Fuck or Flight

By John Smith

Published on Feb 18, 2015


Don't read this if you aren't of legal age to view this where you live. It contains sexually explicit material. All names, places, and events are entirely fictional, and any similarities to real-life events are entirely coincidental.

Rights to this story lie exclusively with Nifty and myself. If you wish to reproduce it in part or in whole, contact me. Do not reproduce otherwise.

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Should be a good chapter, hope everyone enjoys it. There will be sex at the end, don't worry, I know it's long. Actually I'll try to keep them shorter in the future, this is what derails me. Questions, comments and just telling me you liked it is much appreciated by email.

It's weird that tacitly admitting you want a guy to rough you up and do whatever he wants is actually a freeing experience. I've had relationships where things were ultimately unsatisfying, and I'd been abused, but I never knew when it was coming, and even when I didn't want it to happen it did. For now at least, there was a guy who wanted to give me what I needed, instead of just taking. I dunno, maybe it was futile to put conditions on being used, beside the point. So many things could go wrong.

Having just come, Alex was experiencing none of my turmoil, dozing a bit with his pants and underwear still off, his big tool floppy but still impressive.

I wanted to lay next to him, but I needed to clear my head a bit. I was still a bit buzzed, weed highs can easily slip into melancholy. I tiptoed out the room, grabbed a book and laid stomach down on end of the couch. It was about the 30 Years War, where the Protestant League, their allies, Calvinists and the Catholic powers of the Holy Roman Empire fought for the right of religious freedom and local control of church affairs. It was the last event of the protestant reformation. Very little relevance to anything going on in my life, but I read to divert myself. In fact I was so diverted, I didn't notice when Alex laid down on top of me.

"Oomph," I grunted ," fuck you're heavy. Eat fewer tacos, lardass"

He was heavy, but lean and muscular, when his hips were on my ass the back of my head was between his pecs. I had to keep my head to the side to catch my breath.

"Isn't my fault you're malnourished trailer trash," He retorted, making me groan again by thrusting on my ass," Come on, lets go see a matinee and maybe feed you something."

I waited a bit but he was still on top of me. He snatched my book out of my hands and looked at the cover.

"And I thought i had nothing to do today," He said," I'll make it easier for you to decide whether or not you're coming with me."

He dropped the book on the floor, not bothering to keep my page.

"You know ," I said annoyedly," I'm not going anywhere until you move your fat ass."

"I had noticed that," He said with a laugh while getting up and unflattening me," Just wanted to make sure you had figured it out."

I was really turned on by all the subtle, even petty ways he put me down. Is this a normal thing? I mulled it over as I got my boots, coat and my messenger bag with clothes for the weekend. I didn't know how long I'd be staying wherever we were headed, but a couple changes would probably be just fine.

I was heading to the front door when Alex said," don't you need to leave a note?"

"What am I, five," I said a bit harshly," even when I was, I can't tell you how many birthday parties she forgot to pick me up from."

"Wanna sit back down on the couch and work out your issues with your mother with some touch therapy," He asked with feigned concern.

"Tempting, but I just want to get out of here," I said, opening the door and standing outside," Come on, gotta lock up behind you."

Parked in the driveway was a large burgundy Mercury sedan. A real granny-wagon.

"Not exactly a Lexus," I said as we got in, alluding to his email address.

"Oh I'm sorry, lets take your car. What is it, that six speed I see over there," he laughed and said sardonically, and then affirmed," it will be. It will be."

The upholstery was a bit torn up, and it smelled like smoke. If it was only a Neo Geo it'd be me in automobile form.

During the drive to the cinema we joked, traded jabs, and I slid towards him on the bench seats. He put his arm around me and squeezed me whenever he shifted gears.

He paid for my tickets and even sprung for a big drink with two straws and a bucket's worth of popcorn. We settled in at the back of the nearly empty theater.

"Have you seen any of the other ones," He asked with a mouth full of popcorn.

"No, I read the books though," I replied, picking off a piece of my own.

"There are books?" He remarked quizzically.

I had begun to scowl and was starting to tell him what an ignoramus he was when I caught his eyes flashing at me. He was joking.

"You're so easy to set off, mijo," He laughed and grabbed the inside of my thigh," in more ways than one."

"How about you wait till you're not covered in butter before molesting me," I rebuked him as I scooted to the opposite edge of my seat and crossed my legs.

