From Fear Comes Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 23, 2006



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

From Fear Comes Love By Chris

Maria had only been out of nursing school for a year and was working the second shift on the surgery floor at a teaching hospital when she met Claire. She did not know then how much this young woman would affect her life, she only knew that Claire was a very attractive girl and much too young to be stricken with cancer.

Maria was the type of person whose heart bled for everyone. This did make it difficult to work in the nursing field at times, but then again it was what made her a great nurse. She always had a smile on her face and she tried her

best to make all her patients comfortable. Maria was to be Claire's nurse so she checked Claire into her room. When she got back to the nursing station, she opened Claire's chart, there saw that Claire had turned 18 back in April. The file stated that Claire had gone to see her gynecologist after she had graduated in June and her pap smear came back positive. After further examinations, it was determined the cancer had progressed to the point that her uterus had to be removed. This cancer was rare for a woman so young and not yet sexually active but it did happen. She was scheduled for a hysterectomy the first thing the following morning. This would be followed with a round of chemotherapy. If all went well, Claire had a great chance of surviving the cancer and living a long life.

Maria was almost in tears as she finished her reading. Maria made it a point to visit Claire's room often that evening, making sure that she was all right. Her mother and father were staying with her and while Claire tried to look relaxed, like it was no big deal, Maria could see the fear that was behind her pretty green eyes. Maria made polite conversation with Claire's parents and when she talked to Claire, she made sure that she would touch her arm or hand, just trying to convey some compassion to Claire. As the night went on, Maria noticed that Claire kept her eyes trained on her. Maria could sense that Claire needed to let out the fear that was building up in her mind but obviously; she was unwilling or unable to do this with her parents there.

At ten Maria went in to tell Claire that one of her parents would have to leave for the night but one could stay, if she wished. Her mother said that she would be staying but then Claire spoke up.

"No mom, why don't you go too? I will be all right and tomorrow will be a long day. You will need your rest. I will be okay here. I am a big girl now." Claire quipped trying to put humor into her inflection but not quite pulling it off.

"No, I'm staying here. You may be grown but you are still my little girl." Her mom replied. Maria looked at Claire and saw that Claire really wanted her mom to go so that she could be alone. Therefore, she butted in, as she was prone to do.

"She will be alright. We will look after her and she will need you even more tomorrow night. Claire is right; you will need to get a good night's sleep."

"If you think so, but are you sure honey?"

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be fine." Claire said relieved that her mother wouldn't be staying with her.

Maria stepped out as Claire's parents said their goodbyes and left. She stayed out of the room until she was about to get off, then she went into the room. She saw that Claire was biting her lower lip and she was starring up at the ceiling.

"How are you doing? You need to try to get some sleep." Maria said in her soft caring voice.

"I'm fine; I'll go to sleep in just a few minutes."

"Okay, I'm getting off soon but I can come back and sit with you if you would like to talk."

Claire looked at Maria with eyes that almost beamed over with tears but at the last second, she got it back together and stopped the tears from coming. "No I'm fine, thank you anyway."

"Well try to get some sleep okay." Maria said.

"Yes I will."

Marie went over to Claire, adjusted her pillow, and fiddled with the instruments above Claire's head. However, she was really watching Claire, trying to see into Claire soul. This was something that on occasions Maria could do and what she saw in Claire's soul scared her. This was a young woman in need of a friend. Maria went on out of the room, finished charting her patients and went over them with the nightshift nurse, and then visited the bathroom, as she was sure she wouldn't get a chance the rest of the night. Claire then went back to Claire's room shutting the door as she entered. Maria silently went over to Claire's bed and sat on the edge of the bed, making Claire move over to make room.

"I didn't believe you when you said that you were okay and didn't need to talk. I am good at sensing these things and I don't believe that I'm wrong. Am I?" Maria told Claire as she took Claire's hand in hers.

Claire looked into Maria's eyes trying to determine if Maria truly cared or was just talking. Marie waited her out and after a minute or two, the tears that had been held inside Claire for so long came out. Maria bent down and gathered the young girl into her arms. She held her tight and stroked Claire's back just letting her cry but not saying anything. There would be time for that later. Claire cried for about fifteen minutes before she got herself back under control. As she disengaged herself from Maria, she looked embarrassed by the show of emotion.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, and I have gotten your shoulder wet."

"That is okay, that is what I am here for." Claire said.

"I'm okay now; I know you must be tired after working your shift."

"No, now we talk. I am here for as long as you need me." Maria said as she took both of Claire's hands in hers. She squeezed them gently and after a few seconds, Maria felt Claire return the squeeze.

"Now tell me, are you afraid?"

"Yes." Claire replied and a new set of tears started to flow.

"What are you afraid of, dying?"


"And what else?"

"That I will never be able to give my parents grandchildren, not that I would have given them any seeing how I'm the way I am."

"Anything else?"

"Having to go through the chemotherapy; that scares me the most."

"Well let's take them one at a time. First dying, I won't sit here and tell you that you will not die. I cannot do that nor can anybody else. However, what I can tell you is that from your charts, I see the cancer is only in your uterus. Therefore, once that is gone then you chances are vastly improved. You are young and healthy and that is a big plus in your favor. So let's say your chances are very good that you won't die."

"I know those things and I keep telling myself that but I'm still a little scared."

"Being a little scared isn't necessarily a bad thing, it will keep you fighting. Now lets go to number two, no grandchildren for your parents. You won't be able to have children but you will still have your ovaries. So having children in another way is still possible. Plus you won't feel like a whale when your nine months pregnant." Maria said as she puffed out her cheeks and rocked as if she was wadding around. This brought a smile to Claire's face. "You can also adopt. However, this is something that you can worry about later. Now let us go to number three, chemotherapy. I saw on your chart that you would not need the full treatment. Yours will be more to make sure that they get all the cancer. It'll still be bad and you'll still get sick but it could be much worse. Tell you what; I will make you an offer. If you want me to go along with you, then I will. You'll just have to give me a call and I'll be there. I know your mom will be with you but sometimes a friend being there helps."

"You don't even know me and you would do that. Why?"

"Because you seem like a nice young woman and I want to help. That is just the way I am. It is the same reason I'm here and not at home right now. You needed a friend tonight so here I am."

A big smile came across Claire's face and Maria felt her whole heart go out to her. Claire then sat up and hugged Maria tightly. They sat there holding each other for a long time before Claire released Maria and laid back down.

"Now it's time for you to get some sleep."

"Will you stay with me a little longer?" Claire asked.

"I'm not going anywhere." Maria told Claire as she let go of one of Claire's hands to lower the top of the bed back down. Maria got up, turned out the lights, and then sat back down on the edge of the bed taking one of Claire's hands in hers. She gently stroked Claire's hair and face as the young woman fell asleep. When her back got tired, Maria got up and she heard Claire started to say something.

"I'm not going anywhere, go back to sleep." Maria said as she brought a chair over to the bed and took one of Claire's hands in hers. She then laid her head on Claire's bed and fell asleep. Sometime during the night Maria was awaken by the head nurse.

"What are you doing here? Are you related to this young lady?"

"No, she just needed a friend tonight."

"You know you can't bleed for everyone, you'll burn out."

"I know but she really needed me, I had to stay with her." Maria said and then she felt Claire squeeze her hand. The nurse left shaking her head and Maria laid her head back down.

At five thirty, the nurse on duty came in to wake Claire up and started getting her ready for surgery. When Claire came out of the bathroom with her

pajamas in her hands and wearing the hospital gown that everyone loves, she saw that Maria was getting ready to leave.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Claire asked.

"Your parents will be here soon, you'll be okay."

"Will you stay until I get out of surgery? I know I'll be alright if I see you when I wake up."

"Okay. I will not leave you. I am here as long as you need me."

The nurse then said that she needed to prep Claire for surgery and Claire looked at Maria with pleading eyes.

"I'll do it." Maria said as she took the razor and prep solution from the nurse. Normally this would be something very erotic for Maria but this morning, it was just something that was a part of her job. Maria put a pad under Claire's bottom and she helped her to get into position. Maria then set about shaving Claire's pubic hair off. She worked as quickly as possible, as she could see that Claire wasn't very comfortable. Her eyes were closed and there was a fair amount of distress showing on her face. Once she had wiped the residue of shaving cream from Claire's vagina, she had to apply the prep solution. "This is going to sting, I'm sorry." Maria told Claire. From the look on Claire's face Maria knew that it was stinging her. When Claire was finally ready for surgery, Maria sat with Claire until her parents came in and then she made her exit. When the orderlies wheeled Claire into surgery, Maria was waiting for her.

"I thought you had left me alone." Claire said with relief on her face when she saw Maria.

"I told you that I would be here and here I am." Marie told Claire then she did something that surprised herself. She went to Claire's bed and hugged her then kissed her on the cheek. As she rose up, she thought to herself, "Why did I just do that." However, she couldn't take the kiss back and it did seem to bring a smile to Claire's face. Maria stood by Claire's bed holding her hand until Claire had drifted off the sleep from the shot that they had given her. Maria then went up to the recovery area to wait for Claire. She was able to get a couple of hours sleep in before one of her friends that worked in recovery told her that Claire was on her way up. It took Claire a while to start coming out from the anesthesia. Maria held one of Claire's hands and used her other hand to wipe Claire's face with a cool cloth.

"I'm here honey." Maria told her as she began to open her eyes. Claire gave her a small smile but then fell back asleep only to wake back up a minute or two later, this time she woke up completely and promptly threw up but Maria and her friend were ready with a basin. Maria wiped Claire's face and mouth and eased her back down in the bed.

"I feel so bad." Claire whispered.

"I know honey but it will pass. The main thing is that you're all right."

"Your going to stay with me aren't you."

"Yes I'll be here until they take you back to your room, then your mother can do what she does best. Mother you."

"Thank you." Claire whispered, and then drifted off for a few more minutes.

Maria took good care of Claire until it was time for her go. She gave her another hug and another kiss on the cheek. It was something that she couldn't help from doing. From there Maria went home for a hot shower and a few hours sleep before having to return to work.

Maria found out that she would be working in the emergency room, when she got to work. She got there early and was able to check on Claire. She was in some pain but was doing all right. Her face did light up when she saw Maria enter her room. She sat on the side of the bed beside Claire for a half hour allowing Claire's parents to stretch their legs.

"So, how's my favorite patient?" Maria asked after they were alone.

"Hurting but okay, I guess."

"Well you look just fine, pretty as a picture."

"I don't believe that for a second, but thank you. You did say that you would come with me when I have my ..."

"Chemo? Yes, I did and I will be if you want me to be. And any other time that you need me, I am just a phone call away." Maria said as she got her pen out and wrote down her numbers. "Here is my home phone, cell phone and work phone numbers. Just remember if you call while I am working, I may have to call you back. I could be with a patient and cannot get to the phone. However, I will call you back. I promise and you know I keep my promises."

Claire held out her arms and Maria bent down and hugged her gently. Again, Claire whispered in her ear "Thank you." They talked a few more minutes before Claire's parents came back and she had to start work. Maria checked on Claire a couple of times that evening then again sat with her for a hour or so giving Claire's mother her last chance to walk around for the evening. Claire spent another day in the hospital before she was released.

When Maria came back to the nursing desk later that evening, there was a message from Claire. The admin clerk had just written, "Claire called and asked you to call her when you get home tonight." Maria knew that it would be late before she got home and started to call her but then Mrs. Wilson in room 310 started giving her problems and she never had any time to call. It was about

midnight before she got home and she hated to call but she made a promise. She dialed the number and prayed that Claire was okay and that Claire's mother would not be mad for her calling so late.

"Hello." a sleepy voice answered.

"This is Maria, Mrs. Johnson, I hated to call so late but I had a message to call Claire and I had told her that I would always return her calls. Is she okay?"

"Yes she is fine, still hurting but I guess that is to be expected. And please call me Helen; Mrs. Johnson makes me feel my age."

"Okay, Helen it is." Maria said.

"And it is fine about calling so late. Claire made me promise to wake her up when you called. I tried to tell her not to bother you at work but that kid can be stubborn sometimes."

"No problem, she can call me anytime. I told her that she could. And while I got you on the phone, I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"I told Claire I would be with her when she got her chemo treatments but I don't want to step on your toes."

"All I care about is that she gets better and if having you there makes her feel better then that is fine with me. I also want to thank you for sitting up with her that night before she had her surgery. You didn't have to do that."

"That's okay, I could sense that she needed someone to talk to and she was trying so hard to show you and her father how everything was all right. I think that she felt that if she showed you that she was scared then that would scare you both and she didn't want to do that."

"Well thank you for sitting up with her and thank you for telling me that. Let me go wake her up."

"Maria is that you?" Claire said in a sleepy and slightly drugged voice.

"Yes honey, you know you should be sleeping. You need your rest."

"I have been sleeping all day and I wanted to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"I don't remember now but it was important." Claire answered after thinking for a few seconds.

"Well will just talk a few minutes and see if you remember, then you must promise me that you will go back to sleep."

"Yes, I will. I promise. Now tell me about your evening."

Maria told Claire about Mrs. Wilson and all the problems that she had and when she heard Claire start to yawn, she made Claire go back to sleep telling her to call when she got up in the morning. That is what Claire did; Maria woke to the sound of the phone ringing early the next morning. She was right in the middle of a beautiful dream involving a beautiful girl but Maria could not place her. When she heard Claire's voice on the other end of the line she had a feeling of deja vu come over her.

"Wake up sleepy head." Claire chirped over the phone.

"Sounds like someone took their happy pill this morning. How are you

feeling or should I ask?"

"Believe it or not I haven't had a pain pill yet. I just feel better. It still hurts but not as bad."

"Well take it easy. Don't push yourself to much."

"I will, now stop being my nurse and start being my friend."

"Fair enough, no more nursing during this phone call. So what are you up too today?"

"Nothing much, maybe I'll sit outside for a while and read. Are you working this evening?"

"Afraid so."

"Shoot, I was hoping that you could come visit me. That will give mom a break; she is mothering me to death."

"Tell you what, I am off tomorrow, I can come over then."

"Great, I can't wait to have someone other than mom and pop to talk too."

They went on and talked for another hour before the pain came back and Claire had to get off the phone to take a pain pill. The next day Claire called Maria at noon, wondering when she was coming over and Maria had to smile at Claire's excitement over her visit. In addition, she had to admit she was looking forward to the visit. There was just something about the girl that got to her. She got directions from Claire and headed out the door. When she got there, Claire was waiting at the front door. She looked better than the last time that Maria had seen her but as Claire walked out to greet her, Maria could tell that Claire was walking gingerly.

"You are looking good, how are you feeling?" Maria asked as Claire hugged her.

"Better now." Claire replied, as the hug ended. "Mom has a pizza fixed for lunch. I have been dieing for pizza since I got out of the hospital and I finally feel good enough to try some."

"That sounds good to me. I'm hungry; I havn't had anything to eat since last night."

"Good then we can both pig out."

"How about letting me pig out and you take it easy. We don't want to upset your stomach."

"Yes Nurse Maria." Claire replied with a laugh, which made her unconsciously grab her abdomen.

