Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Aug 31, 2010


The Fuckerware Party -- Chapter 10 By Tappy McWidestance

As the pain subsided from the three snaps of the riding crop Ronda had just given me, I felt her lowering me back down to the ground. Her statement that I was a bad girl for cumming had me both scared and exhilarated. I had needed to cum and there was no way I could have held back any longer. As my body had learned, one orgasm served very well as the gateway to another so I was anticipating Ronda's next move. I was sure it would involve some form of punishment, but I didn't care. Whatever she did would turn me on even more and I knew I would be cumming again soon.

By the time I hit the floor, Anthony and his wife had left. That was too bad because I thought I'd be getting a piece of his cock. His wife was hot. I certainly would not have objected to eating her out either. But it was not to be. Ronda would be my salvation and my tormentor. She quickly dispatched my cuffs and the gag. I continued to lie prone on the dirty floor. The cool grease and oil had begun to feel good to me. Ronda surprised me by picking up my clothes and tossing them at me.

"We're done. I've got things to do. Go home and wait for your hubby," she barked.

"No," I pleaded. "Let me stay and serve you. Please. I don't want to go home."

"I've got to clean my apartment and get the garage in order for tomorrow morning. I don't have time for a slut who can't hold back her orgasm until she's given permission to cum."

I was almost in tears as I beseeched her to allow me to stay. I told her I'd do anything she wanted. I'd eat her pussy. I'd lick her ass. I'd let her fuck me anyway she wanted. She could spank me. Anything at all. Just let me spend the afternoon with her was all I asked.

"Anything?" she questioned.

"Anything," I replied.

I noticed a wry smile and I knew she was hooked. I waited through the pregnant pause in the conversation, my body tensing in anticipation of what she would command.

"I'm sorry fem," she began. "I've got too much work to do."

I was crushed, but I quickly recovered. "Let me clean your apartment for you. I don't mind."

I wanted more sex, but if cleaning her tiny apartment was what it took to be with her right then, that was a small price to pay. With any luck, she'd even give me a reward.

"If I let you clean my apartment, what's in it for me? What will you give me for the privilege?" Ronda asked.

"What will I give you?" I responded back. "It's the other way around. You will owe me."

"Then you had better go home like I said before."

My head was spinning from the conversation and I knew if I wanted to stay I was going to lose this argument. I had to offer her something, but what?

"What do you want in exchange for letting me clean your apartment?" I asked.

Ronda thought for a moment.

"I like watching a fem doing manual labor. I'll give you the address of a shop I know that specializes in sexy costumes. If you dress up for me, I'll let you clean the apartment and the garage."

I had to laugh how she snuck in the task of cleaning the garage. I didn't care. I'd have done anything to be allowed to stay. I agreed to her terms. While I dressed she went upstairs to retrieve a business card from the costume shop. I had not heard of the place. I assumed Ronda knew it was open on Sunday. But then again maybe she knew it was closed and that was her way of getting me out the door.

Fortunately the shop was open. I really wouldn't call it a costume shop. It was more of a fetishware shop for a discriminating buyer with unique clothing tastes. At least that was what the small lettering on the door stated. I was greeted by a statuesque blonde. She must have been Nordic. She was well over six feet tall and looked like she could be a model. She noticed I was still holding the card and asked, correctly, if this was my first time in her shop. It was pretty obvious. I'm sure my nervousness was showing and I quickly admitted it was indeed my first visit. She pointed at the card and asked who had referred me. I told her Ronda from the mechanic's shop. I realized I didn't know her last name so I decided to fake knowing her better by mentioning where she works. The woman didn't introduce herself but according to the business card, her name was Ingrid.

"So are you here to find something for yourself or something Ronda will like?" Ingrid queried me.

"Something for Ronda," I replied. "I'm going to clean her apartment this afternoon and she wants me to wear something sexy for her."

I was a bit surprised how easily that information just came out of my mouth. Ingrid obviously knew who Ronda was and I'm sure could infer a lot about me by my confession that I wanted to dress sexy while I cleaned her apartment. I'm sure she could sense my submissive nature coming out and I wondered if she would attempt to take advantage of me. Let me rephrase that. I hoped she would take advantage of me. Ingrid began to lead me through the store. I let my mind wander into a fantasy. She'd pick out a couple of costumes and then take me back to a dressing room where I could try them on. Of course when I was naked she would come into the changing room, lock the door and have her way with me. I could feel myself getting wet as I followed her Amazonian figure back toward the maid's uniforms. Ingrid was talking, but I wasn't hearing her. I was focused like a laser beam toward her ass as it gently swayed back and forth as she walked.

