Fun with Straight Guys

By moc.liamg@ecanrufytluaf

Published on Dec 12, 2018



Kitchen work is hard, but it's easier when you've got coworkers like Mike. We've gotten to be pretty good friends since I started working there, and grab drinks after our shift most nights, even hanging out on the days off we have together. What makes it even easier than being friends with him is that he's workplace eye candy. He's about 6 foot, matching my height, and in his mid 30s. He's on the slender side, skinny but with defined arm muscles from years of hard kitchen work. He has a constant five-o'-clock shadow of dark stubble on his handsome Italian face, complete with that classic Roman nose and big, sleepy looking eyes, and keeps his dark hair trimmed short. Whenever he would bend over to pick something up, I always got a good look at the waistband of his underwear, almost always calvin klein in black, white, or grey, and sometimes even the top of his lightly haired ass crack. He wore his pants baggy, so I could never see any bulge, but from his general quiet swagger and somewhat cocky demeanour, I had a good guess he was pretty hung. Far and away the hottest thing was his smell. He didn't seem to shower more than once every few days, because whenever he would stand near me at work, or reach up besides me to get something above our heads, I got a strong whiff of his sweat. It was a rich smell of manly musk cut through with garlic and onions, an almost spicy stench that I longed to lap up from his hairy pits.

At the bar we'd sometimes talk about sex stuff, like how he loved to fuck but couldn't find girls given his hours, so he was always horny. Or how he would sometimes jack off the in the small bathroom in the kitchen, a fact which boned me up so much considering that I also jack off in that bathroom. The thought of both of us, and possibly even more of the guys at work, using the bathroom like this, jacking off our dicks for a quick stress release, was mouthwateringly hot to me.

One night at the bar, I'd just gone in to the bathroom to take a piss when he comes in and unzips next to me.

"Breaking the seal huh man?" he chuckled at me.

"Yeah buddy, this stuff just goes right through me."

The sounds of two heavy piss streams now filled the room, and I heard him sigh. I glance over quickly at him, his eye are closed tight and his arms are folded on his chest. I took the chance and glanced down. His soft cock with it's golden stream of piss hung down a good 4 inches, and easily 4 around, a thick Italian sausage with a small crown of light brown hair and a set of decent sized balls in a hairy, wrinkled sac. I started to get hard, so I finished up, shaking off my hardening cock and tucking myself back in. As his own stream petered out, he gave a loud sigh, saying,

"Nothing like a good long piss, am I right? Only thing better is a warm mouth or a tight hole haha."

"Haha yeah man, too bad we don't have either right now."

"Yeah well, it'll just have to be another jerk off night right?"

"Yeah man, just like every other night."

We left the bar shortly after, parting ways for the night, and that evening I must have jerked off three times, spraying my loads all my over chest just thinking about him doing the same, imagining how his cock must look hard, how much thicker it must get. I could see in my head the muscles in his arms flexing as how worked his big dick, his grunts getting louder, his fat cock head swelling in the moment before spraying a thick, creamy load.

Our restaurant was going to be closed for a few days for some necessary work on the plumbing, and we were all looking forward to a nice few days off. Mike got the idea to take a small camping trip, where we'd rent a canoe and camp riverside for 2 nights. It was a small crew of us, me, Mike, Dan, and Greg, two other hot straight guys I'd lusted after.

Dan was a recent addition, around 5'8", with tanned olive skin and a big bushy beard. He was slim as well, with a nice bubble butt and well packed crotch and his arms were covered with tattoos. Greg was the tallest of us, 6'2", with a small beard, shaved head, and a nice thick body. He had a bit of a belly, but it really worked on him. I was really looking forward to spending a few days with these hot guys, getting sweaty in nature and even sharing a tent with them. I'd also get a good chance with this to get a look at their bodies, as we'd definitely be swimming on the river.

The morning of, we all met up at Mike's place and packed up the car.

"You boys ready for a fun weekend?" Mike asked as we got in the car.

"Fuck yeah buddy," said Greg. "And I brought some stuff to make sure we have fun." He said, as he opened his bag, showing us the three bottles of whiskey he'd packed and a little bag of weed with some rolling papers.

"We're gonna get fucked up!" yelled Dan. "Can't wait to get on the river!"

"I just can't wait to get in to the water guys, it's so fucking hot out." I said. It was true, it was easily in the high 90s and we were all already dripping sweat, the car filled with the smell of four sweaty guys.

We got checked in with the outfitter and got all situated in our 2 canoes, I was sharing mine with Mike and Dan and Greg were in the other one. I volunteered to steer in back, mostly so I could watch Mike more easily. To make sure we didn't all get sunburnt, we popped our shirts off to get some sunscreen on. They were all so hot shirtless, with a nice range of bodies. Mike was trim, his pecs surprisingly defined and with a small belly. He had a little patch of hair in the center of his chest and around each large pink nipple, with a furrier belly widening into a nice peek of pubic hair form above the waist of his short. Greg was heavier, his pecs sagging a little and a little beer belly, sparse black hair on his belly and another hint of pubes, with big fat nipples begging to be sucked. Dan was covered in tattoos, running over both arms as well as his back and chest. He was the most muscular, a little sixpack with a defined V running into his shorts and small, hard looking nipples. I was in lust. I got Mike's back with the sunscreen, rubbing it in and getting a chance to feel his skin and muscles, but taking care not to linger too long.

We were all set, so we got in to the canoes and pushed off. After maybe a mile of gently paddling downstream, we decided to pull together and just float for a bit.

"Thirsty boys?" said Greg, producing a bottle of whiskey.

We all volubly agreed, and passed around the liquor for a good few pulls. We lit up our cigarettes and just enjoyed the river, lazing back and taking in the sun. Mike and Greg had their arms folded behind their heads, showing off their hair sweaty pits. They both were pretty hairy there, a wild bunch of armpit hair I longed to suck the sweat out of and tongue bathe. Pretty soon we all had a nice buzz going from the whiskey and pot. It was a cloudless day and the hot sunlight bouncing off the surface of the water produced a a sweaty sheen over the four of us. By this point, the four of us had polished off more than half the handle, a solid 4 shots deep each, and we were definitely feeling it.

