Fuckerware Party

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jul 27, 2010


The Fuckerware Party - Chapter 06 By Tappy McWidestance

I watched over my shoulder as the group advanced on me. Mistress Sharon was the first to make contact running her hand over my naked ass.

"It's smooth, but not smooth enough," she announced.

I didn't know what she meant, but Toni handed her a bag which everyone apparently expected. Linda took my hand and directed me to a stool. She had me sit down and spread my legs. I was excited to be exposing myself in front of everyone and watched as Sharon pulled out a scissors and can of shaving cream from the bag. I always kept myself neat and trim down there, but I'd never shaved it all off. She also pulled out what looked like a small crock pot. Toni plugged it in.

Now I was a little confused. I'd seen small heaters like that when I'd get my legs waxed at the salon. If I was going to get waxed, why would they need the shaving cream? I didn't have to wait long to find out. Sharon gave my pubic hair a quick trim to get it to the optimal waxing length. Like I said I've had my legs waxed, but never my pussy. It was a little more painful than getting my legs done because the skin isn't as tight. As a result when Sharon began pulling the muslin strips stuck to the wax off, my skin pulled with it until finally the hair ripped out. Fortunately Sharon had her technique down. Immediately after pulling a strip she would rub the skin vigorously which helped a lot. She also used very short strips which minimized how far my skin would pull. Finally she applied a cooling gel when she finished with an area. I greatly appreciated the gel.

When she was finished with my wax, she inserted two fingers into my vagina. As I'm sure you suspected, her fingers found no resistance and came back out glistening to the cheers of the crowd. My mistress could do just about anything to me at this point in our relationship and I would get wet from it. Having completed the waxing, Sharon had me turn over. She sprayed the shaving cream all over my buttocks and rubbed it to a thick lather. Somebody had brought her a bowl of water and she began shaving my ass. I never considered my ass hairy or rough before. I still didn't. The razor glided across my flesh. I was sure it wasn't doing anything as I couldn't feel any hairs being cut. When she was done Sharon wiped off all remnants of shaving cream and the rubbed baby oil all over my exposed ass. She then gave me a playful spank. The baby oil magnified the sound and again everybody cheered. What I didn't expect was the increased pain. Mistress Sharon had given me a playful slap. It wasn't particularly hard or vicious. She'd done that many times to me and it always just felt good. As it was later explained, the cleansing of the butt with the razor removes the barely there hair and the baby oil helps defuse the force of the spank over a larger area. Whatever the reason, the spanking was much more effective.

Unfortunately not everyone was as gentle as my mistress. Linda and Suzy turned my ass bright red before handing me over to their slaves. I had to lie down on each mistress' lap and receive 25 swats. In order for a slave to get a turn at my ass, they also had to agree to eat my pussy. Mistress' didn't have this requirement as I could be ordered to service them at any time. Not all of the slaves took advantage of the opportunity, but Jill and Toni certainly did. Jill especially really laid into me with her 25 swats. I was in tears when she finished. She also did not hold back when it came to licking my pussy. Toni had been gentler at my backside and also gentler at my front. She seemed determined to hear me moan, but not take me any further. Jill on the other hand wanted to hear me scream from simulation at both ends. She also seemed determined to make me cum in front of everybody. I'm happy to report that she succeeded in both goals.

After I came and no other slaves wanted to spank me, Mistress Linda announced it was time for the "welcome to the club" paddling. She said everyone went through this including any new mistresses. My ass was already on fire and I wasn't sure if I could handle it, but I bent back over the stool. Sharon took the first swing. As my mistress and sponsor to the group it was her right to do so. The paddle lit a fire through my ass into my pussy and up my spinal cord. It hurt worse than anything I'd ever felt. I screamed like a banshee and recoiled in pain. Fortunately she only took one swing. My mistress then walked in front of me and hitched up her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties and she quickly positioned herself in front of my face. I heard the whoosh of the paddle from somebody else just before I felt the sting of its bite. The force knocked me forward as my scream became muffled by the soft folded of my mistress' pussy. As I rocked back Sharon moved forward to brace me. A third swat pushed me again deeper against my mistress' pussy. I was doing my best to service her properly, but the intense pain was making that difficult. Three down, five to go unless LaShawn or Tasha showed up.

The five slaves took their turns. Most paddled me as hard as their mistress had, although one was a little gentler. I couldn't see who it was, but I was thankful for their restraint. After they all had their turn, I felt multiple hands begin to squeeze and kneed my buttocks. I squealed a bit when I felt two fingers invade my pussy and again when they pulled out and instead pushed into my ass. My face was still pressed into my mistress' lovely pussy and I continued giving her my best effort to make her climax. Additional fingers now entered my pussy and both my holes were finger fucked until my mistress showered me with her affection spray. She pulled away and Linda, my boss, took her place. When she had her fill, Suzy appeared. All the while I was being fingered by the slaves who now seemed intent on making me cum. I was now being banged in the pussy and ass as another finger made its way across my clit. Suzy was humping my face and all I could think about was "don't cum before she does."