I slowed down as we reached the maid's uniforms. There were leather ones, latex, vinyl, rubber and plastic ones. Some looked very revealing, some almost pedestrian by comparison and some like a traditional naughty French maid would wear it. I was immediately drawn to a cheap plastic French maid costume I spied. I figured Ronda would rip it off me soon enough, so cheap was good. But Ingrid kept walking past the section. I put the plastic costume back on the rack and scampered after her. When she reached the biker section of leather gear she stopped.

"I saw you looking at the maid's costumes. Save those for your husband," she said pointing at my ring. "Guy's go for the French maid thing big time, but Ronda will not. You need to become a biker chick. What's your goal in this? Do you want your ass accessible or is this strictly looking no touch?"

"Accessible," I responded without hesitation or embarrassment.

"I would recommend these. What do you think?"

They certainly were not what I would have chosen for myself, but Ingrid certainly seemed to know Ronda and her tastes so I decided to trust her.

"They look fun. Can I try them on?"

I still hadn't given up on my changing room fantasy.

"Of course," she said handing me the two hangers. "The changing rooms are right through there," she said pointing toward two swinging doors behind the store's counter.

I took the hangers and started walked. I couldn't tell if she was following. In my fantasy she picked these clothes because I would be accessible not only to Ronda, but also to her. I pictured her following me about to take control of me once I stripped to change. My pussy was getting wetter with each step. When I made it through the double doors, I found a short hallway with three more swinging doors into the changing cubicles. These doors were much smaller than any clothes store changing room I'd ever been in. The lower edge was close to three feet off the ground. At my height, once I stripped off my clothes, my ass and pussy would be just above the edge of the door. Anybody squatting down to pick something up would be on full display. The tops of the doors were not much more modest. At my height, the tops of my breasts were shielded, although not by much. A woman as tall as Ingrid would not be shielded from view.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and wet panties. I wasn't too concerned about the door. The shop was empty except for the two of us and I was so horny I would have gladly changed on the cash register counter if it meant getting some satisfaction. I heard the outer door creak. Finally Ingrid was here to take me to the Promised Land.

It turned out Ingrid was the person entering the hallway and I quickly learned why the door was so short. At her height, especially in the heels she was wearing, she could look right over the door and see everything a customer had to offer. The fact that I was in a changing room where I should have been safe from prying eyes made me feel doubly naked as I put on the leather chaps she had given me. They had a wide belt which I cinched around my waist. There were two D-clips, one on each hip and a rectangular panel below the belt which covered the front of my hips and my pussy, but then stopped like the micro of micro miniskirts. There were two narrow strips of leather, about 3 inches wide, which ran down the center of my legs, over my knees and culminated in an elastic band near my ankle.

"You slide your leg through the band to hold them in place," Ingrid said with a smile as she watched me over the door.

I knew my nipples were hard as rocks. They were unprotected from her lustful gaze. Why didn't she just push her way in and take me?

After securing the leg strips I turned my attention to the bra. It was leather also, no surprise in that, but I wondered how Ingrid just happened to have one my size on the rack. It turns out she didn't. This bra was by design way too small and forced my nipples to pop through two circular openings designed for that purpose. The top edge was overflowing with my boob flesh as the bra squeezed my breasts together and lifted them into an obscene cleavage while my nipples poked at least 3/4 of an inch out the front of the bra. I struggled with pulling the back straps tight enough to get them to clip. Ingrid obviously was expecting this because she was ready on the spot to help me out.

I walked out of the changing cube and turned around presenting my back and ass to her. She took hold of the bra straps and pulled tighter than I ever felt the need to do and finally the clasp met its mate and the bra was secure. I could tell it was obscene. My ass was hanging out of the chaps so I put a little wiggle in my walk as I went back up front to find a mirror. All the way there, I felt myself getting wetter and wetter as I questioned what Ingrid was doing letting me get away like that. Why wasn't she forcing me to lick her pussy?

My fantasies were ruling my conscious mind as I strutted my stuff in front of Ingrid, but unfortunately she didn't seem interested. She reassured me that Ronda would love this outfit so I changed back into my clothes, swiped my credit card and headed back to the garage. My pussy was throbbing for attention all the way back and I practically sprinted up the back stairs to her apartment. I knocked on the door but she didn't answer right away. I walked back downstairs but she wasn't in the garage either. Her motorcycle was there, but I couldn't tell if a car was missing because I wasn't sure what she drove. I headed back upstairs and knocked again. This time I could see shadows moving through the thin curtain covering the window in the door.

"Is that you Tina?" I heard her call through the still locked door.

"Yes, mam," I answered.

"Are you dressed for your cleaning duties?"

