From Top to Bottom

By Dawson Spear

Published on May 6, 2010





To the Reader:

Please be advised that the story below contains graphic descriptions of sex acts between two consenting male adults and contains words which your mother, sister and wife (if applicable) would not approve of. So read at your own informed risk.

I have not yet decided how I am going to divide this effort into chapters other than I know that there will be at least two. Also please note that it might be helpful if you have read "Thomas" posted under High School during the period of January through March of 2010, although by no means will the story lose any meaning or have you wishing that you had read it.

Finally my thanks to all of you who have written me making suggestions, all constructive but at the same time frank; I thank you. As I have said in my email responses to you I have discovered in my first two efforts (in addition to Thomas see "How I spent my Summer Vacation" posted at Nifty in April of this year under Authoritarian) that there are two primary rewards for the author: the emails that we receive and the sense of accomplishment. Please write every author that you read and pass along constructive comments both positive and negative; it helps and lets us know that in fact someone is out there reading our efforts.

In the meantime I wish you Peace.

Dawson Spear.

Chapter One

Try it you Might Like it

My name is Thomas; Thomas Wright. I am 26 years old, 6 foot 2", white, blondish brown hair, blue eyed and my normal weight is right at 200 pounds; I am also hairy, although I have a light beard, meaning that while I am hairy between my hair color and the lack of denseness of my hair I don't look hairy except when I am undressed. The hair is dense under my arms and around my cock and runs from basically from the top of my head over my jaw, down my neck and then spreads out while going down, encompassing my pecs and nipples. From there it continues downward while at the same time becoming more narrow as it gets to my belly button where it spreads out again before going up the shaft of my cock, on my nuts and then down my legs eventually arriving at my, feet and toes. During the late spring, summer and early fall the hair on my arms and legs turn a very light yellow and it is very curly, almost like thin afro hair; in the winter, late fall and early spring my hair returns to a light brown. I turn a dark brown in the summer.

When I was sent off to school I was assigned to two guys who were older and supposed to mentor me; well that lasted until just before Thanksgiving when all hell broke loose. My two mentors had an overnight weekend leaving me at school and were staying at a hotel with several other cupper classmen, when a bomb went off; several of the kids were killed and the younger of these two, Jeff was badly injured. The talk around school was that Jeff had most of his cock taken off by some scrapnel; at any rate he and his "partner" Hugo no longer slept on the sleeping porches with the rest of us guys but were assigned to a bedroom with its own shower. The word was that they were into a gay relationship, which I believe because they dropped out of school, and rented an apartment in a near by town to live together. At any rate you can read about them at Nifty, under the tag of High School in a story called "Thomas". I have no idea why author gave it that title as it had nothing to do with me; I certainly was not involved in any homosexual activity and they never did any gay stuff around me.

I considered myself a perfectly normal young male; I beat off, I dated girls and yes when I was not locked up at school I tried and largely succeeded in fucking any girl I could get my hands on. With my looks finding some girl to bed was not all that difficult. I lost my virginity to an older woman one day while her husband was at work and their kid was asleep. I cut their grass and she came out and offered me a glass of lemonade; I was 14 and I never looked back. I have had better lays than her but I have also had worse. I really liked the way a warm wet pussy would smoother my dick; the way it would cling to my cock; I liked slowly withdrawing my cock from their cunts with the warm wet pussy juice making it shine and my excess cum dripping off of it.

Let me stop here and say that my cock is average; it is about 7 inches when as stiff as a board; my only comment about my cock is just that – it is average; it does not have a mushroom on the end; at the time there were no warts or other difigurements to make it standout in some way. I have seen plenty of longer pieces of equipment, and many shorter; lots of guys sport fatter dicks and some may be thinner. 7 inches is not that short, however when you are 6' 2" and you are standing next to a guy that is 5'6" who also has a dick the same size then yours looks smaller. I was never embarrassed by the size of my equipment and sure as hell never had a problem with the way that it worked; for that matter neither did any of the pussy that I serviced. Now of course is a different matter as I can't use it any more; it really is there for two reasons: it is a constant embarrassment and a reminder of my place in life.

When I went home for the summer vacation between my junior and senior years in high school my parents got on me as to where I was going to go to college. To tell you the truth I could care less, other than I knew I could not get into one of the Ivy League schools, or someplace like MIT or CAL Tech. I had to pick a school and so when talking with my friends one night while drunk, I decided to settle the problem by blind folding myself and throwing a dart at a map of the United States, committing myself to going to the college nearest to where the dart landed. My dart landed on a small town in southern Georgia by the name of Metter; after doing some research on line I picked Georgia Southern. Talk about way out in the sticks, but I was determined to follow through on my decision. I knew no one and no one knew me. I flew into Savannah, Georgia as it was closer than Atlanta.

Upon my arrival I checked in and was assigned a dorm; as a freshman I had to live on campus and none of the freshmen had an automobile except those who were day students. The college dorm was just like millions of others; there were two men assigned to a room and we shared a bath with the room next door. It consisted of two beds separated by three feet of floor with two desks and combination of dressers and closets. Thank God there was air conditioning as it was just plain hot and humid when I walked out of the Savannah Airport, about an hour or so south of Statesboro, Georgia on I-16. When I had received my key, ID card and other paperwork concerning freshman orientation, I went to my room in the dorm to find that my room mate, John (Johnny) Mayer had already checked in. It was an interesting experience as I had never been to Savannah or Statesboro and had never seen the campus. Frankly I had never heard anyone with a real southern accent speak, had never seen land that was so flat, no mountains, no fog and as hot.

When I opened the door I spoke to him and laughed as a computer must have assigned us; I was from the west; he from the east; I was from the northwest and he from the southeast; I was tall and he was short; I was blond and he was dark; I had body hair all over except my back and he had very little body hair; I was fair skinned and he had an olive complextion; I had blue eyes and he had brown. What did we have in common? Our dicks were about the same size as I later discovered, we both liked to fuck girls and drink beer, really did not care to join a fraternity and we both were committed to doing well in college. We became instant friends.

We bonded during orientation, discovered we liked the same foods and disliked the same foods. I woke up the morning after our first night as room mates before Johnny did and I thought that I would take care of business, so I played with my cock under the covers until I had reached the point where I was ready to cum, and stirpped back the covers so I would not cum on my sheets. While pulling on the monkey I checked to make sure that Johnny was still aseep and everything was fine, until I had unloaded when I reached down to get my sock to clean up myself and realized that he was awake; I froze staring at him, my face red with embarrassment; He started laughing and when he had caught his breath said, "You know I wondered how I was going to beat off so I did not have to do it in front of you. Now that is no longer a problem. What do you say to the fact that if one of us wants to crack a nut we feel free to do so?"

I said, "Deal," and got up to get a shower, weak with relief. As I stood in the shower I thought that I was really lucky on room mates. When done, I returned to the room with my towel over my shoulder; there really wasn't much reason to cover myself up as Johnny had seen me standing tall and disgourging cum. It was obvious he had used the time when I was in the shower to spill a load as the room fairly stank of sperm; no laundry ever had a stronger bleach smell. Johnny was not bashful and was just as naked as me, with his towel over his shoulder. Johnny was 5' 6" tall and his cock as I later discovered was the same length as mine, although his was a thicker and had a bigger head.

During breakfast we finished finding out about each other and agreed that unlike lots of room mates that used a warning sign of a tie or some other item on the door when having a girl over in your bed, that we would simply stay in the room regardless of whether or not the other had a guest or not. The system worked well and there were plenty of times that both Johnny and I were each fucking girls at the same time. Some times the girls freaked a little but it was no skin off of our nose. Johnny and I were the best of friends; we never had a cross word, never had an argument and agreed on almost everything. Johnny's family was from South Carolina and I went home with him for a couple of weekends and met his mom and dad. Georgia Southern had a good football team and we made it to every home game.

