Fuck or Flight

By John Smith

Published on Dec 7, 2017


Don't read this if you aren't of legal age to view this where you live. It contains sexually explicit material. All names, places, and events are entirely fictional, and any similarities to real-life events are entirely coincidental.

Rights to this story lie exclusively with Nifty and myself. If you wish to reproduce it in part or in whole, contact me. Do not reproduce otherwise.

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Thanks to a fan for giving me encouragement. Big things coming up, so don't give up.

"You're such a lightweight," Alex laughed as he played with my collarbone under my shirt from where his bare arm was wrapped around me," What did you have, like two glasses?"

It was true. I could function pretty well on weed, and the various substances he'd introduced me to over the course of our acquaintanceship rarely threw me for too much of a loop, but alcohol was my weakness.

"Two and a half," I corrected him, looking away petulantly, but let my arms float whimsically on the roiling surface of the hot tub.

"That's right, you dropped one," He rolled his eyes at my antics and grazed my skin with his fingernails," Wasteful, wasteful."

"Fuck your wasteful," I slurred a little, and bit the crook of his elbow gently," they already chinched out on the champagne. Prosecco my ass. The fact that I'm a cheap date should be a p-p-positive."

We were at John's house, or more specifically, in the hot tub attached to his pool. I usually hated swimming. The chlorine and public nature of it were enough to swear me off of it. This pool, however, was saltwater. Marvelous thing. It was so dense you could float without hardly any effort, and didn't make you smell like a chemical spill.

As to the privacy aspect, it was in a backyard. John unfortunately had another guest, but I was thrilled to learn that it was my middle school librarian, who was 35, had introduced me to science fiction, and really loud during sex, as we could hear last night from across the hall.

"I did like it though," I thanked him as I turned to kiss his stubbly jaw," Plus, the Bubbly added to the bubbles."

"If you like them so much," His brown eyes had a glint in them as he looked sideways at me while he combed his fingers through the back of my wet hair," Why don't you make some more."

"Wait! Hutfff!"

I didn't have time to protest before he dunked me again, pressing my mouth up against where his huge cock was standing upright. If I didn't latch on quickly, he'd hit my head up against the concrete wall again.

Taking care to keep things airtight, I sucked my lips around the big head, tried not to graze his thick foreskin as he forced me down. It wasn't as bad as getting a mouthful of regular pool water in your mouth, but was still gross, so I tried to keep a seal. Pretty soon he'd pushed down my throat and I would have sneezed from the pubes if he hadn't charitably pinched my nose shut with the hand that wasn't holding me down.

Being immersed in that hot, rushing water was kind of like the opposite of a sensory deprivation chamber. With my eyes closed, ll I felt heat, heard dull roaring in my ear along with my own grunts and gagging. He went really fast. In the 30 minutes we'd been out here, I'd made him come twice, which was pretty good considering I only had about 4-5 minute intervals with which to work.

Up and down, his strong fingers pulled at my scalp. I grabbed the side of the stone bench, but just for leverage. I couldn't escape if I wanted to. His own scent that I loved so much was diluted in the water, but the soft skin of his cock tasted nearly the same. All the salt was likely to give me hypertension though.

With both hands occupied, I wished he was able to spare some attention to me, but before the tub we'd had dinner, and before that he'd fucked over my prostate until I'd cum in the dresser he'd been pushing me against and in whose drawer he'd slammed my nuts.

I tried to take it like a champ, every punch at the back of my throat making my eyes bulge into their clenched lids, but at what I assumed was around the 3 minute mark. I started to get panicked again. I put it off as long as I could, but then I clawed his thigh. My chest started heaving and I squealed around his cock. He couldn't hear me. I hoped he felt me.

Just when I thought I was going to pass out from the heat and lack of oxygen, he pulled me off, and I broke the surface with a gasp, my long soaking hair plastered to my face. I'd gone black with bleached-white streaks this time, but they could hardly be appreciated in their current state.

"Take a breath," He said, dragging my cheek over to give it a kiss, before quenching me in the briny deep once more.

I had guessed that wasn't going to be one of my long breaks. I got a gulp of air in, at least. My lips parted immediately. He'd aimed well, and had it at my tonsils in seconds. Up down, the heat was overwhelming. I almost missed that his hips we beginning to meet me halfway, black curly hairs scratching my forehead. He was close.

The musky fucker knew exactly how long he could keep me down, and we were pushing it again. Being so close, I started to get worried about his priorities. Visions of me floating face-down in the tub made me begin to freak out. How far would he push it for a nut?