"No, mam, but I bought the outfit Ingrid suggested. I think you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will. Change and knock again. Then I'll let you in."

Obviously this was another test. She expected me to change on her stair landing. I could have gone back to my car, but the landing was actually more secluded and given the pulsating in my pussy, time was wasting. I quickly shed my clothes and folded them neatly on the landing. I was standing naked outside her door. It felt liberating. There was little chance of being caught, but I still felt naughty which only heightened my desire for her. Slipping on the chaps was easy. Getting the bra to snap was a little more difficult, but I managed. Ready to serve, I knocked on the door again. Ronda answered wearing a short silk robe and holding a cup of coffee.

"Sorry I couldn't answer the first time you knocked. I was, um, occupied," she said.

I could smell how she had been occupied as the odor of female arousal hung in the air.

"No problem. I just wasn't sure if you were home. How do you like my outfit?"

"It's perfect. Ingrid knows what I like. Let's get you to work."

I silently jumped for joy. I knew I had interrupted Ronda while she was masturbating and hopefully she was still feeling the need. I was more than disappointed when she handed me a dust cloth and a can of Pledge.

"You can start by dusting the house. I have something I need to finish."

I tried not to show how disappointed I was. I watched her ass as she turned and walked back to the bedroom and shut the door. I started to dust the minimal amount of furniture she had but I was quickly distracted by the sounds of a happy woman coming from the bedroom. I continued to polish and repolish the pieces near her bedroom so I could listen to her pleasure herself. I was surprised to hear her yell out "Fuck me Tommy" right before I heard her climax. She had told me she'd never been with a guy before. This confused me. Was Tommy another one of her customers or a biker friend?

I heard her getting up from the bed, the springs creaking as she rolled off the mattress. I quickly bounded to the other side of the room and looked busy. She was still wearing her robe, but it was ruffled and she had the look of a satisfied woman on her face. I wondered where Tommy was and if I'd be meeting him soon. She told me to straighten up the bedroom as she poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down at the dinette table. I didn't want to miss this invitation. Maybe Tommy was chained to her bed. But aside from a twisted bedspread and an even stronger fragrance of pussy, there was nothing out of place in the bedroom. I quickly straightened the bedspread. As I leaned over the bed I took a deep sniff where I estimated her pussy would have been. Her scent was heavenly. I wanted so badly to masturbate right then, but I was determined to play her game. I was convinced my reward would be much better than a quick session with my finger.

Ronda had a 5 drawer dresser and a French door cabinet which I quickly dusted. I couldn't resist a quick peak in the drawers. The dresser contained nothing out of the ordinary. The cabinet was another story. This was where she kept a wide variety of sex toys and sexy lingerie. I also found Tommy, a generously sized dildo still slick with her juices and warm to the touch. I couldn't resist. I was there to clean for her and there was only one proper way I knew to clean a dildo so I quickly sucked it into my mouth and savored her juices. I knew that she knew I would find the toy. I was convinced she planned to "catch" me in the act and punish me. I allowed myself the divine feeling of a full mouth a little longer than I should have in order to give her longer to discover my intrusion, but it never happened. Disappointed I shut the cabinet and returned to the living room. The ache and wetness in my pussy was growing. Ronda was still sitting at the table.

"Did you enjoy licking my dildo, slut?"

"Yes mam."

"I figured you would. I really enjoyed our session in the garage. I needed to get out some frustrations. There is a mop and bucket in the closet. I need you to do the kitchen floor next."

"Yes mam."

I still wasn't crazy about acting as her maid, but at least this time Ronda stayed in the same room watching me. We talked about my marriage, my mistresses and life in general. Dare I say we started talking like friends instead of a dominant talking down to her submissive. Of course none of that put any damper on the fire between my legs. A fact I shared when I finished the floor. Ronda told me it wasn't her job to pleasure me. But if I did a good job mopping the floor downstairs, she would give me a treat and get me off. I immediately agreed. She escorted me down to the garage. I felt self conscious walking in front of the building with my ass and tits hanging out for the world to see, but thankfully Ronda didn't force me to hang around outside for long.

Inside the garage was already pretty clean, although I was sure it would take some effort to mop the grease and oil from the floor. Ronda got me started and then turned to leave.

"I'm going back upstairs. If you finish in an hour and do a good job, then you get your reward. If you don't finish or do a bad job, you get punished. Deal?"


Ronda walked back out and I went back to work. Surprisingly the floor went quicker than I anticipated and I finished with 20 minutes to spare. I used the time to straighten up the customer area and mop that floor too. By the time Ronda returned, everything was done. She came through the shop lobby door. She was holding my clothes. I felt a pit in my stomach open up. She was sending me home. My disappointment was obvious, although her next game was not.

