Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 16, 2022


Maximus was sitting in front of his computer screen, listening to Raven's latest report. "HEIGH HO from your favorite Valkyrie, Maximus!" They laughed at that. Raven couldn't hold a tune, and neither could Maximus. If they had had too much to drink (and that was a massive quantity of the local alcohol), their duets would have their audience howling. "Carrying heroes across your horse, my dear?" Maximus smiled. "It was a VERY successful trip. We're moving slowly because we're a little overloaded. I think the count was 180. We expected to take no more than 170. "That's a good number! So, what's the plan? Fifty to your business, fifteen to the brothel, and the rest for... 'the hunt.'" "I think that's how it's going Maximus. This is going to turn out to be VERY profitable for us. But enough about business. Tell me what's happening." Maximus filled her in. He told her about Baratas and gemmex, and how Protius had elevated the place of ariel. He saved what he thought was the best for last. "gordon submitted." "BRAVO MY HERO! I knew it would happen sooner or later! Was it worth it?" She saw Maximus smile. "More than one hundred percent. He's an honorable man, and he's trying to accept he's been defeated. That's the next step." "Always the hardest one.... and the one that's most fun. I look forward to seeing you again, friend. We'll be out of touch for a bit because we're passing through that part of the cloud where transmission is blocked. I'd say four days before we're back." "Anyone figure out what's going on yet?" She shook her head. "I can tell that Rafael is having second thoughts . When I see it, I make him watch one of the films of the armed forces, or the mining camps and remind him: he's all that stands between his father and brother heading there." "GOOD GIRL!" He teased her. You'd make a fine Warlord." She laughed. "Doesn't pay enough. Ok friend, let me head back to the troops. Time to start making my rounds and deciding who's going where."

Maximus smiled as he turned off the computer. This was turning into a perfect day. It already had the markings of a very good one, thanks to Protius and Baratas. The quarters for the two of them were very close to each other, which meant that ariel and gemmex saw each other often. When their Masters were on duty, they would do what we consider "twinks" do together. One of the things they did, which did not get by the eyes of Baratas and Protius, was play wrestle. They did that a lot. They had started doing it when they were both living with Protius and it continued. Neither one of them was really strong enough to overpower the other, so they both relied on: you guessed it: trickery and tickling. Of course, you know how ticklish ariel is, and how Protius used it extensively. Maybe you forgot that gemmex is extremely ticklish too. Baratas, much more of a classical DOM, didn't use it much. But one day, he and Protius were walking back to quarters, and heard the shriels of laughter. "The pretty ones" as they called the two, were wrestling. gemmex had won, as he usually did, and he had ariel on his back. He was running fingers down ariel's sides as the boy shrieked. Protius tried not to laugh as he heard gemmex imitating his voice. "Alright, sweetie. I can do this all night. SUBMIT." Then he dug in his fingers. ariel shrieked louder and yelled "NEVER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He squirmed under gemmex who said. "Shall I move to your feet?" "NO NO. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE." "We have to share this with the household, Baratas. This is a VERY erotic scene." Baratas was smiling. "So it is. It can be a celebration of your unification. Which I will tell you, is making me think that... it might be time for me to do the same with gemmex." "CONGRATULATIONS OLD MAN! " Protius smiled. "But hear my plan." He laid out an idea to have the two of them: ariel and gemmex, wrestle in public, by invitation to the court. It would be by submission, and everything was allowed: including tickling. Maximus thought the idea was a grand one, and now, he was heading over to the auditorium to watch the match. And then later that day, Protius was coming over to give a tutorial. michael was extremely ticklish, but as far as he could tell, gordon was not. He had spoken of his frustration to Protius, who shook his head. "Lord Maximus, unless the nerve endings are dead, EVERY man is ticklish. You simply need to find the way to the nerve endings." "Feet are too easy Protius." "I agree. I will come by. I will use ariel as a model, and you can then practice on slave gordon. I guarantee you: you will unlock more of his secrets than you could with the laboratory.

The laboratory. Every time Maximus read the report on gordon, he was more and more intrigued. Especially when he compared it to michael's. There was one part of the probe that examined a subject's response to domination and submission with men and women. It broke it down by ages, body types, skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. michael's report had shown that he was an ideal candidate for sexual slavery and domination: he showed absolutely no reactions of note, one way or the other, with any test of women. On men, on the other hand, his submissiveness level was off the chart. gordon was a different story. Maximus smiled because he was clearly succeeding in rewiring a man who showed absolutely no response with men, and who showed dominant tendencies with all women. EXCEPT: his reactions to dark skinned women showed strong submissive tendencies. The head of the lab had told him. "Lord Maximus, it was such an insular reaction that I repeated that part of the test three times. It always came back the same way." "Very interesting Malax. Very interesting. I appreciate this much." Maximus had the brothel in the back of his mind. He could not keep michael happy if he took gordon to his bed every night, as he had been doing of late, but where to put gordon when he was not needed under Maximus? This was an alternative he would consider.