"Damn this feels good!" said Mike, slowly stretching out and yawning.

"Yeah buddy, glad you suggested it," said Dan, sparking up another cigarette, his dark lidded eyes hidden by sunglasses. "I love canoeing and camping."

"Not to mention drinking and smoking," Greg chimed in.

"The timing worked out perfectly too," I said, "It's fucking beautiful out here."

We fell silent for a time, lost in the heat. Coming around a bend in the river, I saw a small shoreline we could pull up at.

"Anyone else gotta piss?" I asked the group.

They all did, so we broke up our little flotilla and made for the "beach," landing on the gravelly sand easily. The little strip of sand was maybe 10 feet wide and 4 feet back, with small trees and dense undergrowth surrounding it. The four of us spread out as much as we could, staying away from the canoes, to try to give each other as much privacy as possible, but it wasn't very effective. Mike was about 2 feet to my left, his hands on his hips. I could see he'd hitched his shorts and underwear below his balls, and was just letting his stream go undirected into the bushes. Greg was to my right, slightly turned, offering me no view of his cock but I could still see a heavy stream of piss between his legs, splattering loudly and wetly against the dirt. As I zipped up and turned around, I saw Dan had chosen to piss behind us, right into the river, standing shin deep in the water. He turned back slightly, unembarrassed, his cock moving just enough for me to see the tip of a fat looking head, and said,

"Hey guys, the water feels great, you wanna post up here and swim for a bit?"

"Yeah, but none of us wore our suits and there's not a good place to change here." I said, prudent about being caught eye fucking my friends if they were to change in front of me, but Dan just shrugged.

"Dude, we can change right here. Nobody else is on the river if that's what you're worried about, and we'll be fast about it."

"Fuck it," said Greg, bending to drop his shorts right there. He was always the daring one in the kitchen, the guy who always talked about sex and wouldn't hesitate to grab one of our asses. That kind of homoerotic horseplay would always give me a half boner, which I think he knew, but he was just flirty like that and seemed to enjoy the attention.

He'd gone commando that day, and his cock and balls, fully relaxed from the heat hung down and jiggled as he stepped out of the shorts. It hung at least 6 inches in this soft state, and even now was as wide as my wrist. His giant heavy balls hung even lower in their wrinkled sac, the whole package set in a dense, wild bush of dark hair. He wasn't very hairy elsewhere but his bush made up for it. totally naked he reached for his bag and grabbed his suit, bending again to put them on.

"Damn man, that thing's a monster!" said Mike. "What do you feed it?"

"Har har, I've been hearing that since high school man." Greg replied.

"I'm just saying, you're a lucky guy is all," Mike said, beginning to pull of his underwear and shorts as well. His cock and balls hung and jiggled as he stepped out of them, gently swaying from the motion. At this point I was willing my boner to go down, or soften up enough to just blame on the weed and the booze and heat, I turned away from them as I quickly shucked off my shorts and slipped my bathing suit.

"Ow ow!" cried Mike and Greg, drunkenly laughing at Dan, who had also turned around to change, apparently a little shy himself.

"Nice ass man! said Greg, "Bet the ladies love it!"

Still bent over, Dan turned his head back to us with a big grin and gave a little shake of his big hairy ass, his dark sac swaying between his legs.

"Yeah they do man," he shouted at Greg. "Too bad you're ass is too flabby for them!"

The water was freezing when we got in.

"The worst part about getting in for the first time is when the water hits your nuts," announced Mike, as we made our way into the water.

"You'll get used to it ya big baby. Plus how much more can they shrink anyway?" I joked to him. He laughed and proceeded to playfully wrestle me, dragging us both down into the water, skin on skin and laughing. Dan and Greg piled in, and we all splashed around in the water, grappling with each other, drunkenly laughing. It was just great being out with my friends, playing together like this, enjoying nature and our inebriation together. At one point under the water, Mike had snuck up from behind and grabbed me in a big bear hug around my chest, pulling me down in the water, and as thrashed I swore I could feel him erect behind me. We started to wind down the horseplay and decided to smoke another joint on the shore before we started canoeing to the campsite. Coming out of the water, I could see that I may have been right, as the front of Mike's swimsuit seemed fuller than before, as did Dan's even. Nobody said anything to each other about possible boners though, we were all a bit winded from the swimming. We finished the joint and got back in the canoes, pushing off again and paddling this time.

Sitting behind Mike, I could see his back muscles rippling. Man, he was a little more defined than I'd thought. His shoulders flexed as he made powerful, confident strokes of the oar, at a pace which I silently matched. Cruising down the river, stoned like this, was an amazing feeling of flying low to the water, and we turned it into a small race with Dan and Greg.

Dan yelled across the water "Losers have to suck the winner's dick!"

"No way man! You'll be sucking our dicks, losers!" shot back Mike before speeding up his pace.

We swiftly made it 5 more miles down the river before seeing our intended spot, a little inlet in the curve of the river, with a small spot cleared in the woods, big enough for our four person tent and a fire. When it came into view, all of us sped up our strokes, trying hard to be the winner, but Greg and Dan pulled up just seconds before we did.

In a drunken show of bravado, Greg hitched down his pants, laughing at us and swinging his dick around, saying, "Suck my cock losers!"

"Man put that away," said Dan, "that was just a joke."

"Yeah yeah, don't get all prudish on me man," replied Greg, "I just wanna get my dick wet." As he tucked himself back in I caught him wink at me...

"Gentlemen, care for a celebratory swig?" asked Mike, pulling the whiskey bottle out of his bag. We all took a deep pull of the liquor, hardly feeling its heat in the sun. All of us were dripping sweat from the race we'd just, four hairy, heaving chests, four clothed cocks swelling from the pumped hormones and booze, and at least on my part the stared nudity and Greg's shenanigans. To distract myself, I said,

"How about we get a fire going guys?"

"Yeah let's go get some wood haha" laughed Greg, sticking out his long, wide tongue and groping his bathing suit clad dick.