One weekend shortly before Thanksgiving the team was out of town and for whatever reason there was no school on either Friday or Monday. We were going to go to Johnny's home for a long weekend when we both realized that we had reports due and changed our plans so as to stay on campus and study. We started on Thursday night working late and then getting up early Friday morning and working throughout the day until late that night and then finishing early Saturday afternoon. According to our plans we then were free to do whatever we wanted to for the rest of Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

We walked into town and using a fake ID got some beer and snacks and then catching a cab back to school, sneaking the beer into the dorm. Most of the kids on our floor had either gone off for the weekend with the football team or to Savannah or Atlanta, including the two guys with whom we shared the bath. We drank a fair amout of beer that afternoon and were feeling no pain when we started looking for some pussy; we really were not very pickie at that point. Regretfully we struck out; we could not even find some scabby looking female. We agreed that so be it we would just stay in, drink the beer that we had in the room and stroke ourselves when and if we felt like it. Some time early on Sunday morning my life changed. In discussing it with Johnny afterwards he swore to me that he had never put his hand on another guy's cock prior to that time nor had he even had a homosexual thought, much less having been involved in a gay act. That was something else we had in common; I swear no one had ever touched my equipment other than the doctor and girls; ever, never, end of story.

When drunk Johnny became 6 foot tall and bullet proof instead of 5' 6" and weighting 140 pounds; he thought that he could take on the world. Don't misunderstand me; he never went looking for trouble, would never consider starting a fight, but when under the influence he would accept any bet and thought he was unstoppable. I don't remember what we were discussing but we ended up wrestling on the floor; it was hardly a fair fight my having him by 6 inches and 60 pounds, but he was sure he was going to make me give; not likely. Instead, I got him down on the floor lying face down with me on top and him face down; my dick was on top of the cheeks of his ass. With his squirming we were rubbing as we were wrestling and I started to throw a boner. I asked if he gave; oh hell no he did not give. So I rolled him over on his back so that I could look at him and sat on his legs, trapping them between mine and at the same time I was holding his arms over his head with one of my hands. He was defenseless, but not yielding; so, I decided to tickle him and make him submit. I discovered that Johnny was ticklish and so I got him under his arms, between his neck and shoulders and of course his stomach. He was squirming, flailing around trying to get me off of him and his arms free, all to no avail. In the process we were rubbing up against each other's pubic area. With me drunk and horney I could feel my cock begin to fill out once again.

I froze as I was trying to figure out how to keep Johnny from discovering that I was getting hard. I also was trying to figure out what was going on with me, or more accurately with my cock. My brain was on autopiolet as I continuted to tickle Johnny, making him continue to sqirm around trying to get free and in the process rubbing himself against my crouch. In my drunken state there was simply too much for me to process. I was now trying to stop the wrestling or at least to make Johnny stop squirming all to no avail. All of a sudden Johnny's face froze and his movement ceased. This break in the action allowed my brain a moment to catch up on what all was going on; I discovered that not only was I hard and dripping precum into my boxers but that Johnny was hard as well.

Now I was totally confused; I was embarrassed that I had thrown an erection while in a position that would be considered sexual if the other person was a female. I mean if I had been in the same physical position with a girl instead of Johnny then I could just as well be fucking her from behind or the in the missionary position; the problem was that it was Johnny and not some chick. Once my brain had reached that impasse it received some more news: Johnny's boxers were not just wet due to some precum having leaked, they were soaked as if he had cum; oh shit! It wasn't as if he had just cum; in fact he had just cum. The smell of bleach permeated the room and it became obvious to both him and me that he had experienced an orgasm while in a sexual position with his male roommate neither of whom had touched his dick.

We remained in that frozen position for several seconds that seemed to last a lifetime, starring into each other's eyes, mouths open, panting from the exertions of wrestling and sexual stimulation. Slowly my face lowered down, closer and closer to Johnny's and to the extent that he could raise his off the floor he met me in what had to be a kiss unlike any either of us had ever experienced. First, it lasted longer than any other kiss, second, it was more erotic than any other kiss and finally it excited me more than any other kiss. As we opened our mouths to each other we went back to rubbing and squirming; if this had been a gal I would have called it dry humping. Johnny now tried to push his legs open so that mine would be on the inside and his on the outside; I lifted each leg one at a time to accommodate his efforts, while at the same time continuing the kiss that seemed to last for ever. When Johnny's legs were spread as close as he could get to 180 degrees; he had opened his genitalia and exposed them to me; while he had not submitted he was mine for the picking.

It became immediately obvious to me that Johnny's cock had regained its erect status and that I was about to climax. There was no stopping my ejaculation. It shot out of me with greater force, more pleasure, and with greater volume than any I had previously experienced. I shuddered from the top of my head to the soles of my feet; I pressed myself into Johnny sufficiently to telegraph what had just happened. His reaction was instant: he viciously rubbed himself against me; his tongue exploded in my mouth; and he mumbled something. I removed my mouth from his, separating our mouths for the first time since we commenced the kiss and said, "What?"

Looking me firmly in the eyes he said, "Feel good baby, enjoy yourself, cum for me." Immediately we reconnected our lips and the kiss continued. By this time Johnny had his legs wrapped and locked behind me as we slowed all of our actions except for the kiss. Finally we stopped, separated faces and lips but continued to stare into each other's eyes. Johnny unlocked his legs and we rolled apart, me on my right side looking first to my boxers to confirm my ejaculation and to observe the condition of my underwear; I was soaked. Once my exploration and confirmation of my condition was complete I then did the same to Johnny; he was in a different state; first most of his cock was exposed because it was sticking out of the opening in his boxers; second his cock was hard and throbbing. It took me a second to fully understand that he had in fact had an orgasm and his dick had simply recharged itself, telegraphing to the world that it was ready for round two.

My eyes then went up his body, over his belly button, his smooth chest revealing his twin pectorals firm and strong to his throat, lips and eyes. The eyes burned with intensity, shock and need. I leaned down and starting with his right breast slowly licked my way up his chest to his neck, cheeks and over to his mouth which was now open and panting for air; he looked like he was hyperventilating. With great need and emotion he said, "Please, please get me off. I need to nut. Please please let me cum."

I replied, "What?"

Johnny first put his arms around my neck and second, while lying on his side started to rub himself against me and said, "Please, please make me cum." Without thought or concern I acted as if Johnny was a female and had said it to me in a situation as if we had been fucking and that I had cum without care or concern for her.

That was not in my makeup; I was taught by the lady who took my virginity to be sure that my partner reached the same successful result that I had enjoyed; it took her several efforts but fortunately while I had cum instantly when my dick had touched her pussy, at my age I never missed a beat, and in fact the sperm that first time simply eased the insertion. This time was not as simple; how was I to make Johnny cum? Working on reflexes alone, I inserted my hands into the slit in his boxers, rubbing it along the shaft of his hard throbbing penis as I went. I then simply tore the underwear apart, revealing his penis, scrotum and pubic hair. All of them were soaked with his ejaculate, it having in places having been rubbed into a white and frothy mix. So with my first step complete now my brain continued its process of resolving the issue before it: making my sex partner have their orgasm. Well I could either fuck them, lick their clit or satisfy them by masturbation; my cock would take too long, masturbation was the least sensual which left me oral; I have never had a hang up about oral sex, so I simply did what I would have always done – I simply took her clit in my mouth, sucked on it, licked it with my tongue and when she got to that certain point I nibbled on it. The only problems were it was not a clit, it was not a female and it was covered in sperm; as if to add insult to injury it was not even my sperm that was now lubricating my lips and throat so that I could take his penis deep into my oral cavity.

Up and down I went; there was no blowing, but a great deal of sucking; I threw a lip lock on that cock that would have stopped traffic; my lips tightened around that dick to such an extent that if someone had pulled me up Johnny would have been raised with me. Johnny lasted about 2minutes before literally exploding into my mouth. Again acting on reflexes I simply reacted as I would have when a woman was brought to orgasm; I swallowed, which was made easier because when he cam his cock was deep in my throat as I was just about at the bottom of my move and he was just about at the top of his trust so we met in between and the first blast of sperm went directly into my stomach. I was on the upward movement at the time of the second. That being the case, my mouth was filled with his seed; there it remained momentarily; during that time my senses worked a double shift; in the blink of an eye my nose confirmed that the ejected substance smelled of bleach not pussy; the taste frankly was more pleasant than that discharged by a woman in her ejaculate juice, as it was slightly salty and slightly sweet; the consistency was that of runny yogurt and some what slippery like a raw oyster; so the bottom line was that it was more pleasing to the palate than what was released by a pussy.

