Friends I Guess

By Ryan White

Published on Nov 21, 2020



Thank you, for all the great feedback you guys gave me on chapter one. You're awesome!

Second chapter, and it's gonna be an emotional one. I hope you enjoy it. If y'all wanna reach me my email as always is

Stay safe, Ryan


Ryan rolled over in his bed, first this way and then that way and then again onto his back, as he tried desperately to see who the person was that was totally busy plaguing his dreams...

All that he knew, was that he felt more happier than he did in a bloody long time and it was all thanks to whoever he was busy sharing his dream with. The person laughed, and he would too, likena wildfire spreading inside him...they would race across the beach, and he would feel whoever it was, pulling him into the ocean for some more fun and games. He actually felt the wetness of the salty ocean water dripping off him as in reality he moaned and smiled...


With the same smile on his young, sixteen year old handsome face, Ryan Adams finally woke up...and found himself staring at the ceiling, as he curled himself up more snugly into the blankets around him and closed his eyes. It was only in his dreams, that he did not feel as alone as he really was.

He smelled the luscious aroma of bacon within his bed and that alone was enough reason to actually get up and face the day. Lucky for him as well as his parents all, the rowdy teenagers had arranged to spend some days at their "leader" Brad's grandparents farm, so he didn't have to worry about rushing himself fucked up to get things ready for them, here at the Excellent Guesthouse. A few days without Brad's demands and him visually enjoying humiliating his poor mother at lunch and dinners times, along with that blond broom stick he was fucking, god...if they didn't need the money so badly, they would have been long gone.

Ryan stopped in his tracks after removing the shirt that he had slept in...last, no it wasn't a dream. One of those young bunch of idiots that was currently staying at Excellent, had stayed behind, he didn't travel with the rest. Brad was his cousin, and they had a row yesterday before the majority departed...yet he stayed behind...and last night, Jeremy aka Jez, he called Ryan "sexy".

Ryan's tanned torso from spending so much time on the beach, when he wasn't working his ass off in trying to help run Excellent was beautiful to behold, although the boy in question really didn't seem to think so. He had a strong six pack happening, his arms were defined and bleached as golden caramel from spending time in the sun, his hair was spiky and still slept in...all and all, a perfect specimen of a male teen-age boy.

Ryan shook his head and stifled a laugh in his throat...what was the guy's name...Jeremy? Yeah, now he remembered...Jeremy, and of course Jez for short. That was the first time Ryan had ever heard ot have been given a compliment over his looks, other than any his mother or am overbearing aunt...being home schooled thanks to Covid and the virus itself, meant that he didn't socialise with kids his own age as much as he would have liked...and the cherry on the proverbial cake...Jez was literally one of the most beautiful boys he had ever seen in his life.

Would Jez still be in his room?

Would he have changed his mind and asked Brad to come and fetch him and take him to that ranch they were now staying at?

An excitement as fierce as a morning erection sliced through sixteen year old Ryan. To his utter embarrassment, his dick started to actually plump up. Ryan sat down, and then, because it felt like the right thing to do, he laid back on his unmade bed.

His teenage fuck stick was currently risen sky high, it was literally the hardest it had ever been, that he could remember. Ryan closed his eyes and laid his right hand onto his ripped torso. How good did this feel...having his dick rock hard and bobbing in mid air...all that he saw when he once more closed his eyes was the out stretched figure of Jez on that deck chair from last night. His lanky, powerful body easing itself as he smoked his cigarette.

Ryan's right hand, as if it was being controlled by a master puppeteer, curled around his teenage boy cock...all seven inches of it. He shuddered as he felt his blood pumping and as hormones threatening to scatter out of total control. Jez, god, he was so beautiful. So raw, so composed and sure of himself...the rapid movement on Ryan's cock became a full force jacking session. His cock leaked pre cum out of his flaring piss slit, which was gobbled up immediately by his palm as his jacking movements encircled his penile corona.

"Jez...sigh..." he whispered more to himself than to anyone else as he jacked his cock more thorough, all the while seeing that hot dude in front of his eyes. He never had the need before to masturbate over the looks of a guest before, hahaha...but there it was.

His hand was now a virtual blur on his sixteen year old sperm maker...his balls dangled in their nut sacks as Ryan sped things up...he imagined how Jez would look possibly without his shirt...that lanky, tall body would surely be a stunning one underneath the leather jacket he was wearing last night. The fact that he smoked, made him even sexier, more brutish, more anything that Ryan himself was not, and he couldn't get enough.

