Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 18, 2022


It had been a few days since Raven had sold michael to Maximus. She had not heard anything back from her client, and she craved an answer to whether he would be invoking her return policy. If for no other reason, she needed to know if michael's cell would remain empty: she preferred to keep her commodities separate from each other, and in the case of michael... she could see a major loss if his anger were such and he took it out on one of the other properties. She knew of the organization of Maximus' estate, and she called his administrator. "Felix, it is Raven. I hope you are well." "Indeed I am, Madam. When Master Maximus is well, all is well." Of course, he could not see Raven's smile. "Do I take that to mean he is satisfied with his new acquisition, Felix?" Felix chuckled. He lowered his voice. "You did not hear this from me, Raven, but I cannot remember the last time he seemed to be enjoying himself as much as he is. Indeed, as I speak to you, he is 'training' the blond. I will see to it that he contacts you when he is 'in recess' as they say. He enjoys these sessions. Other Masters might have their stewards take care of them, but Maximus...." "It makes him special, does it not, Felix?" "Indeed, my lady, it does. " She sighed. "I must admit I have never had merchandise of the quality of that michael. I wonder, since he is so different from the other captives from that ship, is there a story?" "AH, it is said great minds think alike, Raven. If I understood Master Maximus before he went into session, the point of today's torment was to find the information that you seek." "Hmmmm. What would it take to acquire that information, Felix? Assuming it is discovered?" Raven began thinking: if she could find where michael was from, perhaps there were others of his type: it would be an expensive hunting expedition, but... the return could be great. "Oh, Madam is too generous. I would suggest this, my love. Perhaps the next time you have a shipment that contains a young one - no more than 19 moons or so - and slim - perhaps with curly black hair? And if I could dream, untouched by any man or woman - I might have the opportunity to introduce him to his new obligations?" "It shall be done, Felix. For such information, I will even contact my sisters on this and other worlds to see if such a prize is available." "Thank you, Raven. It shall be done. I will harken to what Master Maximus says."

At that moment, Maximus was saying nothing, because he was watching his new prize struggle. Felix was correct: Maximus was seeking information on michael's origins, and had not gotten them from him. "I will now," he thought. He looked at michael: his nipples were clamped, and the chain joining the clamps, was attached to a rod just high enough so that michael had to stand on his toes to avoid extreme pain. The clamps themselves were each equipped with a small battery and, at a predetermined time (Maximus had set it for 20 minutes), the clamps rotated 60 degrees, so that the torment would shift. michael was gaggged, seriously diminishing his ability to scream or to curse out loud, although he continued to do both. His skimpy clothing had been replaced and he wore only a red sarong at his waist: one modified by Maximus, to present an irritant on the inner surface. Hence, every time michael shifted, his lower pelvis was stimulated. The "healthy" young man had not relieved himself for two days before the ship he was on landed at Frilcus, and while he had lost track of the days, it had clearly been a week since his capture . Hence, every nerve in that "healthy" body was stimulated already, and the sarong simply added to it.

Maximus sat in a large chair, a book before him that he did not read. michael's struggles were much too entertaining. "As I have told you, slave michael, the clamps will come off, if you simply tell me of your origins. It is not too much to ask: would a Master not want to know from whence comes his slave." "I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING SLAVE!" michael tried to yell out against the tight cloth gag that filled his mouth. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH" Maximus had asked the question just before the turn of the clamps. It was hard for michael to decide what part of this torture was worse: the periodic turning, the constant tension on the chain, the brush of the inner part of the sarong when he struggled.... and of course, he knew of the plug that Maximus had ready "should you need further subjugation." He could see it on the table. It was nearly as long as the cock Maximus had, and which he had already felt twice, but it was stouter. And he knew, Maximus would have no trouble turning it, the way the clamps turned.

