Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Oct 2, 2010


The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 11 By Tappy McWidestance

As I anticipated as soon I lay down in Ronda's bed I was out like a light. I had found my maid's outfit but left it on the end of the bed instead of getting dressed. I wanted her to find me naked in her bed and either make good on her threat to punish me or to make love to me. Either way would be good for me. I woke about 2.5 hours later. I was shocked when I saw the time. I got up and walked around the apartment. Ronda was nowhere to be found, although she had left a note for me on the table.

"My Dearest Tina," the note began. "Obviously you did not follow my instructions. Your punishment is you are not going to get what you so obviously crave. I've got better things to do than waste my time with a sub who can't follow my orders. Run home to hubby."

I was in tears reading her note. This isn't what I wanted at all. I got dressed and headed down to the garage but Ronda wasn't there either. One of the mechanics told me she had seemed upset and left without saying where she was going. I was devastated. Had I screwed up our relationship for good or was this just another power game she was playing? I tried calling her cell phone but she didn't answer. I did leave an apologetic message, but then I headed home. I didn't hear from her Thursday and then I didn't hear from her Friday. I was starting to get worried she was gone for good.

But Friday also brought a new opportunity. Friday night the mistresses had decreed to be a group party night. We had not had one for a while and the sense of anticipation in the office was palatable. Both Mistress Sharon and Mistress Linda had told us we were going to a minor league baseball game, but other than that, we didn't know what was going to happen. They had been especially tight lipped during our office sessions the last two days. I'd cleared with Jim that we had a company outing and not to expect me home early. All of the mistresses and slaves were supposed to be coming so I wondered if Judy would be given an exception to keep Jim from questioning our activities.

At 4pm Mistress Linda told me to head downstairs to Mistress Sharon's office. I gleefully turned off my PC. I doubt any of us had been getting much work done that afternoon anyway so I rushed downstairs. Toni was not at her desk. I walked down the hall and knocked on my mistress' door. I heard her call me in. I could see Toni's legs under Mistress Sharon's desk. I was a little jealous, but I had no doubt that I would be servicing our mistresses soon enough.

I waited as Toni completed her task. Mistress did not have an earth shattering climax, but she seemed pleased. She then told both of us to strip while she told us of the plan for the evening. As she talked I could feel my pussy getting wet. Mistress Sharon opened her desk drawer and pulled out two of my favorite toy. She had two of Mistress Suzy's infamous remote vibration panties. Mistress Sharon had grabbed two of the good sized butt plugs, a generous vaginal dildo and of course the clit vibrating attachments and placed them on the table. She seemed to enjoy watching the expressions on our faces as we willingly secured the diabolical devices to our overheating bodies. Mistress Sharon said all of the slaves would be similarly accessorized tonight and I knew we were in for a group tease of epic proportions.

The plan was simple. We were all going to the baseball game. Each mistress would keep one of the remotes in her purse and could change the settings for everyone at the same time. The contest was for the slaves to hold back from cumming as long as possible. After the game, everyone was heading over to Suzy's house for an orgy. The first girl to cum would be low girl on the totem pole. She would have to service all the other slaves. The second slave to cum would have to service everyone but the first girl and so on. The slave who held out the longest would only have to serve the mistresses and if she didn't cum at all, then she could spank the other slaves and would be given immunity to servicing the mistresses if she wanted. I said if I won my mistress didn't have to worry. I'd always choose to service her.

Mistress Sharon tested her remote. Instantly both Toni and I jumped as our panties came to life. She then had us dress in matching baseball uniform shirts and tight black shorts. The shorts hugged my ass and insured the vibrators would be held fast. The panties were set to low and we walked out to Sharon's convertible. Toni and I both got in the cramped back seat while Mistress Sharon drove. It felt weird to have her chauffeuring us through town. I was expecting to head straight to the ballpark but instead we went to a park with a nature trail.

"Don't tell your sister slaves, but I want to help you two win," she said.

She had us get out of the car. She then cuffed our hands in front of us to "set the mood." She was kind enough to give us each a windbreaker to put between our wrists to hide the cuffs. She then turned the remote up to half...

