Fun with Willies and Dicks

By Ross

Published on Jul 2, 2024



These brief notes are, of course, completely made up; no teenage boys would ever behave as my invented characters do in this short story. It would be against the law, for one thing; youngsters under 16 (or is it 18? This apparently depends on where you live, must be something in the water) , well, apparently they don't understand sex, that's what the local law says here, and who am I to argue? So all of this is just a story, albeit a story brimming over with filth.

If you're not interested in the activities of teenage boys, or if your local laws ban reading about them, close this file now and go and read a book about religion, or your diary. It's your life, and you make the choices for it. And get the results of your choices.

And if you are under the age of consent for your country, you might as well close this file anyway as, your law informs us, you are incapable of understanding any of it. Although you may wish to try ...

But if you do find stories on Nifty to be interesting, arousing or even enjoyable, please consider donating; websites have servers and electricity bills, as well as other expenses. Bills have to be paid, and your donations are needed to help. Say 'thank you, Nifty' with a donation - whatever you can spare. Please.

Feedback to

is always welcome, especially if it gives me ideas for further frolics, or suggestions for making my stories more effective. Although different folks sometimes benefit from different , er, strokes ...

Be happy !

Ross Davidson

Fun with Willies and Dicks 1

(Readers from outside the UK, and those who have gone to state schools, might need to know that yeargroups in UK Boarding schools are usually designated 3rd form for boys beginning the year as 13 yo, 4th for 14 yo, 5th for 15 yo, and Sixth form for the lads who are 16 or over and working for their university entrance exams, called 'A' levels.

It's also maybe helpful to know that 'bum' and 'arse' are Brit slang for the part of the body that one sits upon; and 'willy' means 'young peen'. Apart from that, I trust that those who have not had the benefits of a British up-bringing can still understand these little tales.)

Dorm 8

Tomasz Styburski Y6

James Dixon Y3 John Dixon Y3 William Haworth Y3 Dick Majors Y3 Jeremy Richards Y3 Andrei Styburski Y3 Bill Williams Y3 Andrew Williamson Y3

The eight boys gathered in their new bedroom, oops, call it their 'dorm', they were at boarding school now and had to fit in and learn the language. Tomasz, the Sixth Former in charge, coughed gently and they fell silent, waiting to hear more about their new life - and him. Would he be nice? Or a bully? They'd all heard so many stories about boarding schools, most of them scary in one way or another. This was when reality started to reveal itself. Only Andrei, Tomasz' younger brother, seemed fully at ease - he'd heard all the stories years ago and knew what to expect. Or, he thought he did ...

"Welcome, lads, to De Bois House in St Exene. There are a few things you really need to know, that are better told by a pupil than by a teacher.

"The first two things are essential but easily learnt. It's 'de bwa' House, not 'de boys'. The name is French, it means 'of the wood'. We'll come back to that later.

"Second, the school name is St Exene. There is no apostrophe and no 's' after it. Do - not - get - this - wrong." The pauses after each word made it clear that this was not a mistake they wanted to make.

"Now, for the day to day living bits. You've probably worked out that we all shower together here, so you're going to see a lot of cocks, a lot of balls, a lot of naked bums; and other boys will see everything you have, too. Get used to this. You're all 13 so you'll be sprouting boners all the time - surprisingly, this happens to all boys, so you'll see a lot of other boys' boners too. The polite thing is to ignore them, whether they're yours or someone else's. Unless he's a close friend of yours" - Tomasz stressed the word 'close' - "in which case, don't embarrass anyone else."

The older boy paused for a few seconds, to let all this sink in.

"Talking about embarrassment, this is where it gets personal. De Bois is a house for boys who are, or may be, 'bi' or gay." Every boy wriggled a little , some with embarrassment and some with anticipation. And some with both ...

"Gay sex happens when two boys decide to mess around together. You may choose to join in, or to leave it for others - it's your body and your choice. Most guys try it, many try it a lot" - he smiled - "but the only guaranteed route out of the school is to take part in either form of sexual bullying." He paused for the obvious question, but nobody dared break the silence.

Tomasz gave Andrei 'the look', sending the message 'they're all too shy to ask, you ask for them'.

Andrei spoke up. "I can guess that one form of sexual bullying would be to make someone do something he didn't want to do, but - what's the other?"

"Mocking anybody for what they choose to do, whether it's joining in with a mess around, or , not joining in" his brother answered. "Straights, gays and shy boys all have equal rights here."

One of the Dixon twins raised a hand and Tomasz nodded permission. "Just asking, of course" - the youngster grinned happily - "but what constitutes 'messing around'?"

Several of the others winced slightly, either because they didn't want to know, or because they already did but didn't want to be known to know. Puberty is like that.

"You clearly haven't read the pamphlet" - the boys looked puzzled - "probably because I haven't handed it out yet" - Tomasz smiled. "It covers the six steps between 'initial attraction' and 'doing the deed'". Three of the boys crossed their legs in an unsuccessful attempt to hide their growing erections. "You may choose to read it in private" he added.

In the distance, a bell rang. "But now it's time you guys were in bed and getting some sleep, tomorrow will be exhausting" the senior concluded. "And, since you're all thirteen, you'll need a wank, so, grab a sock and get to it! I shall be back in exactly fifteen minutes and I will expect silence after I return. Use your time well" he grinned as he left the room.

The Dixon twins and Andrei each quickly grabbed a long woolly sock, scrambled into their pyjamas, and dived into their beds. From the wriggling and bed noises they were clearly obeying Tomasz' instructions, to the letter. The twins were a bit noisier than they realised.

Andrei surfaced for a moment to encourage the rest. "You all need to get off, this is the official time for a dorm wank, nobody will come in to disturb you, so either rub one out - now - or spend the night wishing you had" and he disappeared under the bed clothes and happily (and obviously) began abusing hiself again.

The other five looked at each other - was this really happening? Oh yes it really was - as each boy realised that this was decision time. For months - or even years - each lad had been hiding his masturbation from everyone, but now it seemed that it was normal, even with an 'official' time and place, and his growing body demanded due care and attention, although now with others aware that he was doing it. But the pleasured moans and bouncing beds were an encouragement, and each boy had a stiffy that demanded proper worship in the way that boys do.

One by one the remaining teens gave in to the demands of their developing cocks. Dick and Bill usually slept naked at home, so they had only packed a token pair of pj's each, and were happy to strip and dive into their beckoning beds before blatantly beginning to bash their bishops. William turned to Andrew with a puzzled look and said "socks?" and Andrew replied "put it over your knob before you wank, then you don't have to worry about making a mess" - demonstrating with his own boy tackle and a spare rugby sock. With a hand (and his prick) inside the sock, Andrew began to enjoy himelf, standing erect for all to see while he vigourously rubbed himself towards a very pleasant conclusion.

William and the remaining boy, Jeremy, looked at each other with a mixture of shyness and horniness. "Everyone else is..." Jeremy began, and without further speech the two boys removed their remaining coverings and stood (in more than one way) eyeing each other up.

"One, two, three.." William cued them in, and the two youngsters began their first ever mutually visible tossing off. Jeremy was blatantly watching William, who noticed and found that it was fun watching another boy exercising his foreskin. As the two lads got into it, they would have been hard put to it to say whether their own activity, or watching each other, was more fun; in fact, knowing that the other boy was letting himself be watched only added to their pleasure.

The sound of foreskins slapping on knob-ends filled the room, competing with the occasional moan and the creak of bedsprings. Eight young teens were sharing their first group masturbation, knowing that it would be the first of many, but concentrating on their own pleasure (and the thought of fun yet to come). One by one they peaked, releasing jets of teen joy, some silently and some with gasps of success; one by one they came back to earth and realised what they had done, then noticed that nobody cared (or, at least, that nobody was judging them for it).

Andrei broke the ensuing silence. "Welcome to de Bois, welcome to St Exene, and welcome to as much fun as you can handle" he announced. "Now you'd better wash out your sock - nobody wants a crusty one - and we've got only two minutes before Tomasz is back and we all have to pretend to be good little boys again." There was a rush for the washbasins and everyone got their sock rinsed out, and followed Andrei's lead in hanging them on the radiator to dry for the morning.

In fact it was more like five minutes before Tomasz reappeared, looking rather flushed. "Enjoy your shower?" Andrei teased him.

His elder brother replied "Mind your own business" with a horny grin.

"Tee or bee?" the younger persisted, and his brother answered "Lucky Pierre, if you must know, now shurrup" and the two smiled at each other again. The newcomers listened, all but the Dixon twins mystified, and they kept their silence, but shared a fraternal grin as well.

The oxymoronic Silence Bell rang, and the House settled down to sleep, memories and dreams of sex, and (for the new boys, at least) wonder about what the days and weeks held for them. But it helped that, it seemed, they could be themselves, and in an accepting atmosphere ...

The next day passed in a rush, classes, meals, sports, and of course showers after exercises ... the boys were braver now, looking around in the showers and changing areas, mentally noting the bigger cocks and the cuter bums, and letting themelves be seen and noted in return. Some of the boys from other houses, who they didn't expect to be interested, were also clearly taking notice ...

Eventually evening arrived and it was time for bed. They were all looking forward to their daily wank and were quick to get out of their clothes. Andrei was the first to make it clear that he wasn't going to bother with pjs, then Dick, Bill and the Dixon twins stripped off and lay back on their beds, stark naked and very clearly ready for a meaty wank.

"Are you going to ... do it ... naked?" Jeremy enquired, still wearing his underpants but with a significant tent in them, as he looked at the five nude teens and their happily erect cocks.

"Of course, it feels much better this way" John Dixon replied, giving his stiffy a lascivious stroke.

"Give it a try, you won't regret it" his brother James added, his butt wriggling as he got into the mood for one-handed rude.

William and Andrew slowly lowered their final layer of clothing to reveal their hard cocks, and as Jeremy joined them the three boys stared at each others' wedding tackle, stiff pricks jutting above dangling balls. By now, Andrei and the others were well into their public prick-pounding, and Andrei especially was starting to moan and wriggle as the rut rose in his mind - and body!

Within seconds the eight boys were happily watching each other wank, and by now nobody was even pretending to be polite little boys; they were all horny teens, their glowing cocks revelling in the treatment their pumping hands were dishing out. One by one the shyer lads realised the fun of watching others choking their young chickens, and joined in the sexy show, glancing at each other and smiling happily as they locked eyes with (and put on a show for) another naked gay teen. The noise level rose as each boy threw away his inhibitions, dived into the welcoming waters of group sex and began to moan and whimper his randy feelings - for himself and for the others.