It was once more, Jez and his smiling demeanour that made the boy lift his entire torso off the bed and flung his penis viciously through his right hand. His balls was fucking cooking right now. With an almighty hiss and a inward groan from his throat, he poured out his stunningly pearly white teenage cream from that flaring cock head.

Never before, he was quite sure, had he cummed this much. God, it was fucking everywhere. It was dripping from his penis to his torso as it just kept cumming like a damn volcano had just burst. He sunk his head down on the pillow and breathed in copious amounts of air once his balls felt they finally had enough.

Dear god. That...that was the most emphatic orgasm he's ever had. And all whilst thinking about the gorgeous Jeremy, aka Jez.

I'm a idiot...Ryan thought as his heart rate calmed down, not even noticing that his sprouts of sperm, watery and cold by now, now leaked onto his what universe would a boy with looks like that even be interested in someone like me? He gave me a compliment, probably because he was bored or even worse...he felt sorry for my scrawny ass.

Have to get up. If his mom or dad came in here and saw THIS...

Devout Christians such as themselves do not pleasure thy self. He had a heard it all before. He smirked...better tell that to his dick. It just ain't wanna play ball.


Through out the morning, Ryan's eyes were severely on the look out for Jez, and alas, he wasn't having very much luck. Jez didn't come down for breakfast, nor was he in his room when he asked housekeeping about it. Between him and Jez, they were like, the only two young teens in the guesthouse so he kinda hoped...and with a face that very much resembled a rotten avocado, Ryan went on with his daily grind. Eventually, he started to forget Jez, as the day carried on, and by the afternoon lunch rush, there was still no sign of him.

Stop this. Stop this now...he thought. The dude gave you a fake compliment and now you're fanning all over him. It's pathetic!


"Since when do we allow homosexuals here at the guest house?" Albert Adams, Ryan's father thundered out as they sat down for their own lunch, later that afternoon.

Ryan's delicious piece of steak that he had just placed inside his mouth suddenly turned into ash...

Kimberley, Ryan's mom, carefully cleared her mouth and sat her cutlery down on her plate.

"Albert, okay, I know how you feel about people like them..."

"How I feel? Kimberley? Are you team homo now as well?" Albert cruelly and decisively stopped his wife in mid sentence. Kimberley slightly flinched...her husband had never raised his hand to her before, but these days and with everything was a thought she didn't even wanna tolerate.

"Albert, we need the money. For God's sake, we were closed half the year with this virus!"

"Oh please, the so called virus is nothing but a bad flu, even Donald Trump said so!"

"Dad, how can that be when you look how bad America is doing with Covid?" Ryan dared to ask, but he felt he needed to somehow, stick up for his mother.

Albert turned a ugly shade of somewhere between red and purple before he slammed his beer glass onto the table before him.

"I don't care how badly we're doing here. I don't care if the profits are down. The Lord will provide. We don't need to take in these...these filth of man kind, these demon possessed disgusting humans who think they can now rule the world. Trump hasn't conceded yet!"

Ryan rolled his eyes and took another sip of Coke. He had heard all this before. Yet another reason he could never come out. How the hell could he? When he was living with such a damn homophobic man who just happens to be his own father?

As he carried the dirty players towards the kitchen sink, he finally caught sight of the one person he had be looking forward to seeing all day...

...only Jez wasn't alone.

He was with a girl, one that Ryan hadn't seen around here before, and who was not with them when the young bunch had arrived. What was worse...they were actually holding hands.

Ryan blinked and suddenly felt the need to get the fuck out of there. It felt and if the walls was closing in on him and suffocating him. He needed fresh air and he needed it right now. As he blindly reached the back of the kitchen, where the outside loo was situated, he ran inside, closed the door, and took a huge breath, in and out.

Damn you, you fucking idiot! You got your damn hopes up and for what?? For a kid who was so obviously straight? Then why give me a compliment on his looks last night? The fuck was up with that? Fuck this shit...he thought as he angrily wiped away some tears that had spilled over his handsome face. How dare he think...hope that...GOD! He was totally gonna be alone forever. He knew it. It's just how it was.

Ryan sat down on the toilet and literally shook with anger.

Between all this and his dad going ON and ON about how he hated gays and what needs to be done with them...he didn't...he actually couldn't go on anymore. He felt like he was fighting a losing battle. How can you fight against someone who refused to listen and to accept things he didn't believe in?


