Fuck or Flight

By John Smith

Published on Feb 22, 2015


Don't read this if you aren't of legal age to view this where you live. It contains sexually explicit material. All names, places, and events are entirely fictional, and any similarities to real-life events are entirely coincidental.

Rights to this story lie exclusively with Nifty and myself. If you wish to reproduce it in part or in whole, contact me. Do not reproduce otherwise.

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My intention is to make this chapter a bit shorter than the last. As always, emails and comments are appreciated.

I was a swirl of emotion as I lay under Alex, unspent, still racing from the drugs and having to struggle to breathe with his weight on me.

He was kissing my neck tenderly and rubbing up and down my sides. His hips rolled on top of mine, his dick rising and falling into me at a slow pace, more like an effort to keep himself hard than really fucking.

Without warning he pushed himself up off and out of me, I gasped as his cock slurped out of me, leaving me empty.

"Roll on your back baby," Alex told me, a with a raspy voice.

He grabbed my knees and helped me over. For the first time after he fucked me, I got a look at him. On his knees he towered over me, black hair on his thighs merged with his pubes then traveled up his tight stomach to a little patch in between his pecs. He really was pretty, his pale skin had that mediterranean undertone of beige rather than my own sometimes pinkish complexion.

Moving my legs apart and supporting himself on his elbows, he laid on me again, face to face. The proportions weren't the best, if he were in me, my face would be on his chest. And I really wanted him in me again.

He kissed me again, gently, his tongue and lips meeting mine in reciprocity, although he definitely took the lead. He held the sides of my face and we shared breath and moisture until the air got stale and I could no longer distinguish his taste from the background. Just at that moment when it would have gone on too long, he broke off and looked down on me.

"You're something," He grinned.

I had no words so I just put my hand to his chest and brought myself up to give him a quick kiss.

I was a bit hurt when he looked conflicted when I opened my eyes again, as if I'd crossed a line or he had felt something he hadn't meant to.

"I...," I tried to say something.

"Don't worry about it," Alex said, pulling back and off of me.

It was overwhelming to have him on me, but I felt deserted without full body contact.

I was glad for the touch when he pushed both my knees up with his forearm and pulled up my butt, taking a look at it.

"You know," He commented," You have the best kind of asshole."

"Really," I laughed, surprised at the comment," What kind of asshole do I have?"

"Well," He explained while rubbing my hole," some guys just have a little ring, some have a big ring, especially if they get around a lot. Some have a pucker, some just a little depression. You, however, have the best type, a little wrinkle."

This was one of the silliest conversations I'd ever had. I asked him through my legs as I curled my toes at his attentions," Why is a wrinkle desirable?"

"I mean, some of the other types have their appeal, and seeing a guy with a little ring gape a bit after you fuck him is really hot. I think wrinkles are the best because they seem to keep their shape the best. I mean, you aren't any looser or tighter, it just looks that way."

"You should write a book," I said with sarcasm," Your dick isn't half bad either."

"I think they're made for each other," He laughed, and kept rubbing his cock up and down my crack.

"Mmmmm...," I moaned," Uh, re lube, please, if you are going again."

He bent over and picked up the bottle where it had fallen off the bed, squirted some on his hands and rubbed it up and down his cock. He grinned and watched face contort when he shoved two fingers in. I was pretty raw, this was going to be a challenge.

"So when did you lose your v-card," He asked casually as he scissored and probed my tender hole.

"Ugh...I was 15...," I got out, but it was hard to concentrate," Why...do you ask?"

"I dunno, just wanted to know," he said, squeezing in a third and another glob of lube,"God you're a sexy bitch."

He kept his fingers in all the way to the knuckles and put my legs on his shoulders. Positioning his cock next to his slimy fingers, he swapped them in an instant and my entrance was filled with his head. I felt sore and fuck it hurt, but it was also just what I had been wanting ever since he pulled out.

He pulled completely out, after not even pushing it further than his head. I was crestfallen, but then he pushed back in, again not any further than his head.

