Frosh on the Team

By John G

Published on May 8, 2023


I don't tell this story much because it kind of makes me sound wimpy, but my boyfriend is really into Nifty and told me other guys would probably think it was cool. So here it goes.

I had stayed behind in elementary school so I was 15 when I was a freshman in high school. I was bigger than a lot of the other freshman but I figured I would probably play on the freshman football team or maybe the JV if I was lucky. The varsity coach came and checked us out for a few minutes every day during preseason but we all thought he was just checking out plays and seeing who might come up the next year because there were never any frosh on the varsity team. But one day he came down onto the field and pulled me aside and said when practice was over he wanted me to come over and run drills with the varsity. I was kind of scared but really excited so I went over after I was done.

I had always played quarterback. I wasn't all that big (about 5-8, 160, lean but built, with short dark hair and dark brown eyes) but I was really quick and I loved being the center of attention. All the girls in middle school were always around me, and there were pictures of me all over the yearbook - it was great for my ego. I don't know if it was because I was cute or muscled or just nice but I used to make out with a different girl at practically every party I went to. I thought I was a real stud.

Anyway, I got pretty beat up that day working out with the varsity, but coach told me he liked what he saw and wanted me to drop the frosh team and practice with varsity permanently. I was pumped! I knew it would mean parties and girls and everything else a freshman guy worries about.

Not all the guys on the team were as happy with me as coach was. The team carried three quarterbacks - the starter, his backup, and a third. Now that I was the third, the old third (a junior guy named Bobby, about my size, light brown hair and sideburns and always scowling) was demoted to running back. He was pissed at me, as were some of his buddies, because now he would probably never be the starter. The starting QB was this real hottie named Chad, whose was always smiling with these great white teeth, had streaky blonde hair and was always tan. He was cocky but kind of cool - the kind of guy you wanted to be like in high school. He and Bobby were friends from working out together the year before so he was kind of lukewarm to me too.

Two weeks after I joined the team I learned how pissed they were. It was a Friday night and we didn't have a game the next day so coach worked us pretty hard - laps, sprints, etc. When we got back to the locker room we were all drenched with sweat and exhausted. Everyone just wanted to get home and sleep. The locker room smelled rank with all these guys in various states of undress - some in football pants and tank tops, some in jocks, some naked - you get the picture. I was straight back then (found out in college I wasn't!) but something about being in there with all those hotties always made my dick kind of stir a bit. I tried to be careful though so no one would think I was gay.

I stripped and grabbed my towel and headed to take a piss before showering. Like I said, I was careful about not getting hard in front of my teammates so I went into a stall and started pissing, with the door open though. A couple of other guys were at the urinals pissing and talking shit about coach and getting drunk and laid this weekend. All of the sudden Bobby comes in, wearing his jock but nothing else. Had to admit he was cute - no hair on his chest, but you could see some of his pubes from around his jock and a little hair on his ass. He walks over to where I'm pissing and says something like "hey frosh, bet you think you're gonna get laid all the time now that you're varsity. huh? Think that little dick of yours can handle all the ladies?"

All the guys in the bathroom started laughing but I just ignored him and kept pissing. Then he grabbed my towel and pointed at my dick going, "that little weanie couldn't please anyone bitch."

So I said "hey fuck you Bobby - its probably bigger than what you're hiding in that small jock."

Then he stopped laughing and got his scowl back. I was just finishing up my piss when he and Chad came over and double dead-legged me, and I fell to my knees in front of the toilet.

Naked on the cold tile floor, wet with stray piss and spit and water from the showers, Bobby rolled up my towel and starting whipping me. Chad took off his and did the same. It didn't really hurt - it was more the humiliation they were after. I tried to get up but slipped on the wet floor and I heard all these guys laughing. Someone yelled something about initiation and I started to panic.

Bobby and Chad grabbed me and dragged me back to the toilet and forced my head in the bowl where I had just pissed. I thought they were going to give me a swirly but neither of them flushed. I started to buck because I needed air and eventually they let me up. I gasped, getting lots of air but also lots of my diluted piss in my mouth. Then they dunked me again, with the same result.

