Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 11, 2022


Maximus received the announcement from Raven in the same manner all of her clients did. All would go on sale in two days, including the last of the brothers, Rafael. Maximus began to think: michael was certainly his "type" if one wanted to use those terms. ariel was not: the younger, cuter ones could all go to Protius, with no problem. Rafael fell into a category that neither one of them favored: he was blond and blue eyed, which certainly tickled Maximus' fancy, but he was slight, wiry, and tall for his weight. Maximus preferred more "solid," "meatier" slaves. Protius did not care for blonds much at all. ariel was an exception because of... his feet. Those incredibly large, ticklish feet gave him no end of pleasure, especially when he set ariel and gemmex to wrestling by foot tickling: whomever submitted, would get tickled by Protius himself, and then fucked thoroughly. He hadn't felt any affinity to Rafael when the ship had been captured. "Surely, someone in this house wouldn't mind Rafael in his bed. And..." Maximus smiled. He had a plan. However Maximus felt about michael, seeing his father Gabriel had ignited a new flame. As the court physician said to one of his assistants: "if that slave michael is high quality lamb, his father is prime mutton. Master Maximus has always preferred the older, tougher animals. It will not be long." It wasn't. Maximus had been observing the two of them in the slave quarters and getting reports on them both. He laughed at the reports that compared their eating habits. michael literally woofed down every scrap of food, and had become friends with kitchen staff to get more. One of the big issues with training him, was making sure there was enough exercise in his program to burn away the calories he was consuming. Gabriel, on the other hand, was much more careful. He didn't chose the daintiest or finest food, but he did exhibit a knowledge of what he was eating and he was careful. He had an exercise routine as well, and there, another point of comparison was clear. It was not uncommon to hear michael complain "AW COME ON! ANOTHER five reps?" while Gabriel would grit his teeth and tell the trainer "that all you got?" Of course, there was one feature that was unexpected, but eye catching: michael's eyes were blue: almost cerulean. Gabriel's were a mix of blue and green. More green came out in ariel's eyes than any of the other brothers, but the color, together with the mix of gray and blond, and the "not quite" six pack body were irresistible to Maximus.

He was going to have Gabriel. He knew that, as Master of the estate, he could have Gabriel simply by saying so. Had he wanted to have more fun, he could have given Gabriel the choice of surrendering his own ass, or watching his son take his dick. But no... he had something much more wicked in mind: something that could change the entire dynamics of his little slave community. He got in touch with Raven. "MAXIMUS! My goodness, it is both good, and a surprise, to hear from you. Do not tell me you are weary of your charges already?" "Ha ha. No, my lovely, not at all. The first one still keeps me occupied. He resists what he wants, which is.. shall we say, succulent?" "Do know, Maximus, that several have approached me to ask for a right of first refusal should you return slave michael or tire of him." "I do not see that happening, Raven, but I shall keep it in mind. I call with another purpose in mind. The final brother: Rafael. " "Yes. I expect that he will fetch a fine price." "I am sure he will. I must say though, Raven, I regret having severed the family." Raven sighed "That is something they should have considered before their misguided mission. Do they share a brain?" Maximus stopped for a minute. "I sense that the father is much smarter than the rest put together. I also suspect that he wonders what happened with his children." "As he must. Just as he must accept that he is lucky to have two of them with him." "Well, I was wondering, Raven. " "MAXIMUS. You chose NOT to take him. We did have a deal." "I know we did, princess. And I do not ask for anything free. What I ask is for your honesty: please give me a chance to outbid whatever you are offered for that lovely boy." On the screen, he saw Raven smile. She knew he had something in his head, but what it was, she didn't know. "I can take him off the market now if you are willing to pay..." and she named an astronomical price. She was used to Maximus haggling with her, but he agreed to the price immediately. "I will send Protius to retrieve him later today. We will have a family reunion."

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHA." Two different sets of laughter emanated from Protius' quarters. He had arranged for two, smaller palettes to be brought in, and now, gemmex and ariel lie spread eagled and naked on adjoining surfaces. One of Protius' hands ran up and down gemmex' left foot, while the other hand tickled ariel's right. Each young man's toes were tied, individually, to the frame of the palette. Each had a vibrator inserted into his anus, set at low, and after the finger tickling, brush work would start. "How are my darling piglets today? Surely both of you desire .... pleasure. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. PLEASE LORD PROTIUS PLEASE.... I MUST VOID.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Now ariel, you know that if you do that, I will release gemmex, and he will assist me in tickling you. Can you handle both of us?" "No SIr. NOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Then learn to control your biological needs. Hmmmm. Did I not attach those vibrators securely enough? Protius shoved each one a bit further into the young men's butts. As they did their work he turned to his work table where he picked up four additional vibrators, these with adhesive appended. "I believe it is time to make things more interesting. Daily pit torture is good for a young man." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIR PLEASE. PLEASE. TAKE MY ASS INSTEAD. PLEASE." gemmex was pleading for it to end, and Protius simply attached the vibrators. His section of the house resounded with the laughter. He stopped the vibrators after five minutes, because there was a message from Maximus. "Lord Protius: Maximus desires that you retrieve a purchase from Raven this afternoon. He further advised that you should finish your current game, but not start another one before completing the task." Protius smiled. "So, he WILL have Rafael. How interesting. The man plays an involved game of chess. We shall see. But for now..." He turned to the boys. "gemmex you begged for dick first. That means you must wait. ariel, whether you have recovered or not, it is time." He pulled ariel's legs up and attached them to the bonds holding down his wrists. ariel's pucker stretched and he whined as Protius fingered it. "please sir. PLEASE. I deserve it more," gemmex whined. "Dance well at the ceremony tonight, and I will take you. For now..." he growled as he shoved his dick into ariel and took him again. OH, the young ass was so sweet, and so tight.

