Fucking you at 3am

By Blue Boy

Published on Apr 24, 2005



The usual disclaimers:

This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is a work of pure fiction. Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that Charlie Simpson is gay. I don't know anything about his true sexuality. I can only hope.

Thanks to Mikey for the title and general inspiration ;-)

Comments and suggestions to blueboy3649@hotmail.com


It was 11pm when I got back to the hotel, still dressed in my best Armani suit. The business dinner had gone well, and although I'd had a lot of talking (well, mostly bullshitting) to do, I wasn't that tired. So I thought I'd read in bed for a bit, but before that I'd go to the bar for a quick nightcap. After all, it was on company expenses. So I made a quick phonecall to the boss to let him know the evening had gone well, and that we were probably going to win a new client. Then I made my way over to the bar.

Which was empty apart from a couple of men sat a table in the far corner enjoying cigars and whisky, a man sat at the bar and the quite cute but overly camp barman. The man at the bar looked pretty fit from behind, also dressed in a suit, but his hair was overgrown and messy, just the way I liked it. As I got closer, I caught the side of his face, and from that angle he looked so much like Charlie Simpson from Busted. Well, ex-Busted and now Fightstar. One of my favourite and most wanked over celebrities.

"Whisky on the rocks, please," I said to the barman, as I pulled up a barstool a couple of seats away from my sexy stranger, and loosened my tie a little.

"Certainly," replied the barman with his ever-friendly smile.

"Actually, make it a double," I said, remembering it was the company that was paying for it.

"Hard day?" It was the gravelly voice of the sexy stranger, as he turned to look at me.

"Kinda," I replied, before turning towards him and actually seeing his face for the first time. Fuck me. This guy couldn't look more like Charlie Simpson if he tried. Unless... No way. It couldn't be. But it was! I was sat in a hotel bar next to Charlie Simpson and he'd just spoken to me! What the fuck was going on?!

My mind went blank. I had no idea what to do or say. But I didn't want to appear like some star-struck teenager so I quickly regained my composure and sat down. "So how about you?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, kinda," he said with a smile. Fuck that voice was sexy. And he looked so damn hot in his trademark white shirt and black tie.

"Can I get you another?" I asked, noticing his glass was nearly empty.

"Oh, cheers dude," he replied, a little surprised at my generosity. "Whisky and coke please," he said to the barman.

Fantastic. That meant I would get the pleasure of his company for at least another drink. I couldn't believe my luck. I was desperately trying to think of things to say. And deciding whether to come clean about being a Busted fan. Probably not the best idea I decided.

"So, aren't you the guy out of that pop band?" I asked him, pretending I didn't know.

"Yeah, I used to be in Busted."

"Oh yeah, Busted, that's right," I said. I'm great at feigning innocence.

"I'm in another band now, Fightstar."

"Oh right," I said, still trying to act all dumb, as if I had no idea who they were.

Well that had at least got the conversation going, and we continued from there. We talked for a while. He seemed more interested in talking about me and what I did than talking about himself and his career and celebrity lifestyle, which was understandable. He was actually susprisingly easy to talk to, and we were getting on so well. He bought me a drink, I bought him another drink, and before we knew it, it was past midnight, but we were still chatting away like two old friends. The barman kept looking over, a subtle but unmistakeably jealous look in his eyes. Which just reminded me how surreal it was to be sitting here talking to Charlie, the object of so many of my wanking fantasies!

As the barman poured us yet another drink, a familiar song started playing on the jukebox. I recognised it straightaway from the opening chords as 'Crashed The Wedding' by Busted. Charlie smiled.

"Your choice?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Nah, I'd have chosen Air Hostess, that was my favourite one. Even though it was so cheesy!"

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "My favourite's 3am. Although Year 3000 comes a close second. Now that's cheesy!"

"3am, yeah that rocks. I still love that."

"Your voice sounds well sexy on that!" I said, and then realised with horror what I had just blurted out. Oh shit. We had been getting on so well. This was going to ruin everything! Why couldn't I have thought of a different word? Anything other than 'sexy'. I cursed myself under my breath, trying to think of ways to redeem myself.

"Hang on," said Charlie, looking slightly puzzled. "I thought you said you didn't know who Busted were?"

"Erm..." I looked slightly embarrassed. I had to come clean. "Looks like I've been busted!"

Charlie laughed out loud. I was the king of bad jokes and proud of it. "Sorry," I smiled.