"Not fair at all," He complained, but mostly left me alone as the movie started. From the actions of Sam and Frodo I can only surmise that Tolkien had been in an angsty public school romance.

Some minutes later the popcorn was gone, but the butter was not. I really didn't want to get any on my clothes, but I had an idea.

I started licking my fingers, then sucking on them. To my frustration, Alex was still engrossed in the movie. I'll be damned if I was going to lose out to Elijah Wood. I decided to whimper a bit, and when that failed, I moaned.

That got a quick look, and when he saw what I was up to, he kept staring. By then, my hand was clean, but I had more to show him.

I brought my fingers together and squeezed my knuckles and thumbs together. I put the tips of my fingers to my lips and pushed my hand in until I was biting my wrist. In a talent that has significant overlap utility, I can fit my fist in my mouth.

His eyes widened a bit, but I don't think I shocked him. Especially since I'd already demonstrated my mandibular acumen, but he was really turned on. His dark brows were furrowed and his non greasy hand was at his crotch.

I pulled my hand out, because there's only so long sitting with your hand down your throat is sexy or comfortable, and gave him a devious smile.

"Jesus, you're a hungry little slut," he rumbled.

"Well I should be," I said in mock petulance," you ate ninety percent of the popcorn."

"Come on over here and I'll give you a taste of something better," He said as he lifted up the barrier, and wrapping his arm around my hips he pulled me to him.

We made out and when we broke he brought a finger to my lips, in response I opened my teeth and let him slide in. His fingers were twice as thick as mine and nearly that much longer. To myself I hoped the prodigious salt wouldn't make me retain water. It was an erotic thing, though. He'd push in to a knuckle and I'd suck him clean and then worked my way to his pinky. When I got to his thumb he dug into my jaw with his others and pushed my head aside so he could get to my neck.

He took it a bit easy, lightly grazed me with his lips and giving me a few nips, but it felt so good I moaned around his thumb.

An interminable time was spent like that, he was kissing, groping, teasing and bringing me on. I didn't know the movie was over until he broke away from me and looking around, I could see the ending credits finishing. I tried to straighten up in my seat, brought a comb out for my hair, but I felt sheepish and disheveled as we tiptoed past the ushers at the exit waiting for us to leave the theater.

Walking outside was as if stepping into another world, the grey afternoon January sun still blinding, scouring the magic of the darkness away. We were quiet and kept our hands warm in our pockets as we walked through the parking lot and hopped in the car.

He broke the silence and said with a grin," Great movie."

I think I still felt a bit lightheaded, and all I could do was blush and say," Yea..."

"I gotta make a call cutie," he informed me and patted me on the leg," think about what you want for dinner."

There wasn't much to think about in the way of eating establishments in town, so I just stared out the window and eavesdropped.

"Hey man, it's Alex...Yea, I'm a bit early, but I probably won't show up until after 7...Also, I have a friend coming...Yes, that kind of friend...No...Alright, see ya soon."

I looked back over as he hung up," Who was that?"

"Oh, so we've gotten to that point in our relationship then," He shoved me hard, but playfully," I hope our friends like the kitschy Christmas photos we'll take with our Corgis."

"I was just curious," I said with a bit of a pout, getting up," Nevermind then."

"Listen," he said," You're young, I don't want you getting any ideas about what this is. My lifestyle is...unusual, and even if it wasn't I don't want you getting attached."

"I know what fucking around is, you know," I said, feeling too much like a little kid being lectured to. I looked out the window then looked back at him," How fucking old are you anyway?"

"Just 23, squirt," he laughed and tousled my hair.

"I've had older," I bragged, struggling to adjust to the changing tone of the conversation.

"Really," He remarked a bit distantly as he turned the car on and changed the topic," Is there anything good to eat in this town? I usually just pass through but all I remember is bad mexican food and bad barbecue."

"We just got a bad chinese place," I offered, glad to move onto something I wouldn't keep embarrassing myself about.

"That'll do nicely," he assented and pulled out of the parking lot," you're the navigator."

We got there and Alex laughed as the overbearing waitress told me that I shouldn't order the Szechuan Tofu, that I wouldn't like it. He laughed harder as I persisted in my request and we both giggled as she hovered over our table, filling our glasses every time we took a sip.

I guess we looked like the type to dine and dash.

Our dinner arrived, and she was right, I didn't like it. It was gelatinous and bland, and I hoped I was fooling both of them with my unconvincing grunts of pleasure and assurances that I was enjoying it. It took half the chili oil at the table to choke it down. Alex didn't have any problems with his Mu Shu Pork.