"I want you to walk the trail. It's about a mile and a half. I'll turn the panties up to medium. If you can cum before you get back, it will be our little secret. Off you go."

I looked at Toni. She was already feeling the effects of the triple erogenous teasing. I wasn't sure if I could cum on the medium setting. I knew I would be totally aroused by a brisk 15 minute walk with my hands tied and clit being teased, but I was afraid a public orgasm might not happen. Still, time was wasting so we headed out.

I guess Friday night was a popular one in the park. There were people everywhere. We had to be careful to hide our cuffs and the embarrassment proved arousing. The quicker we walked, the more insistent the panty's vibrations became. Although we were in a crowd, I didn't sense anybody was particularly watching us. If we had any kind of cover I would have suggested to Toni that we hump each other's legs and get off, but there was not any good hiding places on the trail. As we were walking I felt my cell phone buzz in my front pocket. Somebody had just sent me a text message. With Toni's help, I was able to hide the handcuffs while I contorted my wrists enough to grab my phone. I assumed it was Mistress Sharon sending us some task to complete in the park. Toni was looking over my shoulder as I lifted up my phone. I could see on the display the number was Ronda's.

"It's from my husband," I lied as I shielded the screen from her view. The message was short and to the point as Ronda tended to be. "We need to talk."

I quickly deleted the message. Having one mistress discover messages from another would not be good for anybody. I chuckled as if Jim had sent me something witty and shoved the phone back in my pocket. Suddenly the vibrations in my holes and on my clit didn't seem as insistent as I began to worry about Ronda. Of course that concern didn't last as the panties worked their magic.

In the end we returned to the car panting in need, but as was usually the case, unfulfilled. Mistress Sharon mocked us for not cumming saying that wasn't going to help our chances. We both knew our unsatisfied walk was part of the plan, but that didn't make us feel any better.

We both got in the back seat again. This time Mistress Sharon secured our hand behind our back using the car's LATCH system. I bet the designers of car seats didn't plan on their hooks being used for that purpose. Once we were secured Mistress Sharon took the liberty of unbuttoning the tops of our jerseys to maximize the amount of cleavage we could show. She also turned the panties up to high. Now that was what I really wanted.

"I expect you both to cum before we get to the baseball field. However, we're still going to have a little contest. Whoever lasts longer will be serviced by the loser Monday morning. Deal?"

We both readily agreed. I didn't particularly care if I lost. It was a pleasure to service Toni. I was pretty sure she felt the same way about me. Sharon drove us to the ballpark. Both Toni and I were on display in the backseat and quickly reaching the zenith of explosive climaxes.

Toni was the first to go over the edge. We hit a bump as Sharon pulled her convertible into the gravel parking lot of the baseball stadium. As the rear axle bounced, we both rebounded off the seatbelt and wrist restraints forcing the vibrators deeper into our holes. Having been on the edge of release for the last several miles, this extra sensation was the last straw for Toni. She attempted to hide the pleasure surging through her body as other patrons walked past the car toward the gate. Her face was a dead giveaway to the pleasure she was experiencing and that was enough to trigger my own orgasm. Mine wasn't as strong as hers, but it was obvious to Sharon that I too had cum. Quickly thereafter the panties shut off.

I suppose it looked very strange that the driver of the sports convertible had to lean over into the backseat to fiddle with something behind her passengers as Sharon unlocked our cuffs. Both Toni and I brought our hands to our laps to rub our wrists. We then climbed out of the back seat. I can't speak for Toni, but I assume her erogenous zones were as sensitive as mine at that moment. Even with the panties off, the movement of the various apparatus contained within was maddening. After we exited the car Sharon put the top back up and we walked toward the stadium. We were the last from the group to arrive. All of the slaves looked stressed. I couldn't tell if they had been given the release Toni and I had just enjoyed.

