Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Aug 28, 2002


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.


chapter two

The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex.

The afternoon had passed way too slowly. Gabriel hadn't been able to sleep because he was very excited and impatient, curious about what might happen that evening.

He had to think of their kiss once again... This passionate kiss that he would never forget. It had been really hard to let Julian go, it had hurt him so much that it had become a physical pain in his stomach. Every time the door opened that afternoon his heart jumped, hoping it would be Julian coming in. But it never was him. Only the director telling him that all the scenes they did that day had been brilliant and that they didn't need him the next day. Gabe told him that he would stay there for the day nevertheless just in case something went wrong.

Gabriel thought about what he could do with his day off but soon figured out that all he wanted to do had something to do with Julian. And as far as he was concerned Julian had not finished filming. There were still scenes to be shot with him. Maybe he'd just relax and do nothing. As much as he enjoyed acting it always wore him out shooting a movie for 3 or more weeks 16 hours a day. He felt he had to rest even if it was for just one day. He could have relaxed today if there hadn't been this incident with Julian.... And with the thought of him Gabe drifted to sleep, because he was still tired though he hadn't admitted it to himself.

Early next morning he woke up by the sunshine that was warming his face. Because he hadn't slept too well he was still tired somehow. Suddenly he remembered it... Julian hadn't come. And he had believed him. He really had thought that Julian would come and spend the night or at least some hours with him... He could kick himself for being such a naive idiot. Julian didn't love him... He had just enjoyed playing with Gabe and then dropped him. Maybe he'd even go and tell everybody "I made Gabriel Byrne kiss me. He's a damn queen, fag, bum-fucker, ....".

Gabe suddenly felt sick. He knew that he loved women but yesterday he felt something different coming up inside of him. He didn't know what making love to a man was like but kissing a man was different to kissing a woman. It could never be compared because it really wasn't the same. It was more passionate, more demanding. But Gabriel didn't think he could ever love a man like he loved woman... or could he? Yesterday he hadn't been so sure about that...

But that was history now that Julian had let him down. The only problem he'd have would be that Julian might tell someone... Gabe felt sick again... This time his fear was becoming bigger and bigger because he didn't know what he would do then... He started to panic and his stomach played up so badly that he had to throw up. Gladly he made it to the toilet in time. Then he forced himself to calm down.

"I can just deny everything he says.", he said to himself. "If he wants to tell lies about me, I'll tell everyone that I hadn't even noticed the kiss because I was unconscious.". That sounded very good to him and he calmed down.

Just then a girl came in to bring him something to eat.

"Good morning, sir. Here's your breakfast.", she said in a lovely tone.

"Mornin'.", Gabriel murmured.

"You are quite pale. Are you alright?", she asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Thank you for the breakfast.", he said. Hoping that he would look better after his meal.

"If you need anything, just call me. I'm in the next room.", she said. Gabriel nodded and she left.

The breakfast would have been a very good one, if he had been in the mood to enjoy it. But he wasn't. He was still feeling bad because it had been so easy for Julian to play with him.

Why had he done that?

He had always seemed to be charming and honest towards Gabe. Why did he hurt him so badly?

"At least he's a very good actor then.", he thought bitterly.

At that moment someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah? Come in." Gabriel mumbled.

Slowly the door opened and Julian came in. He was looking down, knowing that Gabe had to be furious at him.

"What do YOU want here??", Gabe was shocked and somehow surprised that Julian had come.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for not coming yesterday.", Julian said in a low voice.

"You dare to come here, you... you...", Gabe didn't find a word that fit. Maybe he didn't even want to find it. He wanted to know the reasons Julian had...


"I can't tell you..."

That wasn't exactly what Gabriel had expected.

"You tell me you're sorry after letting me down, after swearing that you would come to me that evening and now you can't even explain why you didn't come?? I think that'd be the least I could expect from you!!", Gabe's voice was becoming louder.

"Please don't shout at me..", Julian looked terrified. Something was wrong with him.

"I shout at you whenever I want. And at the moment I have a damn good reason to shout at you, you little fag!"

Now Gabriel was really shouting, letting all his anger out. Why didn't Julian tell him what was wrong?

"Don't you trust me?", he said in a normal tone.

"I do trust you, but if you trust me you won't ask why I didn't come yesterday."

"But I need to know! Can't you understand that it's not very easy to trust someone who says, no no, not only says but SWEARS he will come and then just doesn't? What would you think of that???", he was raising his voice again, seeing that every single word hurt Julian.

"I'd think that you'd have your reasons and if you didn't want to tell me I'd be fine with it and I'd TRUST you!"

Gabriel didn't know what to say against that. Maybe he was right. It was none of his business what Julian did in the middle of the night. But it was his business if he lied to him.

