Game Sessions

By Ben Coolen

Published on Aug 18, 2013


Game Sessions Part 2

By Ben C.

For the next two weeks Jesse avoided me at school. When I saw him in the hallway he simply ignored me. He did not answer my calls and text messages.

I felt hurt and angry. How could he treat me like this?

On the other hand, I was willing to do almost anything to get into Jesse's jeans again. Maybe lust will bring him back to me, I hoped.

Finally it happened. I was sitting under a tree in the schoolyard, reading a book, when I saw a familiar figure approaching me.

Jesse stopped in front of me. I glanced up but decided to give him the silent treatment and totally ignore him until he apologized. I pretended to keep reading the book.

Jesse poked my knee with his Converse. I looked up. He shook his head to clear aside the hair that was hanging across his forehead. That was a constant habit of his, and it drove me crazy every time.

"Busy after school?" he asked in his usual laid-back manner.

"Nope." I lied. I had promised to go shopping with my Mom.

"Game session at my place?"

"Yeah, sure. Cool."

"See you at 4," he said and walked away.

I watched his butt muscles sway inside the tight jeans and sighed.

I wished I had his confidence. He hadn't even asked me what time I would like to come. On the other hand, if I had his confidence, I probably wouldn't get down on my knees in front of him at a nod of his head.

I rang the doorbell at the Jenkins' house promptly at 4.

You could tell that his parents had money just by looking at the large white building with a garage for three cars, a swimming pool and a tennis court.

The "my place" he had invited me to was actually his own studio apartment in an annex at the back of the house. It was a former janitor`s apartment that had been converted into modern living quarters. His friends called it "Jesse's den".

Jesse had his own entrance, so he could come and go as he wanted. He had a bathroom, a kitchenette, a bedroom and a spacious living room.

Jesse could entertain his guests with a top-shit stereo system with huge loudspeakers and a 60" TV screen on the wall. We could play games on his Xbox or just chill on the big sofa and drink sodas from his spacious and well stocked fridge.

Best of all, Jesse's Mom and Dad were always busy running their real estate agency. They hardly ever visited his quarters, and never did so unannounced.

They had a housekeeper, Maria, but Jesse was expected to keep the studio clean and tidy by himself. Well, Jesse didn't care much about cleaning. When the dirty laundry, empty pizza boxes and soda cans were about to take over the whole place, he reluctantly spared some hours to clean it.

Sometimes he asked me to help him. I considered that a bit unfair, as I kept my own room in our little house always squeaky clean and well organized. It never occurred to Jesse that he might offer me a hand with my chores.

Well, Jesse is Jesse and I am not. And I must admit that I had nothing against picking up his dirty socks and underwear or organizing his Chucks in his walk-in closet. Every now and then I even managed to catch a whiff of them.

Jesse opened the door and greeted me by lifting his dark eyebrows. We went in and picked sodas from the kitchen.

I noticed that Jesse had moved his Xbox from the living room to his bed-room and connected it to the smaller screen there.

Jesse turned on the TV and the Xbox and inserted the game disc into the slot.

I could see that we were going to play the latest version of Grand Theft Auto. Loads of violence, half-naked girls with big boobs and fast cars. Those were the ingredients for a good game for Jesse. I might have disagreed, but – as usual – nobody asked my opinion.

"You can start,loser." Jesse said.

He handed me the wireless controller and sat down on the end of his bed.

There would've been room for me on the bed too, but I decided to sit down on the floor next to Jesse's feet. He was wearing the usual worn-out white Converse hi-tops that were his trademark shoes. I think he had at least six pairs of them, all in varying stages of decay.

The game started and we took turns with the remote. The game was fast and the music was loud, but I could sense that neither of us was really interested in the game.

After a couple of turns Jesse moved his left leg a little so that his shoe was resting against my leg.

I managed to get through my turn somehow, and then it was Jesse's turn again. I felt nervous and my mouth was dry. I hoped I had read the signals right.

I wrapped my hand around Jesse's left ankle and let my fingers rest on the canvas of his Converse.

After a while Jesse moved his leg a bit more so that his denim-clad thigh was leaning against my shoulder. I had already noticed that he was wearing the same Nudies than the previous time we played. They looked like they hadn't been washed since. There was a rebel-style rip in the denim just above the knee.

I leaned against Jesse's thigh and started to fondle his ankle and calf through the skinny jeans.

Then, in a sudden surge of courage, I put the controller away and turned around. I took a kneeling position right in front of Jesse and put my hands on his firm thighs. I looked directly into his dark-blue eyes. Jesse looked straight back.

"Remember Ritch, I won't do anything back to you." he said with a husky voice.

I swallowed.

"You don't need to do anything back", I promised.

"And we are totally on my terms."

"Your terms, Jesse. Totally. Just relax and let me make you feel good."

I was starting to sound like an eager servant, I thought to myself. Well, what the hell, I was becoming one, didn't I?

