Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jun 18, 2010


The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 03 by Tappy McWidestance

All day at work my mind replayed the events from the day before and continually cycled back to the email I had received this morning and how I should respond to it. The email was very simple. It was just two short sentences in fact. The first was a statement that my mystery lover had a great time and would be at my house again at the same time next week. It wasn't a question whether I wanted a return engagement. It was a statement that she would be there. The second was a request, or was it really a command, to write down my feelings about my experience and send them to her. My pussy was juicy all day thinking about how this woman had taken me to a place I had never been before, where my body tingled from her touch and my orgasms flowed like water. I ached to feel that way again.

Jim was home that night so I had to wait until he went to bed before composing my reply. Although we had pledged not to share personal information with each other, I couldn't adequately describe my feelings about the previous day without doing so. I think my email turned out to be about 4 pages long and I had to stop and masturbate twice while writing it. Every time I thought back to being strapped to the bed and hammered, I got wet.

The week crawled by. I wanted her so bad I was experiencing physical withdrawal pains as I watched my email account for new instructions. Finally the night before we were to meet, I received another message. Like before there would be a new box on my doorstep by 6am. Once again I was to prepare myself and at 9:30am, significantly earlier I noted, I was to open the box and follow the instructions. I was on pins and needles all night. I peeked on the porch at 5:45am and the box was already there. I could feel her presence watching me as I retrieved the box, but I couldn't see anybody. Once again I hid the box in the basement and then fixed breakfast. I wondered if the office would realize I had called in sick the same day two weeks in a row.

As soon as Jim was out the door, I quickly bathed, shaved and applied my make-up. I felt so dirty getting ready for my "date" because I had never planned on cheating on Jim, but my pussy was controlling my life and I couldn't say no to it. Promptly at 9:30 I headed to the basement and opened the box. Surprisingly, there wasn't much in it. Looking at the clothes, I found a leather g-string. I also found a pair of very high heels, almost 5" I estimated. There was also a set of ankle cuffs and a red ball gag. On the bottom of the box was an envelope which I assumed contained my instructions. Under the envelope I found a pair of panties. I picked them up and brought them to my nose. My finger tips showed me they were still wet. The freshness of the scent told me she had cum in them just before packing the box. I took a deep breath savoring their scent. I wave of lust cascaded over me. I took a moment to relish the feeling and then opened the envelope.

"Today is going to be simple. I want you to grab the silver bullet vibrator I know you have in your collection. Make sure the batteries are fresh. If you want to play with yourself a bit you can, but I need you dressed and ready by 10am. Turn the vibrator on medium and slide it all the way into your pussy. Then put on the g-string. I want you to cuff your ankles and then put on the wrist cuffs you got last week. Go to the living room and pull the blinds all the way up. That will be your signal that you have accepted my little plan.

I want you to go to your back yard. Leave the back door unlocked. I want you to sit down on one of the patio chairs I saw last week. Your ankles are to be cuffed to the legs of the chair. Then after you attach the enclosed ball gag and the heavy leather blindfold from last week, I want you to cuff your wrists to the arm of the chair. If you struggle on your second wrist, I will understand. I'll take care of it when I arrive, but even if you can't clip it in place, I want you to hold the rail as if it was. No playing with your beautiful breasts or pussy."

Once again I was being ordered to submit to a woman I still didn't know. Once again the throbbing in my pussy meant I was going to obey. I took the box and headed up to the bedroom. I guess she had given me permission to play with myself in case I wasn't wet enough to insert the vibrator. Boy did she have that one wrong. If I had played with myself I would have cum on the spot. She hadn't forbidden that, but as I had learned last week with her and before that with Suzy, not having a quick easy cum could pay dividends down the road. So I simply followed the instructions to turn on the vibrator, slide it home and quickly pull on the g-string to hold it in place. Realizing that was going to be my only article of clothing made me feel doubly naked and doubly slutty. I loved it.