We really had a nice time, even with our close supervision. The place was dark, and another few brave souls were fording their own rivers of MSG on the table next to us. Incense tickled my nose and my mouth was burning, but I felt like I was glowing. I didn't eat out much and Alex was a lot of fun to be around.

As soon as I stopped picking at the grey blobs I had attempted to appear sophisticated by ordering, the waitress was by again, putting it all in to go boxes, with extra rice and extra chili oil.

Alex left $30 on the table and I went into the dingy bathroom to brush my teeth.

I didn't see Alex in the dining area, so I went outside after saying goodbye to the waitress, who didn't look at all chagrined she'd been proven wrong as to our trustworthiness.

He was leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette, and I stood beside him and grabbed another one out of his pocket.

"Thanks for the smoke, and dinner," I said, lighting up. Ugh, it was a Marlboro.

"You're welcome," He said, kinda staring down the road," It was fun, never seen a white guy put so much hot sauce on anything."

"If you knew anything about my mother's cooking, you'd know why. Hamburger helper was a good day."

"Never knew my mom," He shared, wistfully and out of character, not making eye contact," Grew up with my grandma, my dad would come by every so often."

"It's rough," I said, putting my hand on his," My dad wasn't around. I used to think that of all the men my mom brought home, one of them would turn out to be my dad. Most I'm really glad they weren't."

I couldn't help but shudder a bit at that last part, I'm such an asshole, I even say insensitive things to myself.

"Well," He said, dropping his cigarette and stamping it out, pulling his hand out from under mine," Now that we've established why we're both here, lets go to my bud's house, have a night in. Drove up from Port Arthur this morning."

He went around and got in the car and I hopped in after him. Whatever else came with it, I was burning with envy about the freedom he seemed to have. Sure, my mom didn't give a fuck where I was, but I was still stuck in this shitty east Texas town. I kept it to myself though.

The mood lightened a bit as we drove out into a modest subdivision full of one story houses and pulled up in the driveway of a well manicured ranch house.

"This is where we're staying," I asked in all innocence.

"What, not enough wheels," Alex teased as he got out," too safe during a tornado? Too few chain link fences and wild dogs roaming the street?"

"Not what I meant at all," I shot back, lugging my overnight bag to the entrance," I just expected a drug den."

Alex laughed at that and knocked on the door," Looks can be deceiving."

A man in his 50's opened up,white, tall, with graying hair and a beard. I smiled and waved, but he just gave me a quick look and said to Alex," Really Alex? How old is this kid."

"C.J., this is John. John, C.J.," Alex said, unphased,"He's seventeen, calm down."

"Hmph, right," John persisted," did you even check his I.D.?"

"No actually," Alex looked over at me," drop trou and we'll count your pubes."

He knew full well I shaved down there.

"My driver's license will probably suffice," I pulled it out of my wallet, a bit miffed at the interrogation.

After he got a look and held it up to the light, John instantly warmed up, shaking my hand and letting us in.

"Sorry bud," Alex apologized as he sat down on a couch in the living room," John is a bit over protective."

I sat down at the other end of the couch," It's fine, maybe I'll start asking for medicare cards."

"If you've known this kid for as long as I have, and knew his daddy, you'd be protective too,"John called from the kitchen, not hearing me," water, soda, something stronger? I have Jello shots in the fridge."

"Were you having a party? Water and a few shots for us, thanks," Alex replied, and then said to me," come on over, John's gay, won't mind if we sit together."

I scooted over and Alex wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me.

"Damn, I can see why you brushed your teeth. Firey and minty, might work, my foreskin has had worse."

"Corrupting our youth, are you Alex?" John came in bearing a tray with the drinks and set it down on the coffee table," No, other than you I wasn't expecting anyone, vodka and oj tears up my stomach lately, so I'm trying new things."

"Hah, I actually kept him out to school today," Alex explained with mirth as he grabbed a couple shots and handed one to me," I figured he'd have his mom's signature mastered by now and could sign his own tardy slip."

I affirmed with a nod as I slurped a grape shot down.

"Quite a pair of delinquents," John chuckled, relaxing and having one of his own," Out of Houston today?"