Just a few seconds was an eternity down there, his thick thing jammed down my throat. My panic reached a crescendo, I started feebly hitting his knees. I even considered biting down, to escape this swirling rush that was pounding in my ears. I could hear the pumps throbbing, feel his heartbeat with my crowded out tongue. His grip lessened for a second, then he slammed me down with the heel of his palm. He spasmed.

White, cummy white, gushing down my throat. Plastering the inside of my eyelids. Oh no, that was the beginning of a whiteout. He needed to recover, get me the fuck out of here. I was gonna suffocate. I was gonna...

Once again, I was back in the surface world. Alex let go my hair and pulled me close, and I gasped, chin on his muscled shoulder. It was lovely, just being held in his arms. Then I heard the laughter.

"Youth certainly isn't being wasted on you two," John called out from behind me.

I shot a quick look back, where John was sitting beside Mr. Hebert (pronounced a-bear), or Sean, as he'd told me to call him, about six feet away on the opposite bench. Sean was a short, kind of petite black guy, with a goatee and an eyebrow that was always raised in amusement, and John was as tall as Alex, but burly, with white hair all over.

I was mortified. I turned my head forward again, to cuss out my boyfriend, gulping down what of him that remained in my mouth. He was grinning in afterglow, and at my embarrassment. I would have left right there, had it not entailed a humiliating walk inside, with my briefs tented out.

"Chill out," Alex put his hand over my lips, stifling my fury as he spoke low and explained affecting a serious face," They just came out of the house and got in. No matter when I pulled you up it woulda been the same. Figured I'd let you finish."

I glared at him. I was a private person, and to be doing something so intimate with an audience, even if they couldn't have seen me until now...

"Hey, hey," His hand moved to the side my my face and another grin broke his composure, but he still sounded earnest," You did a great job."

Fucking irreverent bastard. Using logic and compliments to win me over. He also stroked my hair, and rubbed my hip, and then around to my front, where his thumb brushed the tip of my dick through the fabric.

"They also brought us refills," He said a bit louder, so they could hear, and nodded his head over to the side, where two champagne flutes sat behind his head," Thanks guys!"

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes and rolled off of his lap, not in the mood to be felt up, despite how much my body liked it. Turning over, I grabbed a drink as I slumped beside him. I raised a desultory toast to where John and Sean were sitting.

What had first seemed as if they were just laughing at me, now seemed a bit more congenial as I took a few sips.

"Sorry C.J.," Sean smiled from across the water," We didn't know. At least at first."

"With lungs like that," John joked admiringly," You should have tried out for the swim team."

Yea, some soviet inspired swimming gulag where a sadistic taskmaster held innocent kids underwater until they turned blue. I sat with my drink and fumed, not willing to play nice just yet.

Apparently deciding I'd had enough, Alex was uncharacteristically merciful and changed the subject," Glad you guys didn't mind us crashing your night. Five years together. Don't you get bored?"

"Sometimes," John laughed at Alex's directness, but kissed the back of Sean's head and explained," We're not monogamous. We let each other come and go."

I gave a side-eye to Alex, seeing how he'd react to that. I didn't think such a relationship would work for us. He was too possessive, and while I wouldn't admit to being so square, I was too much of a romantic. He caught my glance and shook his head to say it wasn't happening. Time for my own pointed question.

"So you ever thought about living together," I ventured, with an eye to the fact that I was going to get out of highschool soon, if just by the skin of my teeth.

They looked at eachother and laughed. Sean leaned back onto John's shoulder, and heckled," Why don't I think these questions are really about us?"

I turned red, if it was at all noticeable after being in a hottub for nearly an hour. Alex chuckled behind me and rubbed my neck.

"Well, you know this town," my old librarian picked up the thought again," Between the age difference, color, the gay thing, it just isn't worth the hassle it would cause in the neighborhood. Eventually, maybe. Things change."

"Plus your daddy said he'd shoot me," John let out a big belly laugh that everyone else had to join in with.

I thought that was unfair, and kind of sad. In my head, I always imagined people who loved each other naturally lived together. When I found out I was gay, it seemed only a little road block. On top of that, I didn't even know where Alex lived. It could be his car for all I know.

We talked, drank, until I became aware that our hosts were getting a little too cozy. John was grinning, looking flustered and giving little side glances at Sean, whose brown arm, submerged just below the shoulder, was working something in John's lap.