The heels were going to be a challenge. I knew my legs and ass would look great while I was wearing them, but I would hardly be able to walk. I carried the shoes downstairs along with the thicker blindfold from last week and my new gag. It wasn't even 9:45 when I opened the blinds. By 9:50 I was secured to the chair as instructed with the vibrator buzzing happily in my pussy and my eyes covered and my mouth secured. And I waited. And waited.

Without having the living room clock chiming, I couldn't tell how long I waited. The morning sun felt great on my skin. I had sunbathed topless before and loved the feeling of freedom. Today I had a different feeling. Helplessness. Of the two, the latter is much more stimulating. I have no idea how long I sat there, but eventually I heard the clicking of her heels on the patio bricks. Closer and closer the sound came until I heard a heavy bag of some kind hit the patio and then felt a gloved hand gently stroke the side of my face. I immediately tilted my head in the hand's direction. I felt the hand travel down my neck, across my breasts, down my stomach, across my pussy and then down my leg. The feeling was exquisite. Unfortunately it didn't last. As soon as the hand completed its journey, I heard the heels walking away and the back door open and close. I was alone again.

Again I was made to wait. My skin was alive after her touch and I longed to be touched again. Once again time stood still. I could do nothing but wait. Nothing but wait and have the vibrator tease my pussy. Nothing but wait, have the vibrator tease my pussy and have my mind thinking nasty thoughts and fantasize about what she was going to do to me. And let me tell you, my mind could be very dirty.

It felt like had waited an hour, but it probably was no more than 15 minutes when I heard the return of her high heels. It was the same sound I heard last week and I instantly recognized it has her. I had been praying she wouldn't tease me like last week. I prayed she would talk to me this week and tell me her name. I prayed a lot of things but mainly I was thankful that she was there. I felt her gloved hand again begin to tease me. I tried to thank her through the gag. She seemed gentler than last week as she fondled my body, although she was no less hesitant to tease me to the point of release and then back off. That was an unnerving constant in our relationship.

Like the week before, she brought me to the edge only to pull me back at the last moment without satisfaction. She was reinforcing my training that she was in charge and that if I wanted to cum, I needed to please her. As soon as her hands left my body, I felt alone even though I knew she was standing next to me. I heard her rummaging through the bag and then felt a collar being attached to my neck. I also felt a thin leash being attached to the collar and then left to dangle against my breasts. Again she walked away to leave me to contemplate this new development.

My wait was not as long this time before I felt her hands begin to detach my bonds with the chair. As her hand grabbed the leash, of course she gave a stiff squeeze to my right breast. A quick tug on the leash indicated I should rise. Standing up, I felt the leash lead me into my back yard. It was tough to walk on the grass in my heels. I had to worry about the heel sinking into the soil. I also had to worry about my neighbors. While my patio is fairly secluded from prying eyes, the rest of the back yard is not. I hoped none of my neighbors were home from work sick as once I reached what I estimated was the center of the yard, a hand pressed on my shoulders indicating I should kneel. As I reached my knees, the hand kept pushing indicating I should take position on all fours. God how humiliating it was. And how arousing.

I felt another tug on the leash and began to scamper along on my hands and knees like a dog. How more degrading and humiliating a position could she have chosen? I made a loop around our whole yard before I felt the hard concrete of the patio beneath my hand. For the first time my tormentor talked to me.

"Sit. Stay," was all she said.

Two words. Her only identification. I didn't recognize the voice. Before this I had been sure it was Suzy, but clearly it wasn't. I'd even considered that it might be Judy from next door. But the voice didn't match her either. Also, Judy didn't seem to be the dominating type. The more I had thought of her this week, the more I had decided she was more likely to be in my position than being the tormentor. She was more likely to be collared than holding the leash. But I digress.

