Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Jul 9, 2023


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

So here we go, chapter 5 is ready. Thanx for all the mails I got. I'm glad that there are people who like my story. :) Unfortunately I hadn't had too much time so it took quite a while to continue the story. But now there's the new chapter. Enjoy it!


Chapter five

The third day Gabriel got a letter from the villa in Geneva. There was a little piece of paper lying in the envelope saying:

"Dear Mr. Byrne,

before you left I was given this paper by Mr. Sands with the order to give it to you but you had been in such a hurry that you didn't notice me. So I'm sending it to you for I think it might be important.

Regards, Mrs. Meier-Liszt"

Beneath the note there was a telephone number scribbled down. Gabe's heart raced. A telephone number. Surely it was Julian's as the note said. He immediately picked up the phone and dialled the number.

"Hello?", a strange voice said at the other end of the line.

"H-hi, is Julian there?"

"Julian? No he's not here right now. Who's speaking?"

"Erm. It's Gabriel here. Can you tell me where I can find Julian? I need to see him."

"I think he went for a walk just around the corner. He should be back soon. Maybe you wanna come here and wait for him."

"Oh yeah, I gladly would but I'm in Dublin right now. Can you tell me the address please so that I'll find him this evening then?"

"Well, ok."

Gabriel had not reckoned that the other man would give him the address but he did.

"Thank you very much! What's your name by the way?"

"My name's Guy."

"Well then, thanks a lot Guy! Maybe I'll see ya later then."

"Yeah, ok. Bye then!"

"Bye!", Gabe put down the receiver glad that he knew where to go now. He packed some stuff and rushed to the airport. After 2 hours of waiting he caught the next flight to London. When he arrived he first put his baggage into a locker at the airport in London for he didn't want to carry it with him all day long. Afterwards he went to the address he had been given. The house he searched for was only one of lots of little family houses, standing next to each other. The only thing that showed they were different was the house number.

Gabe rang the bell of house no. 67.

"Coming!", a deep voice said and the next second the door opened and a tall man with dark hair was standing in front of Gabe.

"Hi! Are you Gabriel? Come in, please.", he invited him. They entered the living room and Guy offered Gabe a seat.

"I am sorry, but Julian is not home yet. He rang me an hour ago and told me he'd be here by 3o'clock tonight. Do you have a hotel room?"

"No, not yet, I...", Gabe wanted to answer.

"Well maybe you want to sleep here? We have a guest room where you might stay the night. Unless you don't wanna stay awake to wait for Julian of course!", Guy proposed.

"Oh thanks, that'd be very nice! I don't know how long I will be able to keep my eyes open, I haven't slept too well the last few nights...", Gabe said with a yawn. It was already 11 PM but he knew he'd never be able to stay awake until 3 o'clock.

"Ok then, I'll go and tidy the room so that you can go to bed, you look really tired.", Guy said with a grin.

"That's really friendly. If there's anything I can do..."

"Nah, it's fine. Julian's friends are my friends as well, y'know?", Guy laughed. He seemed to be a very happy person. Gabe did not dare to ask what kind of relationship he and Julian had. Maybe he was his boyfriend. But Gabriel didn't really want to think about that at the moment. He was too tired and simply happy that he'd see Julian soon.

The next morning when Gabriel woke up at first he didn't know where he was but then remembered. He was in Guy's and Julian's house in London and had been waiting for him until he fell asleep at 2.30 this morning. He looked at his watch. It was already 11am. He went into the bathroom and afterwards dressed himself. Then he went into the living room searching for Guy and Julian.

On the table in the kitchen he finally found a small notice:

"Went to the hospital, Julian's there too. He's well. Don't worry. Guy."

Hospital? Julian? Gabe panicked. What had happened? He needed to go there and see Julian. Immediately. Luckily he had seen a hospital nearby when he had searched for the house yesterday. Maybe he was there...

Half an hour later he entered the hospital.

"Can you tell me whether Julian Sands is here?", he asked a nurse.

"Yes, he's room 173."

"Thank you very much!"

When Gabe entered room 173 he heard low voices talking.

"But you need to tell him Julian!"

"No, I can't!"

"Well that's your choice then, but I tell you you're not being..." he stopped talking when he saw Gabe entering the room.

Gabriel behaved as if he'd heard nothing though he was worried now. What was it Julian didn't want to tell him? Was Guy maybe really his lover?

Well, that did not matter now, because he saw Julian and his heart leapt for joy and he rushed over to hug him.

"Julian! My god what did you do?", he could hardly hold back his tears. He was so happy to see him again.

"I missed you so much."

"I'm sorry Gabe. I didn't want to bring you into more trouble than I already had.", Julian said, hugging the other man who began to cry now.

"It's ok. I'm alright. Shh...", he stroke Gabe's hair.