"Ok, I don't wanna know what you did yesterday, but I want somebody who is honest with me! If you know that you might have something else to do, then don't promise or swear anything to me, ok?"


With a sigh Gabriel sat down at the end of the bed putting is head in his hands. He was still angry and most of all disappointed. He felt that there was something awful going on in Julian's life. He had such a frightened look as if terrified of something. Gabe knew it was the wrong time to be angry and that he should comfort his friend, but he just wasn't sure whether he could still trust him.

"Please promise, that you'll never ever tell me lies again!"

"I won't if you promise that you don't ask too much." It was obvious he was hiding something.

"It'll be hard, but promise I won't." Gabriel said hesitatingly.

"I'm really sorry... that I lied to you. I didn't mean to and I swear when I told you I'd come I had not known that I wouldn't have time! You must believe that!!"

"I try to.", he couldn't deny it was hard to do so, but he tried to understand the other man as much as he could without asking too much.

"Shall I go now, or may I stay with you?", Julian asked.

"Please leave me alone for a while." They couldn't do anything now anyway because it was short after breakfast time and again someone might come in. Apart from that Gabe wasn't feeling that he wanted any body contact with Julian right now. He was still hurt and hoped that Julian would understand that.

"I'm not angry with you, but I need some time for myself now, ok?"

"Yeah, I understand...", Julian sniffed. Gabe knew that he wanted to stay but he couldn't allow it, and he didn't want to.

"I'll go back to filming then." Julian said and left the room.

The next few hours were horrible. Gabriel sat on the bed, just as he had when Julian had left, still thinking about all kinds of things. But mostly he wondered what it was that Julian was hiding from him.

Maybe his parents had died or someone else close to him. But why shouldn't Julian tell him? Or maybe he was taking drugs and had problems because of that... But whatever he thought of nothing seemed to be convincing...

He simply had to accept that there was something Julian didn't want him to know...

Well but it wasn't simple to accept that. That was the problem.

After Gabe figured out that he wouldn't come to an end with these thoughts he got up and went for a walk. The countryside was beautiful around the villa but Gabe hadn't had the time yet to admire it. He liked mountains. Real mountains, not the hills he had seen in Ireland. Here they were. The represented such strength, standing there for millions of years now. They probably had seen the dinosaurs and early human beings. He sometimes wished that he could be stronger and more steadfast in life.

Lost in his thoughts he didn't at first notice the quiet sobbing a few metres away. It slowly went to his ear and when he fully realised it he turned his head searching where the source of the sobbing was.

It came from behind a large tree near him. He went over to see who it was and honestly wasn't surprised when he saw Julian.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked while sitting down beside the younger man and putting his hand on his right arm.

"It's nothing..." Julian sniffed.

"I told you not to tell me lies again.", Gabe smiled at him. He was feeling better by that time hoping that it wasn't too bad whatever it was that Julian hid from him.

"We were filming scenes for the film but the director shouted at me because I wasn't concentrating enough."

Gabe wondered whether he was the reason Julian couldn't concentrate but threw the thought away because it wasn't really of importance right now.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Just stay here with me and tell me you're not angry anymore." Julian's eyes filled with tears again.

"No, I'm not angry anymore. I'm just worried about you that's all.", Gabe said, hugging the other man who started crying.

"Don't cry anymore. I'm here with you. You don't have to worry about anything right now." Gabe whispered while stroking Julian's hair.

Julian calmed down a little and snuggled up to Gabe's chest. Gabriel wanted to kiss Julian but he thought it would not be the right time now so he just cuddle him and made him feel save.

After a while Julian said: "I think I have to go back to the crew. Thank you very much for being there for me."

"No problem.", Gabe smiled. He was glad he could help Julian and he also knew that he still had to finish the last scenes of the film.

He watched Julian go away walking proudly over the grass. That guy really was an actor. Though he still didn't feel too well he tried not to let it show too much. He knew how hard that was but also that any of them had to deal with it. You couldn't let your work suffer because of personal problems, not in a film industry like this one. It was hard to establish as an actor and it was even harder to remain a good actor. And dealing with personal problems was a daily problem you simply had to accept and deal with otherwise you'd never make it.

Gabe went on for a walk that ended up as a day trip.

When he came back in the evening he was really exhausted but happy. He went into his room and fell onto the bed, pulled off his shoes and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the blood running through his veins from the effort of the trip. After some minutes he got off again, fully undressed and took a shower. Then he went to back to bed, took a book and started reading.

He had been reading for some time when the door opened and Julian came in.

"Oh, how was the filming?", Gabe asked.

"It was ok. We finished the last scenes and can go home tomorrow." Gabe was relieved that Julian seemed much more relaxed now.

"And what did you do all day?"

"I was going for a walk that happened to be longer than I expected it to be. Don't you wanna sit down?", he pointed at the side of the bed. Julian sat down with a smile facing Gabe letting his hand wander slightly over the other man's face.