I heard the heels walk back to the door again. About a minute later, I heard the door opening and the woman walking back toward me. I heard something placed in front of me and felt the leash being picked up. I felt the leash tighten and pull toward my back as her hands unbuckled my gag. My blindfold remained tightly in place. I felt the leash once again move to the front and a tug. I moved forward about a foot until I felt her hand on my head. I stopped and it pushed downward.

"Drink," was the one word sentence.

Now I knew how much more degrading this could be. I lowered my head into the bowl and began to lap at the water. It tasted so good I didn't even care how I was acquiring it. She let me drink as much as I wanted. When I pulled my head up, the leash prompted me to turn around and head back into the yard. I wasn't surprised when the she pulled my g-string down, pulled out the vibrator and stuck it in my mouth to clean it. I had grown to like my taste. I was surprised that before she pulled my g-spring back up, she ordered me to pee. I tilted my head in a questioning manner toward her voice.

"This is your last chance for a while. Do it here or you will be punished later."

That was the longest phrase I had heard her say yet and still it provided no clue as to who she was. Obviously I really had never met her. She slapped my ass very hard with her hand.

"I'm serious bitch. Do it!"

I had to fight back the tears as I knelt on all fours and pissed like a dog. A bitch dog in heat. This was not arousing in the least. My face burned with humiliation and for the first time in a long time, I felt no arousal in her presence.

Once I was done I felt her pat my pussy with a paper towel. I then heard the hum of the vibrator, on high this time, a quickly felt it reinserted into my pussy and held by the g-string. She then led me back to the patio and again told me to stay. Against my better judgment, my body immediately responded to the invader in a completely predictable way.

I heard the gate open and shut as she walked out of the yard. I was left with my imagination running in high gear. I could easily take off the blindfold. The only thing stopping me was my lust. Somehow I knew if I did that, turned off the vibrator or even stood up, our game playing days would be over. I wasn't ready to risk that. I continued to wait, positioned on all fours on my patio with the vibrator bringing me ever closer to an orgasm I prayed I'd be allowed to receive.

I heard the gate again. She was back. Her heels on the concrete confirmed that. I expected her to take me inside and hopefully back to my bed where she could ravage me again. But instead I traveled over the patio in the direction I recognized as the gate. I wanted to resist. Doing this in the relative privacy of the back yard was one thing, but I was sure I could not escape detection in the front. But I couldn't resist. She didn't have to say a word. I submissively followed where the leash was taking me. I felt myself led onto the grass on the side of our house. Oh how I hoped my neighbor wasn't home. Next I felt the concrete of the driveway. Please let this end. Mercifully I didn't hear any moving cars, but that didn't mean nobody was walking through the neighborhood. Finally an upward tug on my leash. I felt forward and my hand hit the side of a car. I quick movement right and it felt the floorboard of an open door. I scampered into what I quickly determined was a cargo van. There was no carpet or seats that blocked my entry. At least there would not be any windows either.

A slap to my left buttock as she dropped the leash meant turn left. I felt a thick coil spring mounted in the floor. My hand followed the spring and I found a horse saddle. It didn't take much deduction to figure out who it was for. I began to take pride that I knew what my tormentor wanted without waiting for instruction. I sat up and used both hands to take an assessment of the saddle's position and then holding the edge, stood up. I moved next to the saddle and prepared to swing my leg over it when my hand slid off the edge and through the middle. I stopped when it hit a thick cylinder. Gripping it with my hand I felt the veins and ridges of a very accurately molded dildo. You would think I would have been scared, but instead I felt exhilaration. I may not have known where I was going, but at least I could get fucked on the way.

Once again I ran my hands around the saddle to make sure I knew where the edges were and then I mounted it much like my love had mounted the chin dildo on my face the week before. It slid home easily. I wasn't nearly the size of the strap-on she had used last week. I was smiling and feeling proud of myself when I felt her grab my left wrist. Quickly it was secured to a clip on the ceiling. The same was done with my right. She left my feet free. In my heels, I could reach the floor, but if I stood, the tip of the dildo still penetrated me. Of course I wasn't unhappy with that situation. I figured we were ready to go, but before we left, another pair of soiled panties covered my nostrils. Her scent still smelled divine.