"I promised you a reward and I always keep my promises. I'm leaving your clothes here because, well, because I'm me and I can. Let's go upstairs for your reward."

I didn't know what to expect as I climbed the stairs with more anticipation than I'd ever felt in her presence. Walking into the living room I immediately noticed a thick dildo suctioned cupped to the wall about 20 inches off the ground.

"You've already met Tommy. This is Roger. You've got fifteen minutes. Have fun."

Sad to say, I didn't hesitate. A normal woman would have, but my brain was too far gone to care. I dropped to my knees and took Roger in my mouth. I knew my pussy was slick enough to skip this step, but I figured Ronda would enjoy the show. My ass was pointing directly at her as I knelt on my knees and slobbered over the fake cock. I could feel my juices running down my leg and I'm sure Ronda could see that too. But licking a dildo wasn't going to satisfy me so I spun around and impaled myself doggie style on the thick shaft. Even though it was thick, it slid in easily. From my kneeling position I looked up in time to see Ronda snap a picture of my predicament. She then grabbed one of the kitchen chairs and placed it directly in front of me.

As I began fucking myself in earnest, Ronda sat down and undid the sash on her robe. She let the sides fall away revealing her succulent form to my gaze. I was leaning forward putting all my weight on my left forearm and knees as I pushed my right arm underneath my body to give my clit the attention it desired. I was rocking back and forth on the dildo moaning with each stroke of the cock and of my hand. Ronda, in the mean time, had spread her legs and was playing with herself as well. She was apparently enjoying my show as much as I was enjoying performing it. She kept the chair just outside the reach of my tongue, although God knows I stretched as far as I could for a taste.

At the ten minute mark she came which triggered my own climax. I was in heaven as I collapsed onto the floor and pulling myself free of the dildo. I was still quaking as Ronda knelt over me and mashed her pussy down onto my lips. As special as that was, she'd kept me waiting long enough, I was even more surprised when she knelt over me into a 69 and began licking my slit. I ate her with gusto and she returned the favor. I felt another orgasm building and assumed she felt the same way when I heard a timer go off. Before I could react, Ronda stood up.

"Time's up. Time to go home to hubby."

I was breathless and began to pant. Surely she was kidding. Alas, she was not. She tied the sash on her robe and told me to take off my cleaning uniform saying I could have it back next time I cleaned for her. I knew better than to argue. She'd given me one great orgasm and allowed me the privilege of eating her pussy. That was reward enough for cleaning her apartment. I'd been close to having a second orgasm when I ran out of time. I guess Jim will be the lucky recipient of that one.

Ronda escorted me naked back to the garage to retrieve my clothes. As I was dressing I begged for her to let me visit her again. She told me to call her whenever I needed service and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. As I was walking out the door, she gave my ass a hard slap. It stung, but also made me gush.

"Drive home safe slut," she called from the shop.

I got in my car and took a few minutes to compose my thoughts. I knew I had to deal with Jim tonight and my mistress in the morning. I also knew I had to see Ronda again. This was going to be an interesting couple of days.

Jim arrived home from his golf weekend late. I was already in bed exhausted from my activities this weekend. He slept in so I didn't have to talk to him in the morning either as I was out early to get to the office and service my mistress. Monday progressed like most of my work days with my orally pleasing both Mistress Sharon and Mistress Linda. Both of them teased me but would not let me cum. Jim was certainly the beneficiary of my heightened libido that night. Tuesday Mistress Sharon told me that she and Linda had decided to take their slaves out to a minor league baseball game Friday night and that I should keep my schedule clear. I'm not a big baseball fan, but getting together with my sisters in submission was always a good time. I fell asleep that night dreaming of what might happen Friday. I woke wet and horny. I managed to get to Sharon's office on time, but my mind was on Ronda. My mistress had been teasing me more than pleasing me the last couple of days and I needed some of Ronda's special attention. I told Mistress Linda I wasn't feeling well and left work at lunch time.

I didn't go home, but instead drove straight to Ronda's garage. She didn't seem surprised to see me. Her shop was humming with activity. She had two male mechanics working on cars and there was a man and a woman in the waiting area. Since we were not alone, Ronda didn't use her usual verbally assaultive manner I had come to expect. I made up the excuse that I needed an oil change. I made sure to emphasize that I needed an oil change not my car needed an oil change. She said it would be about an hour wait and then offered to come outside and look at my car. She was dressed in greasy coveralls. She had her fake pony tail on again sticking through the back of her baseball cap. She looked far from the leather Dom that I served so willingly last weekend. Outside she had me sit back in my car and then leaned through the driver's window to address me.