In the slave quarters, the tense relationship michael and Gabriel had was evident. Gabriel berated his son almost constantly. "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU GET YOURSELF AND THE FAMILY IN SO MUCH GODDAMN TROUBLE?" Gabriel, usually defiant, became very passive around his father. "I... I went away to not be a drain. I didn't ask any of you for help." "WHAT THE.. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK FAMILY DOES ? YOU THINK WE'D SIT STILL IF YOU WERE IN TROUBLE?" michael had an answer, but he knew better. He knew from the past that arguing with his father was a lost cause. He also knew that at some point he would hear about his son didn't raise any "FUCKING FAGS," and michael sure as fuck seemed to be enjoying what Maximus did to him. Gabriel hadn't been a prisoner for that long, but michael had already heard that screed more than once, and blushing when Gabriel went into it, didn't help his cause much. "I... I was drugged by a woman, Dad. I wasn't in a gay bar or anything and then...." "AND THEN YOU FUCKING SURRENDERED THE MINUTE A COCK APPROACHED YOUR ASS. YOU KNOW, THE OTHER FIGHTERS USED TO TALK ABOUT GABE'S FAG SON. I THOUGHT THEY MEANT ARIEL BUT...." "IT WAS JUST TALK DAD. ABOUT ME, ABOUT ARIEL, ABOUT RAFE. THEY WERE ALL JUST JEALOUS." "Well, fag or no fag, we gotta figure out a way to get outta here." "I'm not going dad," was something michael wanted to say. He was afraid. His father was older but michael knew: there was no question. His father could still beat the crap out of him. Maybe not as badly as Maximus did, but ..... michael was horny. Maximus hadn't let him cum the night before, or the night before that, and now he was fantasizing: in a fight between Maximus and his father, who would win? Every time he blinked, an image of the two of them going at it flashed in his head and... Maximus required that all male slaves who were not administrative slaves, be shirtless. He enjoyed passing through the house and seeing the male flesh, especially the nipples and the lovely torsos. He could also evaluate whether his prize - michael - needed to work more on different body parts. There had been no need to "encourage" Gabriel to go around shirtless. He rarely wore them at home. He knew that his "package" was one that attracted more than his fair share of lookers: the dusting of fur, the muscles, the firm nipples and the biceps: "a fucking gold and silver fox" was how one fan had described him. His competing days were over, but he got more than one request to enter the ring and fight. He turned them all down. He'd joke "It wouldn't be fair to the other guy."


