Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 6, 2022


Maximus took gordon one more time that night. The second time was more fun for Maximus, because Gordon struggled. He curled up into a ball on his side, and fought to keep Maximus from getting access. "You are SO much like your son, gordon. You have many of the same weaknesses too." Maximus forced a finger between gordon's thighs, which he was trying to keep as tight as possible. Maximus felt around for "the spot:" it was a point on michael's left thigh that left him absolutely helpless gordon's legs flew open like a shucked oyster. "MOTHER FUCKER" he yelled, as Maximus laughed in triumph, rolled him over and pulled up his legs. "Sometimes, I take michael three, or four times a night. With your resistance, the challenge is greater. I shall enjoy this." He did. Just as he was enjoying what he was doing now: he had straddled gordon's chest, and was playing with his nipples: pinching and twisting hard, and soft. michael no longer struggled when he did it because he knew it was useless. gordon, on the other hand, fought, and lost. Over and over again.

"You won't succeed in getting out from under me gordon. I have you right where I want you." "YEAH. I CAN SEE THAT," gordon grunted as he fell back on the bed after another futile attempt to push off Maximus that ended in a strong set of twists to his nipples. "I want so badly to fuck you again, you handsome man. But I have plans. SO many plans. And for now, they involve the family reuniting to 'discuss their dates,' ha ha ha. Do not be too hard on michael: it's the first night since I purchased him that he hasn't enjoyed my attentions, and I'm sure he's jealous of his father.

Maximus was right about that. When gordon was returned to the family quarters, and his wrists were unbound, michael simply muttered "there's nothing that's mine that you can't help taking. " gordon looked at him with contempt. "You can have it. I fought like hell. He's too strong." "Yeah, you fought like hell. That's why you're covered in jizz. That's not Maximus' I know the smell." The comment enraged gordon. "I'M SURE THAT YOU DIDN'T CUM WILLINGLY THE FIRST TIME HE TOOK YOU." He looked at michael. He began to laugh. "Unless I was right all along, and you ARE nothing but a fucking PUSSY MAN."

Before michael could respond, Baratas was at the door with a sobbing rafael. "GET YOUR SORRY ASS IN THERE. BETTER DO A BETTER JOB NEXT TIME." He shook his head and gordon heard him mutter "fucking teeth." He almost laughed but stopped himself. "At least ONE of them is standing up for himself" he thought, as he heard the giggles of ariel . He turned the corner with Protius, who had one hand on the back of the man's neck and the other buried in his ribs. ariel squirmed and giggled. "STAPPP. STAPPP MASTER PROTIUS PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA."

Before he put ariel into the quarters, he kissed him, right in front of the rest of his family. "You are the sweetest I've ever had, boy. I'll be by for you later." "Yes sir. I'd hug you if my hands weren't tied." "But they are. " Protius smiled. Have your brothers untie them. michael looks like he's jealous." The oldest brother blushed when Protius called him out. He WAS jealous. When Maximus wound the first circle of rope around his wrists, he always got hard immediately.