We all just rolled our eyes at him and gave a little half-laugh, splitting up to find dry wood. After I got a good armload, I made my way back to the little campsite, where Dan had already arrived back to. Despite being on the small side, he was carrying a stack of wood almost twice the size of my own, easily 60 pounds of thick sections of branch. The muscles on his arms bulged and his sizable pecs flexed and bounced as he carried and set down the stack, his round butt cheeks clenching as he bent down and stretching the fabric of his suit to reveal the cleft of his perfect bubble butt.

"Nice stack man, that looks heavy!"

"It's nothing bro, I do spend a lot of time at the gym after all," he said to me, wiping his hands on his shorts, unknowingly highlighting the outline of his decent looking package as the fabric was pulled taut by the action.

"Yeah it definitely shows."

"...You wanna feel them?" I stared at him, not believing it, but managed to say,

"Your arms?"

"Yeah buddy. It's no big deal, I caught you looking at me, and it's cool," he smirked. "I gotta say I don't mind the attention."

"I.. uh"

Before I could respond we heard Mike and Greg making their way towards camp, and Dan whispered,

"Maybe later buddy."

"Let's set stuff on fire!" shouted Greg, gleeful for the chance to burn something.

After getting the fire going and tent set up, the sun was beginning to set and we decided to eat some food, big plump hotdogs and some instant mac and cheese. We found some sticks to roast the dogs and set a pot of water on the edge of the fire to boil. After eating, we cracked open the second bottle of whiskey and passed around a joint.

"So boys, gotten any action lately?" Greg asked the group. The answer was no and we all knew it, nobody had a girlfriend and I didn't have a boyfriend, plus we were all always at work.

"No man, just me and my right hand," said Mike, lightly groping his basket, legs spread as he sat on a log. "I'm always so fucking horny."

"Yeah man, same, and it's like I can't jack off enough," said Dan.

"You know, we did bet for blowjobs earlier," grinned Greg. "You boys wanna volunteer for us?"

"Only if you return the favor man," laughed Mike back at him.

"I'll do it, I said.

I don't know where I got the courage, maybe I was just drunk enough to say fuck it, but I put it out there. The guys all sorta fell silent, looking at each other than at me.

"Dude, is that a serious offer?" Asked Greg. I shook my head yes.

"Fuck yeah! I'm down, as long as nobody says anything about it.

"I won't say anything," said Dan.

"Neither will," said Mike.

"Well allright then, blowjobs all around," I joked earning a laugh, and took a swig from the whiskey. "Who's up first?"

They sorta of looked at each other before Greg stood up.

"Guess I'll go first boys," he said, moving towards me and lowering his shorts. His half hard cock bounded out, bigger than I'd seen it earlier. Dan let out a low whistle at the sight. I just licked my lips, and as he stood front of me, grabbed the shaft of his cock. I weighed the it in my hands, feeling the heft of his cock and balls, inhaling the sweaty musk of his wild bush, before leaning in to swipe the fat, wide head with my tongue. Greg let out a light groan above me and his cock gave a lurch. Gripping his package, I sucked the head in to my mouth, suckling on it hard and earning another long and low groan from him. I could feel the length beginning to harden further as my tongue swirled around the ridge of his sensitive head and toyed with the piss slit which had begun to leak sweet precum. Coming off of him, I could see now his cock was fully hard, at least 10 inches now, with a huge girth and a slight upwards bend. It strained there in the warm night, glistening with my spit. I could also see Mike and Dan, sitting and watching in amazement, stiff in their shorts.

I glanced up, Greg was staring down at me in silent encouragement. Looking him right in the eyes, I swallowed his hard cock all the way to the hairy root. He hissed in some air and then let out a groan, louder than before, and in the background I could hear Dan say to Mike,

"Fuck I can't believe he swallowed the whole thing."

I just continued to work Greg's cock. bobbing up and down on his leaking member, squeezing his big balls, licking at the big head. One hand even traveled up his chest, running my fingers through his hairy bush, furry belly, and then eating his big nipples. When I began to pinch and play with his nipples he groaned even louder, and began to fuck his cock in and out my mouth, rocking his hips back and forth.

"Fuck buddy you got such a nice mouth. Can't believe you can swallow the whole thing man, girls can never do that."

I surfaced for air, lewdly popping his cock out of my head with a loud wet smack.

"Guys just know what feels better man. Plus, I've had a lot of practice," I laughed, continuing to stroke the spit covered cock. Glancing over, I saw that Mike and Dan had pulled their shorts down, sitting there stroking their hard cocks.

"You boys wanna get in on this?" I asked them.

"Yeah guys, get over here, try out his skills. I don't wanna shoot just yet anyway," Greg said, pulling back slightly and stepping fully out of his shorts. Dan and Mike looked at each other grinning, before standing up and making their way towards me, They stood on either side of me, Greg in the center. I was in heaven on my knees. Greg's was the longest, but the other two were nothing to sneeze at. Mike's soft 4 inches had filled out into perfectly straight, thick column of a solid 9 inches, his balls dangling below from the heat. I didn't know what Dan's looked like soft, but his hard cock was incredible. It was the shortest, only about 7 inches, but he was much thicker than even Greg, his hand wrapped around the base didn't even fully close, and his pubes were trimmed short to the base with big, smooth balls pulled up tight to his root. I'd already fished my hard cock out, a respectable 8 inches and the slimmest of the four, though still thick, throbbing with pronounced veins and with my own wild bush.

"Gentlemen, may I propose a toast to friends?" I said, standing and grabbing the bottle.

"Yeah, to friends and to new kinds of fun," said Greg, taking a long pull, his erection bobbing slightly from the movements. We all took our swigs, four erect cocks glistening and straining in the flickering firelight. He put his arms around Dan and Mike, and I did the same, pulling ourselves together and looking down on our cocks from above.

"Dudes, I think I'm the biggest," He laughed, flexing his hip muscles and making it bounce in the air.

"You might be longer but I'm the thickest man," said Dan, swaying his thick piece from side to side, a blob of shiny precut escaping from the impossibly thick head.

"Yeah yeah, you guys can have that, I have the prettiest dick though right, Sam?" he asked me.

"Guys, all your cock are amazing. I can't pick a favorite," I drunkenly laughed. That earned me a laugh from the rest of them. "So who wants next in my mouth?"