"I want you to wait here until I signal for you to come inside. Take off your bra and panties. Leave them on the passenger seat. When I wave you in, scurry that sexy ass into the waiting room. You'll know what to do when you get there."

I nodded that I understood.

"One more thing. I'm sure you're already wet, but in case you're not, things will go much easier on you if you play with yourself while you're waiting."

Again I nodded and Ronda turned and returned to the shop. I quickly shed my undergarments as she had instructed. Removing my panties was easy. They were already damp as Ronda had suspected. My bra proved to be a bit more of a challenge, but it too was dispatched and placed on the passenger seat. Now my only preparation was to masturbate and wait. Certainly this was not punishment. At least not yet.

I stared intently at Ronda's garage while my fingers danced over my clit and along my puffy and moist pussy lips. I didn't know what deviant plan she had for me, but I knew I would enjoy it. In the short time we had known each other I found myself completely captivated by her, much like I had been completely captivated by Mistress Sharon.

I saw the garage door open and one of the cars pulled out. I expected Ronda or one of her mechanics to wave me in, but they did not. I continued to play with myself. I knew I could make myself cum, but I wanted to wait. I wanted to be as hot and ready for her as I could be. I imagined myself suspended upside down from her hoist again only this time I'd have to service the other two mechanics also. This was a mixed blessing for me. I was horny enough to do it. There was no doubt about that. But I still somehow saw myself as being true to Jim since I'd been, with the exception of blowing Faith's husband, only cheating on him with women. I know that doesn't make sense. Clearly I was being unfaithful to him, but since he was fucking Judy, I justified it in my mind. Now if I was out fucking different guys, that would be a problem, but I knew Jim would absolutely love it if I brought him home a new woman to be his toy. I pinched my clit as that thought crossed my mind and a shiver coursed through my body. I shook with need and almost came as I pictured myself presenting Jim with another submissive and then we both attended to his needs. Maybe I could convince Lisette to party with us while her husband was out golfing this weekend.

I was being consumed by the thought of finally confessing my submissive desires to my husband and becoming his slave wife. My eyes were open, but they were not focused as my fingers continued to dance over my dripping pussy. The struggle not to cum was getting harder and harder. It was a battle I was about to lose, but fortunately I was snapped back to the present by the sound of Ronda's voice yelling at me. I looked at the garage and she was waving me forward. I drove over to the door where she signaled I should stop. She walked over to my door, opened it and took my hand.

Leaving the keys in the car, she escorted me to the front door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the mechanics sit down in my car to drive it into the shop. I was humiliated by the thought of him seeing my bra and panties sitting on the passenger seat. I knew my fragrance was hanging heavy in the air and although I had not looked, I'm sure the leather driver's seat was probably slick with my desires.

We walked into the small waiting room. Ronda told me to wait and walked into a small storage closet adjacent to the bathroom. I looked around. Nothing seemed out of place. The room was windows on two sides looking out at the street. There was an uncomfortable looking couch, dirty from years of service, a table with a coffee machine on it and a magazine rack with tattered car magazines on it. Pretty typical stuff for an old school garage. My knees were starting to get weak with anticipation. I noticed both of the mechanics looking through the shop window into the waiting room. They obviously knew Ronda was up to something.

I heard the storeroom door begin to creak and watched with anticipation for her return. I wondered if she was going to strip and bound me in the closet to be used throughout the day. I could willingly accept that fate if that was her choosing. Or I would gladly change into my cleaning uniform and clean her apartment again if I could spend a few more minutes impaled on her wall mounted dildo. Basically anything she would do to me right now was fine with me except to ignore me and send me home.

Ronda opened the door and returned carrying a stool. The bottom looked like a plain wood bar stool. The top was shrouded by a shop towel. Although it was hidden, the shape of the towel left no doubt that a dildo was mounted to the top of the stool. It was a large dildo at that. Ronda paused as she exited the storeroom trying to peer through the window as if to check if any new customers were arriving. I glanced into the service bay and both mechanics were smiling.

Ronda brought the stool around and placed it next to the table with the coffee maker. She pulled off the towel and my estimation of what was underneath was correct. Suction cupped to the stool was a dildo similar to the one Ronda had attached to the wall in her apartment that she had me fuck for her viewing pleasure. This one was about 8 inches tall, thick and veiny. There was a prominent bulbous head which would stretch my pussy to its limits. I couldn't wait to ride it. We both stood looking at the stool as the dildo slowly rocked from side to side as it finally settled into position.

"The boys have a few projects to work on before they can get to your oil change. This should keep you occupied until your car is done. I'd guess it will be about an hour."

