about his troubles, as he usually does when he is in the water. The beach was strangely empty, especially for a Sunday when it was usually packed, or at least it was before covid. He closed his eyes and sank deeper into the cold, salty water...he could literally stay here for life. It was the only time he had for himself, when he could escape to a world only he knew and fit in.

Sounds from the shore got his attention.

Geez...what were THEY doing here?

Thank god it wasn't all of them. It was the same two boys who had fought on Friday afternoon followed by two of the blond girls they were always with. It seriously looked like they were gonna start fighting again, and Ryan prayed that by some miracle, they didn't see him floating where he was. He wanted nothing to do with them.

He flinched as the taller bully, the same one who called him a twink, punched his friend so hard that said friend fell straight down on the sand. The laughter, much like an hyena, that came from one of the blond girls was electrifying and scary at the same time. The other girl knelt next to the fallen boy, but he pushed her away angrily, and walked off.

Ryan didn't quite know what to think...but he knew he was gonna stay right where he was until they were out of sight. That bigger guy scared the living shit outta him.


Once the idiots had eaten and got into their sports cars and drove off, Ryan sighed of relief. Two more weeks of this. Fucking hell.

Once more, the bully had a problem with the food, and his girlfriend kept supporting him. None of the others had anything to say about the scrumptious lasagne that Kimberley had made, but of course, Mr Big Boss and his skank made sure that Kimberley reheated the food twice, as well as offer them free drinks for the "trouble".

Ryan scowled. There was nothing wrong with the food. His mom was a first class cook. They just were difficult because they COULD. Fucking regards.

It was a cool, warm Sunday evening. Ryan walked out to the swimming pool and sat down on one of the relaxing beach chairs. He reached for his phone, before he suddenly heard a voice.

"Hey, you okay?"

Ryan turned his head towards the voice so fast, it was a miracle he didn't suffer whiplash. He winched as his neck hurt for a bit, but then he saw a boy looking straight at him, from behind the fountain that sprouted behind the pool.

It was the same boy who had been hit by that bully earlier this afternoon. Ryan knew the boy had asked him a question, but for some reason he couldn't answer. He had resented all of them all weekend...and now he couldn't think of a single thing to say.

The boy stood up and walked slowly over towards Ryan. He stopped about two meters away from him. Only then, the latter saw that he had a cigarette in his hand. The boy took a few puffs before throwing it to the ground and stomping it out.

"I'm Jeremy. Jez, for short. I've seen you around here. You're...Brian?"

"Ryan," the latter answered. He was being really cautious...he didn't wanna get involved with them in any way, shape or form, but he couldn't just up and would that look, especially to a guest?

Jeremy, or Jez...sat down on the chair next to his and pulled out his pack of cigarettes along with a lighter.

"You smoke, bro?" he asked Ryan before lighting one on for himself.

"No, I mean, no thanks, but I don't smoke," Ryan said carefully.

Jeremy laughed softly and put his cigarettes away.

"Good. And don't you fucking start. Once you're hooked on these babies, you ain't stopping," he said, blowing out the smoke across the pool after he took another puff.

It was deadly quiet between the two boys for a while to the point where it nearly became awkward, when Ryan saw Jez smile, and straight at him, yet again.

"Something wrong? I mean, what's so funny?" Ryan asked, blushing as he did, forgetting that this before him was in fact a paying guest and not a total stranger.

Jez took another puff before he snickered.

"Nah, I was just thinking how I so didn't wanna go with Brad and them all to our grandparent's ranch...when I can have you for company..."

Ryan stood up fast, and he had to stop himself from making a nasty comment.

"I have things to do, so can I get you a beer or anything? If not, please excuse me..."

"Jesus! Will you chill the fuck out? I was joking...come on man, sit down. You're like the only guy my age here right now. And it's not like me and Brad are on speaking terms right now, anyway."

Ryan slowly sat back down, and turned his body around in order to face Jez.

"I'm not really supposed to socialize..."

"What, are you forty?"

"I'm sixteen actually..."

"Same as me! Put it there!" Jez said as his eyes lit up, and he pushed out his fist towards Ryan. The latter hesitated...just what the hell was going on here?

Why was this...sigh...this very sexy boy actually chatting to HIM of all people? What was the catch? Where were the hidden cameras? Guys who looked like Jez, did not usually speak to guys who looked like him...

...and he was probably gonna regret this...

...he placed his fist slowly onto that of Jez. And nothing happened. The world did not end.

"Was that so bad?" Jez laughed as he took the final puff and yet again stomped the cigarette out.

"I saw you and that guy...Brad? This afternoon when he hit you. I was swimming when it happened. You okay?" Ryan asked as he was stunned one more time by the insane beauty of this guy before him.

Jez pulled a face and leaned back, stretching out his long legs on the chair and placing his arms behind his head. He breathed out some air, very slowly.

"I didn't even wanna come, ya know. Brad is my cousin. My parents...well, they died two years ago and I had to go live with them."

Ryan's eyes softened and he let his guard down, just a bit in hearing that. Why was there suddenly a warm feeling inside his chest... ?

"Oh man...I'm really sorry to hear that..."

"It was...yeah, it was pretty terrible. I'm sixteen, like you, and still my aunt and uncle made me come with Brad and his cronies. When we got here on Friday, I was like...look at this view, I mean, it's beautiful. You know that way better than me. And I really thought maybe it won't be so bad here. Fuck...Brad's a dick. He kept making fun of me all the way here, just to impress those two girls he's two timing. He didn't want me here anymore than I wanted to come. Fuck man, I'm sorry. You don't need to know all my shit."

Ryan swallowed.

He literally couldn't take his eyes off Jez. Now that the latter was spread out on the deck chair, he could take a good look at him. Taller, lanky, well it sure looked like he had a good body underneath his shirt and leather jacket. He had a silver chain of a cross around his neck as well...his dark black hair swatted across his forehead made him one of the most gorgeous guys Ryan had ever seen.

His fingers and palms were suddenly sweaty. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to click with these guys?

"Why so quiet?" Jez asked, as he moved his eyes towards Ryan.

"I dunno...I guess I've always been here, at the guesthouse, here in Margate. I don't have a lot of friends and those I do have life miles away. I never see them these days with covid and all. And you guys all live in Cape'd love to visit there someday."

Jez lurched his body upwards and looked Ryan in the eye.

"Anyone ever tell you, you're sexy as hell?"

Ryan froze. It was like he was having an out of body experience.

Jez smiled and stood up, being careful to keep his distance.

"You need to know how to take a compliment, bro. I'm gonna hit the sack, I'm bushed. See ya tomorrow... maybe."

Ryan watched as Jez walked past him, and he didn't dare look back.

What just happened?

Since when did hot boys do that?? What? This was insane!

He could still smell the cigarette smoke...make no mistake, it had been very real.

The cold evening air swept through him. It was after eleven in the evening after all.

And suddenly,

Ryan Adams smiled.



Wanna read more? Should I write a second chapter? Lemme know!!

Next: Chapter 2

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