"Maximus, I believe you and Protius and I should have a discussion. Away from the slaves, please." Baratas very rarely spoke so much at one time, so Maximus and Protius paid attention. "My quarters, gentlemen? Just make sure the door here is sealed. We don't want slaves exhausting themselves before evening" he leered at gordon. "Especially the older ones." "FUCK YOU" gordon yelled after him. Just before he was out of range, Maximus sent a charge to gordon's collar. Baratas laughed. "Now THAT'S how slaves should be treated." When they got to Maximus' quarters, Baratas was to the point. "Maximus, rafael is NOT going to be an appropriate bed slave for me. He's not compliant, he's clumsy, he's inexperienced, and I simply DO NOT have the time or the patience to train him. It took most of my strength not to smack him so hard I'd break a cheek bone." "Odd. " Maximus looked at Protius. "The brothers are compliant, the father is not. He must get his temperament from slave gordon." "With all due respect Sir, I do not care where he got it from. I have waited too long for a companion I enjoy, and this will not do." "Hmmm. " Maximus thought for a minute. "Perhaps a trip to Raven ...." Protius smiled. "I believe I have a solution, Baratas. It will perhaps solve several problems. " "Let's hear it," the head guard looked skeptical. He thought Protius was far too lenient on slaves. He thought that Maximus treated them properly, but just barely. "I'm spending all my time with ariel, and I intend to continue to do so. gemmex hasn't fallen out of my favor, but .. I prefer ariel. " "gemmex is a very attractive young man," Maximus saw where the conversation was going. "So he is, gentlemen. So he is." Baratas looked intrigued. He added "And he is trained. I have not heard you complain of his teeth. Nor have you said he cried when you took him." "rafael cried?" Maximus looked surprised. "Like a nursing child, Sir. " If there were ONE thing that would frustrate Baratas it was tears. "Would you like to try gemmex, Baratas?" Maximus saw the smile on the guard's face. "It would be doing me a great favor, Baratas. ariel and he have become quite good friends, and were I to send away gemmex... I'd rather have ariel laughing than crying." "Let us consider it done!" Baratas smiled. "By your leave, Sir Maximus." Truth was, he had lusted after gemmex since the day he had been added to the household. "Then we shall make the transfer," Maximus spoke. "And this will work out beautifully because.... I needed to speak to the two of you about something else that we might consider doing. Raven has approached me with a proposal. She advises me that every day she receives inquiries for more earth slaves. Those who purchased slaves from gordon's ship are delighted with them, and as word has gotten around, so has demand." "I'm afraid I do not follow, Sir," Baratas ventured. "Nor do I Sir," added Protius. "We send rafael back to earth to recruit: to recruit a force to save his brothers and father. Fill the ship. And we will be ready. Raven is prepared to store up to 150 men in her vaults. It will be a start." He smiled. "She has a second proposal which she is of course free to do: to send a group of her, ahem, 'staff' to earth, to persuade the men to visit our planet 'for the women.' Baratas began to laugh. "The bitch is as devious as you are Master. I fear for when the two of you put your heads together." "As we all should," Protius added. "How do we ensure that rafael remains compliant?" "He is weak," Maximus added. "Very little backbone. Even ariel has more." "Yes, but it's very flexible," Protius smiled. "Sorry. But that boy...." "We will give him a time limit. And we will tell him that for every week he is late, one of his family members will be sold to the mines. " He looked at Protius. "We will not do so, of course, but we will tell him that ariel will go first. He will behave." "We certainly can't send him in their ship, Master." "No, we will not do that. We will send him with a navigator. One of our ships. And before we do that, I have a plan. ariel need not be broken. You have done a fine job of that Protius, but the others.... perhaps seeing their ship destroyed will..." "YES! They will see they have no way to escape. BRILLIANT Master Maximus." "Send out a message. Tomorrow, all of the earth slaves within range will watch as their ship is destroyed. For tonight... Baratas, take gemmex. Protius, I am CERTAIN you have something diabolical ready for ariel.... as do I for my sweet young man and his father."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Protius and Baratas retired to Protius' chambers. "GEMMEX. Gather your things. You are going with Baratas. NOW" gemmex looked up from the Board game he was playing with ariel. He hesitated. "It is that or back to Raven as spoiled goods. It is your choice." "Yes Master. I understand." "MOVE BITCH SLAVE!" Baratas ordered, and gemmex gathered what he could. "ariel will bring the rest when he visits you tomorrow. NOW GO. Your new Master awaits you. You will do as well by him as you have done by me." "Yes Master Protius." gemmex felt Baratas' large, strong hand on his neck. "MOVE WHELP. Slave rafael was less than satisfactory. For your sake, I hope you do better." He smacked gemmex on his ass and gemmex moved faster.

"As for you, my lovely." Protius turned to ariel. "It is good you are only wearing shorts. And shorts I favor. I do not believe I have ever tickled you in hogtie. On your belly. NOW." He saw the smile on ariel's face. "Yes Master." Once he was on his belly, Protius grabbed ariel's ankles, and bound them. Then he did the same to his wrists, and bound them all together. "Now... Let us begin." Slowly, he pulled off each of ariel's sandals. His soles were soft: Protius required him to treat them with lotion every night. Protius had grown his fingernails to a longer point, and began to slowly draw them over ariel's feet. "NO. NO. NOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. I can't move. NO. " "That is correct. You have no escape, lovely one. " Protius moved his fingers up to ariel's ribs. "MASTER. I may wet myself. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. " "You'd best not ariel. I will parade you through the estate in your stained shorts if you do." "Please Master. My feet only. Please." "Very well. But then, you will take me with your mouth and your ass." "Of course Master. Of course." The nails went back to ariel's feet and he howled. He howled for fifteen minutes until the howls were replaced by the slurping sound of ariel swallowing Protius' cock.