Johnny is one of those persons whose dick is extremely sensitive after cumming, so he wiggled around and pushed me off his dick, making me release it with a loud wet pop. Time stood still. Oh my God what I have done? I do believe we both had the same thought at the same time and that thought was telegraphed to the other by our eyes. I was so overcome with emotion that I started to cry, which in turn made Johnny tear up as well. Not knowing what else to do, I held out my hand helping him to stand up and then said to him, "Let's get in the bed and get some sleep."

As I lead the way over to my bed, I felt Johnny pull down on my boxers as he said, "If I am hanging out then you are going to also."

Laughing, I turned to face him and dropped my hands to his waist pulling down the remnants of his boxers. We both stepped out of our underwear and naked lay down on the twin bed. There was not room for the two of us to lie on our backs so we lay on our sides looking at each other. Tears again came into our eyes as we stared at each other. "What have we done," I asked?

Tears started to run down Johnny's cheeks. I leaned in and licked them up and then he leaned in and returned the favor. "I don't know."

We lay there holding each other, his head lying on my arm which went underneath his head just above his shoulder. I raised that part of my arm past his head and stoked his back. He did the same. He kept looking at me and I kept reading his eyes and having received the message I continued on automated behavior, which lead me to lean down and gently and softly kiss him on his lips. Johnny moaned into my mouth, opening his and allowing his tongue to drag across mine that was seeking entry into his mouth. I noticed him lean down towards my arm pit, with a puzzled look on his face. I asked, "What is the matter?"

"Nothing. You smell."

"Are you saying that I have BO?"

"No; it is not like that. Yes you have body odor but it is a good smell; one of a man."


As I fell asleep I thought that I felt Johnny move closer to me so that we were touching. I slowly started to wake up. I obviously had been deeply asleep as I was being awakened by my sleeping partner moving. I tried to think of the name of the broad that I had been with all night to no avail. I found myself snuggled up to her back, me with a morning hard one and I was unsuccessfully trying to get my blue steel hard cock that was between her legs into her pussy but something was blocking my way. I could feel the precum that I had leaked lubricating the head of my cock, and as I passed thru another layer of sleep towards being fully awake I realized that she wanted me to fuck her as well as she was moving back into me trying to help get my cock into her cunt. I decided to take my hand that was underneath her and play with her tits while my other hand rubbed her clit, getting ready for our morning fuck.

"What the fuck?" I am not sure if I said it or simply thought it, but my brain received a message that this was the most flat chested bitch I had ever felt; she basically had no tits at all, and wait a minute, she had the longest hardest clit my hand had ever encountered. At that point I comprehended that I had not said it but had thought it, and now I realized that in fact my sleeping partner was not female, but instead was my roommate Johnny, the owner of the first cock that I had ever touched other than my own, the guy behind the penis that I had sucked and whose dick had discharged a large load of sperm into my stomach. I guess "What the fuck" was appropriate.

At about that time, Johnny's voice got thru to me, and before I could say anything else, from my mouth came, "Babe, what did you say?"

"Are you going to fuck me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"I don't know. If some guy is going to stick his dick in me I know that I want that guy to be you; but how did so much happen so quickly? How did we get to this point?"

The interesting thing was that he did not verbally say no, and in fact his body movements sent strong signals asking my dick to please enter him, as he had not stopped his movement; and, for that matter neither did I stop my actions. I realized that the head of my cock was bumping into the back of his scrotum, and as I pulled back he lifted his leg and reached back, taking hold of my cock and moving it up slightly so that it was rubbing against his opening. Using his fingers he wiped up the deposited precum and moved it to his wrinkled pucker.

"Let's talk about the how when we are done. What my dick needs to know at this point is do you want me to take you? Do you want me to pop your cherry? We have told each other about our first fuck with a girl. A guy obviously remembers every detail of his first time, so if I fuck you, you will always remember me as being the first guy to fuck you; the first man to put his dick in you; and you know that once a guy starts there is very little chance of stopping short of him cumming in you. I am not worried about you getting knocked up but what is it going to do to us?"

By this point my dick had started the process of opening his rose bud; of turning his asshole into a cunt; of making me a guy fucker, a homo, a fag, gay, and absolutely blown away how good it felt. Slowly Johnny backed onto my prick, gradually I pressed forward gaining entry into his inter most being; thank goodness that we went slowly and I was leaking a steady and heavy flow of lubricant; I was never so grateful for my habit of being a heavy leaker. It must have taken me a good five minutes to inch my way into him; in the mean time I was playing with his tits which I learned were very sensitive, much more so that a girl's. My other hand went south and I took his penis into my hand and rubbed it, causing a sharp intake of air into Johnny's lungs; his legs spread a little allowing my hands to take possession of his testicles. I rolled them around, rubbing them together lightly, pulling the hair on his scrotum in a teasing fashion; I bit him on the neck, kissing him and taking his ear lobe into my teeth and pulling on it followed by blowing air into his ear and sticking my tongue there as well. I licked and sucked on his ear, then moved back to the junction of his neck and shoulder where I bit down on him making him moan and jerk against me. I was marking him with my bite, causing a hickie, advertising to the world that this was my guy. Had I really started thinking in terms of him and me being lovers?

By this time Johnny was steadily leaking precum onto my hand which I used to lubricate his penis. When had I started differentiating between our male appendages, mine being a dick, cock or prick and his being a penis? I don't think that I had ever called mine a penis. I wondered what was behind this use of different terms. Johnny now was actively moaning, backing himself on to my prick and rubbing his penis into my hand. He was mumbling again. I asked him, "What is it babe? What do you want me to do? Am I hurting you?"

He took a deep breath and said, "No you are not hurting me. I have never felt anything as good as I am feeling right now. I want you to fuck me; make me yours; take my cherry; you Thomas, you. Please make me cum."

As I began understanding the dynamics of fucking a guy I realized that when I angled my hips in a certain fashion I could feel a slight bump inside Johnny and when my cock pressed against it, or rubbed over it, he squirmed, moaned louder and tried to impale himself further onto me. I then kept the same angle, constantly hitting his button. I could feel my orgasm rumbling deep in my nuts as the hot white molten sperm started its irreversible journey towards what was about to become Johnny's pussy. I was about to breed my male roommate; at that point there could have been 10 people standing around watching and I would have been unable to stop; my cock now had a mind of its own; I could not exercise any control. I felt Johnny's testicles rise up in their sack as he likewise traveled down the path towards ecstasy; towards his conversion from fuckor to fuckee; from a guy to a girl; from one who inserted his cock into a female to one who took a guy's cock deep inside him; he was about to achieve his orgasm while being fucked and neither one of us would have stopped had we been able to. We had set our sails and plotted a course from which there was no return.

Johnny got there first; I was not surprised as I usually was able to get my partner to cum before me. As I realized that he was ejaculating his juices it left my mind with some spare thinking power and I as I steadily pursued his conversion thought about what I was experiencing as it was new to me. The thought that the feelings that were washing over me were new and different seemed strange in that I was fucking, but frankly the sensations were so much better than a pussy; it was tighter and warmer; my partner felt so much better as he was firm as compared to soft; he smelled better, like me; he was more active with his movements, harder and stronger thrusts; and then he started to climax, causing his rectal muscles to tighten down on my cock; that was all it took. No pussy had ever worked the muscles like Johnny's rectal muscles worked me. The bombs burst; fireworks went off; I thought that my nuts had ruptured as they drained themselves in him. I jerked in reflex a couple of times as a result of Johnny moving onto my cock so hard, making me realize that I still had my hand on the head of his cock which was overly sensitive immediately after his coital fluid flowed. I took my hand off of his head and he sighed and whimpered. We lay still catching our breath as my cock was gradually ejected from his passage allowing my excess fluid to drain from him. He turned over so that he was facing me and kissed me hard with lots of tongue.