Teens don't last long, and it was only a minute or two before John shuddered and came, jets of boy spunk spraying over his face and tummy. His twin was seconds behind him (they had, as usual, been watching each other closely) and was even noisier and messier. One by one the others erupted, the room smelling of boy cum happily spread everywhere. Finally, only Jeremy was left still going at it, his teen hand a blur as he frantically abused his willing prick, knowing that everyone was watching and urgent to show that he, too, could produce semen.

"Jer-e-my! Jer-e-my!" His wank-mates were clustered round, encouraging him as he reached for joy, no longer a shy boy but now a hardened public wanker with his friends urging him on. For himself, for them, and for his own reputation, Jeremy went for it in the most vigourous and determined masturbation of his young life.

Andrei smiled and reached forward, gently cupping Jeremy's wriggling balls. That did it - with a scream of happiness the younger lad came, warm spunk spraying over his sex-friends gathered around him, in jet after jet. Andrei happily caught some on his face - he's always loved facials - and nearly everyone had some of Jeremy's seed on their naked bodies, somewhere.

As the boy regained focus he realised that everyone was gathered round him, naked and dripping spunk, young cocks drooping now that the show was over. "You're a real wanker now, Jer" Andrei praised him, and it was clear that Jeremy had joined the gang. No more need for shyness, he'd really enjoyed being watched and they had, too. Boys!

By the time Tomasz entered the dorm, the lads had had time to rinse the worst of the slime off each other and were lying in their beds, naked and sated (for just now, anyway). "Smells like a Persian whorehouse in here" he remarked, and his brother remarked "Well, you'd know about whorehouses".

Tomasz gave him a friendly smack on the head - just enough to register, not enough to hurt - but Andrei wasn't going to be put off that easily.

"How was Fred?" he enquired, getting another brotherly slap in return.

But Tomasz was in a good mood so he answered "Fred was - gooooood !" and Andrei gave an "Ooooooh!" and got his third slap of the night. It was worth it, though ... if only for the laugh it raised.

Nine teenagers slept deeply, again with memories and hopes to fill their dreams - and, in some cases, to fill their arses ...

On Thursday morning, there was a lot more, obvious, eyeing up going on in the showers. Each of the thirteen-year-olds was remembering that almost public wank last night, seeing himself as a sexual person and his dorm-mates as sexual players too. More than one of the boys was wondering what would happen on the next night; more than one was looking around for a possible play-mate; and more than one was aware of his naked body being sized up for potential mutual fun, given time. More than one? To varying degrees they all were, naked together and already planning daring naked fun. With the hard cocks they were, by now, all happily sporting, glancing and eventually staring at. None of them felt shy any more, they just wanted to play, but maybe the shower room on their third day at a new school wasn't the right time - or place?

Tomasz, showering with them, saw all this and noted which lads were the most forward showing off their stiffies and staring at their friends' nakedness. This was a good group, he thought, and they'd play well in time. Quite soon, in fact ...

His own erection grew a little more, at the thought ...

The boys' classes went by as schoolwork usually did, some interesting and some merely to be survived. One novelty was the swimming lesson, which turned out to be an introduction to water polo (once the coach had realised that all the boys were already confident swimmers).

Mr Whyte explained the rules to the boys and sorted them into teams, letting them choose where each boy played. It stretched their swimming ability, having to move up and down the pool, often protecting the ball from attack, or trying to pass it to a team-mate despite the interference of the other side.

John was moving up the pool into a good attack position when someone grabbed his trunks and pulled him back, exposing his cute rump to view. He surfaced with a "What the hell?" expression on his face, but Mr Whyte was just smiling and didn't blow for a foul. Apparently water polo was a dirtier sport than he had expected ...

He got his own back, however, on the next attack when a boy he didn't know (Peter) tried to swim past him. John thought "what goes around, comes around" and made a grab for Peter's trunks, but only got a handful of his boyhood. Cock and both balls, to be precise.

Peter surfaced with a look of pain in his eyes, saw John and changed this to a shy smile. He'd have spent more time staring at his attacker but Mr Whyte was already yelling at him to 'get back and defend' so both boys put this encounter with their 'to be thought about, later' memories.

Mr Whyte did, as well.

Showering off the chlorine with boys from other dorms briefly brought back Jeremy's shyness, but by now he was getting used to the sight of fur, cocks and bollocks, and to others seeing his tackle. He still had to be careful not to spring a boner in front of strangers, though; he was beginning to realise that the boys of his own dormitory were not strangers, and that maybe meant ... he rapidly thought about something else, and covered his growing stiffy with his towel.

Not quite in time to prevent several other lads noticing and making a note to get to know him better, though. Much better. And soon.

With another day gone by, the boys were less inhibited about changing for bed, several of them spending quite a while in the nude, wandering around the dorm, before getting into bed in preparation for the night's fun. Most had given up the pyjama habit and were clearly sleeping naked, and didn't care who knew it. Many of them were rather getting to enjoy being watched, naked and unashamed. Especially the lads with the biggest willies, the bushiest pubes and the lowest hanging balls.

Tomasz was aware of this (he always kept an eye on the boys, especially when they were changing) and decided that this was the time to step things up a bit. "What's the definition of a pervert, Andrei?" he asked his younger brother, in a carrying voice.

"Someone who wanks where he can be seen by others, and watches them, too" the lad replied, as they'd agreed previously.

"Then, you've got fifteen minutes, perverts!" the older boy said as he let the dormitory, his towel making a poor job of disguising his swinging cock.

In seconds all the lads were on their backs in their beds, grasping their growing hard-ons and looking around for any 'perverts'. This led, of course, to the boys catching each other's eyes, as they started to manipulate themselves, one hand busy while the other held the bedclothes out of the way.

Dick slept next to William, and caught his eye as they peered into the darkness of each other's beds, hoping for a glimpse of excited cock and churning balls. Holding the bedclothes wasn't comfortable, either, and the two lads couldn't resist peeling back their duvets to get a better view - and show off their own equipment, which was also fun.

"Ooooh, perverts!" Andrei shouted, as the boys got down to the job of rubbing one out, next to (and watching) a friend. Everyone stared at them, everyone wanted to be them, and one by one the boys decided to join them.

"I'm a pervert, too!" James announced, a he rolled on top of his bed to give his brother - and the rest of the gang - a good view of his engorged cock being slammed by his pumping hand. "We both are!" his brother agreed, also revealing all as the twins began another of their shared prick-poundings. Neither felt it was quite time to let the rest know just how much further they'd already gone, but they had hopes that they might set a trend, in a few days. Or nights ...

One by one the boys threw back their coverings; the few still using pj's decided to wriggle out of them, and they all went for it, spanking their youthful monkeys with gay abandon, enjoying being watched and, also, enjoying seeing their friends hard at wank. With no need for caution, moans and whimpers filled the air, teen bodies bounced as hip-thrusts took over and all eight boys enjoyed showing and seeing cocks being thoroughly abused. No, not 'abused', but 'used'; properly used, giving pleasure - such pleasure - to their owners. Nobody else is entitled even to have an opinion !

Finally, proud gasps and groans filled the air, just as multiple jets of teen spunk appeared, the joy not shared out between them but multiplied by the number of lads taking voluble part in the mass-turbation. Pleasure is its own reward!

By the time that Tomasz returned, walking slightly stiffly, the boys had cleaned themselves - and their duvets - up, and were lying politely, each in his own bed. "Fred again?" Andrei enquired, smiling.

The older boy aimed a friendly swipe at him while replying "I took Matthew, then I did Iain, and then George did me. He's an animal, that George ...". Andrei made a pained face and Tomasz grinned back, but with a wince, as if to say "SO worth it ;-)" . The other youngsters were beginning to get the picture ...

Friday dawned - or rather, gloomed, dark clouds covering the Sun and lowering everyone's morale without them noticing. Much. Classes dragged by, then it was time for rugby practice, on fields more notable for mud than for grass. Within minutes the boys' clothing was a mess of brown, and soon they were revelling in becoming smeared with gloopy mess from head to toes. John and James pioneered the idea of grabbing a handful of mud before tackling their target, then slurping his face (or, later, his boy bits) with gloop as they made contact. Mr Fellowes, the teacher taking the practice, let them have their fun, even when James' target was clearly his opponent's goolies, rather than the ball. Mr Fellowes was like that.

By the end of the hour, every boy was a walking mess, with many of them trying - and failing - to conceal erections caused mainly by the friendly groping and smearing of their 'personal parts' when tackled. With the rain still teeming down, they all looked forward to warm showers to get clean - and to be naked together.

They got both. The drains nearly blocked up with all the mud the boys had to remove, but there was no hurry - tea was over 30 minutes away - and it was always going to take ages to get the mud out of their hair - head and pubes - and soap off the sweat as well.

The shower area was a bit crowded, and every lad had to work hard to get all the mud out of his pubes, so it was no surprise that many of them stiffened up under the warm water, the slippery soap and so close to other naked boys. They could hardly be blamed for having the occasional rub to get mud off their willies, as well ...

Maybe more than just the one rub. Maybe two or three - and with other naked lads crowding round, each with his young cock rising to the challenge, and the memories of happy handling of loins and buttocks inspiring them to join in the communal rut. Initilly each boy didn't think about being seen, but as they got fully into their fun the teens began to enjoy watching each other - and putting on a show for their own audience. Hands flew up and down, knees bent and straightened, and one by one they leant back to thrust their members forward in total obedience to the thrills of boysex. Each found himself putting his spare hand round a friend's shoulders, initially for balance and then for companionship, till the lads formed a circle of pounded penises and jumping balls, coming together in fun and then cumming together as well. There was no shame, only enjoyment; they were boys and this was what boys did. Every chance they got.

A boundary had been crossed, and they all knew it. Each, in his own way, realised that this had been the gateway to further fun, and that they had passed the test. And each wondered what was next, and when ...

Word gets around a boarding school faster than light, and by the evening Tomasz was ready to take them over the next bridge. "Rumour has it that things got a bit out of hand in the showers after rugby this afternoon?" he enquired, once all the boys were in their dormitory and getting undressed for bed.

"They didn't get out of hand at all, Tomasz, mine was firmly in my hand all the way through" his younger brother cheekily responded. Everybody grinned, and Andrei hardly had time to duck before another brotherly swipe of the hand knocked him on his cute rump.

"Ouch, my sore bum" the boy complained, though his happy face belied his words. "I feel as if I'd just been humped by the entire Sixth Form - or was that you that took all those cocks up you?" This time his elder brother slapped him on the buttocks, but again they were both laughing.

"If we're going to discuss each other's sex lives..." Tomasz began, and Andrei pretended to cringe with shame (though he'd long forgotten what shame was). "Anyway" the older boy went on, "it seems that you pervy lot aren't ashamed of having a bit of group fun from time to time, so I thought I'd let you know about a school custom that happens on Friday nights."

There was a hush as they all waited for the sweaty details.