I'm next man," said Mike. I sank to my knees again, quickly swallowing him down and earning a groan. The other two arranged themselves so I could take their erections in each hand while I was working over Mike. His spicy sweat overwhelmed me as I slobbered on his drooling cock, filling my nose every time I went down to his root. His precut was so sweet, and there was so much of it. My hands too were covered in the other guys precum. Above me, Mike groaned loudly.

"Fuck yeah man, you sure know how to treat a cock. I looked up at him, my mouth full, swirling the sensitive head with my wet tongue, eliciting another groan and causing him to start skullfucking me hard. The boys encourage him on,

"Yeah fuck that mouth man," cried Dan, starting to fist his cock. "Feed him that load."

Mike began huffing and puffing more, it seemed like he was close, but I wanted to make this last. I popped off of him, and he gave out a little pleading whine, continuing to fuck the air a little. I turned my attention to Dan, running my hands up his tattooed thighs, caressing his toned belly and lightly breathing on the thick length of his erection. His girth was so impressive, I wasn't sure how wide my mouth would go for him, but damned if I wasn't going to try. I popped his head in first, getting it nice and wet, swirling my tongue around the pronounced ridge of his big cockhead, a big mushroom swollen dark with blood. I opened my mouth as big as I could and lodged it deep in my throat, taking his 7 inches to the base and swallowing around the plum sized head. Dan groaned, pinching each of his nipples and flexing his powerful buttocks as he gave a short thrust into me. I was fondling his balls with one hand and massaging his taint with the other, while Mike and Greg looked on, stroking their hard cocks slowly, keeping themselves on the edge.

"You guys were fucking right, I love my cock in his mouth. You like my thick cock?"

I pulled off, gasping for air, saying,

"Holy fuck Dan, that thing does some damage. It's thicker than my wrist!"

He just chuckled, grabbing his cock and lightly slapping the monster on my cheek. I alternated between them for a while, sucking one cock while stroking the others, or fondling a pair of balls, or pinching a nipple. The hot summer night was filled with the sounds of moving water, crackling wood, and the sexy moans and grunts of four guys enjoying pleasure together.

"Damn, I'm getting eaten up out here boys," announced Greg, slapping a mosquito on his meaty stomach, causing it to jiggle slightly. "Wanna take this to the tent?"

"Yeah man, let's do it," said Mike. "Sam's knees must be hurting on this hard ground."

I smiled up at them and got to my feet.

"Well let's go, and grab the whiskey," I said.

The four of us made our way into the tent, four throbbing boners bouncing side to to side with our steps, laughing and horny. We got comfortable, the three of them laying back on their sleeping bags and spreading their legs wide, as we took long pulls from the bottle. Even though it was marketed as a four person tent, the actual space was a little tight with our stuff on it, so their legs spread out over each other, tangling together. The skin on skin contact was electrifying, and in here the smell of our sweat and amped up hormones made for an intoxicating brew, the sweet stench of booze, cigarettes, precum, and sweaty male ass.

I was on my knees, looking over them and stroking my boner, choosing which cock to devour first. I went for Mike first, sitting on the left, getting between his hairy legs and sucking him back into my mouth, my ass sticking out behind me.

"Dudes, I don't care if this sounds gay or not, but this is fucking hot..." said Greg, lustfully stroking his cock as he watched Mike's thick piece gliding in out of my spit covered mouth.

"Yeah man, I never did any of this shit before but I feel like I was missing out," agreed Dan.

"Hey, I've had my cock sucked by a few guys before," said Mike, "they just know how to do it best. "But Sam here has the best mouth I've ever had," he said, flexing his hips and giving a thrust into me.

"I'm just glad you guys aren't freaking out about it," I said, stroking Mike and Greg's cock. "I always thought you guys were super hot but too straight to mess around."

"Buddy, when you're as drunk and horny as we are, you don't turn down a blowjob from anyone," said Greg. "Besides, we're all friends. You're just helping us out is all." A steady stream of precum was leaking from his flared cockhead, the wide piss slit shiny with it. I decided to see how far I could take this, with these three drunk, horny, open minded straight guys.

"Any of you had your ass eaten?"

"Holy shit man, you do that?!" exclaimed Dan.

"Yeah, it's like eating pussy for you guys."

"Well I never have, but I've always been curious," said Greg.

"Me too," said Mike. Dan demurred a little, saying,

"I don't know, I've never thought about it before. Wouldn't it taste and smell bad? I mean we've been sweating all day."

"Chill out man," said Greg. "Seems like Sam is into it." He winked down at me. He was right, it seemed like he was right about a lot of things I liked.

"I actually find it hotter that you guys are this sweaty," I said. "You all smell amazing right now and I'm sure you taste good." They all sort of smiled at each other, and Greg, as always, volunteered to go first. He was in the center of the little group, so I moved in between his legs, bending them back up towards his chest. His hairy ass lay there exposed to me, a dark patch of fur in his cleft and surrounding a relaxed looking pink hole. His cock was still totally rigid but his balls had relaxed and were drooping down between his legs. I leaned in, first taking a deep breath of him. He smelled like hot ass and sweat, and I gave him a long swipe of my tongue right on his hole. He gasped loudly, with a sharp intake of breath.

"Fuck man."

I just smirked to myself. If he thought that was good, he didn't know what was coming. I began to eat him out on earnest, working up as much spit as I could muster and bathing his hole with it, licking at the tender flesh and working my tongue in circles. He was moaning and groaning pretty heavily now, the deep grunts cut through with slightly higher pitched little yelps as I hit more sensitive areas. He grabbed his monster cock and began to jerk it wildly, causing his balls to bounce on my forehead. I removed my head from his ass and grabbed his hand, saying,

"Stop it man, just enjoy this feeling."

He cooled it with the masturbating, though as I continued to eat him out I could see his hands clenching, looking for something to do to distract from the intensity of the pleasure he was receiving. By now his hole was relaxed enough for me to work my tongue inside him, and as I breached his sphincter with my muscular tongue he let out a higher pitched cry than before.

"Holy FUCK man, I had no idea it would feel this good! Yeah, fuck my ass with your tongue man!"

"Shit man," drawled Dan, sitting beside Greg and stroking his cock. "He has his tongue in your ass?"