The side door was shut and I heard her move to the front of the van and the engine start. I have no idea where we drove. The roads were bumpy, I can tell you that. The poor quality meant we were not near my residential neighborhood. The city kept those streets in good condition. I was guessing we were maybe downtown, but in truth, the thing I was most concentrating on were the sensations emanating from my pussy as I continued to fuck myself on the saddle. I'm glad the windows were up because I screamed in orgasm on more than one occasion.

I would have been perfectly happy to have her drive me around town for the rest of the day letting me cum my fool head off, but eventually I felt the van go down a ramp. After a few sharp turns, it went down another ramp and then a third before finally parking. I heard the engine turn off and sensed her moving into the back of the van.

"Listen up sweetie. If you want to continue, you have to follow these instructions very closely. I'm going to unhook your bonds and leave the van. You are in sub-basement 3 of this building. It's not used for much anymore, but it is monitored by security cameras. If you want to continue our little game, wait five minutes and then get dressed. There are clothes in a box behind you. The security guard is a friend of mine. We will not have any trouble as long as you look normal walking to the door, but I can't bring a naked chick in. That doesn't look good in the video record. Don't worry about the toys. I have more inside. Walk to the door and go inside. It will be unlocked. Walk down the hall until you see a sign for Woman's Locker Room. Meet me there. I doubt you will meet anybody on the way, but if you do just walk like you belong here and it will not matter. Do you understand?"

"Yes," was my reply.

"Yes, what?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes, mam?"


"Yes, mistress?"

"Good. We'll work on it. 5 minutes. No more. If you change your mind, just walk up the ramps to street level. There is cab fare in the pants pocket."

With that the door opened and she was gone leaving me alone with my thoughts and my lust. I sat motionless on the dildo for perhaps 3 minutes. I wasn't really contemplating any options. I was going in. I knew that. But my mind was still trying to get around how I went from borrowing a tiny vibrator to sitting impaled on this saddle. It was time to get dressed. The box contained a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of gym shoes. Nothing sexy, dirty or stimulating and probably the kind of clothes that a worker on this level would wear. It didn't take long to get dressed and it didn't take long to walk the 25 feet to the door.

The door was heavy steel. The only markings were sub-basement 3 and deliveries. I guess I was the package today. Pushing the door open took some strength and it shut with a resounding bang. I saw nobody in the hall. The building seemed vacant. There was a sign pointing down a hallway for deliveries and I saw a freight elevator. I walked straight ahead as I had been instructed. I reached a gate. It was a fence like you would find in a high school gym. It was open and had been tied with a cord so it wouldn't shut. I continued forward down the hall. There was a dank, musty odor and very little light. The hallway itself wasn't lit. The illumination came from a single bulb near the garage access door.

I saw a door on my right. It said exercise room. There was a window in the door which I peeked through. I couldn't see much of anything. There was a dim red illumination, probably from an exit sign, but that was it. Back down the hallway I continued. I quickly reached an alcove on the left. There was a drinking fountain and two doors. One said Men and one said Women. Hanging from the drinking fountain was another blindfold just like the one I had left in the van. I obviously was in the right place.

I never would have believed I'd have the strength to act as I was acting, but I didn't hesitate to pick up the blindfold and strap it into place. I pushed the door open and walked inside until I hit a tiled wall. The smell of mold was stronger in this room. I heard the door shut and then the click of a deadbolt. I stood still until I felt her hands on my shoulder. She guided me further into the recesses of the locker room. I was picturing in my mind what the locker room looked like in my gym, although somehow I doubted this was the same. Both sets of our heels were clicking on the tile floor and the thought of how beautiful my cruel mistress must look wearing those incredibly sexy sounding shoes made my knees go weak. I felt guided to turn left.

"Open the door."