"On Friday evenings" he went on, "it's usual that a prefect takes a general swim for juniors from 10 till 11 pm. Juniors means you lot and the year above you."

They waited for more.

"Since the teachers are usually out at the pub by then, things sometimes get a bit rude, and there have been times when boys have had their swimming trunks damaged." They could all guess how that might have happened in an unsupervised swim.

"So, it is now customary on Friday evenings to swim either in old underpants, easily ripped off, or to skinnydip. I must warn any of you who are thinking of attending, that there are very few rules at a Friday evening swim; gay behaviour such as groping is permitted, in fact expected, and you should expect to be felt up by everyone there. You will also be expected to do your share of the groping yourselves."

The boys wriggled as they adjusted themselves.

"The only fixed rule" Tomasz continued "is, nothing up the butt. As juniors, the school thinks you're not ready for that." Andrei smirked. Sometimes the school didn't realise what horny lads get up to. Or, it pretended not to, he decided.

"When do the seniors get their rocks off?" William wondered sotto voce, but Tomasz heard him.

"I couldn't possibly comment about that, but I will be leaving Andrei in charge of the dorm tomorrow night from 10 pm on Saturday evening till about 3 am on Sunday morning" the senior replied.

Everyone went "Oooooh!" - he couldn't smack them all, surely?

"So, if any of you perverts are irreparably gay, you have about ten minutes to get ready for a filthy skinnydip with other poofs about your age" Tomasz concluded. Andrei led the rush to get out of day clothes, find an old pair of boxers or jockeys and put them on. With a towel each, and (in some cases) a nervous but determined attitude, the teens got ready for the fun.

The automatic bell sounded for silence, and Andrei lead the way down to the main corridor and the pool area. The changing rooms were rammed full of boys in their thirteens and fourteens, most wearing very old, loosely fitting underpants, and some wearing nothing but a smile and (in most cases) an erection.

"The pool is now open" an older boy announced. He was David, a 15 y o Fifth former who had a lifesaving qualification as well as an insatiable appetite for cock fun. Officially he was supposed to stay on the side and keep order but, judging by his bulging ripped Fruit of the Looms, neither of those was going to happen.

Everyone jumped in at once, and immediately the water boiled with boys grabbing each other's suits and - occasionally - protecting their own. Inside a minute everyone was as naked as Nature always intended them to be, as hard as they themselves had always desired, and in close company with about forty likeminded horny nude lads.

Stiffies were grabbed (and wanked), bums were squeezed (and licked, naughty David) and goolies were gently fondled. The pool hall rang with joyful shouts of sexy glee, pretended surprised yells, and the moans of those who were just getting down to some serious gay fun.

Jeremy was surprised to find himself joining in wholeheartedy, enjoying the environment of so many young poofy lads in close contact with each other's naked bodies. When he was goosed from behind (David again, he loves youngsters) he instinctively span round and returned the favour, getting a good (but careful) handful of David's eggs - and a pleased smile from their owner.

The two stepped/swam closer, hugged each other and leaned forward for Jeremy's first gay kiss. Surrounded by hordes of happy homos, both teens let their inner natures take over, hands roaming over freely available skin, buttocks and penises wanting to be touched - and getting their wishes fulfilled. Jeremy felt his mouth being invaded by David's questing tongue, at about the same time that his cock began to receive its first wank from a hand other than his own. It felt different and, oh so good, like a good little boy (not so little these days, as David gleefully realised) Jeremy did unto another as he wished them to do unto him. Firmly and with plenty of wrist. Ooooh yeah!

Someone swam between his legs, nearly surfaced and began to lick Jeremy's almost hairless bollocks. He'd never had that happen before but he immediately felt that he'd like more of it. Much more - starting now!

"Do you suck cock?" David whispered, and Jeremy was already wriggling with pleasure from the stimulation of his most sensitive boy-bits as he whispered back "Not yet, but - teach me!" David needed no further encouragement, he bent forward (not for the first time) and took Jeremy's nearly 5 inches gently between his lips.

He rolled the younger boy's foreskin back and expertly licked his frenulum, getting an answering moan as Jeremy couldn't avoid an automatic hip-thrust that sent his tool deep into the back of David's throat. "Take your time, you randy perve" the older boy advised, letting his young play-fellow pull back and - nearly - out. Again, David's tongue stimulated Jeremy's knob-end, the younger boy moaned, and instinctively pushed forward again. His hips knew what they wanted and so did his cock.

The elder lad held Jeremy's firm globes tightly (a joy in itself) and used this to control the youngster's thrusting - as far as anyone can expect to control a thirteen-year-old's enjoyment of his first cock-sucking! All around them, horny boys were enjoying each others' bodies, and our two added their fair share of noise to the moans and gasps of happiness that filled the pool area.

David's expert lips (well, they'd had a lot of practice, anyway) worked up and down Jeremy's favourite organ, swirling around his knob but always returning to that most sensitive part of his boyhood, the little valley underneath the tip. After a minute or so, Jeremy was content to remain (almost) still, letting his conqueror play the tune he chose on the (mouth) organ so proudly offered up to him.

"I want to do you, too" the younger boy whimpered, staring at David's jutting erection and wanting more and closer contact with it.

"Good lad" his sucker replied, lifting him out of the water and onto the side, then joining him, lying together beside the busy water and the frolicking nude boys.

The cold tiles under them did nothing to restrain their naughty intentions, and within seconds they had cuddled up, mouths to groins, as David recommenced his enjoyment of Jeremy's stiffy (and balls, since he now had a spare hand for exploration). Jeremy took the hint (and the bollocks) and started to work David's low-hanging eggs, conscious of his own enjoyment of David's manipulations. His tongue swiped David's knob, and the older boy hurriedly rolled back his foreskin to allow the learner full access, for the pleasure of both of them.

Without conscious thought, Jeremy sealed his lips round David's schlong, started to suck and slurp his tongue over as much of it as he could manage. By now he was hardly conscious, he was only a set of nerve endings between his lips, David's tool, and David's work on him. The boys sucked cock; the boys had their cocks sucked; in what remained of their thinking minds, they were just a loop of joy comprising their own mouths, a cock, and the pleasures their cocks were achieving from slurping sloppy sexy sucking. The tickle of pubes against their faces was part of the fun, for sure, and it was so good to be doing such filthy things in the company of so many other naked randy boys, but the primal feeling of mutual genital stimulation and public rut over-ruled everything else. As it should.

Jeremy didn't last long; he would have loved to, but the glide of sloppy tongue on the most sensitive parts of his jutting tool was too much for him, and with a howl of homo happiness he began to jet his fresh young cream into David's conquering mouth, and over his grinning face. David slurped it all down - mmmm, boy-spunk! - and couldn't resist the urge to pull Jeremy's face down over his own organ for some more mouth music.

Jeremy's a good lad, and even through the primal mists of a magnificent cum, he knew that he still had a duty to perform. He leaned forward, grasped both David's muscular bum-cheeks firmly, and took his new friend as deep as he could manage, surprising himself when David's helmet reached the back of his throat and triggered his gag reflex.

Coughing and spluttering, breathing mostly through his nose, the younger boy persisted in pleasuring his pal's prick, and David had just enough consciousness left to pull back a little to let his young friend breathe. Jeremy also pulled back a little, and now his tongue was in position to work its magic.

And it did. Sucking, slurping, swirling round the head, he worked David's stiffy like a pro, and it was only seconds before the elder lad was humping and twitching in the throes of a body-wrenching orgasm. Hot teen semen covered Jeremy, inside and out; his face, his hair, his chest, but mostly inside his mouth and down his throat.

Now David was licking his own cum off the cute young lad, the pair smiling and cuddling as they glided down the slope from ecstacy to consciousness. Around them, naked boys were still wanking and sucking, groping, or just holding each other in unashamed public naked friendship. Boys may temporarily run out of spunk, but they never run out of love - and lust!

Two by two the boys left the pool and cuddled their way to the showers and a chance to remove the remaining jizz from each other's bodies. With many friendly touches and gropes, they dried each other off and started back up the corridor to their beds, their happy memories, and their lustful thoughts of 'next time'.

"Are you all filthy little homos?" Tomasz asked, once they were each back in their own beds in the dorm.

"Yes, and I can't wait for next Friday night" - Jeremy surprised himself by saying it out loud.

From the region of Andrei's bed he thought he heard a whispered "you may not have to wait that long..." but sleep claimed him.

Saturday glided by, a few classes in the morning followed by a lot of rugby in the afternoon. Again, the showers showed a few stiffies, but nothing was made of them - the older boys seemed to be saving themselves for later, and the youngsters followed suit, although by now the tool-gazing was unashamed and, usually, returned. Boys!

In the queue for tea, William had time to whisper with Andrei, who clearly knew more than the rest about the undercurrent of life at St Exene. "Anything planned for this evening?" and the Pole smiled.

"Keep yourself pure for tonight" he leered, and the surprising advice - Andrei recommending purity? Even only for a few hours - made William realise that this would be something special, even for St Exene. He passed the word around, as Andrei had intended him to.

Saturday evening was 'film night', although many of the Sixth Formers were AWOL - probably down the pub or engaged in other, (possibly more private) activities. But by 9.30 the eight boys of Tomasz' dorm were gathered in antici.....pation, Andrei relishing being the only one of them with an inkling of what the night had in store. He'd also made some purchases in the village shop ...

With a few minutes to go till the 10 pm bell sounded, Tomasz gathered his towel and a small bag bulging with unknown objects, and walked to the door. Turning to face the youngsters, he announced "Andrei is in charge now, do what he says, unless it hurts too much!" and moved rapidly off towards the school's back door. Andrei turned to the others with his trademark evil grin filling his face.

"Everything is optional from now on" he told the waiting seven, "but you might want to think of pushing your boundaries a bit tonight, with only your friends to know what you did and what you didn't." The looks he received back varied from "hee hee" to "WTAF?" but that didn't faze him at all.

"We've all had fun with other boys" he began "on the rugby pitches, in the showers and in the pool. We were all happy with wanking - who isn't? - and I strongly suspect we've all tried sucking cock." He looked around, one or two sheepish downward glances but no protestations of innocence. Right, then.

"It's now accepted custom that we all have a meaty wank in the fifteen minutes after the silence bell at 10 pm. But so far we've all been good little boys and we've wanked ourselves, even if some of us have been happy to show off while we're doing it.

"Tonight is the first night of the rest of your time at St Exene. If you want to, feel free to join a friend on - or in - his bed, for some friendly filthy fun. Or just do yourself - it's your cock and you choose."

There was a pause, and Andrei used the time to get naked and lie down on his bed, on his back, and start wiggling his hard cock for all to see. All did see it, and several stared. William stared the hardest of all.

At one side of the room John and James got naked and dived into John's bed. Clearly they had no worries about starting public brother sex (or, in their case, continuing it) and in a few seconds they were head to cock and enthusiastically suckling on each others' willies. This started a trend.