Earth. That is where michael was from. Not the "earth" you and I know, but an earth of the future where so much had changed that, as compared to the other men on the planet, michael was at best average. The cult of physical wellness and culture had grown to the point where it was expected for young men, like michael, to spend at least part of their lives in one of the sports that piqued the interest of the wealthy and elite: wrestling, boxing, ultimate fighting, full contact football, and so forth. michael came of a family where his grandfather, his father, and his older and younger brother all excelled in at least one of these. michel excelled in none. He had stopped wrestling when his grandfather muttered about "never having had a jobber in the family." He had stopped boxing when a broken jaw left him with a record of 2-37. Ultimate fighting? It became known, very rapidly, that if you grabbed michael's nipples, you had a very good chance of defeating him immediately and if you didn't, or you wished to prolong it, he would lose his temper and a guillotine hold would bring him to unconsciousness, with the audience wildly entertained by his suffering.

This is not to say he wasn't successful: the way he could endure pain, and the expressions of his suffering, brought him many fans, and many matches in which his opponent simply overwhelmed him. Many were fans of that, and the dismay on Earth when news spread that "michael the loser" was leaving the planet in search of his fortunes, was rampant. Offers of more money, of women, of men, of boys, of anything, did not persaude him. michael became an itinerant: a "merchant of fortune" so to speak. He followed the money, and moved from planet to planet, seeking places where his brawn stood out, and where paychecks were good.

michael preferred women, but if he were on a ship that would not hit a port in a long time, he was more than willing to shove his cock into a pretty young man. There were always a few. Sometimes, they were men who were on their way to do willingly what michael now found himself forced to do. And sometimes, they were men who were as "driven" as he was on the voyage, who caught michael's eye. His size, and his musculature, were enough to convince nearly all of them that "being a bitch" for the night was a fair price for michael's talents , for however badly he performed in sport, he was an excellent lover, well attuned to the things that excited his partner. (Maximus hadn't learned that yet, but... we will come to that). The night he was captured, it was hard to tell whether it was Flora's eyes, her body, her perfume, or just her overall presence that ensnared him. "My cock got me in trouble AGAIN," he thought, more than once, after he had been sold to this man who seemed to know more about pressure points and pleasure points than anyone he had ever met.

The first night that Maximus had taken him as slave, he had taken michael to his bedroom. "Turn around, michael. I will remove your bonds. In return, you will behave ." michael grunted. He didn't curse or scream. He had learned, in the hours leading to this, that Maximus had a standard response: the tazer which, when aimed at his ball spreader (and Maximus had excellent aim. He hadn't missed the metal once), would send convulsing shocks through michael's body. The shots would even bring down his hard on, a fact which Maximus had commented on more than once. "Now remove your clothing. Just as I will remove mine." michael gulped. He knew. He knew what was to happen. It had only happened three times in his life, and now.... "Please... Please . " "Please what, michael? " "Please do not treat me as your woman." "HAH! You seem to think I have that level of respect for you michael. No, I will NOT be treating you as a woman. I will be treating you as what you are: a SLAVE. A CAPTIVE. NOW UNDRESS." michael's temper got the better of him and he charged at Maximus. That was a mistake. That time, Maximus hadn't used the tazer, nor had he grabbed michael's nipples. He did, however, get michael in a hold reminiscent of a full nelson. Big as he was, michael felt himself being lifted from the ground. He had submitted, screaming to this type of hold... how many times?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH." michael screamed, and Maximus only laughed. "Would that I had remembered to bind your balls, michael. I could be pulling them too. You shall NOT be needing them." He whispered into michael's ear. "Gelding is NOT out of the question for those who seem to have beautiful asses, and out of control tempers." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE. NO GELDING. I'll behave. I will. Please. Please. Just let me go. I'll do what you say." "I will trust you michael, though you do not deserve it." "I know. But I will. " Maximus released the hold. "As I have instructed you, remove your clothing. Then take a place on the bed. Grab your ankles and expose your beautiful ass, my blond slave. I will have it. michael began to cry, and if Maximus noticed it, he ignored it. Instead, he climbed up on the bed, and began to purr like some large wild feline: a wild feline with a ragingly hard, big cock. "No lubricant?" michael asked and heard the rolling laugh from Maximus. "You did not want to be treated like a woman, michael. Lubricant is for women. MEN can TAKE IT." He thrust into michael, who yelped, this time like a trapped bird. Soon, he learned that Maximus was very accomplished at sex. Yes, the thrusts hurt for a few minutes but then, as michael relaxed, perhaps out of hopelessness, the feeling became somewhat pleasant. He recalled the last time he had done something like this to a woman, and the last time he had done it to a man: he was not nearly as thorough, or as careful as Maximus was, nor had he paid any attention to things like his partner's body. Maximus stroked michael's torso, his chest, and he bent over and ran his tongue down michael's neck, something no one had ever done before. "The salt of the sea," Maximus murmured. "All of the bathing and massaging on this planet will not removed that flavor from you. I thank the gods." michael gasped as he felt small, pointy teeth begin to chew at his neck. He heard Maximus whisper "Yes, there will be a wound. And when it heals, you will wear my collar. For now.. oh, you are such a fine specimen. I cannot help myself." Maximus' fingers found his way to michael's nipples and began to play them. Moans erupted from michael and they seemed to encourage the already totally engorged Maximus. It began to hurt again, but Maximus continued. "Tell me you like it slave michael. Tell me you enjoy it." "I... I do. OH YES. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" michael felt the last push from Maximus and then he felt the gush as Maximus climaxed inside of him. The spasmodic thrusts continued until Maximus withdrew. "We will re-engaged soon, michael. For now, rest. You will need time to recover. "