Greg glanced at him drunkenly, saying, "Bro, you have no fucking idea how good this is. You gotta try it."

"Fuck yeah man..." said Mike. "Eat his ass man," he encouraged me, running his warm hands over my shoulder and back as I continued to tongue fuck Greg's hairy, stinky asshole. His precut was by now running all the way down his cock and balls and beginning to drench my hair and forehead. I could sense from the quivering in his asshole and the strain of his cries that he was getting close to orgasm, so I backed off, giving him one last wide swipe of my tongue as I left. I slapped his belly, making it bounce, saying,

"How do you like it big boy?"

He just stared at me with a glazed over expression of extreme lust, saying,

"Goddamn man. I've really been missing out." By now the air smelled more strongly of male sex, and of sweaty ass.

"You know, it smells different than with a girl, but it's actually kinda hot," said Dan.

"Yeah, I could get used to this smell. It's just really masculine, ya know?" said Mike, stroking his thick Italian sausage. "And it's like there's less pressure fooling around with buddies, right?"

"Totally man. Sam doesn't care if we're hairy or stink, or how much noise we make. Right Sam?" said Greg.

"I fucking love it Dude. The hairier and stinkier the better, honestly. And speaking of, Mike?"

I turned towards him, and bent up his legs.

"You ready for a rimming buddy?"

"Oh fuck yeah man," he said. "I'm totally ready."

Like I said, I found his scent the most intoxicating, so I took my time with him. I leaned in, probing the sweat covered hair of his ass crack with my nose, deeply inhaling the combined scent of salty sweat, testosterone, and the spicy undercurrent of the garlic and onions he ate so often. The smell of an Italian Stallion with a fat sausage and meaty, ripe ass. I blew puffs of hot, moist air directly onto his winking hole as I passed over it. I looked up at him, his face was pleading with me to continue, to go further, to eat him out like he'd never been. glancing to the right, I saw Dan reach over and, without asking, grasp Greg's monster cock. Greg wasn't even fazed, he just smirked at Dan, then at me, and folded his arms behind his head, spreading his legs out and tangling them up further with Dan's. Both of their attention was focussed on me and Mike, but Dan kept glancing down at his hand stroking the incredible length of Greg's cock, almost not believing how big it felt.

I looked down to the spread ass before me, and, grabbing his slim waist, pulled it higher, spreading it out more for me and positioning his drooling cock almost directly above his face. I gathered up some spit and hawked a big wad of saliva directly onto his pucker, earning a hearty chorus of grunted approval, before diving in and feasting on his hole.

"OH eat my smelly ass you dirty fucker!" shouted Mike at the moment my tongue made contact with his hole, landing dead center. I began wildly lapping at it and digging at the hole. His ass seemed so hungry for it, winking at me and quickly becoming puffy and loosened, almost pulling at my tongue. It wasn't long before I was able to work it into him, sliding past his sphincter and stimulating the tender flesh. From this vantage, I could look directly into his face. I almost came right there just seeing his facial contortions, a look of drunk lust and pleasurable shock, paired with his series of high pitched, yet masculine moans and yelps.

"What did I fucking tell you buddy?" said Greg. He had moved closer to Mike at this point, their foreheads were pressed together and he was helping to support his legs. "Doesn't that feel fucking good."

"Holy shit man you were right," panted Mike. I just smirked down at the two. Suddenly, Greg groaned loudly. Dan had worked up the drunk courage to give cock sucking a try, and was gently nursing on Greg's cock head. All of us were a little surprised, and stopped to look at him.

He popped up his head, and just smiled a lustful, drunk smile at us.

"Just between us guys, right?"

In response, we all just smiled right back at him, and as I dove back into Mike's ass, I saw him move down to tongue bathe Greg's bloated ballsac while stroking the towering cock. Mike kept mewling more and more for my tongue as I continued to feast on his perfect asshole, and I cautiously started circling it with a thumb alongside my tongue. In response, his hole almost started pulling at it. I stuck it towards his mouth, and he quickly sucked it in, swirling his tongue around my digit while looking into my eyes, getting it wet. His eyes were begging for it. I sank the thumb into him in one solid motion, and he grunted, almost screamed. The briefest look of pain crossed his face before the waves of pleasure hit him. With my mouth now free, I bent his rigid cock to an angle where I could sink it down my throat, and continued to fuck his needy hole with my finger.

His moans were coming closer together, and his hole was starting to flutter faster, so I quickly pulled off his cock and removed my thumb, coming out with a slight pop. He whined from the ruined orgasm, a belch of precum fell from his throbbing cock to hit his scruffy chin.

"Why'd you fucking stop man?" he pleaded, looking at me almost hurt.

"Because, Dan hasn't gotten a good ass eating yet man," I said, firmly slapping one asscheek with an audible slap. He closed his eyes and jerked his body at that, but gave a noticeable cry of pleasure. "You ready to try?"

"Fuck it man, I'm ready," said Dan, still bent with his face close to Greg's cock, stroking it slowly. He rolled on his back and propped his legs up. Mike and Dan smirked, and said,

"Here man, we'll help you." They got on either side of him, grabbing a leg each and bending him so that Dan's hands and mine were free to explore. Of course this also meant their stiff cocks were dangling within reach of Dan's mouth, a fact that escape no one. I couldn't help but pause for second to take in Dan's perfect ass.

Each cheek was round, firm and muscular but with a slight jiggle to them. They were covered in an even coat of short black hair, the same that covered his legs, with a cleft filled by darker denser hair. Within the tangled mat of his sweat soaked crack was a tight looking hole, pink in the center and ringed by darker, wrinkled flesh. I gave him a gentle swipe of the tongue before launching into an intense rimming. I just went crazy for the perfect hole, spitting in it, lapping it at, gently nibbling on the slowly opening hole. I could hear his grunts, muffled by Greg's cock as I worked him over. Mike grinned at me, stroking his cock with his free hand directly above Dan's face, drooling an unbroken stream of precum over Dan's face, soaking his beard. Dan had grabbed Mike's full balls in one hand, tugging in them and rolling them around. By now his hole had opened to me, and I'd managed to work my tongue in, but he was still so tight, definitely the tightest of the three. He let Greg's cock fall out of his mouth with a heavy wet smack, and looked up at me, saying,

"Eat my fucking ass man! Fuck me with your finger like you did Mike."

