Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jun 15, 2010


The Fuckerware Party -- Chapter 01 by Tappy McWidestance

Even now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?

My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same company I work for in marketing. We live in an upper middle class neighborhood in suburban Denver. Unfortunately we bought our house at the end of the housing bubble and just as the easy mortgage money was disappearing. We are not late on our mortgage, but the inflated payments make it a struggle with our other bills. Because Jim's income varies, some months are good and some are very tight.

Jim and I both ended up taking part time jobs to make ends meet. The result is we don't see each other that often. Our schedules are taking a toll on our marriage. It's not so much the companionship I miss, but the quality sex. I've always been a very sexual person. In college I took to the freedom of being away from home with vigor. I went through boyfriends on a regular basis. I kept the ones who really knew how to fuck around longer, but eventually I tired of them and moved on to a new conquest.

After I graduated I took my current job. I had a small apartment and was determined to concentrate on launching my career. My string of boyfriends continued until I met Jim. He was the most complete fit that I had ever met. He seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for sex. Although I had a rule to never bed a new man on the first date, with Jim I just fell into his arms and we have been together ever since.

Unfortunately as the money got tight and our schedules diverged, lack of time and energy meant our sex lives took a hit. We went from twice a day, once in the morning before work and once at night before going to bed, to just the mornings, to every couple of mornings to every couple of weekends. Worse yet, the quality of our lovemaking were also taking a hit. Jim, while generous, was treating our sex life as a chore to be endured instead of our previous celebrations of life. To say I was frustrated is an understatement. My dildo could give me a workout when I found the time and energy, but I needed a man's touch.

Of course I knew I could find a replacement for Jim easily. But I didn't want to cheat on him and as a husband he was a good man. I kept thinking that if we could just hang on, the economy would improve and things would be like they had been in the past. Fortunately when I was at my wits end, Jim had a huge sales month and his commission afforded us the opportunity for a getaway vacation. We were able to rent a small house just outside Rocky Mountain National Park for 5 nights. After the first couple of days of hiking and recharging our batteries, Jim and I were both like our old selves. We didn't leave the house for the next three days except to shop for food. Our romance was definitely rekindled.

Unfortunately the next month Jim's sales were down and we were back to struggling to make ends meet. Even worse, our sex life was non-existent. One night while I was home alone (Jim was at his second job) my neighbor Judy invited me over, an invitation I gladly accepted. Judy and Ron, her husband, were a couple of years older than Jim and me. They seemed to have an ideal marriage. We didn't know them that well, but we always got along with them when we interacted.

Judy said Ron was out of town and she was feeling lonely. She had a bottle of wine open and poured me a glass.

"I hate to drink alone," she said.

For the next couple of hours we drank and chatted like old friends. As the alcohol lowered our inhibitions, conversation turned more sexual in nature. Eventually I spilled the beans about my lack of sex problem. Judy just laughed.

"That's no problem. I can solve that," she commented.

My mind was a little cloudy, but I wondered if I just heard what I thought I heard.

"Listen Tina. Every woman needs a little help in the bedroom. Ron is great, but I still need to supplement him."

"What kind of supplement?" I asked hoping she wasn't talking about me.

"Sex toys silly. What did you think I meant?"

I stammered an answer that didn't make me sound like I thought she was cheating on Ron. She sounded like she didn't believe me. I was quick to change the subject and she was quick to open another bottle of wine. By the end of bottle two, my head was spinning. I told Judy I needed to head home. I knew Jim would be home in just over an hour and I wanted to get in bed so he wouldn't find me drunk. I stood on wobbly legs and started walking toward the door. As we were passing the stairs to the second floor, Judy not so subtlety pushed me toward the stairs.

"Before you leave I want to show you something."

In my wine fueled haze I was reluctant, but she was insistent and I found myself clutching the banister as she directed me to her bedroom. It was tastefully appointed and had a big walk in closet. There were three dressers, clothes racks and a large cloth covered recliner. I was getting nervous and I'm sure it showed. Judy commented on my obvious discomfort and told me to relax.

"Here, look at this," she said. "This is how we keep our bed fresh and I keep my pussy satisfied."

Even drunk I was shocked that she mentioned her pussy. I watched as Judy slid open the bottom drawer of the dresser. She pulled out a beautiful piece of lace lingerie.

"This is for when I'm sweet."

Then she shut that drawer and opened the next. It was filled with lingerie also, but it looked like leather and maybe even vinyl. She pulled out a stiff bra with holes cut out of the center.

"This is for when I'm naughty."

Shutting that drawer she moved onto the next. It was filled with all manner of dildos, vibrators and a short cylinder with nubs on the end a little bigger than a AA battery.

"This is for when Ron isn't home or can't get it up. I'll be in this drawer later tonight."

Finally moving onto the fourth drawer she showed me a collection of cuffs, blindfolds, a paddle, a crop and a thick black strap-on dildo.

"And this is for when I'm feeling extra kinky."

I just nodded my head not sure of what to say.

"All I'm saying is I'd rather have Ron's dick, but that isn't always possible. Even when he is home, I cum much better with the aid of these."

She picked up the short cylinder and held it up for me to look at. Go ahead and take it silly. She turned the base and it sprung to life. I held it in my hands. Its vibrations were powerful for its small size.

"You hold it perpendicular to your clit when your man is taking care of you. He'll feel the vibrations and it will drive you wild. I guarantee it. The only problem is it eats batteries. I had to buy recharables for it."

I turned off the devilish little toy and tried to and it back to her but she wouldn’t take it.

"Keep it. Try it when Jim gets home and tell me what you think tomorrow. I've got plenty of options for tonight."

If I was sober maybe I would have refused. That would have been the safe thing. But I didn't. I took my new friend home and headed to the bedroom. I hate to admit it, maybe it was the wine, but watching Judy describe her toy collection had turned me on. I was desperate to try the tiny vibrator. I stripped off my clothes and jumped in my bed. Reaching down my fingers confirmed what I already knew. I was wet. I opened the drawer in my bedside table and retrieved my dildo. I usually used it only after Jim fell asleep if he hadn't made me orgasm. Occasionally I used it when he was working late, but I always felt guilty. Tonight I didn't feel remorse, guilt or any other hang up as I slid my dildo into my dripping pussy.

Oh, it felt so good. Jim hadn't given me his cock for at least a week and who knew how he would feel when he got home. I didn't want to chance he would be too tired for me so I began fucking myself in earnest. When I was good and worked up, I turned the small vibrator Judy had given me back on. My clit was engorged and peaking out of its hood. Its first contact with the tiny buzzer was almost shocking, in a good way. I buzzed myself several times, each time removing the vibrator quickly although holding it on my clit longer each time.

Finally my body adjusted to the sensation and I was able to hold it directly over my clit while I continued to bang away at my pussy with the dildo. Judy was right. It was heavenly. I had used a vibrator a couple of times in college but I forgot what having a powerful toy could do for me. Soon I was thrashing on the bed and then gloriously cumming. It was the best climax I had since we went on vacation a few months earlier. I lay in the bed glowing until I heard the garage door open.

Damn, I had forgotten about Jim. I jumped up and put both toys in my drawer. I grabbed a robe out of our bathroom and wrapped it around my hot, naked body. I ran downstairs and found Jim in the kitchen. I purposely left the sash of the robe open so he would have easy access to my body. With the robe blowing open and my breasts flapping, I ran into the kitchen and wrapped him in my arms.

"Take me to bed or lose me forever!" I shouted.

I pushed him against the wall and planted a passionate kiss on him before he could react. Fortunately the story doesn't end with him rejecting me. He did take me to bed and he did make love to me. I used the little vibrator on my clit while he was inside of me and he was inspired by its sensations. I came twice more before he deposited his load. I had to get one of these toys for myself.

The next morning Jim was up and out of the house early. I had a few minutes before I would have to drag myself to the shower in order to make it to work on time. As a result, I enjoyed another fine round of self pleasure with my new friend. My life attitude was definitely improving.

That night I had to work my second job so it was late before I was heading home. I stopped at 7-11 and picked up a package of overpriced batteries. I figured it was the least I could do for Judy. I didn't get home until 11 and all the lights were out in the house. Jim must have already been asleep. I looked over at Judy's house and several lights were still shining. I contemplated returning her toy but decided it was too late. I also didn't want to risk having to explain myself to her husband in case he was back from his trip.

I went into my house and up to the bedroom. Jim was snoring fast asleep. I went into the bathroom and peeled off my dirty clothes. I took a quick shower and then crawled into bed warm and naked. I thought of my dildo and of the vibrator, but sleep overtook me before I chose to act on my urge.

The next night Jim and I both worked our second jobs, but they sent me home early because they were slow. Seeing Judy's lights on I decided to stop over. She appeared happy to see me and I thanked her for letting me use her wonderful toy. I was secretly hoping she would let me borrow something else, but instead she invited me to a toy party at her house on Saturday.

"What's a toy party?" I asked. I had visions of women sitting around using toys on themselves and I really wasn't into that scene.

"Actually I got all my toys from the same place. There's a woman I know who sells sex toys door-to-door."

"Really, door-to-door?" I said with disbelief.

"Well not really. She has a website and she also sells via hostess parties like I'm having Saturday. It's kind of like a Tupperware party only we call it Fuckerware."

"I'm not sure I understand," I said.

"Suzy, my friend, brings samples of what she sells on the website to somebody's house. That person invites some friends she thinks will be open to and benefit from the subject matter. You get great pricing because she doesn't have a retail location requiring a big mark-up and you get to look at the toys in a non-threatening location."

"That all sounds innocent enough," I commented.

"Just to warn you, it's not all innocent. Not that we're going to force you to do anything, but sometimes a woman wants to test the merchandise. Suzy brings a few 'demo' models and sometimes either lets you borrow one in the privacy of a bedroom or even demonstrates on herself."