"See." Maria said as she pointed at Claire's hand.

"You are as bad as my mother, you know."

"Once a mother always a mother, once a nurse always a nurse." Maria quipped.

"Funny." Claire said with a slight pout but that was quickly replaced with a smile.

As they entered the kitchen, Helen was putting the pizza on the table. She and Maria exchanged pleasantries and then all three sat down for lunch. Claire did take it easy on the pizza but what she did eat she enjoyed.

"Well since Claire is in good hands, I am going to do some shopping. You don't mind looking after my girl, do you Maria?" Helen asked.

"No that will be fine. It'll do you good to get out for a while."

Once her mom had left, Claire moved them into the den and she put her favorite CD on the small stereo. Maria was surprised when some Fleetwood Mac

came out of the speakers.

"What no rap or hip hop?" Maria asked with raised eyebrows.

"No believe it or not I like classic rock more than the new stuff. Not that I don't listen to it, but since the operation, the older stuff makes me feel better for some reason."

"What ever works, I'm for." Maria said as she sat down on the couch. As Claire sat down, Maria noticed that Claire held her stomach.

"Here spread out and I'll sit on the floor. You need to rest and let lunch settle."

Claire started to protest but Maria had already gotten up and was patting the end of the couch. Therefore, Claire went ahead and stretched out and Maria sat on her knees on the floor by the couch.

"So how are you doing?" Maria asked, once they were both settled.

"I thought we went over that already, I'm feeling a lot better."

"I meant mentally and emotionally."

"Do we have to talk about that? I want to try to forget about what is still ahead of me."

"Humor me a moment then we can talk about anything you want."

"I get a little depressed when I think about the chemo but knowing that you will be there, I know I can get through it. I still get scared sometimes but for the most part I feel good about everything."

"If you start to feel depressed then tell me or your mom. You need to think positive, even if you don't feel positive. That is the end of my speech. What do you want to talk about, the floor is yours."

"Then let's talk about you. You know all about me, now it's your turn."

"I was afraid you would say that. I don't like talking about myself."

"Tough, now tell me everything."

"Let's see. I am 24 and of course a nurse working on the surgery floor. I am a female and my name is Maria. I guess that is about it." Maria said with a smile on her face.

"Funny! Try again and this time with details, lots of details."

"Details, you didn't say anything about details."

"Yes I did, I said everything."

"Okay, I will quit teasing but I really don't like talking about myself. I'm a better listener than a talker but for you I'll make the exception."

"Thank you, now talk!"

"My parents are both from Italy and came here a few years before I was born. My father was working with a company that had moved some of it's manufacturing to a plant in Morristown. He came here to run the plant. I came along a few years later then my little brother was born a couple of years after that. Therefore, I actually have a duel citizenship, or rather had until I turned 18 when I gave up my Italian citizenship. I have only been to Italy a few times over the years but I grew up in America. This country is only country that I know. The company went out of business when my brother and I were teenagers and my parents thought about moving us back to Italy but my brother and I begged them not too. They eventually gave in and my father got a job at another plant. My parents say that when they retire they will go back but I don't think they will. They are as much American as my brother and I am. After high school I went to college here and got my degree in nursing."

"Did you always want to be a nurse?"

"I guess I did. Even when I was young, I always had that ability to read people, sort of sense when they are hurting and I wanted to help. Nursing, I

figured was the best way to do that. However, I have learned that people have to want your help before you can give it to them and mostly what I can do is to

listen. They have to do the hard work."

"Are you talking to me?" Claire interrupted.

"No I was just telling you what I have discovered over the years. But it does apply to you. I'll always be there for you but I cannot take the chemo treatments for you, I wish I could but I can't. I cannot heal you but I can help you to heal yourself. I truly believe that you will have a long life; you just have to keep fighting. Anyway, I said I would not talk about your illness so that really is the last we will talk about that today. Now tell me about yourself. I know the medical stuff; now tell me the personal stuff."

"Now you didn't tell me everything about yourself, I know there is more there."

"Yes there is but you will just have to learn it as we go along. We'll have plenty of time to talk; we don't have to tell all our secrets in one sitting. So it is back to you. What do you want to do? Where are you going to college?

"I was going to be a pharmacist, but now I am rethinking that."

"What are you thinking about now?"

"Maybe a nurse, you have helped me and I want to do the same. Maybe we could even work together one day."

"I am flattered, but nursing is a lot more than just holding someone's hand and listening to them. It is hard work and a lot of it is not pleasant. Sometimes no matter what you do, your patient will die. You still have time to think about that. So where are you going to college?"

"I was going to go to UCLA, you know to get away from home, and all that but then they found the cancer. So mom and I talked and I am going to go here for a while until I am completely clean of cancer and then maybe transfer. But getting away from home doesn't seem as important as it once did. Plus I would like to keep being friends with you after I get better."

"Don't worry; you aren't getting rid of me that easily. I like you and I want to be your friend." Maria said and then she got up off her knees. Before she knew what she was doing, she had put her arms around Claire and was hugging her. Claire returned the hug and they held each other. The hug went on past the time just regular friends would hug. Maria did not want to let go of her young friend and Claire seemed content to hug. Maria began to feel their relationship change as they hugged. Suddenly the dream of the young woman that she was having the previous morning popped back into her mind and she knew who that dream was about. Maria started to let go of Claire but Claire held on for a moment

longer. When they separated, Maria saw the look in Claire's eyes and she knew that her own eyes were conveying the same message. Maria knew this wasn't the time for either one of them to start something but she also knew that one day Claire would not be sick. Maria cleared her throat and settled her nerves back down then she said "I believe that you were talking about yourself, please continue."

Claire looked a little disappointed that the moment was gone but Maria gave Claire her most sincere smile and encouraged Claire to go on talking. Claire went back to talking starting from her childhood until she graduated from high school. It was then that she began to tire.

"Are you starting to hurt again?" Maria asked as she saw Claire's discomfort.

"Yea, a little."

"Then turn over on your back and let me rub your stomach. Maybe I can ease the pain a bit."

Claire turned to her back and Maria put her hand on Claire's lower stomach. She began to move her hand in a small circle over Claire's lower abdomen. She slowly widened the circle and after a few minutes, Claire let out a peaceful sigh. Maria knew then that Claire was beginning to relax and sure enough a few minutes later Claire had fallen asleep. Maria liked the contact with Claire and she really didn't want to stop touching her even if it was in a non- sexual way. Maria took her hand away from Claire's stomach and took Claire's

hand in hers. She uncurled her legs, laid her head by Claire's arm, and fell


Helen woke them up a couple of hours later and they sat and talked until Claire's father came home. They then had dinner and sat outside until Claire tired out again. At that point, Maria made her goodbyes but not before promising Claire that she would be back on her next day off and they would talk on the

phone every day.

Maria had to work seven straight days before she got another day off but she made sure that she called Claire if Claire hadn't called her first which on most days was what happened. When she finally got that day off, Maria arrived at Claire's house at about ten in the morning. This time Claire was not waiting by the door but was actually sitting on the step by the front door.

"You got to get me out of here, mom is smothering me." Claire pronounced as she slid into the passenger seat.

"She is just trying to help." Maria cautioned Claire.

"I know, that is why I need you to get me out before I say something that I shouldn't."

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I don't care, just drive, and see where we end up."

Maria thought about taking Claire to her apartment for a while but decided to save that for another day and time. Instead Maria just drove around and at first Claire was quite, just relaxing and enjoying being out. Soon Claire's need to talk came out and she talked about her mom smothering her. Then she switched the subject to Maria, wanting to know more about her. Maria at first tried to avoid saying much but then decided to show Claire how an Italian mother could smother a child. Once there, Claire was treated to her mother's food and Maria's mother played her part to perfection. She first inquired into all parts of Maria's life including her social life. As her mother quizzed her, Maria took a moment when her mother was not looking to whisper to Claire "You think your mother can smother, I get this every time I talk to her." Claire could not help herself and she giggled. Maria was trying to hush Claire when her mother turned around to see what was going on. She looked at Maria who was smiling and then at Claire who was still trying to stop giggling.

"Your turn is next young lady." Maria's mother told Claire. This stopped Claire's giggling but brought a smile to Maria. After lunch, Maria's mother made good on her promise. She sent Maria next door to deliver some food to an elderly woman that lived alone. Maria knew she would be gone a while as she couldn't

just drop off the food, she would have to sit and talk for a while. Claire gave Maria a pleading look but Maria left Claire on her own. She knew her mother could be a pain sometimes, putting her nose where it did not belong but in everything she did, she did with love. When Maria returned, she found Claire and her mother talking away and they paid her no attention as she entered the room. Maria had to give her mother credit; she had never seen anyone that her mother could not befriend.

"Your mother is nice, you know." Claire told Maria as they got into the car.

"I know, I love her to death but there are times..."

"Yes, I know what you mean." Claire said with a laugh.

From there Maria took Claire back home but was back the next day for

another outing. This time they just spent the time together. They first went to the mall to do some window-shopping. Claire did well for a couple of hours then she had to sit and rest. She was pretty much healed from the surgery but not completely. They sat at the food court and ate then decided to take in a movie. The one they chose turned out to be less than exciting and about halfway through Maria felt Claire's head nestle against her shoulder. When Maria looked over at her, she found that Claire had fallen asleep. Maria had to admit that she liked the feeling of Claire laying her head against her shoulder.

When the movie was over, they headed back to Claire's house. The house was empty and they found a note from Claire's mother saying that she and Claire's father had gone out for a bite to eat. She wrote down where they would be eating and she extended an offer to have Claire and Maria join them. This

was a no brainer for either Maria or Claire. Maria fixed them a hamburger and they talked as they ate. After eating, they went to the den to watch a movie. Maria sat on one end of the couch, and then she had Claire lay down with Claire placing her head on Maria's lap. As they watched the movie, Maria found herself running her fingers through Claire's fine blond hair. Maria knew with every caress of Claire's hair that she was falling more and more for Claire. She found that she was praying that Claire would get through what was ahead and that they could

explore this developing relationship. First, she knew that she had to get Claire through the chemo, then she would let happen what ever would happen. When Maria heard Claire's parents come in she stopped the stroking of Claire's hair and slipped from under the now sleeping Claire. She talked to Claire's parents for a few minutes before politely making her exit.

Again, they talked every day until Maria's next day off, which turned out to be the day of Claire's first chemo treatment. She was scheduled to have three treatments a week for six weeks, then some scans to make sure none of the cancer had survived and/or returned. Maria arrived at Claire's house early wondering what mental condition she would find Claire. They had talked the night before and Claire seemed to be upbeat. Claire's mother answered the door and

Maria saw that she was almost in tears.

"Claire is still getting ready. For some reason she wanted to look her best this morning." Claire's mother said and her voice almost broke.

Marie knew she had to act quick so she came in and guided Claire's mother into the kitchen. Then without a word, she put her arms around her. Claire's mother stiffened at first then she relaxed. A moment later, Maria felt the telltale signs of her crying. Maria allowed her to cry for a couple of minutes and when Claire's mother got it back together, she let her go.

"Claire is a strong woman, she will do just fine. Now go put your face back on so that she will not know that you have been crying."

"Thank you; you have been a blessing to us. I don't know what we would have done without you."

"I'm just doing what I can. Claire is a sweet girl; she deserves all the help that she needs."

"You are a sweet girl too." Claire's mother said and then she went to fix her makeup.

Claire appeared a few seconds later looking as calm as she could be.

"You look nice today; you will make your mom and me look like slobs."

"If the shoe fits..." Claire snapped back.

"Someone is feeling her oats today. I am glad to see that." Maria said as she went to hug Claire.

"I'm still a little scared." Claire whispered as they hugged.

"You'll be fine, just remember you are not facing this alone."

"I know, that is what I am counting on. I know with you, mom, and dad behind me then I will be fine."

"You will be."

As they separated, Maria gave her a kiss on the cheek and that brought a smile to Claire's face. Claire's mother came in a few seconds later and they were off. When they got to the hospital, they only had to wait a few minutes before a nurse came and escorted back to a treatment room. Maria could see that Claire was finally beginning to show her nervousness. Therefore, once the nurse had

her on the bed, Maria went to the opposite side of the bed from where the nurse was working. She took Claire's free hand in hers and Claire's mother had positioned herself at the foot of the bed and was rubbing Claire's legs. The nurse talked to Claire the whole time, making sure that Claire knew what was happening and what was going to happen. The Doctor came in a few minutes later and went over the treatment plan one last time.

"Claire I want to explain what we are going to do and try to reassure you some. I'm sure you are nervous and probably a little scared." He told Claire, who weakly nodded her head. "Now the chemotherapy we are going to use isn't as strong as some people would get since the surgeon thought that she got all the cancer during the surgery. We are doing this treatment just to make sure that we get it all and you won't have to worry about it coming back. Because it is a lesser dose shouldn't lose your hair but there will be some nausea and it will weaken you somewhat. But as young and healthy as you are, you should be back on your feet in no time. Now do you have any questions?"

Again, Claire could only nod and squeeze Maria's hand a little tighter.

"How about you mom?"

"No I understand everything." Helen answered.

"Let's get this started then. The sooner we start the sooner it will be over with." The Doctor said then he picked up the IV needle. "I am going to start the IV here on the inside of your forearm. We will leave the IV in so that we won't have to start it each time you come in but you will have to take care of it and also you will have to come in once a day to let us flush the IV. Don't worry the needle will not be in your arm, just the plastic sleeve."

"Sir, I will be able to take care of the IV, I work up on the surgery floor." Maria told the doctor

"I thought I recognized you, I forget your name, as I'm so bad with remembering names." The Doctor said as he continued to prepare the IV site.

"It's Maria sir. I work evenings so I don't see you when you come in to check your patients." Maria said and she continued to talk as the Doctor started the IV. Claire was so engrossed with the conversation between Maria and the Doctor that she forgot about what the he was doing until the he stuck her with the needle and by then the hard part was over.

""That wasn't so bad was it?" The Doctor asked.

"No, but needles don't bother me too much."

"Good, hopefully that will be the last stick that you've to have." The Doctor said as he started the IV.

Marie felt Claire grip her hand tightly as the fluid from the IV began to drip.

"It will be alright, honey, your mom, and I are here. We will get through this." Maria said.

"That's right sugar. We're not going anywhere." Helen echoed.

Claire relaxed a little bit but she continued to watch the liquid drip into the IV line and then into her body. As the IV ran Claire began to relax more and more but she never did completely relax, not that Maria could blame her. She knew if she were on that bed, she would be just as scared. It took about an hour to get the treatment and then they had to wait another hour to make sure that Claire did not have a bad reaction. The nurse took one more blood pressure reading then

let them go. When Claire stood up, she went a little weak in the knees. She grabbed the edge of the bed and steadied herself. The nurse started to put her back in the bed but Claire motioned her away. Maria went to her side and her

mother the other and they escorted her out of the hospital. Claire's mother was going to go ahead and get the car but Claire insisted on walking to the car. Maria kept a tight grip on Claire but the father they walked the better Claire seemed to do, until they got to the car. Just as Maria was about to reach for the door handle, she heard Claire gag. Maria turned around and jumped back quickly as Claire threw-up. Maria went to her side and held her as she threw up twice more then she seemed to be done. Maria and Helen got her into the back seat and Maria sat with her. Maria had put a basin in the car before they had left and she placed it in front of Claire as she got out a wet rag that she had put in a Ziploc bag in her purse. Maria wiped her face and held her tight. Claire threw-up one more time before they got home. Once there, they put Claire in bed and took turns looking after her as Claire slept on and off through the afternoon. Claire's father came home at lunch to check on his little girl but had to go back to work. He wanted to stay but Helen and Maria convinced him to go back to work. They needed the insurance that he had to cover Claire's expenses. By late afternoon, Claire seemed to have recovered from the first treatment and the next day she was near her normal self.