Johnny and I had discussed the girls that we had fucked and always rated the sex based on a number of different grading factors. In order to get a perfect score the girl had to roll over on top of us and lick her way down to our cock that was fresh from her pussy, wet with her juices, spotted with any `cheese' that had been under the skin and around the head, dripping with our cum and suck it into her mouth, cleaning the head and shaft of all of the above and any cum that was left over and that might still be leaking from the slit. I felt Johnny roll me over onto my back and climb on top of me. He never broke our gaze as he did so. His tongue came out of his mouth, dragging over my lips, the cleft in my chin and down my beard that had not been shaved in several days. He licked my nipples, biting them with his teeth, taking the hairs on my chest between his lips gently pulling on them as he made his way ever downward. I took his head into my hands, tilting him so that he was again looking me in the eye and said, "What are you about to do?"

Johnny stared me in the eye and said, "I am going to take your cock into my mouth. Why?"

"Are you sure of what you are about to do?"

"Do you mean if I am sure that I want to take your cock into my mouth?

"Johnny it is one thing for us to have messed around drunk last night; it is even still within bounds for me to have fucked you this morning; but if you suck my cock while it is still wet with my cum and your ass slime and for that matter with pieces of your shit clinging to the head that is another matter. I am telling you now if you go down on my cock in its present condition you are going to get another load of my cum in you, this time in your mouth. You need to know that if you take me in your mouth you will become my bitch, my pussy; your pussy and/or your mouth will have to be available to me 24/7; there will be no denying me."

"I understand that. Am I sure I want to suck and lick it clean? Damn right I am sure. I might as well be a cocksucker, you just bread me, converted my rectum into a pussy. If I am going to be your bitch then I want this fuck to be rated as a 10," as he took the head of my dick into his mouth, just inside his lips so that he had the ability to suck, lick and clean it with his spit, tongue and lips. When he was done, he smiled at me and said, "Well was that a 10?"

I pulled him up to me and kissed him deeply using a lot of tongue. I looked him in the eye and said, "Johnny, I don't know where we are going but I have to tell you that fuck was better than any two women I have ever fucked put together. Don't move babe I have to take a leak." I got out of bed as did he and we both padded into the bathroom to piss. I noticed that he walked a little funny but did not say anything. We flushed and got back into the bed with him once again snuggling his back up against my front. I then took him into my arms and we kissed and gradually fell back to sleep.

We woke up about 2 hours later and repeated the process, once again my unloading my nut in what I now was thinking of as his pussy. Afterwards I went down on him, spreading his cheeks and slurping and licking his hole. It was the first time that I had ever seen a rectal hole up close. I was amazed that it was as erotic as it seemed. The hair around Johnny's pussy was heavy and black, sort of like that in his arm pits and around his penis. Johnny did not have a lot of hair but what he had was dark, thick and bushy; the hair at the entrance to his back passage was no different; it laid flush up against the pinkish brown of his opening, saturated in my juices, globs of my sperm clotting and shiny in the light. I leaned, and sniffed learning the smell of my man; enjoying the odor; it was cleaner and sweeter smelling that a girl's vagina. Having surveyed the area and its smell I leaned in and took a taste. His pucker was still slightly open after having been stretched twice already this morning; it appeared to be winking at me and attracted my tongue which slithered out of my mouth like a snake, which darted onto the slick and slimy surface and then after identifying itself was welcomed by Johnny's pussy, only now it was no longer Johnny's but mine. I had fought the fight, I had conquered his cherry, I had possessed him and claimed him and it as my own.

I decided to exercise dominion over my possession. I gently inserted two fingers from each hand into his cunt; they immediately were covered in the slime left over from our last fuck. I positioned them on opposite sides from each other and slowly spread them out and then apart opening Johnny's pussy so that I could peer deep into the inter lining. It was wet and shiny with his body juices and my sperm. I all but could see my little baby makers franticly swimming around looking for some egg to fertilize; too bad little buddies you lost out in this one. I was unable to resist and leaned in and let my tongue sink deep into the creases and crevices of his anal passageway; no wonder my cock was happy there; it smelled sweet, tasted like honey and felt like home.

Again we slept in each other's arms, however when I awoke this time there was a difference. I was on my back with Johnny on top of me. As I became all the way awake I realized that I was once again hard, but this time Johnny had sat down on my cock, taking it deep within him. I could feel his spent juices gradually make their way down his tunnel and into my hair. I leaned up to kiss him and he took my tongue into his mouth, biting down on it and not releasing it. I started thrusting upwards trying to help in our lovemaking. He stopped me saying, "No lover boy. You have fucked me twice; this time I am on top." He had learned to work his rectal muscles so that he tightened his pussy's hold on my cock as he pulled up and relaxed as I slid back into his warm wet chute. I reached down with my hands and put one on his clit (when had I stopped calling it a cock, prick or dick and started referring to it as a penis or clit?) rubbing it and the other I used to take his scrotum so that I could cuddle, rub and manipulate his testicles. I could feel him make progress towards his goal, when he reached around behind him and doing the same to my nuts, balls and sperm makers. He hurried along my progress and we arrived at the goal line together, me once again flooding him and he discharging onto my hairy belly. I was going to play hell getting all of his juice out of the hair on my belly and my pubic area; I was drenched with his essence.

We agreed that we needed to take a shower and get some lunch before the dinning room closed. We hurried through the bath and got to lunch just before it closed. Both of us were starving, having built up a tremendous appetite. After loading up our trays we sat in a corner by ourselves far from anyone who might listen to our conversation. We sat quietly for a period of time, concentrating on our food and thoughts. I don't think either of us wanted to speak for fear of breaking the satisfaction we felt; I know that I didn't, but I also wanted some time to think through all that had happened in a little more than 13 hours. My mind wandered back over the time.

Finally finished with lunch we refilled our tea glasses and bussed our trays before sitting down to talk. We smiled at each other waiting for the other to start the conversation. Finally I said, "You asked a question; how did we get here. I don't know Johnny; there is so much that I don't know."

Johnny looked at me and said, "Let's approach it differently; what regrets do you have?"

A thoughtful "None" came from me, followed by, "How about you?"

Johnny smiled saying, "Me neither except I kinda wished we had started when we first got here."

"Me too. Where do we go from here?"

"I don't know. I do know that I want us to continue. Thomas, why all of a sudden did I want you to fuck me? Why is it that in less than 24 hours my entire sexual orientation has changed?"

"Let me ask you a question. Do you have any idea in your mind that you might want to fuck me?"

"Would you let me?"

"Yes if it is this afternoon while we are still experimenting"

"Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want a guy to take your virginity?"

"No not at the moment. It isn't necessary and I like to fuck."

"But you would let me?" "Yes, but only you, and while I would try it I am not sure that I could go thru with it."

"Good, because I have no desire to fuck you. I like what we have going; I like being the bottom; I need to be yours, possessed by you; Thomas I like waking up being held by you, with your cock in me; I want to go back to the room so that you can fuck me in the missionary position; I want to spread my legs for you, open myself to you, to look into your eyes as to take me, breed me, mark me."

We were sitting beside each other in the corner of the dinning room. I casually put my arm on the back of his chair as we continued to talk, and after looking around the room and being sure that no one was watching, I allowed my hand to first drape his shoulder and then slowly fall down to the top of his shorts. My hand wiggled its way into his shorts, past the band of his boxers to his bare skin; his eyes got bigger as my hand snuck on down to the top of the crack of his ass and then my middle finger lead the way until I found his hole. It was still wet with my juices and whatever sweat or fluids that had accumulated. Johnny did and said nothing to slow or impede my progress, but by the same token he didn't offer any assistance. Looking around the room once more, I said in a soft voice, "Bitch when I make a move on your pussy you make it available to me; I don't expect you to just sit there; raise your ass up and offer it to your man; it doesn't matter if it is my cock, my tongue or my hand."

Johnny raised up and I put my middle finger up against his hole and said, "Now sit down."