With that, Ronda turned and walked back into the garage. She didn't order me to mount up and she didn't even wait to watch me do it. I continued to stare at the monster I knew would soon be inside of me. I wasn't worried so much about the length. I'd taken longer at the insistence of my mistresses, but the diameter looked huge. I'm sure it wouldn't be a personal record, but looking at it standing straight up instead of bobbing out of a strap-on harness made it seem twice as large. Even as wet as I was, I figured I'd have to take it slow and give my pussy time to adjust. I kept looking at it trying to psyche myself up. My pussy continued to juice and I was glad I had successful denied myself an orgasm in the car because I knew I'd have a better one soon after mounting the behemoth. I was almost ready to begin when I heard a car horn. I looked out of the window and saw a Dodge Neon pull up to the door. Shit another customer. It was fight or flight time again and Ronda had my car keys limiting my options.

Mounting the stool was no easy task given its height. I decided wrapping my legs around the dildo as I swung my leg over was the best first step. The dildo slid under my skirt rubbing against my pussy lips. At first I thought this might be an acceptable way to hide it when the driver of the Neon entered the waiting room, but looking down I knew that was a bad plan. The dildo was pushing the front of my skirt up like a schoolboy getting his first look at a naked girl. There was only one place the dildo could go where I could look somewhat normal sitting on the stool. I heard the car door shut. I only had moments before being discovered.

I steadied myself with my hands on the front of the stool and my feet on the bottom cross dowel and raised myself up until I felt the head of the fake cock dance across my slick lips. I used my right hand to pull the back of my skirt over the back of the stool while I continued to steady myself with my left. I started to inch back down, but the dildo refused to find its home. I tried three times to mount it, but each time my wetness caused it to slide forward. Its path would have been pleasurable, it was rubbing my lips and brushing against my clit, if I was not so petrified of the Neon's driver appearing at the door any second. In desperation I reached under my skirt and took a firm grip on the invader. Once held tight, the head popped past my lips and lodged corrected into my pussy. It felt huge. Whether it was the shape of the head, the situation or maybe I wasn't as ready as I thought, I felt full with only the top two inches finally in place.

Looking through the window I saw a boy of maybe 19 or 20 walking toward the door. I was still obviously squatting on the stool in an unnatural position. I had to move quickly. I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I lowered myself onto Ronda's special stool. The head was bigger than the rest of the dildo, so once my pussy stretched to accommodate the top, the rest would be easy. The head was hitting every nerve ending in my pussy as it continued its journey deep into my core. I was a good 5 inches onto the dildo when he reached the door. I knew I couldn't just drop onto the stool. I would tear myself up that way. I gritted my teeth and tried to speed up the process. I managed two more inches in the next four seconds as the boy entered the waiting room. I was struggling not to cry out in pain or moan in pleasure at the invasion. I could have gone either way at that moment. My skirt was covering the top of the stool. My legs were still taught holding me hovering just above the seat and I was perspiring. In my mind I figured anybody looking at me would know what was going on. I tried to relax my legs and take the remaining inch imperceptivity.

I forced a smile at the boy as he stood next to me picking a magazine off the rack. My nipples were proudly displaying themselves through my blouse. I had to lock my legs as he stood next to me in an effort to make believe everything was normal. As the boy turned to step over to the couch, a wave of relief washed over me as I could finally take the last inch. Although my conscious mind ordered my legs to release their tension and lower me the last inch to the stool, my unconscious body had one more trick up its sleeve. On their own, my legs tensed even tighter and lifted my just a little before thankfully lowering me into position on the stool. I doubt anybody watching would have seen the move, but my pussy got the message as did my brain. The rubbing of the cockhead up then down was electric. It was then I realized Ronda's plan. I was impaled on her huge fake cock, ostensibly in public, and unable to give myself what I really needed, namely to fuck the shit out of myself.

I looked over at the boy. He was pretending to read the magazine, but I could feel his eyes on me whenever I wasn't looking at him. I doubt he was in on Ronda's plan. More likely he was just feeling lucky at seeing a hot woman with hard nipples sitting in front of him. If he only knew what I wanted more than ever was to start bouncing on the stool. I didn't even care that my ass would have been visible through the window to anybody on the sidewalk. I needed to get fucked and fucked hard.