"May I have the honor of servicing my Master?" Baratas and gemmex had arrived at Baratas' quarters. gemmex ran to the middle of the main room, got to his knees and took a submissive position. "It is your obligation. And yes, it is your honor. Treat it as such." Baratas slipped his pants down and gemmex saw a cock about 50% larger than the one he was used to with Protius. "Dear gods, do not let me err" he prayed as he moved his lips over the large cock. He wondered what it would feel like when Baratas took his ass.

And then to Maximus. He had a special plan for his favorites. Restraining michael was not a problem. It seemed that no matter how many times gordon was defeated, he would fight. Maximus did not use the charged collar. With michael sitting, bound and helpless, he engaged in hand to hand combat before he had gordon in a hold he could not get out of . "I YIELD. DAMN IT I YIELD" gordon yelled, and found his wrists bound. Maximus paraded he and michael through the grounds, holding the forearms of each of them. "Ah, this will be SUCH an enjoyable evening. " He sat them, back to back in chairs, binding their wrists to the other. Then, he pulled out longer pieces of rope. michael and gordon were both wearing ball stretchers with an eyelet. He slipped the rope through the eyelet and soon, each of their penises were attached , tautly, to doors in his chambers. "WHAT THE FUCK!" gordon screamed. michael was silent. Maximus had done this to him already. He hadn't done the next thing. He took one long set of clamps: VERY long clamps. He attached one end to michael's right nipple, and the other to gordon's left. Then he did the same thing with another clamp, using gordon's right nipple and michael's left. gordon groaned and moaned. Just what Maximus wanted. He was curious if the sound of his father suffering would arouse michael. It was unclear: michael had been aroused when they got to the bedroom. "Any squirming, by either of you, will of course impact the other. And the doors are closed right now and closed tightly so pulling... I don't recommend it. And if you do not amuse me, I will open and shut - no , SLAM the door. One of you will beg for release before the other. But it is the one who lasts the longest who will choose whether he gets fucked tonight or the other. The one of you who is NOT fucked.... will watch." "BASTARD" gordon muttered as he began to struggle. "OW. STOP MOTHER FUCKER" michael yelled. Maximus sat there, playing with his dick, in view of both of them. "I give. I GIVE. I GIVE," michael yelled after an hour and a half. The result did not surprise Maximus. "You are the victor, gordon. I presume you will have michael take my dick." "You presume incorrectly... MASTER. He is my son. I will preserve him." "Preserve him," Maximus was bemused. "You'll suffer to make sure HE suffers. Very well." He removed the clamps, but kept michael's cock bound to the doorknob. He moved gordon to the bed, face down. "How sad. A son will watch his father's ass taken." And then, with gordon spread out, wide, Maximus whipped his ass for five minutes before first inserting one, then two fingers, with gordon biting down on his lip all the while. "He never did that to me. It looks.... fucking hot," michael thought, just before his thoughts were interrupted by the huge sound from his father, as Maximus entered him for the third time.

And while all of this was happening, four guards, accompanied by Raven, appeared at the family enclosure. rafael was there alone. "UP SLAVE. YOU COME WITH US" Raven gave the orders. "I don't listen to women, BITCH" rafael barked back. "Leave him with me. He will listen. After he experiences.... THIS." She pulled a ten inch dildo from under her robes. "NO. WAIT. PLEASE." "Answers have consequences, rafael. You will not disobey me again." If getting what part of Baratas' cock was hard, this was excruciating.

When Raven whispered "this is the smallest of my set," rafael swore he would give her no further trouble. And he didn't. He left, meekly, wishing he had seen his brothers and family before he was taken away.

The next morning, as the family returned to their chamber, their alarm over rafael's absence was palpable. "You will see him later, gentlemen." Maximus was smiling. "Unlike you, rafael is returning to earth.

Next: Chapter 9

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