From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Nov 2, 2022


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 11

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so you are free to move on if you don't want to read it. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021, 2022

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 6, Part 1

Mick's Care Package

Mrs. Claus is preparing a care package for her son. She has been baking and making candy all day long. She realizes that it's missing something. There is nothing for the guy that her son likes. She goes back to work in the kitchen. She makes three kinds of cookies, homemade candy canes, and a snow globe. Next, she texts all the family members to write letters to Mick. She delicately places them into cookie tins when the cookies are done, and the letters are written. After putting everything into a larger box, she elf-ports it to her son's apartment.


Within minutes, the boxes arrive in perfect condition. There is a surprise in the box for Mick. The box includes Mick's care package, Shea's care package, and a piece of elven technology called a beacon. The beacon helps pinpoint the location, so the elf-porting is easier and quicker. Shea and Mick are going to like her surprises. Since it's been a few months since the family has seen Mick, he should enjoy the letters from his family. The packages will have to sit till he gets home from work.


Shea gets home and sees the box sitting in the living room. He smiles when he sees "Mom and Family" on the box. He grabs a knife and cuts through the tape. Mick sees his box and lifts it out. He opens his care package and sees the envelopes and another box. Mick sees a small box that he takes out first. He opens the first package and finds his snow globe. He texts his mom about the globe. Ends up the globe is the beacon. He places it up on the shelf. Then, he removes the envelopes and the tins of all six of them. He knows his mom enough that the containers are filled with candies and cookies. He opens the first envelope.


The letters are from his family, and he can't wait to read them. The first letter is from his dad. Clearly, he doesn't know what it says. He opens it up and starts reading.


I hope things are okay with you. How are you and Shea doing? Your mom says that you and your man are doing great. I hope it's true. I'm sorry that you can't be completely honest with Shea. I think the day is coming when you'll be able to tell him, and he'll be okay with it. I need to go. Mick, I love you. Hope to see you soon."

Mick knows that keeping the family secret is important, but at the same time, he would love to be open with his guy. The letter is read and put away back into the envelope. Nick's son wonders if his dad knows something or if he's seen something Mick should know about. He's sure his dad won't say a peep. Instead, his sentence will hint at a Christmas miracle of sorts.


Mick has to work today, but he also has to give Shea his care package. He makes sure to text Shea, so he knows that Mick will be stopping by later.

"I can't wait to see you later."

Shea texts back to his guy. The hours ticked by really slowly today. At least it gives Mick something to look forward to at the end of the day. Even Shea is excited to see his guy.


Shea doesn't understand why Mick wants to see him. He isn't about to turn down a visit from him. Hopes that there will be a chance to steal a kiss while they visit. Mick is a mystery, for sure. The man intrigues him more than any other guy. Something about him keeps Shea coming back for more. Other guys may not want to be with someone like Mick, but Shea is convinced that the man is his Mister Right. Maybe, he is wrong, but how can these be wrong? Sounds like Shea is on the right track.


Mick's day has ended, and he's about to head out for Shea's place. Mick is to call for a ride when he gets a text from Shea.

"Going to be out by you today, so why don't I meet you at work, and I can bring you home? Then you can tell me whatever you need to tell me."

Shea also hopes he'll get some hot chocolate if he is good.

"Sounds good; I'll be inside since it's cold outside, but I'll be looking for you."

Shea doesn't blame him for staying inside while he's waiting. It's cold outside today. It takes ten minutes for Shea to show up at Mick's work. Mick walks out of the shop with a smile on his face. Shea shuts the car off, takes out the keys, and then gets out of the car and walks around to open the door for his guy.

"Thank you, Shea, but you didn't need to get out of the car. I could have opened the door by myself."

Shea is a little taken aback by the comment. He was just trying to be polite and show his polite side to Mick.

"Listen, Mick, I was raised to open the car door for my special someone. Okay, so get used to it, okay."

Mick smiles; he loves the thought that he is Shea's special someone. I mean, he kind of felt like Shea thought he was special.

"I can get used to it. You really, really think I'm special?"

Mick has never been in a relationship and doesn't know that maybe the feelings shouldn't be happening this quick. Shea just gave him a hug.