Maximus had let him be after that. michael met some of the other house slaves. He learned that none of them served as Maximus' bed partner: he usually slept alone. He also learned that his quarters were under watch because, when he tried to relieve himself the first time, an alarm went off, and a steward was at the door. "MICHAEL. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED. YOU DO NOT HAVE MAXIMUS' PERMISSION TO PLEASURE YOURSELF. " He dropped his voice. "Consider this a warning, michael. By the rules of the house, I should be reporting you to our Master immediately, and punishment should follow. " michael smirked "Punishment, pheh. What could he do to me that he hasn't already done?" michael found out when he was caught trying to relieve himself the second time. Again, an alarm went off and this time, four large guards came to the door. "Maximus has determined that the torment of the ants is appropriate," and the guards led him away. michael was soon spread eagled on the floor of a sandy surface outside of the estate building, with his ankles and wrists bound. Maximus appeared, with two jars. "The one contains honey, michael, and the other... " he shook out some very pugnacious ants. (The ants were a species that had no fangs: they ingested food through a tube , but michael did not know that), as Maximus painted honey on his nipples, his arm pits, the soles of his feet and then... under his balls. "Meet your new best friends, slave michael." Maximus poured the ants over michael's body. The fear that passed over michael's face was an aphrodisiac, and Maximus parted his tunic. "They consume more than honey michael. I did not touch your penis because.... they love the taste of cum and pre-cum. Yours... and mine." He stood over michael and shot a load over michael's chest. michael could feel the ants running to the source, and he could feel the probiscuses seeking more and more of the liquid. He felt them at all parts of his body where Maximus had poured the honey. "All you need do, michael, is promise NOT to try to relieve yourself without permission. Once you make that promise, I shall have you released, and cleansed, so that there isn't a trace of anything to attract these fine creatures. " michael pulled at the restraints. No movement. He could see ants all over his body and he would have sworn one had crawled into his ass. But most of the torment? His feet. He couldn't see them, but he didn't need to: they were ALL OVER his feet. "My sweat" he was thinking, and then he wondered how much of this he could take: how many bites had he sustained already? "YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I will train myself, Maximus. It will not happen again. " This defeat was as bad as the worst submission hold he had endured while a fighter. "Very well. Then you will be ready for your big boy pants." Maximus had michael released, and taken to the baths. It was while two young slaves were washing him that he learned that the ants in fact had no biting mouthparts, but that Maximus had collections of various creatures that did, in fact, bite. "This will be a warning to you, slave michael," one of the slaves said to him. When michael looked at him the slave, Rotchus, blushed and turned away. He could not believe his good fortune at being assigned to keep this fine man clean. "You will have to wear this from now, on, slave michael," the second slave, named Protius, said as he handed michael the sarong. "Maximus feels that red will favor you and.... " he blushed. "Yes, we all have to wear clothing like this. The worst is when we have to wear full tunic. "