It was music to my ears. I stuck my fingers roughly in his open mouth, and he drooled and sucked on them, getting them with his spit and Greg's precum. I circled and teased his hole with my slick fingers before slowly working it in to him. He was whining in pleasure the whole time it sank into him, and gave a loud half shriek when I sank it all the way and gave it a twirl, his eyelids fluttering and mouth gaping open as I found and stroked his tender prostate.

"What the fuck are you doing to me man? Holy SHIT that feels amazing!"

"It's your prostate dude. All guys have them. You straight boys don't know what you're missing," I replied.

"Yeah, that's definitely something I learned tonight buddy," said Mike, groaning as Dan now sucked on his fat cock. "This is some of the hottest action I've ever gotten."

Greg smiled at him.

"You know, if Dan and Sam have provided their services, maybe you and I should return the favor?" Mike just smirked back.

"What's some fun between buddies? After all Sam," he addressed me, "You said it's like eating pussy right?"

He and I traded positions, and I saw his stubbled face get closer and closer to Dan's upturned ass. He gave it a whiff, and a tentative lick, before really going for it. He ate that ass like a starving man once he get into it, and Dan just continued to moan and groan underneath, suckling on my cock now. He may have never sucked dick before but he was doing a damn good job. No teeth, and the suction of his lips paired with the skillful swirling of his tongue on the underside of my head had me groaning and leaking.

"You like that cocksucker?" I asked him, getting into the dirtiness of it all. He grunted in the afiirmative, almost as if the insult was more of a turn on to him. "Yeah, I'm a cocksucker and now you are too, suck my fucking dick man." He was getting more and more turned on, pinching his nipples hard now and slobbering all over my stiff cock as he bobbed up and down. I leaned into him, angling myself to start a long slow throatfuck, leaning my body against Greg's heaving, sweaty chest, watching my dick disappear into Dan's lips and watching Greg stroke his monster cock alongside it. I looked up at him, and without having to say anything, Greg leaned down towards me, cupping my chin in his hand and sliding his tongue into my open mouth. Mike whistled and said,

"Damn boys, we're really getting into it aren't we?" We broke apart and just smiled together at him, before pulling his head to us, starting a sloppy threeway make out, tongues jostling with each other and needy sighs mingling together. Dan got up and joined us, before pushing me back and starting to eat my ass.

He was hesitant at first but quickly got into it, spearing my asshole with his long tongue. Behind him, Greg and Mike had arranged themselves into an ass eating 69 position, the wet smacks and slobbering sounds mixing with my groans as Dan ate me out. He came up for air before swallowing my leaking cock in one smooth motion, replacing his tongue with his thick index finger. I groaned in lust as he sucked me and began to work my prostate. I started bucking my ass back onto his finger, desperate for it go deeper. He pulled out with a pop before sticking three of his fingers into my mouth. I licked at the salty skin, tasting of my own ass, getting them wet. He then rammed them back into me, all three, twisting and stretching them as he did. I screamed out,

"Oh FUCK man, fuck me!" He smiled, continuing to work my ass, stretching out the muscle, loosening me up. He keeping his fingers in my ass, rotating in and out, he crawled up so that I could suck his cock, lubing up the super thick member with my spit and his precum. I let if fall out of my mouth looking him dead in the eyes and saying,

"Put this in my ass man."

He gave the sexiest smirk back at me, getting himself into position, holding my legs straight up and spreading out my ass. He probed the head at my entrance. It felt even bigger than it looked knocking against me, despite how loose I was. It sat there at my entrance, throbbing, before he began to push in. As his head popped through my sphincter, I groaned loudly, a gush of precum wetting down my belly hair. He slid in so slowly, his girth stretching me more than I could have imagined. It was the thickest thing I'd ever had in my ass, and I loved the fullness of it. Mike and Greg had joined us, closely inspecting his tree trunk of a cock entering my hole.

"Fuuuuuuck man, look at that..." said Mike, in lusty wonder.

"I can't believe it fits bro," said Greg. "How's that feel man?" he asked as he stroked the side of my face.

"Dude..." I could hardly form words, let alone explain to them how good this felt. "You'd just have to try it yourself." I grunted heavily, losing words again as he bottomed out in me, his girth almost splitting me open, the wiry pubic hair brushing against my ass cheeks, the weighty warmth of his balls against my skin. The pain was unbelievable, but underneath that was a growing feeling of warm, full pleasure. I moaned, and turned to grab Greg's cock, pulling him towards me and suckling needy on the head to distract from the feeling. Planted deep in me, Dan swirled his hips, churning up my insides with his thickness, before slowly pulling out until only his head was stilll inside. He moved back into me in a single steady motion, getting me used to his fuck and continuing to loosen me. I sucked desperately at Greg's head and jacked off Mike's cock straining cock as Dan continued to slowly fuck me with his full length. Above me, I could see Greg and Mike sloppily making out and twisting and pulling each others nipples, their sweat now dripping down onto me. Dan grabbed my cock in his big, calloused hand and began to stroke it in time with his thrusts into me.

"You like my big thick cock man? You like me fucking you with this monster cock?" he asked me.

"Oh fuck yeah man, please fuck my ass, You're so thick Dan, I never would have thought a little guy like you would..."

"What? Have such. A. Giant. Cock?" on each word he thrust hard into me as far as he could go, as if to prove a point, before ending his question with a hard slap to my ass. I groaned hard and loud on each thrust, and yelped when he spanked me. He began to speed up his fuck, trying to show how big of a man he really was. I never stopped groaning and crying for it the entire time, and totally got lost to the fuck. After a few minutes of this hard pile drive, Dan slowed down, enjoying a steady pace.

"Fuck I love this ass. Dude, you turned me on to some shit tonight," he said to me.

"Yeah for sure bro. This gay shit is hot as hell," agreed Mike, stroking his cock. "You mind if I get in on that?" he asked me. I shook my head no, of course not, and Mike tapped Dan on the shoulder to trade places.