He had a very surprised look on his face as my finger went deep inside him. I moved it around a little fucking him with it and when I saw a look come over his face I pulled it out. He settled back down and let out his breath just as I finished surveying the room once more; again no one was paying any attention to us so I brought my finger to his mouth. He opened and took it cleaning it off.

I saw a guy I had met on several occasions walking over towards us. He and Johnny had a class together and as he reached our table I called out to Mark, "How are you?"

"Fine thanks. I saw you and Johnny over here and thought that I would speak. Johnny have you read the assignment for Tuesday?"

As he was speaking it was obvious that he had seen the large love spot that I had put on Johnny's neck. He smiled as Johnny replied "Yes. It is not hard."

"Damn bo that bitch you did last night marked you good!"

Johnny's hand went up to his neck and he smiled; "You don't know the half of it."

He and Mark conversed for a short while longer before we made our way back to the dorm. There was no question but that Johnny was walking funny. When we got on the elevator I pressed the button and held the door open for Johnny to enter first; when we were alone, Johnny reached over and took my hand holding it until we got off. We walked down the hall; I unlocked the door and held it open for him.

After I shut the door, I turned him around by his shoulder so that he was facing me and reached down and kissed him, saying, "I love you, and you know that I am willing for you to do me, but this is your last chance."

"I love you too, but I meant what I said. For whatever reason I do not have any desire to be the top. Whatever switch you flipped in me rewired my makeup. I really have no problem turning control over to you. I like the way you treat me; I like your taking charge, making me follow your lead, fingering me in public, and I also like your getting the elevator, opening and holding the door for me."

"Let's watch some TV."

We rearranged the pillows on Johnny's bed so that we could lean against the wall and look at the television. I put my back against the wall, my legs going out towards the other side of the room. Johnny reached down and spread them apart and climbed up between my legs, leaning back against my chest; he sat up suddenly and turned lifting the hem of my shirt and removing it; he then returned rubbing up against my hairy chest. I put my arms around him gently stroking his hair, reaching down to pull, tug and softly twist his nipple. I could feel myself getting hard again. I tried to think how many times I had cum since last night and counted 5 which was a lot even for me. I held him, rubbing his neck and back thinking of our situation. We were watching a football game and talking about things in general. Gradually I fell asleep dreaming of making love to Johnny. The scene was so incredible. It was cool and I was lying down, and he was licking, sucking and tickling my scrotum and cock. I felt myself getting closer and closer to ejaculation when I woke up. I discovered that I was lying on the bed rather than sitting up; Johnny was between my legs sucking on my cock. Sometimes he sucked on the head taking just it into his mouth and licking it as well as trying to get his tongue deep into the slit. His hand held my balls playing with them, tugging them just short of pain. His tongue would come out of his mouth and lick up the shaft towards the head like I was a lollipop.

I wanted in on the fun, so I reached down and pulled him up so that his face was even with mine, kissing him and forcing my tongue into his mouth. "What did you do that for? I was having a good time."

"Didn't your mom teach you to share? It is not kind to hog all of the fun for yourself." I then slid down the bed and pulled his boxers down and off. His cock was there for me to see in all of its glory. It stood about 7 inches, straight, hard and bulging in all of its glory. While the same length as mine it was a good bit thicker being probably half again as wide across the top and down the sides. At the top it contained a head that looked like a mushroom in shape; it was no wonder that the girls that he fucked walked funny, that thing was like a battering ram. Last night I had sucked his cock but that had been in the heat of the sexual drama we were experiencing and was like a dream; not something I could clearly see or remember. I leaned in and smelled it; the odor it gave off was of musk, mixed with stale pee and a faint odor of the cheesy smell that gathered under my foreskin when I was slow cleaning it out. Rather than being grossed out I was stimulated by it. Slowly I lowered my head down the shaft sniffing as I went until I reached his pubic bush where the smells were much stronger. I made a note to be sure to wash his hair the next time we were in the shower. I then continued my exploration taking in his scrotum. Johnny had big baby makers; they were about two inches long each, oblong, hanging in a sack populated with black hair. I sniffed the scrotum it smelled of dried sweat, urine, a little acrid from his near by hole, some cum and heaven. I sucked them into my mouth, loving them with my tongue, before moving back to his penis. I looked down on it and it reminded me of a torpedo; long, firm, an armed head and ready to explode. I sucked it in causing me to gag. I backed off; licking it making it wet and then gave it another try. I stopped short of gagging, breathing through my nose; the smell was exciting; frankly it was much more pleasant than a woman's vagina; much cleaner smelling, firmer and more interesting. As I came up for air, he said, "You need to get off. I am really close."

I sucked down causing a vacuum locking myself onto his penis as he exploded sperm into my mouth. I allowed a mouthful to accumulate so that I could calmly squish it around, chew on it and analyze its texture and flavor. It was warm, sweet, a touch of salt and delicious. I swallowed it as the second helping exited from the slit in the head of his penis. When he had finished his ejaculation, I respected his sensitivity and spit him out, but instead of going back up on the bed I continued my journey downward licking, sucking and tasting my boy friend. When I had saturated his scrotum I licked and sucked on his taint; it had a mixture of flavors between urine, cum and shit. The three mixed together produced an interesting and different smell and taste; becoming emboldened I moved on to his pussy. I lay my head on his thigh and simply stared at it. Johnny said to me, "What are you doing down there?"

"I am surveying the scenery."

"Well what do you see?"

"Your rectum."

"Well you have been making a damn good effort trying to turn it into a pussy."

"Effort hell. I have turned it into a pussy. You ought to see this thing."

"Describe it to me."

"Well you have black curly hair growing in the area between the back of your sack that goes towards your hole, on the inside of your thighs as well as on the taint itself. When they get to the hole they split off going around it. I don't see any hair within a half inch or so of the hole itself, but then on the other side the hairs meet up again but not on the bottom of your crack and for that matter there aren't any hairs in your crack. You have a hairy hole. I could see little clumps of some material stuck to the hairs; I suppose it could be shit or my cum, or both. Hold on a moment and I will tell you." With that I leaned in and sucked some of the hair that had stuff stuck to it into my mouth and tried to tell what it was.

"I can't tell what it is, but it does not taste bad; in fact it tastes pretty good. Hold still because I am going in for a closer look." At that point I moved down a little closer to his hole; it was closed with the pleats being a brownish pink in color; again the smell was of what I now thought of as Johnny; a little more shit, a little less urine and about the same amount of sperm. Using both of my hands I first put my two index fingers into his hole. He opened up for me easily; I added my two middle fingers and pulled him apart. I could see clearly down into his hole, probably an inch or so; I inserted my fingers a little more, pulling and stretching as I went. I could not stand it so I leaned in and inserted my tongue, tasting all Johnny. He was sweet; it was like the difference between fat free milk and heavy whipping cream. I swear I could live off his body. Johnny was thrashing around on the bed moaning and enjoying himself. I tried to open him up enough to see the button my cock kept bumping into but it was too far in. Removing one of my sets of fingers, l licked them wet and inserted them back in him, continuing their entry until I found the bump. It was about the size of a small walnut and could be easily felt. I milked it between my two fingers, moving them back and forth.

"What in the hell are you doing down there? You are going to make me cum again," Johnny shouted.

I quickly moved my mouth back to his cock, taking the head in my mouth, but leaving my fingers deep inside him, still rubbing his prostate. Every time the fingers rubbed him he squirted cum and it was delicious. Talk about straight from the cow. In no time he cam again in my mouth. I was full and he was sexually satiated. I moved back up and took him in my arms, kissing and cuddling. Johnny fell asleep and I got up from the bed, going over and stripping the bed of the cum stained sheets; hell we had even gotten some kind of juice on the pillow cases. Putting on my shorts and shirt I went down to the laundry room and put on a load. When I returned Johnny was still stretched out on the bed asleep.