"So uh, yea," I said anxiously and began to stand, uncomfortable with the situation. It wasn't that they were both old, it just that it was a weird transition. They hadn't even asked us. "I guess we'll go tuck in, leave you two..."

"No, babe," Alex said from behind me as he pushed down on my shoulder," Let's stay."

"But they're...," I whispered and pulled away from him slightly, moving my eyes from him to the increasingly amorous scene in front of us.

"So what," My boyfriend asked amusedly, as if it weren't a big deal at all," Maybe...we should be too."

One of his strong hands slid from my shoulder, and started playing at the side of my briefs, teasing under the side of them near my hipbone. I was getting a little upset, but I didn't want this to escalate, so the look I shot him was more of a breadknife than a dagger.

"But...But," I couldn't think of a coherent argument against it. It was just so skeevy!

"They'll stay on their corner," Alex pushed his hand down out my leg hole and rubbed my smooth inner thigh," We'll stay on ours. Why not give em a little show?"

A little show!? I didn't think of myself as a prude, but this was stuff you read about happening online, in fantasies about casual sex that never translated without consequences in the real world. Alex's hand had slid back up my leg, but when his palm hit the underside of my cock, it was already hard.

Of course it was, he hadn't let me cum outside of cabinetry. There was a weird, small-scale, Berlin Conference taking place across the waters, one in which I had no power. I felt like some 19th century African state who was the recipient of gunboat diplomacy, and the other world powers were content to watch and receive the ancillary benefits of my humiliation.

He'd slipped further beneath me, squishing between my balls and under my taint, and his fingers started bending and tickling at my behind, rubbing little spirals into my slightly sore wrinkly flesh.

The only way I was going to enjoy this was to go willingly, I thought as I tried to calm my outraged tremulous lips. I wasn't gonna win, and if let our hosts in on my reservations, it'd be an even worse invasion of privacy, one that Alex would make me pay for.

Turning my head to bury it in Alex's neck, I spoke quietly, but forced a smile so it looked and sounded convincing," J-just, please, don't take off my shirt."

His trapezius muscle beneath my face flexed in triumph, and little rumbling cheerful noises hummed at the base of his throat. That made it a little easier, played on my heartstrings. I did want him to be happy. Seeing that a third of the scars across the constellations that ran across my back and chest were of his making, I was pretty sure he'd abide by my request even if I hadn't asked. I had no indication Sean and John had our kind of relationship, had sensed nothing but slightly horny benevolence from them.

"Mmmm, mmm," Alex grunted somewhat, and lifted me up, dragging my body and one of my legs around and over his own legs, so I was on my knees in front of him, his face at my sternum. Digging one fingernail into my skin as he did so, he took his hand out from the front of my briefs then circled my hip to insert it down the back, between me and our audience. The water was bubbling at my upper thigh, right below where my junk would hang if it were free of my underwear.

"Not a bad ass for a scrawny white boy, huh John," Alex called from behind me as he detoured from my hole to grope one cheek.

"Hmph," I could hear my boyfriend's longtime friend and possibly mentor (I still hadn't sussed out their relationship) gruff behind me where I assumed he was grabbing Sean's ass too," the one I've got is better."

Butts weren't my thing, but I remember that my old Librarian had always filled out his Khakis. I stared over Alex's dark crown at the concrete circling the pool, then the lawn, then the fence slats. Why invite comparison if not to make me feel like a piece of meat. Gritting my teeth I pledged myself to stoicism when they couldn't see me.

"Bigger," Alex admitted as his wrist caught the hem of my briefs, dragging it down the curve of my ass, then prying one cheek open, to expose me to the warm wet air, but argued," but look how fucking pretty and pink it is. Tight like cherry every time, and he makes the cutest little squeaks when I bottom out. Never think it's going to fit, but it always does."

He was overselling it, but it was a reassurance that he still felt so positively about what I had to offer. And well, I liked being bragged about, made my cheeks inch up into a little smile. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I leaned in and kissed the top of his head, arching my back a bit.

Sean let out a wolf whistle and chuckled," Mr. Anderson, I do believe you're beginning to enjoy this."

"He's a dirty little slut, we've fucked in the woods, truck stop bathrooms, my car...," Alex, sparing me from answering, tapered off as he bent his head back to look me in the eye to see if I was blushing. I was, and he continued, lips brushing mine as he spoke and went back to rubbing my entrance," Sometimes he's so eager he misses me and hits the steering column."

