
By esdol

Published on Oct 7, 2003



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Copyright 2003 Anika Hulse, All Rights Reserved. Anika Hulse

In this story, Anika, 22 years old, befriends Nissa, 19 years old, who is disabled and they fall in love with each other and it goes from there. Anika is a transsexual. Being born like that in another country she may not have survived, or if she did, she would have had a hard time being recognised as a full fledged person with rights given to her right after conception and birth and not because she would have become a transsexual that the term did not exist in New Ottawa. Nissa, on the other hand, being born with Cerebral Palsy, would may have been in the same intollerable situation in other countries than New Ottawa.

This year Summer seems to be becoming a hot one and it's only the beginning of June. It was Friday noon and Anika was relaxing on the outdoor terrace at the restaurant where she liked to go. She worked as a nurse's assistant at the Good Samaritan Health Centre's Rehab Department, with a good salary. Fridays she worked until noon. In New Ottawa, people were well respected and paid accordingly. New Ottawa is a city-nation founded in 1400 by European explorers. It was a nation, yes, but a different one from the rest of the others. It evolved faster than the others like Canada, United States, England, those of Europe, Africa, South America and others, and New Ottawa is a member of United Nations. It's like having a city of the 25th Century in the 21st! Its evolution wasn't held back. Laws and regulations didn't hinder technological advances nor environmental protection. Nor did laws hinder personal evolution in the field of education, health care, employment of any one including persons with disabilities. All services were given to all.

Anika went to the nurses' station to check some charts of some of her assigned clients for the morning and saw everything was fairly normal. She was about to leave work for the day, Fridays she worked until noon, when Mary, the Head nurse told her she could go.

"It's okay, Anika. You could go, I'll handle it."

"You're sure, I mean I still have 10 minutes of my shift." Said Anika.

"Of course. Go, see you on Monday if not before..."

"Okay, you know where to reach me if needed. Bye." Said Anika picking up her backpack and going to the washroom on the floor near the station to change her clothes. She changed into some comfortable clothes which included a white short skirt, a blue halter top. She left two or three of the upper buttons undone making a V, but not too revealing; no bra nor any panties or stockings or pantyhose. She did keep her walking shoes. She had dark below shoulders length hair. No make-up, at least not unnatural chemical soups that are widely promoted elsewhere in the world. After putting away her uniform, she exited the washroom to head to the elevators. She stood at a certain distance from the door so the scanner above the door could signal the elevator to stop to let her on. Only few seconds later, the door opened and she stepped in. There were several others inside.

"Ground Level, please?" she asked.

The door closed after 30 to 45 seconds to give others who might needed to board. When she reached Ground Level, she headed for a hovering vehicle near the Entrance and boarded.

"Take me to 25 George Street, please? Here's my card..." she said to the vehicle's computer and headed for that address.

As the vehicle sped towards the destination, Anika looked around to see how beautiful New Ottawa was with its many green spaces, parks, Rideau Canal and buildings that were no higher than 10 storeys. Good Samaritan Health Centre was a jewel itself with its two-tier base and ten circular towers housing departments such as the administration, spirituality, children's centre, geriatrics, trauma centre, medical library, research centre which includes homeopathic pharmaceutics and pharmacology, mental health centre, home and long term care development centre, a rehab centre and another important one: a virus and infectious disease containment centre. The Centre also had gardens, a cafe or two for both clients and employees, a cafeteria also open to all including the public, a teaching facility and other amenities to make it look and feel less of a hospital, but a true health centre. Other buildings in New Ottawa were innovative as well such as office buildings, apartment buildings, government buildings and houses. New Ottawa had solar, wind and other renewable energy as early as the 1930s. Even though there weren't many, gas guzzling cars and other vehicles disappeared in early 1940s and the streets were redesigned for pedestrians and monorail systems and other vehicles including anti-gravity vehicles for personal use. Also, they recycled everything ever since New Ottawa was founded. It was one of the most important things they did.

Anika arrived at her destination, a cosy cafe where she was a regular. She got out of the vehicle and went to a table and sat down. A waitress came and handed her a menu.

"Hi Lucie, how are you today?" asked Anika.

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm fine... Can I have a nice light salad and a light beer, 0.5 would be nice... Thanks."

With that Lucie went inside to get Anika's lunch. Few minutes later Lucie came back with a beer and the salad.

"Thanks..." said Anika.

Anika slowly ate her lunch and looking around relaxing. Lucie came over for few minutes to chat with Anika. After fifteen, twenty minutes Anika finished her meal and drank the rest of her beer.

She looked around and went to the cashier to pay for her light meal and beer and went to the washroom. As she entered the women's washroom, another girl was just entering a floor to ceiling walled stall, one of few, designed for persons with disabilities. Anika noticed that she was having some difficulty not because of the design, but because she seemed to be in a hurry. Some persons with a disability have trouble coordinating their movements when in a hurry. She introduced herself and asked the girl her name, which was Nissa, if she needed or would like some help? Nissa looked up surprised, but welcomed Anika's offer with a big smile.

"Please, if you aren't shy helping persons with disabilities? I'm kind of in a hurry. When I drink beer I go often and can't really concentrate on controlling my chair."