I whimpered every time he did it, just starting and finishing with the most painful part of any fuck. I cringed when it went in, never enough to start feeling good, but it was getting easier, I started to feel really loose and really desperately needed it all the way in. I reached over at his hips during an in time, and tried to push it in, but he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them on the headboard.

I cried out in frustration, a long angsty moan.

"I'll give it to you if you want," He leaned over and growled in my ear,'' You have to tell me you want it, and why."

He kept on with the torturous quick penetrations, and I struggled to squeal out," I want you to fuck me...uhhh...uhhh...because it feels amazing, I want you to go deeper."

"It feels amazing huh," He didn't acquiesce and kept at it," What kind of person want to get fucked, cum into and ruined."

"A...A bottom?"

"No," he rumbled, gnawing at my neck," You know what I want to hear."

I did, but it was one thing for him to say those things about me, it was another to say it out loud. Spoken words have power, and this wasn't exactly a situation I felt powerful in.

It was agonizing, I was rock hard and he was really punishing my hole, I had to stop it however I could, and it's not like on some level I didn't believe these things about myself.

"I'm a bitch, I want your cock and your cum and I can't be happy unless I'm torn to pieces every now again," The words just kept pouring out of me, and I surprised myself at how true they sounded to my ears," I'm just a cunt and a fuckhole. I...I...Ahhh!"

I screamed as he shoved all the way into me, my eyes watered and I felt like my insides were being tenderized.

My arms were aching from being held up so stiffly and it was almost a relief when he let them go, until he brought his hands at my knees and pushed them nearly to my shoulders. I felt like a pretzel and it caused my ass to push out as far as it could, and my cheeks to pull to the side, giving him more depth to plunge.

It was the furthest I could ever remember being penetrated, though I was so discomposed, it was all I could do to grit my teeth to keep from yelling, I might have been, I couldn't think of anything but where I was, who was inside of me, it seemed like he was fucking my mind blank. Was I going to be a drooling idiot after this? Mentally and physically wrecked?

I had to focus on something, with my eyes clenched, what was happening was a nameless dark monster, out of nightmares and wet dreams.

Opening them and looking into Alex's eyes was an improvement, but he had an odd composure about him. It was the set of his jaw, the sweat dripping off his brow and onto my chest, the way he looked not at me but through me.

When he did look at me, it wasn't a kindly look at all. It seemed wrong, this shouldn't be reciprocal, he grimaced as if I shouldn't be taking him in, that it was his job, to eat me up, to pound me senseless, that by looking at him I exposed some vulnerability within him, brought on by drugs or inner demons.

"Fuck," He groaned, then pivoted his torso and pushed his armpit into my face. I hadn't thought anything would take the fore from the pistoning in my guts, but this did. It was steaming and suffocatingly warm and wet, the smell and salt burnt my eyes and nose. It was acrid, musky, spicy. My nose was pushed flat so in order to breathe I had to open my mouth and gasp through the filter of his hair. Oddly enough his sweat tasted like slick, gritty cum; raunchy, saline, with a chalky bitterness from deodorant that had long thrown in the towel. I couldn't help myself, I just began to suck and lap at his pit. I felt compelled to imbibe his masculine essence in every way I could. It made things even wetter, and I'm sure hair was plastered to my face and neck.

With his left hand he begun to slap my ass, hard and fast. It stung, then seared, then faded to a dull burn. When I finally felt numb after who knows how many spankings, he dug into my battered lower back and buns with his fingertips and nails, and got amazing purchase with which to fuck me harder and reignited little stabwounds of pain that radiated heat and pleasure.

Alex's pace picked up and lost that terrible focus. His thrusts became frenetic and his chest heaved on the back of my upturned thighs. All at once he was struck with a tremulous rigor and thrust his now seizing dick as deep as he could and his heavy balls retracted up from the small of my back and fired new salvos of cum deep within me, making me full again.

After a time, his stiffness left him and he let me catch my first fresh breath in minutes. I gasped and he was immediately upon my open mouth, intruding into it with desperately passionate french kisses, as if he was trying to lap up and regain the vigor he had spent within me. I could only weakly respond, I hadn't cum, but I had been hammered into thin leaves of gold, and as soon as he got off of me I felt sure that had the fan been on I'd be broken into scraps and scattered to the wind.