The arena was fairly full when ariel and gemmex were led in. Some in the audience had brought their sex slaves with them to watch. Occasionally, a tunic flared open and you could see how ornate some of the cages were on some of the slaves. The arena had not been used for some time. In the past, it had been used to pit warriors from conquered planets against each other. Frilcus had not been at war for some time, and so it had gone dormant. All of the audience members knew: this was not to be a match of "beef against beef" as in the past, but most were familar with gemmex, and ALL were familiar with ariel. To be sure, not all of the nobility of Frilcus was interested in seeing two "pretty boys" wrestle, but many were. And they hooted and howled as gemmex and ariel were led in. Both were bound at the wrists, and wore nothing but a thong: silver for gemmex, gold for ariel. ariel also wore the gold collar that indicated his position as Protius' chosen. The fact that ariel was now considered "permanent" while gemmex could, in theory, be sent away at any time, was one of the things motivating gemmex that day. He did not know that Baratas had begun the paperwork to give him the same status ariel had. Baratas kept that from him. He knew that gemmex was the favorite: he had seen some of the forbidden betting before the match. He did not want his boy to lose his edge.

To win the match, the victor would have to get a submission out of the loser. Then, he would remove the thong from the loser, before tying him up again, and leading him through the arena. Any member of the audience could DISCRETLY fondle the ass, or locked cock of the defeated. The winner would then be given opportunity to jerk off on the loser: the loser would take whatever position the winner chose, and the winner's cage would be removed to let him have at the loser.

ariel knew he had to put up as good a fight as he could, to please Protius. In fact, next to Protius, the man he liked on top of him most, was gemmex. If he won in play wresting, it was because gemmex threw the match. There was no way he was going to win. Still, he dove for gemmex' legs. They were long and ariel knew that if he could get to gemmex' ankles and immobilize them, he'd have a chance. When he went for them, gemmex knew exactly what ariel was doing, and dug his thumbs into ariel's rib cage. The surprise stopped ariel in his tracks. gemmex smiled at him. "I hope you like getting groped by about 200 men, ariel. It's coming. " He screamed and went at ariel. He grabbed him from the front and then the audience laughed because gemmex didn't have the strength to lift ariel and slam him to the ground the way he wanted to. When that didn't work, he changed his hold and got ariel's balls in one of his hands. "OH, look at this. The golden apples of the sun. Maybe I'll... PLUCK them." He pulled and now it was ariel's turn to scream. He fought, but gemmex had good hand strength and he was tightening the grip. "You want me to let go, KNEEL slave boy. KNEEL." gemmex could feel the pulsing in ariel's cock. He could feel what little "top man juice" he had in him beginning to pour into his blood, as ariel knelt. He grabbed ariel's hair, and pushed his face into his crotch, as the crowd cheered. "UNCAGE HIM. MAKE HIM SUCK HIM." They would be unsatisfied for that, but the sweaty smell of gemmex' pubes was intoxicating. ariel felt undone as gemmex pushed him to his back. "Now, bitch boy. Now... you're going to give up." That's when the tickling assault began. It started with ariel's ribs and the audience was on their feet, trying to get a better look. "Want it to stop ? Want it to stop, boy?" "YES. YES . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. " "Stretch your arms over your head. I'm not stopping unless I get your pits. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. GEMMEX YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK OK." ariel stretched out his arms and gemmex got to work tickling his pits. "He's done. He is completely done," Protius whispered to Baratas, who didn't answer. He was thinking of how he was going to fuck gemmex that afternoon. "I should be doing that to michael. How many people do you think would come to see that, slave gordon?" Maximus was sitting in a royal box, with michael and gordon both collared, and leashed. He had cuffed their hands in front of them. michael was breathing hard, and gordon was steaming, watching his son suffer, and not being able to do anything about it. "You are the Master. You can do anything you wish to us," gordon responded. "I would much rather be doing it to you." gordon snorted and forgot his place. "Good luck with that." Maximus only smiled as he watched gemmex move to one hand on ariel's left rib cage, and the other in his right pit. ariel's pale face was bright red with exertion. His thong was stretched as far as the cage would let him. "NO MORE. NO MORE. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." "Who is your MASTER?" gemmex growled, not stopping. "YOU ARE. MASTER PROTIUS AND MASTER GEMMEX." gemmex stopped. "Remove your thong, beaten one." ariel struggled for breath. He reached down and slowly pulled off what was now a golden thong, soaked with sweat. "SUCK YOUR JUICES OUT OF IT." He shoved the thong in ariel's mouth. "My my. Your bottom is showing decided signs of dom hood," Protius teased Baratas. "I can see that. We'll have to take care of that this afternoon. "Keep it in your mouth, slaveboi. Now roll over." ariel did what the conquered do, and gemmex retied his wrists. Then, he led him through the arena, the thong in his mouth, as those who were left - many had headed back to their own homes with their slaves. They had been so aroused by the match that they needed release - and Protius smiled as the comments about the "silky smooth ass" started coming. gemmex led ariel to Baratas and Protius. "Masters, I bring you the defeated and claim my right to climax." "And you have earned it, gemmex." Baratas released the cage, and gemmex led ariel back to the arena. "On your back. I'm leaving your hands tied." "Yes Master," ariel whispered, as he saw gemmex' cock. gemmex straddled him and began to stroke. It didn't take long before he was covering ariel's face with jizz. Those who had left early, had missed a really fine part of the program.