I sat in the chair so as not to disturb him and let my mind wander. In less than 24 hours I had gone from being seen by my classmates as being a pussy hound that always scored, to someone who fucked his roommate in the ass, sucked his roommate's cock, swallowed his sperm, and sucked on his roommate's asshole. Not only that but just thinking about it got me hard, yet again. The only answer I could come up with was that I really did not care. What I cared about was did I stand for the same values that I had yesterday morning? Yes. Was I considerate of other people? Yes. Did I keep my word? Yes. At that point I thought that my sexuality was no one else's business.

Johnny and I spent the rest of the weekend on what I called a honeymoon. We fucked and ate; watched movies and laughed; never were two people more in love. We also talked about what to do. We agreed that we had no desire to continue being a part of the hike that college males took trying to fuck every girl in the school in search of the one to settle down with. We agreed that we would not come out to the world but we were not going to hide or deny our feelings. If someone guessed it, so be it.

Guys started returning to the dorm and our lives resumed the hectic pace towards Thanksgiving and the end of the semester. I told my parents that I was going to accept Johnny's invitation to go to his house rather than go home as exams started shortly after we got back and my exam schedule would have me back home for Christmas by the 15th of December. It was an interesting time; anyone who was looking for signs of our status having changed from roommates and friends to lovers could have easily picked up on them. We were constantly touching each other; I draped my arm over his shoulders and hugged him as we walked; he always sat next to me, pressing his leg or knee up against mine; we stared at each other and smiled all of the time.

We went to Johnny's house on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it was a real treat. Johnny's room had two queen sized beds and we were able to fully stretch out in bed for the first time. I can only imagine what his Mom thought of the sheets. One interesting comment was made about his name; at his home he was not Johnny, but rather John. I complied and agreed to call him John there.

Exams came and went as did Christmas. Time seemed to fly. In our sophomore year Johnny and I rented an apartment off campus that had two bedrooms one of which we used as a study room and the other was our bedroom. That year he came to my house the day after Christmas to meet my family. I came out to them at that time. By and large they were understanding and accepting, I think in large part because of Johnny. Several things never changed: Johnny always was the bottom and I was the top, and after awhile I assumed the role of the husband and man and he the wife and the female. I consulted with him but made the decisions and he deferred to me.

During the summer between our junior and senior years I was at home working and Johnny was in South Carolina. I had been given a new car by my Grandmother and I decided to drive it back and take two weeks to do so. I left home and drove south to San Francisco on US 1 and then cross the desert. I lived in the Pacific Northwest which is wet and cool year round. I went to school in the south east which is hot and humid; I had never been in the desert. As I drove across the desert I came upon a car and its owner who were having problems. He had put up the hood on his car and was sitting in the shade; I noticed that I had no bars on my cell phone which did not surprise me as I had been warned ahead of time. I had told everyone (my family and Johnny) that I might be out of range for a day or so. I backed up and asked if he wanted a ride to the nearest oasis which was about 50 miles and he said please. We drove about 4 miles when he pulled a gun on me and made me pull over.

He told me to put a handcuff on my wrist and put it behind my back; he promised me that he would not kill me and strangely enough I believed him. At his direction I then handcuffed my two wrists together, both behind my back. With his help I got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side and he drove a short distance and turned off onto a side road. As he was driving he said to me, "You are gay aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

"I guess you call it my gaydar. It also tells me that you are the top. Do you have a partner or do you play the field?"

"I have only had one guy with whom I have ever had a relationship. Believe it or not I was totally straight until I got to college."

"Oh, I believe you. Not only that but I bet you do the pitching and he does the catching."

"Yea you are right."

"Well that is about to end. You have pitched your last game. Don't worry as I said I am not going to kill you."

I was beginning to doubt my feelings concerning my safety when we came upon a motor home. We got out and he walked me over to where the awning stuck out from the side. He placed me in a chair and explained to me what was going to happen. He would remove my cloths by cutting them off of me, and then he was going to torture me; he repeated his promise not to kill me. Again I believed him. After stripping me, he was going to sexually assault me, by blowing me and them jacking me off, but that would be the last time I cam from sexual stimulation to my cock. After that he would physically modify my body and it would be the most painful experience of my life. I asked him why?

"Well the easy answer is because I can, and the follow up is because I enjoy it, but the real reason is because it is how I make a living."

"What do you mean make a living?"

"Well, I video what I do to guys like you and then I sell the videos."

"Certainly one of us, me or someone you have tortured before me will go to the law and do something about it."

"I don't think so. If you want to you certainly may, but so far no one has gone public."


"Because I am going to give you a choice. I am going to tie your nuts to this 50 pound bar bell under the table. Then I am going to unhand cuff you, and give you a pen. You can voluntarily sign your name to this piece of paper or not. If you don't I still won't kill you, but I will castrate you and then do what I am going to do anyhow. If you sign it will be a statement saying that you give me permission to modify your body and to film it. Of course I am going to video tape your signing and your reading out loud what you sign."

"Let me see if I understand. If I don't sign you castrate me and then do me anyhow and if I do sign you will use some slight form of pain killer and then do me. Is that correct?"


"May I ask what you are going to do to me?" Why I thought that he would either tell me the truth or adhere to what he said is beyond me but I did.

"Do you know what your urethra tube is?"


"Well each of your kidneys has a urethra tube that runs from the kidneys and just above the bladder they merge and then go through the prostate and from there it runs the length of your penis. It is the tube that carries your urine from the kidneys to the bladder through the prostate so that you can urinate. When you have an orgasm and ejaculate the tube closes off and carries the sperm so that it can reach the end of your penis. Obviously the tube is comprised of different material from regular flesh just like your skin is different from the flesh below it. If I skinned two of your fingers and held them together the flesh would grow together and you could not move them except together. In other words when human flesh is held up against human flesh it graphs to itself. So what I am going to do is to remove your urethra tube, sew your penis closed and allow you to urinate by inserting an implant about an inch above your pubic hair. In other words you won't have enough of a shaft to be of any useful purpose. When a guy has cancer they sometimes take the tube out and implant a tube but it has to be done at the same time. You will be kept here until what is now your love stick heals over."

"Please don't do this. I will give you whatever you want..."

"What is your name?"


"If you continue I am going to cut back on the pain killer I plan on using. Now tell me your name, and when I have put the paper in front of you sign your name. Then look into the camera and read it just as it is written. You get one chance; blow it and you lose your nuts and your penis."

I signed and performed for the camera.

At that point he stood me up and we walked into the motor home. Inside there was air conditioning, free of dust and dirt. There was a pull down table that he put me on and strapped me to it. He then proceeded to use scissors to cut my clothing from me. He told me not to worry I would have the rest of my clothing that was in the car. He then started to fondle and otherwise stimulate me sexually. Finally he took my cock into his mouth and gave me as good a blow job as I have ever experienced. It was obvious that I enjoyed his oral efforts. Afterwards he cleaned me with some sort of disinfectant and draped my pubic area. He cut a hole in the drape material so that just my cock was visible. After some time he started to play with me and when I achieved an erection he first took a rubber band and encased my cock with it about an inch above its base, He explained that was to keep any blood loss to a bare minimum. He then massaged my cock using only downward motions to push as much blood as possible out of my cock, which in turn not only kept blood loss down but it also allowed him to minimize any pain I would feel. He explained that it was a means that doctors used when doing surgery on a person's hand for example.

While he was waiting for the circulation to stop he explained what he was going to do. "First I am going to insert into the slit of your penis this medical device that is used to clean out dead and diseased flesh that is located in difficult or impossible to reach areas. As you can see it looks like a drill bit and works the same way, except that as it goes in the threads on the drill bit are sharp knives that will strip the flesh on either side and bring it to the surface like the wood from a piece of wood or dirt out of the ground. That is why I want to keep your blood loss to a minimum. All I am trying to do is to strip your penis of the tube. By doing so not only do I cause pain but I also strip you of your urethra tube and as a result the passageway that ran the length of your cock and from which your urine and cum ejected would be closed off forever. I then pack the area with antibiotics and keep you healthy. I will be updating the video daily as I change the dressings and finally removing the stitches."

In my fog I had the sense to ask him how I was supposed to urinate, and he then continued his explanation.