William stepped across to Andrei's bed, dropped his shorts and cuddled up next to the randy youngster, who immediately goosed him and then nibbled his nipples. With a few boys blatantly watching, the horny twosome made out, hands wandering over freely offered nuts and jutting stiffies, while their lips met in a happy teenage gay kiss that very soon involved tongues as well.

Two by two the boys paired up, some standing and some on a bed. Naked bodies touched - and cuddled; hands roamed; tongues battled, in a friendly fashion; and proud peens stuck up for their owners (and their friends). Even Andrew and Bill, who had initially been the shyest of them all, got together and started a nude cuddle and feel-up session. Both had been 'only' children, both had been late starters in the puberty stakes, but they were both teenage boys with teenage hormones, and this was boarding school!

Without conscious thought (apart from Tomasz' and Andrei's planning) the atmosphere and sexpectations had changed from 'self-pleasuring' to 'getting a friend off, and enjoying him doing the same to you'. Solo to mutual, you might say. But the lads didn't realise that this was the first step towards more blatant, general gaying - at first in the relative privacy of their dormitory, but later .. who knows ...

Life at St Exene is more carefully planned out than some of the pupils realise.

The next morning, while they were all showering, Jeremy stepped shyly across to where Andrei was towelling himself dry. "Er, can I ask a rude question?" the new boy began.

"You can ask..." Andrei replied, wondering what was coming.

"Is your brother really having, er, sex with Fred?" was the question.

Andrei answered "You'll have to ask him, I don't tell tales" with his trademark grin. But Tomasz had been showering only a few feet away, and guessed what was going on. The older boy beckoned Jeremy across.

"What's the problem, young stuff?" he asked, and Jeremy stood there, not caring that he was stark naked beside Tomasz but scared witless that he was intruding into his private life.

"He wants to know if you and Fred have been bumming each other" Andrei laughed, and Jeremy turned an attractive shade of pink. All over, as everyone could see.

"Let me put it like this" said Tomasz, placing a friendly hand on Jeremy's naked shoulder. "IF Fred and I were messing about" - his hand slid down Jeremy's back - "and IF Fred was OK with me telling you" - he clasped Jeremy's cute butt - "then I might take you somewhere private" - Tomasz' other hand gently felt the youngster up, balls and cock together - and see if you were interested in joining us" - a friendly wank - "for some queer fun together" - a finger strayed into the young boy's back valley.

"But I wouldn't want to embarrass you " - everyone in the shower room was watching by now - "in public" - Tomasz was fully hard - "so we'll discuss this later" - he pinched a nipple, firmly - "just you and me" - and squeezed Jeremy's bum again - "in private, OK, love?"

It was clear to all that Jeremy was rock-hard, too, but blushing a cute shade of pink.

Tomasz stepped away from the youngster and started to towel off, seeming to ignore the hard-on pendulously swinging in front of him. Jeremy stood, transfixed, until Andrei took him gently by the arm and led him back into the dorm.

"Don't worry about that, nobody minds a bit of fun in the showers, you'll see a lot more than that before the term is out" he reassured his nervous friend.

"But, was I out of order in asking him?" Jeremy ventured.

"A bit, yes, but Tomasz will respect you for standing up for him - I mean, standing up to him" his friend returned. "The rule is, you can ask anyone for sex, and you can ask what they like and what they've done, but you don't ask about someone else unless they're there to answer."

"Oh, and Tomasz rather fancies you so don't ask for anything you aren't ready for" - Andrei's hand strayed across Jeremy's bum - "because we'd both love to take you for a walk in the woods". Andrei kissed him, quickly but expertly.

For a few seconds their naked bodies touched as they hugged, and both lads sprouted boners (well, Jeremy's regained its vertical state). Andrei didn't seem the least bit worried about that - or the cat-calls and wolf-whistles that had followed them out of the showers - and Jeremy couldn't decide whether to be ashamed or happy about the whole episode. But Andrei smiled as he broke the kiss so Jeremy smiled back, anyway. But, still nervously. He really wanted sex with Andrei - and, maybe, Tomasz? - but he wasn't sure he was ready for it quite yet.

But at wank time that evening, he and Andrei were blatantly staring at each other as they spanked their naked monkeys, smiling and grimacing in shared homo joy. Then Jeremy gathered the confidence to step across to Andrei's bed and join him in what rapidly became a frantic 69, accompanied by happy moans and other noises of pleasure, and even squeaking bed-springs as they writhed in naked bliss together. None of the other lads said anything, mostly because they were all doing exactly the same, or working towards it. Young cocks need plenty of exercise!

As the days (and nights) passed, the atmosphere in the dorm - and showers - got even more relaxed, partly because they'd all seen and heard Jeremy being 'put down' without any consequences, and partly because they were, after all, growing boys with growing sexual appetites. But their nightly expectations had morphed from 'wank session' to 'blatant naked orgy', without most of them noticing.

On Sunday night Tomasz stayed in the dorm, even after the 'silence' bell rang. The boys realised that this was for a purpose, so they didn't start anything - well, not much - and waited for their dorm leader to speak.

But it was Andrei who started things off.

"We've all had fun here, wanking and sucking each other, because this is St Exene, because we want to and because it's fun. But you all know things can go further than a friendly grope in the showers and a cock in your mouth.

"So, at some time in your studies here, you're going to try bumming. You're young, and any older boy is going to assume you're a bottom - that you want cock up your bum" he explained, in case anyone wasn't sure. "But you may well want to try topping - ramming your hardon up someone else's arse. Your choice - and his."

Andrei paused for a moment to let his words, if not yet his willy, sink in. "It takes two willing people to make a fuck, one to give it and one to take it. You only fuck with someone who wants it - one of the very few School Rules, but it is enforced. Both ways, on everyone."

He let that sink in, as well.

"So what we're offering - we're offering - is the chance to investigate the gentle art of anal intercourse - or bum-fucking, if you prefer the old term.

"You'll have heard rumours that the first time can be painful, and they're true. But there are ways of minimising the pain, and, believe me, once you've got past that, you'll enjoy the pleasure all the more.

"You may be thinking that, with tight young arseholes, there's no way you can take a man-sized cock up you. So I'm going to demonstrate that it can be done, and enjoyably.

"To provide the man-sized cock, I have asked my brother to help, and he has very kindly agreed to bugger me, here and now, for all of you to see. Tomasz?"

The older boy rose from his bed and shucked off his pyjamas, leaving himself fully naked and sporting a magnificent erection. There was a collective intake of breath as the 7 younger boys saw it fully extended, and visualised what it would do to their innocent holes.

"First rule" Tomasz began, "is, lots of lube on the cock, especially on the knob-end, and, lots inside and around the hole. For your first few goes there is no such thing as too much lube." He reached into his bedside cabinet and brought out a tube of "Ganymede's Grease". "If you can get it, this is the best I know, but KY jelly will do if you're easily embarrassed or short of cash."

Tomasz slathered a thick layer on his younger brother's inner butt, poking a large dollop inside the hole. Andrei winced at the cold intrusion.

"Now we work on helping our young friend to relax his hole" Tomasz continued. If you're concerned that you may never be able to take a moderate-size cock up you, have a look at some of the shits you pass quite easily in the opposite direction. if it can go out, it can go in - with training.

"Most of you will need to stretch yourselves, so that you are big enough to take an urgent prick rammed up you. In a perfect world we'd have a set of butt plugs for each of you, and a few dildoes for depth, but this is the 1960s and we're all supposed to be innocent young virgins until we're 21 or older.

"Normally I'd recommend getting a firm hold of a carrot - perfectly innocent vegetable of course - and using it to ease your young friend's arse wider, a bit at a time. But it's a bit late in the season for salad and anyway I've heard that Andrei here has some experience in that department, but of course I won't say who with!"

Jeremy tried to hide his blushes, until he realised that Tomasz had probably initiated his younger sibling into the joys of anal sex himself, before term started. In a way he was right, of course, but as usual with real people there was more to be known than just what initially appeared to be true.

"For your first time" Andrei took over, "you'll probably be on the receiving end - what we call 'bottom'. You might want to see your 'top' and watch him enjoy you, or you might want to make this really animal and take it from behind - or 'doggy style' ."

The silence in the room was total, as the boys waited to see what would happen. Were the two Styburskis really going to demonstrate gay incest? Right in front of them?

Andrei removed all doubt - as he had previously removed all his clothing - and bent over his bed, his cute rump wiggling in a tempting way.

"This is 'doggy style'" Tomasz commented, as he slurped plenty of lube over his willing brother's hole - and, of course, his own upstanding peen. Then he firmly grasped the younger boy's hips, stepped a little forward and gently inserted his cock into his brother's quivering hole. Andrei gasped - a little - but took it like a man - or in his case, like a randy gay boy.

"For your first couple of times, the top must gradually slide into his friend's arse" he continued. "Later on in your sex lives, you may want to have it rammed in quickly - or, you may not. We're all different. But one way or another, take it slowly that first time - we don't want you put off!"

By now the older boy was balls deep in his cute brother.

"Start with a gentle, slow movement" Andrei gasped, "and - aaaah - make it last. Rabbit fucking - ooooh - is for rabbits, and for the final few seconds when you can't think of anything logical anyway. Now, do me, Tomasz!"

Tomasz obeyed, hands on the younger boy's hips to pull him onto his driving prick. For several minutes the two fucked together, Andrei pushing back against his brother's skewering peen, until it came to the short strokes and the two drove themselves to a pair of gasping, sweaty orgasms, spreading Tomasz' spunk deep inside Andrei - and Andrei's all over the floor underneath him.

That wasn't the only jism in sight - the onlooking boys had all been wanking furiously, some stark naked (like the Styburskis) and some with their pjs round their ankles, but all watching raptly (and one or two watching their friends stroking, as well) until their bliss conquered their thinking.

One by one the randy lads completed their offerings to Mother Nature, with the incestuous pair being the last to finish. Practice, probably; and experience, certainly..

As everyone got their breath back, Tomasz managed "And I hope you were all taking notes, because there will be a test on Saturday!" and Andrei added "yum!".

Shocked, elated, informed, and (for now) sated, the youngsters settled down in their beds - one to a bed, surprisingly enough. Seven of them were finally coming to terms with the relaxed , not to say bawdy, atmosphere at St Exene, while Andrei was still glowing with the joy of being blatantly fucked in front of his friends, and Tomasz was wondering which of the youngsters might be his next conquest. And every one of them fell asleep thinking (or dreaming, or even with memories) of hard cocks being rammed up young willing holes...

Monday dawned dark and gloomy, and it needed quite an effort for Tomasz to get the boys out of their pits (sorry, beds, if you don't know UK slang) and showered, in time for breakfast and lessons. As the day wore on, the boys gathered in twos and threes to discuss, with bated breath, the events of the previous night - and where they might lead, in the not so distant future.