"I said sit down and not >make me hot<." Gabe whispered enjoying the feeling of Julian's large hands on his face.

"Well I thought I read something like that between the lines. But if you don't want to....", and with a grin he turned round knowing exactly that it was teasing Gabe.

"NO,, I want you to...."

"Yes?" Julian turned his head round again looking at Gabe with a questioning grin.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I-I....", Gabe started stammering again.

"Oh, you're nervous again...", Julian whispered while slowly coming nearer.

"N-no. Just f-feeling helpless.", Gabe managed to say.

"Oh? Why is that so?"

"B-because I feel l-like I can't move wh-when you come n-near me like th-that..." He felt hypnotised by Julian and really couldn't move even if he had wanted to.

"Kiss me.", he urged.

"Well... maybe I don't want that yet.", Julian whispered into Gabe's ear making him shiver.

"Maybe I will just take advantage of your situation and slowly unwrap you.", and so he did. First slowly opening Gabe's night-shirt and kissing his way down from his neck to his stomach. He could feel the other man tremble under his light touches. He loved teasing him like that because he felt that it was making him hot.

"How does that feel?" he asked while stroking Gabe's stomach in little circles.

"G-good...", was all he managed to utter.

"So shall I go on?" Julian was still sitting at the side of the bed now climbing over to sitting on top of the older man.

"Uh-hu....", Gabe nodded slightly, eyes half-closed. He was moaning softly when Julian continued to stroke his stomach then his chest and mean while kissing his face - except his mouth. Gabe tried to catch him but just wasn't quick enough. Everytime he missed another chance he groaned a little bit louder.

Then Julian went down, slowly pulling of Gabe's boxers. He saw that his penis already had risen and wanted to come out so while pulling the boxershorts off Julian stroke along the inner side of the other man's legs which caused him to moan even harder.

When he had fully undressed the other man he pushed back Gabe's arms that tried to pull him down and then slowly pulled off his own shirt and boxers letting out his penis that was already erected a bit from teasing the other man.

Gabe rose his hand again and started to stroke Julian's backside. Julian bent down always fixing the older man with his eyes and then kissed him passionately. Gabe's body responded immediately to the touch of Julian's lips against his own. He felt hot shivers running down his neck and he had this strange feeling in his stomach. It was like the day before when they had kissed that Gabe was totally lost in it. He felt Julian's tongue against his own, playing with it then exploring the younger man's mouth while stroking him with his lips. It was an incredible feeling and he feared that he could come right now just from that kiss.

At that moment Julian interrupted the kiss slowly parting the mouths. He was breathing heavily just like Gabe and went down to kiss his chest and stomach again. Gabe was still moaning and groaning under the waves of pleasure Julian's touches were causing him. He wanted this feeling to last forever. It didn't feel like anything he had ever felt before.

Just when Julian reached his penis he held the other man's head back.

"What's wrong?", Julian asked confused of what Gabe had done.

"Nothing... It's just that I don't think I can hold it any longer if you continue right there... And I want this feeling to last as long as I can." Gabe stammered in a low voice still trembling.

"Just let me continue.", Gabe proposed and easily rolled Julian around on the huge bed so that now he was on top of him.

He started kissing him feeling that it was a much harder kiss than the one before. He loved the feeling of the other man's lips pressed against his own, slowly parting and letting him enter. Julian tasted so sweet and yet a bit bitter. He loved that taste and just couldn't get enough of it. Meanwhile he stroke Julian's neck and hair.

Then he let go off the younger man's mouth though it was hard and slowly began kissing his legs. Moving closer and closer to Julian's penis that had risen quite a lot by that time. Then he suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?", Julian moaned over the interruption.

Gabe didn't say anything.

"Hey what's wrong??", Julian was afraid he had done something wrong.

"I-It's just..."


Gabe blushed. "I dunno how to do it...."

"You don't know what??", Julian almost laughed.

"Don't laugh at me...."

"Sorry I didn't mean to.", Julian didn't want to hurt Gabe but he thought it was just so cute the way he was sitting there in front of his hard cock and didn't know what to do.

"Time for some lessons in >how to suck a cock<, eh?", Julian couldn't help grinning as he saw Gabriel blush.

"Well, it's quite easy. You just do what you think feels best and to what your partner responds the most. C'mon let me show you." And with that he crawled towards the end of the bed so that he was lying under Gabriel facing his hard penis and started licking it.

It all went a little too fast for Gabe so that at first he didn't know what was going on. When he felt Julian's tongue touching his cock he closed his eyes and let out a loud moan. It was a touch with such sensuality he could hardly bear. He had to prop up on his arms if he didn't want to collapse right away.