Gabriel sat up again slowly lifting his eyes to Julian's face. Julian looked terrible. His face was blue and grey as if someone had punished him badly. His left eye was swollen so that he could hardly see and his arms and hands had scratches on them everywhere.

"Oh my god..... You look awful!" Gabe could hardly breathe now that he saw in what shape Julian was.

"Who the hell did this to you?"

"It was an accident..." Julian mumbled.

"I was drunk and some damn car hit me.", he looked into Gabe's eyes pleading him not to ask any more.

It hurt Gabe to see Julian suffer so much and not being able to help him. He knew he was hiding something from him. But he didn't know what it was. He turned around looking for Guy, but he was gone.

"But, I ...", he wanted to say.

"Please.... don't ask.", Julian looked down.

Gabriel was angry. Why couldn't he tell him what was wrong?

"Julian please, I need to know who did this to you!"


"How can I not ask what happened when it's obvious that you are suffering from it so much. Look at yourself. You look terrible!", he was furious. He couldn't understand Julian.

"Was it Guy who did this?"


"But why did he leave now? And why did he say you gotta tell me something, huh? What is it you're hiding from me Julian?"

"Gabe, please... It wasn't Guy...."

"Who was it then?? I'm gonna kill the person who did this to you! What the hell is going on with you??", he was waiting for Julian's answer. But it didn't come.

Julian just said there remaining silent. He was looking down, eyes closed.

"I... I.... can't tell you.", he stammered.

"But why not?", Gabriel cried.

"Please tell me why not??"

Silence once again.

"Ok, I'm gonna go then. I'll head back to Dublin this afternoon. I shouldn't have come here.", Gabe sighed.

"NO! Please don't go!"

"Tell me why I shouldn't. Just give me one good reason to stay here!"

"Because I need you...."

"If you need me you have to tell me what's wrong, otherwise I can't help you!"

"But I don't wanna tell you!", Julian screamed. "For fuck's sake. It's none of your business!"

"Ok then.", Gabe sighed.

They were both silent for a moment.

"I'm giving it up. If you don't wanna tell me I'll leave today! Bye.... Julian", Gabriel said trying to hold back his tears. He left the room and slammed the door in anger. Out in the corridor he felt his knees getting weak. He leaned against the wall trying not to collapse right there when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. It was Guy.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly.

"Do I look like I am?", Gabe sobbed. The tears were running down his face now.

"Why doesn't he tell me what's wrong? Doesn't he trust me??", he cried harder feeling all the pain coming up. All his hopes had been destroyed. He had thought he'd find Julian here in London and they'd be together but now he found out that Julian couldn't be honest with him. It hurt him so much and he felt like there was nothing he could do for Julian. And it was the most horrible feeling one could have: not being able to help the person you want to help most.

"Hey, C'mon man. Wanna have some coffee?", Guy offered him.

"Yeah.", Gabe said still sobbing.

They went to a café nearby and Guy started talking.

"You know Julian has had some problems in his life, and still has. But he's too afraid of being hurt once again. His mother died of breast cancer when he was a young kid and his father had left them long time before. So he was brought to a children's home. Afterwards he made some very bad experiences until he realised that being an actor was all he ever wanted to be. That's when he began to recover a bit. But he still can not open his heart to everyone. I know that this is extremely hard for you. But if you truly love him, you have to wait until he tells you himself what happened..."

"So you know that we are...."

"...together? Of course I know!", Guy laughed, obviously amused about how naive Gabe was.

"Julian told me a lot about you! And your girlfriend... I think maybe he was not sure whether you still loved him when you're girlfriend suddenly appeared."

"But I told her that I love him! And he also heard it!"

"Well, as I said. He's quite difficult sometimes. His self-confidence is not the best one.", Guy sighed. He saw that Gabriel truly loved Julian but he knew that it was very hard to be with Julian. It had taken him 4 years to make him open his heart to him. It had been a long way for both of them.

"Well, and are you and Julian...", Gabe started to ask.

"No we're not lovers.", Guy smiled.

"I'm not gay, you know...", he was amused when he saw how Gabriel's face lit up immediately.

"No, we were in the same children's home. He's like a young brother to me though he's older than I am. That's funny isn't it?", they both smiled.

"Listen Gabe, I heard what you two said before and I'm telling you not to leave the city. I know Julian is difficult but he needs someone who's there for him and who cares for him. He has me but sometimes I think he needs someone to... well someone to love. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, of course I do. And I don't wanna lose him. It just hurts so much to see him suffering.", Gabriel said.

"I'm sure that one day he'll tell you. But you must not put him under pressure!"

"I know and I won't do it again. At least I hope I won't!"

"Ok then. Wanna go home?"

"But Julian...."

"I think he needs some time to think. I'll go and look after him. I anything happens I'll call you. Here are the keys. I trust you.", and with a grin on his face he got up and went to see Julian.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I'd like to get some feedback! :)

Next: Chapter 6

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