It was getting nerve racking as I inched closer and closer to the edge, but finally Suzy grabbed my head and came. I took this as permission for myself since there was no ruled about one slave cumming before another. My pussy muscles contracted hard on the fingers penetrating me. I'm sure whoever was fingering my ass knew instantly. I arched upward away from Suzy's pussy and gave a primal yell. I was now part of the group. It had been a long journey, a journey I knew wasn't finished, but at last I belonged.

After my climax ebbed, I was brought into the locker room to wash up. My pussy looked like it hadn't since high school. I looked like a little girl. I then turned my backside to the mirror and looked over my shoulder. My ass was black and blue. It had clearly been abused.

"How am I going to explain this to Jim?" I said starting to cry.

I was surrounded by sympathetic female hugs.

"I told you not to worry about him," Sharon began. "The group takes care of its own. Just put on a long PJ top tonight. Jim has been having an affair almost as long as you. Once you were chosen as a possible group member, Jim was seduced. He's been sneaking around your back and having the time of his life."

"What are you talking about? Jim's faithful to me."

"No, he's not sweetie," consoled Linda. "Look, obviously we're not meant to be monogamous. Your sex life was on the decline which led you to us in the first place. We're mostly married and our husbands all approve. Most even join in... When we let them. Jim will be the same way. Soon he will learn about the existence of the club. As always is the case with husbands and boyfriends, when they learn they will have the opportunity to fuck most of these beautiful women, they give in. Trust me. You'll be fine and your marriage will be fine. We know what we're doing."

My mind was spinning at the revelation. I didn't believe them about Jim, but I also knew if I was going to continue with the group eventually he'd have to know and give his blessing. All I could do is hope they are right. As I was dressing to go home, Suzy pulled me aside.

"Tina, I need your help with something. I'm now the only mistress with a single slave. I hate that. I need you to recruit someone else for me."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"That's your problem to figure out. I'll give you a hint, however. Your neighbor Lisette, that cute young blonde that came to the first party that Judy threw. I'd love to take her under my wing. She didn't buy anything at the party and hasn't called me since, but I could sense she's ripe for the taking. Your task is to figure out a way into her pants we can use."

Before I had a chance to respond, she was gone and Linda appeared.

"If you have any trouble with Jim, let me know. I'll lend you Becky. To hear Thomas rave about her you would think she invented sex or something. Setup a three-way with her. That always works. He'll let you do whatever you want after that."

My head was spinning. Sharon came over and gave me a big hug.

"We're all taking off. Welcome to the group. Don't worry about our fourth mistress. She and her slaves couldn't make it tonight but they will make their presence known soon. We're going to have a group party with our spouses and significant others in about a month when everyone schedules can match. I'm sure she'll want a little solo time with you before that so expect her to contact you soon."

"OK, mistress, I'll be waiting."

"Oh, and don't forget to turn the key to the locker room in. I think LaShawn is back on duty now. You know what to do."

"Yes mistress. It will be taken care of."

I was left alone in the locker room as everybody else filed out. I wished another slave could take care of the room tax, but I was the low slut on the totem pole so it fell to me. I locked up and made the long walk down the hallway. Turning the corner into the security office I was surprised to see Toni on her knees with her face buried between LaShawn's thighs.

"She said this is your welcome present," LaShawn began. "Head on home and get a good night's rest. You'll be working extra hard in the office from here on out."

I gave Toni's butt a little tap and said thank you. I heard a muffled "you're welcome" but she didn't raise her head or stop her service of the powerful guard. I headed to the service elevator and took it up to the lobby. Driving home my thoughts were on two things. First, was Jim really having an affair? Was he such a basic animal that his head could be turned that easily by a beautiful woman? It didn't take me long to answer that question. Second I thought of my ass. It was sore and just sitting in the car was painful. A long hot bath in Epsom salt was on the agenda for tonight as was sleeping on my stomach. With my luck they were probably lying about Jim and he would want to do me doggie style tonight. Bad, bad, evil thoughts. Everything is going to be OK. Everything is going to be OK.

I arrived home and Jim wasn't there. Was he with his mistress? Was it alright to even call her that since she probably really was a slave like me under orders to seduce him? I knew this was going to drive me crazy until it was resolved.