And all of them were thinking deeply about their own wishes for how they might fit into those events, or how those events might fit into them ...

It had been nearly two weeks, and Andrei was missing the regular bumming his brother would normally give him when they were at home together. So he decided to make his own arrangements.

At lunchtime, he 'happened' to be next to Jeremy when they put their trays on the conveyor belt after eating. "Can I have a word?" Andrei began, his tone rather suggesting that it was a private metter he wanted to discuss. Jeremy nodded and the two found a quiet spot in the grounds together.

"I like you, and I love that you had the balls to stand up to Tomasz" the blond began. Jeremy didn't quite remember it that way but he liked Andrei in return, and wanted to see where this was going. He gave a non-committal smile.

"I said before that I'd love to take you for a walk in the woods, and I meant it" Andrei continued. "What about tonight, you to top me?"

There was a pause while Jeremy thought this through. Sex with Andrei? Oh God, yes please. Going out of bounds at night? Scary. Might it be a 'set-up'? Not Andrei, he was always up for a laugh but never evil with it. This was a righteous offer, he decided.

"I'd love to, but this will be my first" he admitted.

"Not mine, and about time someone took your virginity" his tempter and - let's be honest here - new boyfriend replied. "Don't wank off tonight, stay awake and come with me to the bogs [toilets, if you're not in the UK] at eleven."

"Wearing outdoor clothes?" Jeremy wondered.

"Wearing nothing but a smile and, I hoped, a hard-on" Andrei commanded. "You don't wear clothes in the wood, and we'll have to swim the lake to get there, the bridge is closed at night."

"Cold" Jeremy remarked.

"I'll find a way of warming you up, in the wood" Andrei giggled with a pervy smile. That giggle did it.

"You're on" Jeremy decided, he couldn't live with himself if he missed out on this chance.

"Actually, you're topping so you're on" the blond replied with his trademark cheeky grin. "Now let's go off in different ways, or the others might think we're up to something, which would never do". Again, the smile. "Eleven, naked, and don't be naughty at wank time." And he was walking away, while Jeremy's heart rate began to try to reduce to something approximating to normal. He was going to fuck Andrei!

Somehow the rest of the day dragged past, and at evening time Jeremy was one of the first to shower and go to bed. Next to him, William was smiling and showing off his stiffy, ready for the nightly cock fun, but Jeremy didn't pay him the usual attention, but turned over and lay quietly under the bedclothes, looking tired. William was mildly surprised but knew better than to ask, so he faced the other way and caught Dick's eye, in good time for them to enjoy a mutual show-off masturbation session as soon as Tomasz announced it. He did wonder about Jeremy, but when you're sharing a tossing off with another boy it's rude to think of anyone else...

Eleven o'clock chimed, and with the rest of the dormitory fast asleep (having a good wank does that to a growing boy, especially after an active day) Andrei and Jeremy tiptoed together, nude and hard, towards the toilets. Nobody else noticed.

"This way" Andrei ordered, and the two headed off to the back door, which was left unlocked as a fire safety precaution - a fact well known to the boys. Bare naked, the two trotted across the lawn and down to the edge of the lake. Andrei was slightly in front and took the opportunity to give his cute buttocks a wiggle as they went, which contributed greatly to the boner jutting proudly from Jeremy's groin. He let Andrei get a little further ahead, so that he could stare randily at the blond's pert buttocks ... oh god, yesss ...

Jeremy had heard about what boys did to other boys' bottoms, and it had always sounded dirty and nasty, but now, seeing those twin globes bouncing in front of him, he still wasn't sure about the details but he certainly wanted to do something to (with?) them. Something naughty, something sexy, something NOW ...

"Skinnydip"! Andrei announced. "Head for that bush on the other side, there's a path from there and it's easy to get out" and - splash - he was in the water and heading for the other side. For a moment Jeremy watched those buttocks oscillate as his new bf swam, but he didn't want to be far behind. He dived in to follow - cold ! - and the two boys headed across the lake and clambered out on the other side. Despite the cold water, both boners were prominent.

Andrei started to run away, along a path that led to a clearing in the wood. "You can have me if you catch me!" he shouted over his shoulder, enjoying seeing Jeremy chasing after him.

Then he slipped (or dived?) on a muddy patch and fell on his front, while his friend caught up and dived on him. For a while the two naked boys wrestled in the clinging but slippery mud, getting totally covered but unable even to stand up. Both took the opportunity to grab a few handfuls of cock, balls (gently) and arse, and somehow (hehe) Jeremy ended up on top of his tempter.

There was a pause.

"I think I've caught you" he smiled, a bit out of breath but confident.

"So ... ?" Andrei replied.

"So, get on your hands and knees, I want to do you from behind" Jeremy heard himself saying. He couldn't believe he'd said that out loud, but somehow it seemed right, here, in the wood.

"Lube me up first" Andrei hinted, waving a mud-filled hand at his conqueror. So Jeremy smeared the blond's hole - and inside - with slippery mud. It would have to do, both of them were too impatient for anything more subtle. Boys!

One more wiggle of those amazing bumcheeks and somehow Jeremy was closer behind his young tempter, pressing forward and - bingo! His stiffy was just inside, then deeper, deeper until (sorry about the pun) he bottomed out. His cock felt so good ! And Andrei was moaning and wriggling even more, which rubbed Jeremy's bell-end against something that really made Andrei wriggle some more. Both boys moaned.

Well, Andrei was wriggling a lot more, actually.

It was the interaction that surprised - and excited - Jeremy. After years of wanking himself (and a few days now of sharing cocks and hands with others in the dorm) he was overwhelmed by the immediacy and surprise of humping his stiffy up and down Andrei's tight warm hole. And, he realised, that Andrei humping back at him - and, apparently, enjoying it all immensely - was an extra turn-on. For both of them.

The inchoate noises they were both making as they fucked were proof (if needed) that both lads were in automatic sex mode - no conscious thought possible, just enjoyment of the feelings radiating from one hard young cock, one stuffed teenage hole and (as Jeremy would find out later) one pummelled prostate.

Their groans and grunts added to the fun, hearing each other added more, and realising that they were out in the open was the best add-on of all, even if it was at the subconscious level. At a time like that, who's thinking rationally?

They were young, they hadn't wanked for over 12 hours, and it was no surprise that Jeremy lasted just over a minute before letting out a heartfelt moan and filling Andrei's butt with his hot slimy seed.

"Finish me off" Andrei demanded, and Jeremy grabbed his new friend's cock and wanked it, rapidly if not expertly, for the few seconds it took to get the blond over the line and into cum-spurting mode.

"That ... was ... intense" Andrei gasped, as the two young sodomists got their breath back together, rolling and hugging in the slimy mud.

"Doesn't it hurt, though?" Jeremy enquired, partly in syumpathy with his new partner and partly thinking of trying bottoming himself. Andrei seemed to have enjoyed it ...

"First time, a bit" Andrei explained, "and lube is much better than mud to reduce the friction and make it easier to open up your arsehole. But, I promise you'll love it by the second time, and probably the first if you have an experienced top."

The two boys looked at each other. They both thought.

"You have to ask for it, if you want it" Andrei stated.

Jeremy had a further think.

Andrei waited for him to decide what was about to happen. His body, his rules.

Jeremy made his mind up, although he was scared rigid (you could tell the rigid bit, anyway ;-) ).

"Will you ... um ... please ... er ... do me?" he asked, and Andrei smiled broadly.

"I so hoped you'd say that, I promise you won't regret it" he answered. "There's a special way for your first time, that minimises the pain" and the blond lay on his back with his stiffy vertical. Young boys can recover so quickly!

"Now, sit on it!" he commanded, and Jeremy awkwardly positioned himself on top (in what he'd later learn was the cowgirl position) with the tip of Andrei's cock placed at the muddy entrance to his butt. Andrei added a little more mud, just to be sure.

"Down" Andrei ordered and Jeremy tried to comply.

"Ouch" he reacted, as his sphincter was stretched.

"Hold it there till it doesn't hurt so much" the blond suggested, and Jeremy did. After a few seconds the sting felt less, and he lowered himself a little more.

"Ouch" he couldn't help himself.

"Relax, take your time" Andrei encouraged him, as another inch of his boyhood slipped inside his brave friend. "You're doing well, push out like you're taking a major shit."

Jeremy felt happy that Andrei was praising him, and ventured another inch. This time he managed to avoid emitting any noise, although the feeling of being filled was overwhelming; but at least his butthole wasn't feeling any more sore. (Yet!).

"That's great, it's nearly all in" Andrei encouraged him again, and this helped Jeremy lower himself until he felt Andrei's pubes touch his bumcheeks. There was a brief explosion of joy somewhere inside him, and he let out an "oooh!".

"That's your prostate, now we've got to the good bit" Andrei explained. "When you feel ready, bounce up and down a little".

"Ooooh - oooh!" Jeremy couldn't control his noise as he started to move. That amazing feeling inside him, his prostate (whatever that was) was being rubbed each time he moved, up and down. Suddenly he got it - this was, indeed, the good bit!

The human body isn't really built to bounce up and down on bended legs (despite what many generations of P E teachers have claimed, the rascals) but Jeremy gave it his best shot. His arms behind him, holding Andrei's knees for balance (and with Andrei doing his very best to help the motion of cock in young butt) Jeremy pushed down as Andrei thrust up, and then up as his friend pulled back. The two were making primal noises by now, but it was Jeremy's first time, and it was only a few seconds before he mistimed a move and Andrei's cock slipped out of him.

"Put it back!" Jeremy demanded, urgently, but this wasn't Andrei's first rodeo and he knew a better way.

"Get on your hands and knees" he ordered, and Jeremy 'adopted the position' without arguing. A little more mud inside Jeremy (and outside Andrei) and they were ready.

"Relax" Andrei soothed Jeremy , as his peen slipped back into the welcoming warmth.

"Ouch" Jeremy murmured, but this time knowing, rather than just hoping, that it would be worth it.

"Now brace yourself" and Andrei began his deep plundering of Jeremy's bowels. The two naked bodies slapped together faster and faster, as the blond followed his friend's requests for "more, harder" with practised hip action. Andrei's knob was a centre of glorious joy, and Jeremy's prostate was rejoicing at the expert hammering it was taking, totally drowning out the complaints from his arsehole about the (diminishing) pain of being stretched.

"Oh god - yesss - more - harder" Jeremy was out of his mind with sheer homo lust. If this was gay sex then he wanted more of it - right now!

