Gabriel and Julian

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Jul 13, 2023


Gabriel and Julian


The following story is pure fiction and simply a creation of my imagination. Gabriel Byrne is not gay as far as I'm concerned. I don't know any of the characters mentioned personally!

If you are under 18 or feel disgusted by homosexual sex you shouldn't be here. Please don't read this story then because it contains male-male sex. ++++++++++++

chapter nine


"Hi. It's Keith here. Can I talk to Gabriel please?"

"Yes, wait a moment please. Gabriel, Keith's on the phone." Guy called.

Gabriel went down the stairs. He was nervous. Why did Keith call him? Surely Sarah had talked to him. What would he say?

"Hello?" he said as he took the receiver from Guy.

"Hiya mate, how are you." Surprisingly Keith sounded very anxious.

"I-I'm fine, thanks. You ok too?"

"Yeah everything's fine. Erm... Listen, Sarah talked to me."

He knew it. All the hopes that Sarah would not go on telling everyone were destroyed.

"So?" Gabriel tried to sound as casual as possible.

"She told me you left her because of another man?"

Gabriel didn't know what to say. Keith's reaction was so different to his father's.

"I just wanted to know whether it's true or if she's talking nonsense again."

"Well... I suppose it is true..." Gabriel was trembling. What would Keith say now? The fact that he wanted to check Sarah's accuses didn't mean that he didn't care about it.

"Oh. I didn't expect that to be honest..."

There it was. Keith hated him... Now he'd tell him that...

"I don't care Gabriel!" Keith said quickly.

"Really, it doesn't matter. I didn't expect Sarah to tell the truth though. That's why I called. Oh my god, say something Gabriel!"

"Th-th-thanx Keith. Y-y'don' know h-how much this m-means to me..." Gabriel managed to say. He was close to tears and stuttering again because he was so nervous. He'd never dreamed that anyone might say it doesn't matter because for most people it unfortunately did matter.

"Hey it's alright Gabe. Don't cry now. Does anybody else know it?"

"Well... yeah, my parents..." Gabriel calmed down a little. He could talk openly to Keith and was very happy about that.

"My father was really annoyed and angry with me. I guess he never wants to see me again." Gabe whispered sadly.

"Shall I talk to him?"

"That'd change nothing, Keith. He's so intolerant."

"And what are you going to do now? What are you doing anyway? I don't suppose you're really working on a film, are you?"

"No, I'm not... I'm in London with Julian and his friend."

"Julian.. Is that.. your lover?"

"Yes he is." It felt so good to say it without fearing anything bad.

"C'mon don't make me ask so many questions. Tell me something about him!" Keith demanded. So Gabriel began to talk about how he met Julian and how they first kissed and all that had happened since then. For a second, he wondered whether he should tell Keith about Julian's mysterious problem but then decided not to tell him. It was bad enough that he himself did not know what was wrong. He didn't want to bother Keith with that.

When he had finished, Keith said,

"Well I suppose I have to see you and your partner as he seems to be a really nice person."

"What?" Gabriel had not expected that.

"Hey c'mon of course I wanna see your new love! You're my best mate, what did you think?"

"Eh... yeah sure. It's just. I'm just living in the guest room here for a while and..."

"Well if you don't want me to come..." Keith sounded very disappointed.

"NO, of course I want you to come!!" Gabriel said quickly and after a short pause of thinking added:

"I'll just share a bed with Julian so you can sleep in the guest room."

"That's a good idea man!" Keith laughed.

"So when will you come?" Gabriel asked.

"As soon as possible!? What about next weekend?"

"Sounds fine! Julian'll be out of hospital by then."

"Oh, he's in hospital??"

"Yeah, erm. It was just a small accident. Nothing serious." Gabriel quickly said. He had forgotten to tell Keith about that because he wanted to avoid to talk about Julian's strange behaviour.

"Oh, ok. Just give me your address and I'll come to you on Friday evening, ok?"

Gabriel gave Keith the address, thanked him once again and they hung up.

Then Gabriel went to the hospital to tell Julian that Keith was going to visit them.

"Hi Julian!" Gabriel said as he came into Julian's room.

"Hi!" Julian's face lightened up as he saw his lover. "I'm glad you're here!"

"Is something wrong?" Gabriel asked because Julian had such a strange look on his face.

"Nothing... just... I had another nightmare tonight..." Julian was looking down.

Gabriel went towards the bed and hugged the other man.

"What did you dream this time? C'mon tell me you'll feel better afterwards!"

"I dreamt that someone was hunting me. I was a dog and they were after me, trying to put me into an animal home because I was homeless."

Julian shivered and Gabriel immediately tightened his embrace.

"But now I am here to care for you and you're not homeless. So nobody will be hunting you!"

Julian nodded slightly cuddling himself up in the other man's arms. He felt safe there. He wanted to stay like this forever.



"I need to tell you something... I wanted to do it yesterday but well.. you disturbed me a little.." Gabriel smiled.

"A little only? I have to work on that then.." Julian tried to sound insulted.

Gabriel kissed him slightly and continued.

"Sarah is still very angry with me.."

"How do you know? Did she call you?"

"No, she told my parents and they called me..." Gabriel began to tremble. The thought of the phone call with his father made him feel sick.

Julian turned around and faced the older man. He looked shocked.

"Oh my god, Gabriel. What did they say?"

"What did they say? They were angry of course... My dad wanted me to tell him that it was only a bad joke and when I didn't, he hung up.... without saying a word..." he was now sobbing, feeling the pain he had abandoned successfully for a while.

Julian hugged him tightly stroking the other man's hair.

"Shit..." he mumbled.

Gabriel sat up straight again trying to stop the tears and continued.

"But that wasn't everything. Keith called me too. Y'remember I told you about him. I've known him since I was a small kid and we're very good friends."

"Was he angry too?" Julian asked frightened.

"No, thank god no..." Gabriel felt relieved as he thought of Keith.

"He was very kind and said to him it didn't matter. Then he asked me to tell him something about you and said he wants to visit us next weekend."

"Really?" Julian's face lightened up. "That's cool! I'm sure he's a lovely guy. I'm so glad that you've got such a good friend."

"Yeah me too. I was so relieved when he said it didn't matter." Gabriel sighed.

"It's good that there are at least some intelligent people on earth, isn't it?" Julian said and gave his lover a kiss. Gabriel mumbled something as an agreement but then gave in to the kiss. Julian's lips were so soft when they caressed him yet they were different from women's lips. When they kissed him it was a bit more brutal than a woman's kiss and that's what turned him on. He liked it when Julian took control in their kissing playing with him. First kissing him passionately then letting go a little to tease Gabriel and then being a bit more rude again. Gabriel loved it. He'd done anything for Julian just that his lover would continue to kiss him. Sometimes Gabriel thought it was a bit scary how much he fell for Julian during their kisses but he didn't care. The feeling was just so incredible. Maybe it could be compared to drugs.

Gabriel had never taken anything worse than a cagarette or alcohol but he thought if he'd ever be really on drugs it must feel like this. Totally lost in a different world. The only difference was that he was feeling brilliant afterwards.

Julian had stopped kissing him and was now looking at his partner curiously.

When Gabriel realized that he had kept on dreaming while Julian was watching him, he blushed a little.

"What did you think of?" Julian asked with a grin.

"Oh just of your beautiful lips and how they always capture me." Gabriel sighed happily.

"Shall I take that as a compliment?" Julian grinned and before Gabriel could answer, he had captured him again.


thank you for reading my story. if you want to comment on it, just send me an email to

I always like to get some feedback! :)

Next: Chapter 10

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