Things were starting to get weird, but I told Judy I would attend. After all I could always leave and Jim was working anyway. The rest of the week I thought about the party and how I would react. I was certainly sexually open and I really liked her little vibrator. I knew I wanted to at least buy that one, but what else would she bring? Would the other women in attendance be 'normal' or was Judy inviting a bunch of degenerates? Is that what she thought of me? No, I was normal and Judy seemed normal enough. I decided it was just a gathering of liberated women who wanted pleasure. At least that is what I told myself.

Saturday finally came. Jim had to work from noon to 8. The party was at 2 so I figured I would have plenty of time to try out my new toys. I debated what to wear to the party. It seemed like I should wear a skirt in case I was inspired to try a toy, but I didn't want to seem too obvious. I decided on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. At the last minute I almost changed my mind, but at 2pm I walked next door. There were at least 8 cars parked in front of Judy's house. I rang the door bell and she let me in.

"Thanks for coming Tina," she said and gave me a big hug. "Let me introduce you."

Judy walked me around the room introducing me to a series of women. Most we around our age and had wedding rings on their fingers. I've never been good with names but I made it a point to remember Suzy, the sales lady. I was also introduced to Faith. She lived a few houses to the north of Judy and Ron. I had seen her in the neighborhood but we had never met. As she shook my hand I was struck by how firm her handshake was. She was solid like an athlete. She wasn't curvy and she wasn't classically beautiful. She struck me as powerful and I wondered if she lifted weights.

Judy said there were two other people expected so we stood around and chatted until they arrived. Everyone was very friendly and the atmosphere was definitely casual. Judy had several bottles of wine open and everybody had a couple of glasses except Suzy. When it was time to get down to business, we formed a circle around the living room. Suzy began with a description of her company and her philosophy on women's pleasure. Her theory was that for too long women had suppressed their own sexual pleasure and sex was something to be celebrated not condemned. Whether alone or with a partner, a woman should be able to do whatever she wanted to find her pleasure zone. Of course that met with great satisfaction to the assembled group.

Suzy lifted a large case onto the coffee table and opened it up. Inside were about 6 dildos and vibrators neatly held in high density foam. I also spied the little vibrator Judy had let we borrow, the one thing I knew I wanted to buy. All of the women leaned forward and began to pay more attention. Suzy picked out the first vibrator and began to talk about its quality construction for years of dependability. She went on to describe each toy in detail and passed them around the group. The women were examining the toys like you would examine a fruit or vegetable at the store before you bought it. Some were weighing them in their hands comparing the relative merits of the models and speculating on which would was better suited to their purpose.

After showing everything in that case, Suzy pulled out a catalog. "Of course I can't bring everything I represent with me, but I can get you whatever you need."

I didn't have a toy in my hand at that moment so I gestured to get the catalog. I had never seen such a selection in my life. There was every size, shape and color imaginable. I had no idea how somebody was supposed to choose. I was engrossed in looking at the catalog and not paying attention in the least when one of the women asked Suzy for a demonstration. I looked up just as Suzy was opening another case, also filled with vibrators.

"I keep these as demonstration models," she said. "They all get cleaned after each party so you don't have to worry about hygiene."

A woman, I didn't remember her name, picked a large vibrator and walked up to Judy. She whispered something in her ear and Judy said "up the stairs" and pointed out of the living room. The woman casually walked out and the demonstration continued.

Suzy opened a third case. This one was different. I wasn't even sure what all the things were. As Suzy explained about the items I learned about nipple suckers, clit suckers, magic wands, Ben WA balls, chastity belts and more. I'm sure I was not the only one who found this arousing. I know that because just as the first woman was returning with the borrowed vibrator, another one of my neighbors, Lisette, I think, a young blonde who had just moved into the subdivision, grabbed a different model and walked out of the room.

My pussy was starting to feel very warm and I now regretted wearing the jeans. They were very tight and the crotch was rubbing my pussy every time my weight shifted in the chair. Like the dildos and vibrators had been, this case of toys was passed around for inspection and another catalog followed. The room seemed to be getting warmer as Suzy asked for volunteers to model some lingerie.

I looked around the room and only one hand was up. It was Judy's. Suzy excused herself and walked out with Judy and a suitcase. They disappeared upstairs and the rest of us sat silently. The only sound to break the silence was Lisette returning to the room. She definitely had the look of someone who had been masturbating.

"This thing is incredible. You girls have to try it," she said.

About that time Suzy returned. "Judy will be down in a minute. I wish somebody else would volunteer so you could see more, but we'll be fine."

Suzy busied herself passing out lingerie catalogs and then I saw Judy descending the stairs. She was dressed in a black merry widow, thigh high stockings and 4" stiletto pumps. She looked incredibly sexy. I didn't remember ever thinking of another woman that way. Maybe it was the tension in my jeans or maybe it was the entire atmosphere of being around the toys, but I felt my pussy gush a little when she entered the room.

Judy toured the group while Suzy described why her lingerie was superior to what you buy in name brand stores like Victoria's Secret. What she was saying made sense, although when I looked at the prices in the catalog, I questioned whether it made that much sense. The group of women seemed apprehensive about having Judy model in front of them. I wondered if it was because they were all having the same feelings between their legs that I was having or whether it was something else. Judy modeled 4 other outfits that afternoon and by the end of the show all I could think about was getting home and getting my hand in my pants.

I tried to estimate how much money Suzy took in that afternoon. It was considerable. Most of the toys she had "in stock" in her SUV as well as some of the lingerie. The rest she had to order with a promise to deliver within a week. I felt I needed to apologize that all I could afford was my new small sleek vibrator to replace the one I had borrowed from Judy. Suzy told me not to worry about it. If I wanted to host a party I could earn more toys and if I wanted to model, I could do better still. I told her I'd think about it, but I really intended just to save my money. I didn't think I could show myself off like Judy had done.

I walked back home. I wanted to run but I was afraid somebody from the party would see me. Once inside the house, though, I made a beeline to our bedroom and quickly shed my clothes. My orgasms were quick to arrive and quick to depart. I knew I wasn't satisfied but with Jim due home, I figured I'd have to wait. After a light dinner, I practically raped Jim. He performed well, but my mind was on Judy modeling the lingerie. I didn't know why that was what I pictured, but I was imagining her taking off her lingerie and beckoning me to come to her. Jim and I both climaxed at the same time, but I had to wonder what he would do if he knew I was thinking about my sexy neighbor while I did.

Our work schedules continued to be chaotic and nights like that one were few and far between. Luckily my happiness buzzer was keeping me sane, although it was starting to lose its appeal. I knew I needed something fresh and exciting. I called Suzy to host a party, but I really didn't know enough people who would attend to make it profitable for her. She continued to press me to be a model. I couldn't tell her that the primary reason I was uncomfortable was I had been secretly fantasizing about Judy and I didn't want other women thinking of me that way.

Being the good sales person that she is, Suzy persuaded me to come to her office, her house actually, and see more samples. She said I could try them on and "test" model them in private to get over my uneasiness. She told me that Judy had earned $300 worth of merchandise at her party. Suzy told me she had a big party scheduled for a bridal shower in three weeks. She would give me 5% of the receipts in cash if I modeled or 10% in product trade. I wanted to do it. I certainly needed the money or if I took products instead I would be set for the foreseeable future. I agreed to visit Suzy and learn more.

Two days later I was sitting drinking tea in Suzy's living room. She lived in a nice house which was tastefully decorated. After some getting to know you chit chat, Suzy escorted me to the basement where she ran the business. The basement was finished like a rec room except for rack upon rack of shelves stocked with every sex toy imaginable. There were three free standing wardrobes full of lingerie, a small stage with lights and a stripper pole, a sex swing hanging from the ceiling and a bed. It took several moments of me standing open mouthed before she spoke.

"It's a little overwhelming."

I had to agree. I never expected the quantity of her operation. Suzy explained she does at least 3 shows a week and usually 4. It got grueling since she had to fill the orders from the shows and website all day and then be out a few nights a week at the parties, but she was clearing about half a million in sales each year off the web and about half that in party sales. As the only full time employee she was earning about $300,000. I start doing the math in my head. 5% of party receipts times a couple of hundred thousand... Modeling could be the answer to my money dilemma.

Apparently Suzy could see the wheels spinning in my head. She told me that to be a successful model for her, my job would be to turn on the guests and get them in a sexy, buying mood, much as Judy had done. She explained I would have to be comfortable modeling the lingerie and handling the toys, although she wouldn't require me to demonstrate the toys. Of course, at some parties, the women get a little wild and they will request demonstrations. It would be entirely up to me whether to accept those requests.

"I will tell you, I had a model that was more than happy to show off her masturbation skills to a bunch of repressed housewives. She was an exhibitionist at heart, but I also think she liked teasing them. Once she got herself off, whatever vibrator she was using would fly off the shelf. I usually made twice as much money those weeks. I always gave her a healthy bonus after those parties because I knew she was responsible for the sales. Most parties don't get that crazy, but I can guarantee you will be propositioned at some of them. What do you think?"

I paused. The money sounded great, but I didn't know if I could do it. I explained my apprehension and Suzy was very calm and reassuring.

"Look Tina. You are a beautiful woman and I think you could do very well. But you have to get over shyness. That would fly if you were hosting the party. Heck it might even help because your friends know what you are like and it would feel genuine. But if we're working as a team, you need to not be nervous and really sell the product."

I told her I understood and was willing to try.

"OK," she said. "Let's start with having you try on a modest nightie. Take your clothes off."

Suzy left no wiggle room in her command. I looked around for a changing room, but I didn't see one. Suzy wasn't paying attention to me. She was hunting through the wardrobe. So I quickly dispatched my clothes and placed them, neatly folded, on the table. I was standing in my bra and panties when she returned with a long, flowing house gown.

"You can keep the panties for this one, but lose the bra."

