From the North Pole to Indiana

Published on May 15, 2022


From the North Pole to Indiana Chapter 9

This is a work of fiction; all characters' names are randomly generated, and the places in this story are complete works of fiction. If you disagree with two men loving each other, leave now. Yes, this is a Christmas story, so you are free to move on if you don't want to read it. However, if you're going to read it, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Copyright © 2021, 2022

From The North Pole to Indiana

Chapter 5, Part 1

Mick's Date

Mick is ready to head out to see the lights. Shea is about to the apartment when he gets stopped by a train. He texts his date to tell him that he's at the tracks by his apartment building. Finally, the train passes, and Shea can continue driving to Mick's. Once parked, Shea gets out and walks up to the button panel. Finding Mick's name, he pushes the button to buzz Mick's apartment. Mick grabs the cookies and pushes the button to unlock the door so that Shea can come up.

"Shea, come on up."

Mick says, all excited.


Shea is also very excited. After opening the door, Shea heads for the apartment. He knocks and waits for Mick. Mick wastes no time in opening the door. They hug each other. Mick looks at Shea, taking in all the sights.

"Your new sweater looks great."

Mick tells Shea, who smiles in response.

"Thanks, Mick!"

Mick hands the box of cookies over to his "boyfriend," who immediately opens them and smiles. Taking one of the cookies out of the box, Shea takes a bite. Mick is watching Shea's face for a reaction; what he gets is amazing. Shea smiles, and you can tell that he's enjoying the morsel. Once the cookie is gone, Shea smiles and says:

"That was beyond delicious; they need to sell these at the coffee shop,"

Shea states, his face beaming. Mick's just glad that this date liked the cookie.

"I'm afraid you won't find these at the shop. It's a family recipe. I'm glad that you liked them."

Shea seems a little disappointed, but he has all night to get over it.

"I think we should leave."

Shea says as he kisses Mick on the lips and then opens the door. The guys head out the door. The guys head out the door. Mick locks the door, and they head out to the car.


Shea knows exactly where to head to; the neighborhood with the most money or slightly more money.

"You're going to love this, Mick. I researched the best neighborhoods to see Christmas lights, and it's a 10-minute drive. I promise you that it's worth each mile that we drive."

Mick smiles as he listens to Shea. It's amazing to hear someone excited simply to see Christmas lights. It makes him wonder if Shea is always like this or if it is just for this date. Shea hopes that whatever mysteries are rolled inside of Mick aren't deal-breakers. Before they arrive at the neighborhood, Shea wants to know more about Mick.


Shea wants to know if they became boyfriends, what would they want from each other. Shea asks Mick what he would want from Shea. Mick starts off by thinking things over since he was put on the spot just a few seconds ago.

"I want to volunteer with you or help someone out who needs it. I want you to be the same; if we are in a relationship together. I'm okay with growing together and becoming a better people that way."

Shea can relate to the last two items spoken by Mick. Now it's Shea's turn to spill his guts.

"From the first day that I met you, I've felt that you've kept something from me, which is fine as long as it isn't illegal. I want you to be you. I love your cheerfulness, and I don't ever want you to change."

Mick hates keeping the family name and everything associated with it from him. It isn't safe to reveal anything quite yet. Shea is contemplating asking his date a big question.


He wants Mick to be his boyfriend but is it the right time? He just isn't sure. In his mind, it just doesn't feel right. If he did ask, Mick wouldn't take long to consider his question. He would be thrilled if Shea did ask him to be his boyfriend. Shea decides to hold off his question for another time because this particular date doesn't scream "Will you be my boyfriend?" to him. They finally reach the neighborhood that Shea selected as the one for their Christmas light tour.


Shea and Mick arrive at the first house. The lights are numerous and bright. It's lovely.

"I think Santa could see this house from his sleigh. What do you think?"

Shea tells Mick. Mick smiles before responding to the question.

"You might be right. It's bright enough! I'd hate to live close to it."

Mick's last comment catches Shea off guard. It may very well be the first negative comment that has come out of Mick's mouth. Shea thinks about it for a second.

"I agree with you. I wouldn't want my bedroom window facing it."