Everyone from the group was there, including Judy. I guess she hadn't been given the night off to fuck my husband. We had a block of seats in four rows. Each mistress sat with her slaves. Mistress Linda along with my co-workers Becky, Molly and Cathy were in the first row of our section. Lisette and Jill joined Mistress Suzy in the next row. Mistress Sharon, Toni and I were next and finally Mistress Faith, Judy and Helen were behind us. I never heard how our positions were decided or if it was just random.

We were all chatting and drinking beer until the game started. When the first pitch was thrown, the panties turned on. I could tell the slaves sitting in front of me flinched at the same time I did so true to Mistress Sharon's promise, everybody must have been being controlled by the same remote. I saw Mistresses Linda and Suzy whisper something in their charges' ears. Mistress Sharon soon informed us that a bathroom break would happen after the fourth inning and we would be going amass to be sure nobody sought relief before then. It was also decided that the orgasm competition would be a team event. Instead of ranking the slaves individually for who could hold out the longest, whichever team came last would be declared the victor. Suddenly our mistress allowing us to cum in the parking lot looked shrewd indeed.

I almost protested that Mistress Linda had a team of three, but in my experience Molly was always a quick cummer when a vibrator was involved so she really wasn't that much of benefit to them. True to form, she came in the bottom of the second inning and was the first out of the competition. In fact, she was also the second one to cum just before our bathroom break. I was thankful when the fourth inning ended. Beer always went right through me and I had to go.

I fully expected our mistresses to have some kind of kinky adventure waiting for us in the bathroom, but other than the challenge of getting the panties off and then reinserting the vibes without fucking ourselves senseless, the process was straight forward. All of the vibes were off for the duration of the field trip to the washroom and nobody made embarrassing comments in front of the other women in the bathroom.

Leaving the washroom it was decided we should all take a stroll around the park. This was obviously meant to tease us all and the setting of our panties to medium fueled this suspicion. Becky and Lisette were the next to cum. Lisette in particular had to stop and hold onto one of the stadium's support beams for balance. She was so cute when she came. I almost felt sorry for her trying to act normal as an orgasm ripped through her in full view of hundreds of screaming baseball fans. Cathy was now the long holdout from Mistress Linda's team and she must have been feeling the pressure. I felt good about our chances. Toni seemed to be enjoying herself, but in control. Jill would be a challenge as she could always take a lot of teasing. I didn't know much about Helen. She was an unknown along with Judy.

Returning to our seats the mistresses began to up the speed with each inning. I could tell they were determined to have a winner before the game was over. It was a lovely night to be outside at the ballpark. Lovely for everybody who wasn't struggling to hold back from a very loud public orgasm at least. Mistress Linda was the first to be out of the competition as Cathy succumbed to her temptation with a visible shiver and audible moan. Linda lamented that her slaves would need far more training before the next group outing. I snickered to myself that she didn't know what training was as I thought about Ronda.

My thoughts about Ronda proved to be my secret weapon as one by one all of the other slaves, including Toni, gave in to their lusts and came in their seats. Some, like Judy, were loud enough that I'm sure the people sitting around us suspected she just came. Others, like Jill, were quiet as a mouse and except for a change in breathing and a confession to losing her battle, you never would have suspected she just climaxed in front of you. I continued to think about how Ronda would keep me on the edge and threaten me if I came. I was also thinking about what she wanted to talk to me about and how she was probably steaming right now that I had not called her back. In the end it was enough distraction to keep me from having a very public outcry even when the panties were set near the top speed. I almost gave in as the other girls enjoyed multiple waves of pleasure as the mistresses were determined to get me over the edge. There was no downside to my sisters in servitude not holding back and they took advantage of the opportunity to get the pleasures they had been denied during the week.