The next two treatments went about the same; with the only real side

effect was Claire's nausea. Maria was there every day either to go with Claire for her treatment or just to look in on her. She made sure that she was always upbeat. It was only during the second week that Maria began to notice that it took Claire longer to recover from the treatment. In the third and forth weeks, Maria watched Claire get even weaker. She also became moody, she would snap at Maria one minute then be nice the next. Maria, on her days off, would spend the day with Claire, and she would chase Helen out of the house to give her a little reprieve. The fifth week, Maria and Helen would have to work on Claire to get her to go to her treatments. They made it to the last treatment when Claire made a stand against them.

"Your mom says you are not going this morning." Claire asked as she entered Claire's bedroom.

"Yep." Claire said with her back turned to Maria and she was holding onto her arm. Maria looked on the bed stand and saw the IV sitting there.

"I see you have taken your IV out."

"Yep." Was all Claire said as she kept her back to Maria.

"This is your last treatment, you are almost done. You need this."

"You can take it if you want too. That would be fine with me, and then you would know what it feels like. I mean look at me, I was never pretty, but now I'm ugly." Claire said as she turned around to face Maria. There were tears rolling down her face. Maria could see the dark circles under Claire's eyes and how thin her face was but that is not what she really saw.

"You are not ugly; you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Maria told Claire and she went to her. She took Claire into her arms and held her tight. "I wish I could tell you how I feel, and then you would know I'm not lying when I say you are beautiful."

Maria felt Claire release her and then Claire looked her in the eyes trying to see if Maria was telling the truth. Maria held Claire's stare and thus assured her that she was not lying. She then pulled Claire back to her and held on tight. Maria stroked Claire's back as she hugged her. She could feel how thin Claire had gotten and that made her hold her even tighter. She held her for about fifteen minutes before Claire released her hold on Maria.

"Okay, let's get this over with but I want you to start the IV." Claire stated. Maria started to protest but from the look in Claire's eyes she knew that was the only way Claire was going to take the last treatment. Maria helped Claire get dressed but not before she bandaged Claire's arm were the IV use to be. When

they got to the kitchen, Helen noticed the bandage and started to say something but Maria shook her head and Helen remained quite.

"Let get this over with." Claire declared as she headed out the door

leaving Maria and her mom behind.

Maria was nervous, as she got ready to start the IV. She knew she only had one chance and after all the treatments, Claire's veins were hard to find. Nevertheless, she finally found one that she could use. She quickly prepared the site and stuck Claire before either one of them could think about it. It was a good stick and Maria got the IV going. The last treatment went well but Claire got deathly sick afterwards. Every time Claire threw up, she gave Maria a mean look, which Maria correctly interpreted as being "You did this to me."

Claire remained in bed for the next three days, not wanting to eat or talk to anyone. Maria was beginning to worry about her. She was afraid that Claire was going into a depression and she didn't want that. She thought and thought about what to do when something came to her. Claire was scheduled to get her scan on Friday. She got with Claire's doctors and asked them to read the scan on the day Claire had it. Maria took the day off and helped Helen take her to the hospital. When it was done, they took her back home where Claire went right back to bed. While Claire slept, Maria and her mom got the house ready. They

got the call for Claire's doctors at five and they set everything in motion. At seven, they both went to Claire's bedroom. The room was dark but they could see that Claire was awake.

"Time to get up." Helen said cheerfully as they entered the room.

"I don't want too, leave me alone." Claire said with venom in her voice.

"Too bad, you are getting up and getting dressed." Maria shot back and went to the bed. She started to pull Claire up. She fought Maria a little at first but then gave in. They got Claire out of bed and into her bathroom. There they washed her face and gave the rest of her a light wash as Claire sat on the toilet. With the sponge bath completed, Maria put make-up on Claire's face as her mom went to get Claire some clothes. Most of what Claire had was too big for her now but Helen found a dress that would work. They got Claire dressed then escorted her out of the bedroom and to the den. The door was closed so Maria opened it, Then she and Helen pushed Claire inside where the room was filled with people. Claire tried to back out but she was pushed back inside by two sets of hands. There were both of Claire's grandparents there, some of their neighbors, one of Claire's friends from high school who had come home from college and Maria's

parents. They each took turns greeting Claire and finally Maria's mom got her turn she took Claire into her arms and hugged her tight. She then took Claire's face in her hands and kissed each of her cheeks. After she kissed her, she hugged her again. This finally broke Claire's resistance and Maria watched as Claire gave in and hugged her mom back. When the hug ended, Maria's mom declared that all Claire needed was lots of her cooking. She then escorted Claire over to a table where the food that she mom had prepared. She filled a plate for Claire and then sat her in a chair that was designated for her. When everyone had gotten his or her food, Claire's mother stood up.

"I want everyone's attention before we start to eat."

Everyone quieted down. Helen then took a piece of paper from the table and slowly unrolled it.

"This is the results of the scan that Claire took today. I won't read the whole thing but only the last line."

The room was so quite you could hear a pin drop and the tension rose in immeasurable degrees.

"In conclusion, the patient is completely clear of any cancer." Helen said as the tears ran down her cheek. Helen then went to her daughter and hugged her. They both cried and by the time the hug ended the whole room was crying. Everyone went to Claire and hugged her. Maria was the last one to hug Claire

and as she did so she whispered into Claire's ear "I want my friend back, will you come back to me?"

"Yes." Claire whispered back but then she added "But if you had anything to do with all this, I will make you pay."

"I did, so give me your best shot." Maria added.

"Oh I will don't worry." Claire replied. Maria ended the hug and when she looked into Claire's eyes, she saw a glimmer of Claire's old self there. Maria knew everything would be okay; her girl was back. The party went on for a couple of hours before everyone began to make their exit. Maria could see that Claire was worn out so she walked her to her bedroom. There she waited as Claire went to the bathroom. When she came out, Claire was dressed in her long nightgown.

"Would you stay with me for a few minutes?" Claire asked as she got into bed.

"Sure, I don't have to leave anytime soon." Maria said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good, I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away, but if it is about the party, I plead the fifth."

"No not that, you already confessed and I am planning my revenge." Claire replied with a giggle.

"Hey it got you out of your bedroom, and you seem to be in a better mood."

"I didn't say that it didn't work, only that I would pay you back."

"I see. So what did you want to ask me?" Maria asked as she took Claire's hand in hers.

"Why did you go so far out of your way to help me through all this?"

"You looked like you needed someone to talk to that night at the hospital. So I knew I just had to help you." Maria said.

"You could have stopped after talking to me, you got me through the night, so your job was done at that point. But still you kept giving me everything I ask for, why?"

Maria hesitated a second, thinking how to answer Claire's question. Tell her the truth, that she was attracted to her? She wanted to take it slow and feel Claire out once she was better. She did not want to confess that she was a lesbian and she wanted Claire as a lover as well as a friend.

"I don't know, you needed me and I wanted to help. That night we talked, I discovered that you were an intelligent girl and someone I would like as a friend. When a friend needs help, you help them, right?" Maria finally said, but she

wanted to say more, she was just afraid too.

"Is that all? You are not leaving something out. I just looked like I needed a friend so you became one?"

Maria took in a deep breath and then looked into Claire's questioning eyes and saw that she wasn't going to get off the hook.

"To answer your question, No that is not all. But I don't think now is the time to have this conversation." Maria said and before Claire could say anything, Helen knocked on the open door.

"Your father and I are heading to bed, do you need anything?" She asked innocently.

"No we're fine. We are just going to talk a few minutes then I'm going to go to sleep." Claire told her mother but her eyes hardly left Maria.

Maria saw Helen look at Claire and then at her. Maria gave her a smile but Maria could tell that Helen knew she came in during an in-opportune time.

"Well good night. Maria, stay as long as you like, you can let yourself out."

"Sure, thanks, good night."

Helen nodded and then she quietly shut the door.

"I need for you to answer the question. Please." Claire asked with a soft voice that told Maria that she was going to have to come clean.

Maria looked away from Claire for a second, trying to compose her answer, then she re-established her eye contact with Claire.

"What I told you is true. You needed a friend and it is my nature to help someone with a need. Then as we talked, I discovered that you were someone that I would want to be a friend. With everyone else, I would have stopped after the first night but with you, I felt a connection. I wanted to be your friend and for you to be mine. But you are right there is more. As we went along and spent time together, I discovered that there were other feelings that I was having, deeper feelings. I'm content to just having you as my friend and nothing else. I wanted to wait until you had recovered before I said or did anything. Do you understand what I am telling you?"

"Yes and I would like something more too." Claire said in a soft and

slightly quavering voice.

Maria gave Claire a smile and held out her arms. Claire sat up and Maria took her into her arms. Maria held her tightly and finally allowed herself to feel what she had been holding inside herself. Maria held on to Claire for a long time before she ended the hug. She then took Claire by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"We are going to take this slowly, I mean real slow. I want you to get better first, and then we will go from there. I'm not going to allow any argument on this point; your health comes first, period."

"Okay but don't take too long."

Maria smiled and took Claire back into her arms. As she hugged her, Maria whispered into her ear. "Don't worry, I won't." This got her a squeeze from Claire and Maria squeezed her back. They hugged a few minutes more then Maria pushed Claire away. Maria took Claire's face in her hands and brought her head forward. She turned her head at the last moment and kissed Claire lightly on the lips. It was a soft quick kiss but Maria felt it in her soul. When Maria saw Claire's eyes, she knew that Claire was feeling the same thing she was.

"Now go to sleep. We need to start getting you better and put some weight on those bones."

"Okay but will you stay a little longer, at least until I fall asleep. I'm not ready for you to go yet."

"Sure." Maria said as she got up to turn out the light and crack the door so that she could see to get out without tripping over anything. Maria then sat back down on the bed as Claire turned on her side facing Maria. She took Claire's

hand and she used her other hand to brush the hair off Claire's face. She then kept her hand there stroking Claire's hair. Marie watched Claire as she tried to keep her eyes open but after a few minutes, Claire's eyelids started to get heavy. Soon they shut and Maria noticed the change of her breathing. Maria stayed there about thirty minutes watching Claire sleep before she bent down to kiss her cheek. She then got up quietly and walked to the door. She turned and took one last look at Claire.

When she got to the kitchen, she found Helen sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Can we talk a minute before you go?"


"Would you like a cup of coffee, I just put a pot on."

"No thanks, if I drink a cup now I would be up all night."

"It has never bothered me but then again I have not been getting much sleep lately, worrying about Claire has kept me up a lot of nights lately."

"I can understand that but I believe we are over the hill now. You should be able to stop worrying."

"With children you never stop worrying. I started worrying the second she was born and I guess I will continue until I die."

"I guess you are right there. So what did you want to talk about?" Maria asked not really wanting to know.

"I don't know how to say this so I will just come right out and say it. I know my daughter is a lesbian, she told me how she felt when she was sixteen. We talked about it and, while that is not the lifestyle I would have chosen for her, I accept it. I have watched her over the past couple of months and I know that she has fallen for you. I have also seen the way you look at her when you don't know anyone is looking and I can tell the feeling is mutual. Claire and I have also been able to talk so I know while she likes girls; she has never actually had a relationship with anyone before. I don't want her to get hurt, especially now as she is trying to get better. Therefore, if you aren't going to see it through, then I would like you to step aside now before she can get hurt even worse. "

"I respect your feelings and I understand them. I can assure you that I have no intention of ever hurting your daughter. I do have feelings for her, more than just a friend but first I plan on helping her get healthy and then we will explore our feelings further."

"Thank you that is all I can ask. In addition, I do hope that it works out for the two of you. I don't think that she could have found anyone better than you."

"Thanks." Maria said and as she got up to leave; Helen took her hand and squeezed it. Maria squeezed her hand back and then made her exit. When she got to her car, Maria stopped and took in a deep breath. It had definitely been an emotional night. She had to get an unwilling Claire out of bed and to the party. When that was over, Claire forced her to confess her true feelings. Then her

mom ambushed her in the kitchen. That talk went better than she would have thought but still stressful. Maria mumbled to no one in particular, "I don't think I can survive too many more days like this one." She then got into her car and

drove home.

Maria woke up late the next morning. She cursed herself for over sleeping as she had to work that evening and she wanted to spend some time with Claire. After last nights talk, Maria felt it was important that she went to see Claire today. She hopped into the shower and then quickly dried her body and hair. She had

wanted to take a little more time to put on some make-up but time was now working against her. She would just have to make do with a little eyeliner as she normally did. She did put an extra dab of perfume on her wrists and behind her ears.

When she knocked on the door, Helen opened it a minute or so later.

"Maria, how are you today?" Helen asked as she welcomed Maria in.

"Fine, a little rushed. I kind of over slept this morning."

"Me too, last night took a lot out of me but our patient beat everyone up this morning. I think she has been expecting a visitor this morning. She has been looking out the window every five minutes since ten this morning. I finally had to make her go out back and enjoy the warm weather while it is still around."

"I figured that she might be. I meant to be here earlier but like I said, I over slept."

"That's fine; the wait will do her good. You cannot be with her every second of the day. Have you had anything for lunch? We just finished but I still have everything out."

"No I am fine, thanks anyway."

"Well she is out back; we don't need to make her wait any longer. I will fix you a hamburger and bring it out. What do you want on it?"

"I am fine, you don't need to go to any trouble."

"It's no trouble, so what do you want on your hamburger?"

"You are as bad as my mother, anything except onions. I have to work


"I take that as a compliment, your mother is a very nice lady."

"Yes she is and no matter what she does, I can never stay mad at her."

"Good, a girl always needs her mother, no matter what."

Maria nodded her agreement and then went to see her soon to be ex- patient and maybe future lover."

"It is nice to see you out of the bedroom. How are you feeling today?" Maria asked as she went over to the porch swing, sitting beside Claire and giving her a quick kiss.

"Much better now," Claire said as the kiss ended and then she took Maria's hand in hers. Maria entwined her fingers with Claire's. This felt so nice and right. It was as if their hands were made for each other. Maria had held

Claire's hand many times before but on this day, it was different. It had a completely different meaning for both of them. Maria found herself smiling and not wanting to stop. As Maria looked at Claire's face, she found it held a similar smile. They were silent for a few moments just enjoying the moment. It was only when Helen brought out Maria's hamburger and glass of ice tea that the moment was broken. Maria start to let go of Claire's hand but Claire refused to let go. It was only when Helen started to hand Maria her lunch that Claire let go. Maria could tell that Helen took it all in stride. That did make her feel better; at least Helen meant what she had said the previous night. Helen sat and talked as Maria ate but then politely left when Maria had finished. Maria then turned back toward Claire and took both of Claire's hands in hers.