I did my best to sit and not fidget. I continually squeezed my thighs and pussy muscles in an isometric dance. My mind was in a happy place where I was being gang-banged by the boy and the two mechanics. I'd had that same vision before, but it was always three of my mistresses wielding strap-ons not strange guys. I couldn't help myself but to begin rocking ever so slightly on the stool. I could hear one of the legs, slightly off balance to the other three, ticking against the floor. It sounded almost like a metronome counting off my lewd wants and desires. I'm sure the boy didn't hear anything over the radio playing in the garage, but in my mind each little click sounded like a drum stick hitting a snare. I urged my body to stop playing its risky game. I couldn't even tell if the dildo was actually moving inside of me, but my sexual core thought it was and that was enough to drive my arousal higher. If I so much as touched my clit right then I would have came. The boy must have known something was happening. I was sure he could hear the stool and I was sure he could smell my scent. But outwardly he said nothing. I tried to look bored like somebody waiting for their car, but I wanted to jump off the stool and rip his clothes off. I kept stealing glances at his crotch for any signs of life.

I was reaching my breaking point when I heard the service bay door open and Ronda walked back to the counter with some paperwork. Either his car or mine was done. I prayed it was his. As much as I wanted off the stool, dismounting in front of him was not my first choice. Having him lead me to a back room and then fucking me senseless was my first choice. Ronda called him over to the counter. I looked at the clock. I'd only been there for 15 minutes. After he paid, the boy turned to walk out. He gave me a brazen look up and down as if he knew. I blushed a little. If he really did know, he probably would not have left, but he did. I watched as he walked out the door. I didn't notice Ronda walking around the corner until she was standing in front of me.

"Looks like you are enjoying yourself. You're a good sport. Do you want me to rub your clit?"

"Oh God yes," I said breathlessly.

Ronda looked deep into my eyes as she flipped up the front of my skirt and began rubbing my clit. I responded immediately with a loud moan and began humping the fake cock. It started with me lifting myself an inch and then down. Then it was two inches and repeat. Then three inches and finally about four inches at a time. Ronda's eyes were locked on mine the entire time as her thumb remained on my clit rubbing me in a tantalizing circular motion.

"That's a good girl. Cum for me," she hissed.

As if responding directly to her command, my body released all its tension. I crashed back down onto the seat burying the dildo deep into my womb as I came on her thumb. I felt Ronda reach around me and pull me tight against her body as I shook, consumed by an orgasm hours in the making. I'm sure the mechanics could hear my ecstasy over their radio. Fireworks were exploding in my mind as I placed my head against Ronda's shoulder. I continued to hump her thumb and the dildo as I tried to ride every last quake out of my climax. Although I had been sweating a bit from straining against the dildo earlier, I was down drenched in the afterglow of a wild orgasm and kinky sex. The peaks of my breasts were now clearly visible as the sweat turned my blouse transparent. The top of the stool squeaked as my ass bounced down on a seat coated in a mixture of sweat and pussy juice. I couldn't see myself, but I must have looked like I was rode hard and put away wet. Which of course, I was.

"You're car has a little more work on it. We're changing the trans fluid while we've got it in. Just hang tight."

Again, as before, Ronda was gone in a flash. I was left to wallow in my own juices and a series of mini-cums keeping me on edge. Alone with my lustful thoughts, it wasn't long before I was fucking myself again in earnest. There was no pretence or hiding this time. My left hand was holding up the front of my skirt while I diddled my happy nub with my right. I was afraid I would break the stool I was bouncing on it so hard. I was building up to a wonderful second climax when I heard another car horn. Immediately I froze. I looked up at the clock and only 5 more minutes had passed. I'd never make it waiting another 15 or 20.

I tried to settle my hair and straighten my skirt and blouse as best I could. My nipples were still at attention and my perspiration was still turning key parts of my blouse transparent, but I really couldn't do anything about it right then. I tried to slow my breathing back to a normal rate. I stretched to reach a magazine I could pretend to read. To my shock, I knew the person who entered the door.

Through the door walked Anthony, the man who, along with his wife, had seen me suspended in the garage last Sunday. This couldn't be a coincidence. He gave me a warm greeting as Ronda was walking through the door.

"Hi Ronda. Are you keeping her here all the time now?"

"Hey Anthony. No she keeps coming back begging for more. She just came on my hand a few minutes ago."

"Really? What did you do to her?"

"Nothing much. She was really doing it to herself. She's sitting on a nice thick dildo right now. She was fucking herself in front of a 20 year old kid trying not to let him notice. I guess it got her worked up."

"No shit. That's hot. Belinda's got to see this."

I watched as Anthony pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of me sitting there. I watched as he quickly tapped out a text message and then put his phone away.

"So what's up with my car?"

I couldn't believe he just turned his attention away from me that quickly.

"It's all done, for now," Ronda replied. "I need to show you a few things. Come on back."