Mick and Shea move on to the next house.


Shea and Mick see house after house, all decorated beautifully with lights. Shea is proud of himself. His choice of a date activity seems to be a hit. Mick hasn't stopped smiling since Shea's "Santa" comment; that is everything to Mick. The Christmas lights tour is almost over, and neither guy wants the night to end. How do you end this evening the right way?


The driving tour is over, and Mick wants to extend the date, but how? It dons on him; this night needs hot cocoa; Claus style.

"If you would like, I can whip up some of the best hot chocolate you've ever had. All I ask is that you stay out of the kitchen."

Shea loves hot chocolate, so yes, he's all about having more time with Mick.

"Your hot chocolate is really that good, huh? You're going to have to prove it."

Shea asks. He also sort of challenges his date at the same time. Mick knows that Shea is about to have his taste buds slammed.

"So we're going to your place?"

Mick asks, wanting to be sure what the plan actually is for the evening.

"I have no choice; hot chocolate is a vice of mine. It may be my biggest vice."

Shea's humor makes Mick chuckle a bit. Mick hopes that Shea has other vices as well. He hopes they are good ones. Nothing that would make him want to walk away from the guy.

"I hope, oh never mind."

Mick's thoughts sometimes get the best of him, but he stops himself from saying something that could get him in trouble this time. The guys arrive at Shea's house, and it isn't long before Mick starts his special hot chocolate. When it's done, two mugs are filled with hot chocolate with whipped crème that has been mixed with broken pieces of peppermint and given a dusting of dark chocolate and milk chocolate shavings. Mick brought the two mugs out to the dining room, where Shea had been patiently waiting for the drink to be done. The first sip was terrific; pepperminty, smooth, and creamy, not to mention chocolatey. Ends up, Mick was right; it was the best hot chocolate that Shea has ever tasted.


The night is over, and Shea is driving Mick back to his apartment. They're listening to Christmas music on the way to the apartment. When they get to the apartment building. Shea gets out of the car with Mick., Together, they walk up to Mick's apartment. Before they can get away from each other, Shea smiles at Mick:

"Can I get a kiss?"

Mick isn't keeping track or anything, but this will be the second kiss for the evening.

"I guess you can have one more kiss."

Mick says, pretending that he really doesn't care if he gets one or not when in reality, he would be taken back if Shea didn't kiss him good night. The kiss sent shivers down his spine.

"Good night Mick!"

Mick smiles at Shea.

Good night Shea!"

Shea makes sure that Mick is in his apartment before heading for his car.


Once Mick arrives home, he gets out his phone to call his mom. He considers just texting his mom, but then he reconsiders and decides to call her.

"Hi Mick, how was your date?"

The night was amazing.

"As far as I am concerned, the night was utterly amazing. We have seen so many homes decorated with lights. Shea was playing Christmas music to set the mood. After seeing the lights, we went to Shea's house, and I made my world-famous hot chocolate."

His mom chuckles at the last part of the comment.

"Mick, you know that not everyone in the world knows about your hot chocolate?"

Mick just rolls his eyes. Course, he knows that not everyone in the world knows about his hot chocolate. Mick also didn't tell his mom about Shea's kisses. It just doesn't feel right telling her something like that.

"I assume Shea behaved himself?"

Shea is always on top behavior. If he showed any behavior that wasn't good, he would be dropped almost instantly. Mick would hate doing that, but he couldn't be in this relationship if Shea wasn't nice to him.

"Shea was perfect in every way."

Emma can't wait to meet this young man. Someday, when her son and Shea are more committed, he can meet the family.

"I'm glad to hear that; I hope things keep being good between you; just remember the occasional squabble isn't the end."
Mick knows that his mom means well, but he doesn't want to think about any fighting between Shea and him.

"Mick, your dad, needs me, so I had better go."

It's always a little chaotic at home this time of year, and the stress tends to make his dad go a bit nuts. It's all good, though; he has plenty of support at the North Pole.

"Okay, bye, Mom! Love you!"

Mick and his mom end their calls.


I'm going to start using this email for my stories

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Next: Chapter 10

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