I fumbled around, but found a knob. This door was also heavy. I walked over the threshold until the hands on my shoulders indicated I should stop.

"Strip. Leave the blindfold on and the shoes."

I heard her walk away and the door open and shut again. I wondered if I was alone or if there was even a light on. It took no longer to shed my clothes than it had taken to put them on. I was shivering in the cold room, but all I could do was wait.

Fortunately the door opened again quickly. I heard her heels and then a heavy bag slam on the floor. I stood waiting for direction. I heard her open the bag and then move around me and the sound of fiddling with equipment. She then moved back to me and pushed on my shoulders. I immediately dropped to my knees and was quickly presented with a wet pussy in my face. I didn't hesitate as I began to service my mistress. Although they were not cuffed, I crossed my wrists behind my back. It just felt natural. Her taste was exquisite. Much better in the flesh than her panties she liked putting over my head. I lapped at her pussy until she climaxed twice. My face was coated with her juices as she marked her territory by rubbing herself on my forehead. I was her slut and we both knew it.

"Do you want me to fuck you again?"

"Yes please," I responded without hesitation.

"Who does your pussy belong to?"

"You mistress."

"Will it always do what I say? Fuck who I tell it to fuck? Eat who I tell it to eat?"

"Yes mistress."

She was laying down the guidelines of our relationship.

"Having a slut like you around pleases me. Do you want to please me?"

"Yes, mistress. More than anything."

"I can be a cruel mistress, but I am a fair one. I will not punish you unless you deserve it. Serve me well and please me and I will give you pleasure. But always remember, like today, I cum first. I was not pleased with how you balked when I ordered you to pee in your yard. I will give you a certain amount of leniency because you are not properly trained yet. But I'm still going to punish you. Do you understand why I am going to punish you?"

"Because I disobeyed you?"

"Yes, but there is more."

I had to think for a moment. "Because I deserve it?"

"Yes you do, but keep going."

I searched my mind for the answer. "Because you are my mistress?"

"You're getting closer."

"Because you are my mistress and want to train me to follow your instructions?"

"Almost there."

"Because you know what is good for me and what I need?" I was almost crying as I realized just how much I cared for my mystery lover. "Because I belong to you and you deserve to be worshipped and have me follow your commands without question?"

"Very good slave. When I punish you, I do it out of love, not hate. You will learn the difference. You disobeyed me earlier and need to remember no to do that. But don't worry, I'll go easy on you today. The next time you visit my 'office' you might not be so lucky."

"Thank you mistress."

I felt the warm embrace of the leather cuffs being attached on my wrists and ankles. My mistress then moved me against a padded cylinder right about thigh high. She pushed me over bending me at the waist around it. She told me to hold my position while she secured my feet spread wide across the base. On the other side my wrists we similarly attached. The spread of my legs left my pussy and asshole on display for her. I could only hope her promise to go easy on me wasn't a lie. I also hoped her promise to fuck me would be fulfilled.

I felt her tap a riding crop across my backside. Not enough to hurt, just enough to let me know where she was as she circled my body.

"You are very beautiful slave Tina. Does your husband tell you how beautiful you are?"

"Not often enough, mistress."

"Pity. I wonder if he would like red ass cheeks on you. I know I do."

With that I heard the rush of air and felt the snap of leather across my ass. I cried out in pain as my nerves communicated it blow up my spinal cord to my brain.

"We're pretty well sound proofed down here, slut, so don't worry about yelling. I rather like it."

My mistress gave me 9 more swats with the crop. I was begging her to stop, but my pussy was dripping its sauce down my legs. I could tell she walking in front of me and felt her gloved hand lifting my chin. She carefully brushed away my tears before I felt her pussy once again find my face. I performed my duties with gusto. I knew this was my place and this is where I belonged. Whether it was improvement in my technique or whether punishing me turned my mistress on I don't know, but soon I was rewarded with a sweet gush of her nectar as she held my head tight and climaxed against me. She held me so tight I couldn't breathe as she quaked against my head. Her howls of pleasure were at least as loud as screams ones of pain a few minutes earlier. This pleased me.