He got it. The two naked teens frolicked, humped, fucked together, each arousing (and pleasuring) the other, dancing the oldest dance of all. Gasps and moans of delight echoed back from the watching trees; small furry animals gathered round - at a safe distance - to celebrate these strange pink hairless mammals mating; and the Moon beamed down on them in silent approval. Nature celebrated - and so did Andrei and Jeremy, in their own way. A thirteen-year-old boy is just a jet of spunk's way of creating so many more jets of spunk, after all!

With this being his second cum of the night, Andrei lasted several minutes before spraying Jeremy's insides with his teen spunk. The two boys lay there, naked, still joined at the arse, and happily shagged out. Andrei leaned forward and kissed his new bum chum's cheek (the one by his nose, this time).

"Glad you came?" he murmured.

Jeremy replied (almost in a whisper) "Glad you came, as well" with a randy but rather pained smile. His heart, as well as his bum, was full; the first with emotion, the other with hard teen peen.

Chilly, pained, but glowing inside, the two boys made their way back across the lake - so cold ! - and cautiously returned to their dormitory. Nearly everyone was asleep but Tomasz raised an eyebrow as they tip-toed into the room.

"Good fun?" he lazily whispered to his younger brother.

"Glorious" Andrei responded, "both ways".

"Oooooh, you rascal" Tomasz smiled, "think what Uncle Josef would say."

Both boys remembered Uncle Josef as the man who had taken their virginities, as well as teaching them the finer points of gay sex (and if you think there are no finer points, you have still got such a lot to learn).

"I think he'd say 'you randy bugger' - to both of us" Andrei grinned back, as he got into bed and settled down to the remainder of the night's sleep.

"Sore?" Tomasz enquired, quietly.

"Totally worth it" Andrei remarked, sleepily. It had been a good day - and an even better night.

With one cherry in his fruit salad, Andrei looked around for the next. And, in fact, Jeremy was looking around, as well.

Not that the two lads regretted a second of their rutting; but Jeremy had realised that this was a game they could all play, so he was looking for a boy to seduce himself, just as Andrei had seduced him. If Andrei could start things with someone, Jeremy wanted to, as well.

With his eyes roving in the showers (this happened a lot, now) he fixed on William - partly because they had beds next to each other, and had already had much fun wanking each other off, and partly because William's willy wasn't too big - memories of that stabbing initial pain came back to him - and was often erect while everyone was naked and getting changed. Mind you, he wasn't the only one ...

It didn't take long before Jeremy was able to take William to one side for a private chat.

"Are you up for some fun, maybe a bit more than we've had together so far?" was Jeremy's opener. William was a quick thinker, ignored the 'maybe', and focused on the 'more'. They'd wanked each other, they'd sucked cock, it was obvious what Jeremy was suggesting.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for a bumming" he replied, but cautiously - sex was in the air and he was a randy 13 year old. Not an age where you're instantly dismissive of your first chance!

"I'm wanting you to do me" Jeremy explained, remembering how Andrei had reeled him in by offering the first go at topping, without explicitly closing the door on further fun.

William fell for it. "Where? I can't see us doing it in front of the others, and there's always someone else around from wake-up to sleep time".

Jeremy thrilled to the implicit acceptance of his offer. "There's a place across the lake" he began, and explained what he'd learnt from his night with Andrei, but without directly mentioning his conqueror. It felt better to seem to be the experienced boy, anyway.

"So we'd skinnydip across the lake, and, er, 'do it' on the other side?" the virgin queried.

"We'd go into the woods a bit, there's plenty of space, and we could be quite loud if we wanted to" Jeremy replied.

William thought for a moment, but his chubbing cock showed his interest before his mouth did. "When?" he accepted.

"It's forecast to rain tonight but tomorrow evening should be clear" - Jeremy tried not to sound too triumphant, he was supposed to be only offering his arse, after all.

"Um, OK" William agreed, and Jeremy could hardly restrain a cheer. He was going to seduce a boy - all by himself!

Surprisingly it was Bill who made the next move. It might be that he had heard the two sodomists return from their outdoors sexing, or maybe he just had enough urge to conquer his caution about possibly making a grade-A idiot of himself, but either way, he managed to catch Andrei by himself after lunch, in a deserted classroom.

Screwing up his courage Bill uttered the fateful words "The woods?"

"I thought you'd never ask" the cute slut smiled, his arm sliding onto Bill's shoulder and then downwards to cup his butt cheeks. "You want to fuck?"

Bill thought, quickly. He thought about the size of Tomasz' cock, mentally compared it to the size of his own turds - he knew they could fit through his hole - and wasn't sure whether he could take Tomasz' meat. Then he looked at Andrei.

Andrei, standing there, proudly hard, and in no way shy about it.

Bill looked at Andrei's bulge - still a little smaller, in every dimension, than his brother. Andrei let him look, in fact he seemed to enjoy it.

Sometimes saying nothing is the same as saying it all. This was one of those times - Andrei was clearly offering total sex, too, and he wasn't nearly as scary as his brother - possibly because he was roughly Bill's's age, and possibly because he was roughly Bill's's height and build, too.

Bill heard himself asking "Just how and when do people go to these woods?" and Andrei knew - at that instant - that this was an acceptance of his unspoken offer.

"Often two randy lads swim across the lake, there's a style on the other side, and once you're inside the woods nobody can see or - effectively - hear you" he replied.

There was a pause.

"I'm told" he added, with a nonchalant shake of his head that set his willy wiggling.

The virgin smiled at the pretended innocence, then froze. This was decision time, and they both knew it.

"When?" Bill half-whispered, half-croaked, committing himself.

"Tomorrow night, it'll rain tonight" his tempter smiled, closing the deal. Bill's silence was consent.

"I'll wake you when it's time" Andrei explained, and with a shaking heart Bill decided to go through with this. Andrei had never thought otherwise. Sometimes, asking is agreeing.

What Andrei hadn't mentioned, and maybe he should have, was that he'd already overheard Jeremy make his offer to William, and the idea of having a party of four naked lads frolicking in the woods got him extra-horny - and this is Andrei we're talking about.

Somehow the four lads got through the next two days without exploding, but it was a close thing. The certainty of seducing his first virgin (for Jeremy), and the looming agreement for out-of-bounds sex - all the way, naked, 'up the arse' sex - had William and Bill hard through every waking hour. And Andrei was so looking forward to a foursome that only he knew was cumming ...

Eventually it was time, the rain had stopped, it was well after 'lights-out' and Jeremy and William were tiptoeing out of the dorm when Andrei rose from his bed, naked and hard.

"Where are you going?" Jeremy stuttered.

"I'm taking a boy across the lake for some anal sex. What are you two doing, as if I didn't know?" he smiled. He signalled to Bill, who also appeared as nature had made him, though a little reluctantly, not expecting the other two to be awake and, apparently, bound on the same journey.

"We're going to, er...." William started.

"And we're going to 'er' as well" Andrei happily agreed, as his arm went round Bill's naked body in a gesture which was part sexy and part supportive. "Might as well 'er' together" he suggested.

"I'm not sure I want anyone watching..." William began, but Andrei interrupted with "We won't be watching, we'll be fully engrossed with what we're doing. There might be some noises, though, eh?" and he hugged Bill tight, naked skin against naked skin. Bill blushed but agreed, silently, with a nod.

Four teen erections signalled that, despite shyness, the fun was still on. Andrei led the way to the back door - heh heh - and the lads stepped across the lawn to the edge of the lake. "Last one across the lake is a pervert" he announced, sliding into the water and striking out for the opposite shore.

Jeremy knew how cold the lake would be but tried to tough it out, only emitting a muted curse as the freezing water enveloped his skin. The other two flinched as they got in, but the sight of Andrei's pert butt a few yards ahead of them lured them on, as he had hoped. Boys respond well to challenges from other boys!

Arriving at the other side, Andrei led the way to a winding path into the woods. About a hundred yards up it, he stopped and indicated the area of grass ahead. "This is where you're going to lose your virginity" he told them, carefully letting them make their own assumptions about which virginity was involved. "Assume" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me" ...

"If you want some privacy" he continued, "go on the other side of that bush, but you'll know we're at it and we'll know you are. Don't try to be silent, it doesn't work, and you'll both enjoy it more if you let rip with a few 'yowls', anyway" he giggled. He handed Jeremy a tube of lube from behind the oak tree beside them, keeping one for himself.

The imminent sex, the cool but not freezing night air, and the sight of everyone else's cock rising had the boys at full mast in seconds, and the feedback loop between 'increasing sexual awareness' and 'four naked pricks becoming fully erect' got everyone in the mood after the chilly water had done its worst.

"Fuck it, you'll know what we're doing anyway, and I'd rather get laid on grass than in the mud over there" Jeremy decided, adding "You OK with that, William?" out of politeness.

William was too far into his expectations of fucking his first boy to complain, so the four lay down together and enjoyed a few minutes of foreplay. There was something extra fine about groping a friend with others aware of what you were doing, and all four began to moan a little from the effects of hands and lips on balls, nuts and (in Andrei's case) an arsehole.

"Let's DO this" Andrei led their thoughts, lubing himself up and lying back in the classic 'fuck me' position with his knees round his ears. Bill quickly slathered some greasy liquid on his rampant penis and wriggled into position.

With all the tact and subtlety of a downhill cavalry charge, Bill prodded until his helmet found his partner's hole, and then thrust deep inside his first boy. It would have hurt anyone, and, although Andrei was expecting it, he let out a 'yipe' of pain, surprise and visceral pleasure. God it felt good to sing out!

Bill paused for an instant but Andrei reassured him with a muttered "Go on!" and the ex-virgin did just that. His hands on the bottom's shoulders made it easy for Bill to pull himself deep into Andrei's rejoicing hole, and his hips did the rest. He achieved several deep plunges before his lack of experience caught up with him and his cock slipped out of Andrei's tube, but the wiser lad was expecting this and helped him back in without difficulty. The two eventually got into a rhythm of thrusting and wriggling that greatly pleased them both, as their moans and grunts told anyone within earshot.

Jeremy looked at William. William looked back at him. "You still OK with this?" Jeremy asked.

William thought for a second, but the gasps of pure joy from the two lads currently screwing on the floor in front of him helped him over the line, and he started to slather lube over his excited hardon.

Jeremy smiled and got himself ready, too. His arsehole glistened with slippery liquid, as he lay back and lifted his legs out of the way. "You're going to love this" he promised, staring at William's thick cock and grinning randily.

That did it for William - in a New York second he was in position and, oof! With no finesse (or skill) he rammed his boyhood deep into his first lover.

"AAAAaaargh!" - Jeremy couldn't contain his emotions, and his scream echoed off the encircling trees. Andrei had been so much more subtle !

But with Andrei and Bill - well, not exactly watching, they were far too caught up in their own joy for that, but they were right next to him - 'nearby', his pride forbade him from actually asking William to stop, or even to slow down his (by now) frantic pounding of Jeremy's still-novice butt. And, as Andrei had promised, after the first few seconds of agonizing pain, the pleasure began to grow ... and grow ...