Mistress Sharon appeared proud of my new found ability to resist cumming although I could tell Linda, Faith and Suzy were not so amused. Still I had secured victory for our team. I could have easily allowed myself to be transported to a blissful climax right then. I had no problem cumming in front of the group or the strangers in our section. But I figured I'd survived this long so I wanted to make it to the end of the game. Our team was down 4-3 with two outs in the ninth. Another pitch or two and the game would be over and I would have beaten the clock. Then it happened. The pitcher hung a 2-1 curveball and the batter, who had been sitting back waiting for a breaking ball deposited the mistake over the left field wall. The game was tied. As the crowd roared its satisfaction, I held a celebration in my pants. I'd have never made it through extra innings so as everyone else in the stands stood to cheer, I grabbed my crotch pushing the clit vibe down a little tighter and had a wonderful climax. Any noises I made were drowned out by the cheering crowd. It felt as if they were cheering for me. As I came down from my high and looked around, it was clear Toni, Becky, Jill and Lisette had taken advantage of the distracted crowd to sneak in another cum. Imagine how the men sitting around us would have reacted if they knew five submissive women had just cum in front of them while they yelled at a little white ball.

Soon after the homerun, the panties turned off. Everyone seemed relieved that the teasing was over. We didn't wait for the game to end. Led by a still upset Linda, we marched out of the stadium. Some of the men sitting around us gave us appreciative looks and I knew we were busted. Not that I cared, mind you. Soon we were back in the cars and headed to Suzy's house to pay off the bets.

Our panties remained off for the drive to Suzy's. I could tell just the mere penetration of the now dormant vibrators was keeping Toni on edge as were mine. I assume Sharon was excited too as our destination came ever closer. Since we had won the "contest" I knew we would be serviced by the other slaves. This was a prospect that pleased me greatly. I was also curious as to what form of play this would take.

Once everyone arrived, the mistresses ordered all the slaves except Molly to disrobe. Mistress Suzy addressed us.

"Slaves, tonight we held a little contest to see which mistress had trained their slaves best to deny themselves an orgasm. Molly obviously lost so more training is in order. The rest of you did better, although we will continue working on your self control in the coming months."

I looked around the room. Molly seemed apprehensive but the other girls were all smiling.

"Becky and Cathy step forward," ordered Mistress Linda. "You too caused me to lose a bet I made with your other mistresses. As the first ones out of the competition, you two will pay the price. I hope your tongues are well rested. On your knees with your hands behind your backs."

I watched as Suzy produced a set of manacles for each slave and quickly secured their wrists and ankles. She also affixed a wide collar around each of their necks which was secured to the chain holding the cuffs together by a long bar. The effect was to force the girls to lean slightly backward thrusting their breasts forward. I noticed the bar was also the right length to touch the floor which would at least give them some support, although the stress on their thighs would soon be punishment enough.

Mistress Sharon told us that Toni and I had won the right to use Becky and Cathy's mouths first. We could choose to have them eat us or we could use them as a toilet. It was our choice. I had no interest in pissing on either of them, but I was more than happy to let Cathy lick my slippery slit. Toni made the same choice and soon we both were loving life. I got the impression Becky and Cathy were not too upset with their placement either.

The same could not be said about Molly. After the mistresses got us started, they took Molly and secured her in a tight hogtie complete with a blindfold. She was still wearing her panties which they announced would be put on tease mode. Molly would have to spend the rest of the night listening to our pleasure but receiving only torture. I remember thinking there but for the grace of God go I as I continued to grind my pussy on Cathy's face.

I could tell Toni was getting excited as was I. For fun we switched and Becky ended up the recipient of a nice juicy orgasm from my pussy. Her face was glistening as I moved away from her. Toni was just about to cum. We had not noticed, but my boss, Mistress Linda had also removed her clothes. The other mistresses were busy securing her the same was Cathy and Becky were bound.

"Mistress?" I questioned. "What is going on?"

"Mistress Linda was very confident her charges were not going to lose. So she bet her mouth that they would not be the first team out. Obviously she lost so now she gets to service the three of us," Sharon said pointing to Suzy and Faith.

As soon as Linda was secured, Faith took up position in front of her and let go a stream of urine all over her face.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," she confessed.

I felt a rush of adrenaline as I watched the hot yellow liquid splash off my boss' face. If everyone at the office could see her now, her days of ruling with an iron hand would be over. Of course I knew I would never tell and was pretty sure Becky and Cathy would be mute on the subject. Molly couldn't see what happened although since Faith called Linda a "piss drinking whore" I'm pretty sure she could guess what happened.