It didn't happen though; when he gingerly pulled out of me I was still there, all in one piece. I let my sore legs fall down, and rolled to my side, facing the edge of the bed. I hadn't come, but I had remained hard throughout. I decided to take care of myself and started jacking off.

"Uh, shit," he said into my ear as he came up from behind to spoon me," I forgot about you."

"It's ok," I mumbled. It really was, I felt a strong desire to reclaim a bit of myself after being so consumed by him. That wasn't in the cards though.

Alex nudged my hands away and for only the second time, touched my cock. He was better this time, I guess he knew how to after all. I started to grind my teeth and whimper with the urgency that he was bringing to my loins.

That must have got him going, because his cock was hardening and poking through my thighs. He pulled himself up a bit so that he could rub his length up and down my crack. I was really sore, I wanted to cum but I wasn't sure I wanted him to fuck me again, wasn't sure I could take it.

Sometimes things are better when life doesn't give you choices. My hole was loosened and wet with cum and lube. He aimed it into me and slowly pushed in until he bottomed out.

"Ugh," I moaned. It was easier this time, but I felt puffy and swollen down there, and as he began grinding his hips, it rasped and scraped my walls.

His free hand began roaming my writhing body, circling then squeezing my nipples, squeezing my chest until it hurt. He slid down to my stomach, right above my pelvic bone and stopped.

"Holy shit," He exclaimed, grabbing my hand and putting it at the bottom of my abdomen," Feel this."

In concert with his cock going in and out of me, I could feel with my palm the head of his cock through my bowel walls. I was flabbergasted, metaphor is one thing, but he was actually pushing out of me. I sucked my flat stomach in further, and looked down and I could see it, a little bump, appearing and disappearing to the rhythm of his fucks.

He reached behind me and pulled my battered cheeks apart, so he could get in further. It grew, his head bulging out.

"Damn, this is the hottest thing I've ever felt," He said, put his arm around my neck and pulled my head towards him and kissed the side of my face," where the fuck did you come from?"

Catching my breath, I laughed," I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Ugh," I moaned, reacting to his renewed efforts. He started pulling in and out of me, one hand squeezing my neck, and the other, feeling my abdomen, entranced by his new discovery.

A steady in and out became a brutal pistoning, and this position really squeezed my prostate, making my cock throb and my balls tighten up.

He started choking me, gradually squeezing and fucking my sore, cum filled insides, all contributing to an euphoria that caused my tongue to loll out and drool to pool on the pillow.

"Shit you're so fucking sexy. I could fuck you forever. I'm going to kidnap you and use you until you're worn out and I don't have to lose lube," He was growling into my ear. It was crazy stuff, just a torrent of abuse and praise," Goddamnit, you slut. I want to make you black and blue every night. You're so pretty I just want to hurt you."

I was in no position to refute any of it, and it slipped past all my defenses and I believed every word. I wanted to be owned by this guy, to be Alex's, whatever came with it.

I was about to come with it though, I could feel my cock pulsing, I hadn't touched it, and my eyes were straining and I couldn't bread. I let out a thin, high pitched wail as cum came torrenting out of me, shooting over the covers and off the side of the best. He was fucking it out of me, my body at his mercy, It was so much and I felt like I was going to run out and start using vital fluids or something, or that he would succeed and pop through me.

He never let up with the choking, even when he came. And he came mightily, all his ranting abuse just became gibberish and edged on by my own orgasm, the first at his hands, or really, his cock, he spurted inside of me, as deep within my guts as he could manage.

I started to get worried that I was suffocating. In the post orgasm glow he wasn't letting go. I made some attempts at struggle, but if I hadn't gotten his attention he might have squeezed the life out of me.

The air, when it came, was heady with our smells and moisture and the room was warm, but it was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted.

Our adrenaline subsided, the coke burnt from our bodies, and our release caused us to slip into unconsciousness. The last thing I remember is his chin on the top of my head and his body wrapped around me, beating me asleep, but not by much.

Next: Chapter 6

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