Fuck Boy

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Mar 8, 2012


Fuck Boy - Chapter Two

NOTES>> And here we go with Chapter Two! I hope you enjoy. And do drop me a quick email if you like what you read - or if you have any suggestions - your messages always motivate a quicker next chapter! Email josharmstrong2007@gmail.com.

Fuck boy stood up. He shivered a little, which can't have been the temperature - it wasn't cold at all in my apartment that day - so it can only have been fear. Perfect.

Though his face actually showed more pain than fear. Not serious pain - that was still to come - but standing up had reminded fuck boy just how sore his knees and shins had become after kneeling on my hard wooden floor for two hours straight, and as the blood rushed back into his legs he visibly grimaced.

While he stood up I grabbed a pair of tight black boxer shorts off the table and slipped them on, hiding my cock and ass from his view. He had no right to enjoy looking at my naked body unless it was absolutely necessary. And my being semi-clothed would reinforce his nudity and hopefully add to his insecurity. I subtly positioned my dick so when it inevitably went hard my boxers wouldn't tent too much - you don't want the fuck boy to get any satisfaction out of knowing he's turning you on.

"Right, bitch boy, time for some proper education", I announced abruptly, "get your pathetic excuse of a body over here". As I said this I grabbed the fuck boy's right arm firmly and dragged him to the centre of my playroom, twisting him round to face a large flip chart that was hanging on a frame with the words "Fuck Boy's Faults" already written at the top of the page. Still readjusting after kneeling for so long, he barely kept his balance as I dragged him across the room.

As we reached the centre point I let him go and he slipped slightly, putting his left hand out to stop himself falling completely. "Right" I snapped, quickly, my tone of voice indicating he was already fucking up again, "stand up straight with your hands behind your head, now you little fuck".

He struggled for a few seconds but basically obeyed my order. "Legs apart" I added quickly, "further than that - if your pathetic excuse of a cock isn't swinging freely between your legs, then they're too close together". As I said the word "cock" I slapped his pathetic dick hard. He was still flaccid, though I suspected this rough treatment was starting to turn him on, because there was definitely more cock to slap than there'd been five minutes earlier.

"Right, piss breath, listen to this carefully. When I tell you to stand in a way that pleases me, you display yourself properly. You stand like you are right now, but bend your legs a little" - as I said this I walked behind the boy and put some pressure on his shoulders, so that his legs bent to order. "Then you stick your tongue out, as far as it will go". He complied. "Further" I snapped. That probably wasn't possible, but it remained important that he still felt like he was failing.

"Then you take this hand - your left hand - and you place it on your ass, like this ... and then you push your middle finger up your boy hole, like this". As I described the final touches for how a fuck boy should properly display himself, I guided the bitch's left hand down from his head, behind his back, down to his ass. I pushed his flat hand against his left cheek, so the tips of his fingers fell into his ass crack, which had been opened up slightly when he bent his legs. The tip of his middle finger fell onto his tightly shut boy cunt.

As I spoke, I took hold of the bitch's middle finger and pushed it into the centre of his hole. It resisted the invasion at first - I suspected this was a virgin boy cunt - but with a little pressure the hole opened up slightly, and the finger slipped inside. I kept pushing until the entire finger was inside the bitch's hole.

Then I walked back in front of my new fuck boy, and paused for a few seconds to take in the sight. This was better. Much better. Standing firm, legs apart, knees slightly bent, tongue stuck out, right pit revealed, left hand leading up to his fingered ass. Glorious. The fuck boy, totally exposed, totally helpless, totally hopeless. A proper pathetic bitch boy, ready to serve, but terrified about what that might involve.

And most importantly, this position meant the cunt boy's cock and balls were properly on display, and fully exposed for any attack. His dick was now semi erect - the anal invasion seemed to have properly awoken his libido. The filthy whore.

"Now" I said, after taking in the view for a few seconds, "the next time I tell you to adopt a pose that will please me - or to display yourself to me - this is how you stand. You get naked, and you stand like this. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir". Big mistake, fuck boy pulled in his tongue to reply. Before he'd even finished confirming his obedience I'd slapped his face from the right, hard.

"What the fuck? Who told you to pull in your tongue? You ungrateful useless fuck".

"I'm sorry sir, I'm..." The tongue was still back in his mouth, I slapped his left cheek even harder. To his credit he didn't attempt to move his hands or feet on either slap, despite both the shock and the pain. This impressed me, but it was important he didn't know that.