"So how are you feeling, you never really answered."

"Not to bad, I am a little tired and weak but I will admit I do feel better than I did yesterday."

"It will take time but you will get your energy back."

"I know but I want to hurry up and get better. I want my body to catch back up with my mind."

"It will, I promise."

"From your outfit, I guess you have to work tonight."

"Fraid so. Work calls and I must answer."

"When will you be off again?"

"I have a seven day stretch before I get a day off."

"Maybe we can do something on your day off, hint hint."

"Hit me with a two by four, why don't you." Maria said with a laugh.

"Well, what can I say? I have been sick for months now. I want to start getting back to the living again."

"Okay, we will go do something but remember we have all the time in the world. I'm not going to rush things."

"I know, that is fine and I know that is best. I just want to go do something; anything will be fine. I want to start living again."

"I am so happy to hear you say that, I was beginning to worry about you before and after that last treatment."

"You can stop worrying, I'm back to stay." Claire proclaimed.

Maria moved closer and hugged Claire to her body. As she held Claire, Maria began to feel Claire's body against hers and she wanted to hold her forever. Nevertheless, she let go after a few minutes and sat back. They talked until Maria had to go. Maria kissed Claire lightly on the lips then left her sitting in the early afternoon sun.

The next seven days went by slow for Maria, she stopped by Claire's a couple of those days but talked with her every day. By the time her day off came, Maria was just as anxious as Claire was for their day together. Maria got up at nine and took a long shower. It was suppose to be a warm day so Maria put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She was going to put on something tight but decided to go with looser clothes. She did not want either of them to get too excited quite yet.

When Maria pulled into Claire's drive, Claire was sitting on the step waiting for her. Maria watched as she jumped up and came to the car. Claire was also in a pair of shorts and tee shirt, both was loose but only because of the weight that Claire had lost. None of her clothes fit her any more. Maria noticed that there was more color in Claire's face, and that was nice to see.

"You are looking nice today." Maria said as Claire got into the car. She was talking about both how she looked but also how she was feeling.

"Thank you, now put the car in gear. Mom gave me her credit card and I plan on using it."

"Yes ma'am." Maria replied in a serious voice that turned into a giggle.

"I told you I was going to get back at you for that party and you are going to pay today. You are going to take me to every shop in the city. I am going to buy the stores out of clothes." Claire said and then she laughed.

Maria put the car in reversed and they were on their way. Claire talked all the way to the mall. There was excitement in her voice and Maria was content to sit back and listen. Claire talked about the shopping they were about to do and then went on to starting school after Christmas. It was already in September and classes had started so she would have to wait for the next term. When they got to the mall, Claire went for the first clothes shop and started looking. Maria was afraid that Claire was half-serious about buying everything, but she ended up doing a lot more looking that buying. Claire tried on one outfit after another but she chose carefully. Maria warned her about buying anything to snug as she planned to put some weight back on Claire's body. Claire frowned at that comment but she did as Maria suggested. Everything that she did buy allowed for some weight gain. Claire shopped hard for about three hours then Maria started to notice that some of the color was draining from Claire's face so she told Claire that she was getting tired and wanted to rest. Maria suggested the she take the clothes that Claire had bought to the car as Claire went to the food court and get them something to eat. Maria had given Claire a way out and allowed her to rest without having to admit that she was the one that was tired. Maria took the bags that Claire was carrying and went to the car as Claire headed to the food court. When Maria got to the food court, Claire had a coke and hotdog waiting for her. They ate and talked for about an hour or so before doing a little more shopping. From there, Maria suggested that they go to the park by the river and enjoy the sun.

When they got to the park, Maria pulled out a blanket from the trunk. As they walked down the path toward the river, Maria took Claire's hand in hers. Claire glanced over at Maria and gave her a shy smile. Maria squeezed Claire's hand and they walked to Maria's special place. Maria always went to this place when she wanted to sit and relax. It was under a tall oak tree at the far end of the park. Maria spread out the blanket and sat down. She then patted a place beside her and Claire sat down. Maria put her arm around Claire and pulled her in close. Claire put her head on Maria's shoulder and she took Maria's free hand in hers. They talked quietly for a few minutes then Claire got quite. Maria knew the Claire was exhausted so she lay back and pulled Claire down with her. Claire laid on her side and put her head on Maria's chest. Maria used her right hand to rub

Claire's back going from the shoulders to Claire's lower back. She used her left hand to move the hair for Claire's face. She then left it there and she began to caress Claire cheek and hair. It did not take Claire long to fall asleep. Maria laid there thinking about her young friend and she knew that Claire was someone special. This was someone she could take a long time getting to know. She only hoped that she didn't screw it up. She did not want to push Claire but she also knew that she didn't want to make Claire wait too long. Maria only hoped she

would know when the time was right. After a while of thinking and listening to Claire's steady breathing, Maria fell to sleep. When Maria woke up and hour later, Claire was still sleeping but she saw the color was back in Claire's face. That made her feel much better, she was afraid that Claire had pushed herself to hard but it looked like she just needed to rest to recharge her batteries. Claire woke up a couple minutes later and she raised her head. Maria smiled at her sweet angel and couldn't resist kissing her. Maria cupped her hand behind Claire's neck and brought her face down. Their lips met and this time Maria did not end the kiss quickly, instead she slowly opened her mouth and allowed the kiss to become more passionate. After a minute or two, Maria closed her mouth and ended the kiss. Claire raised her head and she looked down at Maria, who

saw the love in Claire's eyes. Maria brought Claire's head down for a second

kiss. This time she opened her mouth almost immediately and she slipped her tongue into Claire's mouth. Claire met her tongue as she eagerly kissed Maria back. After a few moments, she moved her tongue back into her mouth and Claire followed the tongue with her own tongue. This kiss went on forever before they stopped to catch their breath. Maria then gently kissed Claire with just her lips. Claire laid her head back on Maria's chest. After a moment she spoke.

"That was my first real kiss." Claire said in a quite voice.

"I am glad that your first kiss was with me. That makes it all the more special." Maria said as she caressed Claire's face.

"There is so much I want to tell you, how I feel about you but..."

"I know, we got all the time in the world. But if it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way." Maria told Claire as she hugged her tightly. They laid there for a few more minutes before Maria eased Claire up. They sat facing each other and Maria took Claire's face in her hands and kissed her one more time. She then put her forehead against Claire's and they sat there looking into each other eyes. After a few minutes, Maria began to feel a pressure in her bladder.

"You know I really need to find a bathroom."

"Me too," Claire replied, and then she giggled. This caused Maria to start to giggle.

"Quit that or you are going to make me pee on myself." Maria declared and this only served to make them both start to giggle harder which only made the need worse for Maria.

"Now I really have to go." Maria said as she broke contact and got up helping Claire up. They grabbed the blanket and ran to the car hand in hand.

Once there Maria headed for the first fast food place to pee. They got a coke there to drink then headed to a pizza joint to eat. They stayed there for a couple of hours talking and eating. When they left, Claire said that she had one more store to hit. This turned out to be a jewelry store.

"Stay here, I will be back in a few minutes." Claire told Maria as she got out of the car. Maria did as she was told but was left wondering just what Claire was up too. About ten minutes later, Claire walked out carrying a small bag. She got into the car but said nothing about the bag she was carrying. Maria, though curious, did not ask. When they got to Claire's house Marie helped Claire get her packages inside and to her bedroom. There Helen joined them and Claire showed her everything she had bought. Maria sat on the bed and allowed Claire and her mom share this moment. Maria knew that Helen would have liked to gone shopping with her daughter but she had given that honor to Maria so Maria returned the favor and stayed as much as possible in the background. After the fashion show was over, the three of them joined Claire's father in the den. There they talked until about ten when Claire's father declared that it was time for bed. Once they had left, Claire moved from the chair she was sitting in, to the couch sitting by Maria.

"I want to give you something, this I bought with my own money. Mom helped me pick it out and in a way; it is from both of us. It's something to tell you how much you mean to us for what you did. We can never thank you enough. What's written inside is from me alone." Claire said as she placed a small box in Maria's hand.

Maria took the box and opened it; there she found a beautiful gold necklace with a heart pendant. She carefully took the necklace out and then opened the small heart. On one side was engraved "My Angel" and on the other

was "Love Claire." Maria gave the necklace to Claire and turned so that Claire could put it on her. She then turned and moved her head slowly forward until her lips met Claire's. Maria kissed her softly at first but slowly the kiss became more passionate. Maria put her arms around Claire and drew her body in close. Their tongues soon came into play and Maria felt her body warming up. She gripped Claire's shoulders and then ran her hands up and down Claire's back. Maria noticed the Claire's hands were not idle as they were doing the same to her.

They kissed a few minutes before Maria pulled back.

"I think we had better stop here before this gets out of hand." Maria told Claire as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I figured you were going to say that." Claire said as she kissed Maria again. They kissed for a few more minutes but again Maria pulled back. This time she moved back a little ways.

"I think I need to go now before we get caught by your parents. Thank you for the gift. You didn't have to give me anything, but thank you." Maria said and she kissed Claire one more time. She then got up and Claire escorted Maria to the door."

"When are you off again?" Claire inquired at the door.

"I have to work tomorrow and Wednesday night and then I am off for a

day. But I have to take my mother to see her sister. You know my mother; I can't get out of it." Maria said and she saw the disappointment come to Claire's face. She let Claire get used to the idea of not seeing her when she said, "But you could come along, if you want." A smile came to Claire's face and she replied, "Are you sure? I don't want to be in the way."

"Yes I'm sure. I was going to get you to come along anyway. That way I will have someone to help me fend off both my mother and my aunt."

"You hussy!" Claire declared as she hit Maria on the arm. "You had me going but are you sure? I know I am pushing myself on you but I want to spend time with you."

"I want to spend time with you too honey, and don't worry about the pushing, I don't mind." Maria said with a gleam in her eyes. She then kissed

Claire and was on her way.

Thursday finally arrived and Maria was at Claire's house early to pick her up. This time Claire wasn't outside waiting for her. At first, Maria was worried that Claire was not feeling well but when Helen let her in, she found out that Claire was still getting ready. She talked to Helen for about ten minutes until Claire came out wearing some of her new clothes. She had on a pretty pink knit top and a pair of khaki slacks.

"Well you are going to put me to shame; you are looking good this morning. My mother is going to make me change after seeing you." Maria said and Claire twirled around to show off the way the clothes fit her.

"I just wanted to show her how a good daughter acts." Claire said with a serious look on her face.

Helen then popped in, "Yea, right." Claire gave her a hurt look then started to laugh. Helen and Maria then joined in with the laughter coming from Claire. She then kissed her mother goodbye and she took Maria's arm and led her out the door.

Maria did hear it from her mother when she saw Maria in jeans and Claire in the khaki's. Maria gave Claire a look of 'I told you so." Maria rushed her mother out the door before she could really get started. Once at the car, Maria's mom wanted to sit in the back seat but Claire made her get up front with Maria. On the hour trip, Maria's mom talked both of their ears off. Once there, they spent the day talking and much to Maria's chagrin Claire got to hear all about Maria's

childhood. The bad part was that Maria couldn't get a word in edge wise to counter what her mother and aunt were saying. Claire meanwhile was taking it all in, enjoying Maria's discomfort. They didn't leave until about seven and about fifteen minutes into the drive Maria realized that Claire had been quite since leaving. She glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Claire was sound asleep. She and her mom talked quietly until they got home. Maria helped her

mom inside then came back out and headed to Claire's house with Claire still

sleeping in the back seat.

"Wake up sleepy head." Maria said as she gently shook Claire awake.

"Where are we?"

"We're at your house, honey. You fell asleep as soon as we left my aunt's house."

"I'm sorry. I guess I was more tired than I thought." Claire said as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"No problem, come on up here and sit with me a minute." Maria said. She had expected Claire to get out and come around but instead she climbed over the seat.

"That is not how I meant for you to do that but I guess it works." Maria said.

"If I had opened the door then your interior light would have come on and stayed on for a few minutes. Then I would have not been able to do this without the neighbors seeing me." Claire said as she leaned over and kissed Maria. The kiss turned passionate quickly as Claire's tongue entered Maria's mouth. Maria sucked on it and she put her hand behind Claire's head holding it in place. She used her other hand to caress Claire's arm. They kissed for a few minutes before they stopped to catch their breath. They then kissed a few more times lightly before Claire pulled back.

"When are you off again?" Claire asked.

"Monday and Tuesday," Maria told Claire.

"I see you Monday then." Claire said as she gave Maria a kiss and then got out of the car. Maria just had to smile at her young friend's order. Of course, she had planned to be here Monday anyway.

Maria did not make it back to Claire's until that Monday. A little separation wasn't that bad at this point in their relationship. However, they did talk everyday, so it wasn't as if it was a total separation. Maria didn't think she could handle that at this point, Claire was too much a part of her life now.

Monday turned out to be a cool rainy September day so Claire and Maria decided to stay in. Helen elected to spend that day getting her car worked on and doing some errands thus giving Claire and Maria some privacy. Once Helen had

left, Claire and Maria settled in the den for what Claire declared was to be a movie marathon day. Claire picked out her favorite movies and they curled up on the couch together. Maria was laying in the back with Claire in front of her. As the movie played, Maria would from time to time run her fingers along Claire's exposed arm or run them through her hair. They took time out to fix and eat lunch then it was back to the movies. It was late afternoon when the last movie ended. Claire turned so that she was lying on her back and Maria leaned forward to kiss her. She repeatedly kissed Claire lightly on the lips before Claire put her hand to the back of Maria's head and held her in place. Maria then began to kiss Claire a little harder as she forced her tongue into Claire's mouth. As they kissed, Maria put her hand on Claire's stomach. She rubbed to in a circle and she could feel Claire's breathing quicken. Maria slowly moved her hand up Claire's stomach until it was just below her right breast. Maria hesitated a second and then she felt Claire twist her body a bit trying to move Maria's hand upward. Maria took the next step and she slowly moved her hand until it was over Claire's breast. She felt Claire take in a deep breath and when she exhaled Maria gave the breast a gentle squeeze. This brought forth a slight moan from Claire. Maria began to

caress the breast through Claire's top and bra as she continued to kiss her. The kissing and caressing was just getting heated when Maria heard Helen come in

the front door.

"Your mother is home!" Maria said as she removed her hand and stopped the kissing.

"Shit, Mom's timing is just great!" Claire said as she gave Maria a last kiss before she rolled off the couch and stood up.

"I'm home." Helen called from the front door.

"Okay, we'll be there in just a minute." Claire called out to her mom.

"To be continued...?" Claire asked Maria as she combed out her hair.

"You can count on it." Maria said as she straightened out her own clothes and hair. "You know this is the first time I have been caught making out by someone's parents. It's kind of exciting."