"No, Port Arthur, tomorrow Nac and then Big D," Alex took another shot, and looked at me," Listen, why don't you go freshen up in the hall bathroom, check under the sink. Give us a bit of time to catch up"

"Ok, cya soon," I obliged, not really wanting to miss whatever it was they were talking about, but excited about what cleaning up would soon mean. I did my best to make my butt wiggle as I walked over to the bathroom. On a full stomach the jello shot didn't do much, but I could feel myself loosening up.

It was clean, double sinks and a big tub, though I didn't have time for a soak, I just stripped and grabbed the supplies under the sink and washed out a few times. Things were spotless, but I wish I hadn't been lazy last night and prepared, I was tight. I grabbed a bit of lube from my bag and got things started at least.

Then I sponged clean, dried off, lotioned up, and got dressed again. I had straightened it in the morning, but my hair never really settled down until the evening, especially after a wash. I just brushed it and admired my new purple streaks. It was a hard color to achieve.

After another brushing, my dragon breath was hopefully tamed. Mouthwash too, I considered swallowing until I remembered I wasn't a gutter junkie. Not yet anyway. "Could that be foreshadowing!?!??!," I thought to myself in the most maudlin way possible.

I wish everyone else found me as funny as I did myself. I like to imagine I'd make a good doomsayer at the roman forum.

I felt like if I rejoined them now, I would be interrupting things, so I clipped my nails, checked for errant nose hairs, and I was just thinking about looking through the medicine cabinet when I heard the front door shut. Things were probably settle down, whatever it was.

I let myself out into the living room and they were standing in the entryway. They looked my way and John whistled," you are a sight. I don't know why you young people dress the way you do, I always prefered things more clean cut. However, if Alex can't perform tonight and you can still walk, I'm not against sloppy seconds."

Whatever I'd expected, it wasn't that. I'm sure I blushed, Alex laughed.

"You did say you'd had older," He reminded me.

"Maybe I will," I said," John can drive me home just as well you can."

That got Alex's attention, he had a jealous streak. I had his number now. I smiled wide and John had big belly laugh.

"Fuck, let's go to bed," Alex ran towards me and scooped me over his shoulder surprising me, turned around and said goodbye to John," See you in the morning."

"Bye, nice to meet you," I waved to him when I got turned around again. He was red with tears and could just nod his head.

"Ouch, fucker, watch where you swing me," I said as we rounded the corner and he opened the guest room door.

He finally set me down on the carpet, then smoothed my hair and gave me quite the kiss.

"Strip," he said, and sat down on the bed to watch me.

"Haha, alright," Said as I shed my hoodie, turned around and bent over to unlace my boots.

Once they were kicked off, I turned to face him again and slowly started undoing my belt, and twirled to show him as I ran it through all the loops. I stayed pivoted to my side as I undid my top loop and unzip my fly.

"You know I just remembered," I said," I'm straight, I was just going along with everything to be polite. Please forgive me."

"That's the worst story I've heard all week," Alex growled as be bounded towards me, but stopped short of knocking me over in a feat of balance.

He roughly pulled down my pants and stayed kneeling, rubbing his rough stubble over my inner thighs and licking between my Y-fronts and my legs. His hands were kneading my butt.

I shuddered and felt unsteady on my feet, my boner was sticking straight out and was leaking precum on his ear. I make little yips as he his efforts nearly brought me off my feet.

Then Alex stood up, taking my shirt with him and flinging it off somewhere. I found myself faced with his clothed rising and falling chest. With one hand he pulled my head up to kiss him and with the other he began digging in the back of my underwear. From the top of my crack, over my hole, grazing my perineum and up under to my prostate, pushing my thighs apart with his big hands. Then back up again to the top of my crack and further, ending up between my shoulderblades making me gasp and compress them back together. His hands made is way down and stopped at the outside my thighs.

"When did these happen," He asked, fingering the raised scars that criss crossed my thigh, and bringing his hands up to my shoulders, squeezed those too," here also."

My face burned and I felt ashamed, this was always a question I had to answer.

"A few years ago, for a couple years," I said unsteadily," I was going through a hard time, but I've learned to handle myself better."

"Why," He asked, tracing what had started as stripes, but over the years had been slashed into a bird's nest of white lines.

"I'm not really the kind to get into fights," I meandered," this was the only way, the only thing I had any kind of say in, I thought."

"There is an aesthetic appeal," He said, biting into my shoulder.

"Not if you ever change your mind," I said bitterly.

"They're beautiful," He said, but it didn't make me feel good, just made my skin crawl.

