Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 6, 2022


We're coming to the end of this tale, readers. Keep your eyes peeled, though, because there is a sequel to come.

The entire city was anticipating what people were calling "the grand hunt." Raven and Maximus were very pleased when the number of people who signed up for the hunt, and paid their registration fees, topped 300. Since there weren't nearly that many captives to be hunted, they had to cap the registration. They agreed that they'd have to do something in the future to appease citizens who would come away from the hunt empty handed. "This is probably going to be too big for us to handle ourselves, Raven," Maximus said to her . "We're going to have to bring in the ruling counsel of Frlicius."

"I agree. We have to think this out more clearly. For now though, anticipation is the best way to stimulate an appetite," she laughed. So did Maximus. He was very much anticipating the hunt. He had learned much from gordon's sons and he already had a very good sense of how gordon's mind operated. He'd be ready. He had his leather hunting jerkin taken out of storage. Many of them were long sleeved, but he preferred a model with no sleeves: when he had hunted in the past, Maximus had always worn the metal crest of his family: a falcon taking a pigeon to its nest. Without a word, the crest summarized his family's attitude about their position. "gordon is not a pigeon, though," he thought. "Perhaps a peacock, or some other glorious bird. The hunt will be satisfying."

And life in the city did go on as the hunt grew closer. Raven's cells were full, and then they began to empty as the highest of the elites came to "shop" for slaves. "A COMELY BUNCH!" one of her customers had exclaimed. "Never have I seen so many red heads, and so many men with darker skin. Something for every taste, Raven. You have done it again!" Indeed, among the captives were four red heads, unrelated as far as they new, but perhaps at some point in the past. Two of them had been snapped up on the first day: a 24 year old who's hair curled and who seemed to have a confused air about him all the time, and a 35 year old, hairy all over who snarled when people approached. One of Baratas' soldiers had selected him. The other two awaited buyers, and Raven was certain that buyers would be found. Her youngest captive was a 17 year old. His skin reminded her of that beverage that some Earthlings drank: coffee with cream? And he had blue eyes and very soft looking lips. "Were he ten years older, I might very well find myself displacing Flora," she joked. Still she wondered about having one so young in her "harem" as one client had called it. Technically, under the laws of Frilcius, Luke (his name), could not be used in sexual servitude for another year. While she did not vend her merchandise for "sexual purposes," she would have been hard pressed to think of a time a client had purchased a slave for any other purpose. Luke was scared. She learned that he had come on the "mission" because he had known ariel when ariel was a senior (Luke had been a first year student), and Luke idolized him. He had talked his father into going on the mission so that he was "safe." Now, Jacob was in the same cell with his son. "Now THAT one...." Raven grinned. "Just not my type but... someone's...." Jacob was in his late 30s, with a short haircut, a moustache, and a well developed body. He had been remarkably compliant - probably to protect his son. He had taken bondage very easily and did not fight or argue the way some of the other captives did. Most of what he did was comfort his son, trying to assure him that things would be alright, even if he wasn't sure himself. He did not know how their lives were to change that day. That's when the member of the ruling Frlician counsel, Senior Lord Axel came to visit Raven. "HAIL LORD AXEL! My establishment is humbled by your visit." Lord Axel smiled. "Raven, my lovely. It is good to see you and to see you keep yourself busy. And I am also pleased that you and Lord Maximus have struck up a friendship." "It has been profitable for both of us, Lord Axel. I DO hope you plan to watch the hunt." "AH, the hunt! I would not miss it. I have only seen one, and it was when I was just about the age of this young man." He presented a youth whom Raven had assumed was his assistant, until she looked closer. "Lord Axel: is this ravishing creature your son? He bears quite the resemblance to you." Axel accepted the compliment. "Indeed he is. Ramel , please remember your manners and greet Lady Raven." "I apologize ma'am. I was quite... taken by this place and did not remember that there are things that are more important than pleasure to the eye." "AH, he speaks the honeyed speech of his father. Ramel, it is good to meet you." She stopped for a minute. "But gentlemen, you certainly did not come here solely to congratulate me, or to just give greetings. Please tell me how I can help you." "Ah, Raven, it is very simple" Lord Axel spoke. "Ramel became aware of his sexual leanings when he was much younger. My partner and I have never dissuaded him from pursuing them, but of course, the laws being what they are...." "Indeed," she nodded. "Well, Raven, Ramel will both graduate from academy, and reach maturity in the next month and... I was hoping to find him an appropriate slave as a.... companion. " "Hmmm." thought Raven. "I DO have a good selection of young men in their 20s, and a lovely red head . Come this way." As they walked, Ramel saw Luke and Jacob in their cell. "Father, Lady Raven, can we stop for a minute." He was transfixed by Lucas. "What a beautiful young man, father. " He walked up to the door of the cell. "Hello. I'm Ramel. What is your name?" "I am Lucas. This is my father, Jacob." "Lucas, you are very handsome." Lucas blushed a little . "Thank you, Ramel. I suspect you are just not used to people who look like me. I am very plain." Ramel smiled. "Father, may I have a word with you?" "Certainly. Raven, will you excuse us?" "Of course Lord Axel. May I simply tell you that I am not sure that Lucas would be able to survive without his father, and the red head is unencumbered by others."