Claire gave her a funny look then realized that it was the first time for her too and it was kind-of nice. Not the being interrupted part; but the fact that she and Claire were making out. Once their clothes and hair were back together, they made their way to the kitchen where Helen was waiting on them. If she noticed their flushed faces, she didn't comment and for that, Maria was grateful. They helped her put up the groceries that she had bought and then helped her to fix supper. Claire's father came in about the time dinner was done. When supper was over Claire's father sprang some news on them.

"I have to go to Las Vegas next week to present our new product line. Frank was scheduled to go but he threw out his back over the weekend so I'm next in line to go. I would get out of it if I could but there's no one else."

"That is all right, Claire and I can make it fine. She is doing much better now so I don't see a problem." Helen told her husband.

"Why don't you go with him mom? Like you said, I am doing better now

and besides I can stay with Maria. She is a nurse; I couldn't be in better hands. Beside you have been stuck here all summer looking after me, it'll do you some good to get away for a week." Claire told her mom.

Helen looked at her daughter and Maria could tell that she knew Claire just wanted an excuse to spend time with her. She could also read on Helen's

face that she knew that she had been had. Claire used her own words against her and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"Now shouldn't you ask Maria first if you can stay with her, she may have plans or have to work all week. I don't think you should be left alone every night even if you are feeling better." Helen countered.

"I'm already off a couple of days next week and everyone on the floor owes me favors. It'll not be hard to trade a few days. At most I would only have to work one or two nights." Maria said, as she thought about a week alone with Claire. That would either seal their relationship or end it but it was time to find out.

"Well, what do you think?" Helen asked her husband.

"I think it's a great idea. It would give us some time together and let Claire and Maria have some time together." He said.

Maria then knew that Claire's father knew about her and Claire. It didn't come as a surprise but it did surprise that he would be the one to say aloud what everyone around the table was thinking.

"I guess I'm out numbered. Looks like I'll be going to Las Vegas, but you must promise to call me everyday to let me know how you are feeling." Helen told Claire.

"I will, I promise." Claire said as she tried and failed to keep the excitement out of her voice.

"If you will excuse me, I am going to call Judy to see if I can work

tomorrow in her place. She owes me a few days so I'm sure she will trade." Maria said as she got up to get her cell phone from her purse and she could allow Claire and her parents talk for a few minutes in private.

Judy agreed to change out Tuesday for a day the following week and she took another day, as she needed the overtime. Maria had Judy check the schedule and Maria made a few more calls. In a half hour, she had Sunday through Friday off with the exception of Wednesday. That day she would have to work. Claire came in about this time and Maria told her the good and bad news. The good news was that she would be off most of next week but she would have

to work the rest of this week and all of the week following her week off. They agreed that it was a good trade off. As Maria told Claire, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

The rest of the evening, they all talked about the trip to Las Vegas. The more they all talked about the trip the more Maria could see Helen getting excited about it. By the end of the evening, Helen had a twinkle in her eyes that Maria had never seen before. Then again, the whole time that Maria had known her, Claire had been sick. Eventually Helen and her husband went to bed leaving Claire and Maria alone.

"You don't mine me saying that I could stay with you. Do you?" Claire asked.

"Are you kidding? I think it was a great idea. I just wished I had thought of it before you did."

"Good, because I was going to stay with you whether you wanted me too or not."

"Oh, you were, were you?" Maria said as she raised her eyebrows.

"Yes. You are stuck with me and there is nothing you can do about it."

"You think so? Maybe I'll just go in there and tell your mother that I changed my mine."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me." Maria said as she started to get up but before she could get halfway out of her seat, Claire grabbed her and pulled her back down. Maria playfully fought her off but she didn't try too hard. She allowed Claire to pin her down.

"I have you now, you aren't going anywhere." Claire told Maria.

"So what are you going to do with me?" Maria asked.

"This." Claire whispered as she lowered her head and she kissed Maria. The kiss was soft at first but became more intense when Maria wrapped her arms around Claire and pulled her in close. They kissed for a few minutes then Claire put her head on Maria's chest. They held each other for a few minutes. Maria could feel Claire run her fingers up and down her arm and Maria was caressing Claire's back. After about thirty minutes, Maria could feel Claire begin to settle down so she kissed her on the forehead. That got Claire attention and she raised her head for another kiss. When the kiss ended, Maria eased Claire off her and she walked with Claire to the door.

"I will see you Sunday morning."

"You can count on it." Claire said and then Maria kissed her goodnight.

The week went by much too slowly for Maria, when she was not working, she was thinking about the coming week that she would spend with Claire. She

decided to not go see Claire but instead call her every day. She thought the

separation would do them good but also make their time together more precious. Maria had planned what they would do that Sunday when Claire came over but then Saturday night that plan went down the drain. About halfway through the

shift the head nurse caught her as she was returning to the nursing station.

"Eve and Henry have called in. They have come down with the stomach flu that is going round. I need someone to pull a double and since you are off most of next week, I figured that you would be happy to volunteer." She said.

Maria knew that the head nurse didn't like what she had done and she

knew there was no getting out of pulling the double. She didn't even bother trying but instead replied. "Sure, no problem, I would be glad to help."

"I thought so." The head nurse replied as she went on to make her rounds. Maria wanted to call her something nasty behind her back but while she was a

hard person to work for she was fair to everyone. She then thought back to what her freshman Economics professor had told the class, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, you always have to pay for it sometime."

"I guess I get to pay for my week off tonight." Maria said to herself as she went back to work. Maria thought about calling Claire but then decided against that. She had stayed up for long periods before and she could do it again.

Maria got home at seven-thirty and decided that there was no use in going to bed as Claire was suppose to be there at nine. Instead, she went for a hot shower, hoping that it would wake her up. After the shower, a few cups of coffee would not hurt either. After she got out of the shower, she headed for the kitchen, then she heard a loud knock on the door. Maria looked at the wall clock and it said eight-fifteen. Maria had to smile; Claire couldn't wait.

"Did I wake you up?" Claire asked as she bounced inside and gave Maria a hug. "I guess not since it appears you just got out of the shower. You smell nice." Claire bubbled out not giving Maria a chance to say anything as she leaned in and gave her a kiss. Maria kissed her back and held onto Claire tight.

"I was just about to put on some coffee, do you want some?" Maria asked as the hug ended.

"No I am fine. You sound tired, your not coming down with something are you?" Claire asked with concern in her voice.

"No, I am healthy as a horse." Maria said trying to put more energy in her voice than what she felt.

"I don't think so, something is going on. Are you sure I am feeling fine?"

"Yes I feel great. Don't worry; I have a great day planned. Just let me get a cup of coffee and then I will get dressed."

"Come here a minute and let me have a look at you." Claire told Maria as she grasped Maria's shoulder and gently turned her around. Maria opened her eyes wide trying to hide how tired she really was. "Let me see, you have dark circles under your eyes, which are also bloodshot. Just exactly what time did you get off last night?"

"The normal time," Maria said, then adding to herself "For someone who just worked a double shift."

"I don't believe you. Now tell me the truth." Claire demanded.

"Okay, two of the nightshift nurses called in so I took their shift. But I feel fine."

"Bullshit, you are worn out. If you worked for two nurses then you probably did not have a quite night, right?"

"No I was on my feet all night; I don't think any of my patients slept." Maria said as she let herself relax and she felt how tired she really was.

"You are going straight to bed, now where is it?' Claire asked.

"Oh God, I haven't even showed you around."

"I noticed, you were more interested in getting a cup of coffee and now I know why. Now where is your bedroom because I am putting you to bed. And you are not coming out until you get some sleep."

"Yes ma'am" Maria said as she led Claire back to her bedroom. Claire

turned the bed sheet back and waited for Maria to get in. Maria started to take off her robe when she realized that she did not have anything on underneath. Maria hesitated a second then Claire said "Come on, it's bed time for you." Maria then decided that Claire was going to see her naked before the week was up, might

as well give her a peek. Maria dropped the robe and slowly crawled into bed. She noticed that Claire's eyes widened and she took in her B cup breasts and her

dark patch of pubic hair. She then pulled the covers over her body as Claire sat on the side of the bed.

"Get some sleep and then we will have that great day you talked about earlier." Claire said as she bent over and kissed Maria on the cheek. She then got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Maria was left thinking about the excitement that was in Claire's eyes when she saw that she naked. She tried to imagine what it would be like when she and Claire were in that bed and both of them were naked but sleep overtook her before she got too far in that fantasy.

Maria woke up hearing soft music coming from her living room. It scared her at first until she realized that Claire was there and she was listening to the music. That brought a smile to her face as she looked at the clock and saw that it was one in the afternoon. She had slept longer than she had meant to but she

had to admit she was feeling better. She got out of bed and put on a pair of white cotton panties and a tee shirt. She went to the bathroom and after peeing; she washed her face then brushed out her hair. She left the bathroom to find out what Claire had been up too while she slept. When she got to the living room, she

found Claire standing over her ironing board singing softly as she pressed one of Maria's nursing uniforms.

"I thought I had all my ironing done." Maria said to Claire's back.

"Oh shit!" Claire said as she spun around to face Maria. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"I didn't mean too." Maria said but she had a devious smile on her face.

"Yes you did, you asshole." Claire came back, and then she came over to Maria and held out her arms. Maria stepped forward and allowed Claire to envelope her in her arms. They hugged a minute then Maria pulled back far enough to kiss Claire. The kiss was soft and slow, their lips coming together and then parting only to come back together. When the kiss ended, they both leaned back but kept their arms aground each other's waist.

"Now back to the ironing, I had all my ironing done." Maria said.

"You did until I did your laundry, then you had more ironing to do, which I'm just finishing."

"You didn't have to do that. You are my guest this week not my maid. I am supposed to take care of you."

"You have been taking care of me for the last few months. Holding my

hand, holding a basin as I threw up, holding me when I needed to be held and

making me get out of bed when I was feeling sorry for myself. It is my turn now. This week I take care of you and there will be no argument. I'm better now. Therefore, you can treat me as a person and not as a patient. Okay."

"Okay, no more patient stuff, it is just you and me." Maria said and she kissed Claire and then she hugged her tight.

"Besides by doing your laundry, I got a chance to see what types of sexy underwear you have. Which I might say, I didn't find. You only had white cotton panties and bras, very boring!"

"All I have been doing is working and they are much more comfortable

when you are working. As a nurse wearing a thong to work just doesn't fit for me, I like the plain stuff. Besides you are the only one I have wanted to seduce and you have been too sick to seduce until now."

"I see, is that why you are just wearing panties and a tee shirt with no bra, I might add."

"Maybe," Maria said and she came back in for another kiss. This time she did not hold back, she kissed Claire passionately. Maria opened her mouth and Claire opened hers. They kissed hard for a minute or so, and then Maria slipped her tongue into Claire's mouth. She ran it along her teeth then she found Claire's tongue. The tips of their tongues caressed as the kiss continued. Maria's hands were busy as they kissed. She ran them up and down Claire's back and finally to her ass. That is when she got the first moan from Claire. She pulled Claire's butt toward her pressing their groins together. Maria was getting very aroused and she could feel her panties getting wet. Maria then felt Claire's hands reach her ass. She felt her grasp a cheek in each hand. Claire's hands caressed her ass and then she felt Claire slip her hands under her panties and onto her bare ass. This felt even better and Maria wanted to feel Claire's bare skin as well. She moved her hand between their bodies and unsnapped Claire's jeans. She unzipped them and then began to push them off Claire's hips. She got the jeans to Claire's upper thighs but could go no further and continue their kissing. Claire solved this problem quickly. She pulled her head back ending the kiss and let go. She then sat down on the floor and started to pull her jeans and panties off. Maria stood there watching as Claire beautiful young body was revealed to her. Maria noticed that Claire's blond pubic hair had grown back but it was trimmed short and Maria could see her pink moist slit. Claire then pulled her blouse off and removed her bra. Maria's eyes rose to those B cupped breasts topped with

pick, quarter size areolas. The nipples were about a quarter inch high and they were hardening. Maria was frozen in place just looking at Claire's body when she realized that Claire was holding out her arms. Maria quickly pulled her tee shirt and her panties off, revealing her full black bush. Before Maria dropped to the floor, she saw the lust and love in Claire's eyes.

Maria dropped to her knees and took Claire into her arms as they eased on down to the floor. As soon as Claire's back hit the floor, she pushed Maria over, Maria found herself on her back, and Claire was on top of her. Maria had meant to make love to Claire first but Claire obviously had plans of her own. Maria did not push the issue as she let Claire do as she pleased. Claire first kissed her and then she slid down until her head was over Maria's breasts. Maria looked down at Claire as she first took her breasts in her hands caressing them. Maria watched Claire for a moment or two but the more Claire caressed her breasts the better it felt. Finally, she lowered her head to the carpeted floor and closed her eyes. Maria felt Claire's fingers graze over her nipples and she let out a moan. As time went along, Claire got better and better at what she was doing then she hit pay dirt as Maria felt Claire kiss her right nipple. Claire then took her nipple into her mouth and started gently sucking. Maria let out a loud moan and she put her hand to the back of Claire's head holding it in place. Claire sucked harder and tenderly bit on her nipple. Maria began to let out one moan after

another. Claire moved to the other breast and Maria felt her suck this nipple into her mouth. Claire sucked, nibbled, and kissed this breast before going back to the first one. There she began to kiss and suck again. Maria caressed Claire's head and hair as she sucked and nibble on her breasts. Normally she would encourage her lover to move on to her pussy at this time but with Claire, she was content to let her move at her own pace. She knew this was her first time making love and she wanted it to be special. She knew Claire would move on when she

was ready. Claire continued to suck and caress Maria's breasts for a few more minutes then she moved back up and she kissed Maria. As they kissed, Maria moved her hands from Claire's head to her back then to her ass. She grasped a cheek in each hand squeezing it and then pressed down so that Claire's groin

mashed against her own. Maria began to move her hips slightly causing their pussies to rub against each other. Soon they were both moaning into each other's mouth as they kissed. Maria really needed to get off now so she pushed her hips upward trying to get more friction but suddenly Claire broke off the kiss and moved down. Maria was not sure if Claire did that on purpose, breaking off the contact just as she was about to cum or not but it did serve to tease and arouse her that much more.

Maria looked down as Claire settled between her legs. Maria opened her legs opening up her pussy. Claire gazed at her pussy for a minute or so then, she took her fingers and parted Maria's pubic hair further exposing her slit. As Claire lowered her mouth, Maria closed her eyes and waited for the contact. It seemed to take forever but finally she felt Claire's mouth touch her pussy. Maria moaned loudly and moaned again as Claire began to lick. She licked the outer

lips tentatively at first, using only the tip of her tongue. Slowly Claire began to lick deeper, parting Maria's lips and going into her pussy. Claire used her fingers to part the lips and her tongue went even deeper. Maria let out a loud groan of pure lust. She was on fire now and when Claire's nose hit her clit from time to time, Maria felt like she was being struck by lighting. Claire licked and sucked on Maria's pussy for a while longer before she found Maria's clit. It only took a few licks for Maria to cum and she came hard. She pushed her pussy into Claire's

mouth and screamed "Claire! Oh god!". Claire continued to suck on Maria's the clit causing her to have a second even more powerful orgasm. Claire didn't stop licking and sucking until Maria finally push her head away. Maria pulled Claire on top of her and when she was able to open her eyes, she saw Claire looking at

her with eager eyes. She had juices all over her face and there was a broad smile on Claire's face.