Suzy's eyes were locked on mine as I unhooked my bra leaving my breasts to dangle free. Suzy took my bra and placed it on the table with the rest of my clothes and helped me slide into the house gown. She tugged and pinched the gown trying to get it to hang properly.

"You'll need to learn how to dress yourself since you will not have help at the party, but today I'll help because I need to learn how to fit you."

I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror behind the stage. The gown wasn't fitting right and Suzy looked upset. She kept trying to adjust it. In the process she kept touching my sensitive spots. Several times she "accidentally" brushed against my breasts trying to get the material to hang right. Instantly my nipples began to harden which was probably the look she was going for.

Eventually she gave up with a dejected huff. "This one just isn't going to fit. I need to measure you."

Suzy pulled off the gown leaving me standing there naked, except for my panties. She pulled a tape measure out from a desk drawer along with a pad of paper. Height, weight, inseam, arm and leg length, waist size, bust size, hips, calves, you name it, she measured it. Her fingers were constantly touching me. Not in a sexual way, per say, she was cool and professional, but my body didn't know that. My body was responding in kind. My pussy was lubricating and my nipples were hard as rocks. When Suzy knelt down in front of me to measure my inseam, I spread my legs a little bit to give her room to place the measuring tape. In doing so, my pussy came in contact with the back of her hand. I'm sure she could tell I was wet and although even though I couldn't smell myself, I'm sure at the close range of her head's position, she could. I shiver ran through my body as I gave into the eroticism of the moment.

Standing there naked in front of the fully clothed Suzy was my worst nightmare. My body was responding in ways I could not control. Suzy remained detached and professional which was driving me crazy. Part of me wanted to flee and part of me wanted her to throw me down had fuck me, but my body was frozen on the spot unable to move to either extreme. Suzy returned with a red leather corset she swore would fit me better. She had me remove my panties. Her hands continued to tantalize my flesh as she helped me into it. Once again she brushed my nipples as she positioned the corset's cups around my breasts. She seemed to be taking pride in teasing me as she laced the garment ever tighter forcing my breasts to swell upward and out giving me a massive cleavage and pulling the tight crease of the corset's crotch strap deeper and deeper in between my pussy lips. In the end the garment was so tight I struggled to breathe as Suzy left me staring at myself in the mirror while she retrieved some shoes.

I looked at the vision in the mirror. It wasn't me. It was some sex crazed bimbo on the prowl. My pussy was soaking. Even if Suzy had not noticed before, the corset was going to be wet when she took it off of me. Visions of having to buy the corset and wear it home to avoid detection flooded my mind. I knew I couldn't afford it, though, and where would I wear such a garment? I'd scare Jim off if I wore this in the bedroom, I chuckled to myself.

Suzy returned with a pair of red leather stilettos to match my corset. Fuck Me Pumps were all I could think as she steadied my wobbly legs enough to slip them on.

"Walk for me. Let's see if you can model this one."

I teetered across the stage unable to take my eyes off the reflection in the mirror. I could see Suzy smiling as she watched. Although I had worn heels this high before, the constricting nature of the corset required me to take very small steps. Whenever I took a normal step, the binding of the crotch put incredible pressure on my clit. I gasped at the first step and had to fight to keep from losing control. Slowly I became more sure footed. As I walked back and forth across the stage Suzy kept calling out suggestions, or were they commands, on how to strut and "show off the merchandise." I wasn't sure if she was talking about me or the corset. My mind was swirling with lust as the corset continued to rub my sensitive naughty bits in the most arousing ways. Suzy continued to bark orders and pull on the edges of the corset, and my breasts, nipples, ass and pussy, in the supposed cause of making sure it fit "just right." I was quickly losing control and about to give into my lust and simply start masturbating when Suzy announced that was enough for the corset. She helped me off the stage and started unlacing the garment.

My body was hot with a mixture of sweat and love juice as Suzy peeled the offending garment from my body. The crotch of the corset suck to my pussy lips until Suzy peeled it way, a dark stain of moisture confirmed what we both knew to be the truth. I slumped into a chair. I was breathing hard, my torso finally released from the constriction of the corset. My pussy was throbbing and my legs were splayed wide. I had started to come back to my senses and again my conscious mind told me to grab my clothes and get out of there while my lust fueled subconscious told me to just give in and finger fuck myself.

Suzy hung the corset back on the clothes rack and pulled off a baby doll nightie. This could not have been more different from the corset. It was silk, soft and hung gently from my curves. Once again Suzy brushed my sensitive areas, driving me wild, as she fit the garment to my body. Once again Suzy had me strut in front of the mirror while giving me instructions on how to move and even pout for erotic effect. My arousal was even more in overdrive by the time I finished modeling the nightie. Suzy stopped the pretense of ignoring my overheated state and told me there was nothing wrong with enjoying my job. That was how her clothes were supposed to make a woman feel. I wanted to tell her it wasn't the clothes, but the situation. But I just nodded instead unable to admit the truth in public. Suzy stripped off the nightie and once again I was naked in front of her. My urge to masturbate was even stronger this time and as she turned her back to me to hang the nightie back up I discretely gave my clit a quick rub. The shock it sent through my body was exquisite and I shivered in pleasure. Of course Suzy turned around too soon and caught me with my finger near my cookie jar. She didn't seem offended or upset, but I turned bright red with embarrassment.

"You're blushing is cute, but don't worry about it honey. I've got just what you need."

What I needed was one of her dildos, my fingers, heck her fingers, anything for a couple of minutes so I could cum. What I got was much, much more.

"I don't bring this item to most of the parties. It's a bit much for some people, but I think you'll like it."

My girl juice was dripping from my wanton pussy and my nipples were hard beyond belief. Suzy opened a cabinet and I saw her pull out a pair of black panties. I could tell the material was not cloth. She also pulled out a case which had been on the shelf next to them. She brought the garment over to me.

"This is a very special toy. I guarantee you will have one of the best orgasms of your life with it. Want to try?"

I looked at the panty and took it from her hand. It was made of vinyl, I think. It was full size and looked like it would fit very tight. Around the waistband was a thin zipper and in the crotch were three sets of metal contacts. To say I was confused is an understatement. Suzy opened the case and explained how the panties work.

"These panties are $300 bucks which is a tough sell. Hidden in the waistband is a series of 12 watch batteries. They are thin, fairly cheap and provide about 12 hours of power if used properly."

"Power? Power for what?" I asked.

Suzy turned the case around. Inside were 10 attachments of differing shapes and sizes. Suzy explained that the accessories clip onto the metal contacts which provide power and control to vibrators housed in each one. There were 3 different sized and shape butt plugs, 2 g-spot shaped vibrators and 3 regular shaped vibrators for your pussy and 2 more for direct clitoral stimulation. I looked at the collection and they seemed shaped to either fill a woman up or to be worn all day. Suzy then pulled a remote control out of the case.

"After putting on the panty, you decide what kind of stimulation you want. You can control each of the three vibrator locations individually, program the panty to rotate which is on, turn on randomly with various amounts of power or my personal favorite, a long slow tease."

I was not in the mood for a tease, but I was intrigued by what that meant.

"In tease mode the panty chooses at random which vibrator to turn on and for how long. But it only uses the lowest setting. You can get half a day out of the batteries on this mode. The panties are tight enough that you will not leak around the edges. That's a good thing because you will be hotter than you ever have been before. I usually wear a pair when I'm having a party because it keeps me focused on sex and wearing this under your clothes is an incredible turn-on. Of course as soon as I'm back in the car I have to hit the full power button on the remote. I always cum within moments."

I wondered who would create such a device, but in my sexually charged state, I had to try them.

"Can I try them?" I asked. I then shamefully admitted that I really needed to cum.

"I know you do sweetie. That's what my company is all about. Of course you can try them."

Suzy picked out three attachments. The smallest butt plug and the smaller clitoral stimulator were first. I balked at the plug.

"Um, Suzy, I don't do anal," I told her emphatically.

"Girl, you don't know what you're missing. But that's cool. The panties know when nothing is connected to the third contact. You actually can stretch the battery life by running with only one or two attachments. I do need to find your g-spot, however so I can choose the right pussy vibrator."

I was still processing what she just said when I saw her hand, two fingers outstretched reach toward my unprotected sex. For the first time another woman's fingers entered my pussy before I had a chance to react. I shiver raced from my feet, through my pussy, up my spine and into my head as she expertly probed my pussy searching for my most sensitive spot. She was an expert, I'll give her that. I had a strong urge to urinate as her finger tapped the mushy tissue around my g-spot. I felt my legs go weak as she moved her fingers around searching for my arousal core. A had to wrap my arms around her neck to keep from falling over and I felt a fresh gush of juice coat her fingers.

"That's the spot. You need a number 3. It will have you climbing the walls before you blast off."

I heard Suzy's voice, but I was too busy trying to hump her hand, wordlessly trying to convince her to leave her fingers where they were for just a few moments longer. Alas she pulled her glistening fingers out and then holding them up for me to see.

"You are definitely ready for an advanced toy."

I watched as Suzy pulled the number 3 vibrator out of the case. It was thin and not very long. Perhaps 3.5 inches long and at most .75 inches around. It was curved, however, and Suzy assured me it would fit just right. Suzy put the vibrator in front of my mouth and told me to lick it to warm it up. I felt debased as I sucked it into my mouth as if it was my husband, but I didn't care. 15 seconds later it was being slid, with absolutely no resistance I might add, into my pussy and was then twisted into position. The simple contact with my g-spot was enough to make me climb the walls.

"Calm down little one. We're almost done."

Suzy then grabbed the clitoral vibrator. It was a thin round bar about two inches long and perhaps half an inch in diameter. It snapped into the front of the panty. Apparently the metal contacts were magnetic. Suzy pulled the g-spot vibrator back out of my pussy and sent me to the bathroom to relieve myself where I had to resist the urge to masturbate. Suzy then had me step into the panties and she guided them up my legs. When they were up to me knees, she reinserted the g-spot vibrator. The panties were tighter than any other pair I had ever worn and I was thankful she was there to help me.