Jesse closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. He opened them after a while and looked down to me.

"And no fag shit, Ritch. I'm not your boyfriend and I'm not gonna kiss you or hold your hand."

"No fag shit, Jesse. I know that some day you'll find yourself a hot girlfriend to keep you satisfied. Meanwhile, let me give you a hand." I said, trying to convince him.

Jesse nodded slowly, still looking very serious. Then a lopsided smile appeared on his handsome face. The smile turned into a wide grin, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

"Well, what the fuck are you waiting for then? Get to work."

"Fag." He added, good-naturedly.

I smiled back and took a deep breath.

"Put your hands up."

Jesse lifted his hands up. I got up and untucked his t-shirt from the tight jeans. I pulled the shirt over his head revealing his ripped upper body.

Jesse skated, played soccer, and was a regular at the school gym. His body was athletic but not buff. There seemed to be almost no fat in his torso. A tight six-pack kept his tanned abdomen flat.

I threw Jesse's shirt on the floor and put my hands on his shoulders. He took the hint and leaned back on his elbows.

"Get me a pillow," he said.

I took two large down pillows from Jesse's bed and placed them behind him so that he could rest his head comfortably. His feet were still flat on the floor.

Jesse put his hands behind his head showing his tight biceps. I noticed that he had already grown some hair in his armpits since our previous session.

I stood still for a moment and enjoyed the sight in front of me. On the bed was laying a beautiful young stud in his prime, wearing only a pair of jeans and dirty Chucks. And he was going to let me touch and taste him. He expected me to bring him pleasure by worshiping his body and soul.

I could see a good two inches of Jesse's white Bjorn Borg boxer briefs above the wide studded belt. A narrow, neatly trimmed dark love trail ran from the waistband of the boxers towards his belly-button.

I put my hands on the bed for support and leaned forward so that my face reached Jesse's lower belly. I kissed the soft skin of his abdomen tentatively. Then I kissed it again, this time more passionately, letting my tongue get the first salty taste of him.

I put my tongue out and worked it up and down his love trail. The short hairs tickled my tongue. Jesse's wiggling under me told me that he was enjoying my services.

I kept licking his belly for a while. Then I let the tip of my tongue wander into his navel. I swirled my tongue there and felt his cock stiffen under my chest.

It was time to move on. I didn't want Jesse to come into his jeans.

I leaned back and focused my attention to the brown belt that prevented my access to Jesse's most private parts. This time I already knew the trick, and the familiar skull-and-bones buckle gave in easily. Then I popped the top button of his jeans.

I took the zipper between my fingers and slid it gently down revealing Jesse's bright white boxers. I could clearly see the outline of his hardened cock. I caressed his dick through the thin fabric a bit just to keep Jesse entertained.

"Mmmm..." Jesse moaned and pushed his pelvis against my hand.

Now it was time to release Jesse from the skinny jeans. I kneeled on the floor between his feet. I fumbled with the dirty laces of his Chucks with my fingers nervously. Finally I managed to get them open.

I slid the shoes and the white no-show socks off Jesse's feet. I could smell the strong musk radiating from the Chucks and the socks, a mixture of rubber, fabric and a teenage boy's summer sweat.

Jesse was observing my moves impatiently. Well, he would just have to wait for the full show.

I got up and started to work with Jesse's jeans, sliding them down little by little. Jesse helped my task by lifting his bubble butt slightly. The jeans had really narrow leg openings, but finally I managed to pull them off completely. I dropped the jeans on the floor next to the t-shirt.

I kneeled back down on the floor. Then I took Jesse's bare left foot in my hand and lifted it up so that he could see it from his position. Then, looking straight into Jesse's eyes, I kissed the arch of his foot.

His eyes widened and he looked frightened at first. In a second the apprehension turned into approval. He rewarded my little show of adoration by giving me a cocky little smirk. Encouraged from this I kissed his right foot too, now using my tongue to get the full feel and taste of the warm skin.

Then I let my tongue wander higher, licking Jesse's leg that was covered with soft black hair. Then I moved on to his inner thigh, worshiping it with my lips and tongue.

Jesse spread his legs more so I could eventually reach his crotch. I worked my way slowly up his slender, almost hairless thigh.

When my tongue met the white fabric of the Bjorn Borgs, I hooked my fingers under the waistband and started to pull them down. Again, Jesse helped me by lifting his butt a little. I stripped the warm and moist boxers off him. I resisted a temptation to smell them and just dropped them on the floor.

Freed from the boxers, Jesse's cock sprang into attention.

Did I tell you about Jesse's cock? No? Okay, I'll fill you in now.

Fully hard, his circumcised cock was about 8". It wasn't a monster, as I was able to wrap my fingers around it. It was just like Jesse himself, everything came in right proportions.

The organ was pointing up graciously, almost touching Jesse's hard stomach. His pubes were carefully trimmed into a neat rectangle of short black hair. He had also shaved his balls and groin.

