From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Dec 8, 2021


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 2

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so if you don't want to read it, you are free to move on. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021

From the North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 1: Part 2

In Town

Today after work, Mick gets a surprise. His mother calls him.

"Hi Mick, are you settled in yet?"

She is worried that he's not unpacked, not working, and lonely. He is unpacked, working, and he is a bit lonely.

"I'm good, Mom. People could be nicer, but I guess that's the world. Work is good, though."

He knows his mom will worry no matter what he says or does.

"I'm glad that you're not living out of boxes. Mick, people are going to be drawn to you, I promise. What is your job at work?"

He hopes that she'll be impressed with his job.

"I'm a baker's assistant, but they are impressed with me, so who knows, I might become a baker in a few months."

She is happy that things are good at work. She wants the best for him both in his private life and work life.

"I need to run, Son."

The mother says to her son.

"Bye Son, I love you!" He tells her goodbye and that he loves her. Hearing from his mom cheers him up. It's good to hear from family, and maybe he needs to do a better job staying in touch with his family members.

At work today, he's been doing a lot of going back and forth from the front and then back to the kitchen with trays loaded with fresh pastries and cookies. In his time upfront, he's seen quite a few nice-looking guys. There is a problem though, how does one figure out if they're the right guy for him? His book of elven cantrips is at home. Course, it doesn't do him any good at home. He knows that he needs to practice those little spells. Mick needs to memorize them for future use. Mick really wants to figure out the spell thing.

As luck would have it, the spell that Mick needs is written out in the book. It doesn't take him long to memorize the spell. As he goes through the day, he sees several more hot guys. Later in the day, Mick goes into the bathroom while on break. He decides to try out the naughty or nice cantrip. It says that you need a reflective surface and the person's name that Mick or Santa wants to check out. He looks into the mirror and says:

"Henry, I need you to show me your heart to me."

Suddenly, flashes of this guy's life dance in the mirror in front of Mick. Henry might pass as a nice guy, but Henry is not gay. Mick tried it out on a few other guys, and none made the cut. Maybe, there is a more straightforward spell or a better way to filter through them.

That spell worked, but he wishes he had a simpler one that he could use instead of the "naughty or nice" one. Not finding what he wanted in the book, he decides to reach out to his father. He shakes the snow globe and then says, "Dad!" The snow globe does its thing. He is instantly connected to his dad via what looks like a video chat.

"How are you, Mick?"

His father asks.

"I'm good, Dad, but that cantrip for seeing if someone is naughty or nice gave me a headache. Is there an easier one?"

Santa thinks about what his son can do instead of that cantrip for a second. He has just the thing for Mick.

"I want you to buy some candy canes, swirl them in water, and say the name of the person that you want to know about and then ask if they are sweet or not. Is that easy enough for you? I this quite a bit myself."

Mick writes his father's instructions and the words that need to be said.

"Thanks, Dad, I'm going to use it. I love you, Dad!"

Nick is glad that his son isn't afraid to ask for help. He's pleased that he's able to be here for his son.

"I love you too, Son! I need to go, Son."

The most important thing at the moment is that Mick is home and that he's beginning to relax.

Mick is at home, but home doesn't feel like home. In his apartment back home, he never felt alone. Here, he is home, and he is lonely. He has no friends, just co-workers. It would be great if he had a friend or two. Any friend would be fantastic. There is zero friend potential out there. Hopefully, things change quickly. He may not be able to last out here without friends. Someday, he'll find what he's looking for here in the city.

He would love to explore the city, but a few issues are stopping him at the moment. One, it's now 9:00 pm. Two, he doesn't totally trust people, and he wants to stay alive. Three, he has a lot on his mind, and he's just not feeling being outside. Maybe tomorrow, he'll figure all of this out. The world is a strange place. He needs to see what's out there in the world. In the morning, he'll see things in a new light. Something has to change for him. Time is on his side, but how much time does he need to do what he wants to do? He has no idea when or where that answer will come. It has to come, though. It has too.

In the morning, he looks in his bathroom and wonders about everything that was bugging him last night. The world outside of the barrier is killer. People are divided and don't seem to believe in magic anymore. There are good people out there, but he has to find one good person to call his boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people out there, but there is only one for Mick. Mick wonders if maybe, this was a mistake, coming to Indiana. At least back home, he had family and the elves. There are around 3,779 miles from the North Pole and Weber, Indiana. I can't give the exact miles, but you get the idea. He's always been within walking distance of his family and never had to rely on magic to communicate with them. Come to think about it, he's never used magic as much as he has since moving south to Weber.

As he gets ready for work, he tries out one cantrip labeled "Find!". It says to think about what's missing and say "Help!". The object's location is supposed to be revealed to you. He managed to think about the guy who would eventually be his boyfriend. He is tall, has reddish hair, is muscular, and very handsome. He doesn't know how he could see him, but it happened, and now he is in awe. Whoever this guy is, he needs to come across his path today. It leaves him with many questions.

The biggest question on his mind is what he needs to do to find him. Using the snow globe, he calls his dad.

"Well, this is a surprise. Is everything okay?"

Mrs. Claus joins Mr. Claus on the couch.

"I'm good, Dad...I just...I have q question. I was trying out a cantrip called "Find" when an image of a very handsome man showed up in my mirror. I could clearly see his face. I believe he is the guy that I'm supposed to find. But I don't know how to do that?"

Emma looks at her husband and shrugs his shoulders. She isn't sure what to tell her son, and Mick's own dad doesn't know what to say either. Nick isn't about to make this easy on his son. Love never comes easy, and Mick needs to learn this about life.

"Mick, there isn't a way to find him. Although, if you say that you saw him after casting the "Find" cantrip, you'll have to keep your eyes open for him."

Santa tells his son. Mick isn't happy over what his father said, but he understands and goes with it. He needs to relax and just wait for this person to come across his path.

"Okay, I guess I'll wait and see what happens."

He says as his mother gets ready to give her son some advice. She wants to reassure him that things aren't so bad.

"Mick, I've been listening to you and your father talking things over, but I just want you to relax, and I promise that given a chance, you'll find this man in due time. Keep your heart open!"

He's been told to keep his eyes open and to keep his heart open as well. By doing this, he'll be ready to find his guy.

"You didn't answer my question the way I wanted, but I'll take what you said to heart. I'll let you go. I love the two of you. Bye, Mom and Dad!"

Without his parent's help, Mick knows he'll need to be patient. He doesn't know how he'll find the handsome stranger. It seems there is a whole bunch of people out in the world. How long will Mick have to wait before the man in the mirror becomes a reality? His father and mother can't tell him when he'll enter his life, nor can any of the elves. He's stuck waiting for this guy to walk into his life.

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Next: Chapter 3

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