When all of the slaves were moved, they marched in a particular line. For now, Gabriel marched in that line, while michael was led by a chain held by Baratas: bed slaves were treated differently. They moved into the chamber and saw Maximus at the center with... Rafael standing next to him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. LET ME SON ALONE BASTARD." Gabriel jumped out of the line and charged. Baratas smiled, turned the knob on the collar control and sent a shock through it. Gabriel stopped for a minute, then continued to charge. "Hmmmmm. Interesting," Baratas mumbled to himself and continued to increase the charge. At 12, Gabriel fell to his knees and began to cry. "PLEASE. PLEASE LEAVE ONE OF MY SONS ALONE. PLEASE." A smile played across Maximus' face. "Bring that one to my chambers. And of course.... my sweet slave michael." "YOUR HANDS SLAVE" Baratas moved over to Gabriel, who sighed, and put his hands behind his back for tying. michael had already been tied. One of Baratas' hands was on Gabriel's neck, and the other was holding michael's chain. They were soon in Maximus' sitting room: Gabriel, michael, and Maximus. "WHERE IS RAFAEL?" Gabriel demanded, and Maximus laughed. "Eventually, slave Gabriel, you will learn that slaves do NOT have the right to ask questions, only to answer them." "HE IS MY SON." "He is. But he is also my slave. You attempted to invade my domain and you lost. " He walked over and put a long, manicured nail under Gabriel's chin. "I know you are not used to being defeated Gabriel. It will be hard but you will learn." "FUCK YOU!" He yelled and spat at Maximus, who turned to michael and laughed. "Now I see where you learned it. " He turned back to Gabriel. "It took some time, but michael has become very compliant. He has lost the language and the bad attitude." "FUCK YOU AND FUCK COMPLIANCE." Maximus smiled. He moved away from Gabriel, and stood behind michael. He wiped some of Gabriel's spittle from his body, and ran it over michael's lips. "LICK THEM SLAVE." michael gulped. "Yes Lord Maximus." Gabriel made a face not unlike a child drinking spoiled milk. As Maximus reached around from behind and took michael's nipples, Gabriel muttered "disgusting" to which Maximus answered. "Think how disgusting you'll find your son being jerked off by his MASTER. "I DO NOT WISH TO SEE THAT." "Ha ha. Like it matters, Gabriel. You are no longer Master. And that is something we will talk about now." He paused, and walked around a bit. "Would you care to see your son taken again? Or would you prefer to see Rafael lose his virginity. "IT'S LOST" michael blurted out unintentionally and Gabriel raged. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR COCK IN MY SON'S ASS AGAIN FAGGOT." "Well, I cannot guarantee that, Gabriel. Nor can I guarantee you will not see a cock in Rafael's ass. And let me rest assure you, one has been in ariel's ass this morning. "WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME WITH THIS? " "Because, Gabriel, as I see it, Rafael has been brought here to serve someone in the way michael serves me. Or ariel serves Protius. But I believe you and I can reach an agreement Gabriel: I LOVE dominating your son michael. I have never enjoyed dominating a man as much as I enjoy dominating him. And having a stable - two brothers to dominate thrills me." He paused. "But domination doesn't necessarily involve sex. And I am willing to terminate dominating your son sexually if.... he smiled. "You agree to give up your ass to me." "FUCK THAT. I'M NOT A FAGGOT AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING MY ASS." Now, Maximus moved from michael and stood behind Gabriel. He dug his fingers into Gabriel's shoulders. "Bear in mind, Gabriel, that you are my property. I can do whatever I want to you. I COULD for example, summon four guards right now, have them strap you to the bed, yank up your legs, and then take your ass." He smiled. "AFTER I require michael to lubricate you with his tongue." "YOU SICK FUCK" he muttered. "I said I COULD. I did not say I WOULD. I enjoy dominating your son, and I will continue to do so. I am going to have you brought back to slave quarters to have time with your son Rafael. michael will remain here. He requires draining. And I require... the pleasure of his body." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'll never agree to this." Maximus shrugged his shoulders. "As you will, father Gabriel. Bring him back to the quarters. " "FIGHT IT MICHAEL. FIGHT IT." Gabriel screamed as they dragged him away. When they could no longer hear the screaming, Maximus turned to the bound michael. His knee pressed the hard cock michael had, and he teased michael's nipples. "I will have your father. I will break him as I broke you. But for now...." "Yes Lord Maximus. Which position would you like me to take tonight?" "Face up. Let me see the contortions on that face of yours. First..." He went to a guard outside and whispered: "Have Rafael brought to an exterior room. Make sure that Gabriel knows his son is being brought here. But DO NOT bring him to the bedroom." He turned to michael. As he cuffed the young man to the bed, he grinned. "Rest assured: at such time as I take your father, I will continue to take you. You will need to rest up as I have many, MANY plans for you, slave michael. " He pulled off michael's pants, and saw the "salute" of michael's hard cock. "How badly does my sub wish to cum." "VERY BADLY LORD MAXIMUS." "You will help me subdue your father?" michael thought about it for a minute. He knew it would be wrong, for all that his father had done to him, it would still be wrong. But Maximus had placed his hand on michael's hard dick, and he had begun to have his own large cock stick out from his robes. "I am your slave, Lord Maximus. I will do as you instruct." Maximus smiled and began stroking michael's cock thinking "his father would NEVER have said that. This boy is weak. Devastatingly handsome, but weak." michael's moans began to grow louder. Rafael could hear them in the outer room where he was being kept. Gabriel had needed to receive a shock of about 13 when the guards came to take Rafael with them. "You must accustom yourself to his whims, Gabriel. We ALL belong to Lord Maximus," one of the slaves who had been in service for the longest told him. "Your life as a bed slave will be easier than ours. " "I. WILL. NOT. SUBMIT." Gabriel grit his teeth, wondering how he could get to his sons. michael took a deep breath, and yelled as his cock exploded. "Lubricant for my own piece." Maximus lubed michael with his own cum and then slid his cock into him. As he did, Protius appeared in the outer room, leading a bound ariel. "Good evening Rafael. I thought you and your younger brother should talk. I will be back in the span of an hour, by your time." He untied ariel's wrists. "Thank you Lord Protius," Protius said nothing and stepped out. Rafael grabbed his brother. "Are they treating you well?" "Very well Rafael. They just... They just... " "THEY?" "Protius and gemmex. He's another slave. I am the beta. They treat me like... like Maximus treats michael." "OH ARIEL I AM SO SORRY." Rafael, perhaps more like his father than the rest, nearly gagged when ariel whispered "Brother, do not be angry at me. I think I am enjoying it."

Next: Chapter 7

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