As she released my head she told me I had earned a reward. I remained secured in my bent over position while I heard my mistress moving around the room. I listened as the sound of casters rolling across the tile filled the room. Then I heard a click as she apparently locked the wheels in place. I wondered what type of diabolical device she was wheeling around me. As my mind was trying to decide what was about to happen, I felt my mistress run her fingers over my pussy. It felt so good I couldn't help but wiggle my butt at her.

"Yes pet, show me how much you want me to touch you," she hissed.

My bondage did not allow me much movement, but I did what I could to ride her fingers and show her my desire. As wet as I had been before, my juices her now flowing even more copiously. I knew she would never allow me to orgasm like this. It wasn't in her nature. But that didn't stop me from trying to capture her fingers at just the right angle to take me over the top. Satisfied that I was sufficiently aroused for whatever she had planned, she pulled her fingers out of my steaming snatch. Of course she then made me lick them clean. She laughed as I struggled to stretch my tongue out far enough as she kept pulling her fingers back from my mouth. The taste of my juice mixed with the smell of the leather gloves was intoxicating.

I sensed her walking behind me again and then felt a rubber pad being placed under my pussy. It must have had a non-slip back because it stuck to the cylinder. There was a hard nub that nestled into the top folds of my pussy lips right at the base of my clit. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out its purpose. I could feel a wire running down from the pad as it brushed against my leg. My mistress squeezed both my buttocks together and forced me to rotate my hips on the little nub.

"You have pleased me today, slave Tina. You are deliciously submissive and you are quickly learning your place. I was prepared to punish you again, but instead I am going to give you pleasure. Today is our second time together. Before I accept you into my harem, you must pass one more test. But for now, enjoy yourself. I will be back soon."

The voice came from behind me. I heard the click of a switch and the nub began to vibrate. I was pleased to feel the vibrations were quite strong and should be enough to get me off. I then felt the head of a smooth dildo pressing against my pussy. Of course it found little resistance. I heard my mistress turning some kind of knob as I felt the invader delve deeper into my womanhood. Apparently satisfied with her work, I heard my mistress click another switch and the dildo began to pull out of my pussy and then push back in to exactly the same depth it had been. Immediately I realized what was happening. I'd seen it in Suzy's catalog. I heard the mechanical sound of the flywheel moving in perfect harmony with the dildo's cadence in and out of my pussy. I was bound and being assaulted by a fuck machine. My mistress adjusted the speed. A little bit faster and I moaned in pleasure. A little bit slower and I groaned in frustration.

"So which do you want slut? I have some things to do for about half an hour. I could leave this on fast with a powerful vibe and you'll be cumming in no time. Or I could leave it on slow with the gentle vibe and tease you for half an hour. Well?"

I knew the answer I wanted, but I tried to think of what she wanted. If I let her tease me, she would know I'd be even more ready to serve her upon her return. But she seemed to get off on when I acted like a total slut so maybe telling her what I really wanted was better. Then it came to me. There really was only one correct answer.

"Whatever mistress wants is what I desire. Fast, slow or even off, I will celebrate your decision."

"A very good answer, Pet. You are learning fast. For training purposes, I would leave it on slow. But as I said you have performed well today so you have earned a reward. Why don't we let fate decide?"

I heard her reach into the bag again.

"I know you can't see this, but what I am holding is a slave medallion. If I accept you into my slave family you will be required to wear this at all times we are not together. It will serve to remind you of who you belong to, but it is not as conspicuous as a collar. I'm going to unclip the necklace. On one side is engraved the word slave. On the other is engraved a picture of a woman hanging from her wrists. I'm going to toss it like a coin. Choose which side is slow and which is fast."

"I've always received pleasure when you bind me. The side with the woman is fast."

"Very well. Here we go."