"Stick your fucking tongue out and answer me properly"

He stuck out his tongue and attempted to speak, his "yes sir" coming out as "ess eer". It was funny. I smiled a little.

"That's better. Now, I promised to let your ass make up for all your fuck ups, so let's make sure we keep score. Number one, you took the slackers route when you first arrived here, and knelt down instead of standing to attention, that's 10 faults". As I said this I took a marker pen off the base of the flip chart frame and wrote "not standing: 10 faults" onto the page.

"You knelt near the window when I clearly wanted you in front of this flip chart, that's another 10 faults". I wrote "wrong spot: 10 faults" onto the board. "Your hands were behind your back, when your right hand should have been behind your head and your left hand on your ass. Really that's two fuck ups, but I'll just say 'hands: 10 faults'. You failed to put a finger up your cunt hole, 10 faults. You didn't stick your tongue out, 10 faults. And your legs weren't far enough apart, meaning your sorry excuse of a dick wasn't properly presented, 10 faults".

I wrote all this on the flip chart as I went.

"And what else? I know, you got a hard on when you first stripped, without my permission, that's 10 faults. And look, you're fucking hard again now, without permission, 10 faults. You kept looking round my room, when a good boy keeps his eyes focused straight ahead, 10 faults. You moved your legs for your own comfort when kneeling without permission, 10 faults. You didn't thank me properly when I told you I was going to let you drink my precious piss, 10 faults. You spilled my piss not once but twice, 20 faults. You tried to use your hands when I told you to lick it all up, 10 faults. You didn't even notice how well I was able to stop my piss flow when you kept fucking up, 10 faults. And you paused twice while drinking my piss from your glass, even though you were being given the easiest of easy options, 20 faults".

I paused. The flip chart in front of him was now over half full.

"Oh yes, and that video you sent to me of you wanking your pathetic little boy cock. Over three minutes to lick up your filthy spunk? Over three minutes? That's not good enough. Now, you've got a choice, either I add 30 more faults to this list, or I put that video on X-Tube, which do you want?"

"Irty ore alts ease" he responded, remembering to keep his tongue stuck out this time.

"OK, 30 more it is. Tell you what, let's make it 50. So, let's see. 220 faults. We've known each other two hours, and you've got 220 faults. That's pathetic. Absolutely pathetic".

I paused. Fuck boy looked like he was about to start crying. His cock was also starting to subside I noticed. "Eim orry hir" he tried to apologise.

"Well tomorrow, it's your ass that's going to be sorry. It's going to feel each one of these faults".

I walked behind him, and pulled his finger out of his cunt hole. I pulled his arm upwards and around to his face, and pushed his ass juice soaked finger onto his tongue, and rubbed it back and forth. I don't know what it tasted like, but he pulled a face of disgust and wretched a couple of times. I never make any demands on my bitch boys to keep their ass holes clean, but most of them quickly learn it pays to wash down there every day.

After making him lick his finger several times both sides, but without letting him refresh his tongue in anyway, I pulled his left hand back up behind his head where it had started. I didn't speak but he seemed to understand that he was to keep his left hand with his right for the time being. He clasped them together.

"The first fifty of those faults are going to feel like this". As I spoke I held my right hand up about two feet from the bitch's ass and let my arm swing fast, hitting his right ass cheek hard just as I said the word 'this'. He let out a short sharp yelp, a bit like a pathetic little dog, and lurched forward a little, though he kept his balance and managed not to move his hands. It was a good ass slap, leaving a nice red mark on his behind.

I walked over to a shelf by the door, where I'd earlier left the text book he'd brought with him, a belt and a paddle. I grabbed the book and returned to the fuck boy.

"The next fifty will feel like this". I brought the hard backed text book crashing down onto his left ass check. He yelped again, and this time involuntarily shuffled forward a few inches. "Keep absolutely still, you pathetic fucker" I said, reaching under his legs and giving his balls a quick sharp squeeze with my right hand. He flinched and said, in a quiet pained voice "sorry sir".

"What did you say?" I asked, keeping my fist around his balls.

"I'm really sorry sir".

I squeezed his balls again, this time for a few seconds. "Those don't sound like the words of a fuck boy whose sticking his tongue out like his master ordered".

"Eim ear-ly orry eer" he responded, quickly returning his tongue to where it belonged. I let go of his balls, and went to get the belt.