An accurate representation, it really wasn't. Sure, we did it all the time when we were together, but he was nearly always the instigator. My job was to resist just enough that a normal person would feel guilty at what he did.

"I...really love you, for everything," I said, then kissed him. He didn't like surprises, and tensed up, his whole face going dark and ferocious. Willing myself to keep from laughing, for the drink had made me take more joy in usual in turning the tables, and lowered my inhibitions about saying something like that besides.

While I was already beginning to feel guilty about trotting out something so important in such a depraved atmosphere, I knew for sure he felt the same. It'd been six months or so, forever for a teenager like me to hold off on an admission like that, but he was immature in certain ways too.

Turning my head away from the complicated storm clouding his face, I looked over my shoulder and grinned at our observers with more confidence than I felt," w-wait till you see his cock. All the blood drains from everywhere else when he uses it, but, uh, it's a lot more useful between his legs than his ears."

Oh, I was going to pay for this, all it took was three and a half glasses of cheap champagne for me to stick my hand in a sawblade. Lifting myself to my feet, I slid my briefs off as I did, and my 5.5 inch dick jabbed on his chin. After throwing the underwear away into the grass, I gently pulled at his clenching, angry jaw with the ends of the fingers on both hands.

"Get up, baby, on the side. You're big, but they still can't ogle you underwater," playfully I giggled and tugged his head upwards. He complied, grabbing the back rim with his free hand and snarled as he settled. I'd never seen him so petulant, he didn't even have that narrowing of his eyes that said he was plotting revenge yet, he was just mad, unable to react immediately because of our company.

I leaned forward, and standing up on my toes, I dragged his dick between my legs to rest visibly between my cheeks and sat down, wiggling my ass.

"Gonna drink the rest of yours, m'kay," I told him more than asked, and grabbed his champagne flute which had more of the golden liquid inside, threw my head back, making my neck protrude towards him as I closed my eyes, enjoying the effervescent rush and the feel of his hardness sliding between my buns.

Opening my eyelids marginally, I looked back at John and Sean, upside-down to my sight. They were actively rubbing each other all over, but their eyes were on us. What a moment ago had seemed a huge privacy invasion, now seemed a confirmation of our relationship. They felt it too, the power between us. His was clamped down, like an oxygen starved furnace, and mine could only exist when he held back, but the sum of it was.

"I'm not sure, but I think...," Setting the drink aside, I leaned sideways to rummage in his shorts, which had been off since we'd gotten in the tub," he came prepared..."

A bottle of baby oil, his go to. I held it up over my shoulder so our audience could see.

"Little infantile, isn't it, this stuff," I spoke so just he could hear me, my tongue sharp, but not as sharp as the sheathed blade I was running it against as I squeezed out a bunch into a cupped hand between us," I mean, I know you need plausible deniability at the cash register, but you can buy real lube, you know. You're old enough, look at all those pubes."

The only pubes in the middle of us were his, I shaved, and his continued up in a furry happy trail to his navel. I made a gratuitous look down at his lean muscled chest, then bit my lip as I looked him in the eye. Despite this momentary madness that allowed me to be so brazen, the look his dark brown ones gave me made me shiver as I dumped the oil down my spine. Some of it would drip through my shirt to get there. It was too much to apply all at once, and there was enough left over for me to reach behind myself to rub up and down his length.

He still hadn't touched me, like he was normally always doing, so I closed my eyes and kept humping on his long dick. I was getting a little scared now, belatedly and it made me shake. I was going to fold, I couldn't keep it up. The longer he stared at me out from under his bushy black brows, even when I couldn't see them, the smaller I felt. My confidence was withering.

"Uh, not like this right now, I don't think," I stood up, opening my eyes and keeping them averted as I did, and turned around, sitting back down so his dick, thick as a red bull can and 10 inches, poked up beside mine. It wasn't quite what I wanted, so grabbing it, and leaning on his chest for support, I raised up, and lowered myself onto it.

Even though it was an easier sight than what I'd pivoted around to ignore, I still didn't want to look at John and Sean. My face helpfully scrunched at his slippery head caught in my cleft.

"Nnnn. Nnnn," I whimpered, and put my forearm over my eyes to shield them further. It wasn't easy when he did this, it hurt like hell, but at least he was decisive, and it felt like it was going somewhere. All my courage gone, I took three cowardly minutes to get his head in, and my knees were wobbling in front of me with the effort.