Charlie just smiled back. "So, a closet Busted fan eh?"

"Afraid so. Got both albums. Been to see you on tour and everything."

"Cool!" he said.

"Yeah right! A grown man being into Busted! What's cool about that?"

"Well I think it's cool, dude."

"That's alright then. I don't actually care what people think, I like what I like, and that's that."

"Good attitude man. So what d'you think of Fightstar?"

"Pretty good actually. I bought the EP. Looking forward to hearing some more stuff."

"Yeah? Well we got a new single out soon. We shot the video yesterday, they actually made me get topless in it!"

"Topless?!" I exclaimed, trying to hide my excitement at the prospect of getting to see some Charlie flesh. "I didn't think you did that sort of thing!"

"I don't normally. But what the fuck. It's all very tasteful."

Tasty is the word I'd have used. But I didn't.

"Hey, you wanna hear some of the new stuff? I've got it on my MP3 player up in my room."

"Yeah, wicked!" I said, again trying not to act all excited. Charlie Simpson inviting me up to his hotel room? What more could a gay guy ask for? Well, apart from getting to fuck him in that hotel room! But I had to stop myself getting carried away with thoughts like that. We were only going up there to listen to some new Fightstar stuff. Which I didn't actually like anywhere near as much as I told Charlie I did.

We finished our drinks and ambled over to the lift, both of us now a little tipsy. Just the thought of being in a lift with Charlie was making me horny as fuck. Oh, for the lift to break down and to be stuck in it with him. That would be heaven.

The doors closed and Charlie pressed button 3. "Room on the 3rd floor eh?" I said with a chuckle. "Oh sorry, wrong band."

Charlie laughed. He seemed to enjoy my lame jokes. Either that or he was pretending to out of politeness. He looked so sexy when he laughed. And even sexier for being dressed so smartly. I wanted to slowly undress him of that shirt and tie; well maybe not the tie but the shirt. The lift stopped and we both tried to leave it at the same time. That was the first time we made any physical contact. Our bodies touched. My cock twitched. I don't know if it was noticeable or not but I could have sworn Charlie sneaked a quick look down there to check it out. Fuck, this was the horniest I'd been for a long time. I didn't know how I was going to control myself once we got into the room. But I had to pull myself together cos I didn't wanna fuck this up. So we got into his room, Charlie rummaged around in his bag looking for his MP3 player, and I stood there admiring his tight sexy arse and trying unsuccessfully not to get a hard-on. I just wanted to get him on that big double bed and jump on him. Unbutton his shirt. Loosen his tie. Get his trousers off. I quickly adjusted myself as he turned around.

"Shit, dude, I can't find it. I don't think I brought it with me."

Crap. That wasn't gonna mean the end of my night though. I wouldn't let it. "Oh well," I shrugged. "You'll just have to sing it to me instead. Or maybe just re-enact the video for me." Oops. Too suggestive. But by now I was too drunk and horny to care.

"You just wanna see me topless don't you?" he said, with a wink.

I couldn't tell if he was being serious. But this was my moment. I was never going to get this opportunity again. I had to go for it. What's the worst that could happen? He'd call me a dirty poof and I'd go back to my room and wank off over him anyway. Fuck it, I wasn't gonna waste this chance. I walked over to him. "Damn right I do." I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't resist. Infact he pulled me closer to him and kissed me even harder. Fuck, he tasted good. Our mouths couldn't seem to get enough of each other. I could feel his hard-on pressing against mine, the horny bastard. As we snogged, I pulled his jacket off and pulled his shirt out of his trousers. Then I pulled away from him, just to take a step back and feast my eyes on him.

"You're one fucking sexy bastard," I smiled.

"So are you, dude. Why don't you get that shirt off, I wanna see your body."

I didn't need asking twice. I slipped my jacket off and tossed it aside. I started unbuttoning my shirt, and Charlie got to work on my trousers. I started loosening my tie to take it off, but Charlie stopped me. "Leave the tie on, yeah."

I grinned. "You got a thing for ties too then?"

"Oh yes!"

"You'd better leave yours on too then," I said, as I started unbuttoning his shirt and trousers. As I did so, Charlie's hands were playing with my body, rubbing it all over. Within seconds, I had him stood there in nothing but a pair of white socks, tight white boxers with a massive bulge in them, an unbuttoned white shirt revealing a smooth, sexy toned body. And of course that black tie. Sight for sore eyes was a gross understatement. I couldn't think of anything I'd rather look at right now.