"How about you get into the car so we can head out?"

Mick listens to Shea and gets into the car. Shea closes the passenger door and then walks around to open the driver's door. He gets into the car door and smiles at this man. He puts the keys into the ignition, starts the car, and heads for Mick's.


When they arrive at Mick's, Shea again gets out of the car and opens the door for Mick. This time, he smiles at his man and gets out of the vehicle.

"Thanks for opening the door, but let's get inside. I have a surprise for you."

The Mick's guy has no clue what is going on. Mick leads him into the apartment building and into the apartment. Shea sits down, and Mick walks over to the care package box and lifts Shea's box out of it. Handing the package to his man, Mick takes his seat next to him. Shea is a little confused about the box.

"What is this?"

Mick hopes that this won't be weird.

"My mom sent me a care package, and inside it was a box for you too."

Shea is in shock that Mick's mom has included him.

"Go ahead and open it."

Mick just wants to see Shea's eyes when he opens his package. Shea is excited, but he's also kind of weirded out over it. Using his muscles, he opens it up. His eyes grow huge as he looks into the box.

"What is this? This is all for me?"

Shea is going nuts as he looks at the tins in the box.

"It's your care package."

Shea looks through the box. He picks up a random tin and sets it on his lap. He opens one of the tins. It's the peanut butter snickerdoodles. He picks up one of the cookies and takes a bite of it. His face says it all.

"WOW, you're mom made these?"

Shea manages to say between bites. Mick is glad that his man approves of the cookies

"Yeah, she made all the cookies and the other surprise too."

Shea has never tasted a cookie like that before.

"I can taste the love that went into making these cookies, dude. It's as if Mrs. Claus herself made these cookies. Thank you, dude."

Shea has no idea how right he is. Shea loves the care package but realizes he thanked the wrong person. He needs to rectify the issue.

"How do I thank your mom?"

Mick's heart drops a little. Since his mom became Mrs. Claus, few outsiders have heard her voice. How does he handle this, then? He'll just have to call his mom and hope she can wing it.


Mick grabs his phone and calls his mom with Shea by his side.

"Hi Mick, how is my son doing?"

Before his mom can accidentally lets the cat out of the bag, he quickly responds.

"Mom, Shea is here and wants to talk to you. Are you somewhere that you can talk without being disturbed?"

She is glad that Shea is at her son's apartment. She is sitting in the living room of her humble abode.

"I will move to the bedroom, where I know I won't be disturbed. Give me a minute."

They can hear her footsteps as she walks to the master bedroom. It will be hours before Nicholas will be ready for bed, so she will have some peace and quiet. She enters the bedroom and closes the door before sitting on the bed.

"Okay, I'm in the bedroom. How are the two of you?"

Mick looks at Shea, and Shea looks at Mick.

"We're good, Mom!"

Mick looks at Shea.

"Mrs. Owens, I wanted to thank you for the care package. You didn't have to send that to me, but those peanut butter snickerdoodles were to die for. I've never tasted anything like them before. Thank you!"

Shea is smiling, Mick is smiling, and Mrs. Claus is smiling too. Mrs. Claus is glad to have heard from her son's potential boyfriend. Shea thinks it's important to give gratitude.

"You're welcome! I hope you the rest of the cookies."

It's amazing to hear the conversation between two strangers.

"I can honestly say that if the cookies taste as good as the one I tasted, I will love them. I may have to spend more time in the gym to eliminate the calories."

Mick's mom heard the front door. She knows that the call is about to be interrupted.

"Shea, thanks for having Mick call me. It meant the world to me to hear from you. I have to go, though. I love you guys. Good night!"

"Good night!"

Mick picks up the phone and ends the call.

"Thank you, Shea!"

Mick says as he leans in for a kiss. The guys kiss, and this time, it sparks something that makes Mick blush.

"Mick, are you okay?"

"Um...yeah, I'm good!"

Mick says as he looks at his man.

"I'm glad you're okay."

This time, Shea steals a kiss and maybe slips a little tongue. They don't head into the bedroom but continue the session on the couch.


I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 12

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