Suzy had to stand behind me and pull the panties from both sides to get over my hips. As a result I had to bend forward a bit to facilitate the lift. I felt like a bitch dog in heat. I was already penetrated and now a woman I hardly knew was pulling the most restrictive panty I'd ever seen up my legs with a promise to make me cum harder than I ever had before.

Finally the panty was almost in place. Suzy took care to reseat the g-spot vibrator in the proper location and again I almost came just from that. I heard that vibrator click onto the panty's middle connection and with a final tug, they were on. The clit bar was seated perfectly over my swollen nub. My release would be soon and I was ready.

I looked at Suzy who was holding the remote. I watched as she pushed a button and instantly both vibrators sprung to life. Just as quickly my knees buckled and I slumped to the floor convulsing in a quivering orgasm. As I lay moaning on the floor I looked back up at Suzy who pressed another button and the vibrations seemed to double in intensity. My body was wracked with another wave of pleasure as the g-spot vibrator worked its magic. I felt like I was going to lose bladder control and grabbed the front of the panty with both hands.

"No more! Turn it off!" I screamed.

Just as quickly as it had turned on, the vibrations stopped. The quivering in my body did not as I continued to roll on the floor as the orgasmic shock waves continued to caress my body. Slowly I came back to Earth and saw Suzy smiling at me.

"It's a shame you didn't let me continue. That urge to pee is what happens right before you have a g-spot orgasm. You were about to squirt."

"I've never felt like that before. It was amazing," I replied.

"If you'll let me, I can get you back there and take you further."

What was there to think about? "Hell yes," I said.

I assumed Suzy would just turn on the vibrators again, but instead Suzy helped me to my feet and began pulling off the panty. Although it had successfully held back my juices, the smell released was overpowering. Again I was embarrassed, but Suzy assured me there was no reason to be.

Suzy pulled the panty down just to my thighs and then went back to the case and retrieved the smaller butt plug. "You have to try this," she said. "Trust me."

Whether I trusted her or not was not an issue. My body was like clay waiting to be molded by her and I submissively bent over one of her tables as she applied a generous amount of lube to my ass and the plug. She told me to relax, easy enough in my aroused state, and in it went. Then up came the panties and I heard the telltale click of both vibrators connecting themselves. I gingerly stood back up. Even though I had the small plug in my backside, it felt huge. Suzy gave a quick push of a button, and it sprung to life for about 5 seconds. Then she turned it off. It was a different feeling. I had never had those nerves stimulated in a sexual way and it felt good. Whatever Suzy had planned, I was going to go along willingly.

Suzy looked at her watch. "I didn't realize it was so late. How about some lunch?"

"Um, can I put my clothes back on?" I asked.

"Do you want an even bigger orgasm? Do you trust me?" she queried.

I knew the answer to the first question was an unqualified yes. As to the second, I wasn't so sure.

"First, let's get you a new bra," she began.

Suzy opened a draw full of lacy undergarments. She rooted around for a minute and pulled out a full coverage push-up. Normally I wear a demi cup so I can show a little cleavage and I was surprised she had chosen a more conservative model. When she wrapped it around my chest, I saw I was mistaken. From a distance the bra looked normal, but up close I saw the cut-outs for my nipples. As Suzy pulled the bra tight, I also realized she picked one at least two sizes too small. As my breasts were squeezed into the cups, out popped my nipples and most of my areolas. Beyond the exposures, the texture of the bra on the areola seemed itchy.

"That's better. It will keep your mind off your pussy," she beamed.

Suzy went back to the rack and pulled off a pale yellow sundress. This confused me more than the bra.

"I call this outfit the tease collection. It's not about showing you off, it's about getting you off."

I didn't understand until she slipped the dress over my head. It was very loose fitting and slid down my body easily. I was expecting the dress to be more form fitting, but it moved effortlessly, almost flowing across my body. The key, I quickly realized was a band of rough material sown in the inside across the chest of the dress. The first time the position of the dress shifted across my distended nipples, a shock went through my body. I was now setup for four locations of discrete stimulation. I looked at Suzy with concern.

"Don't worry, baby. You look great and I know you're going to love this. Now, let's get lunch."

I figured we would walk upstairs for sandwiches, but Suzy deftly guided me into the garage and then into the car. Walking up the stairs, my nipples began screaming for attention as the dress rubbed them in all the right ways. The butt plug was also dancing its stimulating dance in my ass as I climbed the stairs and the vibrator kept poking my newly discovered happy point. And they were not even on yet. I was practically shaking with desire. I knew I should call a quit to this game, but I couldn't.

I passively sat down in Suzy's SUV and buckled the seat belt. She got in on the other side and before she pulled out of the garage, she pulled the panty remote out of her purse. I had almost forgotten about it.

"We're just going a few miles into town for lunch. I know a great little restaurant on a lake. I'll put you on random so you can enjoy the ride."

I watched her click the button and the clit vibrator sprang to life. It was an intense buzz, about as hard and fast as I had felt before. And then it stopped. I looked at Suzy with a pleading look in my eyes. Then the butt plug fired. Not as strong, or maybe I just am less sensitive there. Again it was for just a few seconds. A minute later the clit vibrator and g-spot vibrators both sprang to life simultaneously and both very strong. I couldn't suppress the moan they caused. And so it went. Between every 15 seconds to a minute, one or more of the vibrators would jump to life. The position and intensity kept changing keeping me off guard. I was a mess by the time we reached the parking lot. My hands were busy cupping my breasts and rubbing my nipples through the dress. My pussy was spasming and I'm sure leaking its love juice into the panty, but the stimulation wasn't long enough to let me climax. I hated myself for giving such power to Suzy, but I loved her for seizing the opportunity.

Suzy parked in a parking lot about a block off the lake. As we pulled in to relative privacy, I begged her to let me cum.

"I told you it would be better than the one you had at my house. You're not ready yet."

"I'll do anything you want," I begged again. After a pregnant pause, "I'll even lick your pussy!"

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not gay," she replied. "I'm just trying to teach you why my business is special. I learned from my own experiences what women want and need to achieve their best orgasms and I've turned that into a successful business. I could tell from the party that you just needed someone to give you a little push and break down your hang-ups about your own sexuality."

"So why can't I cum?" I asked.

"Don't worry, you will. But you need a little more seasoning first."

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. As I stepped out of the car, the butt plug shifted into high gear and I almost lost my balance. I looked back to Suzy.

"I don't think I can do this. I'll never make it. I'll cum in front of everybody."

"Would that be a bad thing, Tina?"

"Um, yeah. I'm not some exhibitionist slut. Just let me cum here to take the edge off."

"Or you could take the panties off. That would work too."

The tone of her voice and the stern look on her face convinced me that I was going to continue wearing the panties and if I couldn’t control myself, I’d be cumming in public.

"Alright, let's go. Where's this restaurant?"

"One second and we're off."

I watched as Suzy pressed a couple of buttons on the remote and then set it on the front seat and lock the car. Ever so gently I felt the vibes all turn on. They were not buzzing very fast. They were almost gentle and very quiet. I figured this was the tease mode she had spoken of.

"Now we are ready. Let's go."

Suzy led the way as we walked down to the lake. It was a beautiful day and the park area was teaming with life. I didn't remember any restaurants on the lakefront, but food was the least of my concerns. The vibrators, although hardly on, were hitting all the right spots as I walked and the wind was blowing my dress rubbing my now highly sensitive nipples. The sensations were strong, but I knew they wouldn't be enough to let me cum.

Suzy led me for a nice walk along the lake. I'm sure in the sun, the pale dress would be at least semi-transparent and I was sure my nipples were being prominently displayed, but I didn't look down to confirm what my body was telling me. I'm sure the men jogging in the park were getting an eyeful, but all I could concentrate on was the sexual energy coursing through my body. Again I offered myself to Suzy. I'd be her playing if she just let me cum.

She mocked me saying I was a married woman and she didn't want to take advantage of me. She reminded me that her company was about teaching women to enjoy themselves and helping them be more intimate with their partners. I told her that was exactly what I wanted. To be intimate with her. She just chuckled. I couldn't believe she was turning down my offer. I knew I was more turned on than I ever had been before. I was willing to do anything she asked. Anything. And she rejected me.

After about a mile walk through the park we turned back up a side street and Suzy escorted me into a small bistro. It was dark and romantic. I saw many couples enjoying romantic lunches and wondered how many of them were cheating on their spouses. I'd never cheated on Jim before, but anybody in that restaurant who asked could have had me. We sat down in a booth, the motion pushed the plug further up my ass.

"I'm never going to make it Suzy."

"Trust me Tina. I know what I'm doing. I've reeducated many unhappy housewives. If I didn’t leave the remote in the car you would eventually convince me to turn up the panties. You'd be screaming your head off worse than Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. You wouldn't want to make a scene do you?"

I quickly shut up. The waitress appeared. She was a young thing. Probably 18 and just out of high school. I heard Suzy ordering a salad but all I could concentrate on was the fit of her uniform. I was in my own world staring at the girl until Suzy snapped her fingers in front of my face. I apologized for my lack of attention (to the menu not to the waitress) and just told her to bring two. I didn't know what I ordered.

Suzy kept talking about her business and how she thought I was perfect to be a model. I was able to keep enough attention to hold a conversation, but I'm not sure if I made any sense. My mind was on the fire in my loins and the lusty stares I was giving the other patrons and they were giving me. All the while the panty kept happily buzzing away keeping me on the edge of a massive climax but not letting me get there.

Lunch was uneventful, if you can call sitting in public while your pussy sautés itself uneventful. Did the waitress keep coming over to look at my nipples or was she just being attentive. Did all the men want to fuck me or was my mind just losing its grip on reality? As we walked back to the car was Suzy's arm around my waist to steady me or was this part of her master plan to seize control of my body? Finally we reached the car.

