Full service toilet and wash

By roger gagnon

Published on Jun 18, 2024



I had a lot of fun when I was much younger. It was 1996 when I was in Holland and Germany for work reasons. It's great to be gay, and there was a lot to do. I was having some beers after work and decided to go home because I needed to use the toilet.

So I walked in the direction of my apartment. I had to go, I thought I could make it home all right, however. But there was a door which say Full Service Toilet and Wash, and that was in English. A middle aged man was having a cigarette outside. I went past it a few feet, decided it was a smart idea to take a pit stop. So I circled back, asked if I could use the facilities. Yes, and it was something equivalent I suppose to five US dollars would be now.

I paid my cash, he showed me to an open door and inside was a sort of a low bench with a toilet set on it. The bench has a front, and was built into the room, touching the floor and the wall behind. There was a sink and a mirror on the inside of the door. I was looking at myself in the mirror.

I sat down - way down - to the point my knees where higher than my dick. Anyway, I went immediately and heard a dull thud as it dropped into whatever was in the toilet. Oh, I should point out it was just a black hole below the seat, really and the room was dimly lit as well. And as a total surprise there it was - the unmistakeable sensation of a pair of lips and a tongue at my hole. I was expecting a stream of warm water. There is nothing I like more than getting my asshole eaten, but this was more than that. This was the washing. I lips and the tongue went at the insides of my butt cheeks first, with long broad licks. Then it the tongue ran from just behind my balls, up my crack, past my hole and then higher still by a few inches. Time stood still, but I suppose after about five minutes of this sort of thing, the tongue and lips went in earnest at my hole, sucking at first, licking and tongue fucking. I have to say, the person was an expert.

Finally a voice said, "push out for deeper cleaning". It was clear this was a one-man operation as this was the fellow at the door. I pushed out a little, opening the hole a bit, and the tongue darted in and out. It felt like he had a really long tongue. At long last, he said I was done, have a nice day. And I left.

If I had had been thinking clearly I would have gone back, but I never did. I have been thinking about this episode for a lot of years, wishing I could experience that again!


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