"Of course not. I'll be more than happy to Nissa. I do work at the Good Samaritan Health Centre's Rehab Department as a nurse's assistant. So, no need to be shy with me either, okay? How can I help?" Asked Anika closing the door to have some privacy and hanging up her backpack. She looked at Nissa who was wearing a black halter top with crossed straps in the back with a matching short skirt and running boots. Nissa told Anika what to do and how so she won't hurt herself by straining her muscles too much. Anika helped Nissa to park her manual chair beside the toilet so it would be easy for Anika to transfer her. Anika took hold of Nissa under her arms and lifted her to a standing position with Nissa holding on. Anika hardly struggled as she lifted Nissa who looked surprised and to Anika's eyes. For a while both were standing close to each other with their breasts touching.

"I, I don't wear any panties Anika. All you need to do is pull up my skirt a little and sit me on the seat." She said.

Anika smiled and told her she doesn't mind.

"In fact, I don't wear panties either, if you don't mind me saying so?" She sat Nissa down gently.

"No, no...You can stay if you want, it's okay with me." Nissa said.

"Okay, but I need to go too."

"I'll try to hurry up."

"It's okay... I can hold it a while." Replied Anika.

"There, done. Would you wipe me, please?" asked Nissa.

"Sure." Said Anika getting some toilet paper and wiped Nissa's shaved vagina. Then, Anika transferred her to her chair and asked if she could go pee with her present? Nissa smiled and told her of course she could anytime.

"Thanks Nissa... Can I show you something? It's about my sex. I have a penis and breasts as you see... I hope I'm not scaring you?"

"No, you're not scaring me at all. In fact, I felt it against my body when you stood me up! I didn't say anything to you because I accepted you from the moment you stood me up. I felt secure with you and that's special to me. You know what?... I feel at ease with you, a lot! Thanks for helping me out. I was wondering, just wondering mind you, if we could be friends?" Asked Nissa looking at Anika's shaved genitals area and smiled.

"I would like that, too." Replied Anika standing in front of the toilet, pulling her short skirt down. Then, standing in front of the toilet and let herself go. She didn't mind at all if Nissa looked at her while she was peeing. After she finished Nissa asked her what was she doing and asked if she could tag along? Nissa didn't have anything to do.

"I'm just relaxing myself on the terrace. You can join me. I'd like that very much."

"Thanks... Now, lets get out of here before someone else needs to go." Said Nissa.

With that, they went onto the terrace for a while talking about anything. Then, Anika asked Nissa if she would like to go to the shopping centre just few steps away from the cafe. Nissa gladly accepted the invitation and Anika took hold of the handles of the chair and headed for the shopping centre. As they entered Anika took Nissa's right hand and continued on. Nissa smiled at Anika as she tightened her grip a little showing her that she appreciated her company. They window shopped for half an hour or so when they went for a coffee at a cafeteria in a major retail store. They relaxed while talking about personal things including Anika's work at the Rehab Department and Nissa's at the New Earth Centre as a secretary. Both liked their work.

"I work four and a half days, sometimes four. On Fridays I leave at noon." Said Anika.

"You too? I work same as you, it's neat. How did you get your job Anika?"

"Well, I study nursing and in the last year of my studies I applied and they accepted me. It's almost two years now. I really like it there. I get to meet people who need help. I also like New Ottawa. It's very different from other cities and even countries... My parents travelled a lot to volunteer especially in Africa where they were killed by some rebels. I do miss them. They taught me to do the right things. We settled here few years ago because of the kind of life and they could advance here, as I. They left me the house as an heritance."

"Yes, New Ottawa has that effect on people no matter where they came from or background. I like it too here. People can advance here. Shame other countries lack that spirit." Said Nissa smiling.

"Nissa, would you like to come home with me and have supper? It would be a pleasure having you. I live alone."

As Anika asked Nissa that, she wasn't sure at first, but after few seconds she accepted to go to Anika's house. They window shopped for a while, shopped and then hopped in a vehicle and headed to her house.

When they arrived, Anika showed Nissa around the two-storey house that was fully accessible as were all houses from the very beginning. The Founders, as they were affectionately called, wanted the city-nation to be fully accessible for all people without no exception. They believed, from their spiritual and religious upbringing, that all persons no matter if they were disabled had their proper and rightful place in society. The Good Samaritan Parable and other Parables were the driving force behind the founding and foundation of New Ottawa. They didn't stop there. They lived side by side with the First Nations Peoples. They didn't assimilate them into their beliefs and standards because First Nations Peoples were here on what they call Turtle Island (North America for others) ten thousand years or more. The Parliament was named Pedamayakiya House meaning in Lakota language Thank You House... Anika's house felt cosy with antiques and paintings of her family from past generations to present. Her parents died unfortunately on a trip to Africa. She didn't have other siblings. She showed Nissa the dining-room, kitchen, living-room, den, bedrooms; there were four, three for guests and relatives from far away who would come once in a while. The house also had an indoor heated pool for relaxing all year round.

"Anika, can we go for a dip? I'd like that."

"Sure, why not? It's a great idea. I have an extra bikini if you want, or we could skinny dip? I don't mind. I usually go in nude anyway."