Ramel walked away with his father. "Father, he is so BEAUTIFUL. You said that I could choose. I do not even want to see the red head. Lucas is the one I want." "Well, Ramel, you heard what Raven said. Think about it for a minute: would you like it if you were separated from Polos and I?" Ramel smiled. "Father, I do not mean to be disrespectful but... I have heard Father Polos and yourself speak often of how you wish that there were someone to - how did you put it - add sparks to your life? Do you not feel that Lucas' father could do that?" Axel smiled. Ramel was right. He and Polos HAD spoken of that often. But Polos wasn't with them. "Ramel, I will make a deal with you. We will purchase both Lucas and Jacob, but only if Raven will permit us to return them both. If Polos does not care for Jacob, we will have to return him, but I fear that your infatuation would not survive without him." Raven walked over to them. "I apologize for interrupting your private talk, gentlemen, but I should add that Lucas knows Protius' chosen one." "Ariel? He knows ariel? Oh, Father, we MUST take them then. Think of what a lovely pair they would make together." "More like a trio Ramel. You forget Gemmex." "AH, I did. Oh, it would be lovely. PLEASE Father. PLEASE?" Axel laughed as he ruffled Ramel's hair. "Raven, there are few things in life that simply bend me to their will completely. One is Polos when he oils himself. But that is different from the pleadings of my son. He has done well in school, he is obedient. " He sighed. "May we take them on a trial basis for a week? I will of course put down the money now. " Raven smiled, because Polos had been in the establishment earlier that week. She remembered how fascinated he had been by the slaves with darker skin. "I see no problem with that, Lord Axel. Please do not use them TOO much in that week." She laughed. "Lucas is still too young to be legally having sex." "BUT HE CAN WRESTLE, RAVEN, CAN'T HE? AND PLAY AT OTHER GAMES." "Ha ha. He can. Indeed. And I will let you know this: Protius has told me how frustrated ariel has become because gemmex defeats him at all forms of combat. Perhaps this younger, slighter man, may boost his confidence. And I'm sure that the two, or even the three of them wrestling, would be a delight." "I cannot disagree with you. Ramel, go and tell your new toy that he and his father are coming with us."

"It is not to be avoided son," Jacob told Lucas. He sighed. He knew that Jacob preferred young men to young women. He, on the other hand... Still, having raised Lucas himself, he was prepared to yield for his son's happiness. As they left, with Axel and Ramel, Raven called Protius. She caught him right before he was going to watch Baratas train ariel with the anal hook: Baratas had trained gemmex to accept it, and he and Protius thought it might be a delightful sight to watch ariel dominate gemmex with the hook - before the tables were turned. "Hail Protius! I would let you know that Lord Axel has been by and he has been shopping. He purchased a slave for his son - a young man named Lucas. He claims to have gone to school with ariel, and to have idolized him. I would simply let you know that because... you should determine the rest yourself." "AH, RAVEN. Always thinking of your clients. I will let my precious boy know of this. If it is true, I believe he will be pleased." He waited to tell ariel, however. Baratas and gemmex were waiting for them. "Now, you have to be careful ariel. This is not like a simple vibrator. Plenty of lubrication and plenty of time." Baratas grinned as he inserted the hook into gemmex, who moaned as it entered him. "Now, what you do is... you simply take the handle and you lead him across the floor. Do not pull too hard, but do not be too gentle either. Be.... dominant." ariel licked his lips. "Now, you will feel my wrath gemmex! FINALLY, I have YOU as the submissive." gemmex grunted. "Your turn will come ariel. Just know that." They spent an hour watching ariel dominate his friend via the hook. When gemmex began to slow down from exhaustion, Baratas smiled. "You may very well be a closet DOM, ariel. You did that very well." "So he did, Baratas. So he did" Protius was standing with folded arms, smiling. "I have grown excited by watching this, ariel. And there is plenty of ointment left. I also have some news for you. "