Jim did come home later that night. He seemed tired and fortunately didn't press me for sex. I was a little mad because I figured that meant he was getting it somewhere else. I was also a little happy because he didn't discover my black and blue butt. Early the next morning I decided to go for a run. The air was cool and the run was refreshing and helped me clear my thoughts. As I was running up the sidewalk coming home, I noticed Faith, my neighbor a few doors up from us was working on her landscaping. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She waved to me and I stopped to chat. I had not talked to her since Judy's toy party. We didn't know each other well, although we did wave whenever we saw each other outside. She was sweating more than I was and I noticed her t-shirt clinging to the outline of her breasts.

We chatted for a few minutes about whether I liked the landscaping changes she had made and stuff. Just the usual girl talk and maybe a little neighborhood gossip, but nothing too juicy. Just the ordinary low level chit chat you make with someone who you don't know real well. I told her I had to get home and she said she had to get back to the weeds. As I turned to go, she knelt back down bending over to pull more weeds. The back of her t-shirt rode up and I saw the tattoo on the small of her back. It matched the one I'd seen in the video.

The image of that tattoo had been burned into my brain every time I watched the video of my debasement. I'd masturbated to that video more times than I could remember. I instantly knew that the tattoo was a match. Faith had to be the fourth mistress. I paused, staring at her backside. Sensing my gaze, she turned her head and looked at me.

"Everything alright, Tina?"

I stuttered out a yes. "I was just thinking of something."

I made a hasty retreat back to the safety of my house. I was shaking as I sat down on the couch. If Faith was a mistress, than Judy could be her slave. It made sense. She hosted the party which began my journey to the group. If Judy was a slave, then she probably recruited me just as I had been tasked with recruiting Lisette. My head was spinning with possibilities. If Judy was Faith's slave, who else was also serving her? Suzy had said she was the only mistress with one slave so the fourth mistress had to have at least two. I was getting a headache.

I decided to take a shower to wash away my jogging sweat. I had an undeniable urge to finger myself as my mind replayed all the events of the past few months as I tried to work through everything that had happened. Faith had to be the fourth mistress and she had to know I'd seen her tattoo, both in person and on the video. Why didn't she tell me when she had the chance? Was she the one sleeping with Jim?

After my shower I toweled off and got dressed. I walked downstairs and saw Jim holding an envelope.

"This came for you while you were in the shower. It's from Faith up the street. She said she meant to give it to you when she saw you earlier but forgot."

I took the envelope from him with an unsteady hand. Opening it up I found an invitation to a "girls" night that evening at Faith's house. I knew what that meant and my pussy began to get wet. I told Jim and he said that was fine with him. His friend Robert had invited him over to watch the game and now he'd be free. I looked at him knowing he was lying. He was going to be with her. The fact that I too would be with somebody else didn't make it any less painful.

Jim left the house about 7. At 7:30 I walked down to Faith's. She greeted me at the door and led me in. I asked if her husband was home.

"Mike? No he's out tonight. It's just us girls," she said.

Her answer made me nervous and excited at the same time.

"Is anybody else coming over?" I asked wondering if Judy would be joining us.

"Nope. Just us. I wanted to get to know you better."

The pieces were falling into place. I had no doubt she would get to know me in the Biblical sense very shortly. I was trying to figure out just how you ask somebody if they were your secret mistress when Faith gave me a simple order which removed all doubt.


Even though I expected to be naked soon, the curtness of the order and speed at which it was delivered after I walked into the house surprised me. Even though I was surprised, I complied immediately which pleased her.

"The other girls have been training you well. Usually a new slave pushes back a little. Good girl."

I smiled at her praise. She was by far the most physically imposing mistress in the group and I knew I didn't want to get on her bad side.

"No doubt you have spent some time wondering why I didn't make myself know to you sooner. That is perfectly understandable. I assure you there are valid reasons but they shouldn't concern you. Tonight I'm going to prove to you that we've taken care of Jim."

I knew it. Jim was having an affair with Faith. I could see that. Despite her muscle toned physique, she was still a beautiful woman. I could believe she could have seduced him. But Jim knows I'm here tonight. Certainly he wouldn't be so stupid as to show up unless he already knows about my secret life. Oh, shit. Faith told him and that was how she got her hooks in him. I looked at her with confusion.

"We'll get to him later. First I want to put you through a couple of obedience tests and see what you've learned. I'm sure you advanced since I last fucked you."

Faith walked over to an end table in the living room and picked up a collar and leash. She told me to kneel down and she buckled the collar around my neck. She told me to crawl behind her as she led me around the house. She gave me a tour of their house although I got a view of it I'm sure most people miss.