We walked over to the bed. I lay down and Charlie got on top of me. We started kissing again, while I grabbed his arse cheeks and squeezed them, hugging his body as tightly as I could. Our hard cocks were rubbing against each other through our boxers, and Charlie slowly started grinding his hips into mine. I slipped my fingers under the elastic of his boxers and pulled them down half-way, so that I could grab a feel of his fleshy buttocks. I slid my fingers down his arse-crack and then back up, making Charlie moan as we kissed. I grabbed his buttocks some more, massaging and kneading it like dough. He broke away from the kiss and we looked at each other.

"I've got a confession to make," he said. "I never did have my MP3 player. I just wanted to get you up to my room."

I was genuinely shocked. So getting me into bed must have been his agenda all night. If only I'd have realised sooner! Thank fuck for alcohol though.

"You scheming little bastard!" I said, and he laughed.

"Well I've got a confession too," I continued. "I never wanted to listen to Fightstar anyway. They suck."

Now it was Charlie who looked shocked. "Hey dude, that's my band you're slagging off!"

"Yeah I know," I smiled. "What you gonna do about it?"

"Well," he said with a mischievous smile. "They're not the only thing that suck."

I giggled. My bad joke influence was rubbing off on him already.

"I dunno what you mean," I said innocently.

"Let me show you." And with that, he slid down the bed and pulled my boxers down. My hard cock sprang up and Charlie wasted no time. Before I knew it, he had it in his mouth, his warm lips, still wet with our saliva, wrapped around my cock. With his lips tightly around my shaft, he moved up and down it. I looked down and smiled at the sight of Charlie, the hunk that he was, with my cock in his mouth. Wow. For someone who I had no idea liked men, he sure knew how to suck cock, and had no trouble getting all eight inches in his mouth. He had to have done this before, maybe with the McFly boys. Mmmm now there was a thought. Such a horny thought infact, that I felt an orgasm build with a suddenness and intensity I'd never felt before. With hardly any warning at all, I was shooting my load straight down the back of Charlie's throat. "Shit, I'm sorry," I apologised breathlessly, between grunting and moaning with the excitement. But Charlie didn't seem to mind one bit. Spurt after spurt, and he was doing a flawless job of swallowing every drop. Even after I had finished cumming, he kept my dick in his mouth and used his tongue to lick me clean.

"You don't like wasting any do you?" I smiled.

"I fuckin' love the taste of cum!" he said, and then looked slightly embarrassed, realising he'd probably given me too much information. Cum lover Charlie. Now there was a headline for the papers. Hehe.

"Come here," I beckoned him, and gave him another long, hard kiss, before rolling him over onto the bed and getting on top of him. I opened his legs and sat with my knees between his thighs. He still had his tight white boxers on, the outline of his hard cock clearly showing. His shirt was completely unbuttoned and open, and he still had that black tie tied loosely around his neck and hanging down to his stomach. His body was smooth and toned, his six pack just as I'd always imagined it to be, and a thin treasure trail of hair leading away into his boxers. My hands were rubbing his body all over, up and down his chest and stomach, squeezing his nipples, playing with his belly button. Charlie knew I loved his body, as he had a big cheesy grin on his face, and had his arms behind his head, his thick tufts of armpit hair on show. Fuck, this was the most perfect guy on the planet and right now he was all mine.

My hands now drifted down to his boxers, rubbing that bulge and squeezing that cock outline. Charlie let out a moan. I squeezed it and rubbed it harder and he moaned louder. He obviously liked me touching his cock. But as attractive and inviting as that bulge was, it was the real thing I wanted. Time for the boxers to come off. Charlie lifted his arse as I slid them down and got my first glimpse of Charlie meat... and FUCK was it big! It must have been a good nine inches, and probably the fattest cock I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing - which, for me and my sex-filled youth, was really saying something. I'd always suspected Charlie was a big boy, but I'd never imagined a dick as big as this. And that beast of a cock was complemented by two big, round, hairy balls and a thick dark bush of pubes. Wow. Charlie Simpson's beautiful cock. And it was all mine to play with.