"You've done exceptionally well Tina. You've been on simmer for over an hour. I'll give you a choice. We can go home and I'll turn the panties on full. You can have the biggest, loudest orgasm of your life in the privacy of my basement in about half an hour."

"Yes. Please let's go," I quickly agreed.

"Not so fast. The cost of that option is I'm turning the panties back on random for the drive home. Only this time I'll select level 2. I will not tell you what else that adds, but I'm pretty sure you'll like it. Oh, and you have to take your dress off too and ride home in just the panties and bra."

"What's my other choice?"

"That one's even more fun. We walk back to the park. We find a nice spot near the jogging path and the panty blows your mind at the most inopportune moment. You'll still get the biggest orgasm of your life, but this time it will not be so private. Unless of course you can keep yourself quiet."

There was no way I would be quiet and once again I hated myself for being in this situation. Suzy held my orgasm, literally, in the palm of her hand with the remote. She could make me cum with the push of a button. So far she had not demanded anything in return choosing not to use the power she held over me except to tease me beyond belief. I knew my body couldn't take much more of these panties, but could it hold out for another half an hour and spare me the embarrassment of cuming in front of a group of strangers? Would Suzy even let me cum in half an hour or was this part of some master plan to make me even more vulnerable to some diabolical secret agenda she had?

"Back to your house," I said.

I sat down in the SUV and bucked my seatbelt.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.

I looked at her for a moment and the unbuckled the seatbelt. I got back out of the car and after carefully looking around the parking lot I pulled the dress over my head."

"Just toss it in the back," she commanded.

As I did she told me she changed her mind and to have the bra join it. This wasn't part of the deal, but I wasn't going to argue semantics. Soon I was buckled back in the seat, naked except for my high heels and the torture panties as I decided to call them.

"OK, now for part two and we can go."

I looked at Suzy but saw only amusement in her expression. I'm sure she was laughing inside about how easy it had been to convert me into a sex crazed pervert.

"Open the glove box. There is a small opaque container. Pull it out."

I did. Inside were eight adhesive patches. They looked like what a doctor uses when you get an EKG.

"Two of the pads go on your breasts just above your nipples and two just below. The other four go on your thighs on either side of your pussy and just above your pussy on your waist. Then connect the four pads on your breasts with the short wires and do the same on the pussy pads."

It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how the wires clipped into the pads. Suzy then took a longer wire and ran it from my left breast into a plug in the waistband of the panty. She did the same for my thigh and waist pads with a shorter wire. As she was bent over with the wires I wanted to just grab her head and force her to lick my pussy, but I knew the panty would not allow any contact except by its diabolical devices. Connections complete, Suzy leaned back up. Reaching into the glove box for another small opaque case she pulled out two small clear cylinders and a syringe. She gave the first cylinder a lick around the open end and pressed my right nipple into it. Using the syringe she then began to draw the air out of it pulling my nipple deeply into the cylinder. My breath was coming short and quick as I tried to adjust to this new sensation. It was a mix of pain and pleasure intensified as she completed the same treatment on my left nipple. Finally she started the car, I hoped to her house and the climax I had been begging to receive.

Just before we pulled out, she spoke. "You could have already cum, but I admire your resolve. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

With that and a few more pushes of the buttons on the remote, the vibrators sprang back to life. Faster than she had they set in the restaurant, but I knew not fast enough to let me cum. As I had been for the last two hours, my mind was awash with thoughts of how to hasten my climax. As if she had been reading my mind, Suzy stopped at the entrance to the parking lot and unbuckled my seat belt.

"I know how women like you think. Get the third box out of the glove compartment."

I was too far gone to argue. I did was she asked. This box was bigger. Opening it I found a blindfold and a set of handcuffs. Finally her game was at hand."

"I forgot about part three of your choice to cum at my house. I don't want you pulling off the nipple suckers so cuff your hands behind your back. The blindfold will let you concentrate on what you are feeling."

I took a deep breath. As kinky as the day had been, if I had the strength, or weakness, to do what she asked, our relationship would never be the same. Just then an electric shock rocked my breasts and thighs and the clit vibrator turned on full for just the briefest of moments. My torso contracted throwing me forward. I rebounded back against the seat as a surge of lust flew through my body.

"I've got to cum. You win. Take me to the park. I'll cum wherever you say!"

But Suzy just looked at me as if to say I had made my choice and now had to live with the consequences. I pulled the blindfold over my eyes and snapped one of the cuffs on my wrist.

"Behind your back please... Here I'll help."

I felt the second cuff click into place. My submission complete. My mind gone. My body's actions controlled by lust. I then felt the seatbelt being clicked back in place and the car began to move. The trip home seemed to take much longer as I was denied my eyesight. There seemed to be more turns although it could have just been my inability to concentrate on anything other than the electric shocks and vibrations coursing through my body. Finally the car stopped and I felt the seatbelt being removed.

"We're here Tina. You've made it."

"Great, get this stuff off of me."

"Of course. Let me help you out of the car."

No, that wasn't what I meant. I heard her door open and shut and then mine. I felt Suzy's hand grip my arm as she began to pull me out of the car. I could feel grass through the open toe of my high heels. We were not in her garage.

"What the fuck!?! Where are we?"

"We're at my home just as I had promised."

I felt myself being led forward in the grass.

"Bullshit. Where did you take me?"

Click. I heard the sound even before I felt all seven stimulation points come to life. I fought it as hard as I could. I didn't want her to make me cum in public, especially since I didn't know where I was. I fought and fought against the sensation. It must have been at least 10 seconds before my body collapsed for the second time that day into a quivery mass of orgasming flesh. Anybody within a 3 block area probably heard my screams of passion as I rolled around in the grass. I don't know how long I lay on the ground, my body clenching and releasing as if I was having a seizure. I do know that as the vibrations and shocks stopped, I felt Suzy lifting me back to my feel and walking me up a sidewalk and then through a door. She guided me into the room where I was pushed back into a comfortable chair. I had no idea where I was or how many people were watching as the g-spot vibrator turned on, this time as I later learned, at full power with a ferocity I had never felt before. Immediately I felt like I was going to pee, my pussy tender from the hours of teasing and two massive orgasms I had experienced. The pain was exquisite and my breathing became labored.

"The need to pee will pass quickly. Get ready for the big one," I heard Suzy say.

She was right. I could feel the biggest orgasm of my life begin to build very quickly. And then the vibrations stopped.

"Oops, sorry about that," Suzy teased.

I looked at the direction where the voice came from. If I didn't have the blindfold on Suzy would have seen the daggers coming from my eyes in her direction.

"I couldn't resist. Here you go. Have fun."

Another click and all three vibrators sprung to life at full speed. I was off like a rocket and felt my pussy clamp down on the vibrator as I felt a release unlike any I had ever had before. I was sure my pussy was squirting its juice just as Suzy had promised as I felt the inside of the panty flood. Over and over I saw stars as I was consumed by my orgasm. I felt like I couldn't breathe as wave after wave of pleasure cascaded over me. And then nothing. As Suzy later explained, I passed out.

I woke up, two hours later it turned out, reclining in her living room chair. The room reeked of female arousal. An animalistic reaction of the pent up frustration in the torturous panties. I also smelled a hint of a different scent. Perhaps Suzy had serviced herself which watching my sleeping body. Either way my arms were free and the panties, electric pads and nipple suckers had all been removed and I was covered with a microfiber blanket.

My legs were still a little unsteady as I wondered naked through Suzy's house looking for her. I found her back downstairs. She was working filling orders. My clothes had been neatly folded and any evidence of my adventure had been cleaned and put away.

"Hi Tina. I hope I didn't push you too far today?" she said.

"If you had told me what you planned when I arrived I never would have believed you. I'm sore from cumming so much though, so I guess I can't be mad at you," I replied.

"Good. I've got a bridal party coming to the house on Friday night for a show. These events are usually good money makers because the girls all figure the guys are screwing around at their bachelor party and they want to get even. You can probably earn $150 easy."

"OK Suzy. What time?"

"Come over about 7. They should arrive at 8."

"Fine, I'll be here."

I went home arriving just before Jim. He finally felt romantic that night but I was still too shagged out from the afternoon to be in the mood. I faked a quick orgasm and let him have his fun and we went to bed.

The rest of the week I fretted about the upcoming bridal show. I was nervous about modeling lingerie and maybe more, but every time I got cold feet I thought of the torture panties and knew I had to have them. So at 7pm as instructed I rang Suzy's doorbell. She ran me through the routine. Bridal parties were about embarrassing the bride with tales of small cocked husbands, drinking wine and getting crazy. Usually there were more hands on toy experimentation because the girls would be a little drunk. I was to model a series of provocative lingerie and then some fantasy costumes. My pussy started to cream at the thought.

I was expecting a crazy affair, but it turned out to me almost as subdued as Judy's party had been. There were 15 women, I think, in attendance. As I modeled each outfit everyone was very polite and nobody touched me inappropriately. By the end of the night I was so turned on that I wish somebody would touch me inappropriately, but it was not to be. I finished the evening wearing a little French maid's costume, as Suzy took the final orders. At her prompting the women gave me a round of applause and I teetered out of the room on the impossibly high heels Suzy had me wearing and back to the basement to change. I was searching for one of the sample vibrators to take care of myself when Suzy came downstairs with my money. It turned out to be $175 in merchandise or $100 in cash. I asked if I could bank the $175 toward the panties and she said sure. I then asked if I could have one of the "test" toys for a few minutes and she just smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying your work. I'll be waiting upstairs for you."

She handed me a rabbit vibrator and headed back upstairs. I put the toy to good use. It didn't take long before I could take the edge off my needs. After that I got dressed, went upstairs, said my goodbyes and went home.