"Well, that is the really painful part. Just below the rubber band I will make an insertion that goes in one side of your cock and out the other, bisecting your urethra tube. I will insert a plug much like a piercing that will keep open holes on either side of your cock so that you may eliminate your piss."

"What about when I cum?"

"Well that is going to be a problem. You see you will only have about a half inch of shaft left, so you won't be able to beat off, and you sure as hell can't fuck, so unless you have a wet dream or a damn good lover you are out of luck. Hell there won't be enough left with any feeling for him to even suck."

"Please, please don't do this."

"Save your breath. I am going to do this. In about 4 days I will take the stitches out and you will be on your way. It will be too late for you to have it reversed and you will be on the road to recovery."

"Why hasn't the law ever done anything to stop you?"

"Well the way I figure it none of you cripples want anyone to find out, and if you did go to the law, I would just say that you asked me to do so and show them the paper and video."

To say it hurt would be an understatement. I fainted a couple of times and he stopped and brought me around. Not only that but I was propped up and had to watch. You cannot believe what it was like to sit there tied down and feel him take a scalpel, cut incisions into the shaft of your cock and insert this implant. Then after sewing it in place he took what looked like an old fashion brace and a set of bits. He measured my slit and choosing the appropriate size inserted it into the head and slowly turned it so that it screwed itself into me. He explained that he had to do it by hand as an electric drill would go so fast as to burn me and take away the fun. As the bit turned slowly, it screwed into me and disgorged on to the draped material my flesh and blood.

Four days later he removed the stitches, checked the dressings, put antibiotic cream and a clean bandage and said, "Here are the keys to your car, and everything you arrived with except the clothing that you were wearing and a cock that worked. By the way your cell phone has been ringing and the battery is now dead."

Very gingerly I walked to my car, plugged my cell phone in and drove off. When I got to the head of the dirt road I had to decide to either turn right and go east or left and go west. I realized that if I turned west and went back home I would be accepted by my family but treated as an outcast. None of them had made angry, nasty or subtle comments about my relationship with Johnny, but by the same token my coming out to them and being truthful to them had certainly changed the dynamics of our relationship. I sat for a moment and tried to be more specific about what I was thinking and then I realized that had the last 5 days not happened and Johnny and I continued our relationship unchanged that when we went home for a holiday they would accept Johnny as my "wife". They would not reject him or me, but not accept us either; we would be the odd ball out. Now if I went home and told them that I a homosexual had been kidnapped, tortured, sexually mutilated their reaction would be what did you expect from this type of life style.

So if I turned right and went to Johnny's. What would happen? I felt confident that Johnny would accept me and the story; he knew that I would not have "cheated" on him. We had discussed the fact that we had been very lucky in that we had never used condoms while each of us was playing the field of women, had never touched another guy and hadn't touched a woman since our Damascus Road experience. We had pledged to each other we would not touch another man. At least the butcher who had mutilated my cock had been professional as far as infection went and he had not had any sexual relationship with me other than to get me hard that one time.

But what would Johnny and I do? I sure as the devil could not "satisfy" him sexually with the useless 4 soft inches between my legs. Would he accept me in my deformed state? What if he would not? I decided that I had to respect him and his feelings for me sufficiently to afford him the opportunity to discuss it with me. I then examined my feelings in my altered state for him. I loved him; I was absolutely certain of it and I don't mean in a sexual way but in a spiritual way; I needed to be near him, to touch him, to listen to him, to look at him. One of the things that I enjoyed most was the fact that I usually woke before he did and I would either sit or lay and simply stare at him. I would not touch him, but feast my eyes upon him. He was obviously a bottom and so we would be two queens living together.

As I got closer to South Carolina I called him on the phone and asked him to meet me in Atlanta for the weekend; just us, alone at the motel. He was happy and jubilant saying, "I know you just want a piece of my ass; you can't stand it can you?"

I tried to match his mood responding, "Baby you just don't know how badly I need you at the moment." Johnny met me at the motel the next afternoon. I saw him and burst into tears. I was sobbing uncontrollably and he grew alarmed. I sank to the floor and he held me talking to me softly. I told him that what the man had done to me, and then took down my pants and the boxer shorts I was wearing. Johnny asked me where my bikini was and why I was wearing the boxers. He and I had gone together in Savannah when we first hooked up and decided that micro/string bikinis were hot and that is all we have worn since. I still had a bandage on my cock and we took it off and examined it. Johnny had brought a mirror so that I could survey the damage.

We sat there on the floor with my legs spread wide a part, and put the mirror on the floor with my scrotum sitting on it and by looking down I was able to see the head of my cock. The first thing out of my mouth was, "I will never call it a cock again. I don't know what it is. A cock is used by a man to fuck with; I will never fuck again so it can't be called a cock. I am not a man anymore. I can cum but I can't get an erection. What use am I to you or anyone else? I want you to know that if you want out of our relationship I respect that and completely understand. I am confused about everything, but the underlying fact, is that I love you, I just don't know of what use I can be. Not only that..."

Johnny interrupted "Thomas, I love you not your cock. I mean..."

"Please don't call it that. It is no longer a cock."

"Before you interrupted me I was going to say I mean I love your whatever but not in the same way that I love you. Now having established that let's have a little comic relief. If you don't want to think of if as a cock any more, then what do you want me to call it? You may not think that I pay attention to what you say, but I do. I know that you never called mine a cock, but rather a penis. Why is that? "Because in our relationship it served the purposes of a penis; I mean you peed and your cum was expelled from it but you did not use it for fucking purposes. I can't fuck with mine, I can't pee from mine, and I sure as hell can't cum from mine. But I guess that does not matter any how because I can't cum to begin with."

"Why not?"

I reached down and picked up the foreskin and held it up, skinning it back to show the bruised head. The slit was closed and still oozed a little fluid from the mutilation done to me, and said, "How I can fuck? How can I cum? I can't even get this thing hard? If you took it in your mouth and sucked on it nothing would change."

As I did this Johnny reached over and took it from my fingers and held it. I could immediately tell I wanted and needed to get hard. Blood surged into my shaft and went about an inch. The first inch of what used to be my cock got hard as ever, but once it reached where the incisions had been made for the device implanted to allow me to pee it stopped. The rest of my `member' jerked a couple of times but only because the one inch of my shaft had jerked; otherwise it simply continued to hang. I looked down into the mirror and saw my poor mutilated cock reflected in the glass and I could not help it; tears started running down my cheeks. Sobbing I simply looked up into Johnny's face; my life was over and on top of it I realized that I had not cum in almost a week and I was horny.

Johnny said, "Stop your crying and whining. Is there anything you can accomplish by crying and whining? No. So you have been dealt a shitty hand of cards but what choice do you have about playing them?"


"Do you still love me?"


"Do you still want to have an on going relationship with me?"

"Yes of course. I love you."

"Fine. I love you too, but facts have changed our lives and as a result our relationship has changed. I was perfectly happy with your fucking me and if you recall I told you I had no desire to fuck you, and that was true as long as you could fuck me. Now you can't keep your end of the agreement and so the terms have to be renegotiated; you can no longer fulfill your side of the bargain."

"You always thought that because you were taller than me, because you had a hairy chest and arm pits, and a heavy beard that made you the man and me the woman; I was fine with that arrangement because you kept me more than satisfied. You are no longer the dominant one in our relationship. You never were impressed that my cock was bigger than yours, substantially bigger in the sense that it was wider and thicker, but you will discover that fact. Part of this renegotiation is going to be rough for you because it is going to be sudden, quick and frankly brutal. You have to be broken. You are no longer a man; at least my penis as you called it carried out its purpose. I have some ideas about the purpose I can put yours to but let me think about it."

"So here are the changes:

"you are now the pussy in this arrangement; my bitch; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"you do what I say, when I say and how I say it; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"I have complete control of your body and its functions; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"You will may me John; I don't want to hear Johnny come out of your mouth again?

"Yes Sir."

From this point forward you will refer to yourself as Tommy; no discussions, no comments; understood? "

"Yes Sir."

When I tell you to do something in public as well as privately you will respond Yes Sir; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood? "

"Yes Sir."