I was already loose and ready for cock so no foreplay was needed, but he still dove in to eat my ass for a few minutes, before rising up and placing his cock at my hole. He was so slick with his copious precum and the wetness of my ass at this point that he just sank into me in one continuous motion. We groaned in unison as he sank into me, and as soon as he bottomed out he began a hard, rough fuck.

"Take my fucking cock, take this thick Italian sausage man!"

"Oh man I fucking love it!" He was so much longer than Dan, and reached new spots in me that hadn't yet been probed tonight, his thick head raking over my prostate and causing bursts of intense pleasure. As he fucked my slapped my ass, the sound was so loud in the tent. Greg looked up from between Dan's legs, where he'd been sucking that thick cock and fingering the perfect hairy hole.

"Yeah man fuck that ass! You're a goddamned stallion buddy!" He pulled his fingers out of Dan's tight ass, slapping it as he left and earning a frustrated groan from Dan, who lay there stroking his cock. Greg came up behind Mike, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing close behind him, his monster cock poking up into Mike's back, and started moving with him, whispering filthy words into his ear,

"Yeah man, show me how you fuck, how a real man fucks." Mike huffed and puffed as he gave it to me, really slamming down and as he fucked me like a pile driver he leaned down so make out with me. We made out sloppily with our tongues violently battling, our teeth crashing together in our urgency. I groaned my need for his fat dick into his open mouth and he grunted back into mine. Dan moved to stand above me, kneeling down and offering me his fat piece, and beginning to make out with Mike. Behind Mike, I could see Greg on his hands and knees, rimming out Mike's beautiful musky hole. Mike was bending his ass back, spreading it as far as he could while still fucking me. I heard hum grunt as a finger, or three, was slipped back into his needy hole, and felt his cock flex as his prostate was massaged. He broke his kiss with Dan, a long line of precum-thickened spit fell from their mouths and landed on my forehead. He looked behind him, and just said,

"Do it man."

Greg pulled up, his mouth shiny with spit from his zealous rimming, and lined his cock up with Mike's hole. I couldn't believe that this straight guy was about to take one of the biggest cocks I'd ever seen into his tight, virgin hole. He was still buried inside me, and I grabbed his face, making him look at me, our foreheads touching.

"Dude, I'm warning you, this is gonna hurt for your first time, and Greg has a monster cock."

"I don't fucking care man," he slurred at me, drunk form whiskey and lust. "I wanna know what it feels like."

"Allright bro, I'll take it slow for you."

I heard Mike grunt as that massive head breached his hole. As Greg slowly sank the incredible length of his erection into Mike, a millimeter at a time, Mike whimpered and cried from the sharp pain, but never made him stop. Greg quickly sank the last inch in however, causing Mike to scream out in a high pitch,

"FUCK man, that fucking HURTS."

I quickly kissed him to take his mind off of it. He gladly sucked in my tongue, whimpering as his ass relaxed. His cock throbbed in me in time with his fluttering ass, his sharp heartbeat beating fast through it. Greg had stopped moving after sinking to the root, and was almost lovingly caressing Mike's ass and lower back.

"It'll be okay man. I've broken in plenty of virgins in my time. The trick is to go slow."

As Mike's breathing steadied, Greg started slowly pulling out and pushing back in, mostly keeping his full length inside him, loosening the whole passage. Mike's whimpers turned into grunts and groans, needier sounds, and he began to fuck into me again. Despite the pain of entry, he had never gone soft, and now as he was fucking me he was actually fucking back onto Greg's cock. Our rhythm was a little off at first, but our boners never flagged, and soon we found a steady pace. Mike began getting more into it, shouting for Greg to fuck him harder. Soon Greg was controlling the pace, fucking Mike hard enough to fuck me in turn. We were a moaning, grunting mess of sweat and precum, coming close to the edge.

"Wait!" yelled Dan. We stopped our fuck, except for Greg who gave slow hard thrusts to Mike as we turned to Dan.

"I can tell we're all getting close to cumming. I assume we're all on the same page to keep this going as long as we can?"

We all nodded in agreement. We were so on edge we could have cum at any point, but Dan was right. This was too hot to end. Greg pulled out of Mike, causing him to whine from the loss, which I copied as he pulled out of me. We sparked up another joint and lay together, a tangle of sweaty hairy men, drinking booze and getting high and stroking each other wherever we wanted.

Greg got up from the group, his slightly subsiding but still massive boner bouncing around. He put his hands on his hips, saying,

"Well boys, I think we found a new way to take care of our needs, seeing as how none of us have time to find girls."

Mike and Dan heartily agreed.

"I may be drunk, but as far as I'm concerned we can do this anytime you guys want," said Dan, lazily fondling my fuzzy balls.

"Only as long as I'm invited," I chimed in. "After all, I'm the one who showed you guys how good this shit is."

"Absolutely," confirmed Greg, reaching out a hand to help me up and pulling me into a brief sloppy kiss, our cocks firming up again as they jostled together. "Dan can't take my dick all the way like you man," he whispered into my ear, making me gush more precum onto his big furry belly. We ground our hard cocks together as we hugged and nibbled and licked each other's ears and necks, our beards tickling the other's skin.

"As hot as this show is," Dan cut in, "I gotta take a major piss. Anyone else?"

The whiskey had definitely worked through us by this point, so we all exited the tent still naked and hard. The fire had died down into a small pile of glowing red coals, offering no illumination, but the full moon reflecting from the river offered enough light to clearly see each other.

"Let's piss this fire out man!" said Greg, laughing. We circled the firepit, trying to piss through our rampant boners. We managed to bend them down enough to begin our streams. I couldn't help but think how much of a turn this drunken night had taken from our first group piss on the river.

"You fucker! Take this then!" I jokingly yelled at him, and directed the beginning of my stream right at him, managing across the remains of the fire to land right in his bush, wetting it down completely. I could see from the moonlight my piss dripping down from the hair on his giant ballsac. This unleashed a piss fight between all of, trying to see how accurate we could be with our streams, how high we could manage to soak someone. Greg managed to direct his stream with enough force to get Dan in the mouth, his piss dripping from Dan's ample beard. Mike got me on the chest, soaking down my hair, and I managed to give my stream enough arc to shower down overhead on all of us. We were laughing and jostling each other the whole time, so it got very messy and out of hand.