"That's better. Now, the next fifty will feel like this". I held the black leather belt up high and then whipped it fast across his ass. There was a really satisfying cracking sound as it hit his flesh. The bitch lurched forward a foot or two this time, and let out a short sharp scream, which morphed into a loud "fuck", the most audible word he'd spoken since his arrival. As he swore I could see his hands move from his head in a bid to comfort his already glowing ass. I quickly whipped my belt again, this time so it hit his moving arms. He yelped again, though the accompanying "fuck" was almost whispered this time.

"Keep your fucking hands on your head, you ungrateful shit, and watch your mouth, fuck boy's don't ever fucking swear".

"I'm sorry sir, I'm really sorry". The bitch was now actually sobbing as he spoke. He'd shuffled a few inches further forward as I'd admonished him and bowed forward a little, possibly to appear more subservient, but probably so his sore wrists would be further away from the belt as he returned his hands so that they were clasped behind his head. Fortunately his legs were still pretty wide apart, so I dropped the belt, reached forward, grabbed his balls again, and dragged him back to the centre spot.

"And stop fucking moving your miserable cunt, and why's your fucking tongue not sticking out, are you really that fucking dumb?"

"Aim orry eer" he said, quickly sticking out the tongue he'd let slip back into his mouth as he'd screamed at the force of the belt.

"That's better". I gave his balls a quick tight squeeze, then stood up to retrieve my paddle. "Now straighten your back and let's see those legs a bit wider apart".

He complied.

"OK, so now you know how the first 150 faults are going to feel, don't you boy?".

"Es eer" he replied as best he could, still sounding ridiculous with his tongue stuck out.

"Good. Now after 150, every remaining fault is going to feel like this".

I took my paddle and delivered two consecutive hits, one on each ass cheek. He screamed again, louder than before, but fought the reflex to move his arms or his feet. His scream morphed into a "fffffff" noise, but he even managed not to swear. The fuck boy was learning.

I put my various ass weapons back onto the shelf by the door and returned to the flip chart in front of the bitch. I added to the list:

Moving during punishment - x2: 20 faults Tongue disobedience - x2: 20 faults Hand disobedience: 10 faults Swearing: 10 faults

I turned round to face my bitch. I liked what I saw. Still totally exposed, still clearly terrified, but now also in real distress. He was properly crying now, and although the tears were dripping only slowly from his eyes, he was unable to wipe them - with his hands behind his head - so they dripped down his pretty fuck boy face, which was now wet and red, the redness from both terror and shame. In fact his face was nearly as red as his ass.

The ordeal was also causing him to sweat. Not excessively, but his pit hair was a little damper than it had been five minutes ago, and there was quite a bit of sweat on his forehead, which his floppy fringe was soaking up, ruining the hair styling he'd clearly spent a bit of time on before coming here. Brilliant.

Though for all the exposure, terror and distress, his cock was now fully erect. Harder than even the brief erection he'd displayed when first stripping naked. And harder, I would say, than on the wank video he'd sent me before our meeting. His sizable balls, presumably already a little sore after the tugging and squeezing they'd just endured, were now pulled up tight in his pathetic ball sac beneath his little bitch boy dick. His cock head, meanwhile, was pushing a good inch beyond the top of his foreskin.

While part of me gets more of a thrill when my fuck boys' cocks stay flaccid - because it means whatever horrid task I'm forcing on them is being endured without any sexual thrill - it is still important that the bitch's dick responds to some and possibly most of his ordeal, because that horniness ensures the subservience and obedience, and if the erections and occasional orgasms are sufficiently extreme, the bitch will remain subservient and obedient even when you are not in the same room, and even when he's facing his most despised tasks.

I visibly glanced back at the flip chart. "Two hundred and eighty faults" I said, firmly and loudly. "That's going to hurt bitch boy - I can only suggest you stop fucking up so badly so that when it's time to feel those faults tomorrow afternoon, 280 is as far as I have to go".

"Es err" he tried to respond.

"OK, you can pull your tongue in, but put your left hand back on your ass and your middle finger back up your hole, no messing about, it goes in there right to the base".

"Yes sir" he said, his tongue now back in his mouth. He moved his left hand back to his ass, and noticeably grimaced as his middle finger slipped back up his boy cunt. I could tell he stopped at the knuckle for a few seconds, before pushing it in the rest of the way. I should have added some faults to the list for that, but sometimes - possibly foolishly - I show a little generosity to the sorry fucks.

I stepped forward so I was standing right in front of the boy. I gathered some spit in my mouth - and first spat in his face, and then onto my own right hand. The first shot of spit landed on his left cheek and started to dribble down his face. The second shot provided a little lubricant, as I grabbed his rock hard dick and started to slowly wank him off, allowing his foreskin to move back and forwards up and down his shaft.