"I...I need you," My voice strained and small, I fumbled with my free arm to find one of his where it rested on the rim of the tub and try to drag it up," ...H-help me..."

It wouldn't budge. It was so unfair, and my hips ached to be touched, to be pushed down. Everything hurt, and I was in danger of falling down onto it.

"P-please. You had to know, I know you knew," I was being too loud, and tears were starting to well and drip past my arm," Are you the only one who gets to be mean? This is worse than anything you've ever done, I..."

My hole was aching and twitching, but it wouldn't accept any more of him, despite having done so a couple hours ago. His body wasn't mine to use, it was the other way around. I'd perverted things, screwed it all up.

"Imma, Immma ssorry..." I sobbed, the shaking in my hips reaching my chest, and arms which were supporting me," I should've let you. I need you. Need you to...Ooomph! Mmrrrmmmmn!"

Those last two noises were when one of his hands, big and strong and acquisitive, slapped over my mouth, stopping my embarrassing tirade, and when the other, finally dug into my hips, forcing me all the way down in one go. I screamed into his palm, but kept my eyes buried in my elbow.

"You stupid bitch," Much more quietly than I had, but hard and cruel in tone, Alex hissed in my ear," You think I'm so awful, don't you. Truth is, you're worse, you'd attract worse eventually. If I hadn't come along, somebody would give you what you really want. You're so fucking careless, you deserve everything you get, except me. You aren't worth me, you piece of fucking shit."

I writhed and contorted my body, from all different kinds of pain, but I couldn't get away, wasn't sure I wanted to. The tears now had to drip around the fingers clamped on my mouth. Tears were usually so hot, but compared to the water lapping at my calves, they were cold. None of my fury compared to his, I wasn't even as strong as a normal person.

"U-u-of course I love you, moron, but I don't go around saying shit like that, and you shouldn't either. Do, that's what I do. I do. I act. I take what I want, what I love, you're mine, from your cunt mouth to your other cunt," He'd started off shaky as he got the words out. They were still mean, but they didn't matter. He wasn't going to leave me wiggling like a stuck worm on his straight searing thick hook forever tonight.

Nothing changed, I was still writhing, mute and blind, and still crying, fucking myself with his permission, but in a moment, it'd all changed. What I suspected, hoped for, for so long was...

He wasn't letting my spin my own narrative, continuing to rant in my ear, sometimes biting my neck or earlobe in his vehemence," I'm your god. I'm every fucking thing. That's what you wanted me to say? Well I'm not, although I may as well be, next to you, you fucking lowlife white trash fuck."

I didn't care if he hated me too, as long as he loved me. He seemed to be out of steam, for now, and his hand pivoted off my hip to grab my bobbing dick. Such beneficence I'd never known, I was so grateful that he'd touch me.

He adapted to the frantic rhythm that with his help of insertion, I'd achieved, and tugged gently at my dick, molded his body to mine from behind, content to contain my rapture, like the jar to my firefly.

Still though, he came first, almost too soon. His thighs squeezed together, and so did his fingers, so my dick was in a vice. Heat blossomed from that place he'd opened up inside of me, slippery cummy heat. I squealed and moaned through his hand, but I was close enough, that after a moment of agony, my cum burst through his clenched fist, and he squeezed me into limpness. I was still moving, for a little bit, but soon came to a rest, and would've slid down off of him if not for his hands supporting me.

Stillness wasn't achievable, for there was still the hum of the jets and the bubbling, but it seemed to comb through my mind, post orgasm, the boundaries between myself and my environment blurred. Alex lost his firmness within me though, and his hand slipped down my chest from my mouth. He even let go my dick, which after so much time in the water followed by rough treatment, felt chafed.

"Shit," I wasn't sure where the voice was coming from, because it wasn't me and it wasn't Alex, so I lowered my arm and saw John and Sean staring at us, wide eyed. I thought I'd gone beyond embarrassment, but I felt little pangs at having completely forgotten them and succumbing to our intimacy.

"It like that all the time," Sean's voice had a little wonder in it, and while they were leaning against each other, it looked like they'd stopped trying to get themselves off at all.

I was speechless, had the sudden silly urge to cover myself, but Alex brought his hand back up and pinched one of my cheeks, kissing the other one, and grinned as he answered breathily," Yea, pretty much. Great, ain't he?"

They nodded, and my face heated up at the flattery, but for the first time, I believed it. I didn't do it alone, but loving Alex was the one thing I felt good at.

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