Twenty minutes later, a very naked ariel was lying on their bed, with Protius also very naked, and very hard as he used a small brush to pain ariel's torso and balls with the ointment. The very act of using the brush made ariel giggle. "Lord.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaaha. You said you had... news.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Protius had put down the brush and had begun to run his fingers over ariel's torso. "I do have news From earth. Someone who claims to know you is among the slaves. . How badly do you want to hear who it is?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA. PLEASE TICKLE MY BALLS MASTER. PLEASE. THAT'S HOW BADLY I WANT TO HEAR IT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please tickle my balls and then... take me." ariel would become so weak when his balls were tickled that Protius did not bother with tying him down. "OH. OH. LUCAS! I DO REMEMBER HIM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAA. Lord Protius, he is slighter than I am. Do you think that... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "Yes, you will be wrestling together very soon. Baratas, Axel and I look forward to the three of you testing each other. But now... I will test you." "MMMMM. Yes Master. I hope I pass. Please...." ariel lifted up his legs and pulled them apart. He felt Protius enter him and felt a wave of bliss. He began to think: "If father wins, we will return to Earth. I don't know what to think."

Then it was the day for the hunt. One of the social commentators for a Frilcian paper commented on how she had never seen so many men in ill fitting jerkins and hoped she never saw such a sight again. Indeed, she was right, because jerkins had not been manufactured for over 30 years, and one either had to make do and hope, or wear something else. Maximus', of course, fit perfectly. He had kept in shape. So, too, did the women who were hunting, including Magda, and another of Raven's scouts, Melanie. Melanie was "just looking," but Magda, of course, had her eyes set on Ox. She had told him so when she visited the holding center where the slaves were held. "Ox...when this is over, you're mine." Ox had responded by laughing. "When this is over, big gal, I'm either gonna be on the loose or at worse, at Raven's headquarters, where I'm gonna screw each and every one of you bitches. When a woman gets a taste of me, she's gonna say "rafael, who?" Magda smiled. "I already say that. I can't wait. How big a dildo do you think you can take?" "Maybe you should think about whether or not you can take THIS?" He grabbed his crotch and started laughing.

The rules of the hunt: every "runner" (the slaves), could dress or not dress for the run, and they could bring one defensive weapon from the arsenal provided. If a runner avoided capture during the hunt (which lasted 8 hours), they would be brought to Raven, until a "higher quality " buyer took them. The one exception, of course, was gordon. All of the runners would be given a half hour head start, and they had been allowed to scout out the forest where they would be hunted. The hunters could bring one weapon for capturing a runner. No hunter could capture more than one runner, and the capture had to be "complete." By that, it meant that the hunter had to return his or her prey to the start of the run, helpless. Ox chose to wear a pair of high quality jeans, sneakers, and nothing more. His defensive weapon was a club. gordon chose a camouflage t shirt and black shorts. His weapon? pepper spray.

And then it started. After the half hour head start, wherever the runners were, they heard the collective war cry of the hunters as they took off. "Maximus, have you withdrawn?" The referee asked, because Maximus had stayed behind when the others had run into the forest. "I have not. Remember, Germanicus, this is not my first rodeo, so to speak. I have a strategy. As you will see." "But you have no weapon, Lord Maximus." Again Maximus smiled. "My weapon , Germanicus, is already planted in gordon's mind. I will need nothing more than what I have. "

