From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on Dec 23, 2021


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 3

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so if you don't want to read it, you are free to move on. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021

From The North Pole To Indiana

Chapter 2

Part 1

Helping Him Out

Mick doesn't have a bike or a car, so he walks to work and home again. Yes, it's cold outside, and yes, he's used to the cold, so it really doesn't bug him all that much. Still, it is a fifteen-minute walk. Mick is bundled up, but his nose is a little red by the time he gets to work. He had seen a job that was a half-hour away, and that would have been a poor choice for him. Today, the weather is not being kind to him because it's snowing outside on top of being cold.

The cold and the snow don't usually bother him. They don't have heated sidewalks here in the city, so he's had to walk through the snow. He's ten minutes into the walk, and he is doing pretty good so far. In some places, the sidewalks are clear, and they are not clear in others. It's okay, though. Mick thinks about his mystery man and the cantrip his dad gave him. Today could be the day that he sees him. It's that thought that pushes him forward.

`I should learn to drive.'

He thinks to himself as he is walking along the snow-covered sidewalks. He's thankful for the coffee shop and not just because it pays the bills, but because the kitchen where he works is warm, very warm. When he arrives at work, Mick is anxious to get to work.

Around 11 am, Mick is on break without one of his co-workers. April is a nineteen-year-old barista. They're enjoying a conversation over lunch.

"So I never see you get into a car at the end of the day. How do you get to work?"

April asks out of curiosity. They aren't paying attention to what's going on in back of them, so they don't see the handsome patron enter the coffee shop, and he's been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I walk."

April is shocked that Mick walks to work. The stranger doesn't believe it either. He knows that it's only going to get colder outside.

"How long does it take you to get to work?"

She asks, curious about how long he's out in the elements. The stranger is listening closely to what is about to be said.

"It takes me 15 minutes to get to work. Which is good because I love the snow."

The stranger knows he can't the guy sitting in front of him to walk in the cold.

"I apologize, but I overheard that you walk to work. It's going to get super cold, so whether than walk home, can I give you a ride?"

Mick and April turned to see who was speaking. Mick realizes that the guy talking to him is from his spell in the mirror. He cannot believe a complete stranger is offering to drive him home; even April is surprised by the offer.

"I have a few hours before my shift is over; you don't have to drive me home."

Mick tells the guy who is having none of this.

"I know you must be concerned about a complete stranger offering you a ride, but I'm a member of law enforcement; I'm a conversation officer, to be exact."

The man brings out his badge to prove he is a conversation officer. April has seen this guy come into the coffee shop many times during the week. She quietly whispers to Mick that he's safe to ride home with if Mick wants to. Mick decides to take him up on his offer.

"Okay, if you don't mind waiting on me. I accept your offer."

The stranger is glad that the man in front of him accepted his ride. Mick goes back to work with a smile on his face.

Mick's thoughts are on the red-haired hunk sitting up front. The same handsome guy that he'll be riding home with at the end of his shift. He is even more attractive in person. Luck and magic seem to be a potent combination. Not only is this man hot, but he's kind as well, which makes this native from the Arctic circle quite happy. Never in a hundred years did he ever think that he could find someone like him. Mick wonders if they'll have a conversation on the way home or if it will be silent. Work is finally o0ver, so Mick grabs his things and meets the man upfront.

He meets the stranger, and then the two men head out to the car.

"I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself; I'm Shea Butler.

Mick now has a name to go with you, the face.

"I'm Mick Owens. Nice to meet you!"

Shea and Mick are both quiet for a second or two. Shea wants to learn a little bit more about Mick

"How long have you been working at the coffee shop?"

Mick is taken by Shea's voice. Shea has a deep voice, but it's also soothing at the same time.

"I've been working here for three days, and I like it."

Mick knows he needs to ask a question, but he's struggling to come up with one.

"Are you from around here?"

Mick is clearly not from here, and he wanted to see if Shea was a native.

"I'm an Indiana native. I grew up two counties south of here but moved up here for the police academy, but I decided that I wanted to work as a conservation officer instead, and here I am."