Andrei's enraptured whimperings gained an accompaniment - Jeremy just couldn't contain his feelings as William 'gave it to him'. Their bare bodies slapped together, and in a very short time Jeremy passed the point where he actually noticed the pain, he was enjoying the pleasure of William's knob on his prostate so much.

The four boys rocked and rolled together, aware of each other but each concentrating on their own pleasure. Out in the open, with nobody to see or hear them they were able to let go and just enjoy the sensations of bare naked buttfucking. Gradually they became noisier, the happy moans of one pair encouraging the other, and the regular sounds of tummy (or balls) on bum grew in volume and frequency.

Once or twice Bill - or William - slipped out, due to a mixture of 'lack of expertise' and pure physical excitement, but it took no time to get back in and start fucking again. Andrei's knees instinctively locked behind Bill's back, holding him in place (and ensuring that he didn't slip out again) and Jeremy took the hint and did the same. It felt better that way, too ...

Louder and louder, faster and faster, deeper and deeper - the four fucked each other blatantly, urgent to spray their spunk but oh, so enjoying the process of getting there. However, teen boys don't last long, and beginners have no habit of holding back, so it was only a minute or two of primal pleasure before first Bill, then William, shuddered and filled his playmate's arse with boyjuice.

The four lay there, still entwined, gasping for breath and mouthing quiet indecencies to each other.

"Fuck that was good, Andrei, oh god yes" Bill gasped.

"Glad you liked it, Bill, first of many I hope" his sex partner replied.

"Oh Christ Jeremy, I can't believe how good that felt." William lay back and watched his deflating cock slide out of Jeremy's well-used boy cunt.

"You're going to like the next bit just as much" Jeremy leered.

"What next bit? I'm shagged out, can't do that again for a while, anyway" William returned.

"But I can ...." Jeremy left that thought hanging in William's mind. "Only if you want to, mind." But the offer was there, and they both knew it.

"I've never ..." - William was considering it, at least.

"Neither had I until I did - and I'm so glad I started early" Jeremy didn't exactly say how early, he just left that idea floating in the air, too.

"Lots of guys say that taking a pounding is even better than giving it" Andrei chipped in. He could see that William was on the cusp of deciding.

"But it hurts" William complained.

"Only for the first few times, then it's just a wonderful mixture of pain and overwhelming pleasure" - Andrei spoke from extensive personal experience!

The silence that followed was a challenge, and young boys don't like to wimp out of challenges. Bill added his own horniness as well.

"Andrei, I want you to do me - right here and right now" he commanded, trying to sound brave but determined to find out what all the shouting was about.

"You're not going to regret that, Bill, pass the lube and I'll grease us both up" and the two got down to the business of slobbering slippery lube all over Andrei's hard cock and deeply up Bill's quivering hole.

Faced with that, right beside him, William had no chance. He tried to sound calm but that fooled no-one - they all knew this was a a big decision for him - and, of course, for any young lad wanting to throw away his anal virginity. With others watching !

"Jeremy, I want your cock up my arse" he stammered out, and Jeremy happily lubed them both up and placed William on his back, legs in the air and hands round his knees.

"This is the 'give it to me' position, there are many others but I guarantee that it gives you the best feelings" Jeremy explained, having to raise his voice a little as Bill moaned at the pain of Andrei's teen cock sliding gradually into his bowels.

In a second, William was making the same noises, as the two virgins were deflowered side by side. Andrei knew to take things easy, and Jeremy tried to do the same, though as his only experience so far was in Andrei's well-used hole, he was happily surprised by the tightness of William's virgin colon.

With others watching, the two beginners could hardly cry for mercy, and indeed, after a few seconds of visceral pain, the hurt eased and the pleasure began to make itself felt. "Oh god" , "Fuck", ""More" - there was no brainpower available for reasoned thought, just nerve endings pummelled in new and, oh so exciting ways...

Andrei and Jeremy shared a conspiratorial glance but immediately got back to their main activity - fucking the shit out of a randy friend! Very soon, the four sodomists lost the ability to think rationally at all, their entire consciousness was compressed into the interaction between driving young cock and tight teen arses. Each pair heard the noises from beside them, each pair were making their own noises, and this drove them all on to further and deeper penetration and pleasure. Cocks up young butts!

For the next few minutes the four could think of nothing but (in Andrei and Jeremy's case) knob-ends humping in and out of a pal's boycunt, and (for Bill and William) startled arses and prostates being pounded for what they immediately decided was the first of as many times as they could possibly manage. Good sex is like that ...

The moans from the bottoms (and cries of passion from the tops) grew in volume, pitch and rapidity; the pelvic thrusts became more frantic, randomly varying depth and direction; the sweating bodies collided in ever more interesting ways; rational thought became impossible; and the four teens reverted to their basic settings of 'randy sex machines'. Teen sex is like that, too.

William was the first to spasm, squirting boyjuice from his untouched cock, even as it flailed around because of Jeremy's ploughing. This caused his colon to tighten, amplifying the friction on Jeremy's impossibly hard cock, and that got Jeremy over the line and into full-on spurting mode as well. For a few seconds the two lovers sprayed their cum from rejoicing young pricks, until their balls ran dry and they relaxed into the glorious peace of 'after-cum'. Instinctively they lay there, clasping each other's sweaty but fulfilled bodies, sharing the love that they had just exchanged.

Beside him, Bill had made a brave effort to take Andrei's tool deep inside himself, and although a couple of tears ran down his cheek he made no other reaction to the initial pain of penetration - partly because Andrei was already an expert at deflowering virgin boys with the minimum of suffering and the maximum of randy pleasure!

But as Andrei adjusted his position to bring his young peen into exactly the right places, Bill's prostate began to thrill to the regular contact - varying just enough to be unexpected, but well enough concentrated to 'hit the spot' every time. The youngster had never known pleasure like this, as his yowls and whimpers announced; he was an instant convert to the joys of bottoming, in the same way (and in about the same time) as he'd realised how much fun it is to top a willing playful friend. He was converted!

Andrei is a good teacher - well, for sex anyway - and he had the staying-power to keep going when Bill came - hard - and clamped down on his driving hard-on. Andrei instinctively slowed down, until Bill relaxed after his first-ever anal cum; then the randy top got back to his main job, fucking cute teen arse.

By now Andrei was driving for his own nut, humping faster and deeper until Bill surprised himself by having a second orgasm, which drove Andrei over the edge into his own eruption, flooding Bill's arse with sloppy teen spunk.

The four cute young gays lay there, exhausted but satiated, in their new brotherhood of homo sex. Words - even the dirtiest of swearwords - were quite insufficient to comment on their new, overwhelming feelings. Eventually Jeremy summed up their feelings.

"And that" - gasp - "is why we all" - another gasp - "love fucking".

"And being fucked" Bill surprised himself by adding.

Andrei leaned over and kissed him, partly for the implied compliment, and partly because he just wanted to.

"It's bloody cold, though" William broke in, and they all realised that they were lying on the ground, in the open, at night-time, stark naked and sweaty. Yes, it was bloody cold.

"Let's get back indoors then" Jeremy suggested, and, walking cautiously and in a strange new manner, the four friends headed back to the water, crossed to the other side, and scurried back to their dormitory.

But James and John were waiting for them, together in James' bed. "Ohoh, what have you lot been up to, then?" John leered, as the cold and naked foursome tiptoed into the dormitory.

"Guess" Andrei replied, looking them straight in the eye. "Same as you do, I suspect, every chance you get". He was guessing, but...

"Then that makes six of us" James retorted, confirming the guess and without shame. "Seems a pity to leave the others out ..." he left that idea hanging in the air.

The four nudists were getting into their beds by now, still shivering from the cold of that final swim across the lake. "It's fun doing it outdoors..." Jeremy began...

"...but it ain't half chilly round the willy!" William concluded.

"Especially this late in the term" Andrei added. He could see where this was going and he liked the idea.

"If we could ease the other two into things..." Bill suggested.

"... then we could do each other here in the nice warm dorm" Jeremy went on.

"So, the problem is, to encourage two horny teen boys to join in communal fucking, so we can all do each other indoors" Andrei summed up. They all thought about that , for a few moments.

"Communal group fucks, mmmm" Jeremy added. (Though , he thought, outdoor sex is so primal ...)

""Maybe that's the answer" John suggested. If six of us act as if there's no problem with a mass sex session, in the dorm, it might help Dick and Andrew to see it as the logical next step, one that everyone else has already taken ..."

".... which we have" William surprised himself by saying in a horny voice.

"So, we just do it? And leave them to work things our for themselves?" James wondered.

"That leaves rather a chance that neither of them will feel ready to make the first move, on a boy who hasn't done it yet" Andrei pondered.

"But, if two of us were making moves on them ..." James started.

"... and everyone else was already hard at it..." his brother carried on.

"... then the atmosphere of raw sex around them, plus a direct invitation to join in, might help them do it, not just wish it!" Jeremy concluded.

"mmmmmmm" everyone murmured. Four of them had already enjoyed their first group fucking session, and the twins had secrets they weren't quite ready to share yet - but, happy memories!

"So, who are the lucky two who are going to corrupt our final pair of virgins?" Andrei asked.

James and John looked at each other. "We are" James offered, "we're the smallest and least threatening, it'd be easiest for them to decide to get busy with us".

"I wouldn't exactly say the 'smallest'" Andrei joked, clearly staring at the twins' stiffies.

"They'll be thinking about our butts, I promise you" John chipped in.

"Oh, we're all thinking about your butts" Jeremy heard himself saying. There was a general randy laugh.

"So, tomorrow night then? We're all too shagged out to try anything tonight" Andrei decided. Everyone made noises of agreement.

"We'd better stock up on lube then" James whispered to his twin.

"We'd all better stock up on lube, if this works we're going to need it" Jeremy whispered back. Another randy laugh followed.

All this talking had woken Dick. "Shurrup and let me get some sleep" he complained.

"Oh, we will, you're going to need it" William whispered back, and the final horny laugh of the night followed as six sated (for now) gay teens relaxed back into their warming beds, thinking of tomorrow's frolics ...

The nest morning was almost normal, unless you noticed the longer glances in the showers as six randy boys took a good look at each other's pubes, nuts, willies - and, soon, stiffies. Nothing was said - teen boys get stiffies like flowerbeds get weeds, they just spring up - and there was nothing to alarm the two remaining virgins. Everyone had got used to boysex between dorm friends, though they hadn't all been bummed.


Even in the showers after rugby practice, when it was usual for some of the lads to rub one out, nobody made any moves; the horny six were 'saving themselves' and Dick and Andrew happened not to be feeling randy at that point. This was unusual...