I didn't hear anything until the medal hit the floor. I heard it bounce and then possibly roll on its edge for a moment.

"Oops, it's trying to get away. Hold on."

The wait was agonizing as I heard my mistress walk after the medal to determine my fate. My pussy continued to juice along the length of the stationary dildo as my clit vibrated in sympathy to the pad. I was almost ready to cum.

"Ah, here we go. I'll be back in a while to check on you."

I heard the click of the control and the dildo began to slowly push into my quivering pussy. I heard another click and the clit teaser slowed down. "Damn!" I thought. This was probably her plan from the beginning. Then simultaneously I heard two more clicks and both the dildo and vibrator sprung to life.

"Just kidding. Have fun."

I heard the door open and shut as my mistress left me bound and moaning. It is safe to say I had my first orgasm within about 2 minutes of her turning up the fuck machine. Like our last meeting, my body was being conditioned to accept multiple orgasms while bound. Over and over I felt a climax rip through me. I knew regular sex would never satisfy me anymore. I was being taught to crave the type of attention only my mistress could give me.

I was left on the cylinder being fucked and vibrated by the machine for what seemed like an eternity. I must have cum 7 or 8 times. I'm sure there was a puddle of my juices on the floor. I was screaming though another climax when I heard the door open and then the machine clicked off. I was shaking as the vibrations and penetration stopped.

"Oh thank you mistress. I love you."

She didn't say a word. I felt the fuck machine being rolled away and then felt by bonds being removed. I rubbed my wrists to bring circulation back into them. I was marched out of the room, but turned left instead of right toward where I knew the door was located. My mistress told me to stand still, which I did. I heard a shower being turned on. I stood for at least a minute before being pushed forward under the stream of warm water.

"There is a bar of soap in front of you. Clean yourself well and turn the water off when you are done."

Apparently my mistress did not want to get wet as she did not join me in the shower. I quickly rinsed off and then lathered up the soap to scrub my body. I wanted to not waste time in the shower but get back to her as quick as possible. After another rinse I turned off the water. I felt a towel wrapping around me. This was not a cheap Holiday Inn towel. It was thick, fluffy and luxurious. Judging from the towel, I could have been in a high end spa, instead of an industrial basement.

After I was dry, my wrists were once again clipped behind my back and my leash was once again clipped on my collar.

"It's getting late. It's time to get you home."

I followed behind my mistress as she led me out of the locker room. She had not allowed me to get dressed. Apparently she was no longer worried about meeting anybody or the surveillance cameras. We walked down the long hall toward the parking lot. I tried to remember just how long the hall was to gauge how much further we had before I would be naked in the parking lot. I figured we had to be close when my mistress directed me into a right turn and up two steps. I heard her open a door which I must have walked through.

"What do we have here, Sharon?" I heard a female voice say. My mistress' name was Sharon.

"Just payment for letting me use the locker room. Same as usual," I heard my mistress reply.

"Works for me."

I felt a tug on my leash as I heard a chair turning. I felt the security guard's hand on my shoulder as I was guided to the floor. I then felt a skirt brushing my forehead as it was flipped over me. She wasn't wearing any panties and apparently she had been anticipating my arrival because her pussy was already primed for my tongue. Her pussy had a distinct and somewhat foul and unclean taste to it.

"That's right little girl. Suck mama's pussy. I knew you were coming so I didn't wash it for the last three days. Do a good job and maybe I'll let your mistress bring you back for more. I've got a big ole strap-on in the cabinet here which is just right for your asshole."

The guard kept up a steady stream of debasing comments. I lapped up every one just like I was lapping up her pussy juice. I pictured myself impaled on her dildo while spread on her desk. My body had reached the point of almost being able to climax just from thinking about sex.