"OK, time we got to know each other. I'm going to ask you some questions. You are going to answer with the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If I ever find out you lied to me, that's it, we'll never speak again, and all the videos will go on the net. While we do this, I'm going to squeeze you sorry little dick, but you're not to cum. If at any point you feel you might cum, you must say so. I'll carry on questioning you, but I'll play with your cock and balls in a different way. At any point you can ask to go back to the wanking, but absolutely no cumming. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir". There was a new tone in his voice, the fear was still there, but now also a kind of ecstasy. I'd slowly wanked his cock over ten times by this point.

"Good. Question one. How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

"17 sir" he said, before almost immediately letting out a quick short groan, he was now so turned on a few more hard tugs of that pathetic dick and he'd be cumming. Perfect. Cumming, remember, was strictly not allowed. I continued to wank his dick.

"Who did you lose it with?"

His breathing was becoming deep now and it took him a few seconds to answer. I squeezed his cock a bit harder.

"She was called" - he let out a short but very sexual groan - "she was called Vicki".

"How many pussies have your fucked?"

"Just two sir, sir, please sir, I'm going to cum sir"

"You're not allowed to cum you stupid fuck, is this you asking me to stop wanking your sorry excuse of a dick?" I carried on wanking him off as he spoke - he was clearly very close to cumming - he was breathing even deeper, and shaking slightly - as he employed all his energy to stop the spunk bubbling in his ball sac from exploding through his cock.

"Yes sir, please stop wanking me sir".

"OK". I let go of his cock. He was so close now, he still had to mentally focus hard to stop the orgasm, but he managed it. I gave him twenty seconds to refocus.

"Alright then, the alternative to having you tiny boy cock wanked is having your pointless bitch balls flicked"

I crouched down - not kneeling, a dom must never kneel before a cunt boy - but crouching, so you have better access to the bitch's boy bits, that's OK. I positioned my hands on either side of his balls - which were nicely exposed with his filthy cock so hard - and I pushed my two middle fingers against my thumbs. Then I flicked both his balls simultaneously with some force. He immediately bent his torso forward, so to move his groin away from me, and let out another short sharp yelp. Pathetic fucker. I slapped his cock hard. He yelped again, but quieter this time.

"Don't fucking move, you ungrateful bag of shit".

"I'm sorry sir" he moaned, the pain from the ball flick and dick slap audible in his voice. He straightened his upper body so his balls were back where they began. I flicked again, this time he flinched and groaned loudly - a painful groan this time, not sexual - but his cock and balls stayed in place, between my forceful fingers.

Ball flicking is probably my favourite way of torturing subs. There's something especially sinister about the pain it causes. Of course the pain isn't as intense as a good old fashioned paddling, let alone the whip or cane, or the pouring of hot wax on his tits, balls and cockhead. But there's something special about the way this pain is experienced - an initially intense stabbing in the balls, and then a duller ache spreads out across the groin and into the gut, and it lingers for sometime.

Meanwhile every muscle in the bitch boy's body innately wants to move to protect the balls, and the sub has to fight all that human instinct. If they are chained up they have no choice, of course, so it's almost more satisfying when they are unrestrained - like fuck boy was right now - because that mental challenge, to resist the temptation to put their tender balls are out of harm's way, is a really good test of the sub's will.

If you're a sub who's never had his balls flicked I suggest you try it on yourself right now, and you'll see what you mean. Pull your boxers down to your ankles, position your flicking fingers on either side of your ball sac, and flick both balls at once, as hard as you can. Resist the temptation to go soft on yourself. It only works if you use a full force flick. Hurts doesn't it? In a really special kind of way. You can feel your body wanting to move to protect your bitch balls from attack - but don't let yourself.

And now imagine this - if I flicked your balls, the pain would be double, I guarantee it, plus after each flick, another would be just two seconds away. One flick after another, until the pain in you ball sac, across your groin, and into your gut, just becomes constant. Just ask fuck boy. It's a special kind of pain. He wouldn't be able to take it for long.

I flicked for a third time as I asked my next question. He flinched and pulled a pained face, but again managed not to move.

"Did either of those bitch girls let you fuck their ass holes?"

"No sir". Another flick.

"How many girls have wanked you off?

"Please sir, it hurts sir" I flicked him twice in close succession, extra hard. This time he hunched again and let out another quick yelping noise.

"How many girls have wanked you off? I ask again, raising my voice.