"I intend to have all of the hair other than is on the top of your head removed and done so in a painful manner; no bitch needs hair around a useless piece of flesh; no pussy needs hair around its hole; no cunt needs hair on its arms and legs; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood? "

"Yes Sir."

"I think that I am going to take a surgical needle and pierce the head and foreskin on what use to be your penis and insert a Price Albert with a twist. I intend to add a weight to it so that not only will you hang down but it will stretch over time and will be a handhold for me when I fuck you; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood? "

"Yes Sir."

"Every time you shit I suggest that you clean yourself out and lube yourself up as I will not take time to lube you when I decide to fuck you; and, you will suck my cock clean every time I fuck you and I don't want to hear there is shit on it; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"You have never learned to swallow my cock into your throat. You will get one session whereby I will help you. After that I will simply batter past your gag reflex and you will take it into your throat every time I put it in your mouth; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood? "

"Yes Sir."

"You know that you wake up before I do in the mornings; in the past you have lay there and waited for me to wake up; from now on you will lay there and then as you see me begin waking up you will take my cock into your mouth, take my morning piss, swallow it and then I will decide if I want you to blow me or if I want to fuck you; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Finally you understand that if you agree that you are mine absolutely; no looking back, no regrets, no `ifs, ands or buts'; you are my bitch; my cunt; my property; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"You will also by my wife and my love forever; no arguments, no discussions, no comments; understood?"

"Yes Sir."

I want you to go into the bathroom; take my kit with you; it is now yours; you have five minutes to use the fleet enema to clean yourself out with, then lube yourself up and come get in the bed.

As I moved to do as John had instructed me he stood up, went over to the bed and pulled down the covers and removed his clothing. When I came out of the bathroom he pulled me into his arms, put his arms around my neck, made my face come down to him and kissed me; I mean really kissed me, using lots of tongue, biting my lips and being very aggressive. I was so emotionally wrought I went along with him as he moved me to the bed As he pushed me back onto the bed his hard and leaking penis became the center of attention. He had always been thicker than me by about twice; we were the same length but he had a much bigger head and his shaft was easily twice mine. It was never an issue for me because I use to fuck him and only suck on or played with his penis. He never even brought up, discussed or otherwise made an effort to fuck me or to have equal status. As I had indicated earlier we had fallen into a routine or course of conduct whereby I consulted with him but then made the decisions, kind of like people think of the man of the house doing.

I was now lying flat on my back across the bed. John said, "So you are horny are you?

"Oh God yes!"

"You need to cum do you?"

"Please don't tease me. Yes I need to cum."

"Do you love me?"

"You know I love you; I love you with all of my heart."

"Do you trust me?"

"With my life."

John was stroking my thigh lightly knowing how that turned me on. I was getting more and more frustrated. He told me, "I want you to hang your head off the side of the bed and just relax. This is the one lesson I am going to give you on how to swallow a big cock."

I followed his instructions. He told me to open my mouth. I felt, then smelt and finally tasted his penis as it went into my mouth. I had sucked Johnny off on plenty of occasions. It was something he really liked, I had no objection and in fact wanted to do it because it pleased him and frankly I liked the taste of his cum.

"I want you to tilt your head back and just relax. What you have never realized is that you have never deep throated my cock. I plan on changing that. I know I am a good bit thicker than you and that I can be a mouthful but you can do it. Now I want you to breathe regularly. Don't hold your breath, but breathe in and out through your nose, not your mouth. Your mouth should be full of my cock. I want you to understand that with me on top I control how much of my cock goes into your throat, so you have to trust me. Relax and let me help and guide you. What you are not going to be able to do is talk. You don't need to ask questions or make comments; you need to do two things: relax and take my cock into your throat."

I turned my mind to learning to deep throat him. I had not really appreciated either how good a cocksucker he was or how much bigger his penis was. I thought about the math. If we both were 7 inches long and I was an inch across and one inch deep then my cock took up 7 cubic inches of space. If his penis was the same length but was twice as wide which he was. then his penis took up 7x2x2 or 28 cubic inches of space or his penis was 4 times as big as mine. And that was no longer correct because mine was not 7 inches any more as it could not get hard. About that time I realized that John had bent my legs up so that my feet were up by my head and I was basically as close to being bent into two as the human body can accommodate. It was about the same time that I felt something going on with my asshole. He was rubbing over it and stroking it. Just as I was going to say something I felt John's cock hit the back of my throat and stop; but, it only stopped for a second.

John said, "Swallow" and pushed his cock; that action coupled with my swallowing sent the head down and deep into my throat. It was at that point that I appreciated the size of his cock for the first time. It was also about that time that I felt Johnny insert a finger into my asshole. I wanted to say something but he had his cock in my throat and I could neither say nor do anything. He then pulled back on his hips and I was grateful to be able to take in several deep breaths and by the time that my mind came back to the issue of his fingers, I felt his cock sliding back into my throat for a second time. By this time his cock was leaking steadily and the taste was making me even more desperate to ejaculate. As he kept up his deep insertion of his cock and then the withdrawal with my having to breathe I really did not have the spare time to keep up with his actions. I could tell that he was about to cum as his nuts started rising up as they had been hanging down in my face and bumping into my face as he moved his cock into and out of my mouth. He pulled his cock back even further and I thought that he was going to take it out when he began to cum. His thick hot baby makers tasted so sweet, with just a hint of salt. John had never been a quiet guy when cumming. He could shout and there was no telling what might come from him.

"That is it Tommy. Take my cum, deep in your throat, down by your voice box. Feel it run down the back of your throat."

It was a turn on and if possible I was becoming even more frustrated. I was moving my hips trying to fuck, but I had nothing to fuck with.

As his cum slowed down to a trickle I realized that John had what felt like his hand inside me. It turned out to be just three fingers. My mouth was full of his cum when he pulled out, turned around, pulled me up on the bed and sank his cock into my hole in one complete entry. There was momentary pain as he breached the maiden head and then he simply sank to the hilt. He said, "Take it bitch; now you are a cunt; I have now taken possession of you; I have busted your cherry; I know that it hurt, but then it is supposed to because I have a big cock and you used to have a maiden head; now you probably have some bleeding down there but it will heal with time, but my having taken it will never be forgotten."

I felt full; I felt complete and I felt my nuts rumble. If I could have seen I would have witnessed a sight that he told me about moments later.

He said "I was looking down at your male appendage, when cum came bubbling out of both sides of your implant." With that he pulled back on his cock, making it withdraw from me, and then pushing down with force said "I like the way your pussy feels." He then started the process of pushing and pulling back and forth. We both had just cum and so it took almost 45 minutes of pure fucking for us to have our second orgasm. He more than satisfied me.

He pulled his cock out of my pussy and rolled over on his back. I sat up and took him into my mouth, licking and sucking it clean. When I was done, he pushed back into me, slowly, inching just a little in and then a little out and then a little deeper. When he was all the way in he stopped and said, "You always thought that you were the `man' in our relationship because of your size and the fact that you were hairy. Isn't that right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well that isn't true now is it? I mean you are still taller than me by what 6 inches? You are hairy and I am clean? Right?"

"Yes Sir."

"I have thought about shaving you or better yet having you stripped of your fur coat but I have decided that I like fucking a bear. I am still considering shaving you around that piece of flesh between your legs but I have decided to wait until I stick the needle through it and attach the Prince Albert to hold the weight. So that brings me to the last questions, and I think that they make the point. What is the main difference between a cock and a pussy?"

"A cock is a firm piece of male flesh that is used to fuck with."

"That is correct. Now what is the difference between a man and a boy?"

"The size of his cock."

"True plus the fact that a man can fuck."

"Yes Sir."

I looked down into his eyes and said nothing. I simply flexed my cock that was deep in his pussy and smiled. You could see him twitch and jerk from the stimulation.

Tommy lay there with tears running down his cheeks.

Post Script.

John fucks me now regularly and calls me Tommy. I am a freak with a cock that won't work, but I like my new role. If I can find a copy of the video that the guy made and track him down I will send him a thank you card.

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