My hands got to work straightaway, rubbing that cock hard, squeezing it, patting it, stroking it, playing with it, Charlie unable to help but moan in response. I pulled his foreskin back to reveal a big purple head, already shining with oozing precum. My mouth was now watering in anticipation, and I bent down and licked those king sized balls, before taking each one in my mouth and sucking on it. Charlie's continuing moans confirmed his approval. I moved my tongue up, kissing my way up his thick shaft. I took the cock-head in my mouth and licked at the precum. Mmmm salty. I took more of the shaft in my mouth, inch by inch, and began sucking slow and hard.

"Mmmmm... yeah..." came the sound of Charlie's sexy gravelly voice. I looked up and he had his eyes closed, with a big smile on his face. Sexy fucking bastard. He seemed to be enjoying this as much as I was. I pursed my lips even tighter around his cock and sucked as hard as I could. I could feel his body quiver with excitement. As I continued sucking, I moved my free hand down in between Charlie's open legs, caressing the insides of his thighs, and then moving towards his arse-crack. My fingers circled playfully around his ring for a while, before pushing against it. Charlie automatically opened his legs wider still, and hitched his knees up slightly, which I took as invitation to enter. I pushed my finger into his hole, making him shudder, and then started moving it rhythmically in and out, all the while making sure not to neglect that big monster cock which I had in my mouth. But being sucked and fingered at the same time seemed to be too much for Charlie... "I'm c-cumming!" He just managed to get the words out before I took his cock out of my mouth and watched him shoot his load all over his smooth chest and stomach, a few drops even landing on the tie he still had on. All the while he was cumming, he moaned and groaned, still with his eyes shut, the horny little bastard. Or should I say, the horny BIG bastard. I rubbed his cum over his body, massaging it into his skin like baby oil, and then, to Charlie's amazement and delight, started licking it all off him. I paid special attention to his nipples, gently nibbling on them, before licking the cum from around them. Once I had licked his whole body clean, I sat back and admired my work. His body was glistening all over with my saliva, and his cum-stained tie hung down to the side. He still had a semi. But me, I was hard as a rock again, and my cock knew exactly what it wanted. And, by all accounts, so did Charlie. "So you gonna fuck me or what?" he asked, casual as anything.

"Too fuckin' right I am!" I grinned.

He spread his legs wide and I hitched up his knees so that they were on his chest. Now there was sight. Charlie with his arse wide open, begging me to fuck him. And to think I was going up to read a book!

I slipped my cock gently into his hole. Charlie squirmed a little, and his arse muscles tightened around my cock. I bent down and gave him a big re-assuring kiss. Then I slid my hard shaft all the way in, making him almost scream. His hole was tighter than I'd imagined, so I was guessing he hadn't been fucked that often. Well he was getting fucked good and proper tonight, that's for sure. With my body on top of his and our lips brushing against each other's, I started fucking him hard. In and out of that warm tight hole, and harder and faster with every thrust. I could feel my pubes brushing against his arse cheeks, and my big balls bouncing underneath. Charlie was moaning like a bitch. His face was unable to hide the pain and his fists were clenching the bedcovers tightly, but I could tell he was enjoying it. Almost as much as I was. I continued to pick up the pace, slamming that tight little arse as hard as I could, while our increasingly sweaty bodies rubbed against each other's. I put my lips around his and we engaged in another long hot kiss as we fucked.

I felt another orgasm build inside me and before long I was shooting my load deep inside Charlie's arse. That was two Charlie holes I'd cum into within the space of half an hour. I still couldn't quite believe it. This was the kind of thing that happened only in stories I read on the internet...

Afterwards, Charlie was surprsingly loving and caring. We lay in each other's arms and hugged and kissed for a while. I would happily have lay there with him all night, but it wasn't to be. "You're gonna have to go," he said.

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, I've got a busy day tomorrow, and I need to get some sleep. And I don't think I'm gonna get much sleep if you're here, do you?" he said with a wink.

As I got up and got dressed, I wondered if we'd meet again. It was a shame we lived in different cities, although London and Manchester weren't exactly a million miles apart. All I knew was I had to see him again. Whenever, wherever, however.

"So what's it worth for me not to go to the papers?" I said, with a cheeky grin.

"You won't get to fuck me again," he replied matter-of-factly.

"I was hoping you'd say that." We smiled at each other. I went over and we enjoyed another long snog. We exchanged mobile numbers.

"Just one more thing before I go," I said, picking up his undies from the floor. "Mind if I keep these?"

Charlie laughed. "No problem."

I put them on as soon as I got to my room, and wanked into them. Then I lay in bed, unable to wipe the smile from my face. Charlie Simpson was gonna be my fuck buddy!!!

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