"One sir". I flick his balls again, hard. "Please sir, please wank me sir".

"OK then, but remember, no cumming". I stood up, wrapped my right fist around his rock hard dick and start stroking again.

"How many girls have sucked you off?"

"None sir".

"How many boys have wanked you off?"

"One..." his voice wavered - an exasperated breath interrupting his flow. "One sir" he tried again, "I'm going to ... I'm gonna cum sir".

I stop wanking his dick. "Well don't, you filthy fucker. Shall I go back to your balls?"

"Yes sir".

I crouched down again, and gave the bitch's balls two hard flicks in close succession. He yelped and bent forward again in pain, but his hands and feet didn't move. I continued with the questioning.

"How many boys have sucked you off?" Flick.

He yelps again, but it's a short sharp yelp. "Ju, ju, ju, just one sir". Flick.

"How many boys have you sucked off? Flick.

"Just one sir". Flick.

"Did you ever swallow?" Flick

"No sir". The full on crying was back, and this time it was more audible. "Please sir, please go back to wanking my dick".

I didn't speak, but gave him one more double flick and then stood up. He'd stopped yelping on each flick by this point, though he continued to flinch on impact, and was sobbing constantly. Tears ran over his cheeks, mixing with my spit from earlier, and dribbling onto his chest. Despite the pain in his ball sac, his cock remained stiff, with the first few drops of pre-cum appearing at its tip. As I grabbed his cock hard and resumed wanking him off those first few drops fell to the floor.

"Have you ever fucked a boy's asshole?"

"No sir" he splutters - it's hard to tell now whether his wavering voice is caused by the sobbing or the overriding desire to ejaculate.

"Have you ever been fucked up the ass?"

"No sir, please sir, I can't, I'm going to, please sir".

I let go of his dick and resume my flicking position. Flick. He starts to sob even more audibly.

"How often do you wank?" Flick.

"About twice a day sir" Flick

"When did you last wank?" Flick

"This morning sir, before I came here" Double flick. "Please sir, it hurts"

"Who did you think about when you last wanked?" Flick

"I don't know sir" Flick.

"Answer - the fuckin - question" I flick his balls three times to emphasise my words.

"Zac Efron sir" Flick

"Who else?" Flick

"I don't know, I" - double flick - "my flatmate sir, my flatmate". His crying is now constant, and he answers his questions though it - like the pathetic cry baby bitch girl he really is. One more flick.

I stand up and grab his dick and start wanking again.

"Would you like to fuck your flat mate?"

"Yes sir" he sobs.

"Would you prefer it if he fucked you?"

"Yes sir"

"Have you ever seen his cock?"

"Yes sir", I can tell he's very close to cumming again now.

"Did he know?"

"No sir, please sir, I'm going to cum sir"

I stop wanking him again - "WELL DON'T" I say loudly.

"Have you ever seen your flatmate's cock when it's hard?"

"Yes sir"

"Have you ever eaten your own spunk?"

"Yes sir"

"Where do you keep your porn?"

"In a folder on my laptop, and in a box at the back of my wardrobe".

"Would you like to cum".

"Oh yes sir, please sir, I'd love to cum sir". Even though I've stopped wanking him I can tell he's still on the edge of cumming. His cock is throbbing, and more pre cum is now dribbling onto the floor.

"OK, here's the deal - I let you cum, you spunk your filthy junk, but then you've got to take thirty flicks on the balls, one after the other, no breaks. That's the deal. Now, do you want to cum?"

"Yes sir, please sir, please let me cum".

With tears still running down his cheeks and pre cum down his cock, I'm not sure he properly heard the deal on the table.

"Tell me what are you going to take in return?

"Thirty flicks sir, on the balls sir".

"OK" I step behind him and grab his text book, and return to my position in front of him.

"Use your right hand and wank yourself till you cum. Then make sure ever drop of your mess lands in here"

I've opened the text book and positioned it beneath his cock. I don't know whether his pathetic brain realises what I'm holding - that the text book he's taken out from his uni library is about to become his cum rag - but no questions are asked. He immediately grabs his cock and within five strokes he's cumming.

Given, by his own admission, he'd already cum once that day, he certainly produced a lot of spunk. I'd say twice what he'd managed on his wank video. Obviously a combination of a sore ass, aching balls, an invaded hole and some embarrassing questions had really turned this sad fucker on.

Between each load of spunk I turned a few pages of the text book, so his filthy juices were well distributed. After four healthy shots he was done. He let his hand drop and caught his breath. His dick - softening but still pretty firm - was perfectly placed. I slammed the hard back book shut around his cock. He yelped extra loudly and jolted back a few inches.