As Ryan returned to the guesthouse he had to walk past the three rooms that the teenagers had booked out in order to get to his. All that he could hear inside the middle room, was a boy and a girl laughing their asses off and shooting the shit whilst loud music was banging on and on. He closed his eyes and got away from the door as quick as he could.

His father was inside the living-room shouting at his mother because she had slightly burned the part of the lunch that he had gotten served. When he was done throwing his tantrum, including throwing away the remaining steaks which his wife had so lovingly cooked, he slumped in his chair, ready for his afternoon nap, leaving Kimberley Adams humiliated in front of the remaining guess in the dining room.

Ryan made up his mind. He knew what he had to do.

When Albert was fast asleep, he sneaked into the study, or at least that's what his father called it, when in reality it was nothing but a room to fill with Albert's clutter. Against the opposite wall, however, was the thing he was actually looking for.

A big ole cabinet, where he knew wherein lied the object he was looking for. As if he was dreaming, and not actually living, he took out the heavy piece of felt so damn cold, so icy inside the palm of his hand. There was indeed two bullets inside.

He couldn't mess this up, even if he tried.


"Yo, man! Brian, was it? How goes, dude??"

With eyes as dead as zombies, Ryan stopped, and turned around at the sight of the gorgeously handsome boy who was once more busy lighting up a cigarette and who was looking straight at him.

Jez's whole facial features was shocked back down to earth as he saw Ryan's demeanour...something was wrong, terribly wrong...this guy looked like death warmed up...

"Hey...Brian, I'm sorry, I was just messing around, you know? You okay? You wanna talk, like we did last night?"

Before Jez had quite finished his sentence, the girl who Ryan had seen him with from the kitchen window, came into view from behind the door and pulled her entitled nose upwards as she saw who Jez was talking to.

"What, eeeuw, leave the help alone and come back to bed!" he hissed with a evil look in her eyes as she stared down at poor Ryan.

"Okay, just chill, will ya? I'll be right there!" Jez hissed at the girl, who seemed if she could have killed both Jez and Ryan with her eyes she would have done.

After she was done banging the door so hard that it nearly snapped off it's hinges, Jez turned towards Ryan.

"You really don't look good, and I don't mean to be nasty but it's true. You looked lonely as fuck last night too. You wanna go somewhere, Brian? I'm serious, I'm not gonna just leave you like this."

Something in Ryan just...just snapped.


The entire guesthouse could have and probably did hear him. Flustered as hell about what he had just done, he grabbed the bag he was holding the piece of metal equipment inside and stormed outside to the beach as fast and he could.


As luck would have it, no one was on the beach. It was getting pretty dark out, as the sun which was just shining brightly and warmly mere minutes ago made way for the sheer abundance of storm clouds. It was looking more and more like a bunch of rain was going to fall, as was the vivid evidence as Ryan felt a drop of water splash onto his nose and roll off his cold, charred lips.

As he reached his favourite spot on the secluded beach, he sat down on the fallen tree stump he and his father had maneuvered there years ago, back when things still were good between him, his parents, before covid, before he was so lonely he could hardly stand it...before he knew he was gay, and that he would never, ever have his father's approval in that sense.

So what exactly was the point of carrying on...?

Inside the bag, that he had been clutching to his chest for a while now, that jagged piece of metal that belonged to his dad was winking right at him.

As if it wanted to say...go on, use me.

Slowly, but surely, the silver gun he had swiped form his father's office made it's appearance. Ryan swallowed. Was he really gonna do this?

Tears once more fell from his eyes.

He just didn't see any other way out. Everything was going against him. It was better doing this. He would be going to a better place. Where there was no pain, or no heart ache, and even better, no judgements.

As he held the gun between his fingers, a wave of nausea overtook him. He focussed on keeping his shit down, and then turned the gun onto his forehead. His chest was heaving up and down at a ferocious pace. His breathing quickened. This was it. Getting away from it all...

His fingers curled around the trigger. He closed his eyes.



The gun fell out of his hands in complete and utter shock at the sound of the voice shouting in the mist of the rain. He looked to his left and saw that Jez...yes, Jez, was storming towards him as quick as he could. Jez fell over his feet on the wet sand several times in an attempt to get to him, but he didn't stop for one moment.