Protius had his hand on ariel's neck as they walked back to Protius' quarters. He was massaging it, gently. "THAT, young man, was SO HOT" ariel shifted his fingers a little. Protius had kept his wrists tied. "I tried hard, Master. It's frustrating. I lose to gemmex EVERY TIME.

Do you think I'll ever beat him?" As they got into the quarters, Protius laughed. He dropped his robes, and ariel saw how hard he was. "I don't care. Seeing my boy tickled like that.. It was GREAT. Now .." he untied ariel. "Don't make me tie you down. Get on the bed. You have to take care of your special Master." "Yes sir." ariel hoped that Protius wouldn't tickle him before he fucked him. gemmex had tickled him so much his body ached. It was difficult for Protius not to, but he just kissed ariel's neck, and nibbled on his ear as he spread the blond's legs. "I'm probably gonna hurt you a little, sweetmeat. That's just a sign of what you do to me." He began sliding in his dick, which he couldn't remember ever having been so thick or so hard. ariel couldn't either. "OW! Master.. you ARE hurting me." Protius smiled. "Is this the first time?" "Yes sir." "Well..." he pushed harder and ariel screamed. "Why don't you ask gemmex why Baratas gags him before they make love? I'm MUCH more gentle than he is, but you... you pushed me so far over the edge today. " He stopped thrusting for a minute. "Be glad I'm not tickling you because.... oh do I want to. But we have something else to do today, and you're gonna get tickled then." He whispered "You think your father isn't ticklish." ariel moaned. "He's not Master." "BEH. I'm gonna prove he is. You just have to unlock it on guys like him. Unlike you.... " Protius shot and he pulled his cock out, shooting cum over ariel's face. "That's gonna piss off his father BIG TIME. And the angrier he is, the easier this is going to be."

While Protius was relieving himself inside ariel, Maximus had taken gordon and michael to one of the dungeon rooms. He needed equipment that he didn't have at the ready in his rooms. He was thinking about how gordon clearly understood power: he had taken that electric collar off of him, because there was no resistance anymore. gordon understood defeat. He was almost as pliable as michael. Almost.

Two guards accompanied Maximus . "Shackle slave michael to the wall. Use the winch on slave gordon." "YES MASTER." gordon wanted to pull away when the second guard took his wrists, but he saw Maximus standing there and meekly let him have his wrists. Soon, his arms were secured above him and pulled taut. Then, Maximus pushed his legs apart and chained his ankles. gordon thought he was going to be whipped or flogged.