I ended up working for Suzy on a regular basis. The parties all took a similar pattern. I ended up buying the panties and a couple of other toys and then started to bank some cash. All the parties became a blur. At some point Suzy had me giving testimonials about the toys and how much pleasure I got from them. Sales seemed to pick up after that which pleased both of us. I got an email from Suzy that the next weekend was going to be a fetish party and wondering if I would model. Not sure of what that meant I questioned her and found out it was leather, rubber, vinyl and plastic clothes. I would also be required to wear cuffs and a collar and play the role of slave while walking around the room. She assured me that it was strictly look no touch. These parties, she explained, don’t happen very often, but when they do they are highly lucrative. I would be working with a second model but there would be plenty of commission to go around. I nervously agreed.

That weekend I found myself in the home, well mansion really, of a wealthy woman whose husband was the CEO of a major local corporation. My partner was a 19 year old fiery red head with a fabulous body named Jill. She didn't strike me as particularly smart and her face looked innocent. But the way she moved her body exuded sexual energy and wisdom beyond her years. We were both crawling on the floor like dogs as our party mistresses led us from woman to woman by our leashes. I was dressed, or undressed really, in a leather g-string which served no other purpose than to tease my clit while I crawled and a leather push up bra whose purpose was to mash my breasts together into a deep cleavage. My partner was even more exposed wearing a similar g-string and a bikini top which just barely covered her nipples and allowed her youthfully pert breasts to hang out all around the tiny circular patch of cloth. As usual, my pussy was drooling.

I could tell the sale was going great. Even splitting the modeling fee, this would be my most profitable party. The hostess suggested we take a 10 minute break so everyone could refresh their wine glasses and go to the bathroom if needed. Suzy pulled me aside to ask me a question.

"Tina, this is going to sound weird, but I've had a request to demonstrate the bondage bed. The person is even willing to pay you $50 to model it. Are you interested?"

"I don't know," I replied. "What's a bondage bed?"

"Well, basically it is a portable mat, kind of like a gym mat only a little wider. You secure it to a table top or a mattress. Then somebody is secured using Velcro cuffs to the corners. You can easily escape any time because the Velcro does hold that great, but it does allow you to have the illusion of being tied up but without the risk."

I remembered back to how I felt in Suzy's car while wearing her handcuffs. I was willing and the $50 bonus certainly helped.

"Don't worry; I'll be right next to you to make sure nothing happens."

I agreed and Suzy went out to her SUV to get the bed's case. By the time the group returned from their break, Suzy had secured the bondage bed to the dining room table and was fitting leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles.

"I thought you said this was Velcro? These are real cuffs," I questioned.

"Yes, the cuffs are real, but they attach to the bed with Velcro. Actually you can also hook them to eyelets on the bed for a more traditional bind so your partner can't escape, but I always use the Velcro at parties."

Suzy began her talk track about the bed and its many uses. She stressed the versatility because it was portable and because it could be used on the floor, on a table, on a bed or even vertically mounted to a wall. She also explained how the person could be secured so escape is possible or impossible. She then held out her hand and helped me up on the table.

The bed was softer than I expected. Suzy drew my arms back and wrapped a piece of Velcro through the cuff’s carabineer hook The Velcro then stuck tight to another piece of Velcro sown into the bed next to the metal ringlets used to really attach your mate. My red headed partner did the same with my legs. I was now spread eagled on the dining room table. I pulled lightly on the cuffs in an effort to show struggle. I didn't pull too hard because I wanted to be sure to give the illusion of being really stuck. I couldn't see myself but I'm sure I looked alluring and certainly every guest at the party was giving me their full attention.

After a few minutes Suzy moved on to more bondage and discipline related items not requiring a model. She left me on the table. I knew I could get up anytime, but I was determined to play the good like slave girl. While the group was back in the living room, Jill snuck into the dining room. She leaned over my head and whispered in my ear that I was hot and that watching me on the bed made her hot too. I wasn't sure how to react. Being on the table made me hotter than I had been and I was looking forward to the end of the party and some relief. I felt Jill take my head in her hands and she planted a very deep passionate kiss on me. I felt myself responding to her touch and instinctively pushing back, our lips locked in a passionate dance.

Jill lifted her head. I tried to tilt mine to follow her but I lost sight of her as she ducked behind me. I heard two clicks above my head but thought nothing of it. She must have crawled under the table because I now heard two clicks near my feet. I was able to raise my head and look down the table enough to see her reemerge with a beaming smile on her face.

"Now you can't get away from me," she chuckled.

I tested the bonds, but they held fast. Jill had deftly attached the cuff clips to the metal ringlets. I struggled again, this time for real, but could not escape. Again Jill moved over me to kiss me, but this time her right hand roamed all over my body. Breaking the kiss and leaving me breathless, she crawled on top of my body.

"I know you're hot from modeling this stuff. So am high. Let's get off before Suzy finishes writing orders."

She didn't give me a chance to respond. Jill climbed on top of me and began to dry hump her pussy against mine.

"I wish I could borrow a strap-on and fuck you properly, but this will have to do."

Over and over Jill drove her pelvis into mine. The friction from the little leather g-strings we were wearing was doing its job teasing our clits and soon I had a satisfying, if not explosive orgasm. Jill was grinding herself against me in an effort to cum. Both of us struggled to remain silent and I could tell she came harder than I did, but it was still quite pleasurable. As we were coming down from our collective climaxes, I heard noises in the living room indicating another wine break was happening. This would have the group heading through the dining room again. Jill jumped off me just moments before getting caught. We tried to act casual and if anybody noticed I was now really stuck to the bed and that my body was flush with a post orgasmic glow, they didn't say anything. Suzy popped her head in to say I could get up now that we were finished. I kind of shrugged. She immediately knew what my non-verbal message meant. Giving Jill a dirty look, Suzy walked around the bed and released my bonds. When the whispered in my ear and apology saying she had the problem with Jill once before and that she should have warned me. I told her not to worry about it. Jill and I split $500 cash for the party. It was the most I had ever made, I had an orgasm and I learned more about myself and what I enjoy. All in all it was a great night.

Over the next couple of months I continued to model for Suzy. Jill worked as my partner a couple of times at the wilder parties, but our scene on the table from our first party was not repeated. After each party I always brought myself to a thunderous orgasm with whatever new toy I had earned. More and more frequently, Jill figured prominently in my fantasies. Sometimes she was with Jim and me. Sometimes it was just the two of us.

Last Saturday I was running late to another bridal party. When I arrived at the maid of honor's house Suzy had already begun and Jill was already showing off her body to the assembled group of young women. Without breaking stride, Suzy tossed me a white lace teddy and pointed me toward a bedroom. The rest of the party went smoothly and was uneventful. Suzy made her sales and Jill and I made our money. It wasn't as much as some of the previous parties, but it was still good money for two hours worth of work.

Walking back to my car I noticed an envelope under my windshield wiper. My first thought was "did I park next to a fire hydrant?" I didn't notice one when I pulled up, but I was in a rush so it was possible. Picking up the envelope I was relieved to find it wasn't a ticket. I sat down in the car and opened the envelope. Enclosed was a hand written message on very expensive stationary. The handwriting was flowing and showed a touch of calligraphy. My first impression was somebody of intelligence and class wrote the note. As I read the note, I was very surprised. It certainly was not what I was expecting.

"Hello Tina. You don't know me. We've never met. My sister attended one of Suzy's parties. She told me about how you endorsed Suzy's remote vibrating panties and how highly aroused you always got when wearing them. It sounded interesting so I had her order me a pair. Thank you for recommending them! I've never cum so hard in my life. My husband loves to have me wear the panties in public and tease me until he makes me cum while trying to hide my feelings from the people around us."

My pussy had already been wet from displaying myself at the party and now I was getting absolutely juicy reading a note from a woman who enjoyed the panties as much as I did.

"If you are willing, I would like to chat with you about the panties. Enclosed is my email address. I hope to hear from you... p.s. As I'm sitting in my car writing this note I'm wearing the panties. My husband set them on simmer and kept the remote with him at home. I know by the time I get home I know I'll be primed to do whatever he wants. Thanks again. I love these things."

As I read the note and then read it again I imagined a very sophisticated and refined woman masturbating in her car while writing the note. I hoped she made it home safely. I brought the note to my nose and took a deep breath. I thought I could smell a hint of her arousal, but maybe that was just my brain playing tricks on me. I did have a picture of her in my head as she arrived back home to be stripped and taken by her husband as soon as she walked into the door. By the time I got home and stripped off my own clothes, my mystery woman fantasy was full blown and I brought myself to a powerful climax thinking about her and her husband.

I was not sure if I wanted to contact the woman. Through the week I had several additional strong orgasms thinking about her husband teasing her the way Suzy had teased me. I had a feeling that any contact between us would inevitably lead to disappointment because she could never live up to the fantasy I had come to believe about her. Eventually my curiosity overrode my concerns and I sent the woman an email. Her address was a generic Hotmail account. It gave no clue as to her identity, age or location.

I was on pins and needles waiting for a response. The next day I got an email from her. We agreed not to share any personal information. She knew my name and I knew she was married but other than that, I didn't know anything about her. Well, that wasn't quite true. We actually became close friends because we did share every detail of our love of the remote control panties, ways and places to enjoy them, other toys and our sexual fantasies. In some ways I had my most intimate relationship with a woman I had never met and didn't even know her name.

At the urging of my mystery friend, I wore the panties to work last Friday. She said her husband had her do it often and it was always a thrill. Jim was out of town at a training class so I was feeling hornier than usual. At our office Fridays are casual days so I figured this would be a good time. The office typically is less populated of Friday as people take days so it seemed like a perfect time. I was excited to wear a hidden toy at work and I wanted to feel sexy. I chose one of my sexiest lace bras, pull up stockings under my jeans and high heeled leather boots. Up top I wore a simple white blouse. Outwardly I looked completely normal. Underneath however, I was wicked.