Lisette and Jill were the next to be serviced by Cathy and Becky while Sharon took her position over Linda. The sounds of womanly pleasure filled the room much, I'm sure, to Molly's dismay. I'd worn those panties on tease mode plenty of times and I knew combining the torture of being teased mercilessly with being forced to listen to other women having what you are being denied would be sheer hell for her.

After Lisette and Jill had their orgasms, Lisette being particularly loud, they were ordered to their knees to pleasure Toni and me for the second time. They were not bound, although I noticed Lisette holding her wrists behind her back. Judy and Helen then took their turns on the bound Becky and Cathy while Sharon was busy riding Linda's face. Toni and I enjoyed our second sloppy orgasm of the orgy but had little time to rest before Judy and Helen went back to work on us again. Our prize or perhaps curse of winning the competition was forcing ourselves to cum three times in short order. My pussy was sore from pleasure by the time Helen accepted my happiness and I hoped we'd be given a chance to rest.

Faith was now forcing Linda's mouth deep into her pussy as she ground her crotch over my boss. Since Faith got two turns with her I wondered if Sharon and Suzy would take advantage of the situation for a repeat performance. They seemed happy, like the rest of us, to sit back and watch Faith degrade Linda the way Linda so often degraded us. When she was finally satisfied, Faith pushed Linda away and she fell sideways, her face glistening with mistress fluid. She made no effort to get back up to her knees. Suzy released Cathy and Becky from their cuffs and the pair stood up rubbing their wrists. Looking at Sharon, Becky asked if they had earned an orgasm. She wasn't looking at her mistress who was still lying prone on the floor.

"Yes, I suppose you two have been good sports and deserve some pleasure," my mistress announced.

I fully expected Toni and I would be ordered to return the favor. My mouth was even salivating a bit at the thought. I watched as Suzy went back to her restraint cabinet and returned with some different cuffs attached to a pair of spreader bars. "This is interesting," I remember thinking. I watched in fascination as Suzy quickly undid Linda's binding. Linda continued to lie passively on the floor. Almost as quickly Suzy resecured Linda's wrists and ankles. This time instead of being hooked together, however, they were spread apart. Sharon helped Linda up into a kneeling position. Her pussy was glistening in the light and obviously in need of attention.

Suzy disappeared again and returned with two strap-on dildos. "Oh my God," I thought. "They are going to fuck her."

Well, I was half right. Suzy walked up to Toni and me and handed us the plastic weapons. That was some bet Linda lost. We prepared ourselves for our opportunity to exact some revenge on our mistresses. I was positioned on my back and Linda was lowered onto me. My dildo slid easily inside her and she looked happy perched above me. The spreader bar between her wrists was a problem. As Suzy pushed Linda over so Toni could access her ass, Sharon helped guide the bar around my head so Linda could support her weight with her wrists. It wasn't ideal and I knew my neck would be sore from resting on the bar, but I wasn't about to question what was happening.

I could see the strain on Linda's face as Toni penetrated her. She was stuffed the way I had been so many times. I doubted it happened much to her. We were told to hold off fucking her for just a minute. I could tell Linda didn't want to wait, but like us, she had to follow orders. The final insult for Mistress Linda was a camcorder setup on a tripod.

"I know your hubby will love to see you as a bottom," Suzy snickered. "Cathy, get up here."

So Mistress Linda's debasement was complete. She was sucking out the pussy of her slave as Toni and I double teamed her ass and pussy. She was enjoying herself. We could tell from the moans and her body language. Cathy certainly enjoyed herself. I could tell from the drops of fluid falling on me from Linda's chin. Toni seemed happy as was I as the harness of the dildos included a nub which hit my clit just right. In fact neither of us had any incentive not to fuck the shit out of her as the harder we slammed her, they more pleasure we received ourselves.