I watched as they disappeared into the garage. That wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to play with me. Well screw them. I don't need them to make myself cum anyway. I quickly returned to slamming the dildo and fingering my clit. Immediately I felt my pending orgasm being to build again. I moved my left hand across my mouth to make sure they could hear not me in the garage. It was their loss. If they didn't want to play I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of listening. My vision was unfocused as I concentrated entirely on the pleasure flowing over my body from the marvelous dildo and my fingers. I shut my eyes and through my head back. I pictured squatting over my husband as he lay on the bed with his cock buried in my ass. On top of me was Ronda fucking me with her strap-on. Both of them were tearing me part. I felt my husband's hands on my breasts pinching my nipples savagely and I came. I came hard. Like my first cum, I would have fallen if not for the hands holding me. Then I realized the fingers pinching my nipples were not my husband's and part of my fantasy. As I trembled and moaned through my climax, I tried to focus my eyes. What I saw was the same sexy woman who had been with Anthony last Sunday. His wife was squeezing and tugging on my nipple. She must be Belinda and have given Anthony a ride to pick up his car.

"That's right baby," she cooed. "Ride that cum. Let me see your slut face."

She dropped my right nipple a slid her hand under my skirt.

"You're a wet one aren't you?" she said rhetorically. "When you tire of Ronda, come by our house. We'll teach you how a real slut should act."

Belinda began stroking my clit. It was hypersensitive from having climaxed twice in the last 10 minutes. I opened my mouth to protest that it was too much, but before I could vocalize a response, she pulled her wet fingers from my steaming snatch and pushed them into my mouth. I greedily sucked on them.

"That's right girl, clean momma's fingers. How about we have you clean that cock in your pussy next."

I had been waiting for Ronda to tell me it was OK to dismount, but I wasn't about to pass up this invitation. Belinda steadied me as I stood up on the cross supports. I don't think she realized just how much cock I had inside of me. The dick stood proud with my juices glistening in the sunlight streaming through the windows. I didn't need to be told twice. I quickly bent over at the waist and took the cock into my mouth. Belinda's hand slipped up my skirt exposing my well used pussy.

"Oh yes," she commended while starting to rub her hand up and down my slit. "You've really been fucked today haven't you?"

I couldn't vocalize much of a response as I was busy cleaning the cock, but I tried to mumble "yes mam."

I felt Belinda push two fingers into my still simmering pussy. She then used her other hand to spread my ass cheeks and I felt her forcibly pushing one of her fingers into my ass. I responded with a moan.

"Anthony would love to fuck the cute little ass," she said. She was wiggling her finger around inside of me. "You're pretty tight back here. I can tell it has been used, but not enough. I could train you to take that cock that's in your mouth up your ass. Would you like that slut?"

Again I just moaned.

"I can tell you like this. I'd have to train you. Anthony is at least that size. I'd have him fuck you up the ass while you suck on my pussy. How would you like that?"

I took my mouth off the dildo long enough to answer that I would love it.

That is how Anthony and Ronda found us. I was bent over at the waist with six inches of cock in my mouth. Belinda now had two fingers in my ass and was rubbing my clit insistently trying to get me to cum again. Ronda told her to stop. I certainly didn't want her to, but Ronda said he had a better plan.

"The boys in the shop have been working hard and I promised them a treat."

I assumed this mean fucking them. I wasn't about to say no. But I was wrong. Instead, after walking in back, Anthony lifted me up onto the counter and I was instructed to spread my legs and masturbate for their viewing pleasure. It was a command I joyfully followed. Anthony had his arm around his wife while Ronda stood proudly off to the side. The two mechanics leered at me but I had the distinct impression this wasn't the first time they had seen this kind of show. I expected Ronda to toss me some toys, but this performance remained a strictly hands on experience. I pulled my breasts out of my top so I could recreate the divine pleasure Belinda had bestowed on them while plunging three fingers into my pussy and rubbing my clit with my thumb.

It took longer than I expected, but I finally had my third and final monster climax. I received a rousing ovation from my audience and all three of the guys were sporting erections. Although I was tired, I hoped they would drop me to the greasy floor and take turns using my mouth, but Ronda interceded and said the boys had to get back to work. I was still sitting on the counter with my legs spread and pussy on display as one of the mechanics opened the overhead door and pulled my car outside. Luckily another customer was not arriving as I didn't have the energy to snap my legs shut. If fact I asked Ronda if I could take a short nap upstairs because I didn't think I could drive right then.

She told me that wasn't a problem. She said the cost would be I'd have to clean her apartment again. I smiled and said no problem. She said she would be back up in an hour and that I should be dressed appropriately. I knew once my head hit the pillow I'd be out like a light. I hoped that if I was still asleep when she came upstairs she would see fit to punish me. I deserved it after the performance I'd just put on.

Next: Chapter 11

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