"Did I do it right?" Claire asked.

"Honey you did great. You are a natural. Did you like making love to me?"

"Oh yes, I could keep doing it all day if you had let me. I have never done anything as exciting as that."

"Just wait honey, it gets better." Maria said as she flipped Claire onto her back. Maria quickly climbed on top and started to kiss her. She kissed her on the lips then on each cheek and on down to her neck. Claire was already moaning and she was gripping Maria's arms. Maria kissed and sucked gently on Claire's neck before kissing her way down to her chest. Maria took in Claire's pretty, pink nipples before she leaned down and took one into her mouth. She sucked it into her mouth and felt it harden. She used the tip of her tongue to tease the end of the nipple and that caused Claire to moan loudly. Maria smiled to herself; she was going to give Claire something to remember her first time making love with a woman. Maria sucked and licked on the nipple before going to the other breast. She kissed all around the breast working her way toward the nipple. Claire was pushing her chest up trying to get Maria to reach her nipple quicker but Maria took her time going around and around the breast. Finally, she got to the nipple and she gave it a tender bite. Claire let out another moan, this one louder than any of the moans before it. Maria then kissed the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. She sucked hard then eased off until the nipple popped from her mouth. She then kissed and suckled on this nipple for a few minutes before she went

back over to the other breast biting the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. >From there she went from one breast to the other before she started to kiss her way down Claire's body. When she got to the belly button, she kissed and stuck her tongue into it. This caused Claire to giggle and suck in her breath. Maria went on down Claire's body not stopping until she got to the top edge of Claire's pubic hair. Maria could smell Claire's arousal and she could not wait to get to the source of that scent. Maria ran her tongue through Claire's pubic hair as she wound her way to the top of the slit. Maria lifted her head to see how the pink lips were swollen and turning a darker pink and she could see Claire's clit peeking from its hood. Maria dropped her head down and kissed the clit and she felt Claire shiver and she knew that Claire just had a small orgasm. Maria moved on down and began to lick. Claire was nice and wet and her juices tasted all so

sweet. Maria drank them in as she sucked on the outer lips. Maria pulled and

sucked on the lips before starting to lick up and down the slit going deeper on each stroke. She scooped her tongue into the pussy and brought out more juices. When she had gotten all she could, Maria used her fingers to part Claire's lips and she buried her tongue into Claire's pussy. She twisted her tongue in and around that opening. Claire put her hands on Maria's head, holding Maria to her pussy. Maria fucked Claire with her tongue for another minute then she moved

her mouth to Claire's clit. Using short quick strokes, she licked the clit. Claire pushed her hips up and after only a minute or so, she cried out. Maria continued to lick for a minute causing the orgasm that Claire was experiencing to be that much stronger. Maria then moved back down to the opening and sucked out the girlcum that Claire was producing. When Claire had calmed down a bit, Maria started to lick her pussy in earnest. She licked up and down the slit and then sucked on the clit before going back to licking. She worked Claire toward another orgasm but not letting her cum until Claire was twisting all over the floor. Maria then went back to Claire's clit, sucking it into her mouth. As she sucked, she used her tongue to stroke the clit. It took a little longer this time to make Claire cum but when she did it was another powerful one. Maria immediately back off

the clit and started to suck up the juices again. When Claire had recovered from the orgasm, Maria started to lick again. She licked around the outer lips first before going back to the opening burying her tongue deep inside of Claire's pussy. Maria moved her tongue around getting the juices that Claire was producing. Maria glanced up at Claire and saw that Claire's face was a bright red and she was breathing rapidly. It scared Maria at first fearing that she had gone too far but as she paused, she heard Claire cry out "Don't stop, please!" Maria went back to licking and sucking on Claire's pussy. Maria soon went back to Claire's now very sensitive clit. Claire cried out when Maria sucked it into her mouth but Maria kept going licking and sucking on the clit until Claire came for the third time. This time Maria knew Claire had had enough. She sucked and licked on the clit until Claire's orgasm had hit its crest. She then backed off and gently licked at Claire's pussy getting all of her girlcum until Claire came down from her orgasm.

Maria moved back up until she was lying to Claire's side, and she pulled Claire on top of her. Claire laid her head on Maria's chest and Maria caressed her head and hair. Slowly Claire's breathing returned to normal and her face

went from the bright red that Maria was seeing to a flushed looked of a very

satisfied woman. A few minutes later, Maria realized that Claire had fallen asleep on her. Having just woken up from sleeping Maria wasn't tired so she spent the time thinking about Claire and all that she had gone through this past summer. She wanted to make sure that this relationship would last. She really liked Claire but time would tell if they were a fit outside the bedroom. Time would tell on that point. Claire slept for about twenty minutes before she started to come around.

"Well little angel, how did I do?"

"Oh god, that was great. I have never felt anything like that before." Claire said as she rose up and kissed Maria. "You blew my mind away; I can only hope to make you feel that one day." Claire said when the kiss ended.

"You did make me feel that way, you were perfect, and the way you stopped me from when we were rubbing our pussies together was great. I was about to cum when you stopped and made me wait for my orgasm was perfect timing." Maria told her.

"I don't know about perfect timing. You were about to make me cum and I wanted to make you cum first." Claire confessed.

"Well, no matter. You have nothing to worry about; you are a great lover. Besides, I think we will have lots of time to learn what the other likes. That is the main thing, learning how to please the other and in that we both are starting from scratch." Maria told Claire as she hugged Claire a little tighter. They laid there for a few minutes before Maria's stomach growled loudly.

"I think someone is hungry." Claire said and then giggled.

"I was on my way to get something to eat when I was ambushed by a sex crazed nymph." Maria said and then she started to tickle Claire, who burst out laughing. Claire was quick to respond as her fingers went to Maria's sides. They tickled each other as they rolled around the floor. Finally, when they were both out of breath from laughing so hard and Maria was getting the worst of the tickling, Maria cried "Uncle."

"You win, this time."

"What do you mean this time, I'll always win."

"Cocky aren't you." Maria told Claire who promptly lifted her butt off Maria and looked down at her pussy.

"No I don't think so; all I see is my pussy." Claire said with a serious voice.

"So you are a comedian to boot." Maria said as she tossed Claire off her and then jumped on top of her thus pinning Claire down.

"Now who is the winner?" Maria asked.

"I am." Claire said defiantly.

Maria lowered her head and kissed Claire lightly on the lips. "Now who is the winner?"

"I am" Claire said softly.

Maria kissed her lightly. "Now who is the winner?"

"I am" Claire again said softly.

Maria kissed Claire a little longer and harder, using her tongue this time. "Now who is the winner?" Maria asked yet again.

This time Claire replied, "You are." Then she took Maria by the back of the head and brought Maria down to her. They kissed softly and lovingly for a few minutes. When the kissing ended, they lay silently until Maria stomach growled again.

"Let's feed that thing before you starve to death." Claire said as she gave Maria a last kiss, then she pushed Maria off her. "You go take a shower as I try to find us something to eat." Claire told Maria as she got off the floor and helped Maria up.

When Maria came out of the shower, she smelled barbeque sauce coming

from the kitchen. She picked up her panties and tee shirt from the living room and put them back on before going into the kitchen. There she found Claire in just an apron that framed her ass perfectly. Maria stood there a second just

staring at that ass before she went on in the kitchen and took over the cooking of the barbeque chicken that Claire had started. By the time Claire came back into the kitchen, the food was ready so Claire set the table as Maria put the food on the table. Once everything was ready, Maria took out some candles and lit them. She then turned off the lights and they had a nice romantic dinner, with the

candle light reflecting off their faces. After dinner, they went to the living room to talk. The conversation ranged from Maria's career to what Claire wanted to do. She confessed that she was thinking about switching back to pharmacy instead

of nursing as she had told Maria when she was sick. She was afraid that Maria would be mad but Maria assured her that whatever Claire wanted to do was fine with her. At about midnight, the conversation died down and they retired to the bedroom. There they undressed and slipped under the covers. They kissed for a minute or two, then settled down in the bed and fell asleep cuddled in close


Maria woke up first the next morning with Claire's head lying on top of her chest. A smile slowly came to her face. It was nice having someone to hold again and having that person be Claire made it all the more special. Maria couldn't help herself as she moved her hand to Claire's head and started stroking her hair. Maria heard a murmur come from Claire as she moved her head slightly and her

eyes open for a split second. Claire then settled back down. Maria stopped running her fingers through Claire's hair for a moment but went back to caressing Claire when she went back to sleep. Claire slept for another thirty minutes before waking completely.

"Morning honey" Maria told Claire as she pulled her up in the bed.

"Morning" Claire replied as she lowered her head for her good morning kiss. The first kiss was light and soft, but the second one Maria opened her

mouth and welcomed Claire's tongue. This kiss quickly became passionate. Maria wrapped her arms around Claire and held her tight as they kissed. They

kiss went on for a few minutes before they ended the kiss to catch their respective breaths.

"Now that is the way to wake up in the morning!" Claire declared.

"You can say that again." Marie replied as she gave Claire another quick kiss.

"Now you better get off me before I make a big wet spot." Maria told Claire as she pushed her off.

"Party pooper!" Claire smarted off to Maria but Maria noticed that Claire got up and followed her into the bathroom. Maria got to the toilet and sat down to relieve her bladder.

"So what are we going to do today?" Claire asked as Maria began to pee.

"Don't I get any privacy? I am in the process of peeing here."

"Hey you have seen me puck my guts out on a number of occasions plus

you shaved my pussy. Seeing you pee is minor next to that."

"The shaving part was me just doing my job."

"What about the other?" Claire asked as she replaced Maria on the toilet.

"The other was because I care so much about you." Maria told Claire as she bent down and kissed Claire on the forehead as she started to pee. Maria

then walked out of the bathroom but as she got to the door, she stopped and wiggled her ass. Claire laughed at Maria's lewd display.

When Maria got to the kitchen and she put on an apron. She got out her waffle iron and let it heat as she mixed up the waffle batter. Claire came in a few minutes later and poured them both a cup of coffee. Maria made them each a couple of waffles and they sat down to eat. They talked as they ate and tried to decide what they wanted to do for the day. Claire suggested that they visit the university. She wanted to see what it will be like to be going to college. As that would have been what she would have been doing if she hadn't gotten sick. She wouldn't been going to this university but going all the same. Maria wasn't too thrilled at this idea as it hadn't been that long since she had gotten out but she relented at Claire's persistence.

After breakfast, they dressed and headed out the door. It was only a

twenty-minute drive to the campus but it took Maria about thirty minutes to find a place to park, which ended up being at the far end of the campus. They had a

long walk to make it to where Claire would be attending classes. As they walked, Maria kept feeling Claire's hand brush hers. Claire was talking a mile a minute and Maria knew she was excited about being on campus. Maria then realized that Claire had been waiting the past four years to leave home and go to college; then in a blink of an eye, she was denied that experience. So the next time she felt Claire's hand brush hers, she took the hand in hers. Claire looked over at Maria with her eyebrows raised.

"Don't worry; we'll not be the first women to hold hands on this campus. Besides if someone says something we will tell them to eat shit and die." Maria told Claire, who burst out with a laugh.

"Such language from a nurse no less," Claire said still laughing.

"A lesbian nurse who is with someone she cares deeply for." Maria said and she let go of Claire's hand and took Claire in her arms hugging her. Claire hugged her back and then Maria kissed her lightly on the lips. When the kiss

ended, Claire whispered into Maria's ear "Where would I be without you?"

"I don't know but I hope you never find out." Maria told Claire as she let go and took Claire's hand in hers.

"I don't plan on ever finding out." Claire said then they resumed walking. They didn't get any comments as they walked the campus and only a couple of strange looks. Maria first took Claire to the humanities building where she would be taking most of her freshman classes. They looked in a couple of empty rooms and stood outside one of the doors that was currently being used and listened to an English Lit. Professor read from Hamlet. Next Maria took her to "The Hill" where all the science buildings were located. There were two ways to get to the top of the hill, walk along the road as it wound its way up the hill, or take the stairs. Claire chose the steps, as it was the quicker way. They started their way up but about half way up Maria noticed that Claire had begun to take deep breaths. By the time they were three quarters of the way up Claire was gasping for air. Maria offered to stop and rest but Claire wanted to make it without

stopping. When they got to the top of the steps Claire was gasping for her breath and her face was a deep red. Maria thought Claire was going to stroke out on


"Are you okay honey? Can I do anything?" Maria asked with a deep concern in her voice. Claire just held out her hand and continued to catch up on her breathing.

"No, I am fine. I am just so out of shape. I haven't done anything but sleep since May, I just need to start to work out and get myself back into some type decent condition. Just give me a minute and I'll be okay."

Slowly Claire's breathing returned to normal and her face lost its deep red color. Maria then continued the tour. They visited the mathematics, biology, and geology buildings before going into the chemistry building. They arrived just as a freshman chemistry class was beginning. Maria quietly opened the door and ushered Claire inside and onto a couple of seats in the back of the big auditorium. There were about one hundred and fifty students listening to the

professor lecture. Maria watched Clare, as she leaned forward in her seat to

focus in on every word that the professor was saying. Maria sat back and she

began to feel sorry for what Claire had missed. Claire should have been attending classes instead of recovering from a deadly disease. However, she was recovering and there were a lot people who never recovered. Claire then said a little prayer thanking whomever for allowing this special young woman to survive. She was not religious but sometimes she found that a prayer was called for. When the class ended, they stayed in their seats until everyone had left.

"I can't wait to get started. I wanted to start this semester but mom thought I should wait until the spring semester. I was really pissed at her over that and you didn't come to my side either. But after climbing those steps, I guess you both were right." Claire said.

"Don't worry, your time will come. January will be here before you know it and then you can start. I know it is hard to wait but we do need to build your body up, get you eating right and getting you to more exercise more."

"I'm not one who likes to exercise unless it of the type that we did

yesterday? That will get me in shape really fast." Claire told Maria as her face blushed slightly.

"I think that can be arraigned, you little nymph." Maria replied as she took Claire's hand in her and she brought it to her lips. Maria kissed the top of the hand as she entwined her fingers with Claire's. Claire smiled and she put her head on Maria's shoulder and then she started to talk quietly. They sat there for about an hour then the room started filling up for the next class. They got up and slipped back outside the classroom. They walked through the halls watching the students going into one classroom or another. When the halls were empty again, they went back outside and toured more of the campus. They had lunch at the cafeteria that was in the student union building. They visited the campus bookstore where Claire bought herself and Maria matching caps that had the university symbol on them. That afternoon they snuck their way into the arena where the women's basketball team was practicing. They watched the practice from an entranceway up high in the arena. The head coach was working the girls hard. They stayed there for the whole practice and when it was over and everyone had left the floor they started to walk around the arena. Claire told Maria that they were definitely going to come to some of the woman's games this year. About this time, they heard the head coach say "Start running!" and she blew her whistle. They slipped back inside and saw that two of the younger players running from the base line of the court to one of the other lines on the court and then come back. The coach then blew the whistle and they started over again. They watched as these two players kept on running.