Soon, the sound of the war cries had faded, and there was silence... until the first captures. One of the very first was robert, the accountant for gordon's family and business. robert.... a wiry, somewhat hairy man with a receding hairline, who ran as a hobby. He was probably the fastest runner of all of the slaves to be, and also the hunters. Unfortunately, he lacked survival skills and found himself wondering why so much of the forest looked the same, until he realized that he was running around in circles, and becoming exhausted doing so. He was taken when he stopped at what appeared to be a secluded stream to get a drink. "AAHHHHHHHYAAAAAA" yelled his captor as he clamped a collar around robert's neck. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE. NOOOOOOOOOOO" robert felt his arms being pulled behind him, and then shackled. His wrists were kept separated by an iron bar that ran between the shackles. "Let's go handsome," his captor said. "You will not escape from me. I saw you upon you exiting the ship and.... now, I have what I want."

robert squirmed in the chain, but he knew: it was hopeless. He would be a man's sex slave one way or the other. "NICE GOING QUINTUS" a hunter called out as robert was pushed along by his captor. "I have saved my seed all week for tonight. I will celebrate your capture appropriately. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT SLAVE?" "yes sir," robert answered meekly. He was still a virgin and what was to happen terrified him.

Runners who were hiding watched as they saw their fellows led out in chains, one after the other. Every time ten had been captured, the host would announce "THERE ARE 90 RUNNERS LEFT. THERE ARE 80 RUNNERS LEFT."

He had called out that there were 60, when Ox was taken. He was so big that however silent he tried to be, he made sounds. And Magda followed them. Her weapon? A bolas. Very old school. It was a weapon hard to master, but Magda had learned how to use it when she was a young girl. Her skill with it was somewhat legendary. It was fitting that one of the stories was that she had taken down a wild ox by using a long one to trap its back legs. The one she employed today was not nearly as long, and much easier to manipulate. She had a plan and secreted herself in a ravine, behind a group of trees. Eventually, Ox realized that he was making a great deal of noise, so he looked for territory lacking greenery. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he heard Magda's yell before he felt the bolas wrap around his ankles. "FUCK! " He yelled as he toppled down. He reached for the ropes but Magda was on top of him immediately. "WELL. What about this, big man?" She reached down and grabbed Ox's balls and cock. She squeezed hard. "STOP. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH BITCH STOP" "ROLL ON YOUR BELLY, SLAVE BOY." She yelled. Ox was now beginning to cry. "I DON'T NEED THESE. ROLL OVER OR I'LL RIP THEM OFF." Ox realized his unbeaten record was about to fall. He rolled over. He felt the ropes on his wrists, and then he felt the collar. Only then did Magda remove her bolas. "You will pay for your insolence, big man. HA!" She clamped his nipples and led him back to the start of the run. Seeing Ox led back - by a woman - demoralized any of the runners who saw them heading back. "THERE ARE 20 RUNNERS LEFT," boomed from the speakers, and then gordon began to wonder what was going on. He had been in a group of five or six runners, when they were ambushed. All of the others were captured, but when he ran, no one tried to catch him. "It's Maximus. Just the two of us," he thought. He checked the sun. They were probably six hours into the run and he heard "LESS THAN TEN RUNNERS LEFT." Where was Maximus? gordon began to get anxious. What was his plan? He didn't know. Then he saw him. Smiling. Arms folded, about thirty feet in front of him. "It's over gordon. It's over. " Maximus continued to smile . "GET OUT OF MY WAY. I'LL USE THIS." gordon pulled out the pepper spray gun and Maximus laughed. "No you won't. Because what you want, more than anything else, is my dick in you. I know it, and you know it. Put the gun down." gordon gulped. He hadn't thought about that until Maximus had said it. He was right. "GET OUT OF MY WAY...." He held up the gun and Maximus didn't move. He said nothing. gordon began to sweat.

And then he put down the gun. "Grant me some dignity when you take me back, Maximus." "I always planned to give you that, gordon. Now get to your knees for your collar." "Yes Lord Maximus. I concede." "You know gordon, I always thought that you were actually MUCH more submissive than your son is. " He locked the collar and then bound gordon's wrists. "You accept your fate. You will not dispute your capture, gordon?" "No Master Maximus. As I have said, I concede." "Then let us go. " gordon put his head down and Maximus laughed. "Look ahead of you gordon. You wanted your dignity, take it. " "Please Lord Maximus. Gag me. I will say something inappropriate if you do not." "Very well. I had thought to use these," he showed gordon a set of very vicious looking clamps. "But you have made themunnecessary, as I always thought you would. As they left the forest, the announce told them that, had they been giving medals to the runners, gordon would have won the silver. There was a single runner left. And the fact is, that runner was never found.

