Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Jul 9, 2023


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my fantasy. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

This one's rather short I know. But I thought you might want some new stuff about Gabriel and Julian so I didn't want you to keep waiting for too long. :)


Chapter six

Gabriel was still confused when he entered the house. He thoughts were circling around Julian. What had really happened to him? Maybe it had even been a car accident. But he knew Julian as quite a careful person. And his behaviour showed that there was something else, that he was hiding from him.

His thoughts were driving him mad but he couldn't stop them. In order to calm down he went into the kitchen and searched for some tea. He had to relax now. It was nonsensical to be mad at Julian right now. There was something terrible going on with him and Gabe knew he had to be there for him, and he wanted it! He'd gladly have born all his pain to take it from him. He couldn't stand seeing Julian suffer. It was worse than any pain he'd felt before. Gabe had never been this sad before. He made tea, sat down and tried to relax a bit.

In the evening Guy came home. He looked really worn out and made clear that he'd go directly to bed after taking a shower.



"Did the doctors say anything when Julian can leave the hospital?"

"They said if there are no further complications he can go home tomorrow but has to stay in bed for at least a week."

"Oh, ok. So it's not that serious..."

"Hey, Gabriel. I told you he's well. All he needs is some time to recover. He'll be alright!", Guy assured him.

"Ok. I think I'll go to bed now too.", Gabe said still not looking totally convinced. But what could he do. He had to believe Guy and hope that he was right.

"Night, Gabriel!"

"Night, Guy!", and with that Guy went into his bedroom and Gabe headed for the guest room.

He knew he'd never be able to sleep. Even if he'd not slept for a week he wouldn't have been able to sleep that night. He was constantly thinking of Julian.

They had had a fight. That was the last thing before he'd left Julian's room. Maybe Guy had calmed Julian and told him that he wasn't mad at him anymore. Hopefully he had done so. But would Julian believe him? Gabe had been really angry....


"Mr. Sands!! Mr. Sands!! Please wake up!! What's wrong?", the nurse was shaking him, trying to wake Julian.

He had had a nightmare and now woke up still punching the air around himself.

"Mr. Sands, would you please calm down. Everything's ok!", the nurse calmed him.

"What? Where am I?"

"Still in hospital. There's nothing to worry about. You're safe!"

Julian gazed at her in disbelief he wasn't fully back to reality yet.

"Mr. Sands is there something I can do for you?"

"What? Oh... oh yes there is something... Please tell Gabriel that I didn't want to hurt him... Can you try to call him? I need to see him!", Julian begged.

"But it is 4 am in the morning!"

"I don't care. It's really important. I have to tell him that I'm sorry. Otherwise he'll leave London tomorrow!!"

"I don't think I can call him NOW. You'll have to wait until it's at least 7 am. He won't be leaving that early, will he?"


"No! You need to sleep now! I'll make sure we'll catch him before he leaves if you go back to sleep now.", the nurse's strict tone made Julian keep quiet. It was no need to argue with her. She'd never understand him. She thought Gabriel was just some friend of his. How could she know how important he was to Julian.

"Good night Mr. Sands.", she smiled.

He couldn't sleep now. His heart ached so bad that he felt sick. He wanted to tell Gabe everything if this was the only way to make him stay. Hopefully he did not leave before 7 am!

He heard noises from outside his room. Someone was arguing with the nurse. Julian didn't care. he couldn't sleep anyway.

But then suddenly the door opened and a man came stumbling in.

"You can't go in there now. He is sleeping.", Julian heard the nurse's voice.

"No, I'm not it's alright!", Julian said loudly though he couldn't see who was there yet.

The door was being closed and he heard some footsteps.

"Who's there?", Julian asked. -- Let it be Gabe, let it be Gabe -- he thought.

"It's me, Julian."

The dark figure bent down and kissed him. Julian knew this kiss!

"GABE!! I'm so sorry... I didn't want to..."

"Shhh... Don't talk now, please! It wasn't your fault.", Gabe kissed him again, breathing heavily. His face was cold from the fresh air outside. Julian rubbed his cheeks against his, trying to warm him. Tears were running from his eyes. Warm and salty tears.

"I'm... I'm glad you're here!", he uttered and kept kissing the other man.

Then Gabriel sat down on the chair next to the bed, still holding Julian's hand and looking at him in the dark. His eyes got used to the darkness and he could see his shape.

No-one of them spoke a word. They just remained there, silently enjoying the peace they shared at the very moment.

The next morning the nurse came in. "Good morning EVERYONE!" she said looking angrily at Gabriel who had fallen asleep beside Julian his head lying on the other man's stomach. Julian's hand lay on Gabriels head. He too was still sleeping but awoke at the nasty sound of the nurse's voice.

"What?" he murmured.

"Had a good night Mr. Sands? No nightmares I see!?" the nurse said. She was obviously outraged at the sight of two men in this position. She leftthe breakfast at the table and without waiting for Julian's answer she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

The loud noice woke Gabriel. He opened his eyes a little not knowing where he was at first.

"It's ok." Julian whispered. "That was just the nurse." He slowly stroke Gabriel's hair. It was true. He hadn't had any nightmares this night. Maybe it was Gabriel's presence that had protected him from that.

Gabriel murmured something and then slowly sat up stretching himself.

"What did you say?" Julian asked.

"I said what did she say about nightmares?" Gabriel yawned.

"Oh nothing.." Julian looked away trying to avoid Gabriel's look.

"You don't really think I believe that, do you?"

Julian said nothing.

"Look, if you don't wanna tell me that's fine with me. But if there's anything wrong I'd like to know about that, ok?"

"Yes..." Julian wasn't sure if he should tell Gabriel. He knew he could trust him. But still he didn't want Gabriel to suffer because of him. And suffer he would if he knew his story.

"Maybe I'll tell you later, ok?" Julian looked directly into Gabriel's eyes begging the other man to give him the time he needed.

"Ok", Gabe sighed.

They were interrupted by the nurse that was coming in again.

"Had a nice breakfast our two turtledoves?" She still sounded very disgusted. Gabriel felt uncomfortable feeling he had to face the situation he always wanted to avoid.

"I... " he started. But the nurse interrupted him quickly.

"I don't want to know what you to do or don't! All I know is that the time for visitor's has not come yet and that you'd better get out of this room now befor anyone else notices you've stayed half the night here!" she was pointing to the door her eyes closed in abhorrence.

"See you later, Julian" Gabe said.

"Yeah... see you."

They were both shocked at the nurse's reaction and neither one wanted to argue with her as they could get into real trouble if she told anyone that Gabriel had stayed over night with Julian. No matter if something had happened or not. It would be the end of their acting careers and in a way they knew they had to be grateful for the nurse. She didn't like them but she wouldn't say a word.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I'd like to get some feedback! :)

Next: Chapter 7

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