"Well guys, let's pick up where we left off," Greg said, leading the way with his dick. Piling back into the tent, we cracked open the third, and last, bottle of whiskey. And finishing off the joint we'd started. Taking a long pull, last of the four of us, Dan set the bottle down and rolled onto his back, spreading his beautiful ass and saying,

"I want one of you to fuck me."

We all looked at each other. His ass was perfect; we'd all made "mock" flirty comments about it in the kitchen and it was often goosed or playfully slapped, horseplay he always went along with and played into. Now, we all wanted to have a piece of this perfect bubble butt, muscular and tight. I broke the silence.

"Fuck yeah man, I'll fuck your ass." First I ate him out to get him wet again, and reloosen the already retightening asshole. I speared him with my tongue, adding a finger, then two, when he muscles began to relax. I looked him in the eye, silently asking him if he was ready, to which he nodded. I slotted my cocked into his hole, and he said,

"Fuck me rough man. I can take it."

I nodded in acknowledgment, and, spitting a big wad of saliva on the spot where my cocked met his hole, sank all the way into him swiftly, not giving him time to adjust. Slamming into his super tight, muscle virgin ass, I almost lost it, needing to rest a minute when I'd fully entered to stop my impending orgasm. The tense muscles clenched and milked my cock in their twitching and spasming, the first cock to enter his straight boy ass. He threw his head back and groaned, yelling,

"Fuck yeah buddy, just like that! Fuck my tight ass!"

Having regained my cool, I began a rough fuck on him, determined to give him what he'd asked for as well as provide a show for Greg and Mike, who had their arms around each other and were stroking each other's cocks while they watched. I was pulling all the way out before slamming back in, going balls deep every time. The sound of my moist balls smacking against his thighs mixed with his low, rough grunts, an animalistic sounds of pleasurable pain, or painful pleasure. It seemed like this little gym rat liked it rough. I wondered if he kept his ass in shape, if he even was a virgin? It didn't matter to me. By now I was sawing in and out of him, punching up into his prostate on every stroke in. I pinned back his arms and leaned down to his face, whispering into his ear,

"Guess this is my chance to feel your arms huh? And a whole lot else." I punctuated my statement with a hard jab into him, causing a fresh gush of precum as well as an extra deep grunt from Dan.

"Dude, I need to get in that ass," exclaimed Mike. I pulled out for him, slobbering on his cock to get it wet, and he slammed his cock into Dan, who growled loudly in appreciation. Mike started the same jack rabbit fuck he'd given me, his hips almost a blur. Next to me, Greg had taken my cock in his mouth, and was eagerly bobbing up and down on it, his hands exploring my balls and my crack, occasionally slipping a finger around my hole. He looked up and said,

"You wanna fuck me man?"

"Fuck yeah."

I wanted to have him ride me, as he could control my entry more easily. He straddles my waist, his giant half boner dangling down over my chest, and sat with his pucker directly above my cock. He began to lower himself, wincing in slight discomfort as he went, but never complaining. His breathing was labored and heavy, tinged with pleasure. Before long, he was settled in my lap, his hairy genitals, heavy and spongy, resting on my stomach, my balls nestled in the cleft of his ass.

"Dude, your cock feels so good," he said to me. "Now I see why you guys like it so much," turning to look at Dan and Mike, who were still enjoying a rough fuck with each other.

"Wait until I start fucking you," I said to him, and pushed him up slightly before thrusting my hips into him. He squatted there, his ass muscle clenching, as I thrust rapidly into him, crushing his prostate from below. He groaned loudly and quickly became fully erect again. I sank him back onto my lips, moving to shallower thrusts, and he began to rock his hips back and forth on my dick, really getting into it now. From this angle, and given his length, I was able to bend down and take the first few inches of his cock in my mouth, suckling on the head hard and in time with my thrusts. He groaned loudly, pulling my head up, saying,

"I'm gonna come if you keep that up man. I wanna come with all of you, together."

Dan and Mike had slowed down, to prevent their orgasms, and agreed with Greg.

"Well we're all really fucking close guys," I said. "How do we want to do this?"

"Well I want to be getting fucked while I cum, said Mike.

"Me too," said Dan.

"And me three," smiled Greg.

"Guess I'll take up the rear car of this fuck train," I said laughing at the three. I'd shown them how much pleasure could be found from your ass and they'd quickly become cock hungry bottoms. Dan groaned as Greg bottomed out in him, who then moaned loudly as Mike sank into him. I followed, up, sinking firm into Mike with a hard thrust that they all felt. We found a rough, choppy rhythm with each other, Greg delivering a powerful fuck to Dan while fucking himself hard enough onto Mike's cock to force his ass to meet my own thrusts. Four distinct voices grunting and cursing in a disjointed rhythm. Dan was the first to go, crying,

"Ohhhh fuck oh fuck I'm gonna fucking come man fuck me fuck me FUCK, oh SHIT," He screamed out, shouting the loudest orgasm and spraying cum all over his chest, cock untouched. His load sprayed against the tent wall behind him, the following shots covering his face and soaking into his beard. As his powerful ass cheeks clenched and milked Greg's giant dick, he sped up his fuck and screamed out his own loud orgasm, planting his seed 10 inches deep up Dan's ass. Mike came almost in time with Greg, his cry was maybe the hottest of the three; a series of high pitched shrieks on every shot, at least a dozen hard sprays of cum were buried in Greg's ass. As I pummeled his ass, feeling it clenching against my thrusts, I lost it, pulling out and spraying my pent up load all over the group of them as they lay collapsed in the throes of their orgasms. I fell down along with them, joining the cuddle pile of sweaty, hairy, horny flesh.

"I gotta piss man, but I don't wanna go outside," said Greg.

"Fuck it dude," murmured Mike, whose head lay on Dan's chest as he stroked the subsiding boner. With that lazy permission, Greg began to piss right there, soaking us all down in the pile. All of us began to piss with each other, soaking our bodies, faces, and crotches. As a final hurrah for the night, I sucked the cum out of Dan and Greg's asses, two huge loads, and shared it with the three of them in a sloppy fourway makeup. As we drifted off to sleep, bodies soaked with piss and sweat and precum, I hoped this would happen again.

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