Tea and 'prep' - homework, if you're not at boarding school - passed peacefully, and it wasn't long before the eight were back in their dormitory and stripping off for a good naked night's sleep.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" smiled Tomasz, as he left them for their nightly sex session.

"Give my love to Fred" Andrei ventured, automatically ducking to avoid the backhand swipe he knew was coming. He nearly succeeded!

As the door closed behind him, Andrei and Jeremy moved swiftly into the beds next to them - which just happened to contain William and Bill, ready (naked) and eager (teen boys are always eager!) for their first indoor orgy. John and James moved quietly across to stand beside the beds of Andrew and Dick, who were watching Andrei and Jeremy with a surprised look in their faces.

Without having planned it, William was getting into the missionary position, legs high in the air and butthole fully exposed, while Bill was on his tummy with his cute arse raised above the bed. Both were moaning in anticipation as they were lubed by their tops.

"Are they going to..." Dick blurted out in surprise.

"Yes they're going to, and if you want, so are we" James grinned. "We've all had buttsex with others around, I hope you don't mind but we'd like to include you in our fun".

Dick was interested - or, at least, giving every sign of being interested - so James started to lube him up. "What are you doing?" the virgin demanded, not complaining but just wondering. This was all new to him and he didn't really know what he wanted to happen, although he was avidly watching Jeremy ease into Bill from behind, and listening to their moans of pleasure as a hard teen penis was steadily inserted into a willing young arse.

"I'd like to bum you, if you're ok with that; we've both sucked each other" (in fact, by now, all the randy lads had explored the taste and texture of each other's cocks) "and this is the next and best step of all". James lubed up his own priapic prick as he spoke.

"But, doesn't it hurt?" - Dick was half-way to agreeing and they both knew it.

"I won't lie, it does hurt, at the start, the first few times, but after a few seconds you'll be so glad you got through the pain" James explained. His point was reinforced by the noises of happiness coming from the four boys who had already started fucking - and particularly from the two bottoms, as their prostates started to rejoice at the regular thrusting of hard young cocks into their most private depths.

Then James played his trump card. "If you like, you can do me first" he offered, offering his cute arse for Dick's inspection.

"You mean, I can fuck you?"

"Yes, and if you like topping , you're going to love being a bottom" James promised. Again, the noises from the four already hard at it - and the sight of Andrew lining up his virgin cock at John's glistening hole - persuaded him. James smiled again and rolled onto his back, ready and willing for his most public drilling.

"A spot of lube on your knob will make this easier for both of us" James suggested, and his new fuck-friend obliged, taking care to rub the slippery liquid well into his bell-end.

"Now, slip it into me - and you'll know what to do after that" James joked, and Dick obliged.

"OOOuch!" - James was surprised how much wider Dick was, compared to his twin - but he took it like a man. Well, like a horny boy being buggered by a man, anyway.

"Oooooh Goddd!" Dick was immediately overwhelmed by the feeling of James' hole gripping his stiffy so tightly, and the friction as he slipped inside. He immediately got the message - 'this is even more fun than being sucked off'.

There was a guttural grunt from James as his ex-virgin bottomed out. "Now just - do me!" James ordered, and his bum-chum obeyed immediately.

Part of Dick's remaining consciousness knew that they were being watched, and that sort of made everything even more sexy - he had lost nearly all his body-shyness after a few weeks of showering naked with the others, and wanking and sucking cock in the dormitory after lights-out. This was the final step, and a tiny part of him was still embarrassed at actually fucking another boy - with others in the room - but a combination of the happy noises from all around him, and the overwhelming glory of his cock being rubbed up and down James' narrow tube, totally outvoted any remaining embarrassment at actually fucking in public - well, in the dormitory with other pervy lads around, anyway.

Within a few thrusts Dick was in his own world of hotness, exchanging loving moans and whimpers of delight with James, and ignoring (or, maybe, just enjoying) the noises of the other lads around him. Sweaty bodies were slapping together, inchoate noises were being exchanged, and four cocks (Andrew had accepted John's invitation, as they had hoped) were pounding four happy arseholes in a paroxysm of proud gay teenage lust.

Without thinking (Dick was still incapable of fucking and thinking at the same time) part of him noticed that James was fucking back at him, pushing his hole up as Dick pounded down. At a subconscious level the new-fledged top realised that a good fuck was something you did with a friend, not just to him. This - and the happy noises coming from underneath him - helped him realise that bottoming must be good fun, too. But right now he was topping his first boy, and his entire attention was dedicated to that. This tends to happen, especially with teen boys ...

All round the room, hard cocks pounded willing teen arses, and happy bottoms writhed back against their welcome invaders. Beds rocked - and squeaked - and voices were raised, instinctively announcing their enjoyment of this oldest of pleasures. Young bodies slapped and rubbed together, and the boys in the next dormitory smiled to hear the orgy progress so satisfactorily.

"More .... harder ... aaah!" John was encouraging Andrew, right beside them, and James was enjoying his ploughing just as much, although without making any sense with his noises. But teen boys don't usually last long, and virgins least of all, and it was less than a minute before first Andrew, then Dick, twitched and shivered in the throes of their first ever bum-cum.

"Finish me!" John pleaded to his twin, and James obligingly rolled over and plunged his incestuous cock into his brother's cute hole. The boys knew each others' bodies almost as well as they knew their minds, and James instinctively angled his cock to stimulate John in the way they both loved best. John started his trademark corkscrew motion, James went crazy inside his brother, and with less than a minute's rabbit-fucking brought John to a whimpering, shivering, twitching conclusion.

After a moment to get his breath back, James turned to Dick and smiled. "As you'll have noticed, being fucked can be as much fun as topping" and John breathed "or even more". On the other side of the room, the remaining four boys were bringing each other to shared gut-wrenching conclusions, with noises and pelvic thrusts to reinforce their hap-penis.

Dick thought, quickly. The pain? He'd been warned about that. The pleasure? He could see that all around him. The embarrassment of not joining in? "Everyone else is doing it" is a powerful reason, in teen thinking as well as adult.

He gulped as his decision firmed up inside him, while he thought of James' cock firming up inside him, too. "Do me" he almost whispered, and James smiled back at his courage and accompanying horniness.

"I'll get you past the worst inside a minute, and I promise you will be glad you did this" as he scavenged some lube for Dick's boycunt. The four who had already finished gathered round to watch, and Dick realised there was no way out now; he was committed.

James rolled onto his back, his peen standing proudly above his groin. "Sit on it" he urged, "that way you'll be in control of the depth, and the feelings". A murmur of congratulation and encouragement went round the ring of observers.

Dick tried to control his fears, as he moved into position. Then he slowly sat down on James' erect boyhood, trying not to cry out as his arse was stretched - oh, so much!

"Push out like you're taking a really big shit" Andrei advised, and, indeed, this helped Dick relax his ring as he let the first few millimeters of James', er, dick inside himself. The initial pain made him gasp but he soon realised that it only really hurt when he was letting more in. In short, wincing movements, the ex-virgin allowed more and more of James into his warm tight hole, with a twitch of surprise as the peen touched something oh, so sensitive inside him.

"You liked that?" James enquired, and Dick could only nod in agreement; he liked it very much! This helped him take more cock, and faster; within 60 heart-stopping seconds he was fully impaled on James' teen rod. He'd done it!

James gave him a few seconds to get used to the feeling of fullness, then started to withdraw a little. "Oh" Dick gasped in dismay as the lovely 'full' feeling faded, only to gasp "Ooooh!" as James humped back into him again, their bodies colliding with a satisfying slap.

The friction on his prostate made Dick grin automatically, a sign not missed by the waiting naked teen witnesses to his deflowering. He got it! Two more humps, faster and deeper, and he was moaning with pleasure; Dick was a convert to butt sex!

Andrew had been watching nervously, but this convinced him; if Dick could take it, he could, too. He turned to John, who had been waiting for him to work it out.

"Do me, too" Andrew urged, and John needed no second telling. With his friends gathered round and loudly encouraging them, the final pair prepared to join the 8-boy versatile orgy.

Lube - check! John on his back - check! Andrew cautiously sitting on the proffered boy-spike - check! Teen peen gradually inserted into virgin arse - oh yes! Check-mates!

With Dick and James noisily enjoying each other, feet away, it didn't take long till John was enthusiastically rogering Andrew's hole, or rather, Andrew was bouncing up and down to maximise that internal friction that the others already loved. Soon, John was fucking up as Andrew was sliding down, increasing the pleasure and reducing the effort for both of them.

"Andrew! Andrew!" the others were chanting, as the two boys got down to the main task of getting each other off, as noisily, loudly and publically as they could. John was realising that he loved having an audience, and his new fuck-friend was oblivious of anything outside his ravaged arse. So good!

With a scream of delight, Dick had his first bum-cum, totally unassisted by any hand work. He was an instant convert - if this was gay sex, he never wanted it to end! His audible happiness - and his squeezing arse making the friction inside him so much greater - set off his conqueror, and the two were twitching and spunking together with an appreciative audience around them.

Beside them, John was getting his thrills, but in public for the first (and definitely not the last!) time. Something about having all his fuck-friends watching him 'do' a cute lad like Andrew - and, of course, the friction of cock inside another boy who was thoroughly enjoying losing his virginity - made the sex even better than usual, and 'usual' was pretty damn good anyway! It's like that for teenboys ...

Eventually the humping died away, and the four fuckers lay peacefully, teen stiffies gently returning to normal size inside their new friends. The watchers were happily touching each other up, too overwhelmed (and sleepy) to start their own fun just then.

"Happy?" Andrei smiled to Andrew and Dick - he knew damn well that John and James were.

The two most recent converts to public gay sex nodded and grinned back at him, too full of emotion (and warm teen spunk) to speak. Sometimes, words aren't necessary.

When Tomasz returned to the dormitory, he intercepted Andrei's happy wink and came over for a quiet chat. "Eight versatile players" the younger lad whispered, and his brother whistled softly.

"You've done well" he praised, and Andrei suggested "They're all happy to fuck in front of each other, in fact I think they enjoy having an audience".

The elder grinned. "So I need to give you more playtime?" and the randy youngster nodded.

"I think they'll be wanting to spread their wings in a week or two" and the brothers had a think about where that might lead them. To other dormitories, possibly?

"I'll have a word with some of the other dorm heads" Tomasz grinned, "and see if you lot will be welcome for the occasional nocturnal visit."

"Or possibly joining in some of the more general frolics?" Andrei enquired.

"We'll see" his brother nodded, and the two thought about some of those. Yummy!

That night some wise guy had scribbled on the dorm label, but this time it read "4 Dicks, 3 Willies and 2 Poles".

***** end of chapter 1 *****

If there's significant interest, I'll see if this goes further - email me with comments, once you've cleaned up ;-)

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