"I'd like to skinny dip, too. Besides, we've already seen each other practically nude earlier." Replied Nissa smiling.

With that Anika helped Nissa get undressed taking off her shoes and socks first. Then, she helped with her top and skirt. After that Anika took off her shoes and socks and then her top and skirt. Both were now nude. Anika came close to Nissa standing in front of her. Both looked into each other's eyes while Anika took hold of Nissa and lifted her up and held her against her body. Anika started towards the pool's ramp. She had installed a ramp instead of steps, was more secure and all pools were like that in New Ottawa. She started to enter the water and Nissa felt the warm water coming up on her legs and then her lower body. Smiling, she kissed Anika on her cheek and then on her mouth gently. Anika reciprocated with a gentle kiss on Nissa's lips and looked into her eyes glowing with joy. Both were joyous being together for the first time. It felt as if they knew each other a long time. As they were totally in the water Anika let go of Nissa to see what she could do. She never went far just in case. Nissa told her she could swim on her own and needed not much help. In the water persons with disabilities can do many things including stand up and walk. There was less gravity. However, Anika suggested to Nissa to try some floating balls tied together by a fairly thick but smooth rope and put them under her arms with the rope behind her on her upper back. This would help her even more to swim. She could control her floating and standing much better.

"Neat... Yes, I'm sure. I didn't know these things existed Anika. I see what you mean. I can lean forward my head and my legs go down and when putting my head back just a little my legs resurface. Thanks."

"Glad you like them. I had them made at the Rehab Department for me because I had the habit of inviting few clients over. Now, I don't because I didn't know any who accepted my invitations, but that's okay. I never force them to come. I kept them though just in case and I'm glad I did." Said Anika.

"Me too. Anika, come here. I want to kiss you." Said Nissa holding out her arms.

Anika came close to Nissa putting her arms around her in return. Anika let Nissa put her lips to hers as she opened her mouth just a little to let Nissa's tongue enter. Anika held Nissa tight but gently against her body caressing her back. Nissa held on tight as felt Anika's breasts on hers and her penis harden against her vagina. Both were waltzing slowly around the pool as if some music played in their minds simultaneously. Loving each other tenderly they caressed and embraced each other. Then, instinctively, Anika carried Nissa up the ramp and went outside on to the lawn where it was still warm with just a gentle breeze and laid Nissa gently down on the grass. Then, Anika caressed Nissa's breasts and kissed them gently. Nissa parted her legs as if inviting Anika to enter her vagina and make love to her. Anika saw this and gently played with her vagina caressing it to lubricate it before entering her penis which wasn't that large but natural and not pumped up. Nissa was beginning to moan as Anika lubricated her vagina and slightly touching her clit that made her body jerk with spasms, but she smiled with joy. Then, Anika put her penis slight inside Nissa and her body jerked more widely. Anika pushed farther in her penis and pulled it out a little, and pushed back in a little farther in than before. Anika was also feeling the head of her penis touch Nissa's clit that made it jerk a little.

"Anika, it feels really wonderful. I never had anyone inside me except you! I love you... Oh, feels nice..."

Anika smiled back and kissed Nissa passionately holding her while going in and out with her penis. Anika also kissed Nissa's breasts and licked her nipples that made them harder. Then, she gently laid herself on to Nissa and they kissed each other passionately.

"I love you too Nissa, very much."

They continued kissing. Anika's bums were going a little faster by few seconds as her penis started throbbing inside Nissa's vagina feeling her clit almost tickling her and vice versa. She started to giggle because of the feeling. In fact, both giggled at the same time with Anika having tears in her eyes.

"Anika, would you lick me for a little while? I'll suck you if you want?"

"Sure, babe. Anytime."

Anika pulled her penis out slowly and turned to make a 69 with Nissa. Nissa opened her mouth to let Anika's penis in and started to suck gently and slowly at first, but augmenting speed as she sucked. While she was sucking, Anika gently spread Nissa's vagina lips to put her tongue deep inside. It was heaven on Earth for both of them. Anika entered a finger or two inside Nissa's anus to stimulate her and that made her buck a little. After a while she raised up her body to caress her own breasts while going up and down in Nissa's mouth. She played with her nipples for a while and then continued to lick Nissa's clit. This was really awesome. Her penis was really throbbing and she turned to put it inside Nissa. Nissa smiling, her body arched as she felt an orgasm flow through her body perhaps the first time ever. Anika took hold of her as she was about to explode inside her lover. She tightened her grip as she exploded cum inside Nissa as she herself was flowing like a river of honey and love. Her body jerked few times as her orgasm multiplied by two or three on a scale not invented, yet. Perhaps the name Nissa's Scale would be appropriate? Who knows? Anika continued to flow inside Nissa with so much cum that it overflowed on to her bums and into her anus.

"Ohhhhhh God... Anika, I'm in heaven." She struggled saying that.

"Shhh. My love. It's okay... It feels wonderful for me, too."

With that, Anika gave a big burst of cum into Nissa and her body went limp. Nissa, too, was out of it and both laid together on the grass for a half an hour or so...

To be continued...

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