"FATHER. This means...." the three sons were all at the estate when Maximus returned with gordon. It was rafael who spoke. "Yes, it means you are here now. This is your home. Accept it. " Gagged, gordon couldn't say anything, but he shook his head in agreement. "There are many celebrating tonight by introducing their slaves to the lives they will be leading, gordon. You already know yours, so you will be given a rest tonight. michael, prepare yourself for my bed. The public ceremony of taking the yoke will be tomorrow, midafternoon." "Master Maximus, what would you have me prepare for?" michael asked. "I shall be taking you from behind. AFTER I prepare you with the electronic stimulator." "mmmmmph" came out of gordon. "No, gordon, not tonight. You will experience it tomorrow. For now, I am weary michael, let us go. " Maximus clapped his hands. Two servants appeared. "Have slave gordon washed, and oiled and prepared for tomorrow. Do not worry. He will NOT attempt to escape. " Maximus was right again. gordon was completely broken. He accepted his fate. Perhaps not as readily as michael did as he asked "Lord Maximus, do you want my legs spread further?" as Maximus rammed his cock into the young man's ass. "Squeeze those glutes slave michael. You and your father will negotiate your time with me, but you will have to up your game. Your father is VERY good at bottoming." He shoved in and michael shivered.

On the day of the public acceptance of the yoke, the ceremony began with two wrestling matches. The first involved ariel, gemmex, and lucas. It was very satisfying to ariel - and to lucas as well - for ariel to finally pin someone to the ground and to secure his submission. Of course, then gemmex defeated ariel, and the three of them were paraded before the crowd, each one bound at the wrists, and their collars joined to each other.

Then, Magda and Ox wrestled. Still defiant, Ox spat out "this is gonna be over REAL fast." It was. After she had ox yelling "I SUBMIT," she pulled out the dildo, and fucked him on the stage. There was silence in the crowd: not so much out of shock, but out of desire. "I should have fucked you on stage, slave robert." His new Master told him as they watched. "Not may of Frilicius have seen a virgin deflowered." "Please do not tell people I was a virgin Sir" robert pleaded. "We will see, we shall see."

Then it was time. Baratas brought out gordon, who was bound at his wrists. He was ashen. Maximus was in full ceremonial robes. "TO YOUR KNEES SLAVE" Baratas bellowed and gordon responded meekly. He knelt before Maximus. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GROUND SLAVE" Baratas ordered. "DO NOT LOOK UP UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO." Protius handed Maximus the yoke. "Do you accept your conquest, slave gordon?" Maximus asked. "I do, Lord Maximus." "You have been defeated fairly?" "Yes, I have been, Lord Maximus." "And you take this yoke understanding that by taking it, you become my property. Your rights as a living being are gone." gordon almost cried. "Yes Lord Maximus." "LOOK UP. GAZE UPON YOUR MASTER." When gordon did, Maximus applied the yoke. The tradition was that Maximus would lead him back to the estate as he wore the yoke. It would be removed when Maximus took him to the bedroom. And so it was. When Maximus removed the yoke he sneered at gordon. "We will retain the yoke in this room, so that you never forget your place in this house." "I will not, Lord Maximus. " "Remove your clothing." "Yes sir." When he was naked, Maximus took off his own robes and climbed on top of gordon. He took his mouth and gordon didn't resist. He found himself enjoying the feel of Maximus' thick tongue taking over . "Take your ankles. It is time to commemorate my conquest." gordon had heard one of the Frilcian's speak of the legend of the 14 inch dildo. It may have been just a legend since Maximus did not use one. His taking of gordon was softer, more tender than any others had been. gordon moaned, but it was totally from pleasure. "You belong to me, totally now gordon. Whatever else, you are my property." "I accept that and accede to it, My Master."

They slept.


Well, the popularity of the run of the slaves was such that cities all over Frilcius wanted to have their own runs. Of course, that meant slaves: LOTS of slaves. And what that meant was: conquest. Earth had provided so many hot, malleable men that planning began. Frilcius wanted a regular supply of slaves, and it seemed that Earth was an ideal place to find them. The plans for invasion and conquest began immediately and... Look for the sequel.

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