After Cathy came and backed away, I heard a guttural moan from my boss. Her sounds were quickly muffled as Becky gagged her with her pussy. I figured we were done after Becky stiffened and came but I was wrong. Helen and Judy each took turns and then Faith, Suzy and Sharon each enjoyed themselves again. I was fortunate. I just had to lay there and enjoy the nub rubbing my clit as a lewd display of female flesh danced above my head. Toni was doing the real heavy lifting in our partnership, but fortunately she seemed able to keep fucking as long as she was ordered.

Linda wasn't holding up as well. After Sharon moved off her face, Linda began to babble and beg for permission to cum. I think all of us slaves learned a valuable lesson as to holding back out climaxes since Toni and I had been fucking her for a good 40 minutes as she had serviced 7 women yet had been able to hold back her own release. I watched as Faith, Sharon and Suzy looked at each other and then nodded.

"Go ahead slut," Suzy said.

Almost immediately Linda let out a howl which shook the walls as she began to convulse and twist as she was consumed by her orgasm. I had a front row seat as her pleasure ripped through her body. I'd never seen such passion on someone's face so close-up before and the vision of erotic pleasure she presents triggered both me and Toni to have our final climaxes of the night. Mine was certainly no match for Linda's as she was still quaking long after mine had subsided. She end up collapsed on top of me as she had released all her available energy in a two minute burst.

I couldn't move as I was pinned beneath her, my cock still buried deep inside her. I could tell Toni was pulling out of her ass. I saw her stagger back to a chair and sit down. I'm sure her legs were worn out from the fucking she gave her. Other than struggling to breathe a bit because of Linda's weight, I felt pretty good. Suzy and Faith helped pull Linda up and then they laid her out on the couch. I'm sure she wasn't going to move for a while. Sensing a climax to the evening, Molly began to beg for her own release. Shit, we'd forgotten about her. She must have been ready to explode.

Suzy didn't bother to confer with her partners. A simple push of the button on the remote sent Molly to the heavens. Overall it was an amazing evening. We all were satisfied and I think we all had our kink quotient filled, although driving home my thoughts continued to drift back to Ronda. I tried calling her even though it was late but I only got her voicemail. I crawled into bed next to Jim terribly conflicted. I couldn't keep this from him much longer. He deserved to know the truth.

That night I slept the sleep of the dead. If I had not been so worn out I probably would have been restless thinking about what to do with Jim, Ronda and the Mistress Club as I'd come to think of them. I knew Jim loved me and since he'd been having a kink filled affair with Judy I somehow thought he would forgive me. Ronda was a different issue. She had stirred in me a craving for harsher discipline than Sharon and the other mistresses were giving me. Somehow I had to convince my husband that was a good thing. I also knew that eventually the group was going to find out about Ronda. I had no clue how that would play out. The group was certainly very open, but membership was strictly controlled by the mistresses. Had I committed an expulsion worthy transgression? As you might have guessed, everything quickly began to come to a head.

Jim had to work his second job on Saturday, so he was up and gone early. I heard him getting up so I dragged myself to the shower while he was in there and gave him a good morning hummer. He seemed very pleased. I figured he incorrectly assumed Judy would be taking care of him last night so it would be better to send him off to work happy.

As soon as he left, I called Ronda. This time she answered her phone. I was expecting her to be angry with me. Surprisingly she was apologetic. She was mad at herself for sending me away last Wednesday and she said she really missed talking to me Thursday and Friday. She asked if she could come over. That surprised me as she had shown no indication that she wanted to see me anywhere but the garage. Of course I said sure and told her to come over.

After I hung up the phone I had the realization that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Three other members of the Mistress Club lived within a block and a half of me. I'd have to hide Ronda. I watched through my living room blinds for her arrival. I had the garage door opener in my hand. She had not said when she was coming which left me with a mixed feeling of anticipation dread of being caught. Finally I heard the roar of her motorcycle before I actually saw her. I opened the garage door hoping she'd take the hint and pull inside. What I didn't know was the roar of her bike had also drawn the attention of Lisette who was gardening on the far side of her house. I couldn't see her but she definitely saw Ronda as she rode up the street. I was focused on Ronda as she pulled up my driveway and into the garage. I pushed the button on the remote and headed to the door. I didn't see Lisette's head peering over the bushes at the corner of her house.