During my commute to the office I had the panties on random. A couple of times it caught me off guard and I almost got in an accidents, but the panty did its job and by the time I made it to the office I was very turned on. I got to the office early. A couple of the managers were already in the office, but none of the general staff. I quickly snuck into the bathroom and took up residence in the handicapped stall. I pulled out the remote and turned on all three attachments on full. At that speed you could hear the buzzing, but the chances of getting caught were minimal and I needed to cum. I had to stick my fist in my mouth to keep from screaming as I enjoyed my first orgasm of the day. I was panting and overheated as I came down from my climax. I turned off the panties and tried to slow my heart rate. Glancing at my watch it was starting time so I quickly washed my hands and headed back to my desk.

After getting back to my desk I stashed my purse (and the remote) in my desk drawer and tried to get to work. Even though the vibrators were not running, their mere presence in my pussy and ass had me on edge. I was struggling to concentrate on my work. As silly as it might seem, I discretely slid my hand into my purse and quickly programmed the remote into tease mode. I kept the vibrations low, definitely too low to have any audible sound. I also kept the clit vibe off. The simple buzzing in my holes actually calmed me down. They felt great, almost like meeting an old friend, and I was finally able to concentrate and get some work done. I knew at this level I couldn't cum, instead I just let the panties keep me happy and smiling.

About an hour later, I decided I'd worked hard enough and needed a break. I announced to my cube mates that I need a potty break, grabbed my purse and headed to the bathroom. I was praying none of my co-workers would decide to join me. Luck must have been following me and I quickly replayed my ecstasy from earlier that morning. Back at my cube I tried once again in vain to work without my joy buzzers on, but I failed again. I turned them back on tease mode. Well, getting off in the bathroom every hour really isn't a bad way to spend the day, is it?

Right before lunch I was getting ready for my third bathroom trip. I decided I'd had enough of the panties had was going to take them off and then spirit them to the car in my purse. Unfortunately I had not thought to bring another pair of panties so I'd have to go commando until I could buy a pair at lunch. The teasing panties had down their job. I was well prepared for another explosive bathroom visit. But just before I could retrieve my purse, our manager rushed into the cube area and announced there was an emergency companywide conference call and we all had to head into the conference room.

My three cube mates and I stood up and followed the rest of the office crowding into the conference room. I didn't know why we all had to be in the same room instead of dialing in separately. There were only 12 seats at the table which the managers quickly claimed. The rest of us working stiffs were left to crowd around the table standing shoulder to shoulder. I ended up sandwiched between two of the salesmen. Tim, standing in front of me, was a nice guy. We had a good business friendship. He was married and I always thought his wife was a lucky girl to have such a hunky guy coming home to her each night. I certainly didn't mind being crowded into him. Behind me, and unfortunately not seeming to mind being pressed into me, was Ben. He was a single guy with a reputation for womanizing in the office. He wasn't particularly smooth. He was more likely to strike out than hit a home run, but it made up for his lack of Romeo skills by hitting on anything with boobs. I could feel his hands on my hips. Normally I would have made a fuss, but given how horny I had kept myself all morning, I didn't really mind. My panties were still happily buzzing away and I was sandwiched between two guys, neither of which were my husband. The conference call started but my mind was wandering into my fantasy world of sexual pleasures.

I was thoroughly enjoying the buzzing in my nether regions. As soon as the meeting was over I was definitely heading back into the bathroom to get myself off again. But then it happened. The clit vibrator went from dull buzz to full roar and then off. I flinched involuntarily and bumped into Tim. "Oops, sorry," I whispered. Then the anal plug burst into movement. As that one was stopping, the g-spot vibrator kicked in. Then the clitoral one. Over and over the panties cycled through the attachments. I had to fight to look as bored as everyone else was waves of passion flowed through my body. The torture continued for a couple of minutes, but it felt like an hour. My breathing was getting ragged and my legs felt weak when thankfully, the vibrations stopped.

I looked around the room to see if anybody had noticed or was watching. I began to regain my strength as I determined nobody suspected what I was doing. Then it started again. This time all three vibrators sprang to live, although thankfully not at full speed. They were on at about half speed. Great, I thought. Running this thing all morning has messed up the controls. The speed began to pulse. The clit vibe would cycle up and down while the g-spot vibe fluctuated opposite its cycle. When one was slow, the other was fast. I didn't know I could program this function, but I loved it. The anal vibe stayed constant for a while and then began flipping on and off in about 5 second intervals. If the panty didn't stop or the meeting didn't end, I was going to be very embarrassed. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. I fought and I fought my internal demon, my ability to remain outwardly calm draining my energy. The concept of either fainting or climaxing in a room full of people began to consume me. I could feel my will to resist leaving my body. Then nothing. The vibrations stopped. I'd be lying if I said my body hadn't betrayed me and wished the panties had kept going. But my mind was thankful they had stopped before my humiliation was complete.

I stood still, my thighs moist with need and I'm sure the panties soiled with juice, as the conference call wrapped up. To this day I don't know what was covered. As he room emptied out, the employees starting breaking into groups and starting talking about the call. I hurried back to my desk and grabbed my purse and the remote for the vibe. I almost sprinted to the bathroom. As I was reaching the door I noticed another woman from my cube area heading toward the bathroom too. Shit, I thought. Now what?

Just then my sex charged brain had an idea. One floor below us, the company rented some space, but the rest of the floor was vacant. The bathroom would be much more private. I diverted myself to the stairs and walked down one flight. The floor seemed deserted. Apparently the few employees left down here were still upstairs or had gone to lunch. It was perfect.

As I entered the bathroom, I immediately noticed the handicapped stall was occupied. We had one woman who broke her leg and who worked on this floor so it was probably her. I can hide in another stall until she leaves, I convinced myself. I moved into the stall and pulled out the remote. I spread my legs to tighten up the panty and clicked on tease. My panties sprung to life and I quickly felt my body building to another glorious climax. I listened intently to the stall next to me and was thankful to hear a flush just 30 seconds later. I heard the occupant moving around so I kicked up the speed of the vibrators another notch. Oh this was going to be a big one.

I heard the stall door open and through the small space between the stall wall and the door, saw a woman on crutches hobble by me. I would soon be alone. I heard the water running in the sink and the sound of the hand dryers running. Then I heard the woman struggle with the door and then happily silence. I didn't waste any time. I click the 'Max Power' button on the remote and flooded by body with vibrations, nasty thoughts and in short order, another major league climax. I tried to muffle my screams as I had upstairs, but the thrilling contractions racing through my body pulled my fist down and the sounds of my orgasm echoed off the bathroom walls.

I was shaking on the seat of the toilet as I rode out my orgasm. I knew I had squirted again into the panty and I must say, I liked it. The panties would be a mess when I took them off, but the cleaning effort was well worth it. I turned the vibrators off and prepared to slide the panties off my overheated body when I heard something hit the vanity counter. I froze. Was somebody in the bathroom or was that my imagination? I went silent, not pulling down the panties and trying to listen for more clues as to the presence of somebody else.

After a couple of minutes I decided it was just my overactive brain. I prepared to slide the panties off when they turned on again. Again the panty began to cycle front to back, over and over. Of course I loved the feeling, but I knew I had to get out of the bathroom. I grabbed my own remote and turned off the panties once again. I then quickly slid out of them and pulled one of the batteries out of the waistband. I had to work a bit to jam the panties into my purse. Again, not a well thought out plan. I wanted to wash them, but I wasn't going to risk getting caught. I could wash the purse, I thought to myself. Once that task was done, I stood up and straightened my blouse. I exited the stall and turned toward the sink when I got a shock that almost made me faint on the spot.

Standing at the sink doing her makeup of all things was a thirty something woman. She was dressed very well in an expensive looking silk blouse and a skirt which ended just above the knee. I didn't recognize her as an employee, but I didn't know everyone on this floor so I wasn't sure. I must have turned 10 shades of red. I couldn’t talk. I just looked down at the floor and headed for the door. I practically ran to the car. Without the benefit of the panties to hold in my juices, my pussy fluid was beginning to run down my leg as the denim from my jeans rubbed against my slit. I moved quickly afraid I would cum again before I reached my car. Thankfully I didn't park any further away than I had. If I had parked at end of the lot, I never would have made it without climaxing and it would have meant my jeans would have been soiled even worse than they were.

I sat in the car and tried to calm myself. I turned over the engine and turn the air conditioner on high. My nipples were hard as rocks and it wasn't because of the cold air. My pussy was pulsating demanding further attention. There was no way I could go back into the office so I grabbed my juice coated cell phone out of my purse and called my boss. Luckily she was out to lunch and I made up a BS voicemail about eating something at lunch that didn't agree with me and getting sick. I was going to take off the afternoon and go home.

When I got home my mind was still reeling from the humiliation of being caught by a stranger in the bathroom at work. Of course that lead to another masturbation session leading to another climax and eventually my attacking my husband when he got home. The next day I sent an email detailing the entire episode to my internet sister of debauchery. That night she responded telling me my story had so inspired her husband that he banged her like never before and then told her he had a new idea.

She didn't go into detail, but I instead made me wait. I sent an email to Suzy asking about the reliability of the panty's control unit and she said nobody ever had a problem with it just going crazy. She said she would ask the manufacturer and I decided not to wear my friend in public for a while.

My virtual masturbation partner sent me a recap of her husband's new plan. She had told me before that she and her husband sometimes swapped partners. His plan this time was to have her wear the panties and then give the remote to the couple down the street whom they swung with from time to time. She told me how the wife especially took to teasing her mercilessly until she begged the husband to fuck her. I didn't know what she looked like, but my fantasy vision of her based on her handwriting was hot as I picked her servicing her neighbor while his wife withheld her climax until she did a good enough job. I was pounding my pussy with a rabbit vibrator imagining myself at the mercy of a sadistic friend hell bent on keeping me from climaxing. In a way that is what Suzy did the first time I wore the evil panties, but that seemed more like experimentation and I didn't know what to expect. This time I wanted it for real.