"Would you ever let anyone do it to you, I mean the cuts," He asked, bringing my head up and looking into my eyes, his were dark, impenetrable and shining in the dim light.

I was speechless. What could you say to that. Did he want all of me? To stamp me out of existence? Despite my shame, I still felt a certain pride about what I'd done. They were mine, choices I made, and feeling them on my body helped in the same way making them once had. He wanted to bring me back to that? I felt so many conflicting emotions swirling around, I thought I might cry. That would be even worse than if I let him do it right now.

"I'm sorry," He said, pulling me to his chest and breaking the spell," Forget I said it. It's too much. I'm sorry. I'm a little fucked up too, you know."

"Ok," I mumbled into his chest. It wasn't, really. I had begun to appreciate what he wanted from me. People don't say things in situations like this that aren't their true desires.

I would have said the world stopped, but it didn't, I could feel his breathing and his heartbeats rushing blood through his powerful body. My erection, that never went away, still dug into his thigh. His into my stomach. But neither of us said anything, and waited for our bodies to succor our dark thoughts and bring us back to the pleasure side of pain.

It happened, it was inevitable, we couldn't, or at least I couldn't, stop what events had set into motion.

It was so much to handle, the way I felt, being nearly naked while he hadn't taken anything off, my nerves bursting into bloom wherever his hands went.

He had to bend his knees quite a bit, but when he made it he began to circle my nipples with his thumb and tongue. It was agonizing, in a frustrating sort of way, he just went around, and and around, I feared being hypnotized, so I grabbed his hips, squeezed them and pleaded," Mmmph, just chew em up already."

I regretted saying that when I did, because I wasn't prepared for it. His teeth and nails dug into them, and it hurt so badly I thought he was shattering the ribcage behind and tear my arms off. I bit into my hand and endured it, until my nipples seemed to give up and only send me pleasure.

Malleable, that's what I felt, just so much clay under his hands, one of which completed my nudity by pulling my underwear down over the hills of my ass and off my dick and letting them drop to my feet.

"Hop up on the bed," he said, as if I could only hear him faintly, being so high," hands and knees."

"Yes sir," I replied as playfully as I could muster.

"Hey," He said sternly, grabbing me and halting the order," Don't call me that."

"I'm sorry," I apologized," why not?"

"I dunno, it's weird, makes my skin crawl. I'm not a sir, I'm Alex," He mused pensively.

"Alright Alex," I said a bit bashfully and leaned against him, trying to soak up some warmth from what looked like vulnerability on his part.

"You, however, aren't C.J.," He said, rubbing his hands up and down my lower back and ass.

"You wanna call me Collum James? It's a bit unwieldy," I giggled and melted at his touch.

"No, you aren't that either," His voice acquired an edge as he squeezed harder," You're a fucktoy, two disposable holes, something to use. A bitch, a cunt. Mine, whenever I want."

He fairly spat it out as he got to the end, and was digging into me with his fingernails. I trembled and felt like I wanted to sink into the floor, but broke from him and climbed onto the bed.

He didn't make a show of taking off his clothes, just did it fast and leaving them where they fell.

I was glad I didn't have to look at him for what came next. Who wants to look into the eyes of their slayer, their conqueror, when they know they're so outmatched.

It was a little while before he hopped up behind me, and heard some fiddling around, and the lube bottle had rolled against my thigh. He snorted, then exclaimed, and a few seconds later he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me up to my knees, his front against my back.

"Snort some of this," He said, reaching around and putting some white powder he'd deposited on the bridge between his index finger and thumb below my nose.

I hesitated and thought to ask him what it was, but I didn't care, I moved down onto his hand and breathed in sharply through my nose.

"Fuck. Shit. That hurt," I cried and tried to fall back on my palms but he wouldn't let me.

His hand kept my chest pinned to him and he sat down, his mouth at my neck, chewing and scraping and sending needles down my spine. The other hand pushed my lips apart and spread that burning stuff on my top and bottom gum.

The world seemed to be ending, stars, every little point of light in the room rushing past me, and searing through my eyes, even when I closed them. Then they burned down my back and exploded in an energetic firework at every nerve end.

He pushed my shoulders back down on the bed and pulled back and rubbed my hole. I arched my back as low as it could go to meet the pleasure I felt.

Things were rushing so fast, and he said," I don't usually do this, but even though you're a slut, looks like your cunt is tight. I could just ignore it, but you look so fragile, I don't want to break you,"

He picked up the lube bottle, I felt a cold squirt at my hole and heard another one, presumably on his hands. Without much warning, one of his big fingers slid it's way into me, I gasped into the bedspread as he slapped my ass with his other hand.