I met Ronda in the garage. I wondered if she would still be in the apologetic mood or whether she would simply order me to strip the way she had so many times before. She greeted me with a warm embrace and a passionate kiss. Both were out of character for her.

"We need to talk," she said. "Can we go inside?"

I ushered her into the living room and we sat down on the couch. Ronda did most of the talking. She told me how bad she felt about the way she treated me. I told her I loved the way she treated me. I was confused. She was my mistress. My fuck buddy. My kinky protagonist. Why was she telling me I shouldn't get off by having her abuse me?

She seemed tense and I offered to give her a back rub to relax her. She refused saying her problem was talking about herself. She said she found it very difficult but that her therapist told her she had to come clean with me. Come clean with me? That is what I knew I had to do with Jim? What had she been hiding?

It turns out plenty. Ronda went on to describe why she was such a bitch and how her inability to surrender her past had haunted her relationships. She said she was ready to trust me with the truth even if it meant ending our relationship. I hung on her every word. She paused searching for the right words... "It all started like this..." Ronda began.

I sat spellbound as Ronda told me her life's story. I felt sad for her. She grew up a normal fun loving kid, but when she was 18 and getting ready to leave home for college she was sexually abused by two of her cousins, one of their older friends and her boyfriend. Ronda explained that she had been a virgin, although not 100% pure. She had made out with boys and even given a couple of hand jobs but had never "gone all the way" or sucked a cock.

She had never been very close with her cousins. They got along alright, but usually only saw each other on family "state occasions" like weddings and around the holidays. Out of the blue, one of her cousins called to invite Ronda over. Both her cousins were freshmen in college at the time so it seemed like a good idea to get together and talk about what she would be experiencing later that fall.

Ronda said that besides her cousins there was a woman about 25 or 26 at their house. She obviously was not in college anymore. The group was lying out in her cousin's backyard sunning themselves by the pool, drinking margaritas and talking about college life. The woman seemed very knowledgeable as did her cousins. As the day went on, Ronda felt herself getting a little drunk. At some point the conversation was steered to the wild sex Ronda's cousins enjoyed. Ronda said she was uncomfortable discussing sex with her cousins since she was still inexperienced in the ways of love, although she didn't share that with them.

The girls were taking turns talking about their wild experiences. Ronda tried to fake it, but her cousins were having none of that. They busted her and started taunting her for being a virgin. Ronda was almost in tears describing how they taunted her. I gave her a supportive hug hoping she would continue the story.

Ronda said her cousin's friend eventually tore off her swim suit top exposing her budding breasts. As she moved to cover herself, her cousin pulled down the bottoms leaving her naked and defenseless. Ronda's cousins decided she needed "an education" before going to college so the boys "wouldn't take advantage of her."

Now stripped naked, Ronda was forced to the ground where her trio of aggressors took advantage of her. That afternoon she ate her first pussy. Well first three pussies actually. She also took her cousin's dildo in both her pussy and ass deflowering her. She was spanked and forced to lick the older woman's asshole and as a finale, sat on a table and forced to masturbate herself to climax in front of them.

Ronda said she'd been crying through the whole ordeal while the girls just laughed at her. The final humiliation came when the woman's boyfriend arrived to pick her up. Ronda was lying on the floor naked and crying. The man didn't seem concerned for her wellbeing any more than the other girls did. Ronda could hardly see through her tears, but her cousin had dropped to her knees and was blowing the guy. When he was ready to cum, the older woman pulled him over to Ronda and had him blow his load all over her prone body. Ronda told me she felt even sicker and more degraded by being used as his cum receptacle than if he had just fucked her. After all, she wasn't a virgin anymore.

The man was still standing with his deflating cock hanging from his pants. Ronda said her other cousin immediately began licking his cock while the woman told her she was a good slut. The woman then thanked her cousins for introducing Ronda to her. Ronda said her cousin said "it was our pleasure mistress." She said she didn't know what that meant and as the woman and man were saying their goodbyes by kissing her cousins, Ronda managed to sneak back to the bedroom where she had left her clothes after she changed into her swimsuit. She quickly dressed and then left her cousin's house and never went back and never talked to them again.