"I think that they are being punished for something." Claire whispered to Maria.

"I'm just glad it was not me who did whatever they did. I would be pucking my guts out by now." Maria replied.

"Me too. Man she is tough, isn't she. If it was me, I would have said it was not worth it and given up."

"No you wouldn't. I have seen you fight. You would have tough it out. You wouldn't give up on a dream and these girls have a dream of playing on this team and they will do whatever they have to do to stay on the team."

"I guess so, but they are paying a heavy price right now for that dream." Claire said as she focused on the two girls running.

"Do you want to go?" Maria asked as she felt like they were seeing something that was private and should only be seen by the people involved.

"No. I want to see how long this goes on and see what happens."

"Okay." Maria replied as she stopped watching the girls running and instead focused on Claire who was mesmerized by what was going on down below them. As the girls ran, Maria saw a look of determination come over Claire's face. It was if those young basketball players's will to succeed was being transferred to Claire. Soon Maria turned her attention back to the girls as they ran and ran. Then she saw one of the girls fall and they stopped a few seconds. Then a few minutes later, the other one fell and they stopped again. Maria began to wonder what the girls' story was but that she figured she would never know. Finally, the coach ended the punishment and Maria was glad. She was almost to the point where the nurse in her would come out and she would yell at the coach to stop this. She focused in on the coach and then realized that she knew what she was doing. She knew when to stop, when she had gotten her point across to her young players. Maria then grabbed Claire and pulled her out of the arena


"That bothered you didn't it?" Claire asked.

"Yes, I don't like seeing someone's body being abused like that. It bothers me."

"You know you are just a big teddy bear, all nice and comforting." Claire kidded her.

"So, that is just who I am." Maria replied a little defensively.

"And that is what I love you so much about you." Claire said as she pulled Maria to her and hugged her tightly. Maria quickly relaxed and hugged Claire


"So what do you want to do now?" Maria asked Claire when the hug had

ended and they walked down the ramp from the arena holding hands.

"Watching those girls run has made me hungry, let's get something to


"Sounds good to me, let's go get something bad for us like a big juicy hamburger and fries. You still need to gain a few more pounds, you are still too thin."

"Hey, that was the only thing, except meeting you, that came out of being sick. I am finally thin." Claire declared.

"You are too thin and I'm going to get a few of those pounds back on you whether you like it or not." Maria told Claire with a determination that Claire wisely chose not to argue with.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Maria asked Claire when they got back to the apartment.

"Not really, why?" Claire asked.

"Go anyway then come back to the living room." Maria told Claire.

"What are you up too, if I may ask?"

"Just be a good girl and do as I say."

"Okay, whatever." Claire said as she headed to the bathroom. When she returned Maria was waiting in the living room with a scarf in her hand.

"Have a seat on the couch." Maria directed Claire. After she had taken a seat, Maria went behind the couch and she put the scarf around Claire's eyes

and tied it in the back.

"This is getting kinky." Claire said with a giggle.

"Stay put and don't do anything until I come and get you." Maria told Claire as she went to the stereo and put on a CD that she knew Claire like. She then turned the volume up.

"What are you up too?" Claire shouted.

"I can't hear you." Maria said with a smile on her face. She then went to work setting up what she had been planning for a long time. Once she had everything in place, she took a long shower and fixed her hair. Before she put any perfume on, she went to the couch where Claire was patiently sitting.

"Come with me." Maria told Claire as she helped Claire up but she left the scarf in place. She took her to the bathroom and guided her inside. "Take a shower and when you get done put the scarf back on and bang on the door. I will come and get you." Maria told Claire as she shut the door. Maria finished her preparations, which included removing Claire's clothes from the bathroom as Claire showered so that she would have nothing to wear when she got out of the shower. When she heard the shower stop running, she went to the bathroom door and waited for Claire to bang on the door. A few minutes later, she heard the anticipated knock. Maria opened the door, she took Claire by the hand, and not saying a word, she guided her into the bedroom.

"Wait here until I tell you to take off the scarf." Maria told Claire. She went to the side of the bed and put some perfume on, and then she put the perfume

bottle into the nightstand. She climbed on the bed and lay down her side facing Claire. She put what she hoped was her most seductive smile on her face and told Claire in a husky voice, as she was getting excited by what she hoped was going to be a very romantic scene, "You can remove the scarf now."

She watched as Claire removed the scarf and her eyes opened wide at what she was seeing. Around the room, there were about thirty candles lit and they cast a constantly flickering light. Claire's naked body seemed to glow in the candle light and Maria felt her pussy go wet. It was as if she was looking at an angel framed by the darken hallway.

"Oh god, this is beautiful." Claire said softly above the romantic music that was playing from the stereo in the living room.

"Not as beautiful as you are my love. Come to me." Maria said just as softly and she held out her arms. Claire came to the bed and lay down beside

Maria who noticed that there were tears in Claire's eyes. Maria turned Claire onto her back and gently kissed the tears away. She then moved to Claire's mouth and covered her lips with her own lips. Maria kissed Claire softly and continuously. Maria felt Claire wrap her arms around her and pull her down. The kisses quickly became more passionate. Maria opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Claire's mouth. She played with Claire's tongue and then sucked that tongue into her mouth. Their tongues danced with each other for a few minutes before Maria went back to the soft sensual kisses. She moved these kisses around Claire's face and neck and then back to her lips. Maria was content to kiss for a few minutes as she loved to kiss and she had found that Claire also loved to kiss. Soon Claire was kissing her face and neck and then they were back to just kissing. It was a long while before the need to other things came to them.

Maria kissed her way down Claire's neck to her breasts. She gave a kiss to each nipple and got a soft moan from Claire. She moved her mouth to Claire's left breast and sucked the nipple into her mouth. She sucked gently at first and then harder. As she let the nipple go, she bit down gently. She went to the other breast and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked and bit on this one and got more moans from Claire. She felt Claire push her chest up as she sucked and teased the nipples. Maria then slipped her hand down Claire's body to her mons and she caressed that area before moving on down to Claire' pussy. She found

that Claire was wet and aroused. She caressed Claire's slit with her fingers, moving them up and down. Claire opened her legs wider and she raised her hips up slightly. Maria continued to kiss Claire's breasts and occasionally going up to her mouth and kissing her. She gently began to slip her middle finger deeper and deeper into Claire's pussy, parting her lips. She stroked Claire with her finger and every once in a while moved to her clit and teased it. Claire moaned and groaned as Maria did this. Maria then moved her finger to Claire's entrance. She slipped her finger just inside Claire before bringing it back out. She then moved it back in going in a little deeper. She kept this up until she had her whole finger inside Claire, who then gave out a loud moan. Maria began to fuck Claire with her finger as she rubbed Claire's clit with her palm. Claire's pussy gripped her finger and coated it with her juices. Maria's own pussy was dripping juices now, as she

knew she how excited her was making Claire. Maria began to fuck Claire harder with her finger as she continued to suck and bite Claire's tits. When she felt Claire begin to tense up, Maria moved up in the bed and kissed Claire while she continued to fuck Claire's pussy and rub harder on her clit. Soon she felt Claire go over the edge and have a massive orgasm. She felt Claire moan into her mouth as they kissed.

Maria kissed Claire through her climax then she kissed her way down Claire's body until she found her mouth over Claire's pussy. Maria slowly withdrew her finger from Claire's pussy and sucked the girlcum off her finger. She then began to lick. She went around the outer lips, sucking up the girlcum, she had just caused. She moved her tongue between the lips to Claire's core.

She pushed her tongue into Claire moving it around. Claire pushed her pussy up and against Maria's mouth. Maria smiled to herself and licked a little harder. She then moved up to Claire's clit and sucked it into her mouth. Claire gave out a loud moan and cried out "Oh god yes!" Maria got Claire close to a climax before moving her mouth back to Claire's slit and she started to lick there. When Claire was calmed back down, Maria went back to her clit and got her close to an orgasm before easing back off. This time Claire cried out "Noooo..." Maria moved her finger back to Claire's entrance and eased it inside her. She slowly began to fuck Claire with her finger as she moved her mouth back to her clit. She licked around the exposed nub. After licking and teasing the clit for a few minutes, she brought her index finger up and it joined Maria's middle finger as it fucked her. Claire was now gripping the bedspread and twisting her body around. Her orgasm was coming quickly and nothing was going to stop it this time. Maria sucked the clit into her mouth and gently bit on the nubbin as she fucked Claire hard. Claire pushed her hips up off the bed and cried out "I'm cummmingggg..." Maria sucked and fucked Claire through the orgasm then she withdrew her fingers and licked them clean of girlcum. Maria moved up in the bed and held

Claire as she experienced and then came down from her orgasm.

"That was great." Claire said after she had recovered. She then moved Maria over onto her back and kissed her. Maria was dieing to cum by now and hungrily kissed Claire back. She gripped Claire by the back of the neck and held her head in place as she kissed Claire back hard. They only kissed a few minutes before Claire moved the Maria's breasts and cupped them in her hands. She squeezed them and then kissed each nipple as she continued to caress them with her hands. Claire kissed and sucked on the nipples drawing them into her mouth and then releasing them with a wet pop. Claire worked over Maria's

breasts making love to them and teasing the nipples until they were hard as a rock. She then scooted on down in the bed until she got to Maria's pussy. There she licked the juices that coated Maria's lips and the pubic hair surrounding her pussy. Maria felt Claire open her pussy with her fingers and then she felt Claire's tongue go deep inside her. Maria felt an orgasm approach and when Claire's tongue touched her clit, she came. The orgasm washed over her sending her mind to that special place where there was only she, Claire, and the bed that they were making love on. When she came back around, she felt Claire licking

her slit and then she felt a finger penetrate her. It moved inside her then back out. A few seconds later, she felt it enter her again. This time it stayed. She felt the finger start to move in and out and it felt good. Maria felt Claire begin to lick at her clit as she fucked her pussy. Soon a second and then a third finger joined the first finger. This really filled her up and Claire started to fuck her harder. Maria was feeling good now and she started to push back on those fingers fucking her. She held off her second orgasm for as long as she could. She didn't want this feeling to end but eventually she couldn't stop what was coming and she relaxed allowing the orgasm to wash over her. She cried out and bucked her hips upward burying Claire's fingers inside her. When the orgasm ended, she found that Claire was beside her holding her tight and kissing her face. Maria started to return the kisses.

"I didn't think anything could be better than yesterday but you proved me wrong. This was and is so romantic." Claire said half out of breath after the kissing had stopped.

"I had meant to do this yesterday but you couldn't wait." Maria told Claire.

"Sorry about that but I just wanted you so bad yesterday."

"That's okay; it worked out better this way anyway. Yesterday was special because it was our first time together and tonight I got to do my romantic thing, which made it special." Maria assured Claire.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" Claire teased.

"I don't know but we'll think of something." Maria replied as she kissed her.

They kissed for a few minutes then Maria pulled Claire on top of her and they quietly talked for a few minutes before Claire fell asleep. When Maria was sure that she was sound asleep, she slipped from under her and blew out the candles that were still burning and then she slipped back into bed and cuddle against Claire. In no time, she was asleep.

The next morning Claire was up first and had coffee made when Maria came into the kitchen.

"Morning honey," Maria said as she came over to Claire and gave her a morning kiss.

"Morning," Claire replied and she gave Maria a return kiss.

"You know I could get use to this, having coffee made when I get up." Maria said as she sat down at the kitchen table with her cup of coffee.

"That could be arraigned, you know." Claire replied as she sat with Maria.

"What would your parents say about that?"

"I don't know. They know I am a lesbian and how I feel about you. I'm not sure that they would like it but I don't think they would say anything." Claire said.

"Let's get through this week and then we will talk about it. You may not like me by then. But it would be nice..." Maria said as she put her hand on top of Claire's and squeezed it. This made Claire smile, she turned her hand over, and she entwined her fingers with Maria's. They sat there in silence for a couple minutes before Claire broke the silence.

"So what are we going to do today? I chose yesterday so today is your turn."

"I don't know, let me think. What do you want to do?"

"Oh no, I said it was your turn so you have to come up with something." Claire said putting to ball back in Maria's court.

"Well I need to run errands, which includes grocery shopping but I don't think that would be very exciting." Maria said, as she couldn't come up with


"I can do those things tomorrow while you are at work so try again." Claire said shooting down Maria's idea.

"Well there is one thing I have always wanted to do. I don't know how you feel about it but you know the casino that they open on the Indian reservation in the mountains a few years ago. A lot of the nurses that I work with have gone and they had a lot of fun."

"Great, now that is a great idea. I would love to try my hand at gambling. Maybe we will get lucky and come home rich." Claire said.

"Okay, I have about one hundred dollars of mad money socked away. We

each take fifty of it and when it is gone we come home."

"I have some money I can use. I don't want to use yours."

"No if I am going to corrupt you then I want it to be my money you lose. I don't want you to use your money, okay." Maria said with a voice that left no room for argument.

"Deal, now lets get going, you got me excited now." Claire said as she got up and pulled Maria back toward the bedroom to get dressed.

It took them about three hours to drive to the casino since they were in no hurry to get there. They stopped a few times along the way at different outlooks to see the color display that the mountains were giving. They took a few pictures of the mountains and more than a few pictures of each other. When they got there, they both were carded to make sure they were over eighteen and thus could play the games. Since it was during the day on a weekday, the casino wasn't crowded so they had their choice of machines. They decided to play the quarter machines and one would play then the other would play. This way they

could watch what each other was playing and they could help each other out. They played a number of different games but finally settled on a game called

Shamrock Sevens. This was a poker game but if you got three sevens then another screen popped up and you had to pick from three pots of gold. You then rubbed on one of the pots of gold and you got a bonus. Maria played a while but she was having no luck at all. Claire on the other hand seemed to have the luck of picking the right cards to hold. Maria soon stopped playing all together and just watched Claire, as Claire got very excited every time she won anything, whether it be a quarter or a couple of dollars. They played a couple of hours losing about thirty dollars, which still left them seventy dollars left to play with. They decided to take a break and get a slice of pizza. They then walked around for a while watching everyone else play. Finally, Claire could wait no longer and she had to play again. Maria let her chose the spot and Claire put in her quarter. She drew three sevens, an ace, and a king. Claire let out a squeal and hugged Maria, as she knew that she would get the bonus. She held the three sevens and hit the

draw icon to replace the two cards that she didn't hold. They both waited anxiously as the machine ran then it came up with another seven and a wild card. Claire jumped up and hugged Maria. She had won the jackpot which amounted to sixty-five dollars.

"Which pot of gold should I chose?" Claire asked Maria after she had

calmed down.

"You are the lucky one today, you choose." Maria told her.

"No I want you to choose." Claire replied excitedly.

"Let me see... go with the right one." Maria said.

"You rub it." Claire instructed Maria.