I could feel both of their dicks on my back but I was scared more than turned on. They finally let me go and I stood up and turned around, with pissy water running down my body. Half the team was there in the bathroom laughing at me. I didn't even notice they were laughing not because of the swirly but because I was standing there hard in front of everyone - why I was hard I have no idea. (Some jackass even took a picture, which is probably on some web page now.) I was really embarrassed and my eyes started to well up with tears and everyone started calling me a pussy and other names.

Chad told me to save my tears because initiation was just beginning. He and Bobby grabbed me and dragged me across the floor into the shower room. Then we went in the steam room, which was this 10 by 10 room with a bench around the perimeter and a couple of light bulbs and nothing else. Chad held me and Bobby tied something around my eyes so I couldn't see and told me every guy on the team was going to come in and I was going to suck their dicks. I heard him tell the guys that I would do anything for them, but don't try to fuck my ass. I tried to get up, screaming "I'm not into this faggot shit. I'll drop off the team, just let me go."

One of them kicked me in my balls and I dropped. They just laughed and said not to try to get away because there would be a guard outside. One of them would get me when it was over.

Sure enough, in the next hour probably twenty guys came in. Not the whole team because I think a lot of them thought it was weird, but enough. I had never sucked a dick before and I really had no idea what I was doing. A couple of the first ones slapped me and told me to stop chewing on their dicks and then I think I got better because I got fewer complaints. None of them came in my mouth - I sucked them for maybe three or four minutes and then they pulled out and came all over my face. It was almost like they had instructions on what to do. Two guys didn't want me anywhere near them - they just stood in front of me as I kneeled in front of them and jerked off until they came on me.

One time two guys came in at once - they were two of the huge black linemen (I recognized their voices.) One of them had me rim him while he jerked off and the other guy was at the other end fingering my butt and laughing. He pulled out his finger and said "damn look at this faggot's shit!" then he wiped his finger under my nose so I could smell it. Then his buddy turned around and came on me and they switched positions.

Finally the whole miserable thing was over, or so I thought. It got really quiet for a half hour. I was totally exhausted, from practice, getting punched, and sucking all those dicks. Not to mention it was hotter than shit in that steam room - I think you were supposed to stay no longer than fifteen minutes but I had been in there for over an hour.

I heard footsteps and Chad came over and dragged me out of there. He took off the blindfold which was dripping with sweat and cum and looked at me. He was in a towel and if I wasn't so tired and bitter I probably would have been turned on. He said "the guys said you did okay in there. Now everyone has gone home and its just you and me. And I'm going to teach you what its like to be the quarterback."

He whipped off his towel and I saw his 8 inch cock and his sandy blonde pubic hair. I just wanted to go home but I knew he wouldn't hear of it - he told me my initiation was almost over. He straddled me and pushed his dick in my mouth. I felt his hairy ass on my bare chest and just started suck - I figured one more cock wouldn't kill me. To be honest I was kind of liking it at this point. He started fucking my face and really getting into it, talking dirty and calling me his bitch and stuff. He even slapped my face a couple of times but it was sort of playful - like what you see in porn movies.

All of the sudden he pulled out and told me to flip over and get on my hands and knees. I heard him spit and the next thing I knew his finger was up my ass. And then two. He grabbed some of the soap from the shower floor and starting jacking his cock while he fucked me with his fingers. I was actually kind of liking it until he pulled out his fingers and shoved his dick in. It hurt like hell and he just held it there for like thirty seconds, then the pain kind of went away and he started fucking me. I heard his balls slapping my ass everything he thrust and he was moaning like he really liked it. I was moaning too, because he was hitting something up my ass that felt better than I ever had before. He was fucking me really hard and fast and slapping my ass, and a few minutes later I felt him swell up and he shot his load in me.

Then he pulled out and flipped me over. He had that cocky smile and said, "See that wasn't so bad. Now we can be friends." I just closed my eyes and thanked god it was over, until I heard him fart. I opened my eyes and saw him squatting over me with this big nasty shit coming down on my stomach. Then he started pissing and laughing. When he was done he got up and grabbed his towel, wiped his shitty ass on it and threw it to me. He walked away but turned around and smiled and said "this is going to be a great season Corey!"

I just waited until he left, laying in the shower covered in his piss, shit and the cum of twenty football players and wondered if it was worth it...

What do you think? I've never done this before. Let me know if you want to hear a couple of my other more interesting stories.

Next: Chapter 2

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