"Stand fucking still, you useless fuck" I shouted. His dick was still caught between the pages of his text book, so I pushed the covers together for a few seconds hard. "Well read, your dick, isn't it?" I joked. I released his cock, took a step back and paused for a few seconds.

This was it - the perfect moment. Post-ejaculation bitch boy's brain was having a reality check moment. He was standing naked in a strange man's apartment. His ass was burning from the various hits it had taken. His balls ached intensely, to the extent he felt mildly sick. His dick was sore too, from the slaps and from being squashed in his text book.

His legs were still nicely apart, his cock and balls still exposed, his legs slightly bent, his ass crack open, and the middle finger of his left hand stuffed up his hole. Just how uncomfortable it was to stand this way- and how exposed it made him feel - would be sinking in big time. I like to that as his little brain analysed all of this, he noticed the taste of my piss, still fresh in his mouth. And that he was already regretting sharing his most personal secrets with me, especially the stuff about his flatmate.

The sobbing had stopped, but his cheeks were still bright red, though I suspect that was partly because he was blushing - what had seemed hot three minutes ago seemed so pathetic now, all because he'd let himself cum. In his face - embarrassment. In his eyes - cold fear.

I held up the text book, to remind him what he'd just cum into. "I'm sure you uni will appreciate the careful edits you've made. Now, put your hand back behind your head, and let's get these ball flicks out of the way, shall we?" I dropped the book and crouched down again.

"Sir, please sir".

I slapped his cock hard. His erection had subsided of course but he was still presenting a semi hard on - the finger in his ass was probably responsible for that. Certainly there was enough cock for a proper slap.

"You better not be trying to renege on our deal, bitch boy, or there'll be trouble. You've fucked up enough already today, one more fuck up and that's it, you're out of here - I'll push you onto the street naked, and post your wank video onto the net, and tell you flatmate how you crave his cock and wank yourself to sleep dreaming about him cumming up your ass. Is that what you want?"

I shouldn't have to make threats like this to ensure obedience, but there's no cum left in fuck boy's ball sac, and he's new to this game. This is a dangerous moment - one where he might genuinely quit if I let him think there's an easy way out.

"Now, beg me to flick your balls, like you wanted".

He paused. I gave his dick another slap. I sense his cock is starting to stiffen again already - which is good news - bitch boy's first ever reality check moment is nearly over.

"Please sir, please flick my balls like I wanted". He says it quietly, but clearly.

"OK, you count them, after each flick I want you to say 'please sir, please flick my balls even harder'".

I position my fingers and flick. He flinches and makes a pained groaning sound.

"One, please sir, please flick my balls harder" he says, in a pained voice.

Flick. This time a short yelp.

"Two, please sir, please flick my balls harder".


By flick seven the sobbing was back, and he fully cried throughout the twenties. But to his credit the yelping stopped, he only flinched a little, and he managed to keep count.

"Thirty, please sir, please flick my balls harder".

"You want more? OK" I flick his now visibly tender balls five more times in close succession. The crying continues, though his cock is fully hard again.

My own cock is rock solid too by this point, and has been for some time. But my tight boxers keep it close to my body, and my t-shirt covers most of the bulge. I think I successfully managed to hide my sexual pleasure from the bitch that first time.

I stand up again. "OK, present yourself". Nothing. "I said present yourself, that means stick your tongue out, remember?"

This time he complies. I turn to the now nearly full flip chart and add two more lines. "Spilling pre-cum onto floor, 10 faults, not presenting when ordered, 10 faults"

I turned back round again.

"Right, I've got some shit to do. You're going to stand like this. You're not to move an inch. You understand?"

"Ess err" he tries to reply.

I return to my bedroom, change into clean clothes, arrange my still hard cock in such a way that no major bulge shows, and then leave the flat, double locking the door so bitch boy can hear he's locked in.

After some piss fun, basic discipline, ball torture and edging, it was time for the bitch to do some more contemplation, as he stood in the centre of my play room fully on camera, naked, legs bent, tongue out, right pit exposed, middle finger on his left hand up his ass, bruised balls and spent dick on display. The pain would intensify as he stood there, as would the need to piss, his bladder being full of my piss from earlier, the lingering taste of which would only remind him of that fact. On my return I'd let him wet himself before getting to work making good on the erection he'd give me with his piss drinking mouth. And this time he'd definitely swallow.

Next: Chapter 4

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