When we got to the kitchen there was a dog bowl full of water. I wasn't surprised to hear her tell me to take a drink. She was testing my level of submission and I was happy to show her. She then led me outside into the back yard. I struggled to pee on command in the grass. That was taking thing too far in my mind. But Faith was patient and told me she could wait all night if need be. She reminded me the longer I waited the greater the chance that one of her neighbors would see me. My heart was pounding. I was frozen in humiliation but eventually relaxed enough to relieve myself.

"Well done doggie," Mistress Faith told me.

Her praise pleased me and she led me back toward the house stopping just before the sliding back door.

"Sit. Stay," she told me.

I paused, waiting for her return as she walked into the house. She returned maybe 30 seconds later with a couple of paper towels that she folded and placed under my pussy.

"Wipe yourself off with that."

I started to reach underneath my body to grab the towel when she chastised me.

"Don't use your hand. How could a good doggie use her paw to wipe her pee?"

I was confused until I realized what she was asking me to do. I had to lay down flat on the cold hard concrete and try to hump the paper towel. I must have been a sight for her as she stood above me as I tried to press my pussy into the paper. When I'd done all I thought I could do, she told me to bring the paper inside and throw it away. I got back on my knees and again started to reach for the paper.

"What did I tell you about using your paws?" Faith scolded.

I looked up at her unsure of what she wanted me to do.

"You do have a lot to learn yet, Slave Tina. A good doggie can't use her hands so she has to use her mouth."

I guess I should have been revolted, but in truth I'd been turned on all afternoon in anticipation of being with her and her treatment of me was just fueling the fire in my soul. I scooted backward, bent down my head, and bit the edge of the paper towel with my teeth. It really wasn't as bad as you might imagine. The edge of the towel was perfectly clean and there were only a few drops of urine in the center. I could smell it, but it certainly wasn't overpowering. Faith led me back into the house and over to the kitchen garbage can where she had me deposit the towel. I then followed her back into the living room. She positioned me parallel to the couch. She then sat down and my back became a footstool for her legs. I watched as she reached back to the table where the collar had been and pick up a riding crop.

"My slaves are very well trained. They are both pain sluts who can orgasm on command when I beat them."

I wondered if this is what she had in mind for me as the crop made its first contact with my ass. I wasn't a strong hit. Really just an attention getter and more gentle than the spanking and paddling I had endured at the initiation. Still I knew she could be much harsher if she chose to be.

"However, I am usually lenient with new slaves attached to the other mistresses provided you do everything else without hesitation or questioning my commands. Do you understand?"

She snapped the crop a bit harder across my backside.

"Yes Mistress Faith."

"Now let's get to know you a bit," she began.

I was questioned about all aspects of my life, my marriage, my path leading to the group, my relationships with the group members, my turn-ons (many), my turn-offs (few) and everything under the sun. Mistress Faith continued to warm my buttock and the backs of my thighs with the crop, but they were really love taps not intended to inflict much pain and certainly no damage.

Revealing my deepest secrets, desires and fantasies to her had my pussy positively drooling. She assured me that the club took good care of its members and would do its best to make sure all my dreams came true. It seemed strange to me that I woman I was kneeling submissively in front of would be so concerned for my wellbeing, but she sounded absolutely genuine and I believed her.

My arms and knees were getting fatigued, but I dared not ask to stand. I figured it was at least 8:30 when she told me to service her pussy. She continued to use me as a footrest routing her strong thighs around my head and her legs over my back. About 9:00 and two orgasms later, I heard Mistress Faith's phone buzz as she received a text message. She lifted her legs off my back and walked over to the kitchen to grab her phone. I stayed kneeling in front of the couch since she had not dismissed me yet. She walked back into the living room apparently reading her message.

"Your husband will be in position in a few minutes. We need to get ready."

She didn't bother to specify what "ready" meant. She also didn't give me much time to think about it. Grabbing the leash she led me to the stairs where I crawled behind her up to the second floor, down the hallway and into her "playroom." I had expected to be led to the master bedroom, but apparently they used a spare bedroom just for "guests." Faith had me stand up and unclipped the leash.

"If you need to go to the bathroom, now is the time," she said pointing back to the hallway. She was busy doing something with a laptop. Looking around the room I saw an armoire, no dresser, a king sized bed with a sleigh headboard and footboard with iron bars for vertical supports, several large mirrors and a 60" LCD TV mounted on the wall. There were also two large dog beds on the floor at the foot of the bed. I wondered if that was where her slaves slept.

I decided a quick trip to the bathroom was a good choice since it was offered. I didn't really need to pee again but I wanted to take a moment for myself. I splashed some cold water on my face and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. Every day was bringing me deeper and deeper into my web of submission. Where was it all going to end? Should I trust the group about Jim or was everything about to come crashing down when he arrived? I guess I was about to find out.

Next: Chapter 7

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