"You were not like the other captives Raven took. That is what she told me." That was how the conversation had started which had put michael in his current situation. "Were there others of your planet on that ship?" Maximus had just eaten dinner with michael, occasionally reaching under the table to rub the sarong into his crotch and to smile when michael winced. "There were not, Master Maximus. I travel alone. I have always traveled alone." "From where, michael?" michael's mind began to wonder: would he be ransomed if Maximus knew? Would Maximus reveal his fate to his planet? "Where I am from does not matter, Master Maximus. I am here. " "It matters because I wish to know." michael would learn that refusing to answer a question from Maximus, was not wise. "Perhaps you should ask that BITCH Raven. Or the BITCH that tastes her every night, Flora." michael's temper was beginning to rage. "Ha ha. That BITCH Flora is the one who defeated you. How embarrassing that must be, slave michael? To be defeated by the likes of me is one thing, but to be brought down by a beautiful woman. HOW SAD." michael's anger grew. He shoved the table over and stood up. "SHE DRUGGED ME. THAT IS WHY I AM HERE. IT WAS NOT DEFEAT." Maximus rose to his feet. "A TRUE man knows his limits. He does not allow himself to become 'intoxicated' by the wiles of a woman. " He paused. Maximus was experienced enough to know what would happen. "I am willing to forget this transgression if you answer my question." "FUCK YOU SODOMITE. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY ASS. YOU WILL NOT HAVE IT AGAIN." As soon as the words slipped out, michael knew he had erred seriously. And he could not take it back. "How wrong you are, sweet boy. How wrong you are. I will have it again, very soon."

Now, Maximus rose from his chair, moving to where michael was held by the clamps and the ropes that bound his wrists to the pole. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" michael looked at him, pleadingly. "How many times have the clamps advanced? Four times? " michael was sweating profusely. His sarong had fallen from his hips and his hard on sprung in front of him. He was hard, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the pain. He nodded meekly. "Well, that is only 240 degrees. Surely we need to complete a full circle, do you not agree michael?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Again, with a pleading look, michael shook his head no. "Well, I think the only way for you to be released from the clamps, is to tell me what I have asked." Maximus rubbed his thumb on michael's forehead, thinking "BY THE GODS HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL" "Are you ready to tell me?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph " michael shook his head yes. "Very well. Here are the terms. I will remove your gag, and I will stop the rotation. You will answer my questions. If I receive satisfactory answers, you will be released." His lips curled into a sneer. "And then you will find that your statement tonight at table, was incorrect." Maximus reached up and took out the gag. He soon learned everything he wanted to know about Earth. He learned of michael's early life, and why he had become a mercenary. "Very well, my lovely young man. You have earned your release. " "Thank you Master Maximus," michael sighed, and Maximus smiled. He had not gotten to the point in michael's training where he demanded thank you's, but.... "Now, to let you know I am not COMPLETELY malicious, you will pleasure yourself before I pleasure MYSELF. On the bed. Get to work. " "THANK YOU MASTER. THANK YOU." Maximus grinned inside his head. He wondered if michael would have agreed so readily, if he knew how long it would be before he permitted the next release. It had been so long that michael did not take long. Outside the chamber, the guards snickered, knowing what had happened, and what was to happen next - not the taking of michael's ass, but...

"This time, since I do not fear you soiling the bed linens, michael, you will roll over. " michael's eyes widened. Yes, he had been taken a few times, but never from behind. "Roll onto your belly, slave." michael sighed. Maximus slipped his hands under michael's hips, and pushed his ass up in the air. His cock found its target quickly, and he slid into michael. "Your own juices are your lubricant slave. I will fuck you HARDER." michael winced. He bit his lip trying not to moan or to scream, but it became too much. "Oh, your moans are SUCH sweet music, michael." Maximus grabbed the short hair that remained on michael's head. "You are SUCH a lovely slave. So handsome. So worthy of... THIS." He RAMMED his cock in hard, screaming "ONLY THE BEST GET THE BEST." And again, michael felt the gush of the orgasm fill him. When he was finished, Maximus got up and went to the door. "I believe I will keep the slave to my bed tonight. Please let the court know they should not be alarmed if he is not found." He smiled. "I may want you again tonight, slave. Your ass is so inviting, you may have to accustom yourself to multiple visits in a day from your Master." michael sighed, and wondered why that thought was making him feel so good.

Next: Chapter 3

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