Maria leaned over and rubbed the pot of gold and they watched as the

numbers rolled over and they got fifteen more dollars. Claire let out another squeal and gave Maria a kiss.

"See you won us fifteen more dollars." Claire said as she then gave Maria a big hug.

They played a few more minutes before moving on to another machine. They had lost about twenty of the eighty and Claire was wondering if her luck had left her. Maria suggested that they bet fifty cents this time. Claire raised the bet and hit the deal icon on the screen. This time they got a wild card and four other different cards. Claire decided to hold the wild card and the six. She hit the deal button and they waited, not expecting to win anything but when the cards appeared, there were four sixes and the wild card. Claire hesitated a second

before she realized that she had won the jackpot again. This time they won one hundred twenty five dollars. She let out a loud squeal and again hugged Maria tight. They were now really in the money. They were both hollering and squealing at the money that they had won.

They spent the rest of the afternoon playing and while they didn't win any more jackpots, they did keep winning. Each time that Claire got three sevens she made Maria choose the pot of gold. By the time, they left at seven they were up a hundred and fifty five dollars. Claire made Maria take enough money to replace the hundred that they started with then she split what was left over.

"I think we need a shower before bed." Maria said as they got into the apartment.

"That isn't a bad idea, I could use one. You can go first and I will be right behind you."

"Okay." Maria said, and then she took Claire by the hand and pulled her back toward the bathroom. When they got there, she turned on the shower and turned back to Claire. She came forward and taking the top button of Claire's blouse, she started unbuttoning her blouse. Maria watched as Claire's eyes got a little wider as she realized that they were going to take a shower together. Maria then unhooked Claire's bra and removed it. As it fell to the ground, Maria leaned forward and kissed each nipple. Claire's skin was slightly salty from the sweat of the day but it tasted good to Maria. Next Maria dropped to her knees and pulled Claire shoes and then her socks off. She went to Claire's slacks, unbuttoned, and then unzipped them. She pulled them off leaving Claire in only her panties. Maria could see a wet spot appearing on Claire's panties. She put her hands at Claire's hips and slowly pulled Claire's panties down and then off. Maria was now eye

level with Claire's pussy, she leaned forward and inhaled Claire's musky aroma before she took a long lick. Claire promptly let out a moan. Maria then got up and gave Claire a kiss before opening the shower door and helping Claire inside.

Maria quickly got undressed and joined Claire under the warm spray. Maria took Claire into her arms and kissed her. The kiss was long and slow but one that

soon began to turn more and more passionate. As their tongues entered the kiss they started to use their hands to caress each other's back and then those hands moved down to their butts. They kissed and caressed for a couple of minutes before Maria moved her hand between their bodies. She ran her fingers through Claire's pubic hair and on to her wet pussy. She began to caress Claire's slit and she felt her moan as they continued to kiss. Maria soon felt Claire's fingers on her pussy. They were now caressing and masturbating each other. Their fingers moved from the swollen lips to the clits and they both stopped kissing and concentrated on making the other cum. They were moaning and groaning as they kissed each other on the shoulder and neck. Maria felt her orgasm coming so she worked Claire's clit with her fingers until she felt Claire cum, and only then did she allow herself to have an orgasm.

After they had recovered from their orgasms, they kissed. They then set about washing each other's body before the warm water ran out. When they were done, Maria dried Claire's body, and Claire then dried Maria's body. Maria then took Claire to the bedroom and to the bed. Claire got in first and Maria turned out the light before joining her. They came together and started kissing. Their hands roamed around caressing and fondling whatever they found. As they became aroused again, the kissing became more intense and their tongues moved form one mouth to the other. Claire then flipped Maria onto her back and located her left breast with her mouth. She sucked the nipple into her mouth and she nibbled on the nipple. After a few minutes, she moved to the other nipple doing the same to it. Just as she was about to move on down Maria's body, Maria flipped Claire over and moved her mouth to Claire's breasts. She sucked and kissed the nipples getting them both nice and hard. When Claire was ready for more Maria gave her another surprise. She got up on her hands and knees and straddled Claire's body with her head over Claire pussy and her pussy over Claire's head. She lowered her mouth to Claire's pussy and began to lick. She then felt Claire's hands on her hips pulling them down. Maria felt Claire's tongue on her pussy. Maria worked slowly, sucking and pulling on Claire's lips with her mouth. She opened Claire's pussy with her fingers and began to lick deeper. Claire was doing the same to her and she was getting more and more excited. Occasionally Maria would have to stop licking as Claire locked her mouth on her clit. The third time that Claire did this, Maria let Claire bring her to an orgasm. Maria then attacked Claire's clit until she felt Claire cum, and flood her mouth with juices. Next Maria used both of her index fingers to enter Claire's pussy. She fucked Claire with her fingers and sucked her clit until Claire came a second time. Maria felt Claire push two fingers into her pussy and she felt Claire fuck her with them. Maria began to fuck Claire harder trying to make Claire cum a third time before she did but she didn't succeed as she felt her orgasm come over her at the same instant that she felt Claire's pussy clamp down on her fingers.

When she had recovered from her orgasm, Maria licked Claire clean of

girlcum then she turned around and took Claire into her arms. She kissed Claire passionately at first then eased off to short gentle kisses.

"I never know what you are going to come up with next but I definitely like doing it that way." Claire whispered to Maria.

"Well, we will have to try again, real soon." Maria whispered back. She then eased Claire's head down to her chest and started to run her fingers through Claire's hair as she placed tender kisses on the top of her head, which soon put Claire asleep.

The next morning they stayed in watched an old movie on TV. When the

movie ended, Maria glanced at the clock on the wall and knew it was getting closer and closer to the time that she would have to start getting ready for work.

"You know I need to start getting ready soon. I hate to leave you but this was the one day I couldn't get out of working." Maria told Claire.

"I know, I will be fine here alone. It will give me time to go through all your stuff and see what you are hiding from me." Claire said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"I see, and just what do you think you will find my dear." Maria replied.

"I don't know, I will have to look first and then I will know."

"Well if you find anything really interesting be sure to give me a call."

"I will but I do need for you to do something for me before you get ready to go." Claire said seriously.

"Sure what ever you want."

The mischievous grin came back to Claire's face as she eased Maria back onto the couch. She then pulled Maria's tee shirt off and followed that with her panties leaving Maria naked. Maria started to reach up to Claire's shirt but she stopped her.

"No this is just for you." Claire whispered into Maria's ear. Maria laid her head back down on the couch and watched as Claire did remove her clothes. She then leaned down and kissed Maria gently on the lips. From there Claire kissed her way down to Maria's breasts. Maria felt her grasp her breasts in her hands and then she felt Claire's lips touch her right nipple. Maria let out a moan as Claire sucked the nipple into her mouth. Claire was using her fingers to pinch and twist the left nipple and Maria had to give out a slight cry. Claire then went to that nipple and kissed it before she sucked it into her mouth. Maria had to let out a moan before she felt Claire pinch her right nipple. She squealed and then felt Claire lips on that nipple. Claire went back and forth doing this as Maria felt herself getting more and more excited. She knew she was staining the seat of

the couch with her secretions but she was beyond caring. This was feeling just too good to care. Soon Claire left her breasts and kissed her way down to Maria's groin. When Claire got there, she did not start licking her as Maria

expected her to do. Instead, she started to kiss her inner thighs getting close to her pussy but not touching it. Claire was teasing her to the max and Maria was enjoying every minute of it. Claire would go up one thigh and then back down

getting ever closer to the treasure land. Then she would switch to the other thigh and she would do the same thing. She did this about three times before she finally touched Maria's pussy with her lips. Maria let out a loud moan and she felt a small orgasm wash over her. Maria felt Claire open her pussy lips and she felt Claire's tongue dip deep inside her.

"Oh god, that feels good girl!" Maria cried out. This spurred Claire on and she licked harder and deeper. Maria was panting by now and she felt a huge orgasm gathering inside her body. Claire continued to lick her pussy drinking in the juices that she was producing. It took a while for Claire to work her way to Maria's clit and when she did, Maria was ready to cum. Claire sucked Maria's clit into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease the nub. Maria pushed her hips up forcing Claire to suck harder. Maria then felt the orgasm hit her hard. Wave after wave of pleasure washed through her body until she was spent. When she

came around, Claire was lying beside her, holding her tight. Maria turned her head and kissed Claire with as much love as she had in her body.

"I can't leave you now. I will be thinking about this all night." Maria told Claire.

"All but you must." Claire replied as she gave Maria another kiss and then she got off the couch. "Now off to work you go." Claire said as she helped Maria up and sent her to the shower with a slap on her ass. Maria let out an "Ouch" and gave Claire a dirty look but she went.

When Maria got home that night at about one A.M., she found that the

apartment had been cleaned from top to bottom. The dishes were done, the carpet vacuumed, the furniture dusted and what laundry there was had been washed and ironed. "Well, my little angel has been busy today." Maria said to herself as she went to the bathroom to pee and wash her face. She then went to the bedroom where she found Claire asleep. There was a little light coming from the security light outside the window. The covers had slipped down and Maria

could see Claire's bare breasts rise and fall as she slept. Maria stood there a few minutes just watching Claire sleep. Maria thanked the stars that Claire had come into her life. She hadn't had a lover since leaving college and although she was very outgoing in her work, she was a shy person. Meeting someone was hard for her and being a lesbian made that a little harder. She wasn't one to visit the bars and there were only one or two gay/lesbian bars in the city she lived. She had gone there a couple of times but that wasn't her scene. She wanted someone who was smart and kind and in a way like her. Claire seemed like she was just what she had been looking for and now that person was sleeping in her bed. She knew she had to do her best to keep her there.

Maria undressed and slipped very quietly into bed. Maria eased the covers off Claire and she took in the rest of her body; the swell of her breasts, the flat stomach, the blond pubic hair, and then her long slim legs. Maria leaned over, took Claire's right nipple into her mouth, and started to suck. She felt the nipple harden and she felt Claire stir. Once the nipple was hard, she went over to the other nipple and did the same. She felt Claire stir a little more and she heard Claire sigh in her sleep. Maria moved back to the first breast and kissed all around the breast before she sucked the nipple back into her mouth. This time she stayed there tenderly suckling on the nipple. After a minute or two, she

stopped for a second to wet her fingers and she placed those wet fingers on Claire's pussy. As her mouth went back to the breasts, she started to stroke

Claire's pussy. She felt Claire begin to get wet and she slipped her middle finger into Claire. About this time, she felt Claire's hand on her head and she heard Claire say, "Oh, that feels so nice."

Maria began to fuck Claire a little harder with her finger and used her palm to rub against Claire's clit. She also started to bite and kiss Claire's nipples. Maria gently worked Claire toward an orgasm, taking her time, as she wanted to work Claire slowly to an orgasm. When she felt Claire was ready, she removed her now wet and slippery fingers from Claire pussy and started to massage Claire's clit using a circular motion. Claire raised her hips and cried out as she came. Maria came up in the bed, hugged Claire, and kissed her as she came down from her orgasm.

"That's a nice way to wake up." Claire said as the kiss ended and then Claire kissed Maria back.

"I was just catching up with you from this morning. You had me smiling all evening. All I thought about at work was getting off and coming back here to make love to you." Maria said in-between the kissing that they were doing.

"Speaking of making love..." Claire said as she gave Maria one last kiss before she rolled Maria onto her back. Maria watched as Claire got up on her hands and knees and turned around. Maria knew what Claire was up so she helped Claire get into position. Once Claire's pussy was above her, she pulled her hips down. At the same time she started to lick Claire's pussy, she felt Claire begin to lick her pussy. Maria felt Claire open her pussy with her fingers and she felt Claire's tongue dip into her opening. Maria was more than a little excited and Claire tongue felt so good. She had a hard time trying to keep up, as her own need was so great. Maria licked as best she could but when Claire's mouth latched onto her clit, all was lost. Maria stopped entirely and she let Claire bring her to an orgasm. Maria cried out and she clamped her thighs around Claire's head. When she recovered, she went back to Claire's pussy. She opened Claire's pussy lips with her fingers and licked up the juices that were coming from her. She then went to Claire's clit and started to use short quick strokes until she made Claire have an orgasm.

Now that they both had cum, they settled down and licked a little slower. Maria got her index finger wet with Claire's juices and slipped it inside her. She moved the finger in and out of Claire slowly at first but then picked up speed. She felt Claire insert a finger into her pussy and begin to fuck her. Maria moved her mouth to Claire clit teasing it with her tongue and then sucking it into her mouth. She could feel Claire's vaginal muscles clamp down on her finger as she had an orgasm and she knew she was doing the same when she came. They kept this up through three more orgasm before Claire collapsed on top of her. Maria kissed Claire's thighs and then her pussy before lowering her head back down on the pillow. Before Maria knew it, she had fallen asleep with Claire on top of her.

When Maria woke up the next morning, they were in the same position and she felt something warm and moist on her pussy. Then she realized that Claire was awake and she was licking her. Maria opened her eyes and saw Claire's pussy right in front of her. She inhaled deeply and she could smell Claire musky aroma, which was a little stronger than normal from the dried cum of last night. Maria raised her head and began to lick. She found that Claire was already wet and she licked the new and old juices from Claire's outer lips before slipping her tongue between the outer lips and going deeper. She felt Claire raise her hips a little to give her better access. Maria put her hands on Claire's ass and caressed both cheeks as she ate Claire out. Claire had a head start and soon Maria felt herself approaching an orgasm. She let out a moan and stopped licking Claire as the orgasm began to wash over her. When it ended, she went back to licking Claire and this time concentrating on her clit until she made Claire cum.

When they had both recovered, she pulled Claire up to her and she saw that Claire's face covered with her juices and she knew her own face a just as covered. She brought Claire's face to her and kissed her. She tasted her own

juices on Claire's lips and that made the kiss just that much more meaningful. They kissed for a few minutes before they finally got up and took a shower together. They kissed and caressed each other as they washed but the need for sex was gone. This was just the caresses of lovers whose need for contact would never end.

That day Maria's mother called needing some help with some things so they went there to help her. Of course, they both were well fed and Maria's mother made a fuss at how well Claire was looking. She also backed up Claire's need to gain a few more pounds and to re-enforce this she sent them home with lots of her cooking.

That night when they went to bed, they did not make love but instead just talked. They talked about what they wanted and how much each meant to the other and how much they cared for each other. They then began to kiss and gently caress until they both fell asleep. The next day was their last full day together and neither knew what they wanted to do. They finally settled on just going to the park and walking and then have a picnic by the river. That night they did make love and it went on for most of the night, as they both knew Claire's parents were due back that next day and Maria would have seven straight days of work. Claire stayed until it was time for Maria to go to work. As they kissed before parting, Maria placed a key to her apartment in Claire's hand.

When Maria got home on Wednesday, she found a sleeping Claire in her bed. It had been a bad night at work but upon seeing Claire in her bed the bad night became a great night. Friday night Maria again found Claire sleeping in her bed, this time she stayed the weekend. The next week Maria was off two days and Claire stayed with her. Slowly the one or two nights a week became three and four until Maria woke up one morning and realized that Claire was there to stay.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments - good or bad. You can email me at

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