I didn't think Jim was ready to learn about my secret vibrator fueled life so I started to formula a plan. The only person I could think of that could handle it was my internet friend so I sent her an email and asked her for advice. My plan was to put the panties on and then somehow restrain my hands. I remembered the handcuffs Suzy had used on me and got wet. My friend suggested I come over to her house where she could tease me to my heart's content, but I wasn't ready for that. I counter offered to be in my living room where she could sit on my front porch and control the panties. She said she'd have to come inside to release me. I didn't like that idea. I told her I'd have to think about it. Suzy came the rescue with a pair of handcuffs with a timer and a safety release in case that failed. I could set the time of my captivity and escape on my own. My mystery friend agreed to the terms and we set a date for Thursday at 6pm. Jim would be working until 9 so I decided two hours was enough for the cuffs. My friend said she wouldn't be staying around that long, but could tease me for an hour or so. She'd then leave the panties on simmer so when the cuffs released me, I'd be primed to finish the job myself. It was a crazy plan, but I agreed to it. I told her to watch for the blinds being closed on the living room window before approaching the porch. She agreed provided I would not peak and look at her. She said it was much more exciting that way since we'd never met. I agreed and immediately started looking forward to my next adventure two days hence.

I ended up taking Thursday afternoon off and pampering myself at a local day spa. For the entire world I seemed to be preparing for a special date, which I was in a way. By 5:30 I was dressed in the panties and a t-shirt. I thought about attaching the nipple pump I had bought shortly after Suzy had used it on me, but I decided two hours was too long of a time for them. I had tested the handcuffs several times. Two hours was their maximum time limit and they always opened right on time. I paced around my bedroom wondering if I had the guts to go through with this. I checked the doors. They were all locked and dead bolted. I figured the worst case scenario was the cuffs wouldn't open and Jim would discover me. I'd have some explaining to do, but that would be it. He'd certainly been the beneficiary of my increased libido.

By 5:55 I'd made up my mind to go through with the plan. At 5:57 I shut the blinds and at 5:59 I sealed my fate with the handcuffs attached to my wrists behind my back. We have a very comfortable recliner right next to the window and that was where I settled myself. I guess I expected the vibrators to turn right on, but they didn't. Five minutes went by. Then ten. My anticipation was growing by the minute. Finally, at 6:15 I heard a knock on the window and then the vibrators turned on. I was primed and feeling good. I wondered how my mystery panty controller would know how to stop me from cumming. I later learned she was sitting on my porch wearing her own panties and trying to judge my reactions based on what she was feeling. When we did our e-mail recap the next morning, we came to the conclusion that she has a much higher tease threshold than I do. Or maybe it was the eroticism of having a stranger that you couldn't see controlling you. But I came at least five times before she left me on tease mode and went home to her husband. The handcuffs worked like a champ and I escaped in plenty of time to service myself with the rabbit and then shower and clean my toys before Jim got home. I was too worn out to make love with him, but since he was back on his extra work schedule, he didn't seem to mind.

Our emails back and forth after this event dissected every feeling and emotion from that night. In the end it was decided that we had to try again. I was promised by my mystery partner that she could hold me on the edge much longer and give me even more mind blasting orgasms if she could see and hear how I was reacting. She told me her husband would be out of town the next week and she would make time for me if I wanted to try again. I quickly agreed. Jim would be working late on Wednesday and I was able to get a personal day from my job. Suzy didn't have any parties scheduled so it would be perfect. We settled on a noon start time. In the final email exchange, my partner told me she was sending me a few more items to make the afternoon special. She promised she could give me orgasms like I never had before. She also promised to wear her panties and let me take control after we were done. I was told there would be a box waiting at the door when I woke up Wednesday. I probably wanted to grab it before Jim found it. I was to wear what was in the box and follow the instructions inside. This sounded both ominous and exciting. I kept getting juicy every time I thought of it.

Wednesday morning when the alarm went off I volunteered to make breakfast while Jim showered. Instead of heading to the kitchen I hit the front door and as promised there was a big box marked SEX TOYS waiting for me. I hoped that it had not been there long. I hid the box in the basement and then made bacon and eggs for breakfast. We usually don't have time for a hot breakfast so Jim was very appreciative of my efforts. As soon as he was eating I went upstairs to dress for work. I wasn't going anywhere but he didn't need to know that. After he left I sprinted to the basement and opened the box. On the top was a note.

"My dearest Tina. It has been my pleasure exploring our sexuality and these wonderful panties. Today I'm going to give you pleasure like you've never know, but we have to do things my way. Beside the panties I want you to wear what is in the box."

I looked in the box, but there was another sealed box.

"Don't open the box until 11:30. I want you to take a nice hot bath, shave your legs, underarms and pussy. I then want you to primp and make yourself all sexy like you're dressing to impress on a date. I want you to make yourself feel special for your special day. At 11:30 I want you to put on what is in the box and by 11:45 I want you to have your panties on and be sitting in your living room. Turn the chair around so you are facing out of the window. I'll be watching the window but you will not see me. Leave the back door unlocked. I'm going to sit behind you on the couch and blow your mind. Don't worry. You can trust me."

I was shaking and sat on the basement floor as I read the note again. My pussy had soaked my cotton panties. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I could go through with this. A stranger would be in the room but I couldn't see her and if anybody came to the porch, they would see me. As had become a habit, my mind switched to sexual fantasy autopilot and soon I was masturbating on the basement floor. Just my fingers, the note and my thoughts. Time seemed to stand still. My fingers were still deep in my pussy but it was as if they had a mind of their own and I couldn't control them. I had to know what giving up the control would feel like. I had to know how hard I could cum. The panties had taken control of my life and I had to see this through.

When I finally had the emotional strength, I willed myself off the floor and back to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I did as I had been ordered to do. I took a hot bath, surrounded by scented candles instead of the harsh vanity lights of my master bathroom. I shaved. I primped. I took extra care with my make-up and I looked gorgeous. Precisely at 11:30 I opened the second box. There was a second note.

"If you are reading this, you must have decided to continue your journey. First of all, I want you to know that if you don't want to go through with today I completely understand. I will not ask you to do anything you don't want to do. If at any time you want to stop, simply say the word 'watermelon' and I will stop. On the other hand, if you want to continue, I want you to follow the following instructions completely."

I was shaking again and my pussy continued to leak.

"First, put on the clothes that are in the box. Your panties go on last and I hope you put fresh batteries in them."

As always, I had taken care of that.

"Next put on the wrist cuffs. You can walk down your stairs to the living room before putting on the high heels boots and clipping the short chain between them. You will also find a blindfold. Before you blindfold yourself and clip your wrists together, in front, and then I want you to turn on your panties to tease medium. Then I want you to walk out to your mailbox and leave your remote where I can get it. Then walk back into the house, position yourself on the chair, blindfold yourself and clip your hands together behind your back. I'll know you decided to go through with our adventure if I see you outside. If you changed your mind, that is fine. If that is the case, I really enjoyed our previous thrills, but this will be the last communication we will have."

I had to steady my nerves and then I reread the letter, twice. I looked into the box. The contents were actually pretty simple. There was a leather bra. I should have expected the nipple cut outs. It was very similar to the one Suzy used on me. Was Suzy the person waiting for me? There was also a garter belt, black fish net stockings and a pair of thigh high leather boots with an impossibly tall heel and two clips designed to hold the short chain I found on the bottom of the box.

As promised there was also a blindfold and a pair of soft leather wrist cuffs. There was no timer. Once I clipped the cuffs together I was only going to be freed by my mystery person or Jim when he came home in 8 hours or so. I still had my doubts, but I got dressed anyway. I didn't need any lube to slide the g-spot vibrator into my pussy. I did use some with the butt plug, but in truth I'd learned how to slide it in easily over the last couple of months. I grabbed the boots, the blindfold and the remote and headed downstairs.

The clock in the living room said 11:50. The hardest part was putting my remote in the mailbox. My outfit was terribly revealing not to mention my rock hard nipples on clear display. I turned the chair around to face the window and opened the blinds. I peered outside, but I saw no cars or people. I knew she was watching from somewhere. I knew she was out there. I couldn't delay any further. I slid the boots onto my legs. The stockings helped and there was a sensual feel to the leather sliding up my legs. And the smell. Oh the smell of the fine grained leather assaulting my nostrils. I was at the final decision gate. This was the last chance for common sense of override my boiling lusts. "Watermelon. Watermelon. Watermelon," I repeated to myself as I opened the front door.

I peeked out off the porch looking for any of my neighbors or approaching cars. The chain and the heels would conspire to slow me down. I couldn’t run even if it meant getting caught. There was no traffic. The time was now. I clicked the remote to preset 3... The long slow tease. Instantly the panties came alive and just as quickly I moaned. Using baby steps I walked down our front steps and walkway to the mailbox mounted on a post at the street. I had tunnel vision. A parade could have walked by my house and I would not have seen it. I put the remote in the mail box and turned back to the house. A 30 second task became 2 minutes due to the boots. I shut the door and locked it. Remembering the instruction to unlock the back door, I moved as quickly as possible to the kitchen to double check the simple detail I was sure I had forgotten.

Back to the living room and into the chair. Blindfold on and hand clipped behind my back. My last vision was the clock on the wall showing 11:59am. I had done it. I had willingly placed myself at the mercy of a total stranger. A woman I didn't even know her name. My pussy, ass and clit were tingling with the sensations of a diabolical device which would show me no mercy or release until she arrived. Would she take pity on me and let me cum? Would it be the biggest orgasm of my life as she promised? What payment would she demand of me as I was sure to beg for my release, both physically and mentally?

Tick, tock, the clock on the wall chimed twelve. Where was she? Who is she? And why the hell am I so wet thinking about her?

Next: Chapter 2

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