I found my arousal level growing the more degrading and filthy the security guard talked to me. As I knelt on the floor of the security office I was sure the tiles were dirty. I know they were cold to the touch. I was a nasty whore eating a skanky pussy and I loved it. The guard's hands were tightly gripping my hair controlling my head and subsequently my tongue. She loved it too. I imagined my mistress watching the affair and I hoped she was proud of me. Bent over I knew my pussy and ass were exposed. I longed for my Mistress, Mistress Sharon I now knew, to touch me and get me off again.

The guard was certainly prepared for my visit, but she had good control of her emotions because it took quite a while and lots of effort on my part to bring her off. After she came I felt my mistress tug on my leash leading me to stand up. I didn't even get a thank you as we left the office and walked back into the garage. My mistress didn't say a word until I was climbing back into the van.

"LaShon appreciated your efforts, Tina. If you choose to see me again, servicing the guard will be part of your duties. It's part of the price I pay for access to the locker room. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress Sharon."

"I wondered if you caught that. Yes my name is Sharon, but I prefer to be addressed Mistress S. Now do you want to ride home on the saddle or shall I just cuff you on the bench in back?"

That was probably the silliest question I had heard in a long time. The ride home seemed longer and bumpier than the ride there. Was my mistress taking a different route or what my pussy just sore from the fuck machine and my ass still tender from the riding crop? I didn't care. I was stuffed again, bouncing on the saddle and howling in orgasm every couple of minutes. When the van finally stopped and I was marched naked up my front sidewalk I didn't even care if anybody was watching. From the front I was ordered to crawl through the grass to the back yard. As if she was retracing her steps, my mistress took me for a spin around the yard and then again ordered me to pee. It had been hours since we were last in this position. This time I didn't hesitate. I just leaned forward and let go a stream right on the lawn. I was then directed to crawl into the house. The leash led the way and soon I was back in my bedroom.

Mistress Sharon positioned me on my knees and once again I serviced her wonderful pussy. Her taste was so much fresher than LaShon's and I enjoyed myself thoroughly as she rode my face and took her pleasure. From there I was positioned on my bed and my wrist cuffs were replaced by the timer cuffs snaked through the headboard. This time she didn't secure my legs or use any strategically placed toys to torment me. She lovingly pulled a blanket over my outstretched body and told me I had two hours to nap and about three hours before Jim got home. I appreciated her concern that I would not have to rush this time and drifted off to sleep.

I expected an email to be waiting for me the next morning, but there wasn't one. I wasn't sure if I should be so bold as to send one. After all, I was not in charge of this relationship. Several days went by and I wondered if I had done something wrong. I was on pins and needles waiting to hear from her. Finally on the next Friday she contacted me. Only it wasn't how I expected.

Waiting on my desk at work was a beige manila envelope. There was no return address, but the handwriting of my name matched my mistress' first letter she wrote to me so I knew it was from her. My cube mates had not arrived at work yet so I immediately opened the envelope. Inside were a note and a DVD. The DVD had a hand written label. Slave Tina. My heart sank. Obviously I was going to be the subject of the video. I began to read the letter. My hands were shaking.

"My lovely Tina. I am looking forward to your third and final audition for my harem. Enclosed you will find a recap of our last session. I'm sure you will find it as stimulating as I did. I expect an email from you after you watch it. Your last audition will be next Thursday. You will be spending the night so come up with any excuse you want to your husband. I'm partial to using having drinks with the girls after work and you had too much so you're crashing at a co-worker's house. But you can come up with whatever you want. I know he works for your same company so it might be more of a challenge, but I'm sure you can do it."

Just the sight of her handwriting had my insides turning to jelly.

"Your email simply needs to say 'Yes' or 'No'. There is no need for any additional words. If you say 'Yes' you will receive instructions by the close of business Thursday. If you decide 'No' I will not contact you again. The DVD is the only copy. It is yours to keep as a memento. I expect your answer by noon."

Shit. Noon. How was I going to watch the DVD before then? People were filing into the office already. There was no way I could watch it here. But it didn't really matter. I already knew what the answer would be. The email was time stamped 7:56am. It simply said "Yes."

Next: Chapter 4

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