The rain was really pouring down now as Jez finally reached him. He reached down and snatched the gun from Ryan's grasp and he flung it away into the bushes. He turned around and with eyes, that were dangerously red at that point and time...he scowled at the other boy.

"How...hoe can you wanna do this? Why, Ryan? Are things this bad? Tell me, fo you have you live with your cousin? A cousin who hates you? Who bullies you on a daily basis? Did you have to identify your parents' bodies after their car crashed into a fully loaded truck? Do you have any idea how much I miss my parents? How dare you do this??"

Ryan slumped forward towards the ground as his kegs and knees gave him. At once, he felt a pair of arms and hands around him, picking him up and placing his tired, weak and depressed body back onto the tree stump.

Ryan started to cry, as his body shook violently with pent up emotion and the utter shock of what he had almost done. If Jez hadn't turned up when he did...he would have pulled that trigger.

Both of them kept sitting on that tree stump as they watch the rain pour down around them, and Ryan felt Jez's arm around him, as he started to shiver.

"Wanna go back home? We can talk there...if you wanna?" Jez whispered, so that only he could hear, and Ryan nodded slowly, still bitterly cold and still warming up bit by bit, having Jez next to him.


Ryan smiled slightly as Jez went ahead and placed a steaming cup of hot chocolate before and when did he get this done, he wondered, amused. The kitchen was closed until at least dinner time, and even then, they wouldn't just make two cups of hot chocolate for any of the guests. Nevertheless, he wasn't about to complain. He was colder than he ever was.

As they sat in an comfortable silence, inside that rented room inside the Excellent Guesthouse, Ryan took a deep breath, and he took a sip of his hot drink.

"I'm sorry..." he croaked out as he swallowed. For some reason, he couldn't look Jez in the eye.

"Hey...we all do stupid things! Okay, not as stupid as killing your self, but...Ryan, are things really that bad?"

" dad is...look Jez, I'm gay. There, I said it. And my dad..."

"...yeah, we all heard him over the weekend. Dude...look, you were honest with me, so I'm gonna ne honest with you. I'm bisexual, myself. I like both girls and guys. So...yeah this afternoon, me and that girl had a good time. I'm not gonna lie. But...when I saw how you looked, so sad, so incredibly unhappy...I've never seen anyone like that before. I knew I had to follow you. Thank god, I did. And you know what? I'm glad I did."

Ryan looked up. He was trembling.

"Thanks, I guess. know, saving my life and all."

He felt a presence next to him. He even dared look to his right. God... again, how beautiful was Jez? His hair wet from the rain, his T-shirt plastered against his upper chest, his eyes sparkling for some or other reason...

Jez smiled at him as he placed his arm around Ryan.

"Me too. So glad I did..." he said before he leaned forward and kissed him.

It was the single handedly most romantic thing that had ever happened to Ryan. Jez's lips felt like velvet on top of his own. Jez only gone and deepened the kiss, sighing as he did, and placed his hand on Ryan's cheek, and softly caressed it, as he held it in place.

Ryan was the first to release the kiss, and completely out of breath, he allowed his forehead to collapse on Jez's chest, and he felt the latter's arms encircled his body as Jez held him to his own body.

"Oh wow..." Ryan hissed in utter admiration for the first kiss he had ever received from another boy. And holy shit, it was totally worth the wait.

Jez didn't reply, but ran his fingers through the back of Ryan's hair, slowly, carefully, as if he wanted to explore the equally sexy little dude that he was holding in his arms.

"You're so beautiful..." Ryan croaked out, and held Jez even closer. He heard Jez laugh softly, and yet again, a small kiss was placed on top of his hair.

"Take a look in the mirror, pal. Have been watching you ever since we got here," he replied.

"When is the others getting back from Brad's grandfather's ranch?" Ryan asked as he finally lifted up his head and looked straight into Jez's beautiful blue eyes.

"Tomorrow or the day after, I think. Fuck...I know I said I didn't even wanna come here with them in the first place. But now...I'm happy I did. So happy..." Jez whispered as he yey again leaned in for a kiss, which was emphatically returned by Ryan.

"So...friends?" Jez said, biting Ryan's bottom lip after the draining kiss.

Ryan couldn't help, but smile. God knows...he didn't know when was the last time he was so happy.

"Friends, I guess..." he whispered back.



Suicide is never an easy topic to wrote about, but it felt right for this particular story. In Jez, Ryan has found a real friend, and maybe...maybe more?

Lemme know if you enjoyed it, and if you wanna read more! Xx

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