Under the shaft was, of course, his ball sack. It was a factory of Jesse's sperm that was destined to produce healthy and beautiful babies to the world some day, after being emptied into the pussy of the girl of his choice.

I lay down on the bed next to Jesse. I wrapped my hand around his pulsing organ and started to rub it gently. Jesse closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He spread his legs completely so his thigh was resting on my lower back.

I continued to wank him for maybe two minutes. Then I reached to lick his lower abdomen. This brought my face so close to his cock that I couldn't resist the temptation. I had to taste it.

I glanced up and saw that Jesse's eyes were still closed.

I took my hand from Jesse's dick and positioned myself between his legs. Then, in a bold move, I reached my tongue out and let the tip touch the underside of Jesse's dick. Then I licked it from the base to the top.

Jesse's cock had a strong taste of teen sweat, as he had been wearing the tight jeans all day. I told you earlier that I was hooked on the smell of his crotch. Well, having now tasted his dick, I can say that from that moment I was permanently addicted to the combination.

I was just about to lick his shaft again when I felt a strong hand grab my hair and pull my head up. I looked up and saw that Jesse's eyes were wide open. He looked bewildered.

I decided to pull back instantly, not wanting to freak him out. I tried to move back to my previous position, but Jesse didn't let go of my hair. Instead, he pulled it hard, forcing my face down so that my mouth and nose were pressed tight on his dick and balls.

"Keep licking," he grunted.

I complied happily with Jesse's command and started to work on his cock, running my lips and tongue up and down his shaft. Jesse relaxed and eased his grip on my hair. He kept his hand still on my head, guiding me to the spots that he wanted to be serviced. I dutifully went through his cock, his ball sack and his crotch. I even licked his pubes, getting some of the hair in my mouth.

But there was still one vital step for me to take. I had to get his cock in my mouth. I had already lapped his cum from my own hand and licked the precum he had leaked today.

But I wanted Jesse to give me a direct deposit.

After a few more licks I could feel that Jesse was getting close to the point of no return. He's breathing got heavier and I could feel his cock starting to pulsate under my tongue.

I held his cock with my fingers an opened my mouth, ready to dive down to get it in my mouth.

But it was too late. I had warmed up Jesse too well, and his teen boy libido was now ready to explode.

The first shot of his warm cum splashed on my forehead. The second and third spurts came right behind and hit my nose and cheeks.

Baffled, I backed down and tried to sit up on the bed, but I lost my balance and landed on the floor on my butt. The jizz that hit my forehead was now covering my eyes so I was nearly blinded.

Through a foggy curtain of sperm I could see Jesse's blurry figure sitting on the bed. He was laughing his head off.

"Ohhh fuck! This is fucking awesome! Your fucking face is covered with my cum!"

"Now you really look like a total fag, Ritch-Bitch! Where's my phone? I gotta take a picture!"

He took something from his bedside table and pointed it in my direction.

"Allright, say Jizzz!"

I panicked by the idea of my slimy face being photographed. I searched the floor desperately with my hands trying to find something to clean the mess. Luckily, my fingers found a piece of cloth. I quickly wiped my face and lips with it the best I could.

With my eyesight now recovered, I could see that Jesse had no phone in his hand. He was just making fun of me.

Suddenly his grinning face turned serious.

"What the fuck! You used my fucking boxers to wipe the cum off your face! How am I gonna explain that when Maria finds them in the hamper? She will definitely tell Mom."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I said and looked at the white boxers in my hand. They were now soaked in slime. There was no way that could go unnoticed.

I thought for a moment.

"Well, I can take them home with me and wash them for you," I suggested.

Jesse gave me a shit-eating grin.

"Well, that's the least you can do for me," he said.

We both burst into laughter.

"And remember, don't sniff them."

I could feel my face turn red. Jesse chuckled at my embarrassment.

"Fucking pervert."

"You know, I've known for a long time that you're a fag."

This caught me by surprise.

"How could you know that?"

Jesse smiled.

"Well, I've seen you checking out guys in the locker room. And sometimes I can feel you undress me with your eyes."

"Well, what are you then, bi-curious?"

Jesse pondered his answer for a moment.

"No." He replied in his typical confident manner.

"I love pussy."

"But I can't get enough of it. And pussy ain't always around. So I don't mind you helping me to get my rocks off every now and then. And I love to see you on your knees between my feet. If you still want to?"

"Anytime you want, Jesse. Just text me."

"And you still don't expect me to do anything back to you?" he insisted as if finalizing the terms of a business contract.

"Absolutely not."

"Well, besides letting me wash your boxers." I added.

Jesse laughed.

"Be my guest. As long as I don't have to see you sniffing them and wanking."

"Thanks." I said sincerely.

"But next time."

Jesse pointed his finger at me.

"Next time my favorite fag will give me a nice long blow-job."

"Now get the fuck out of here and take those stinking boxers with you."

I beamed all the way home.

Will Ritch be able to improve his aim? To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 3

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