"Oh you're quite sensitive down there, aren't you? Try to calm a bit otherwise it's difficult to continue the lesson.", Julian still smiled. He heard Gabe breathing heavily and could see him sweat. When he had calmed a bit, Julian continued with kissing the top of the other man's prick. Then he slowly engulfed it fully and started sucking on it. Gabe was trying to think of the most unerotic thing he could think of but that was very hard when you felt someone between your legs sucking your cock hardly and making you go crazy. Gabe instinctively pushed and pulled his body up and down feeling that he was going to come very soon. Because all he could think of was his large dick and Julian's mouth that caressed him so lovingly that he had to scream.

"Aaahh... don't stop it", he gasped.

"uuhh........ aaahhhh......" Julian heard Gabe's short breaths, moans and groans. It always made him hot when his partner was loud during the sex. He own penis hardened but he concentrated on pleasing the other man with hardly sucking the cock and letting him push it in and out in short sequences. The groaning grew louder.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh...... I'm coming... I'm coming......" Gabe nearly screamed overwhelmed by the sensuality of their lovemaking. Julian sucked him even harder making it more difficult for the other man to move up and down. That gave him the rest. He couldn't hold it any longer and with some kind of explosion he ejaculated in Julian's mouth. It was the most pleasant feeling he'd ever had in his whole life. He had been so tensed up, aware of every single move the other man was making, each touch caused him shivers all over his body and now he finally relieved himself. It was brilliant. He never thought he could feel anything like that. The French were right with calling it "the little death". Gabe had died that moment but at the same time felt that he was born again.

With a sigh he sank down into the pillow and rolling to the side so that he didn't crush Julian beneath him. He still felt the other man's mouth around his penis as if keeping it safe. They had been lying like that for some minutes when Gabriel said

"That was incredible!", and sighed.

"Shall I take that as a compliment?"

"Oh yes!!", Gabe sighed again. He was totally satisfied but knew that Julian had not had his bit yet. And he wanted to give this feeling back to him.

"Well now that you've taught me so well I suppose you wanna test what I've learned, don't you?", with a wry grin he pulled Julian up so that he'd face him.

"hmm... I wouldn't mind.", Julian said, grinning as well.

He kissed him passionately yet strong. Gabe reached down a hand while kissing and started stroking the other man's cock that was still very hard. Obviously he had not been the only one who had enjoyed their lovemaking. He gently put his hand around it and stroked it up and down feeling Julian breathing harshly while still kissing. Then Gabe let go off the younger one's penis and pulled him near so that he could rub it against his own body causing Julian to tremble and breathe even heavier. With his hands Gabe explored Julian's back stroking down to his ass. He grabbed it hardly knowing that Julian would love that. And he did. He pressed himself against Gabriel. They were nearly as near as they could get and Julian was groaning loudly. "Ah... Yeah... Come-on.... Don't stop it! Ahh...."

Then Gabriel turned him round so that he was on top of him. He once again kissed him, but with more power than the last times. He wanted him to remember this lovemaking. Wanted to brand it into his mind. Slowly Gabe lowered himself on Julian's penis letting it slip inside of him.

Julian seemed to be surprised. He hadn't expected it but most of all he was surprised that Gabe instinctively knew what he liked best and how he could take him higher and higher. For Julian there was nothing better then letting his cock slid inside another body. It felt so warm around it and hard that he was near climax when he had fully entered. Gabe paused a little to let Julian calm down again. And then he started moving up and down making sure that he pressed hard against the other man to satisfy him.

Julian's respond came immediately. His moans grew louder and he started screaming:

"Aaaahhhh... Don't stop it Gabe!! Gaaaabe...... aaaahhh...." His head was bent back so he couldn't see Gabriel blush. Nobody had ever screamed his name during the sex. He was surprised how much he liked it. That made him move even faster and Julian groaned louder. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.... yes, yes......." with short breaths in between. He was nearing climax and Gabe could feel him bend up against his own body. He tried to pull him down again but it was very hard and made Julian even harder when at once he came deep inside of the older man. Julian let out a loud groan and even Gabriel was groaning again. It just felt sooo damn good.

Then they both relaxed and fell onto the bed, Gabe still on top of Julian engulfing his penis with his body.

They were breathing heavily and sweating all over their bodies from the exhaustion of their lovemaking. But they were both very satisfied and happy. So they just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of being one.

After a few minutes Gabe rolled to the side pulled up the duvet and covered both of them with it. Then he snuggled up in Julian's arm and drifted over to sleep. Julian kissed him on the cheek and watched him sleep. He looked adorable and so innocent.

Well - now he knew that Gabriel wasn't innocent at all. And somehow he was very happy about that. And with that thought he fell asleep himself.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I'd like to get some feedback! :)

Well, what will happen now? Will Julian still be there when Gabe wakes up next morning?? Wait and see what will happen in chapter 3!

Next: Chapter 3

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