"Master, I hope I'm on time." Protius walked in, leading ariel. gordon saw him and as they walked by, he saw the dried cum on ariel. He thought it was from the wresting match. "YOU COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING LET HIM WASH HIS FACE?" He pulled at the chains now and realized he wasn't moving. "Protius! You did let the boy clean up, didn't you?" "I did Master Maximus but.... well... he got me so excited I..." Maximus turned to gordon. "See, slave gordon? He DID let him wash his face. But like a good servant, Protius did not want to be late. I'm sure ariel didn't either, right slave ariel?" "No Master. Master Protius told me to get up and go with him, so I did." gordon gritted his teeth so he didn't curse, and Maximus laughed. "The golden collar suits you ariel. It picks up the light in your hair." He walked over to gordon and grabbed his chin. "One on you would look so good too. I'm considering it." He heard the shackles rattle: michael had heard it. GOOD. He was clearly afraid of being displaced. He needn't have worried, but if he did...." "Raise your arms boy," Protius ordered ariel, who did as he was told. After HIS ankles were locked, he was in the same position as his father, only about ten feet away. Both were shirtless, and wearing very tiny shorts. "So, Protius, you must help me. I have tried to get this man to laugh under my touch, but it seems.. his nerves are dead." "BOSH, Master! No one's nerves are dead if you know how to activate them. Now, on his son.... " he ran a finger horizontally along ariel's rib and the young man jumped. "See? His nerves are activated, but that all comes from one point. One point only." He reached to a corner of ariel's rib cage and pressed his thumb firmly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH GOD WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Master Maximus, there are certain spots on a man's body which, if you activated him, will make him EXTREMELY ticklish. Granted, the subject may hurt for a minute or so, but... that's what happens when the spots are activated. "So... if I touch this one here." Maximus pressed his thumb on the corresponding point on gordon. "FUCK! FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!" gordon yelled. "Just keep your thumb there, Master. Any second now. " gordon continued to moan , then the moans started turning to giggles, then laughs.

Protius smiled. "That side of his ribs is activated now. You can tickle him at will. The switch is now turned on. Permanently." Maximus tried: he ran his fingers up and down that side of gordon, and the man couldn't stop laughing. "EXCELLENT. Are there others?" "There are..." Protius proceeded to show Maximus the other side of gordon's rib cage, then found the spot under his arms, and behind his knees. "Now, by your leave Sir, I would like to demonstrate one myself because... with all due respect, your nails are not properly sized for this one. It is positioned right behind your subject's balls. "OH NO. NOT THERE. " ariel remembered how he reacted when Protius ran his long nail over that spot on him. 'I ask that you watch carefully, Master. I do not wish to touch your property improperly more than once." Maximus looked carefully as Protius touched the very tiniest of spots on the back of gordon's balls, and then ran his fingers along them. The booming laughter that came out of gordon startled everyone. "Protius, you are a GENIUS. I will find out, someday, how you learned of these spots. I cannot thank you enough. " He looked at gordon. "You realize what this means, do you not, slave gordon?" "Yes sir." He spat out. "Another way to CONTROL me." "Indeed. Now you will be compliant when we return to chambers, or I will be forced to... practice. " He looked at Protius. "You gave us permission to use slave ariel for this evening. "Yes Master. I will return for him." Maximus, Protius, gordon and the two brothers all returned to Maximus' quarters. "I will see you later, my sweet. Do not worry. Nothing is going to be placed inside of you. Rather, YOU will be placing something inside someone. And I've seen you do it to gemmex, so you will do it tonight." "YOU SLAVE GORDON. IN POSITON FACE UP." "He muttered... "yes sir, " and assumed he was about to be taken in front of his sons. Not just yet. Maximus secured him to the bed. Then, with a sneer on his face. "slave michael. You have eaten plenty of pussy in your life. I am certain of that. Now, you will eat Daddy pussy. GET YOUR TONGUE IN HIS ASS. " "FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "Would you rather I tickled you before fucking you dry, slave gordon? And I have a way to encourage slave michael. " He looked at ariel. "You, get your tongue into your big brother. When I am hearing sufficient moans, you may return to Protius. GET TO WORK SLAVES" To say that Maximus enjoyed what followed would be an understatement. michael, not surprisingly, began moaning first: ariel had learned how to his job from fooling around with gemmex. gordon resisted, not surprisingly, but eventually, his moans joined michaels. He muttered "you mother fucker," Maximus heard it. "No, a Daddy fucker. " He handed ariel a 10 inch dildo: Protius had used them on him, so he knew what they were. "Get to work. Put it in your brother's ass. When you're all the way in, the guard will return you to Protius." "Sorry michael," ariel whispered. "Don't be. I've taken bigger." He had. "NOW SIT. BE STILL WHILE YOUR FATHER CONTINUES TO LEARN HIS PLACE." Maximus got in the bed and began to take gordon's ass. It wasn't as hard a fuck as Protius had given to ariel, but it was pretty hard. As he was pounding his new submissive, Maximus heard his computer beeping. He'd finish this fuck, and then see to it. When he had gordon begging for dick and he had finished emptying his cock into him, he left gordon tied to the bed, and michael on the chair, to see to the computer. It was Raven.

"We are entering Filcus orbit, Maximus. The conditions will cause us all to black out. I would say that you should have the troops ready in.... 6- 7 hours." "Understood. Welcome home, lady. We have much to do." He turned from the computer and smiled at his captives. "You are about to be joined by friends from earth. I hope they are more compliant than the two of you have been."

Next: Chapter 11

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