"Not yet, anyway," He completed his thought from before the penetration, and began to drag his finger in and out of me, pushing lube in and spreading it in the dense hot recesses of my ass.

I pushed back at it, up to his knuckle, and he pulled out, brought another one together with the first, and entered me again.

That familiar burn filled my hole, and with the coke, at least I thought that was it was, it seemed to spread through my nether regions up my torso, and into my chest, my heart threatening to explode in the heat.

A third just prolonged the anticipation, the extra pressure on my anal ring tickled all the way to my cock, which was oozing and connected to the bed with a thickening thread of precum.

It pulled out and I tensed up, waiting for a fourth, or something else.

Something else pushed it's way against and around my wet, twitching hole. His foreskin would cover his head and be pushed back as he circled and went up and down my slick and hairless crack.

I didn't want to believe I would be able to take it, that I'd die when it forced it's way in, but I'd been to this rodeo before, I knew what came next.

"Fghgh," I muffledly cried into the covers as he popped through my hole. Fuck, he was big.

He didn't do the halt every inch thing and let me get used to it, after that initial invasion, it was a slow march to the center of me. My cries became louder and involved more of my stomach as more seemed to keep hewing me apart.

Things had faded into a strained whimper when I felt his bush on the top of my ass and his big balls knocking into mine. I couldn't maintain any volume, It took all I had not to clamp down and try to futilely expel him.

It was nearly as bad as he began pulling out, because he had exposed my ass for what it was, and any penetration short of his full length left an emptiness, and the muscles of the rest had to spasm and squeeze the rest to get that same feeling. I felt like screaming when only his head was left to hold the place of all of what was coming.

I did scream when he shoved back it, and gasped with he pulled back out, and repeated, until things got too fast and all I could manage was a staggered moan.

I began to push back to meet his assaults and his hands roamed my body, squeezing, slapping, scratching and digging into my taut flesh.

Down the back of my thighs to the inside of my knees they went, and he pushed the apart, undermining my stability, and I fell off his cock, prostrate and splayed out on the bed.

I got no rest, because a hand on my hip and another at his cock re-aimed it at my vacant hole and tore through my defenses, occupying it with searing familiarity.

I was unchained then, I flailed and bucked and curled my extremities, I put my head to the side and muffle my cries no longer.

From this position he would go from thrusting into me, crushing me and knocking the wind from me, to pulling out and promising to do more.

"Fuck, your cunt, goddamn," he yelled.

It was better than I could manage. Every bottoming out cleared my head of any reason, I was a panicked animal, backed into a corner, not mentally up to the task of understanding my fate.

Slap, slap slap, accompanied what felt like a rearrangement of my bone structure and musculature, surely my hips would be two inches wider after this, I'd be forever changed and he'd pierce my guts, coming out the other side or through my abdominal muscles.

The manic pain of the whole thing didn't go away, but pleasure began to overshadow it. I was eclipsed by foam tipped waves of pleasure, breaking onto my shore with every return of his powerful, inexorable tide.

The movements became closer to me now, his hips didn't leave my cheeks, he just pivoted and ground on my ass. His arms, free from supporting himself, wrapped around my chest and neck and squeezed out what little breath I managed to catch out of me, leaving me empty of everything but his cock.

"I'm gonna cum in you baby, I'm gonna cum into you, beautiful," He growled in my ear, but with a tenderness that was confusing and seemed almost bipolar after earlier abuses.

He had lied to me. Not content to have my body, he wanted me to belong, to be so attached he could thrust inside my psyche or hole at any time he wanted.

But just as I was helpless to stop the fall of his manhood into me, I couldn't stop my emotions from leaking out like so much precum. I was his. If you want to call it love, sure. Submission, certainly. Whatever it was, I wasn't going to be the same.

My resolve long melted, my heart and his reserves seemed to do so too. With a few final frenetic thrusts he filled me with jets of cum, and the overflow oozed past his member and down my perineum. How could there be so much when he'd come around that noon?

Things weren't done, not by any measure. I don't know if he'd let me finish, it didn't look like it'd be this time, but the fire burning through both of us wasn't close to being extinguished. His hardening cock was already following the dictates of his hips and further rending my hole.

No, we were not done. I don't know if we would ever be.

Next: Chapter 5

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