Mick directed Shea to his apartment.

"What about you?"

Shea asks his new friend. Mick's first thought is to tell him the truth, but then he envisions the damage that would be done to everyone back home and kids across the world.

"I grew up in Michigan, but I moved here to escape and meet new people."

He doesn't like lying to Shea but, he had to do something.

"Well, I guess this is it."

Shea says as they pull up to the apartment complex. It's weird, but Shea feels like he wants to know about Mick. He wants to dig deeper. Maybe he can stall, and the conservation officer wouldn't have to end his chance to get to know the guy sitting to the side of him. Mick pulls out his wallet to offer some money to pay for the gas.

"No, you don't. You're on my route to my house and work, so put it away."

Mick doesn't want to offend Shea, so he puts his wallet away, or he thought he did. The wallet slips quietly to the seat unnoticed. "Can we keep talking?" Shea asks, wanting to keep the conversation alive. Mick is delighted that his dream guy wants to have a discussion with him. He's completely okay with it. What single gay guy wouldn't be okay with Shea wanting to talk with them and spend time with them at the same time.

Shea is trying to figure out who Mick is because something feels off, and Mick is positive that Shea has boyfriend material written all over him. The officer isn't sure what's going on with Mick, but he can't explain it as of right now. He just can't put the finger on it. As far as Mick is concerned, this guy is everything he wants in a guy. All he needs now is to talk a little bit more with him and then some magic on his part to see what kind of heart this game warden has at heart. Shea does find Mick cute, and Mick thinks that Shea is hot. Neither guy says anything at all to the other.

As they sit there in the car, the guys continue their conversation.

"What do you do for fun?"

Mick asks the guy sitting next to him.

"I like to work out, hike, read, do nature photography, and bird watch."

Mick is surprised that someone like Shea would be into nature photography and bird watching.

"Do you have any cool hobbies?"

Shea asks his new friend.

"I like to draw, love technology, playing video games, baking, and cooking in general. I wouldn't mind doing some hiking. I also like to read."

Shea wouldn't mind eating some of Mick's cooking. Maybe, he'll have to figure out a way to taste some of it.

"Any place that you would like to visit?"

Shea asks his new friend. Mick thinks about it for a second or two.

"I would like to see the ocean."

Shea would like to see the ocean with someone by his side.

"What's your favorite way to give back?"

Mick calls, hoping to find out a little bit more about Shea's nice side.

"Every year, well several times a year, I give to a youth center that is operated by the local LGBT community. In December, I do a big box of goodies."

Mick is impressed with Shea's thoughts on giving back to the community. At the end of their conversation, Shea looks at Mick's eyes for a second before speaking again.

"Thank you for speaking with me! It was great getting to know you."

Shea meant what he said.

"Thank you for the ride; it was really nice of you."

Mick goes to get out but fails to notice his wallet is missing.

"You're welcome, my friend."

Shea says as he watches Mick leave his car.

Shea has never met anyone like Mick. There is a sense of magic in his eyes, as if he could snap his fingers and make flowers appear. He watched him at work, and it was pretty clear that he was happy while working. Mick has this unmatched cheerfulness about him; he could cheer up anyone. He comes across as the type of person who has never met a person he dislikes. Maybe, he is a little naïve too. He may never be able to figure out what makes this guy tick. Shea reaches his home and parks his car.

Shea always gives his car a once-over before getting out. You just never know what might end up in the car. He finds a wallet that isn't his, and it's pretty clear who the wallet belongs to. The wallet doesn't have much info on the owner. At least he knows where the guy works, and he has no problem stopping by to deliver it. All he has to do is find the time to do it. Hopefully, he can find time to drop off the wallet. He needs to call him to let him know that he has the wallet. He doesn't know how to reach out to him. He really wants to contact him. Right now, he doesn't have time to go back and drop it off. Once he gets inside, he has to start dinner and maybe run some errands. It will have to wait till tomorrow.

I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 4

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