I was in tears as she described how she was raped, but Ronda wasn't done with her story. She then told me she made a decision that day to never let anybody hurt her again. She'd never been with a man because he should have protected her from the assault of his girlfriend. She also took revenge on beautiful women by beating them as a way to extract a moment of revenge on her cousins.

Ronda had been in therapy for years wrestling with her demons. She'd been celibate for over a year before I arrived in her shop that fateful Friday night. Apparently I looked just like one of her cousins. I asked what her therapist thought about all of this. Ronda said her therapist wanted her to apologize to everyone she had hurt through the years. She said she was starting with me. I was dumbstruck.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked.

"Well that depends on you," she replied.

I looked at her confused.

"I think I love you," Ronda continued. "But I understand if you never want to see me again."

I paused to think.

"I don't love you, Ronda," I told her. "But I loved the way you treated me and I think I understand you."

"I can't treat you that way anymore."

"But I need you to treat me that way," I pleaded.

"I don't know," she replied. "I was actually going to ask you to spank me. My therapist said it would be good for me to experience the pain I caused other people.

My head was spinning. I'd never been sexually happier than when I was under Ronda's control and now she wanted me to dominate her. I knew if I told her no, she'd probably leave and never come back. If I told her yes, would I ever get the same feeling with her that drew me to her in the first place? I was conflicted, but I told her OK and that I'd try to help her.

As experienced as I was being a submissive, the dominant side didn't come naturally. I told her to strip and then lay across my lap. She didn't hesitate. I gave her a solid hand spanking. She didn't cry and took every blow without resistance. I could feel her wetness begin to flow onto my legs. She was enjoying herself. I wish I could say I was too.

I got the impression that Ronda wanted me to provide a more intimate service as her hips began to rotate slightly on my thighs between strokes. Her breathing was becoming labored and I wondered if I should rub her clit and get her off. Clearly it wouldn't take much, but as I said being the dominate partner didn't come easy to me and I was basically waiting for her to give me instructions about what she wanted. She was topping me from the bottom and still clearly in charge. I wondered if this is what her therapist had in mind.

Finally with a cry Ronda begged me to finger fuck her. Her voice had the authoritarian edge I craved and I quickly stuck three fingers inside of her. Just as quickly she crashed over the edge and orgasmed while draped over my lap. She humped herself up and down on my fingers as she rode her climax. I was finally starting to get turned on as the smell of her sex and the wetness on my legs from her pussy started to get to me. I thought about pushing her down to her knees and forcing her to eat me. I wondered if that is what she really wanted or did she just want a spanking that got a little out of hand.

I decided not to care about the consequences and force her to serve me. I pushed her down to the floor. She had still been quaking in post-orgasmic bliss so it was easy. I stood up to take a position above her when I happened to glance at the window. I couldn't make out a face, but there was definitely movement outside the blinds. Somebody had been watching us. I shrieked in surprise and sprinted to the window. My vertical blinds had been drawn, but not quite shut completely. There was maybe an inch opening at the center. Somebody would have had to have been in the bushes brazenly peering into my window to see anything.

I left Ronda on the floor and went outside. All was quiet and I didn't see anybody running up the street. I took a quick walk around the perimeter but didn't see anybody hiding in the bushes or around my neighbor's house. I did find shoe prints in the dirt by my living room window. They were Nike shoes. I could make out the logo in the impression. They were small shoes too. Either some neighborhood kid saw us for more likely one of the women in group had been spying on us. Now what was I going to do?

I had my former mistress in a submissive post-orgasmic heap in my living room, a peeping Tom who saw me get her off, a husband who was cheating with my neighbor and a group of mistresses who, while they knew how to make me cum, didn't satisfy my core being like being Ronda's sub did. What else could happen today? As it turned out plenty as I saw Jim's car turn the corner and head down the street.

Next: Chapter 12

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